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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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October 29, 2015 at 2:05pm
October 29, 2015 at 2:05pm
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The original was from Fleetwood Mac, apparently, and they're not together anymore, is what I've been told. *Bigsmile*
I like the song because it's sad. *Laugh* But it's very pretty. Makes me sad, but that's a good thing, yeah? because then you know the song is good. *Laugh*

By the way, finding songs is getting harder and harder every day! *Facepalm*
October 29, 2015 at 1:31pm
October 29, 2015 at 1:31pm
Day 4 - Halloween Menu - You have decided to host a Halloween Party. What will your house look like, describe the costume are you wearing, what creepy foods will you serve?
Share a recipe or two.

hmmm.... I've never had a real "costume" for Halloween before, usually I improvise with what clothing I've got, and whatever arts and crafts I can make for anything missing. *RollEyes* Last year, I was a ninja. I wore all black, used some eyeliner, and made a "headband" out of paper and rubber bands. *Laugh*

IF I ever hosted a Halloween party, I'd deck out the place in spiderwebs, jack-o-lanterns, and floaty ghosts. This is all assuming I have an unlimited budget. *Bigsmile* I'd have some fake torches to light the house, so I can keep the regular lights off. In the kitchen, there'd be eyeball jawbreakers and a Frankenstein cake filled with gummy worms. Maybe spaghetti for brains...

My costume... I supposed I could be Catwoman or something... a black lycra suit, cat mask... *Cat2* meow and a long tail.
October 28, 2015 at 3:35pm
October 28, 2015 at 3:35pm
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It's Russian. *Rolling* I have NO CLUE what they're singing BUT I have the Wii game and all the high scores for this dance. (I typically do the guy part, too!) The original was a group called Dschinghis Khan- and it's pretty cool too. Russian dancing in general is AWESOME. I'd love to learn it. *Delight* Especially the split jump thingy they do- and the one where they're just jumping from one foot to the other in a froggy position. *Laugh*
October 28, 2015 at 2:33pm
October 28, 2015 at 2:33pm

Day 3 - Halloween Memories - What is your favorite memory of Halloween when you were young?

Well, as I said before, we don't celebrate Halloween, so my Halloween memory (the only that I can remember) and it might also have been Christmas, but *Whistle* we'll say it's Halloween. *Wink*
It was probably second grade, Halloween party. We were decorating cookies (as most parties do) with that way-too-sweet artificial frosting, sprinkles, candy corn, and pretty much any other sugar you can imagine. I finished decorating mine- and my mom's like "don't eat it, okay?" So I was like "Oh, okay. *Frown*" *Mom turns around, and I take a HUGE bite *Sick** Yeah, it didn't taste so good! *Laugh* And I probably had frosting all over my face, too. *Rolleyes* Afterwards,we threw away the cookie. *Pthb*
October 27, 2015 at 10:16pm
October 27, 2015 at 10:16pm
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How cool is that? From totally inappropriate to very cool. *Cool* Stevie's beatboxing skills... *InLove2* And honestly, I think they were the best "new cast" version. Except now, Lauren left, (replaced with Tanika *Sick*) and Stevie left to focus on his new book series. No replacement for him has been announced yet. *Frown*

Now, I think Stevie and Lauren are my new favorite members- though, sadly, they've left. *Cry*
October 27, 2015 at 8:39pm
October 27, 2015 at 8:39pm
Halloween Controversy - Many Christian Churches encourage their congregations to boycott Halloween Celebrations. What is your opinion, is Halloween pure evil?

In my religion, we don't celebrate Halloween. As Mom puts it, "You're celebrating death," essentially. That goes with Dia de los Muertos, too, doesn't it? The Spanish Halloween.
However, I DO think that nowadays, we dress up for Halloween because, well, how long have we been dressing up now? People don't actually know why they're doing it anymore. They just do it out of tradition and custom.
So, I can see the churches' point about being evil. I can also see the people's point about it being a fun night to dress up and get candy. *Candycorn*

Interested about the history of Halloween? 2-minute (if even) read: http://www.history.com/topics/halloween/history-of-halloween
October 26, 2015 at 3:23am
October 26, 2015 at 3:23am

