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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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May 22, 2016 at 1:28am
May 22, 2016 at 1:28am
May is turning out to be even tougher than April was.

On one hand, I am doing well in school, and am keeping a 4.0 average...Not too bad for an "old dog" LOL.

On the other hand, my co-hort with Inquiring Minds, Jen~ passed away with no warning *Shock2* *Cry*. I shall miss her encouragement, and a feel like I've been sucker-punched *Frown*.

One of these days, I will be back on top of things, but when that will be is anyone's guess at this point.

RIP my friend. May your new journey bring you joy, as those behind mourn and miss you.
April 29, 2016 at 3:04pm
April 29, 2016 at 3:04pm
Has it really been three weeks since I've written? Where did this month go to? Lots of stuff going on in my life, but sheesh! I've never gone so long without blogging since I started.

Well, for the most part, April was a washout. I mean here on WdC. I did manage to keep a respectable GPA in school, but other than that I've not had the energy or enthusiasm that I normally do *Frown*

Hopefully, I will make a comeback for May, and get my stuff done! I'm tired of being tired, and it's time to fix it! How, I am not as sure, but going forward beats going backward any day of the week.

So to my friends and acquaintances on WdC...A new day springs ahead, and it's time to go gettem!
April 8, 2016 at 10:12am
April 8, 2016 at 10:12am
Day 91 (April 4) *Checkb* - Walking around the apartment complex...wearing a hankie due to wind...uggh...will be glad when the wind finally goes away (like it ever really does in TX...*Headbang*. Keeping on moving...

Day 92 (April 5) *Checkb* - I'll be honest, this has been the most challenging challenge ever...I was all gang-busters at first, but now it seems like I'm coasting...but I want to finish this course...I need a new outlook on things, I think. Bike riding a bit and arm curls to work the "jello jigglers" on my arms *Blush*

Day 93 (April 6) *Checkb* - Feeling a little under the weather, due to allergies kicking up...welcome to spring. Stretches and arm curls...not super hard, maybe should get some bigger weights...little 1-pound weights don't seem like much of a challege...

Day 94 (April 7) *Checkb*...ah well...another week of school done. One week left in this class then onward to class number 2...Thought I'd dance a bit with Richard Simmons...he can bring a smile to my face with his antics...LOL...

Day 95 (April 8) *Checkb*...My weekend is here...cleaning house and cooking...hit the treadmill and did a mile, even though it was slow going...not quite over the allergy junk just yet...but moving beats not moving any day, right? *Sneaker1**Sneaker1*.

Day 96 (April 9) *Checkb* Bikeriding 30 minutes...slow and steady pace...cannot push it too much as my nagging cough is back *Frown*

Day 97 (April 10) *Checkb*Last week of computerized medical billing...drained, but still managed to do some walking around the apartment building. My little buddy, (grandson) is such fun to talk to *Smile*.

Day 98 (April 11) *Checkb* Cough is still not better. Only made 20 minutes on bike, before feeling winded. Hoping not to have to go to doctor this week, but afraid that I may have to.

Day 99 (April 12) *Checkb* Stretches today, and arm curls. Tried to focus on breathing, as this Texas dirt has me acting like I have asthma. Especially when I try to lay down. Did 50 arm curls on each side, which doesn't sound like much, but the arms sure felt them *Think*

Day 100 (April 13) *Checkr* Night before final on my first class...Not feeling too bad about it, so did arm curls and leg raises. Still chokes me to lay down, so did the leg raises from a sitting position. It is funny how my legs look to me when I am concentrating on them...LOL...just a random thought there~

Make Up Day 1 (April 14) *Checkg* Aced my first class final and am leaving the class with a 97.24% Celebrated by doing stretches and toe touches...Cough not any better, so will probably end up in Urgent Care *Angry* grrrr.....

Make Up Day 2 (April 15) *Checkg* Walking, walking walking...feels good not to be cramped up in the apartment for a bit. Wish the dust would settle though. Supposed to rain tonight.

Make Up Day 3 (April 16) *Checkg* Ahh the joy of house cleaning...twisting and turning and up and down. The good news is my cucumbers plants are 8 inches tall and my marigolds are 4 inches tall. My lily plants have made an appearance and my romaine lettuce is up and growing...just waiting for some more miracle grow potting soil so I can get them into my container garden on the back patio! Looks like my bend and twist exercising for tomorrow...LOL...I also have my room back together and have my work desk and my sewing table cleared away...woot woot!!

