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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

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Sister of Mercy
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April 2, 2013 at 10:36pm
April 2, 2013 at 10:36pm
April 2, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What expert do you wish could come teach you what they know?"

I would love for Stephen King, Bentley Little, or Gregory Maquire to teach me what they know about writing. The reason I choose these authors is that they writing in the genres that I write in. King and Bentley to teach me about writing horror, and Maquire to teach me about writing fantasy.

I would also like either Paula Dean, Gordon Ramsey, or Robert Irvine to teach me what they know about cooking.

Other News in my World!

I haven't felt to great today........ I get weak sometimes and can barely get out of bed... It's a side effect of the Seroquel that I have to take to treat the brain disorder that I have. I'm almost finished reading How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card. I've read 20 books in all since Jan 1st. I have 80 books until I reach my goal.
April 1, 2013 at 5:42pm
April 1, 2013 at 5:42pm
April 1, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "It's a day for pranksters! What's the best/worst prank you ever pulled off? If you're not a prankster, what was the best/worst (depends how you look at it) prank ever pulled on you?"

I really don't have much to say about this one. I've never really pulled any pranks or had any pulled on me.......

Well, I did use to do stuff on Halloween....... Maybe that would count............ I'll tell y'all about the Halloween when I was about 21. My mom, brother, and myself dressed up as a redneck canibalistic family...... My mom would come to the door carrying a butcher knife, my brother had a ugly mask on and carried a fake axe while sitting on a rocking chair out in the yard, and I was kind of dressed like a barefoot Hee Haw Honey.

Everytime a teenager would come in the yard, I would come up to the gate and let them in, my brother would walk up behind them and wave the fake axe around like he was going to chop off their heads and chase them up to the porch at the moment my mom would open the door, holding her butcher knife and say "My, I sure am hungry".

Most of those kids would drop at least half of their candy before running out of our yard screaming....... We ended up with a lot of candy that night.........

Does that qualify as a prank? I don't know, but I sure did have a lot of fun with my family that night!

Other News In My World!

I have some good news! I get to see my soulmate on our anniversary (April 27th)! I'm so happy!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 31, 2013 at 6:17pm
March 31, 2013 at 6:17pm
March 31, 2013

Today has been a depressing day with all of this rain! Rain, rain, go away and come back some other day!

I've been watching the Extreme Couponing marathon on TLC. I love this show, and I love to coupon. Now, I don't do it on the scale these people do........... I have zero desire to own 100 boxes of anything...... It's just too much! However, I do enjoy knowing that I have saved at least thirty or more dollars per shopping trip (most of the time).

I watched a neat lifetime movie last night called Dirty Teacher (what a name, huh?). I was surprised that it kept my interest so well! It was about a teacher who develops a crush on the high school baseball star, and then, student ends up dead. The students girlfriend ends up being blamed for his death.

It's time for me to go fix some supper....... I don't feel like eating much............ I might just bake some fries and melt some low fat velvetta over them and call it a day..............

The Walking Dead season finale will be on tonight on AMC.......... I want next season to start again already!

I've been reading My Sweet Audrina some more and haven't been able to put it down since last night. I'm really caught up in the story........ I love reading about all of the unusual family secrets in this novel and in all of VC Andrews other novels too.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

March 30, 2013 at 6:32pm
March 30, 2013 at 6:32pm
March 30, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "It's Spring in the northern hemisphere, and traditionally time for spring cleaning! Is there anything in your life that needs to be cleaned up or cleaned out?"

I'm actually planning on doing some spring cleaning this coming week because I'm having a yardsale Saturday if the weather permits. I'm trying to raise some money to pay for the fee to get my passport. I'm going on a mission trip for a week in August to a Cree reservation in Canada. This will be my first time to ever leave the country, in fact, it will be the first time for me to ride on an airplane too.........

My bedroom closets, junkroom, and kitchen cabinets need to be cleared out........ I'm also working on cleaning up my health by tweeking my diet some more and reving up the workouts too. I bought a belly dancing workout video awhile back and started that workout Thursday.

Other News In My World!

I'm getting toward the end of The Stand. I'm in the last 200 pages where the Free Zone has sent three spies to Nevada to spy on Flagg. I'm also halfway through the last book in the Fifty Shades trilogy called Fifty Shades Freed. The plot has really thickened in this book, and there's some good conflict in it. The car chase is great! I've started reading The Haunted by Bentley Little and have read about 100 pages already. It's really eerie........ I'm also reading A Lion Among Me (the third book in the Wicked series), My Sweet Audrina by VC Andrews (one of her stand alone books), and How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card (getting close to the end on this one too).

