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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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January 16, 2016 at 11:51am
January 16, 2016 at 11:51am
Can you write an autobiography using just six words?

Budding Confidence
A Work In Progress
January 16, 2016 at 12:43am
January 16, 2016 at 12:43am
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1913, the first telephone line between Berlin and New York was inaugurated. Are phones a necessary evil? Could you get by without one for a month?

I hate phones. I think of them as electronic tethers. If it were up to me, I'd go without one. I understand in this day and age that it seems necessary, but if I could go without one for a month, I would welcome it.
January 14, 2016 at 1:05pm
January 14, 2016 at 1:05pm
Simplicity. How important is that to you when you write?

The answer isn't a simple as ABC. There are times that I want to just sit down and type away without a lot of thought. When that happens, I just enjoy typing and letting the words flow. Other times, I want to actually say something. When I do, sometimes I find myself looking for words. When this happens, it isn't so simple. But it IS important to me. Whether simple or not, I need to write. I like it better when the words flow, but I'm not going to step away from a challenge. Actually the challenge is what makes it interesting; to see if I am able to stretch myself into areas that I haven't gone in, or to broaden my perspective on something. Poetry, story, blog...it really doesn't matter the venue or genre. As long as I can write.
January 13, 2016 at 2:21pm
January 13, 2016 at 2:21pm
*BoxCheck* Day 11 Week of Jan 15th to 24th...
This was a hard day...everyone was sick, but managed to get 15 minutes down on bike. The weather has been beautiful in the afternoons as of late, so plan on walking then to stretch. This is a bit harder than I thought, but I'm hanging in there!

*Boxcheck* Day 12
Day 12 done. I picked up the house some, and took care of my grandson. I was on my feet a lot today, and my ankles are swelling a bit. One step at a time (pardon the pun!) I am hoping to try some different things out, such as the yoga and perhaps I may do some chair exercises as well...no bike today, but not a couch potato either! Going to get a chart made up so that I can do a little more keeping track! I'm hoping that I may be able to mix it up a little bit in the coming weeks.

*Boxcheck* Day 13 (Jan 17th...so I can keep track of my calendar *FacePalm*)
Day 13, Done and Done! 16 minutes and 2 2/3 miles down. One day I will get to the 30 minute track, but until then, I will just keep going one step at a time (or in this case, one pedal at a time) *Bigsmile*! Now going to walk for a little bit to stretch out before I glue myself to the site *Whistle*

*Boxcheck* Day 14
Took the day off; Hated doing that, really. But I need to shake this feeling. Need to hit the bike, but still in a bit of a funk. Going to keep moving though, even through the tough times. (*BoxCheckB* Day off 1 of 14 *Frown*)

*Boxcheck* Day 15
Bike today! 16 minutes and 2 1/3 miles...listening to Lindsey Stirling play the violin is soothing, and I "almost" forget that I am exercising.

*Boxcheck* Day 16 (01/20/16)
Treadmill today...not the same as biking. walked .26 of a mile in 15 minutes...did a bit of incline (2) and got speed up to 1.6 mph. Works a different set of muscles...but was enjoyable. Will probably do that again as part of my trek to the mail box...LOL

*Boxcheck* Day 17 (01/21/16)
20 Minutes on the Bike! Yahhoooo! I'm glad that's done with today. Going to be going for 30 minutes come the weekend. Grateful can listen to music to pass the time.

*Boxcheck* Day 18 (01/22/16)
Did walking today, as I shopped and put away groceries, took care of laundry and got the mail. Not to mention chasing after the little grandson today. Wonder if there is something called "grand-baby aerobics"? LOL

*Boxcheck* Day 19 (01/23/16)
Not a lot of exercising done, walked a bit, chased the grandson, and biked for about 10 minutes. Ready to get serious now *Smile*...I'd definitely call this a light day.

*Boxcheckr* Day 20 (01/24/16)

Day 20 is in the bag. 20 minutes and 3 miles on the bike...going to break the 30 minute wall hopefully by the end of this next go around. I do have to say this, though: I've been active and moving around (other than the one day) and I do feel better for it *Smile*
January 13, 2016 at 12:05pm
January 13, 2016 at 12:05pm
“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” ―Malcolm Forbes. Agree? Disagree? How do you feel?

I find that this is a true saying. There are a lot of people (myself included) that feel as though they do not have anything to offer. Just because they are not great at everything (and let's be honest, who is?) that they aren't worth anything. It's a lot of hype that someone has to be great at everything. Why put that much pressure on yourself? Why allow others to put that pressure on you? STOP IT right now! Everyone has their own unique talents, and if you are like me, you may be a "jack of all trades; master of none". But that's okay too. I do a lot of things, some better than others; that doesn't devalue my worth or what I may have to offer.

