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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

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Sister of Mercy
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May 16, 2013 at 11:29pm
May 16, 2013 at 11:29pm
May 16, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Star Trek or Star Wars?"

I say neither........... They are not my cup of tea....... I'm a Lost In Space fan. Irvin Allen, the creator and director of the show, was a very creative person. He was also the main casting director. June Lockhart was the first person he casted to be in the show, and the rest was history. The show ran for three seasons. It was supposed to be renewed for a fourth season, but CBS (at the last minute) thought the show was getting too expensive to keep on the air.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Musically Inclined".

I've been singing ever since I was 4 years old when I had a solo (it was my first one too) in the preschool play at the end of the year. I won my first talent contest at 6 years old. When I was 13, I was asked to join the adult choir at church. I received a scholarship for voice at UWA in Livingston, AL for two years. I've wished many times that I would have persued singing professionally.

Just a little triva about myself.

How many languages(besides English) can I sing in?

Five (French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Latin) However, I don't know to speak these languages.

Other News In My World!

I've felt tired and sluggish the last few days. I mostly been reading. I finished reading Wagging Tails in Heaven by Gary Kurtz. I'm feeling tired now, so I'm going to lay down.

May 13, 2013 at 10:53pm
May 13, 2013 at 10:53pm
May 13, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "“If you could speak to anyone alive or dead throughout history who would you chose and why?”

Here are the living people I would like to speak to.

1. I haven't talked to my soulmate on the phone in awhile, and I would love to hear his voice.
2. I'd love to meet and talk to June Lockhart because she's so fascinating.
3. Angus Scrim is another person I'd love to talk to because he's my favorite horror movie actor. In case you aren't familar with him, he's the one who played on the Phantasm movies as the Tall Man.
4. I would love to sit down and talk to Stephen King and ask him some question about writing.
5. The Robertson family (Duck Dynasty) because I would just love to hang out with them because they are so funny.

Here are the deceased people I'd like to speak to.

1. My dad because I miss him.
2. Chuck Connors (the Rifleman) because he was so dreamy.
3. I would love to talk to VC Andrews and ask her what inspired her to write the types of books she wrote.
4. I would also like to talk to HP Lovecraft and pick his brain about writing dark fantasy and horror. I would also like to find out more about because there's very little known about him.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Thomas Edison~What's your favorite invention of Mr. Edison's?"

My favorite invention was his contribution to motion pictures. He made a machine that showed short films. I believe that if he hadn't of invented this that we wouldn't be watching movies or TV today.

Here's a piece of triva about Thomas Edison.

Which two actors did Thomas Edison play matchmaker with? In fact, after he introduced them, the couple got married 14 days later and had their only child nine months later.

Gene and Kathleen Lockhart was the couple that Edison played matchmaker with in Aug 1924, and on June 25, 1925, Kathleen gave birth to June Lockhart.

Other News In My World!

I didn't do much today except watch a couple of episodes of Dark Shadows and a little tweaking on my novel. I also read a couple of chapters of In the Dark of the Night by John Saul and one chapter of Fifty Shades Freed by E L James.
May 12, 2013 at 6:36pm
May 12, 2013 at 6:36pm
May 12, 2013

This is for Blogging Circle of Friends, Your 2 Cents, and anyone else who happens to read this.

First of all, I would like to wish all of the moms out there a Happy Mother's Day!

I know this is going to sound strange, but Mother's Day makes me sad in a way. You see I can't physically have children because I'm going through perimenopause and have been for a few years now. Also, pregancy would also make my brain disorder worse, and the meds I have to take would affect an unborn child too.

Sometimes, I just feel like screaming, why me? Why do those women who abuse and neglect their children get to have them? Why not me , God? I would love and care for a child..... However, I know that God has a reason for everything............

I need to get off of that tangent because Mother's Day is a day that should be celebrated in honor of all of those great moms out there.

Other News In My World!

