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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
Nothing official here; just come chill!

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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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February 2, 2016 at 1:53am
February 2, 2016 at 1:53am
Okay, before I even get started, WHO POSTED "ONE TIN SOLDIER"?! *Shock2* I feel like I went through all the posts... but still didn't see it.
Somehow, I know that song. But I swear I've never heard the entirety before until now.


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This just makes me wanna DANCE! *Delight* I could probably choreograph something, though it'd look so much better with someone else performing it. *Laugh* I'll just teach it. *Wink*
It's probably the beat, but I'm imagining The Next Step doing their Regional's routine, "Stutter", to this song. I wish there was a video, but none of them are available in the US. *Frown* I may have to get another premium Hulu and download the video somehow. *Whistle*

Here's the song, though! *Laugh*

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BACK TO LA ROUX: I first heard "Bulletproof" on the plane, and it was MUCH less upbeat than this video was. Maybe it's because I was on a plane? I have no clue. But I loved it anyways. Today was actually the first time I've seen the video. I didn't have unsupervised internet access until sophomore(?) year, so I wasn't big on music videos until then.
Speaking of videos... her(?!) hair is so stiff. *Rolling* I wonder how much product it takes to hold it up. *Bigsmile*
February 1, 2016 at 3:28pm
February 1, 2016 at 3:28pm
I went onto Wikipedia for a list of one-hit wonders. *Laugh* Off the top of my head, I only knew one. BUT now I know a bunch more! *Ha* And I've even heard of them, too.

Today's wonder:

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I remember I heard it in high school- on the radio and went whoa.... I like the slow pacing of it. His voice is super smooth- and I think it fits the overall vibe of the song, as if he's smooth-talking his way out of trouble. *Laugh* I especially like the "Bonnie and Clyde" reference at the beginning..... I that's probably the most memorable part of the song for me, actually. *Rolling* It's a "Oooh, what kind of trouble is he getting into?" sort of feel for me- and for one who always followed the rules, I liked seeing others get in trouble. *Whistle* There's just some entertainment factor there.... *Bigsmile*

January 21, 2016 at 4:39pm
January 21, 2016 at 4:39pm
I'm taking a class for education, called "21st Century Literacies". Essentially, it's about the use of technology in education and how digital literacy is now necessary to do well in school.
Unfortunately, not everyone gets the privilege of having devices in their home, which is an issue. Lower-income students whose families can't afford to have a tablet end up being left behind by middle school. This is known as the "Digital divide".
On the other side, technology is doing something to us- it's changing our brains and isolating us from society. Elementary school students now have smartphones, they're going onto Facebook, Twitter, etc, and choosing the technology over going outside. There's even such a thing as "screen addiction" now, and after withdrawal from a screen, a person becomes upset, moody, or even depressed. It's especially prevalent in children, since their brains are more malleable, and more easily impressed. The way your brain works when you're addicted to the screen is the same as if you were addicted to illicit substances.
"We live in the eye of others," says one of my professors, and it's completely true. Yesterday, my group and I discussed cell phones. When you visit Facebook, you immediately perk up when you see red. It means someone likes you- you're popular- you've got a notification. If your phone dings, and there's a little chat icon on it, you perk up- someone thought about you and wants to talk. The opposite is true, too. If you visit Facebook, and there's no red number, you immediately feel sad or lonely- there's nobody looking at your profile and they're not interested. It gets to the point where you sometimes experience the "phantom buzzing" phenomenon. You want your phone to buzz so bad, you actually hear it, even though it didn't actually go off. And when you check the phone, it's blank. The screen is blank, and you feel lonely again.
The same goes for restaurants or public places. With your phone, you're no longer "alone", and if you're waiting for your friend, chances are, you'll be on your phone. One girl even noted that she wouldn't know what to do if she left her phone at home. You feel exposed, and even vulnerable.
What has happened to the world? I know my mom didn't have this problem when she was growing up- cell phones didn't even exist! So what are we to do? What is the "cure"? Is it too late?
November 14, 2015 at 1:57am
November 14, 2015 at 1:57am
Creation Saturday!

If you could curate a non-traditional section in a library or bookstore, what would you call it and what titles (real or otherwise) would you shelve?

That's hard. I'm in a very kid-oriented mood right now- wanna go Hi-5-ing. Sooo.... something kid-oriented. Maybe "stuffed animals" or something of that sort, or "dolls", in general. Oooh, "Dolls and Stuffed Animals"! Perfect. *Delight* And titles would include "How to Know Your Stuffed Animal or Doll is Really Your Best Friend", "All About Stuffed Animals", "Stuffed Animals: More Than Just Dolls", "The Perfect Name for the Perfect Doll", "Snuggling up: Stories to Read with (or to!) Your Dolls"

These definitely are all fake! *Laugh* Though I may have something for my PiBoIdMo now... *Idea*
November 13, 2015 at 2:53am
November 13, 2015 at 2:53am
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1789, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to a friend in which he said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." What do you think about that? Are there any other certainties in life?

