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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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February 22, 2016 at 12:44am
February 22, 2016 at 12:44am
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I chose this song as a fast and easy soundtrack entry.... it counts? I hope? *Laugh* It's a Song of the Week. And it's on a TV show. *shrugs*

Yeah yeah yeah, it's Hi-5. BUT I haven't posted ANY Hi-5 songs yet this time around, so I guess y'all are long overdue for one. *Smirk*

Anyways, I think this has to be my favorite "new" Hi-5 song. I have a bunch of "favorite" songs, but they're all in different categories. *Wink* By season, by cast (Old, New/Hi-5 House, Pre-Charli, Post-Charli *Laugh*, by theme (dancing, singing, teamwork), etc)

So this one is under new- it's the first cast with no original members in it. I think season 11, they were still trying to find their groove, but season 12 was good!

I guess you could say this song is the closest I'd get to doing hip-hop right now. *Laugh* not even The Next Step could teach me their ways- it's too advanced. *Crazy*
On that note, about the choreography: I think it's a good hardness level- it's simple enough for little kids to follow along-ish, but there's also some more technical stuff older viewers (like me! *Ha*) can follow along and try. *Bigsmile* I also love Fely's little one-hand handstand thing she did around 1:55, with Stevie catching her leg and going *Shock*. *Laugh*

The costumes look like Polly Pocket designed them, though. *Rolling* That's all. *Bigsmile*
February 21, 2016 at 1:41pm
February 21, 2016 at 1:41pm
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This is considered a soundtrack, yes? *Pthb* It was in the Michael Flatley Lord of the Dance movie in 2000-something. *Whistle*

I have a few reasons for choosing this. First, the dancers are INCREDIBLE. When they accordion across with the arms, their timing is impeccable. I can only imagine the amount of training, dedication and time it would take to get it absolutely perfect like that!
Secondly, I loove Michael Flatley. Maybe not as much as Mary (the girl in charge of BAMP and Project ACE) loves Beyonce (Another story, to come!), but very, very much. I think he's an amazing dancer.
Thirdly, it brings back memories of high school. Mom took me, sis, and our friends to watch the movie as a surprise birthday present when I was in 9th grade. I was awed! I still remember that day pretty well, actually. We went into the theater, and I could swear I saw one of my friends outside, by the box office, which I thought was very odd. So I dismissed it as a look-alike. *Laugh* Mom and uncle ushered me and sis into the theater, and then our friends slowly came filing in. *Shock* It was also raining that day, after the movie. We ran across the lot to Islands, the burger place, after the movie, and had presents and such. *Delight*
Lastly, Michael Flatley is retiring soon! *Shock* *Cry* Yes, he's old, and it's probably about time, buuut here's the thing:

He's on tour right now. Michael Flatley: Dangerous Games. He went to Tasmania to tour, and I was there, but I didn't get to watch the show. *Frown* Uncle said we should ask grandfather first if we wanted to go see it. So I said never mind. *Rolleyes*
Now, he's going to the MIcrosoft Theater to perform. For one night only. And that night happens to be the Tuesday of finals week. We can get discount tickets, but Mom refuses to let me go. *Sob* She says it's finals week, so no.
But I don't have a final the next day!
No, sorry.
It's the only day he's performing!
But it's his last tour, ever!
He's retiring afterwards!
I know, but still, no.
It's historic!

*Facepalm* I see where she's coming from, but seriously?! It's MICHAEL FLATLEY. The LORD of the DANCE.
She may not be willing to let my grades suffer for this, but I am. And in the end, it is my life. I want to go! *sighs* Why don't I have a car?! *Frown*
February 19, 2016 at 4:21am
February 19, 2016 at 4:21am
...Because today's is way too cute. *Inlove2*

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I just finished watching Winnie the Pooh's Heffalump Movie, and I LOVED this song. *Heart* It's so sweet, and it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you watch the video, too. (We really need a content face here!) ^_^

My favorite part of the song:
When one of us gets a tiny bit tired
One gives the other a ride