I went to Sunday School and church this morning. I was asked by a fellow church member if I would help with Vacation Bible school at the end of this month (I helped last year too). I'll be doing the same thing as last year which was being an assistant to the teacher in the 4-5 year old class.

I'm also singing at the church benefit next month. I did this last year too. Mom and I will be singing a duet again (just like last year, but we will sing a different song).

I can't wait for the mission trip. I'm going to Canada to a Cree Indian reservation in July. I've never been out of the country before and have never been on an airplane either.

This afternoon, I was flipping through the TV guide in a local paper, and there was a picture of June Lockhart....... I hope when I get 87 years old that I look that good!

Got to make like a library and book!

Sister of Mercy
May 11, 2013 at 11:37pm
May 11, 2013 at 11:37pm
May 11, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Describe your first experiences with WDC. First item, any trouble figuring out stuff? Funny stuff like that."

The first time I joined WDC was in 2004 under the name of Ladyphaedra. I got the name from a Lee Hazlewood/Nancy Sinatra song called "Some Velvet Morning". "Phadra" was the fairy character that Nancy Sinatra sung about.

Some Velvet Morning

Some velvet mornin' when I'm straight
I'm gonna open up your gate
And maybe tell you 'bout Phaedra
And how she gave me life
And how she made it end
Some velvet mornin' when I'm straight

Flowers growing on a hill, dragonflies and daffodils
Learn from us very much, look at us but do not touch
Phaedra is my name

I only posted a few poems at the time and two short stories. They were all terrible (not saying that my writing is any better now).

I didn't get the WDC fever at that time and forgot all about the site until May 13, 2006. Then I caught the fever....... However, I decided to change my username to Sister of Mercy. I got the name from a classic Leonard Cohen song called "The Sister of Mercy"

O the sisters of mercy they are not
Departed or gone,
They were waiting for me when I thought
That I just can't go on,
And they brought me their comfort
And later they brought me this song.
O I hope you run into them
You who've been traveling so long.

Yes, you who must leave everything
That you cannot control;
It begins with your family,
But soon it comes round to your soul.
Well, I've been where you're hanging
I think I can see how you're pinned.
When you're not feeling holy,
Your loneliness says that you've sinned.

Well they lay down beside me
I made my confession to them.
They touched both my eyes
And I touched the dew on their hem.
If your life is a leaf
That the seasons tear off and condemn
They will bind you with love
That is graceful and green as a stem.

When I left they were sleeping,
I hope you run into them soon.
Don't turn on the light
You can read their address by the moon;
And you won't make me jealous
If I hear that they sweeten your night
We weren't lovers like that
And besides it would still be all right
We weren't lovers like that
And besides it would still be all right

I remembered having trouble getting the hang of giving a review that was worth a toot (for the longest time I was a very soft reviewer, now I'm not saying that I'm much better, but now, I do at least give more 3.0 ratings. It has to be really awful for me to give under that. I guess I'm still too much of a softie.) The whole show vs. tell thing too. I had a hard time understanding the reviews telling me that (even though, it was great advice).

For the most part, my experience here has been great (I've been here for seven years, so that ought to tell you and me something).

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Write an interesting ending to one of these mysterious US. Disappearances."

I read through all of the famous disappearance on that page. The one about the Lost Colony interested me because I studied about this in a Colonial History class that I took in college (I was a history major and only liked about 15 hours from graduating with a degree in History/Social Science. I bet y'all would have never thought that).

Now, I'm not much on writing on the fly so to speak. However, I did want to comment on this.

Roanoke was a colony on Roanoke Island in Dare county (off the present day North Carolina. Virginia Dare was the first child born there). It was an attempt at a permanent settlement by the English.

Virigina Dare's grandfather, John White (along with some other men), had gone back to England to get supplies. However, they weren't able to return for three years because of the Spainish Armada (the Spainish were capturing English ships).

