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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

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Sister of Mercy
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April 23, 2014 at 12:03pm
April 23, 2014 at 12:03pm
April 23, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Who was your celebrity crush as a teen?

It was Chuck Connors who was better known as the Riffleman. Later on, he was on another western classic called Branded. When westerns started to lost their popularity in the 70s, he went to horror and action films. He even stared on a "James Bond" type of movie called Day of the Assassin. In fact, he was better than any of the actors of played James Bond.

Unfortunately, Connors died when I was 16. It was on October 1992 (I forgot the exact date). I remember wearing black to school for a couple of days.

Blog City

What 3 favorite books would you take to a deserted island?

I would have to perhaps cheat a little on this. In a perfect world, it would be like this.

1. all of Stephen Kings novels combined into one huge book
2. the same concept for all of VC Andrews books
3. then one book containing all of Bentley Little and John Sauls novels

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write about anything that works for you that others might find helpful. It can be anything you find helpful in daily life from writing to cleaning or anything in between.

Basic tips to couponing

1. match your coupons to what's on sale
2. go to stores that double coupons
3. compare the prices between generic and name brands (often you will find that the name brand is cheaper if you have a coupon)
4. try to buy the smallest item that the coupon allows (here is where you may even get products for free or almost free)
5. check facebook for free product coupon giveaways, couponing blogs, and Listia- I've found many free product coupons by doing this
6. sign up for free rewards cards like Kmart, Freds, Kroger, Walgreens, and Rite Aide

News In My World!

I'm going through my detox/body cleanse. I've only had water so far. Tonight, I will only eat fruits and vegetable at the church supper.

I'm hoping this will help get my metabolism going too. My weight loss has reached a standstill early. I've only been able to lose 11 pounds no matter how much I exercise or follow a low cal/low fat diet.

I'm fixing green beans and cole slaw tonight for the church supper. I will be able to eat both of those tonight because I fix my cole slaw with vegan mayo.

I've got to go now and go to the store.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 22, 2014 at 9:00pm
April 22, 2014 at 9:00pm
April 22, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What is it that you fear the most?

This is a hard question because I don't have a fear of anything to the point where it cripples me. However, death fears me. I guess it's because what happens after it is so unknown. I don't fear it to a point where it consumes me. I know that when I die I will be going to Heaven. I only wonder if I will go directly to Heaven when I die or if I will be in some sort of limbo until Judgement Day.

Blog City

List ten things that make you smile.

1. My Soulmate
2. Josette
3. Maggie
4. Rocky
5. watching The Riffleman
6. reading
7. listening to my classic country CDs
8. cooking
9. watching Duck Dynasty
10. watching Little Honey Boo Boo

Blogging Circle of Friends

It is National Jelly Bean Day. If you were asked to create a new flavor what would it be and why? The flavor would be Vanilla Chai Tea Smoothie flavor, and it would be a jelly bean suitable for people who follow a vegan and gluten free diet. I buy Bolthouse smoothies and Vanilla Chai Tea flavor is my favorite and would make a great tasting jelly bean.

News In My World!

Besides the general household chores that I did today, I did very well on following a vegetarian diet. I didn't start the detox today, but I'm going to start it tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will have only water or flavored water throughout the day, and eat only vegetarian options at the church supper. Thursday, I will have only water and juice throughout the whole day. Friday, I will add smoothies to the detox. Saturday, I will add soup/vegetable broth. Sunday, I will add fruits and veggies. Monday and most of Tuesday, I will follow the same plan.

I'm getting a lot of reading accomplished. I only have about 30 pages left until I'm finished with Out of Oz by Gregory Macguire, 50 pages until I'm finished with Legends of Literature, under 150 pages to go with Dispatch by Bentley Little, Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule, and Skeleton Crew by Stephen King, and I'm halfway finished with The Unwelcome Child by Terese Pampellonne. I've just started reading God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew, Perfect Nightmare by John Saul, and Web of Dreams by VC Andrews.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
April 21, 2014 at 9:43pm
April 21, 2014 at 9:43pm
April 21, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What kind of child/teen were you? Examples, shy popular, loner, ect

I was mostly a loner because I was into different things. My classmates were simply not into classic country (ie. Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings, ect). I also like Leonard Cohen, Lee Hazelwood, and Nancy Sinatra. When I would say Leonard Cohen, my classmates would say who's that. I would get the same answer on Lee Hazelwood. As for the rest of them, my classmates would ask their parents about the others and get an answer.

I was also very into June Lockhart, Chuck Connors, and Rory Calhoun(and I still am today). Most of my classmates were getting into George Clooney and others like that.

I read a lot too and that made me stick out like a sore thumb even further. Being into horror novels and writing horror stories didn't win me any brownie points either. The fact I watched horror movies didn't help me come popular either.

