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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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March 31, 2016 at 6:40pm
March 31, 2016 at 6:40pm
My smartphone isn't very smart.
In fact, it's rather dumb.
It's dumber than a doorknob
or a piece of chewing gum.

It used to be so awesome,
but now my phone is lame.
It cannot surf the Internet.
It cannot play a game.

It can't take any pictures.
It can't install an app.
It can't look up my email
or an address on a map.

It won't play any music.
It cannot calculate.
It won't bring up a calendar
to show the time or date.

It cannot send a message.
It cannot make a call.
It's safe to say my smartphone
won't do anything at all.

It wasn't always like this.
Perhaps you'll take a peek?
I don't know why it acts like this.
I charged it just last week!

--Kenn Nesbitt

I would choose a technology-themed poem. *Laugh* Such a silly poem. All the kid needs to do is charge the phone, and it will go from dumb to smart! *Ha* Also, the illustration on the site is pretty awesome and cute. *Bigsmile*

March 31, 2016 at 6:08pm
March 31, 2016 at 6:08pm
I tried to do my homework
but a show was on TV.
A song was on the radio.
A friend was texting me.

My email chimed, and so, of course,
I had to look at that.
It linked me to a video
of someone's silly cat.

I watched a dozen videos,
and then I played a game.
I almost didn't hear her
when my mother called my name.

I looked up at the clock
and it was time to go to bed.
I didn't get my homework done;
just other stuff instead.

I hope my teacher listens
to the cause of my inaction.
It's really not my fault the world
is just one big distraction.

--Kenn Nesbitt

Yep. This is me, pretty much every time I try to buckle down and get some work done- it doesn't actually turn out productive. Probably 98% of the time is because of WdC. *Whistle* Then there's also Netflix. I do blame Netflix, by the way. H2O is way too addicting. So is Hi-5!

And after this one, I need 20 more poems.
March 15, 2016 at 5:05pm
March 15, 2016 at 5:05pm
I dance while I’m standing.
I jive while I walk.
I do the hokey-pokey
when I want to talk.

I kick my soccer ball
to a jazzy salsa beat.
I macaroni-mamba every
time I need to eat.

I wiggle-giggle-shuffle as
I put away my clothes.
I shimmy, dip and slide when
I have to blow my nose.

My mom calls me a wiggler.
I always need to leap.
I even dream of jigs
while I’m in my bed asleep!
~Steve Hanson

Well I just finished my dance final, so why not? *Pthb* I also have a headache, so this may be the only entry I do today, unless I take a nap in the yearbook office. I also need to study physics...


This poem makes me want mac n cheese. *Laugh* but back on topic... I thought it was cute, so I chose it. my next one may be about headaches. *Laugh*
March 10, 2016 at 3:02am
March 10, 2016 at 3:02am
Sick Day
by Kenn Nesbitt

I’m feeling sick and getting worse.
I think I’d better see the nurse.
I’m sure I should go home today.
It could be fatal if I stay.
I’m nauseated, nearly ill.
I have a fever and a chill.
I have a cold. I have the flu.
I’m turning green and pink and blue.
I have the sweats. I have the shakes,
a stuffy nose, and bellyaches.
My knees are weak. My vision’s blurred.
My throat is sore. My voice is slurred.
I’m strewn with head lice, ticks, and mites.
I’m covered in mosquito bites.
I have a cough, a creak, a croak,
a reddish rash from poison oak,
a feeble head, a weakened heart.
I may just faint or fall apart.
I sprained my ankle, stubbed my toes,
and soon I’ll start to decompose.
And one more thing I have today
that makes me have to go away.
It’s just as bad as all the rest:
I also have a science test.

Hmmm, let's see which symptoms I *actually* have/had:
fever (maybe?) *Questionr*
the cold *Checkg*
flu *Checkg*
stuffy nose *Checkg*
sore throat *Checkg*
the cough *Checkg*
Stubbed my toes ankle *Checkg*