When White and his men returned, they only found Croatan carved into a post and Cro carved into a tree that was by that post (most people have been taught that it was only a carving in a tree, but that was not completely true). White had looked for a Maltese Cross (this was to be a symbol to let him know that something bad had happened). However, this sign was never found. White thought that it simply meant that the settlers moved to Croatoan Island (White was never able to conduct a search because of the weather, and his men simply left the next day).

Many theories have floated around over the centuries. A popular theory was that they assimilated with a tribe of local and friendly Native Americans know as Croatoan (it was later said that lighter complexed, blue eyed Native Americans were found among them). I actually agree with this theory since it's completely believable.

It's also been said that Elizabeth Dare (Virginia Dare's mother) wrote on stones telling what had happened to them. These were known as the Dare Stones. However, most historians dismissed them as being frauds.

I watch a SYFY movie once called "Roanoke". On this movie, it had the Croatoans being supernatural creatures that were a cross between a ghost and a ghoul. Of course, I don't believe anything like that, but it did make for a pretty good movie.

I hope I haven't bored y'all too much with this tangent. American Colonial history was always my favorite period of history to study.

Other News In My World!

I went out to an old country church with my mom this afternoon to put flowers on my dad's grave. The church is a historical one being known as the oldest Cumberland Presberytian church in the state of Mississippi. The only thing about going out there that makes me uncomfortable is that there isn't a bathroom out there (not even an outhouse). There are just only two trails out in the forest. The left one for women and the right one for men (the women's part is covered a little more by the trees).

May 10, 2013 at 11:14pm
May 10, 2013 at 11:14pm
May 10, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What rights should the father have if his unmarried girlfriend wants an abortion?"

This is a tough prompt for me to write on........ For starters, I don't believe in abortion in most cases. I certainly believe that the father should have right when it comes to his unborn child. It takes two to tango as the saying goes. I believe that the father should be told before anything happens. Also, if an abortion is going to occurr, that the father should have to sign like a waiver saying that he knows and is for the abortion.

However, I don't believe that a father of an unborn child should have rights when it comes to rape or incest.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Describe where you live."

I live in a small town in Mississippi. One of those old-fashioned towns where everyone knows everybody (and also think they know everything that's going on too). Where there's a church on almost every corner, only one "mom and pop" grocery store, and a handful of dollar stores (Dollar General, Family Dollar, Fred's). In the last couple of years, we have gotten a KFC, Taco Bell, Subway, McDonalds, two Mexican restaurants, and a Chinese restaurant. When those fast food places opened up, you would have thought that Jesus Christ himself had come to town. KFC was the first to open up, and everyone was so excited that the road that the place is on is called "The Kentucky Fried Chicken Road". We also have two car washes where the teenagers hang out at too.

Other News In My World!

Today is my brother's birthday! He's 27 and will graduate with his Master's in Psychology in August. All he has to do is defend his thesis at the end of June.

I did two reviews on novel chapters for the Fantasy Keep. I have three more to do for that group for the week. I also have another review for PENCIL to do also. I receive two helpful reviews on my novel (chapters 11 and 12), and I plan on editing those chapters by the end of the weekend.

May 9, 2013 at 10:32pm
May 9, 2013 at 10:32pm
May 9, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Do you fall asleep quickly or very slowly?"

It's rather difficult for me to fall asleep naturally because of my brain disorder. I have to take 600mg of Seroquel and 100mg of Trazadone in order to fall asleep. Before I was prescribed these meds, I would end up staying up for 48-72 hours straight before going to sleep on the third night, and then, the cycle would start all over again.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Fascinations".

I have kind of a weird fascination over the actress, June Lockhart. I believe I've mentioned this briefly in other entries. It all started when I was 11 years old, and I'm 37 now, so this fascination of mine has been going on for 26 years. It alwasys amazed me how beautiful and intelligent she is. Most actresses are either one or the other. She's also really into politics, animal rights, and the environment. She was into this stuff before it became cool to care about these things.