Hmm, well, if we were to go according to David Hume's philosophy, nothing is for certain. Ever. Not even our own existence. He started off with "doubt everything", as the Cartesian Method says to do. Then, to build his base, he says he knows he is in existence. And if he is in existence, then there must be a God of sorts. And God would never create an imperfect being, which is why he believes he is in existence. Which is, essentially, circular reasoning: I exist, because God exists, but God only exists because I do. *Crazy*

Descartes, on the other hand, said "I think, therefore, I am." and that is how he believed he existed. Because he was a thinking being.

So, what I think about that? Benjamin Franklin is a LIAR! *Shock* not even death is certain! Just because someone stopped breathing/turned cold/had all signs of dying, does that mean they're really dead? Previously, it all proved to be so, yes, but what about the next time? We really don't know, do we? Just because the past predicted the future well in the past, doesn't mean it'll happen again in the future.
November 12, 2015 at 1:41am
November 12, 2015 at 1:41am
The Wildcard Round! This week's winner from all eligible entries (chosen from the roll of the Virtual Dice) will receive 5000 Gift Points! Today's prompt, from the War Chest...

List ten things that make you smile.

Ooh, I do need this:

1 My family (usually, and if sis isn't being crazy)
2 When friends actually care about how I am even if I'm in a rotten mood
3 My best friends at home
4 The board members from BAMP
5 Hi-5
6 silly jokes
7 my dolls/stuffed animals
8 A nice cuppa (tea)
9 getting good grades
10 Snuggling in a fuzzy blanket
November 12, 2015 at 1:33am
November 12, 2015 at 1:33am
Convince us The Universe wants us to pay attention. Interpret 'The Universe' any way you like.

Well, considering my recent scholastic failures (yeah I'm being harsh but whatever), I think those would be signs I should stop playing so much (and wdc-ing so much) and pay more attention in class and at school. Seriously, a D. I don't get Ds and Fs but I somehow managed the impossible. On a midterm. *Headbang* So that's my response. I don't want to get any deeper into it.
November 10, 2015 at 1:36pm
November 10, 2015 at 1:36pm
Talk Tuesday!

Do you prefer home remedies to doctors' office visits? Share some favorite tricks you try to pull off before making the trip to see a doctor.

I don't see doctors if I can help it. *Pthb* The last time I saw one was because I had to- for school. Knocking on wood, I'm not sick that often. And even if I am, I usually just wait for time to take its toll and make me unsick again. *Rolleyes* We've got some Chinese medicines that are supposed to help with sickness, but I don't use those either- I think they're unpleasant. Typically, I resort to Emergen-C if I have to. I don't even like that! I am NOT a medicinal sort of person. At all. *Pthb*
November 9, 2015 at 5:58pm
November 9, 2015 at 5:58pm
Music Monday!

Would you rather your favorite band or artist put out four or five of the greatest albums ever over a twenty year period and then call it quits, or have them put out a decent album every few years (and some terrible-to-ok ones also) while still touring and playing live into their 80's?

definitely 5 awesome albums then quit. No shame in ending with a bang! At least I could listen to them over and over...I feel that it'd be a bit disappointing if my favorite band only had okay stuff. For example-and I REALLY REALLY don't want to use this example, BUT I think Hi-5 needs to call it quits. Yes, that would dash away my dream of ever being in it, BUT ever since AsiaSons bought them, they've went down, down down! Asians don't know the kid market, is all I'll say. At least, not the Western kid market. If you look at how they changed the set an everything, the lighting on the song of the week stuff is off, and makes everyone look odd. It actually sort of saddens me whenever I see Tanika, because I feel like this show is not only about being educational, but it's also about being yourself. I feel like she changed herself just to fit into her Hi-5 role. She's actually Asian- Thai, I believe, which wouldn't have suited the role had she not dyed her hair bright red for it, just to match one aspect of Lauren's appearance on the show.
November 8, 2015 at 7:44pm
November 8, 2015 at 7:44pm
The Sunday News!

What kind of responsibility does social media have in breaking big, important news stories?

Well. I don't follow the news. Not much, anyways. You want someone to be a hermit/live under a rock? Stick them into a dorm room with a bunch of homework and no TV. *Pthb* Not that I dislike my living situation....

Anyways. *Laugh* I don't follow the news, yeah. I also mostly get what news I DO know from Facebook. Which is an issue, because mostly I used Facebook on my phone, now. And the Facebook app doesn't give you news. *Laugh* so I only see what I see on my newsfeed. Yeah, I guess you could call me lazy. *Laugh*

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