March 29, 2013 at 10:29am
March 29, 2013 at 10:29am
March 29, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "If you could be any fictional character in the world, who would you choose to be? Why?"

I wouldn't say that I've ever wanted to be any fictional character, but there is one that I've felt like I could relate to very much. I always felt like my life was rather similar to Megan Cleary from The Thornbirds.

Megan Cleary grew up being the one in the shadows when it came to her parents. Her brothers always seemed to be favored, and for the longest time, I felt that my brother was the one who was loved and not me. I felt as if I would and could never be good enough....... Then there was the man,Father Ralph, whom she truly loved, but could never truly have........... Now, I've never been in love with a priest, but I have desperately loved someone who will never be completely mine.............. She always wanted to have a family of her own, and she did have two children, but there was a lot of conflict there......... Now, I've never been able to have children, therefore, I've never been able to have the family I've wanted either.......

Other News In My World!

Today is Good Friday, and my mom and brother are both at home.......... We had Mexican last night........It was pretty good.......... I watched another good movie last night........ It was called The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. I loved the characters in this movie, especially the one played by Maggie Smith. The central plot of the movie centered around the lives of some senior citizens who came from England to India to stay at a hotel called The Marigold Hotel. The acting was great, especially when you have actors like Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Tom Wilkerson, ect.

I think I'm going to do some cooking today............. I might start off with fixing a fruit dip.......... Not sure which one yet, but it will be one of my Country Gourmet Home mixes.......... Just can't decide among these three flavors: vanilla, watermelon white chocolate, or raspberry white chocolate......... I still have some apple lemonade, so I think I'll so have some while I decide.......... After I make the dip, I might just make that chicken and rice casserole.......... I just might make the crabby seafood dip either tomorrow or on Easter.

If you're curious, all of those products I mentioned are in the Country Gourmet Home line. I'm an independent consultant...............

Here's my website......... http://www.mycountrygourmethome.com/pcockrell

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 28, 2013 at 11:27pm
March 28, 2013 at 11:27pm
March 28, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "The Easter Bunny wants to know: what is it that motivates you in your life?"

That's a good question........... I really wouldn't say what rather than who........ The ones who motivate me to do go in life (or the best I can) are the following:

1. God
2. my soulmate
3. Josette
4. Maggie
5. Rocky
6. my Mom
7. my church family

Other News In My World

I watched a really good movie today. The movie was called Sinster. I wasn't expecting this movie to be so good. I thought it was just going to be a very predictable horror film. This was certainly not the case. The storyline was great, and I liked the fact that the movie was really mysterious by only giving little bits of info at a time.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

March 27, 2013 at 11:27pm
March 27, 2013 at 11:27pm
March 27, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What is your favorite holiday home-cooked meal? Describe it in detail."

I love to have Cake Batter pancakes with blueberry syrup for breakfast, cornish hens, mashed potatoes and green beans for lunch, and then finish it up with a good supper of leftovers from lunch.

Here's the recipe for the Cake Batter Pancakes

1 cup gluten free pancake mix
1 cup gluten free vanilla cake mix
1 cup soymilk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract (use the real kind not the imitation kind)

Mix all of the ingredients together using a wooden spoon. Then cook each side until the edges are golden. I would recommend cooking these pancakes using an electric skillet even though using a regular skillet will do.

The best gluten free pancake mixes are Country Gourmet Home gluten free Buttermilk pancake mix or Pamela's Baking and Pancake mix. The best gluten free vanilla cake mixes are Pamela's White cake mix or Namesta White cake mix. For the soymilk, I use either the Walmart brand or Silk.

To make the mashed potatoes taste great, I use Country Gourmet Home Garlic Mashed potato seasoning. For the green beans, I use bacon bits (the real ones not the imitation ones).

I just forgot......... There will be dessert! I will be making gluten free root beer float cupcakes. I will use Pamela's vanilla cake mix and add 1 cup of root beer in addition to the other ingredients that the mix calls for. I will frost the cupcakes using Country Gourmet Home buttery vanilla frosting and will add a little root beer to it.

Other News in My World...........

I'm watching Duck Dynasty right now....... I really love that show!!!!!!!!! Now I'm off to do some light reading before going to bed..........

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 26, 2013 at 10:37pm
March 26, 2013 at 10:37pm
March 26, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What is your favorite family Easter memory?"

The Easter Sunday when I was nine is the most vivid one because it wasn't your run of the mill one.... It was in 1986, and I was in the fourth grade. My dad was somewhere on the road (he was a cross country truck driver), and my brother wasn't born yet. It was just my mom and I. We were broke and didn't even have gas to go to the little country church that we attended regularly for their sunrise service.