Other News In My World!

I felt okay today.......... I'm just a little blue........ I miss my soulmate............

I'm watching a show called "Giving You the Business" on Food Nextwork. I really enjoy this show. It's where four managers of a fast food francise are in a competition to get their own francise, but the managers don't know they are in a competition.
May 8, 2013 at 10:42pm
May 8, 2013 at 10:42pm
May 8, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Tell us about a book you can read again and again without getting bored — what is it that speaks to you?"

Books that I can read over and over again are the ones that have great characters.

Here are some books that I can read over and over again because of great characters.

1. It by Stephen King
2. The Stand by Stephen King
3. all books by VC Andrews
4. Suffer the Little Children by John Saul
5. The Long Lost by Ramsey Campbell
6. Insomnia by Stephen King

Now to further talk about characters, I will continue on with this for the Your 2 Cents prompt which is "Characterization~What governs your characters?"

My life experiences tend to govern how my characters turn out. Many of the characters are either like myself or others in life. Sometimes, I wonder if my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun, isn't a somewhat tell-all.

Other News In My World!

I haven't felt too great today. I had loads of stuff to do but wasn't able to get much done. I'm going to go now and try to get some reviews done.
May 7, 2013 at 12:39pm
May 7, 2013 at 12:39pm
May 7, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Do you feel that children should be sheltered from unhappiness?"

I do to a certain extent. To me, it depends on the age of the child and what the circumstances are. I believe children should receive the proper guidance at all times when they are young, so they will be able to deal with unhappiness as they get older.

I can relate to this topic because at times I felt like I was "thrown to the wolves" when I was a child when it came to copping with unhappiness. I think it was because my parents were gone a lot because of work ( my dad was a truck driver and was only home once or twice a month), and my mother also didn't know anything about being a mother (she did her best and learned along the way. You see her mother abanndoned her when she was just a baby, and she was primarly raised by her dad and uncle). Now, I don't blame my parents. It was just a hard time.

I will say this as advice to parents if your child comes to you with a problem, please don't say "so what or big deal". Actually, talk to your child about the problem.

I'm sorry if I went into a rant to much, but this topic really hit home with me.

Your 2 Cents promtp is "Have you ever read or watched something that has changed your behavior?"

This is going to sound funny, but when I watch shows like America's Next Top Model, The Face, any of the Real Housewives show on Bravo (except for the Atlanta one), I will exercise and pay more attention to my appearance. Now, I don't think that I will ever look like any of those women (I would love to look like Lisa Vanderpump because she is so classy.).

Other News In My World!

I've been doing housework since the tylenol seemed to be working and keeping the pain at bay. I've also done one review and have three more lined up to do. I review novel chapters for PENCIL and the Fantasy Keep.

I wish people would review novels more and passed the first chapter. I hate it when people pay for reviews through certain groups to only get reviews of a sig or an activity, especially when a person has loads of poetry, short stories, a novel in progress, blog, or any other type of writing.

I've been listening to David Bowie. I love some of his songs like "Putting Out Fire", "Scary Monsters", "Blue Jean", "The Wedding Song", "Be My Wife", "Golden Years", ect.

Here's a bit of trivia for you.

What actress is a big fan of David Bowie?

June Lockhart

I've got to go to the post office now and mail off coupons to a group that collects them for the troops. It's a project that my church does, and I'm the chairperson of it.
May 6, 2013 at 11:26pm
May 6, 2013 at 11:26pm
May 6, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Have you ever had a random encounter or fleeting moment with a stranger that stuck with you?"