The song makes you wish you had a heffalump for a best friend. Plus, Lumpy (the Heffalump's name *Wink*) is way too cute to not love! *coughs* Alexi, you asked what a heffalump was; here's your answer! *Delight*

I could go on and on here about how they portray best friends and "being yourself", but I won't, since it's 1 am already, and I must still sleep! *Yawn*

P.S. for those who may not approve so much of my past few Disney choices, this song was Carly Simon's brainchild. *Laugh*
http://www.disneyclips.com/lyrics/lyricsheffalump4.html *Left* Lyrics, for any interested readers
February 18, 2016 at 1:19pm
February 18, 2016 at 1:19pm
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let's clear one thing up: I don't like the Jonas brothers. *Laugh* but this song is pretty funny. I love the girl's reaction to most of the song. It's pretty much a mix of "*Confused* UUhhh, okay" and "This guy is certifiably crazy!" *Rolling*
This was another summer movie I saw in Australia over the summer as a midday movie. I guess the station was having a Disney marathon that week or something. *Laugh* The girl also *kinda* looks like Mary (the leader of BAMP this year) *Laugh*

P.S. the song reminds me of another song... that I can't remember right now. *Facepalm* And I only know one line. *Rolleyes*
February 17, 2016 at 1:27pm
February 17, 2016 at 1:27pm
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It's so catchy! *Delight* I love how it's a dance battle of two different styles at the beginning and then a combo of both at the end. The music is also a combo of Bollywood-esque and hip-hop-y beats. It's cool how you can hear the bells in the background as percussion.

Mom never really liked the Cheetah Girls and all the diva-y stuff they stood for, so I never actually watched the movie when I was younger. I saw it over the summer because they showed it on TV as a midday movie in Australia. And I loved it. *Delight* I can *sorta* do the dance, too. *Bigsmile*
Another dance style I'd like to learn: Bollywood. *Laugh*

I'm actually planning to attend a hip-hop workshop in two weeks. I'm looking forward to it- I regret not learning it back home, but I felt it was too "unrefined" for me (and my image *Rolleyes*) but now that I'm in university, it's time to try new things! And who cares if I look like a fool? I probably won't know most of the people there anyways! *Ha*

The dancing the Indian girl does and her footwork looks a bit like tap, actually, lots of stomping, ball-changes, etc. It'd be very very cool to learn it. *Laugh*
February 16, 2016 at 1:43pm
February 16, 2016 at 1:43pm
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"Rewind" is my soundtrack of choice today, and my other suggestion for a background song for the Bridging Anteaters promo video. *Bigsmile* Yes, it's The Next Step, again. *Whistle* It's their song for Nationals, and I think it's a good message (kinda). At least, at the beginning, it is.
"it's not jealousy, it's just my admiration. I see you got that thing, that I call motivation." We could be the students' motivation, or if they have motivation in school they could join our program. And we admire them for it. *shrugs* how's that for a pitch? (I think it works, but that's just me, y'know. *Wink*)

I mostly like the song because it's so upbeat. and the dance was amazing! I won't link so it doesn't spoil anything for Kit ... *Whistle* (how far are you now? *Laugh* *Smirk*)
Apparently, Hunter teaches us some of the choreography from A-Troupe auditions below. I watched it, tried it, and determined that I am not A-Troupe material. I'll work on it a bit more once I finish some school work, and update on my progress tomorrow, maybe. Or never. *Laugh*

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P.S. if anyone is looking for a new "favorite show", I DO recommend The Next Step. *Bigsmile*
February 15, 2016 at 2:28pm
February 15, 2016 at 2:28pm
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This is the regionals semi-finals song from The Next Step, which means it qualifies as a soundtrack, yes?