Now, you may think what I'm setting this up for is to tell you my worst Easter memory ever, so just read on.........

My mom and I slept in and didn't wake up until 11:00 am that day. Mom looked in the cabinet and got out two box of Chief Boyardee pizza mix (that was about all we had to eat). I know y'all are wondering why two boxes for two people. Well, my mom was pg with my brother. She was either 7 or 8 months along and had cravings (most of the time she had to just eat what we had available).

When 12 rolled around, the pizzas were ready. We sat down in the living room, and Mom turned it to a channel called USA. There was a mini horror marathon playing on that channel. The movies The Hills Have Eyes 1 and 2 were the movies in that marathon. Now, I'm talking about the original ones not those worthless remakes that were made a couple of years ago...... Mom and I usually always watched horror movies on the weekend on USA. I remembered that day eating pizza, watching those movies, and sitting down on the floor by my mom (she was sitting in a rocking chair). By the time the second movie came on, my head was in her lap.

It simply turned out to be a nice day to get to spend with my mom..... Just the two of us....... You just have to make the best out of a depressing situation............ It wasn't a big deal that I didn't get an Easter basket after all......... I would have much rather had the day just the way it was......... Easter baskets and all of the other Easter trimmings don't subsitute for being with family..............

Other news in my world..........

I'm watching Chopped on the Food Nextwork. I love cooking shows. Earlier tonight, I watched Hell's Kitchen on Fox. Cooking competition shows are so exciting to watch (at least to me anyway).

It's time for me to put my babies to bed. They are used to going to bed between 9 and 9:30.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

March 25, 2013 at 7:18pm
March 25, 2013 at 7:18pm
March 25, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "We all have our low points in life. How do you get through times like these? How do get through times like these?"

I get through them by praying, reading my bible, and going to church. I also get through through them by leaning on my soulmate and my babies, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky.

Here's a prompt that I missed while my computer had that awful computer virus.

What can you find at home that you can find no where else?

That's simple! My babies, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky!

Other news in my world

I've been watching old episodes of Dark Shadows. I'm watching the ones that take place in the 1700s where Victoria Winters was taken back in time through a seanace (I'm not sure how to spell that). I'm also almost finished reading Garden of Shadows by VC Andrews (last book in the Dollenger series). When I finish it, I will start reading My Sweet Audrina (this book is not in a series).

I'm cooking stir fry (chicken, brocolli, and rice) for supper. Doesn't that sound delcious?

I'm also working on editing my novel. I'm on chapter 5. I wish I could get a review for that chapter........... I tend not to be able to see things that need to be changed, and other pair of eyes are so helpful.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 23, 2013 at 5:59pm
March 23, 2013 at 5:59pm
March 23, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Write about the funniest thing that ever happened to you."

I was 6 years old, and my Mom entered me in a talent contest. She had me to wear overalls, a gingham print shirt under them, brown boots, and a straw hat. A teacher had given my mother a skit/monologue about life on a farm for me to perform. I was so against this....... I wanted to sing a Coal Miner's Daughter by Loretta Lynn.

I threw a big fit the day of the talent contest..... I was okay with what I was going to wear for the beauty part of the contest. I wore a long blue dress with lace trimming.

I'm digressing now. Anyway, I got over my anger about having to do that skit. At 6 years old, there isn't much you can do about most things.

A few hours later, I was on stage for the beauty part of the contest. That went okay, and I won 1st runner up. Then the photogenic winner was announced. I won most photeogenic! *Bigsmile*

Then came the part that I was dreading.........The talent part of the contest. The skit/monologue was called "Moo Cow Moo" (what a stupid name to call something!). I walked up on stage with a plastic cow and placed it on the floor in front of me.

I started reciting that awful thing along with walking around the plastic cow acting out "Moo Cow Moo". Then I realized that the safety pins that were keeping the sides of my overalls together had come undone, and the sides of my underwear has showing. After that I forgot the words to the last part of the skit while trying to hold the sides of the overalls together. \

My Mom was backstage trying to tell me my lines, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. Then I walked around the plastic cow and started my skit from the beginning and finally made it to the end while holding the sides of my overalls until I had to bend down and pretending that I was milking the plastic cow. Then my panties were showing again because I had to use both hands to look like I was milking the cow.

I was so humilated (at least in a 6 year olds point of view). I kept thinking that I totally bombed and wasn't going to place...... While standing backstage, I listened to the emcee announce the runners up. My name wasn't called..... Then there was only the winner to announce......... There were three of us standing backstage wondering if our name was going to be called.......... It seemed like forever waiting for the winner to be announced..........