It was back in Jan 2003, and I was leaving Birimgham, Alabama. I had been in a beauty pagean that weekend. As I was putting my things in my car, I noticed that my tire was low. I went over to the gas station across the street where the air machine was. Now, this is going to sound silly, but I didn't have the foggiest notion on how to air a tire. I stood there staring at the machine and my tire. A moment later, a man (who looked homeless) showed up out of nowhere. He introduced himself as David and asked me if I needed any help. I told him that I was trying to tire my tire. He then started airing up my tire, and I happened to look away. Then I looked back. My tire was aired up, and the man was gone before I could even thank him. I even looked around my car to see if I could see him walking away, but I saw nothing. This is going to sound strange, but I wondered if he was an angel sent by God to help me out in a time of need.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Vampires~Love them or sick of them?"

A little of both to tell you the truth. It depends on how vampires are portrayed. My favorite vampire of all time is Barnabas Collins from the show "Dark Shadows". He was a well dressed gentleman who had great manners and was well-spoken.

However, I don't like vampires from the Twiligh movies (never read the novels though, I do plan to eventually to study the author's writing style).

I have experimented with writing about vampires in my on stories. Here are my efforts.

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Other News In My World!

I didn't feel very well this morning, but tonight I've felt a little better. Blogging/writting tends to help me forget about being sick and feeling down. I watched Defiance and Bates Motel tonight. They are two of my favorite shows.
May 5, 2013 at 10:40pm
May 5, 2013 at 10:40pm
May 5, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends and Your 2 Cents

I haven't been feeling very well for sometime now........... It's really went downhill this weekend........ I will be going to the doctor either this week or next, depending on when I can get an appointment.

I'm going to try to keep up with the blog entries, but they may end up being rather short some days (at least for a while).

I have to go rest now..........

Have a good one!

Sister of Mercy
May 4, 2013 at 4:20pm
May 4, 2013 at 4:20pm
May 4, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Do you believe the end of the world will come to pass during your lifetime?"

I haven't the slightest clue when the end of the world will come. The Bible says that it will come in the blink of an eye and no one will know when it will happen. I'm pretty satisfied with the Bible's explaination, and I'm not really worried with when it will happen.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "What Can You Do That I Can't?"

I don't know if I can do anything that you can't. I do know that I'm good at the following.

1. singing (I've been told that my voice is a cross between Patsy Cline and Nancy Sinatra.)
2. cooking
3. taking care of my babies, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky

Other News In My World!

I'm listening to "She Won't" by Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra while doing laundry. Later on, I will go with my Mom to a graveyard out in the country to set out some flowers on some graves. After that, I will come back and cook some gluten free spagehitti.

I did finish reading "A Lion Among Men" by Gregory Macguire. It's the third book in the Wicked series, and I will start reading the last book in the series called "Out of Oz".

I got a great deal on some old Full Moon movies. The set was only ten dollars. The movies Killer Eye, Decadent Evil, and Skullheads were in the set. All of them were directed and written by Charles Band (the same person who directed and wrote Troll and the Ghoulies movies). I found these movies at Dollar General.
May 3, 2013 at 10:54pm
May 3, 2013 at 10:54pm
May 3, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What's the one habit you'd change about yourself, if you could simply flick a switch and have it happen?"

I have a terrible habit of emotional eating. I tend to eat whenever I'm bored or lonely. I've almost kicked the habit of eating when I'm bored, but eating when I'm lonely is still hanging over me like a dark cloud. It's the main reason why I'm overweight (taking 4 meds that cause weight gain and going through perimenopause aren't helping either). I wish that switch could turn on right away and stay on. I've been exercising regularly for the past three weeks, but that hasn't really helped much. The only thing the exercise has done is improve my stamina (I'm not complaining though).

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Favorite Website (not WDC or writing related)".

I hope this doesn't sound too much like shameless promotion, but I like my Country Gourment Home website. It has great pics of the products (food, wickless wax melts, lotion bars, body butters, and wax warmers).

Check it out!

The May Tickle Your Taste Buds Bundle is the best deal. It's only $24.95!


Other News In My World!