However, I was selected to be on the homecoming court my junior year of high school and I was an officer in the Anchor club (they did community service), and was a member of the Pep Squad and Annual Staff. I was even on the track team the year they had it. Now, this was the most shocking that happened, I was in the beauty and beau and was selected as a finalist my Sophmore year of high school. I think half of the school and their parents almost fainted when my name was called out. You see, I was known as the ugly girl in school.

Blog City

What's the funniest thing you've ever heard a child say?

I was a nanny for two children back in 2005. The boy I was keeping was playing around with a flashlight, and he came up to me, cut the flashlight on, put it up to his ear, and asked me if any light was coming out the other side.

Y'all may not think that was funny, but I do. I still laugh about that.

Blogging Circle of Friends

"There is creative reading as well as creative writing." Ralph Waldo Emerson Define creative reading from your personal point of view.

I think it's creative that I read 9 books at a time. I also make sure that I read different authors and genres. I read horror, fantasy, christian, and non fiction. I do that to broaden my horizons and expose my self to different styles of writing.

News In My World

I'm almost finished with reading Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews (I'm on the next to last chapter). I finished reading Sleepwalk by John Saul and Be Anxious For Nothing by Joyce Meyer yesterday.

I had a check up today. It went fine. I had cheese pizza from Little Ceasers for supper. It was okay not bad for a cheap pizza.

I'm planning on going on a detox starting tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will drink only water or non carbonated flavored water. Then Wednesday, I will drink water and juice, but Wednesday night, I will have to eat a little bit at the church supper. Thursday, I will add in smoothies in addition to the water and juice. Friday, I will add in fruits and veggies. Starting Saturday, I will be on a mostly vegan diet except for eating occasional fish and dairy (sparingly).

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
April 18, 2014 at 8:27am
April 18, 2014 at 8:27am
April 18, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Write a letter to your younger or older self, what will you tell them?

Dear Me,

I know that you're only 13 and may not understand the advice I'm about to give you. However, please read and keep this letter so you can reread it for future reference.

1. Please quit taking those diet pills! They are messing up our metabolism. I know you like weighing only 105, but it isn't worth it. The yo-yo dieting has to stop too.
2. It's okay to be different. Don't let anyone take away your uniqueness.
3. Keep reading and writing. Don't listen to those who tell you that reading and writing dark fantasy/horror will rot your brain. Trust me, you will find a publisher who will appreciate your work.
4. Don't give up on love, but don't try to find it now (besides you are too young for it now anyway). Stay away from the dating too soon band wagon, save yourself for the right one. You will find love. I promise! In fact, you will meet the love of your life, just be patient.



Blog City

Describe the wackiest but most useful advice you've every received. This could be interesting.

My grandmother (Dad's mom) gave me a "beauty box". This was her way on advising me on how to look beautiful.

The box contained the following.
1. Rosebud Salve (this was supposed to be used for everything for dry lips to acne). It's too greasy for acne, but it's great for lips, cuticles, and razor burns. It smells good too.
2. Oil of Olay (She gave me the oil free kind)
3. Preparation H- This is for the under eye area. It used to work, but they took out the ingredient that helped keep bags from forming under the eyes.

There were a couple of other items, but I can't remember them. I thought the Preparation H was the funniest item in the box.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Have you ever attempted to juggle anything either literally or figuratively? What was the results?

From 2002-2004, I tried working three jobs and go to school full-time. It went fine at first. I even made the President's list once and the Dean's list two or three times. However, I got burned out. I was tired all the time, and as a result, I couldn't concentrate on my studies. Then I got sick the last semester I went to school and flunk that semester. I didn't go back after that either.

I do want to go back someday if I get the money. I would either want to get a degree in English/Creative Writing or go to Cullinary school.

News In My World!

I miss my soulmate already! I'm so happy that I was able to see him twice this week. I just hope I get to see him again soon!

I'm not planning on doing much today except for running some errands and cleaning my room.

I may treat myself to a caramel frappe from McDonalds too.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 17, 2014 at 9:38am
April 17, 2014 at 9:38am
April 17, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

If you had a chance to meet your favorite author, who would it be, and what would you ask ask them?

There are several authors I would like to meet.

1. Stephen King
2. Bentley Little
3. John Saul
4. Gregory Maguire
5. Andrew Neiderman (the writer of the VC Andrews novels starting with Web of Dreams)

I would basically ask them how do they come up with their unique plots and characters. I would also ask John Saul when is he going to come out with another book. It's been several years since I've seen anything new from him.