Yeah... about the last one... I was rehearsing dance last night in the bedroom when my roommate wasn't around, and as I kicked my foot back and up, my heel whammed into the back of her chair. And these things are made of wood. *Facepalm* So that ended things for the night. *Laugh* I also may have had the fever during dance class yesterday. I was going in between feeling hot and extremely cold. *Confused* I had short sleeves on, since it was dance, and we had run as our warm-up. I was actually glad of that- I think exercising makes the stuffy nose go away for a bit (not sure why, but it does for me). I started coughing last night, too. The stuffy nose started Sunday, and the sore throat was on Friday-ish/Saturday. I honestly blame Michael Flatley. Yes, I'm still "salty" (I've heard people use it in Project A.C.E. and it essentially means holding a grudge *Confused* *Laugh*) about that, I guess.... I was so devastated when he cancelled the show, and even more so when Grandfather said no to San Diego that my immune system just plummeted, despite all the orange juice I'd been drinking the second half of this quarter! The cold/flu (still don't know the difference. If you explain, I'll more than likely forget again, so don't bother. *Laugh* But kudos to you if you still try *Wink*) formally started on Sunday, I'll say.
And as for the poem, replace "science test" with "a week of finals", and you're all set. *Laugh*
And I still have physics homework AND a Chinese debate tomorrow. I wonder if I can get out of the second one because I'm sick and can't really talk.... *Whistle* PLUS I'm not ready.
March 7, 2016 at 8:35pm
March 7, 2016 at 8:35pm
I tried to ride a skateboard.
I fell and scraped my knee.
I tried to ride a bicycle.
I crashed into a tree.

I tried to ride a scooter.
I landed on my chin.
I tried to ride a unicycle;
lost a bit of skin.

I even tried a tricycle
but ran into a wall.
I'm happy in this wheelchair now.
I never fall at all.

--Kenn Nesbitt

It says NOTHING about heelys, now, does it? *Wink* Mom believes that, despite my age, Heelys are dangerous! Aren't skateboards more of a hazard than shoes with a wheel at the heel? *Confused* Granted, I also would like a skateboard, but that's not the point, now, is it? *Pthb* When I went out with Mom on Sunday, she told me, uncle told her to take me shopping and whatever I might want, I could just consider that as my birthday gift from him, as a replacement for the Michael Flatley tickets. *Facepalm*
You see, I'm a legal adult now. I should be able to get whatever shoes I want, even if someone else deems them dangerous. Hey, hoverboards are now considered dangerous, but who knows how many people out there have one of those?
Considering Heelys have been around since 3rd grade (at least!) and haven't been recalled yet, I'd say they're pretty safe, wouldn't you? *Whistle*
March 6, 2016 at 2:07am
March 6, 2016 at 2:07am
Life is too beautiful to be so painful
We live and lose what we most love
In the end nothing can save us
Not the morning light
Not the great work
Not courage
Not anything we can dream and do
Not even the deepest joy or the wildest ecstasy or the truest love
Life is too beautiful to be so painful
And there is no escape from inevitable loss.
~Shalom Freedman

I clicked the title, thinking it'd be those happy-sad poems that would make you feel a little bit better about whatever situation you're in. Nope, guess not. I actually almost said "Wow, this is depressing." And coming from me, in the state I'm currently in, means that it. is. bad. "no escape from inevitable loss". Wow. triple negative here: No escape, inevitable, loss. Anyone got something a little happier? *Pthb*

March 6, 2016 at 1:59am
March 6, 2016 at 1:59am
Sadness is Sadness
Suffering- Suffering
Life- Life
Darkness- Darkness
Death -Death.

All we are
A Dream
A Nothing
A Sadness,
A Suffering
A Silence
A Life
A Darkness
A Death
A Sadness.
~Shalom Freedman

I guess Shalom Freedman is a prolific sad-poem writer. Not a bad thing, and I guess the type of stuff you write doesn't necessarily mean you're that type of person- I learned that from Delta Goodrem, actually. Her songs are so dark and sometimes sad (I've been listening to them pretty much 95% of my awake time today), but she's a cheery person. I was watching her "Behind the Song" videos on Youtube, and she was saying, when she went to her co-writer's place, his wife always asked him, "She's such a cheery, happy girl. Why do you two always write such sad songs?" And from that question, they wrote "Sitting on Top of the World".
March 6, 2016 at 1:47am
March 6, 2016 at 1:47am

