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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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March 2, 2016 at 10:26pm
March 2, 2016 at 10:26pm
Never poke your uncle with a fork,
never kick your uncle in the shins,
never bop your uncle with a cork...
these are all unpardonable sins.
If you grab your uncle by the nose,
if you put potatoes on his lap,
if you drop spaghetti on his clothes,
he will make you go and take a nap.
When you're at the table, precious child,
if you start to mixbehave, and act
thoroughly undisciplined and wild,
he will gnash his teeth, and that's a fact.
If you jab your uncle with a spoon,
if you prod your uncle with a bone,
you will leave the table very soon,
and have to eat your dinner all alone.
-Jack Prelutsky

Heh. I remember having to recite this one in 3rd grade. We'd have "speech day"s where everyone had to go up and present on a given topic- and poetry recitation was one of them. Naturally, Mom found the poems for me and made me memorize them. *Laugh* I think what made this poem so great was we do have some pretty good-humored uncles who would have a good chuckle at this poem- not that I would EVER such acts of misbehavior to them! *Angelic*
February 29, 2016 at 4:06pm
February 29, 2016 at 4:06pm
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Just skip to around 10:50-ish. The song is hilariously amazing. *Laugh* I saw the "comedy" assignment and immediately thought of this song. James (from The Next Step) is taking his driving test, and this driving instructor is completely bonkers. *Rolling*
I don't think I've ever met anyone or seen anyone (on TV or otherwise!) as odd as he is. And the twist in the middle of season 3 is great. *Laugh* Let's just say, the driving instructor returns. *Whistle*
February 28, 2016 at 8:23pm
February 28, 2016 at 8:23pm
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I was youtube surfing Hi-5 stuff, and came across this one. I actually haven't seen that one before (by series 7, I was in the US already!), but my initial thought was, "This can't end well." *Laugh* And I was right. *Rolling* Silly Tim. The disco outfit definitely does NOT suit him! *Bigsmile*

Though the dance was definitely fun. *Laugh* Kathleen and Charli's "Disco" moves were pretty fun, though. They actually looked into the dance- as opposed to Tim, who really looked like he was just going through the moves. And Nathan's mustache is awesomely ridiculous! *Laugh*

Also, it woke me up and made me happy. *Bigsmile*
February 28, 2016 at 6:38am
February 28, 2016 at 6:38am
The dance school had a free hip hop class today by someone named d.Sabela Grimes. I thought the name was for a female at first, but then I plugged the name into YouTube and found out it's a male name. He's pretty good at popping/locking and stuff. I also saw my Jazz teacher there. She took the class with us. I think I was essentially the only undergraduate student there today. And the youngest one. People came out from LA just to watch the class!
He was late, actually. Later than I was! And I thought I was late because the bus didn't end up stopping at the art school, and so I had to run around and up Mesa to get to the art school. I guess I wasn't TOO late, though because I saw the Jazz teacher walking towards the studio, when I was, too. We said hi, but that's about it. I wish she had talked to me a little more, but maybe it's a student-teacher thing where they can't get too close to the students- like being too friendly outside of class and such. If she'd talked to me more, I definitely would've asked her if we could start the combos earlier in class. I'm definitely not getting it very well because I leave early! And I want to do well on the final, even if it is a pass-no-pass class.

Back to the class:
I also learned I haven't quite gotten out of my shell yet. I was super self conscious when we had to improv. And I totally failed it. I know it was supposed to be for fun and everything but I felt so lost and embarrassed because I went last, and I still couldn't come up with anything. I probably backed out after 1-2 8-counts, whereas everyone else did 4-5. *Facepalm*
Everything else was pretty fun, though. We learned things like HG drop (Holy Ghost drop! haha) it's when you're doing criss cross jumps and leaning the top of your body to one side. When the right leg is in front, you lean to the right, and when the left leg is in front, you lean to the left. There's also the Roger Rabbit, which is actually a move The Next Step does. So now I can say I know one more move from them!
We also did the Rubiks Cube, which is a pop-lock exercise. I was pretty bad at that too. *Facepalm*
At the beginning we also learned a "log on, online" move. It was neat! There was a combo, too, which I wasn't the greatest at, but I followed Autumn. *Bigsmile* and since I do pretty well when following people, it wasn't AS bad. Heh. I'm definitely NOT a front-row dancer. *Pthb*
Sis might've actually enjoyed the class- we did the running man. And I remember in high school she'd do that to "Party Rock Anthem." I hated the song and everything it stood for, me being me. And I still don't love the song!
February 27, 2016 at 7:21pm
February 27, 2016 at 7:21pm
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I was Youtube browsing one day last year, and found this song. I remember watching Wicked in middle school (most fun things happened in middle school, come to think of it... *Confused*) might've been elementary, though....

anyways, I'm pretty sure it was the Kristin Chenoweth (?) version, at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. I don't remember too much about it- these outings were almost always with sis's friends and their moms, so it didn't stick out to me as much- so maybe it was elementary school, more the reason to not remember! *Pthb*
But I somehow do (sorta) remember this scene on stage- they were both sitting on their beds, that much I know.
I do think I like the Delta version better, though. Just because it's Delta Goodrem. *Bigsmile* And she makes me happy. *Laugh*