~Just saying...

January 12, 2016 at 11:01am
January 12, 2016 at 11:01am
Talk Tuesday!

What is your preferred method of falling asleep? Does it differ from how you actually fall asleep?

LOL...What I'd like to do is go to bed about 10:00 pm, and fall blissfully asleep until about 6:00 am. Rarely does this happen. I've fallen asleep reading a book, watching TV, and have ended up staying up all night with friends. There was a time that I could do the late night thing...read a book all night because I didn't want to put it down, and then go to work. I cannot do that any more, without consequences. I am just very glad that I don't fall asleep while driving. I've come close once, and that was one of the scariest drives I've taken.

Take last night as an example. I've been binge-watching The West Wing on Netflix. I fell asleep watching it, and now I have to go back and see where I last remember watching *Facepalm*. Last week I was going to read a book in the living room and if I recline at all...I'm done after only a few pages. It drives me crazy. Plus, there's the matter of my 4 hour bladder.
I tell you what, sometimes getting older just plain stinks. But as my dad says: It beats the alternative!

Fair enough...
January 11, 2016 at 1:23pm
January 11, 2016 at 1:23pm
Mouth Watering Monday!
The best way to top french fries, mashed potatoes, or baked potatoes is...

I find that the best way to top potatoes is with crumbled bacon, chopped green onion, melted cheese and a dollop of sour cream.

We aren't talking about healthy eating at the moment, and now my mouth is watering *Hungry* *Utensils* ! So much for trying to be good today! *FacePalm*. I find that those toppings will work well on any kind of potatoes! Just be sure to have napkins or a moist towelette or two on hand for when you dig in!

Anyway, this is what I like...although I wouldn't recommend this to anyone with diabetes or high cholesterol. I am off to find rabbit food now.
January 10, 2016 at 10:34am
January 10, 2016 at 10:34am
This week, New York State opened its first medical marijuana dispensaries . Should governments support the decriminalization of marijuana in small amounts for recreational users as well?

I imagine it will be only a matter of time before it happens. I mean, look at Colorado. And how many people are in prison for marijuana? Wouldn't most of them be better off working and paying taxes, rather than being housed and fed and clothed on the government's dime? But I am going to stop here, as I really don't want to get into this subject. I'm not a fan either way.
January 9, 2016 at 3:15pm
January 9, 2016 at 3:15pm

What's wrong, amyjo?

*sighhh* It's already 9 days into the new year, and I am feeling a little behind the "8" ball.

Why do you feel that way? The Construct Cup is going well, and I see you cranking out the Give it 100...You've even managed a couple of contests. And didn't I just see an Auction/Raffle and the February Newsletter for Inquiring Minds? And I just saw you offer to help out with the ROF Newsletters...so what are you whining about?

My reviewing is very slow, and I haven't even begun to look at reworking anything...And this weekend's Construct challenge is going to be insane!

amyjo, do you really think that you can do everything? I mean, you have to be practical. You get done what you get done...WdC isn't going anywhere...and don't you want to have a life?

Now wait, I have a life...

*RollEyes* Yeah......about that......*Whistle*

January 9, 2016 at 12:47pm
January 9, 2016 at 12:47pm
Oh, you believe in something? That's cute. Make us believe in it too.

Can we get a little snarky there? *Smirk2*

Some may call me naive, but I prefer the term "eternal optimist". Although to be fair, there are times when my optimism is severely tried. I believe in the goodness of people as a whole. I know and understand that there are some not very nice people out there, and that intolerance seems to be at an all time high. But if you think about it, the only thing you see in the news seems to be BAD news. Sure a plane may crash, but how many made it safely to their destinations? Sure somebody blew up something or somebody, but how many people walk around safely, and how many people are working on trying to get the intolerant people to at least talk about their issues? You are sitting here reading, so you haven't been blown up, you haven't crashed a vehicle or in any mass transit. (At least as of now). Good news is more prevalent than bad news, but do we hear about it? Good news isn't reported, except on rare occasions. Good news is BORING. Perhaps that is why we don't hear about it so much. (Now there's a commentary on society).

More good things happen than bad, in my opinion. I have found a couple of places that actually report good news...and I was surprised to find them:



Imagine if we could be bombarded with good news for a change. Not everyone is out to get us. Not everyone is selfish. Not everyone has an ulterior motive. There really are good people out there, and I believe that there IS more good than bad. It would just be nice to hear about it.

Just my opinion...

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