The emcee called MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't go out on the stage at first because I thought that it was a mistake. I was gently push out on stage........ I looked like a deer caught in headlights as a crown and sash were given to me along with a red rose.............. I just couldn't believe I won, and I've always thought the judges just gave me the award because they felt sorry for me..........

Here's a prompt from the days I missed.

We all have obsessions. What do you obsess about? Why?

I really don't obsess about stuff.......... However, I have been told that I have a June Lockhart obsession..... I've always wanted to look like her, and I like the way she talks............ She has a very unique speaking voice......... I have a collection of her movies.... Most of them are on VHS, and I've been slowly converting this collection to DVDs. I also have all of the episodes of Lost In Space downloaded on my playstation 3.

I'm also obsessed when it comes to my soulmate......... I think about him all the time.......... That's a good obsession that I will never give up........ I think that love, romance, and obsession go together.

Other news in my world!

I'm planning on watching the new SyFy channel movie. It's called Chupacabra vs. the Alamo. I like horror movies that take place at historical sites.

I'm listening to songs on Spoify. It's an app on Facebook. I'm currently listening to Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash's cover of It Ain't Me Babe. I think they actually sing it better than Bob Dylan.

I've got to go now and make pimeto and cheese for supper tonight.

Bye for now,

Sister of Mercy
March 22, 2013 at 12:47am
March 22, 2013 at 12:47am
March 22, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What is your idea of a perfect day?"

My idea of a perfect day is when I get to see my soulmate............ He always makes my day and night *Bigsmile*...............

Here's a prompt that I missed while I was away.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

I think I'm a little bit of both. It depends on my mood and whom I'm around. I'm an extrovert when I'm with my soulmate.............. I'm probably more of an introvert when I'm around every one else.

Other news in my world!

I have Windows 7 now, and it's taking a while to get used to. Before a few days ago, I had Windows XP for the longest time. I also have a different internet driver on my computer too. I have a little device that I plug into the wall, and it's called a data card. It's suppose to get 4G in most places, but I live in a small town that hasn't got it yet, so I'm still only getting 3G. However, it seems faster than before...... Could it be because I now have Windows 7? Maybe some of you computer experts can tell me?????

I went to a Beauty and Beau pageant tonight at the high school that I attended about 20 years ago.......... I think I just told my approximate age *Blush*.

I like the way the contest is handled now........ Back in my day, it was rather rigged. It seemed a lot more fair to the contestants. Not just the rich or popular kids won.

Bye for now,

Sister of Mercy
March 22, 2013 at 12:23am
March 22, 2013 at 12:23am
March 21, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Write about a moment in your life when you had to "step up" and do something, even though perhaps you didn't want to."

This is a hard one to write about because I've had many moments in my life (especially in the last few years). The times I've had to "step up" was when I had to finally stand up to several relatives on my Mom's side of the family. They seem to love to insult myself and my brother every chance they get........ I finally had enough of it and told them off. I know it sounds disrespectful, but just because they are family doesn't mean that they are allowed to be down right mean and nasty!

Since I have been away for quite sometime because of that computer virus that messed my computer up, I have decided to write about some of the prompts that I missed.

Feb 25, 2013- What is your favorite season? Why?

My favorite season is spring. It was summer when I was younger, but ever since April 27, 2000 (when I met my soulmate), it changed to spring. When spring comes, I get really happy and look forward to our anniversary.

Other News In My World!

I finally got my internet back today! The computer virus is gone! If you get an e-mail claiming it's from Fed Ex, inspect it carefully. Make sure that the e-mail address contains "Fed Ex" in it because the phony ones that are sent out are very official looking.

My weight loss has come to a stop........ I'm still trying though, and I'm starting to make changes to try to overcome the early plateau that I've hit. I'm going back following a vegetarian's diet (well, close to one). I've already just about stopped eating pork and now I'm working on cutting out most red meat. Now, I'm not saying that I will never eat those I just won't eat them very often.

My goal of reading 100 books by the end of the year is coming along quite nicely. I've read 17 books (83 to more to go), and I've almost finished reading two more.

Bye for now,

Sister of Mercy
February 23, 2013 at 9:21am
February 23, 2013 at 9:21am
Feb 23, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "If marijuana were legal, what do you think would be the biggest resulting problem or the biggest benefit?"

For the most part, I say that it shouldn't be legalized. I've heard of too many cases where a person starts off smoking it then going on to try stronger drugs like cocanine, heroin, meth, ect. Now, I have heard that it does have some medical benefits. However, I just don't know how it could be regulated for that purpose without people abusing it or selling it to others (especially to minors).

Other News In My World!

