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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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October 23, 2015 at 5:07am
October 23, 2015 at 5:07am
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I apologize for Glee twice in a row, but it's so late for me and I need to get to sleep. Mom says I only like Glee because it's "new". That was when the show first came out, at least, I'd like the remixed, Glee versions as opposed to to the originals from the 70s or 80s.
My take was it's an original spin on an old song, tailored to an audience like me. For someone who isn't really supposed to follow pop culture, I'm going to embrace it will all I've got, since it's also stuff Mom likes, and if she approves, then that's a big step already.
October 23, 2015 at 4:40am
October 23, 2015 at 4:40am

We're coming to a short end now. Since it's Funny Friday, it must be fish or pasta. Close, but no bananas. It seems someone made off with them. However, there is a sale on banana daiquiris at The Blogging Banana Bar .

Let's hear your opinion of one of the funniest things we have to put up with in life: advertising! Is it worth it? Can you believe it? Does it even matter any more because we are flooded with it? Can you even recall the product from an ad that you liked? How do you advertise yourself and your writing? *Smirk*

I actually installed adblock to get rid of ads. Does it actually work? Well, for me, so far so good. And I've had it for a while now!
It even works on Hulu. So I don't actually get ads unless I watch TV live. which is not that often, unless I'm in AU. And you'd better hope my sister is not there with you to watch TV! If the commercial is irrelevant (advertising a sale that ended the day before), she'll yell at the TV. *Laugh*
For myself, I mostly advertise my activities, not my writing. I suppose it's more of a self-conscious/self-esteem sorta thing than anything else. And I tend to judge myself- internally. If I don't think it's that good, it stays hidden in a folder of my port, and collects dust. And if it's not finished in one go, I usually won't put it onto the newsfeed, either. The most promotion my work gets is "I've added a new item to my portfolio". and that's if I think it's presentable to the public. *Pthb*
October 22, 2015 at 1:35pm
October 22, 2015 at 1:35pm
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Hehe, Michael Jackson. I'm running short on time today so I figured Glee would be the way to go (they cover almost everyone, anyways!)
This song (not this version!) was the warm up song for my first tap class. My teacher really liked this sort of music, I think. usually it was Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, or Rihanna. I also used this song to perform at the Christmas show in Australia. No videos! *Pthb*

October 22, 2015 at 1:25pm
October 22, 2015 at 1:25pm
Yesterday's prompt lied. Money isn't evil - politics are evil! Tell us how do you
escape the political situations and what you think about political correctness,
politicians, government, office/school/church/neighborhood politics and how you can escape
them - if you do.

I do not follow politics- and that is how I escape it all! *Laugh* Political correctness is just what society says is right or wrong. That's whatever, honestly. *Rolleyes* seriously, you do you, and that's all there is to it.

Maybe I lied. I don't follow politics but I still sorta do. I know more about Australian politics than American ones. I know the speaker of the house of Assembly (Elise Archer) and the Prime Minister (Malcolm Turnbull) and a whole bunch of other politicians in Australia, but if you told me I'd die if I didn't name our speaker of the house, I'd be deader than dead. *Laugh*

School politics is easy. I don't care! *Laugh* Seriously. But before you start on me about how or why I should care, because it's my future, and yada yada, you only have so much time on your hands. And if you're going to waste some of that on politics, then so be it. But i don't care about politics. So i would rather use that following politics time to study or go out with friends or write, here, on wdc!
October 21, 2015 at 1:32am
October 21, 2015 at 1:32am
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I like this. I would never admit it to Mom, ever, but yeah. *Laugh* I think this video is silly- a wedding is most definitely NOT a tragedy, although I suppose, if three of your good friends were "marrying the wrong person", as they are here, it could qualify... *Rolling*
My favorite fate is the second guy. I do feel sorry for him, but it's too funny to not laugh at it.
I also find it funny how one has a Ding Dong alarm clock and the other sleeps with a Pooh Bear. *Heart* And there's a character from The Lion King (?!) in the corner. *Laugh*
And in case you couldn't already tell, I do rather like 90's music. Though 70's and 80's are *Sick*.

I also like Steps in general. *Bigsmile*

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I'm wondering if that sort of shaggy-but-short hairdo was "the thing" in the late 90's. *Laugh* Tim Harding (Hi-5) had it on series 2, and it looked as horrendous on him as it does on this guy in the video. *Rolling*
October 21, 2015 at 1:02am
October 21, 2015 at 1:02am
It's the root of all evil, so they say. Tell us what you think about money. For years,
people survived by bartering. Every country has its own currency, and people make more
money out of exchanging it when you buy there. Let's not forget those people who
manipulate trade stocks. Or is it bankers? But the big question may be, Do you have
enough or need it at all? What's your escape plan - the lottery, marriage, bitcoin ?