Make Up Day 4 (April 17) Just did some stretches and arm curls. Easy to do sitting at the computer. *Checkg*

Make Up Day 5 (April 18) Wow! Finished my race! Glad to have it done as Medical Terminology started today! Walking for about 1/2 hour. *Checkg*


April 8, 2016 at 9:57am
April 8, 2016 at 9:57am
Boy this week has flown by! My first class will be over a week from yesterday, and then on the 18th, I will begin my Medical Terminology class. Woo hoo! *Smirk2*

I cannot believe how fast this year is going. *Wind* and I really want to try to get things caught up as the Spring Construct starts on the 15th!

Guess I better go rouse Marbles from her slumber, and hope that she has forgiven me. Well, anyway, onward and forward! YaY Spring! Boo sandstorms....allergies and the like *Sick*
April 4, 2016 at 7:44am
April 4, 2016 at 7:44am
Well, so much for the weekend *Frown*....back to the grindstone. I have decided that I much prefer a regular routine. It might be a little stressful, but the alternative is chaos...sigh.....

I'll be back into the swing of things, I promise
April 1, 2016 at 8:23am
April 1, 2016 at 8:23am
Happy April 1st...Sorry I haven't written for a few days...Had to get Mid-Term out of the way, which I made a 97 on...so I guess I did ok *Smile*...wheww!

This is going to be a weekend of catch up, so I'll be here; and getting everything around. So will talk soon!
March 28, 2016 at 8:09am
March 28, 2016 at 8:09am
Motivational Monday!

"You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way." -Lady Gaga, born on this day in 1986. What's your shine consist of?

Good advice. Now I'm a little upset that she is young enough to be my daughter *Facepalm*. But still...

Being the unique and *Crazy* individual that I am...I enjoy cheering other's on in their endeavors. I like trying new things and being part of the group. I don't necessarily have to be the center of attention, but sometimes it happens. Take WdC for example: I love doing the different challenges, and I'm aware enough that I don't always get it right. But what fun is it if you don't at least try?

And try I do. Interactive stories, different genres, contests, puzzles and quizzes..I've tried them all. Do they always work? Nah, but it is what it is, and at least I can say I gave it a go...

Anyway, that's my two cents for now *Bigsmile*

Have a great day! *Sun*

March 27, 2016 at 5:44pm
March 27, 2016 at 5:44pm
The Sunday News!

It's Easter Sunday! Share a fun story from your neck of the woods. If you're not celebrating Easter, share an interesting news happening. It's kind of an "open prompt" today.

For those who like the marshmallow PEEPs candy:

I couldn't do that ....*Vomit*

Just saying...200 Peeps? YUCK!!!

March 26, 2016 at 5:14pm
March 26, 2016 at 5:14pm
Are....you....OUT...of ....your .....MIND???

Hiya Marbles, nice to see you too...

I SAW that list you just finished up....I also FELT the inspiration leave me....Now I'm starving!!!
Where are the ice cream makings?
(***scrounging through the fridge***)

Uh, Marbles? Are you okay? I really didn't mean to be crazy this weekend...It's just that with school I only get to be really serious on the weekends...and besides...April is almost here!

***glare*** And I'm SURE that you have already figured on another challenge to do, haven't you???

Well, um, uh, I did sign up for the Spring Construct...but wait! It isn't until the MIDDLE of April....

****sigh****So how is school going with all of your craziness?

I'm doing great Marbles! I've got a 96 going into mid-term week for the first class...and I'm not freaking out, so that's good, right?

amyjo, if you don't settle down, there might have to be an intervention....you need to take a break for tomorrow...

But I'm fine, really, Marbles....


....Marbles? Marbles?......(echoing)....[Looking around in the dark] ...Oh Crap!!! *Facepalm*

March 26, 2016 at 9:38am
March 26, 2016 at 9:38am
Creation Saturday!

Plot a takeover...of a company, a country, your neighbor's lawn, anything. Have some fun with it.

Lemme see: rake, shovel, bulbs, seeds, stones, mulch...wooden boxes....potting soil...this isnn't going to be easy, nor quick, but the overthrow of my friend's lawn will be a kindness in the long run.
Backstory: I live in an apartment and have very little room to grow things. My friend, on the other hand, has a wonderful front yard that he is content to just mow *Frown*. Curses to the Fates! Well, I want to do some landscaping and growing of things. He said okay (not thinking of what I want to actually do)*Smirk2*. So I plot and plan and draw out my take-over...

This is something of what I'd love to do -

My poor friend has no idea what is in store for him...muah ha ha ha!

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