I'm halfway through reading five out of the seven books that I've been reading. I plan on doing some laundry today and editing chapter 4 of my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. Tonight, I'll study my Sunday School lesson. I guess not much is going on in my world today. *Laugh*
February 23, 2013 at 9:08am
February 23, 2013 at 9:08am
Feb 22, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Describe one of your most pleasant surprises."

This is kind of a hard prompt for me because pleasant surprises come everyday for me. Everyday that I wake up to face a new day is a pleasant surprise because I never know for certain that when I go to sleep that I'm going wake up the next day. A person is never guaranteed tomorrow.......

Other News In My World!

I went through some of my books that I haven't sold yet and listed them on a site called paperbackswap. I've found that it's difficult to sell books since Kindles, Nooks, and ect have become so popular. I guess I'm old fashioned. I like to hold a book in my hands and turn each page.
February 23, 2013 at 8:59am
February 23, 2013 at 8:59am
Feb 21 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Are you a leader or follower?"

For me, it depends on the situation. If it's a situation where I'm confident that I know what's going on and have the correct info, then I can lead quite well. However, if it's a situation where I don't know all the facts, then I will follow along (at least until I know what's going on).

Other news in my world!

It really sucks being without my glasses. I just can't get everything I need to do done in a timely manner. My dryer quit the other day too. Now, I have to the laundry at my house then take it to the laundry mat to dry them. It's a real pain in the behind................

February 19, 2013 at 11:23pm
February 19, 2013 at 11:23pm
Feb 19, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What makes you laugh?"

A lot of stuff makes me laugh. I laugh all of the time!

Here's a list of some of the things that make me laugh.

1. watching Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo on TLC
2. watching Duck Dynasty on A&E
3. watching my babies Josette, Maggie, and Rocky play......They do the cutest things when they play
4. watching Tyler Perry's Madea movies and plays

Other news in my world!

I didn't lose any weight this week, but I didn't gain any either (that's good). I just hope this week is better for me with losing weight. Rocky got a hold of my glasses before I woke up this morning and thought they would make a good chew toy. As a result, I had to rig these glasses up enough for me to see around the house until next week (my glasses will come in sometime next week).
February 18, 2013 at 12:20am
February 18, 2013 at 12:20am
Feb 18, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What makes you cry?"

I'm the first one to admit that I'm not one to cry much. However, I can't stand to see one of my babies (Josette, Maggie, Rocky) upset/ hurt in anyway or my soulmate upset/hurt in anyway. Those would be the only things that would make me cry.

Other News In My World!

There's not much new right now. I'm watching this week's episode of The Walking Dead on AMC. I totally love that show! I can't sleep tonight, so I think I'll do some reading during the commercial break and after The Walking Dead is over. Maybe, I'll finally go to sleep in a little while.

I also edited chapter 1 and 3 b of my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun today.

Y'all don't forget to check this raffle out!

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February 17, 2013 at 9:08am
February 17, 2013 at 9:08am
Feb 17, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Free day, write about whatever you desire".

I woke up at six this morning. I'm usually not a morning person, but on Sunday mornings, I like to read my Sunday School lesson (we've been studying 1 Samuel). I also read some of the novels that I've been reading.

Now, I'm off to have a vanilla chai tea smoothie. They are so delicious!!!!!!!!!!! They are made from soy milk, so if you are vegetarian or vegan, this would be perfect for you! This smoothie is made by a company called Boathouse.

Have a great day!

Sister of Mercy

PS...........Please check out this raffle!

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February 16, 2013 at 4:34pm
February 16, 2013 at 4:34pm
Feb 16, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Love Conquers All".

Yes, love does conquer all. My soulmate and I can really agree with that statement. We've been through a lot but have managed to stay together despite all of the obstacles. I can really say that he has saved me from myself. I won't say any more because those are private matter between us. However, I will say that I thank God everyday that He brought my soulmate into my life!

Other News In My World!

Mom and I went to get her taxes finished. It was pretty easy since I had every thing organized. It only took about an hour. I ate a salad from Subway. It was a Steak and Cheese one. It was pretty good. I plan on watching Subspecies two in a little while.

February 16, 2013 at 4:20pm
February 16, 2013 at 4:20pm
Feb 15, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "True Love".

True love to me is some one who will never leave you or forsake you no matter what..... I have four true loves in my life.

1. my soulmate
2. Josette
3. Maggie
4. Rocky

Other News In My World!

I finished gathering my mother's receipts and other info for her tax appointment at H&R Block tomorrow. I also watch Subspecies for the second time. My family and I got take out from the Mexican restaurant tonight. I ate chicken and cheese nachos.

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