Hrmm... Honestly, I don't pay attention to stuff like the stock market. I know I do need a job sooner or later (hopefully sooner), so I can get a car. This was my mom's saying, not mine, to be honest. After sis asked for a car... 2-ish years ago (essentially 2 years now. A little over 2 years) and was flat out denied, I figured I didn't stand a chance. Plus I've never been that interested in getting my "own" car anyways.
Back to the original question: Do I have enough? No. I definitely don't have enough. I'm still dependent on my mom and grandfather for money, which, I know they don't mind, but deep down, I do wish for a little more monetary freedom (especially with college), though I also know, in the long run, it's for the best, so I'm not stuck paying college loans and such 20 years from now. *Pthb*
In my ideal fantasy world, I'd move back to Australia, be an extrovert, join Hi-5, make all the money I'd ever need, and be happy like that. *Facepalm*
A little more realistically, but definitely still "out there"- get something published, hope it becomes a big hit, and get money from that. Then I'd sell my crafts on the side. And also have a teaching job. That would help. *Rolleyes*
For now, in the foreseeable future, I'll be working hard here in school, and then "repay" everyone by doing well, getting a good job, and becoming an asset to the religious community. Hopefully my Chinese will be good enough so I can also translate for my grandfather, and maybe translate stuff on the side for money too. Like ghostwriting, which is actually another option for me right now, assuming I could really find the time to do something like that. *sigh*
October 20, 2015 at 1:21am
October 20, 2015 at 1:21am
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*Bigsmile* Abba is totally defunct. *Laugh* And technically this version of Hi-5 no longer exists. None of the members singing in this video are still in Hi-5, unfortunately. My mom actually discovered this version one day long long ago, when Youtube was still a rarity in the house. Not that it still isn't, but it's just... not as rare now. *Laugh*
I remember this version, because, well, Hi-5, firstly (and mainly). *Laugh* And because Mom discovered it. And actually CLICKED it. So it's memorable. I did no coercing of any sorts for that one.
Also, Charli (triangle dress) is still in it. And according to my Chinese essay, she was one of my early heroes. *Bigsmile*

Oh, and lizco252... Does it count if the new Hi-5 re-sang the old Hi-5 songs? *Bigsmile* I know I'm totally pushing it... *Whistle*

For example:
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Was the original version, but then they re-sang it with completely new people in 2011:

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And for those who actually watch... *Laugh* Note how Lauren is the only one with a long-sleeved costume. She broke her wrist doing something, and so they gave her all long-sleeved costumes to cover up the pink cast. If you look attentively, you can see it on her left (right side on the screen). Just trivia I picked up. *Wink*
October 20, 2015 at 12:59am
October 20, 2015 at 12:59am
Tell us your opinion and how you escape age's affect on you - physical, mental, perception. By the latter I mean how others expect you to act because of your age. Can the fun-loving kid in you still get out or can you control your inner child. Or talk about staying healthy in hopes of living longer, better - Blue Zone

AUGH okay, well, how's this: I'm 19 but most people expect me to act much, much older. I'm expected (in my family) to essentially know exactly what I'm doing at school (I sorta do), at home (not really), and in the religious community (absolutely no clue). I also brought that with me when I joined WdC, actually. Most people thought I was older, from what I remember (I was 17). Now? I think I'm a "fake it 'til you make it" person. If my family thinks I'm so organized, might as well let them. No point in setting them straight and losing face for my mom. *FacePalm*
As for my inner child, I think I'm pretty much still a child at heart. I watch Hi-5, I hug my stuffed animals, I love writing children's stuff... yeah, I think I'm a kid, in essence.

Staying healthy: I TRY to walk 10K steps every day. My apple watch tells me what to do. But I don't typically follow its directions. *Facepalm* I say I'll go to the gym to walk on the treadmill, but so far, I haven't.
My real aim is 5K steps every day, but sometimes that falls through, too. Maybe I'll start walking on treadmills on Fridays... I don't have class, anyways.
I'm helpless when it comes to healthy eating, unfortunately. "Note: Hot Cheetos make a delectable dinner. *^*Bigsmile*..." might prove that. I'm trying to improve- though as I said, I'm helpless. I had a milkshake with my sandwich for lunch and it carried me over until now. I'm not even hungry. *Pthb* I think next time I go grocery shopping, I'm going to get more "green" foods, as my diet app (yeah, I use those too) calls them. Fruits, veggies, etc. Fortunately, it says my bread is considered a "green" food, since it's multigrain. *Laugh*
October 19, 2015 at 12:49am
October 19, 2015 at 12:49am
Let's start with something easy to get you in the mood of
escaping. Tell us how you escape distractions to be able to write?
Explain the most annoying ones and the schemes you use. If this is too
easy, maybe you can relate it creatively like this.

I don't usually "escape" distractions, unfortunately. Honestly, living with my sister for 18 years, last year's roommate for one, and this year's housemates for a couple months, I learn to block things out. Or, if you can't beat them, might as well join them! *Laugh* *Facepalm*

The most annoying distractions I've encountered- I would rather not say, because that'd get me all worked up. *Laugh* BUT if I must, here goes: pen clicking. Last year's roommate's singing/humming. This year's housemate's laughter. One of my "friends"'s voice/laughter. *Facepalm*

How do I deal? Most of the time I grit my teeth and bear it out. Homework is also a nasty distraction from writing, but, alas, it is a necessary evil. *Laugh* Although, I will admit, I sorta enjoy doing Chinese homework. *Blush* I promise, I'm not a geek!
Going back to escaping distractions- if it's something I can control avoiding, I will! For example, staying away from that girl in high school with the annoying, high-pitched, nasally voice. Putting in earphones and turning up the music to drown out the roommate's off-key renditions of "I wiiiiiilll aaaaalwaaaaays looooooove youuuuuuu" *Facepalm*
October 18, 2015 at 4:02pm
October 18, 2015 at 4:02pm
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I'm pretty sure the Spice Girls are defunct now, yeah?

Anyways. These kids are cute, aren't they?! It's one of the songs I remember from when I was in Australia. And I also remember watching the video in Australia.
I chose this rendition because, well...
1. they're kids
2. *Up* that's amazing
3. They're still so supportive of each other even though it's a competition!

Here's one more cool cover- Little Mix certainly isn't past, but it's a good rendition!

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