February 26, 2016 at 4:11pm
February 26, 2016 at 4:11pm
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I remember this song because it came out during the analog/digital TV switch. We, in Australia, still had an old analog TV, which meant that, while it was still functional, there would be zebra lines across the screen every now and then. It also sticks out in my head because that was the first time we saw Hi-5 on TV since we had moved to the US, and that was the song of the week.
Mom noticed that Sun was not Kathleen- and we wondered what had happened to her. Turns out Kathleen had a *BabyGirl* and so decided to leave the show. Sun was okay, but Kathleen was definitely the better choice for the Hi-5 role, everyone in my family agreed. *Laugh* this was when sis didn't think Hi-5 was completely lame yet. *Rolleyes* That's a couple years down the road. *Wink*
I think that was when I became more internet-savvy, in terms of going online and searching up random facts about the Hi-5 cast. *Laugh*
February 25, 2016 at 1:55pm
February 25, 2016 at 1:55pm
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I was (erm, am) a Taylor Swift fan- and started being one in 7th-8th grade ish. My friend had the first CD and we listened to it in her mom's car when I accompanied them to do errands. (I was ditching tennis, with permission! *Wink*) *Laugh* I still remember she was fighting with her younger sister over which song from the CD they should play. "Well, since Dragon's with us, why don't we let her choose?"- the mom. *Laugh* I randomly chose track 7. and it happened to be the one I saw her performing on the Ellen Show. This was before I got so into music and realizing I was so "out of the loop" with pop culture and stuff. *Pthb*

I'm not a huge fan of this video, mainly because she looks like a barbie doll, but I do like the song. *Laugh* I would go around the house singing bits and pieces of it and Mom, being Mom, would always tell me "no singing!" or "stop singing pop songs!"
But, Mom! This isn't pop... this is COUNTRY. *Shock*
Still pop music...
*grumble grumble* okay, fine.

Yeah, such was life in middle school. *Laugh* I would actually get to watch TV sometimes after school.
February 24, 2016 at 1:56am
February 24, 2016 at 1:56am
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I read "When you really want something... and was reminded of my battle to see Michael Flatley, which lead to this song.

This is how I feel with my mom at times- right now sort of included. I keep trying to talk to her about Michael Flatley and how much it would mean to me to see his final show, and she just keeps changing the topic on me. *Facepalm* Or she won't answer me. And then when she does, it's about something else completely.

"So let me fall, I won't break.
I'll take my heart to my grave
and I'll breathe under the water..."

Yes, Mom. I appreciate everything you do for me, and how much you care, but ultimately, I think you're hurting me more than you are helping me.
(actually even my friend agrees I should be able to go- and she's in the honors program with me!)

I've begun pulling out the stops on my guilt-tripping skills:

Now that you've got your new computer, you've got no reason for straight As.
One excuse for no straight As: sadness because no Michael Flatley *Sob*
*adds a *Frown**
Ha ha ha...
And I was 100% serious about Michael Flatley
My insides went {e:broken heart} when you said no.

*sad sticker*
{e:broken heart} and *Sob*
*sad waving sticker*
*sighing sticker*
*sad sticker*
Especially because I missed it in Australia, too.
Awww, oh, funny story....
But when you said no, I died on the inside.
*changes subject again*


I think I'm either annoying her with that, or she's getting close to cracking. Thoughts?
February 23, 2016 at 1:44pm
February 23, 2016 at 1:44pm
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This was one of the Delta songs that got me through the Tamara-flyer catastrophe. *Rolleyes*
It's a good reminder that everything is just "a moment in your life". Just breathe, I guess. *Pthb* It will all eventually pass. And I'm for SURE not going back to Bridging Anteaters next year, because I got study abroad! *Delight*

Back to the song....
The first stanza pretty much was me when I saw the final design. Run away, don't go back. Except, I wouldn't have anywhere to run to. So I stayed. Do I regret it? Maybe. Can I do anything about it? Nope.

And this part:
No matter where the seasons fall
No matter how the dice will roll
In the end the here and now is all we have
Don't look back

I'll need to take her advice and stop looking back to there. *Facepalm*
February 22, 2016 at 1:06am
February 22, 2016 at 1:06am
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Yes, it's Hi-5. Yes, it's precious to me... I used to listen to this very often in middle school (we have the CDs, so I learned how to rip songs off CDs, onto Windows Media player, import to my computer, and then put into my little Nano MP3 player  )

Sometimes on weekends, I'd wake up earlier than everyone else, and then play Hi-5 and/or Taylor Swift very softly from my computer, until my mom came out and deemed it "too early for music", at which point, I'd have to turn off the music.
I got my first computer in 6th grade, and I used it until I got the one I'm using right now. That's irrelevant...
Middle school was when I became very aware I was probably the only one in the school who didn't "listen to music". I didn't get to watch the awards shows, I didn't listen to the radio, and I didn't do most of the "popular" stuff at school. I didn't really care in elementary school, but middle school was so much bigger, and all, if not most, of my new friends had an iPhone and listened to music/browsed the web during lunch. Me? I had Mom's Samsung flip phone   *Facepalm* And I dealt with that for 3-4 years. *Pthb*
Sometimes, Mom and I would get into arguments and I'd put on Hi-5. More specifically, this song. I'd pretend they were singing to me, and I was in the "Hi-5 family".

At one point, a few years ago, Mom found me listening to them after we had an argument- and she took the music player away from me, saying I was given the little MP3 player as a tool to record Buddhist lectures, not listen to Hi-5 when I was sad. She called it "Hi-5 therapy", I still remember.

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