Blog City

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Luke Skywalker? Darth Vader, Yoda, C3PO, R2D2, Ewoks, Jabba the Hut, Hans Solo or Princess Leia? Not a Star Wars fan? How about Star Trek, V, or ET? Have fun with this.

I've never been a huge Star Wars fan even though I've seen all of the movies. I would have to say the Ewoks were my favorite. I always thought they were so cute and sweet. I despise Star Trek and all of its spin offs. ET was a cute movie to watch when I was a child. V was one of mine and my dad's favorite shows. We couldn't stand the remake of the show. Willie from the original show was our favorite character. Willie was played by Robert England who later became known as Freddy Kruger.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What are your typical Easter celebrations, if any?

We really don't have any real Easter celebrations, especially since Dad died. Mom and I go to church on Easter Sunday, but we go to church almost every Sunday.

News In My World!

I got to see my soulmate last night, and I miss him already!

I've almost finished reading several books. Here are the ones I'm almost finished with.

1. Legends of Literature- I have under 100 pages to go.
2. Be Anxious For Nothing by Joyce Meyer- one chapter left
3. Sleepwalk by John Saul- three chapters left
4. Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews- two chapters left
5. Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire- under 100 pages to go

I've been watching Daniel Boone this morning. It's an old show from the 60's staring Fess Parker.

I've got to go now and put on a load of laundry.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

April 16, 2014 at 6:04pm
April 16, 2014 at 6:04pm
April 16, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What is one thing that you would like a "do over" on?

It's hard to narrow it down to just one, but I can think of one thing in particular. I won't go into specifics here, but I got involved with some people who weren't what they seemed to be. Through my involvement with them, I ended up hurting the one I love the most. I learned through this that you can hurt others even by only associating with and trusting the wrong people. My "do over" would be to have turned away from these people on first sight.

Blog City

How did you make your first dollar? Baby-sitting, paper route or.... Have fun with this.

My first job was at 14 years old. I was a baby-sitter/housekeeper for my next-door neighbors. I kept their 8 year old daughter Monday-Friday from 6:30 in the morning until around 4 or 4:30 in the afternoon (with a one hour break for lunch). I also washed their breakfast and lunch dishes, did their laundry, made up their beds, fixed breakfast, swept, mopped, vacumned, and scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen every day. I did this for a mere $30 a week. I also took care of a 4 year old brother at the time. This was also during the summer that my grandmother was sick with colon cancer and died that August. My Mom was at the hospital with her most of the time since work kept my Dad away (he was a truck driver), so I was home alone with my brother almost 24-7.

I know this prompt said "have fun with this". However, the girl I kept was very sweet and never gave me a moments trouble. She also helped me keep my brother entertained too. I took them to every Bible school in town that summer too, so that gave me a little me time too. I also took them to the various summer reading programs at the library. The key was keeping them entertained.

Blogging Circle of Friends

This is Palindrome week. Write a short story or poem whose title is a palindrome about this week.

I looked up the word Palindrome on Google. I got an instant headache just thinking about how to write a short story or poem using this form. I did however found the Wikipedia article about it rather interesting.

Here are some of the things I learned about palindromes.

1. They date back to at least 79 AD.
2. They are used in Arabic
3. Words like civic are an example of this.
4. They often consist of a phrase or sentence.
5. They are used in Molecular Biology.
6. Also used in numbers
7. have been used in music
8. ABBA's song SOS is the only top 100 Billboard hit to have a group's name and song title to be a palindrome.

News In My World!

I get to see my soulmate tonight after I get back from church! *Heart* I made a watermelon white chocolate no bake cheesecake for the church supper along with pear salad and glazed carrots.

Here's my recipe for pear salad (It's really easy)

You get a big jar of pear halves and drain them. Put them on a platter. Put some mayo in the center, followed by some shredded cheese on top of the mayo, then place a cherry on top of that. Note: If you want to make this a vegan recipe just use vegan mayo and soy cheese.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 15, 2014 at 11:00pm
April 15, 2014 at 11:00pm
April 15, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What is your favorite place to travel or visit?

I haven't been too many places. I've been to Canada and to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. When I was in my teens, I went to Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee, Panama City Beach, Florida, and Goshen, Indiana. I've also been to Gulf Shores, Alabama about nine years ago. Then when I was a child I went to several states in the east with my Dad during the summer. My Dad was a truck driver, so I got to travel with him some during the summer.

I wish I could go back to Gatlinburg but with different people. I would love to go there with either my soulmate or my mom.

Blog City

What should they eulogize? Write the perfect funeral speech for your own funeral.

I know this is a cop out, but this subject kind of scares me. I don't like to think of death. My Dad died Feb 22, 2012 of lung cancer, and I wasn't in love with what the two preachers said at the funeral. I felt that they really didn't know my Dad. They only seemed to concentrate on the fact that he was a truck driver. They seemed not to realize that he was so much more than just his occupation.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes, and where they've taken you.