I had Granny's Chicken and Rice casserole, Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes, green beans, and Chocolate Cheescake Fudge. All of these (except for the green beans are Country Gourmet Home products. I'm also burning a Lavender Dreams wickless wax melt while rubbing a Bella's Kiss lotion bar over my hands (both of these are Country Gourmet Home products).

Sister of Mercy
May 2, 2013 at 11:12pm
May 2, 2013 at 11:12pm
May 2, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What is your greatest weakness?"

I have two weaknesses that would qualify as my greatest weakness.

1. My temper- I tend to lash out at anyone who tries to push me around. However, I have toned down since I've gotten older.
2. I have trust issues that stem from my past. I usually don't trust too many people. I was hurt a lot growing up. I was taken advantage off and bullied while growing up.

Thank goodness, my soulmate came into my life when he did because he's helped me with both of these issues.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Who are you~and why do we care?"

I'm just a simple 37 year old Souther Belle who loves her soulmate and her four legged babies. As for the second part of the prompt, I haven't the slightest idea why you would care. However, God, my soulmate, and my "babies" care, and that's good enough for me.

Other News In My World

I'm working on some chapter reviews for PENCIL and the Fantasy Keep. After I finish those, I will start editing chapter 11 of my novel and the rest of "A Lion Among Men" by Gregory Macguire. This book is the 3rd in the Wicked series.

May 1, 2013 at 4:03pm
May 1, 2013 at 4:03pm
May 1, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day? What do you think life would be like?"

I've never thought of this..... I love being a woman, and God made me this way for a reason............ However, I don't judge those who change their gender. I figure that's their business, and that it's between them and God.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "Secrets~Are they the same as lies?"

I think it depends on the situation.... I think it's okay to keep a secret if it's to keep a good surprise from someone since the person will be told the truth on the day it's supposed to be revealed. Now, I think it can be the same as a lie if cheating in a relationship is involved.

Other News In My World!

I edited chapters 2, 3, 9, and 10 of my novel last night. I'm about to go make some gluten free sugar cookies with lemon raspberry icing on them. The cookies are a Namaste mix, and the icing is a Country Gourmet Home product. You can get the icing from http://www.mycountrygourmethome.com/pcockrell

April 30, 2013 at 10:51pm
April 30, 2013 at 10:51pm
April 30, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Describe your dreams. Are they liquid, fluid, constantly changing POV? Are they random, or to the point? Long or short? Are you watching a movie or playing a part in it? What format? (i.e. are they cartoons, or real life, or a mix of both?)"

My dreams usually revolve around me, so it's always in my POV. Most of the time, they are like a real life movie. They are usually random, and it varies on being long or short. Parts of my novel have been inspired by dreams. I also wrote a poem based on a dream.

Here's the link to one of the supporting characters that was inspired by a dream.

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This item number is not valid.
#1772153 by Not Available.

Here's the poem that was inspired by a nightmare.

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#1630316 by Not Available.

Your 2 Cents prompt is "War against Mother Nature~What's your responsiblity?"

I believe that our responsiblity is to side with Mother Nature as much as possible. However, I believe that Mother Nature is actually God since he is the one who provided us with the earth to take care of.

Here are some things that I believe people can do.

1. Recycle
2. Reuse
3. Eat more fruits and vegetables- I'm not saying that you have to become a vegetairian or vegan, but just realize that God wanted us to take care of the animals too. It's perfectly okay to eat meat since God provided us with animals to eat.
4. Exercise- When you exercise on a regular basis, you release endorphins in your body that make you happy. Being happy makes you a better person to be around.

Other News In My World!

I'm watching Preacher's Daughter. That Taylor girl is crazy! She does everything that her parents tell her not too. My parents would have killed me if I would have done the things that she does.