The Voice Australia- because I love the show. This lady's voice is pretty decent, too. She was more of a rocker during her blind auditions, but this is a cool rendition of the song. I'll admit, I haven't fully heard the original before, but Peta doesn't sound too bad. *Laugh* I personally don't listen to Celine Dion (nor have I heard of the original guy who sang it!) but Celine reminds me of last year's roommate (whom I'd rather not discuss again *Facepalm*)

I know it Says Celine Dion, but the original original was a long whiles ago! I hope this counts!! *Bigsmile*
October 26, 2015 at 3:10am
October 26, 2015 at 3:10am
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I THINK Cyndi Lauper isn't performing anymore. If she is, I haven't heard anything. *Rolleyes*
I think I accidentally stumbled on MattyB on Youtube or something while watching Dance Moms videos. *Laugh* But this was the first video I saw from him. *shrugs* I like the video concept, but at first, I didn't like him, actually. He's getting better, as he gets older. He's learning, I guess.
I think this is a sweet video, and I liked how one of the girls was open enough to go and ask the girl with Down Syndrome to play. *Smile* Though the rainbow at the end is a little tacky. *Laugh*

The end. Sorry this is late! I started it at 11:59pm my time, though! *Laugh*
October 26, 2015 at 2:55am
October 26, 2015 at 2:55am
In my area, suburban Rochester, NY, the kid's go out Trick or Treating about 5:30 pm and are in by about 8:30. Kids over thirteen aren't usually out trick or treating, on occasion you might get a group of teenagers but they are few and far between. Some adults have Halloween Parties but not many and not many people dress up in costumes at their jobs.

What does Halloween Night look like in your area?

Sorry Brother Nature or PandaPaws Licensed VetTech (whoever decided on the font), bolded impact was nightmare to read! Looks more readable without the bold

ANYWAYS, Halloween doesn't really happen here at school. We don't dress up in costume- unless there's a party going on. And even though sis sent me

I'm not a partier. I don't drink (I'm underaged, for Pete's sake!), I don't smoke (*Sick* She asked me that in her next snapchat *Facepalm*), and I DON'T DO DRUGS. *Pthb*
I don't know about out of school, since as I said, I don't go out much.

Back home, I'm sure Halloween was a big thing, but we don't celebrate it in our family. Plus we live in a gated community, where the houses are relatively far apart from each other, so it'd be a pain in the butt to walk up and down slopes, just for a few pieces of candy. We celebrated it all the way until senior year of high school. Every year, the senior girls will have a theme, and the senior boys will also choose a theme, and they battle it out for best costume for big groups. I wasn't part of it. *Rolleyes*
Apparently, though, sis was. And she asked Mom if she could do it. And Mom gave the okay. *Shock* *Confused* the only reason sis didn't end up doing it was because the full-body lycra outfit (or whatever it was) was too expensive. *Rolleyes* The perks of being the second child? *Pthb*

And I just realized, the prompt said Halloween NIGHT. *Facepalm* Oh well. Probably parties at home. *Laugh* Those loud, obnoxious kinds that you can hear over a mile away. *Pthb*
October 24, 2015 at 11:08pm
October 24, 2015 at 11:08pm
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Middle school. *Laugh* Just... yeah. 6th grade and 8th grade. *Bigsmile*

6th (maybe 7th?!) grade, there was a talent show (I think there's a talent show every year, buuut I only remember that specific year. *Rolleyes*) Well, the teachers had their own acts... and they did the Spice Girls. *Laugh* My writing teacher was Scary Spice, Social studies teacher was Posh, English teacher was Baby, the PE teacher was Sporty... and that's all I remember. But I DO remember they did this song. *Bigsmile* I was in those plastic fold-out chairs with my friends and we were all laughing. The other kids were yelling. Not sure if it was encouragement or otherwise. *Bigsmile*

8th grade- first day of social studies/history. The teacher has the Spice Girls up on the projector screen, and "Wannabe" blasting from his speakers. Everyone's just like "*Confused* what the ****" (As 8th graders would say. *Laugh*) His "million dollar question"- "What did they want?" Answers were slow. Love? Nope. Fame? No, not that either. MONEY. They want MONEY. And that was how the class started. *Pthb* He was one of my not-as-nice teachers.

I also like the Haschak sisters because they're showing you don't need to be all revealing to perform. Girls love wearing next to nothing *Facepalm* and think they're cute that way, but I think the way they dress is cute, even though it's not revealing. Also, how cool is their choreography? *Delight* And yes, I did have to mention the dancing. *Pthb*

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