I had this pair of clear dress shoes with rhinestones on them. They kind of reminded me of Cinderella's glass slippers but with bling. I wrote them in several pageants and won titles in most of them.

News In My World!

Today's my birthday. It's been a lonely day actually. I did get a call from my soulmate, and I will get to see him tomorrow night! That's the best present ever.*Heart*

I watched the Riffleman like I do most days, and I got to see another episode that I had never seen before. It was about a man who was looking for Lucas to kill him. Lucas thought that he was going to have to meet him in a neighboring town, but the outlaw came to him.

If y'all have figured out by now, I love old westerns, especially The Riffleman. Chuck Connors has been my favorite actor since I was 12. In fact, I always thought he was the best-looking man to walk the earth until I met my soulmate.

I currently have 76 likes on my author page on facebook. I'm only 24 likes away from my first goal of 100 likes. If you haven't checked it out already, please do at http://www.facebook.com/pennycockrell

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 14, 2014 at 3:49pm
April 14, 2014 at 3:49pm
April 14, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What role have pets played in your life?

A huge one! I don't think of them as pets though. I think of them as children since I can't physically have any of my own for health reasons. I simply refer to the three of mine as "the children". The funny thing is if I want all three of them to come to me at the same time, all I have to say is "children", and they all come running. Also, I refer to Josette as my oldest because she will be 4 on August 27, Maggie is referred to as the middle child because she turned 3 on Feb 12, and Rocky is referred to as the youngest or "the baby" because he turned 1 on Nov 10, 2013.

People make fun of me big time for this, or they simply roll their eyes at me.

Blog City

If you were given a chance to know what happens in your future, would you take it?

Absolutely not! As the song Que Sara Sara (I think I spelled that right) said, "the future's not ours to see". The Bible even states not to use forms of divination, fortune tellers, ect to see it either. We are to only go to God for help with our future.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Am I doing enough to help Mother Earth? Why? Why not? What else can I do?

I know that I'm not, and there's always more to be done. I don't stress over it though. I simply do the best I can for now by eating less meat, not buying as many sodas because of the bottles piling up, I also look for items that haven't been chemically altered, trying to reuse things instead of discarding them after the first use (but I do discard after a few uses so I won't be a hoarder).

News In My World!

I got to see my soulmate Saturday night!*Bigsmile**Inlove* My birthday is tomorrow, and if someone where to ask me what I would want for my birthday, it would be to spend the day with my soulmate.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 11, 2014 at 11:33pm
April 11, 2014 at 11:33pm
April 11, 2014

Welcome to my Reality

List your top ten favorite songs and why?

This is hard because there are so many songs that I like, but here's a stab at trying to narrow it down.

1. Moment of Forever by Kris Kristofferson

This song is so beautiful and a great love song. It's not a regular I love you song. It's a song to describe a forever kind of love.

2. Where Did We Go Right by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash

This is another love song for those who have been together for a long time. I think of my soulmate and myself when I listen to this song.

3. Summer Wine by Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood

Most couples have a song. Well, this is the song that I say is mine and my soulmate's song. I sung this to my soulmate on our third date.

4. Waiting for a Miracle by Leonard Cohen

This song describe how people seem to be waiting for something grand to happen. My miracle came when I met my soulmate when I was 24.

5. Storms Never Last by Waylon Jennings and Jessi Colter

I love this song because it's about how bad times can't destroy true love.

6. Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash

I love this song because June Carter Cash wrote it about their forbidden love in 1963.

7. Branded Man by Merle Haggard

I can relate to this song because it tells how people don't let you forget your mistakes even though you are trying to start a new life and do better.

8. I Can't Wait Any Longer by Bill Anderson

I love the combination of disco and classic country. When this song came out, the country music industry flipped out. They didn't understand the creativity behind this song. I say bravo to Bill Anderson for thinking outside of the box during the 70s.

9. Tall Lover Man by June Carter Cash

I love the dark theme to this song. During the 60s before her and Johnny Cash got married, she wrote and sung many songs about their love affair. Some were rather dark because she became increasingly angry that Cash's first wife wouldn't give him a divorce (she was Catholic and didn't believe in it). As a result, Carter wrote songs like this.

10. Time of the Preacher by Johnny Cash and Alice and Chains

This is a really neat song about a preacher going crazy after his wife leaves him. The pairing of these artist seems unlikely but it works beautifully.

Which muppet character do you most identify with? Kermit? Oscar? Gonzo? Stalter? Waldorf? Beaker? Elmo? Zoe? Miss Piggy?