I went to Dollar General with my mom to pick up some things for my grandmother. I browsed through their book section (yes, believe it or not, the Dollar General in my town has a book section). When I get paid on Friday, I going to go back and buy Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King and Bullet by Laurell K. Hamilton. These books are both hard back and are being sold for five dollars a piece. Good deal, eh? I just hope they are both still there by Friday.
April 29, 2013 at 10:27pm
April 29, 2013 at 10:27pm
April 29, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What do you think are the three secrets to happiness?"

Here are the secrets to my happiness

1. God
2. My soulmate
3. my babies, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky

As the Beatles song said, "All you need is love".

Other News In My World!

I didn't feel to great today. I had a light seizure and fell in the kitchen. I'm feeling a little better now. Before I get offline, I will e-mail my soulmate and pay some bills online. Online bill pay is great (except for the one or two places that charge fees to do it).

April 28, 2013 at 5:04pm
April 28, 2013 at 5:04pm
April 28, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Free Day".

This is my 150th blog entry! It's neat to know that I've made it to this. I've been listening to some pretty cool songs by Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sintra today.

Here are my favorites that I've listened to so far (in no particular order).

1. Barricades and Brickwalls
2. Go Down Rockin'
3. Indian Summer
4. Anabelle of Moblie
5. Summer Wine
6. Paris Summer
7. Don't Let Go
8. Gypsies and Indians
9. Loving You, Loving Me
10. She Won't
11. Arkansas Coal
12. Some Velvet Morning
13. Sand
14. Sundown
15. The Night Before
16. The Hungry Years
17. Ladybird

Last night was wonderful! I got to be with my soulmate, and now I've experienced "afterglow" all day long. *Blush*

Now, I'm on to editing chapters 2b and 3a.

April 27, 2013 at 9:10am
April 27, 2013 at 9:10am
April 27, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Tell us about the one experience that has changed your life."

I think this prompt goes with today very well....... It was today back in 2000 when that one experience that changed my life happened. You see this was the day I met my soulmate. This was the day that I found out that I was cappable of truly loving someone, loving until it hurts. Until that day, I was headed down a dark path of sadness because of my past. My soulmate took the pain of the past away. To tell you the truth, I probably would have ended up eventually taking my own life if it hadn't been for him.........

I've been with him for 13 years today.............

Other News In My World!

I get to see my soulmate tonight for our anniversary!*Heart**Bigsmile* I'm listening to the song that I refer to as our song "Summer Wine" by Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra. I wonder if he remembers the day I sung that song to him.

April 26, 2013 at 1:00pm
April 26, 2013 at 1:00pm
April 26, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?"

I would pretty much be me except I would be married to my soulmate and be with him everyday, and of course, the babies, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky would be with us too.

Now, if you would have asked me that question when I was a teenager, I would have told you that I wanted to be June Lockhart. I've always thought that she's very beautiful and intellengent along with being very talented. She really is the best actress ever (at least in my opinion).

Other News In My World!

I spent the morning with my soulmate! *Heart**Bigsmile* Josette, Maggie, and Rocky got to spend time with him too! I just hated to see him go, but I will get to see him again tomorrow night, and that's what I'm holding on too.*Heart*

I made some yummy raspberry white chocolate fruit dip this morning. I got the mix from http://www.mycountrygourmet.com/pcockrell

I'm listening to music on Spotify. It's an app on facebook. I'm listening to Love in the Hot Afternoon by Gene Watson.
April 25, 2013 at 11:28pm
April 25, 2013 at 11:28pm
April 25, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What does "having it all" mean to you? Is it attainable?"

"Having it all" doesn't mean the same thing to me as it does to others I'm sure. I'm not after a career, riches, ect. It to it simply means having those in my life whom I love and love me back. This way of thinking is completely attainable. Just having my soulmate, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky in my life make it complete, and therefore, I have it all.

Other News In My World!

I get to see my soulmate tomorrow and Saturday! I've got to go now and get myself all "prettied up". I'm striving to look beautiful and maybe he will actually think that I look beautiful..........

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