It's so catchy, and it makes me want to dance.... I'm seat dancing as I listen to it, actually. I also suggested this to be the song we use as background music for the mentorship program's promotional video to the high school. Buut, knowing how open Tamara is to my ideas (not at all, and very discreetly, too *Rolleyes*) my suggestions probably won't make the cut. *Facepalm*

I swear, the board is blind to the stuff she does or something. Case in point: I was scrolling through emails on Friday, to see what time the scheduled speaker was supposed to end (a half hour earlier than that time!) and I saw an email to her saying "I hope you've had a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious New Year's" *Shock2* And Mary's friend (Mary is executive director this year), Anthony, was there too. I showed it to him. He and I both agreed it was very unprofessional. Mary's response? "It could be cute if you knew the person." For a personal email, yes, go ahead, but for one representing our organization? *Angry* Really? I just responded with "Well, I think it's highly unprofessional." And Anthony backed me up. "Yeah, I think so, too." {e:fist pump}

Okay, little rant is over. Back to Stutter: I'll make my case for the song, here:
It's catchy, and it makes us want to dance. That means, it will grab the HS students' attention. Also, it's a fun song. Not too serious, but not completely unprofessional, either. Perfect song? Maybe... Unless you think my tomorrow's song is better. But you'll have to wait for that! *Bigsmile*
February 14, 2016 at 5:16am
February 14, 2016 at 5:16am
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I swear, Disney is trying to find Selena Gomez look-alikes or something. *Confused*
picture 1   Picture 2   Yeah, they still look slightly different, but I couldn't help thinking (for pretty much the movie's whole duration) "Hmm, she looks quite a bit like Selena Gomez..." or a less coherent version of it. *Pthb*

Anyways, I chose the song because:
1. I just finished watching the movie (explanation in a bit)
2. it's tap dance choreography!
3. I enjoyed it, though I didn't enjoy the movie as much (so I think it totally qualifies as a "guilty pleasure"!)

I also thought the song was funny (in context, at least). The girl doesn't understand the point of musicals and why people are always singing... and then she starts singing uncontrollably. *Laugh*

Also, around 29 seconds, I get a fishy feeling those arms aren't hers. To start with, they're a bit long. Second, the skin tone is off. Just a bit, if you take careful note. *Smirk*

The dancing itself isn't that incredible. Actually, I could do everything the girl did in that sequence- and more. Maybe not the guy (I admire his ability to jump so high and do the double heel click thingy, assuming he's not on wires!), but that's pretty much why I wanted to watch the movie in the first place: I saw the choreography in a commercial once at my friend's place, and went "oh, that looks cool! I want to watch it when it comes out!"
Buuut, after watching The Next Step, this was a little anti-climatic, I guess. *Laugh* TNS sets the bar rather high, and Disney definitely did not reach it. *Pthb*

Yeah, so I was bored for most of the movie, but I figured I should stick it out, because I did want to watch it initially. And I'm glad I did. I liked the choreography at the end. *Laugh* Not sure if that's because it was the end, but it made me sit back up from my lying-down-sideways-watching-movies/TV position so I could properly watch it.

And here's that one:

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I wonder how much was green-screened, in retrospect. *Pthb* Disney DOES have that money.... *Whistle*
February 13, 2016 at 3:53pm
February 13, 2016 at 3:53pm
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Wow, I've never actually heard the full version. *Laugh* And... it's long! *Shock*

It's a guilty pleasure because this is the theme song for CSI: Cyber. Oh, here's another thing about me: I love crime shows as well. *Laugh* CSI, NCIS, SVU, bring it on! Which is besides the point here...

CSI: Cyber is probably one of the shows I watch more consistently, The Next Step aside. I like it because it deals with technology, and I'm actually learning things as the episodes progress- terms like "shelf baby", and "black hat/white hat (hacker)". To me, it's an educational program, because if I could be anything, "tech genius" would definitely make it onto the list, somewhere up there, alongside "dancer". *Laugh*
February 12, 2016 at 4:06pm
February 12, 2016 at 4:06pm
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If you follow my newsfeed, this is probably a no-brainer why it's GUILTY... and why there's pleasure here. *Laugh*

It's the Next Step's theme song! Unfortunately, I don't know the original artist, but I love how it builds up from the calm part to the beats-y, upbeat, hip-hop part. I mean, yes, you can sorta hear it coming, but it's a great song for those lyrical/hip-hop mix dances. And now I'm getting all dance-y. *Laugh* And slightly fan-girling. *Bigsmile*

I've already gotten Kit on board as a fan... who's next? *Vamp* *Whistle*

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