I'm not familiar with many of the muppet characters. However, I would say that I'm a cross between Oscar and Miss Piggy. I can be a real grouch like Oscar and a drama queen like Miss Piggy.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What is your favorite Holiday or celebration? Why?

My favorite is Christmas because my mom gets the week of Christmas off, and I get to spend more time with her.

News In My World!

I get to go to a local festival tomorrow for my birthday (my birthday is Tuesday). I also get to see my soulmate tomorrow night! *Bigsmile* *Inlove*

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 10, 2014 at 11:32pm
April 10, 2014 at 11:32pm
April 10, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What inspires you or what makes you crazy?

These are the things that inspire me: my soulmate, my babies, reading, and music. The things that drive me crazy are arguments, conflict, and stress.

Blog City

What inspired you to Blog?

I think that write in my blog is fun. I also feel that it's a way of being able to talk to people since I live a more isolated life because of my disabilities.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What are you most skilled in?

I don't know if I'm really that skilled in anything, but I can cook fairly well, and my singing isn't too bad. My family tends to remind me that I'm not very talented in anything. I guess it's always been that way because I tend to march to the beat of a different drummer.

News In My World

I had a bad evening today. I had an awful argument with my mother and brother. I will admit that part of it was my fault. I did however feel like I was being attacked (emotionally not physically) because it seemed to be 2 against 1. I wish my dad were still alive. He was my ally. I know that my mother and brother love me in there own way, but I've realized that we will never be close because we have nothing in common. My dad and I had just about everything in common.

I'm so glad that I was able to talk to my soulmate about it. I would be so lost without him!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

PS..I've reached 40 likes on my author/facebook page. If you haven't checked it out, please do and like it. I need 60 more likes in order to reach my first goal of 100. http://www.facebook.com/pennycockrell
April 9, 2014 at 11:18pm
April 9, 2014 at 11:18pm
April 9, 2014

Welcome to my Reality

What have you gained or lost by taking a big risk?

I gained having the love of my life by taking a big risk. Back in 2000, I placed an ad on Yahoo Personals. This was how I found my soulmate. If I hadn't of taken that chance, I would not have found the love of my life.

Blog City

What did you love most about your generation growing up?

The thing that I loved most is that kids from my generation (kids born from 1976-1979) was the we seemed to be raised not to fear (within reason). When I was a kid, myself and other kids walked to school. around town, ran errands for our parents, ect. We watched scary movies and read scary books without needing a parent beside us.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Pick a random word and do Google image search on it. Check out the eleventh picture it brings up. Write about whatever that image brings to mind.

I hate to say this, but I just wasn't inspired by this prompt. My mind just came to a total blank. Wait a minute! I just thought of something.

I saw an ad on TV that said coming in June. I typed in the word June. The eleventh picture had the word June and a umberalla and beach chair on it. I've been wanting to go to the beach because I haven't been their since 2005.

I guess I was able to write on this prompt after all. *Smile*

News In My World!

I made some honey cornbread with honey butter tonight for church. It was a mix that I sell through Country Gourmet Home. If you would want to buy this mix go to http://www.mycountrygourmethome.com/pcockrell

Tomorrow night, I will probably make some vegan pigs in a blanket for supper.

I forgot if I wrote about this yesterday, but I turned in my first round of edits and my author information sheet to the publisher today. I also printed out the contract and signed it. I will be sending this off tomorrow or Friday, depending on when I get a ride to the post office.

I'm watching Duck Dynasty. I even love watching reruns of the show!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

PS...Be sure to check out my author page. I think I'm at 36 likes now. I'm still going for the first 100 likes. http://www.facebook.com/pennycockrell

April 8, 2014 at 11:17pm
April 8, 2014 at 11:17pm
April 8, 2014

Welcome to my Reality

What critical life events have shaped who you are today?

There have been two events that have shaped who I am today.

1. April 27, 2000- This was the day I met my soulmate and found out what it means to truly love someone.

2. Jan 27, 2011- This was the day I adopted my baby, Josette. This was when I knew that even though I can't have two-legged children of my own that I can still give motherly love to another living being.

Blog City

Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1000 years at any age physical age you chose?

I wouldn't not because of looks or anything like that, but if I did this, it would mean not being with my soulmate or my babies, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky. That would be a very lonely existence if I had to live without them.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What city has the most beautiful architecture? What makes it attractive to you?

I don't know much about architecture, but I really liked the look of many of the places in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, especially a plaza called The Village. I liked the quaint look of the shops and the cobblestone streets in the plaza.

News In My World!

I will be making my announcement on which publisher I signed with in an hour or two. I received one of the contracts tonight and will be reading over it to make sure that it is the right decision.