A poem of frustration, rage, bitterness, resentment, disappointment, envy, sadness, sickness, despair, depression, fear-
All feelings of down and darkness and shame and lust and emptiness
A poem of ugliness inside and anger which has no goodness in it
A poem to blame myself and the world
A poem of guilt and loneliness and nothingness and sadness again and again
A poem no one ever needs to feel
A bad poem on bad things
Ugly ugly ugly
As if even the earth were made in the image of darkness and death
Such a sad bad poem and such inner anger and sickness and sadness
What can it all mean?
When I am a person of such good intention
Who wants the best for us all?
What can it all mean
When God wants us to be better and better and good?
I don’t know.
I am just a little complaining discontent not yet at the end of my road perhaps.
God help me out of this again, please.
~Shalom Freedman

well, I don't believe in the "God" they're referring to, but I've felt pretty much everything in that poem for the last 24+ hours. This Michael Flatley show is really taking its toll on me- Mom's supposed to come tomorrow and we're supposed to have a fun day out, but I don't know if I can hold back the negativity long enough and not ruin the day. I've just been trying to distract myself from it, but the frustration doesn't go away. Grandfather originally said yes, but I believe Mom said something about not wanting to drive so far, so the answer changed to no- if my mom doesn't want to go, then I should be a good child and not go either. *Cry* I mean, if my heart broke in two when she said no to the LA show, it probably shattered into about a billion pieces when she said she wouldn't go even if we bought tickets. Plus, it's so close to finals and Spring break, and since I'm staying home this year for spring break, I really hope my sadness won't make her mad and cancel whatever activities we may have planned for the week. *Facepalm*
March 3, 2016 at 11:04pm
March 3, 2016 at 11:04pm
It's that time of life
When you are totally bored
you just sit around and wait for something to happen
or you make your own fun
then that fun
gets B.O.R.I.N.G
and a bit lame

its like a sickness
the symptoms are
spacing out
watching reruns
breaking things just for the hell of it
or maybe even bashing your head against a wall
i hope you don't
that sounds really painful

Well if you get bored
just breakdance
get a gun
shoot your self
even that annoying little yorkie across the street

There are so many cures for boredom
write a poem...um... it doesn't have to be a good poem
go rob a store (that's always fun...to watch)
make a movie
do some illegal things
hey you may get into trouble,
but it will cure the boredom
for a few minutes...hours
if you have paper
do origami
or go ninja
make paper bombs and scare your neighbor
Ok don't do that, seriously
what if your neighbor is elderly
well then you can get an ambulance
and maybe
practice your new learned CPR on that old person

So Yeah.
Make Your Own Gosh Darn Fun

But please don't get into too much trouble
that may prevent fun
~Kori Haffmun

I typed "fun poems" into Bing and went "search". I found this on poemhunter.com- the first site that came up. *Laugh* I may be using this site from now on. I read it and it made me crack up. CPR on an old person you scared? Yeah, that may be fun, buuut I'm not sure that's the best way to un-bore yourself. *Laugh*
Although, I will admit my boredom busting tips aren't that exciting: read, watch The Next Step, dance, do a puzzle, draw...
I just drew this for "Invalid Item. I think I'll ultimately use that for my Education final project, instead of Dragon Whispers. Poems are shorter, and therefore less work to make a video out of. *Wink*

March 2, 2016 at 10:31pm
March 2, 2016 at 10:31pm
Jane brought a baseball bat
And a ball for sharing time.

But I brought a worm!

Rich brought a goldfish bowl
Without a goldfish.

But I brought a worm!

Lizzy brought an egg with a yolk
And an egg without a yolk.

But I brought a worm!

Joe brought an eraser shaped like a knife
And an olive sandwich.

But I brought a worm!

Jane showed us how to hit
The ball with the bat.

Rich put the class turtle
In the goldfish bowl.

Lizzy showed us how to prick an egg
And take the yolk out.

Joe tried to cut his sandwich
With his eraser knife.

But I ate the worm!
Right there in front of everyone
I ate the worm!

(It was a candy worm.)

by Kalli Dakos

*Laugh* I also had to recite this in 3rd grade. And I remember having a little fiasco when I did it too. Mom had given me a brown bag of gummy worms to pass out to the class afterwards, but since the inside of my bag was a dark purple, it was hard to find the bag. I couldn't find the bag, actually. And so (in my innocence) I told the teacher I had brought a prop but I couldn't find it, and so she docked me points for it. *Rolleyes*
I was actually supposed to eat the worm at the end of the poem, but it didn't happen. I think I may have even asked to go the next day, because I didn't have the worms. *Facepalm* Yes, that was very smart of me, I know. *Idea* *Laugh*

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