Go to http://www.facebook.com/pennycockrell (my author page) to find out which one! I'm also trying to reach 100 likes as my first goal for the page. I have about 28 right now.

I also made some yummy vegetable soup tonight.

Sister's Veggie Soup

1 lb ground beef or ground soy (brown and drain)
then add 1 can of tomatoes, 1 can of green beans, a couple of potatoes (peeled, cut up and boiled, the amount will depend on how much you need or want), bag of frozen black eyed peas (can use fresh also), vegetable or beef broth (I use 2 cans of vegetable for a vegan soup), and Country Gourmet Home Seasoning Salt or Mrs. Dash table blend seasoning salt (sometimes I use both)
I let this cook at a low temp for at least 4-6 hours.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 7, 2014 at 11:17pm
April 7, 2014 at 11:17pm
April 7, 2014

Welcome to my Reality

What is your favorite childhood memory?

One of my favorite childhood memories was when the circus came to town. It was a pretty big deal because this was the only time a circus had come to our little town. My favorite part of the circus was when they let some of the kids ride on the elephant, and I was one of the lucky kids that got to.

The next prompt also deals with a circus so read on!

Blog City

If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?

It would be a toss up between up of them. I would either want to be the ringmaster or ring mistress in my case, or I would have to ride the elephant.

Being the ring mistress would be the coolest because to me the ringmaster/mistress is the star of the show.

Blogging Circle of Friends

April 7, 2014 is No Housework Day. This is the day to do anything except housework. What do you do in place of housework?

I would read, watch movies, take a walk with the children, and watch old westerns on TV.

News In My World!

I'm about to make my decision on which publishing company to sign with. I will make the announcement on my author's page on Facebook in a day or two at the most. Until then, y'all can check out my author's page here at http://www.facebook.com/pennycockrell My first goal is to get a 100 likes. I'm at 23 likes right now.

I got my eyebrows waxed today, packaged and mailed some stuff that my brother sold on Ebay, reformatted my novel to publisher specifications, and read two chapters of Small Sacrifices.

I had some yummy vegan tacos tonight. I made my tacos with soy chicken strips, soy mozzarella cheese, salsa, and lettuce.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

April 5, 2014 at 5:50pm
April 5, 2014 at 5:50pm
April 5, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Do you feel older or younger than your chronological age?

I usually feel younger except when my health problems are acting up. When most people meet me for the first time, they will think I'm under 25 even though I will be 38 on the 15th.

Blog City

If one experience or life changes---from you writing your blog. What would you like it to be?

This is a hard question because I've never had any expectations in regards to writing in my blog. I just write in it for fun.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Imperfection~in things, in people, in places, add character to life. Tell us about an imperfection that you cherish.

I don't know if most people would see this as an imperfection, but I consider my eye color to be a physical imperfection. I have a weird eye color. It's actually a combination of several colors: brown, green, gray, and yellow. If I wear blue, pink, or purple, my strange eye color shows up big time. If I wear black or red, my eyes will look brown. If I wear green, my eyes will look green.

Maybe it's not so bad because I won prettiest eyes in three beauty pageants back in 2003.

News In My World

It's been a lazy day today. I went to some yard sales with my Mom this morning. I bought a book about Anne Boylen for 50 cents. Mom bought some Monkey bread at a bake sale this morning, but she wished that she didn't because it was terrible. It was so dry, and the flavor was bland!

I've also done some reading today. I started reading a horror novel called The Unwelcome Child by Terese Pampellonne and a Christian self help book called Be Anxious For Nothing by Joyce Meyer. I also read a couple of chapters of Sleepwalk by John Saul and will read a little of Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule after I finish this blog.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 4, 2014 at 12:21pm
April 4, 2014 at 12:21pm
April 4, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What made you think of the past this week? Was it a happy or sad memory?

I haven't really thought about the past this week. I've been thinking more about the future, especially after receiving some good news last night and this morning. Read News In My World at the end of this entry to find out why.

Blog City

What five colors best represent your personality?

I really don't know what colors mean what kind of personality. I will tell you what my favorite colors are.

1. Blue- this is my most favorite, especially royal blue
2. Purple- I really love royal purple
3. Pink- hot pink is my favorite shade of pink
4. Red- I love blood red, not the orange red.
5. Green- emerald green is my favorite shade of green

I mostly go for jewel tones because they seem to look best on me.

Blogging Circle of Friends

All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking- Friedrich Nietzsche

What do you think? Does walking or exercising help you write?

Walking and exercising help keep my stress levels down. I can't seem to write when I'm stressed, so walking and exercising help in that way.

News In My World!

I've received some great news! Two different publishers have requested to see more of my work. One wants me to send them the whole manuscript, and the other wants to see the first few chapters.

I realize that I can still get turned down by both of them, but I'm happy just to get to this step after receiving about 12-13 rejections. It's really nice to have hope!

I finished reading The Town by Bentley Little yesterday. That is a really good book. I recommend anyone who likes horror novels to read this one.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

April 3, 2014 at 10:30am
April 3, 2014 at 10:30am
April 3, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

We hear much talk on writing.com about the muse which is essentially someone/something/inner voice, that inspires or sometimes even demands that we create. Notable professions who often speak of having a muse are artists, musicians, actors/actresses and of course writers of all kinds. Share with us what you think of the concept of having a muse and if you have a muse of your own, explain the relationship you have and how it works for you.

I don't think that anyone thing is my muse. I find inspiration in different things on different days. It depends on my mood. My "children" are sometimes my muse, especially during this time of year when they are running and playing in the spring flowers. Other times, I'm inspired when I'm thinking about my soulmate. Sometimes just reading a good book can be my muse.

Blog City

Your Five Favorite Toys as a Child

1. Barbies (I had a huge collection of them and their accessories).

Here are some of the Barbie items that I had.

1. Wedding Barbie
2. Wedding Ken
3. Crystal Barbie
4 Crystal Ken
5. Skipper
6. Western Barbie
7. Camping Barbie
8. Angel Face Barbie
9. Barbie's horse
10. Barbie camping set
11. a Barbie car
12. a Barbie house
13. a Barbie bed
14. tons of Barbie clothes
15. Barbie kitchen set
16. so much more, but I can't remember them all

2. Slinky

I liked the original metal ones. The plastic ones would wear out too fast. I even remember the jingle. "It goes upstairs. It goes downstairs. It makes a slinkidy(forgot how to spell it) sound. Everyone knows it's slinky!"

3. My She-Ra and He Man action figures- Yes, I went through that phase playing with the action figures. I even had a She-Ra backpack. I also watched the She-Ra and He Man cartoons.

4. my tape recorder

I got it when I was 6 years old. I remember the first tape my Dad got me. It was a Loretta Lynn tape. I went around singing "Don't Come Home a Drinkin'" and "Your Squaw's On the Warpath Tonight".

5. My comic books

I went through this phase too. I read Teen Titians and Dazzler.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day? What do you think your life would be like? Harder or easier?

No, I've never wondered this. I've always felt very natural being a female. In fact, the thought of living as a man for a day depresses me. I like being a woman. I would never want to change that. More importantly, it's the way God made me!

News In My World!

I'm watching Supernatural right now. I totally love that show! I hate that I've missed most of this season. I really hope to catch up with it during the summer when CW plays it over again in their repeat line up.

I finished reading The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne late last night. In a little while, I plan on reading "A Wedding Jig" by Stephen King. It's a short story from his book, Skeleton Crew.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 2, 2014 at 5:36pm
April 2, 2014 at 5:36pm
April 2, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What has disappointed you this week?

The continuous string of rejections on my query letters to agents. That's all I've got to say about that for now. It has helped me learn to be more patient.

Blog City

What is your favorite Spring Activity?

Celebrating my anniversary with my soulmate! It's April 27, so it isn't very far off! My birthday is also April 15th, but that day isn't as important to me as my anniversary.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Dark or White Chocolate? Easter Bunny or Easter Egg?

I like white chocolate and can't stand dark chocolate. I've never really cared for the chocolate bunny and egg candies. However, (this may shock y'all) I would love to eat a fried rabbit.

News In My World!

I just finished making some cheesy spinach bacon dip. It's a Country Gourmet Home dip mix. All you have to do is add sour cream to it.

I'm listening to Moment of Forever by Kris Kristofferson. It's a beautiful song that makes me think of my soulmate.

I finished reading Your God Is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan late last night. Now I'm reading a little of Sleepwalk by John Saul. More than likely, I will finish The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne tonight.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy

April 1, 2014 at 10:59pm
April 1, 2014 at 10:59pm
April 1, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

The beginning of spring is a time of renewal and hope after a long winter. What does spring mean to you? Does it inspire you in any way?

Spring does mean a time of renewal after winter, especially when I see the pretty wildflowers blooming all in my yard. It tends to inspire my writing because my imagination runs wild when I see all of those wildflowers in my yard. In fact, I've been itching to start on the sequel to Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. The title of the sequel is Bloodshed on the Blue Moon.

Blog City

In your opinion, what is the worst event in history to have ever taken place? Could something like this possibly happen again?

It's hard for me to narrow it down to just one. I have narrowed it down to three.

1. the Holocaust
2. 9/11
3. the Civil War

I think that it's a huge possibility that something like the Holocaust could happen because there's so much prejudice in the world along with many dangerous people who could act upon their terrible thoughts. Sometimes, I wonder if something like 9/11 could happen again because people are getting smarter and more tech savvy, making it possible to smuggle items on a plane. In my opinion, I don't believe the Civil War will happen again because I believe that most of the people (both North and South) from that time in history learned from that war.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Do we live in a society that needs scandal?

I think we do to a certain extent. If we didn't, there wouldn't be as many gossip magazines in stores or shows like TMZ.

News In My World!

I received another rejection today. That's 10 rejections in 11 days. I'm kind of scared by that, but I keep reminding myself that Stephen King's Carrie was rejected 30 times, so I keep telling myself that number 31 will be the yes (well, I hope so!). I only wished I knew a specific reason why instead of those form letters.

I watched the pilot episode of The Riffleman today. It was neat to see how the show began and seeing R G Armstrong playing the marshal. This was before Marshal Michael Torrance played by Paul Fix joined the show.

Go to go and finish up some stuff before going to bed.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 31, 2014 at 10:52pm
March 31, 2014 at 10:52pm
March 31, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

In what ways do you consider yourself creative and what mediums do you use to express this creativity?

I tend to be very creative when I cook. I like to play with flavors and textures. I like to change up recipes and make them my own.

I will give you my fried chicken recipe as an example. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how I change this one.

Sister's Fried Chicken

Get a mixing bowl and whisk two eggs (egg replacement products can be substituted). Then add some buttermilk (almond milk can be used too) until the mixture turns white. After that get a plate and put a lot of flour (rice flour can be used too) because you will need it to coat the chicken. You will also need to add some seasoning salt (I use the salt free Country Gourmet Home seasoning salt), Mrs. Dash table blend and southwestern chipolte seasonings in the flour.

Take a piece of the chicken and dredge it in the wet mixture first, then in the flour mixture, and repeat the process once more. The put it in the pan to fry. I use an electric skillet to fry chicken. Let the chicken fry until it has a nice deep golden brown color. Get a plate and place a paper towel on it. Then put the cooked chicken on it to soak up excess grease.

Blog City

What movie always makes you cry? (or at least makes you emotional)

Here are the movies that make me get emotional. Now, I will warn you. Most of them will not be what you expect to find in a list like this.

1. It (based on Stephen King's novel It)- The strong friendship between the children touched me.
2. Desperation (based on Stephen King's novel Desperation)- The boy's faith in God was what touched me in this movie.
3. Walk the Line- the love story between Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash touched me deeply

Blogging Circle of Friends

Is March going out like a lion or a lamb where you live?

It seems to be going out like a lamb. I'm glad, and it doesn't surprise me because the winter came in like a lion. I've always heard the saying "Come in like a lion, go out like a lamb."

News In My World!

I ran some errands today just mundane mess that had to be done. I received another rejection from an agent on my query today. I just keep telling myself that Stephen King's Carrie was rejected 30 times before being accepted. I've been rejected 9, so I have 21 more to go (I hope not, but hey, that's life.).

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 30, 2014 at 4:56pm
March 30, 2014 at 4:56pm
March 30, 2014

Welcome to my Reality

What is your favorite movie of all time and why?

I can't really choose just one because I'm such a movie buff. However, I have narrowed it down to this list.

1. Troll- This was one of the first movies that I really got into. I watched it for the first time when I was 11 years old. The other reason I love this movie so much because June Lockhart stars on it.

2. Dark Crystal- This was one of the most creative dark fantasy movies that I have ever seen. I was about 7 or 8 when I first watched this. The movie's creator, Jim Henson, was also from Mississippi (the state where I'm from).

3. Tourist Trap- The plot about maniquiens was very unique and had never seen anything like it. Chuck Connors stared on this awesome horror movie. I was 12 when I first watched it. I'm currently trying to find it on DVD.

4. Motel Hell- I loved the camp and creepiness of this movie. The main character, Farmer Vincent, was quite a character. I loved some of his sayings on this film. Rory Calhoun stared in this flick as Farmer Vincent

5. August Rush- This is a movie about an orphan who has a talent for music. It's also about how music can touch the lives of others. This movie stars Kerri Russell and Freddie Highmore.

There are so many more movies that I love, but I made myself narrow the list down to this for now.

Blog City and Blogging Circle of Friends

I finished reading a short story called The Jaunt by Stephen King. It's in King's short story collection called Skeleton Crew. I was finally able to fix the fried chicken that I've been planning for the last few days for lunch. I had mashed potatoes and green beans with it. I will share my secrets to making great fried chicken if y'all want me to. If I get at least 5 comments on wanting the fried chicken recipe, I will post it by Tuesday.

I've got to go now and get ready for a ladies' meeting at my church.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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