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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

Check out my novel!

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Check out my website!


Sister of Mercy
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January 6, 2013 at 7:06pm
January 6, 2013 at 7:06pm
Jan 5, 2013

Topic for 30 Day Blogging Challenge "Design and write about what would be your ideal contest on WDC."

My ideal contest, if I had the time to host one, would be one where a recipe would be the prompt and the writer could either write a short story or poem that made references to the recipe. I just don't know if I would get any entries. The reason I would center it around recipes is that I love to cook.

Topic for Blogging Circle of Friends "If you could wake up tomorrow and find one thing had changed about the world, what would you have that one thing be?"

I would wish for animal cruelty to go away. I wish people would realize that animals have feelings too. No more dogs and cats in cages wishing to be out of them. No more animals having to go through trash cans for their next meal. Most of all, not another animal would ever be subjected to any kind of violence because they do hurt physically and mentally when people hurt them. Yes, they do cry just like people do..........
January 4, 2013 at 1:19pm
January 4, 2013 at 1:19pm
Jan 4, 2013

Today's 30 Day's of Blogging prompt is

"Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it."
~Bill Cosby
Discuss the above quotation and whether or not you believe the same.

I like this quote, but it really never applied during my childhood/life. I guess that's why I can't fully embrace it now. I had a rough childhood and laughter wasn't apart of it. I don't even think I really truly felt any emotion besides pain until I was 24, and that was when I met my soulmate. He took the pain away.............

Now, I can say there have been sometimes like bad financial times that I've been able to joke about, so maybe that's my way of using humor to get through a bad situation.

Today's Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What are your New Year's Resolutions?"

I've already blog about this on the 1st for another blog group. However, I think it's good to remind myself of what those resolutions are and to review my progress if any.

1. lose 100 pounds by Dec 31st 2013.... I've already lost 5 pounds since the 1st. I realize those pounds are water weight, but at least those pounds are off of me.

2. go to at least 5 shows to sell Country Gourmet Home products..... If everything works out, I will go to my first show in February and my second show in April.

3. read at least 100 books by Dec 31st.... I've read 2 already and have almost finished another.

4. follow The Kind Diet (some of it anyway) This has been a little harder than anticipated, but I have cut back on my meat consumption drastically. I've also cut back on my dairy intake a little bit too.

5. complete the final edit of my novel by April 1st.....I haven't started on this yet.... I need to get it in gear on this.

6. send queries/outlines/synopsis/sample chapters starting April 2nd..... can't do this until number 5 is complete

7. improve credit score to 700 by Dec 31st 2013..... In 2012, I repaired my credit and my score went from 450 to 606.

8. exercise everyday..... I have started walking my dog, Maggie, on the leash in my yard several times a day.

I'm listening to a Sat radio station on my TV. It's a classic country station. The song "There Ain't No Good Chain Gangs" by Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings is playing. I love listening to those two singers, and I love that song!

Sister of Mercy
January 3, 2013 at 10:13am
January 3, 2013 at 10:13am
Jan 3rd, 2013

Do you believe that incorrect spellings and grammar are acceptable in creative forms such as poetry?

It depends on what it is.......... Incorrect spellings, generally no. However, I will admit that I will slip up and miss spell words. Punctuation in poetry is another matter because of the format. Sometimes too much punctuation in poetry hinders it in my opinion.

When I'm blogging at times, I don't like being tied down by constantly thinking about grammar because blogging to me is casually writing between myself and my audience (like writing to a friend). I end up following the rules most of the time, so I'm understood except for maybe using too many commas.

January 2, 2013 at 10:02am
January 2, 2013 at 10:02am
Jan 2, 2013

If you could give any person in the world one gift (money and time are no obstacle), who would you pick and what would you give them?

I would be able to have a child with my soulmate. I also know that my soulmate has always wanted a son, and I would love to be able to have a son for him.

However, I can't have children because of my health... I'm going through early menopause at 36............... It breaks my heart..............

I'm sorry this is hard for me to write about..... It literally brings tears to my eyes......

Sister of Mercy

January 1, 2013 at 11:28pm
January 1, 2013 at 11:28pm
Jan 1, 2013

1. lose 100 pounds by Dec 31st 2013
2. go to at least 5 shows to sell Country Gourmet Home products
3. read at least 100 books by Dec 31st 2013
4. follow The Kind Diet (at least some of it)
5. complete the final edit of my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun by April 1st
6. Send queries/outlines/synopsis/sample chapters to agents starting April 2nd
7. improve my credit score by Dec 31st 2013 (I've already improved is some from 450 to 602) I would like to get it to the 650-700 range.
8. exercise everyday by working out on the Wii Fit and my two workout DVDs

I've given myself exact dates on many of my resolutions. I watched Dr. Phil on Dec 31st, and he said that people are most likely to keep their resolutions if they make them more exact by giving numbers/dates to them instead of being vague.

Sister of Mercy
January 1, 2013 at 11:15pm
January 1, 2013 at 11:15pm
Jan 1, 2013

Day 1 topic

Write about the area of your writing you would most like to improve.

The area of my writing I would most like to improve is my ability to show instead of tell. I know that I have improved to a certain extent, but I know that I still need to work on areas of showing through dialogue and description. For example, my dialogue tends to just tell information. My description tends to have a little too much exposition in it. At least, that is what I've been told in reviews, but I have noticed that reviewers haven't said that as much as they have before.

I've also been reading books on how to improve my writing in all areas, not just the famous "show vs. tell".

Have a great night/day!

Sister of Mercy
October 23, 2012 at 4:02pm
October 23, 2012 at 4:02pm
Hi Friends!

It's been a long time since I've written, and I'm planning on starting back blogging again.

I'm doing a lot of things right now.

1. Planning to write the sequel to "Invalid Item for NaNo.
2. I'm looking for sponsors for the NaNo WriMists Write-A-Thon "NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon Group (I have four sponsors, but my goal is to get ten at least).
3. I've been developing gluten free recipes for a cookbook that I will be posting on WDC.
4. I'm reading a lot right now. Check that list out right here. "Invalid Item
5. I'm also busy with my two businesses (selling Country Gourmet Home products and selling used books).

I've got to go now and get to work!

June 27, 2012 at 4:04pm
June 27, 2012 at 4:04pm
June 27th 2012

I know I haven't been around very much and not very active at WDC in quite some time. It's been hard since my Dad died. I was very close to him. He was the inspiration for my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. I haven't been able to look at it since he died even though I would like to finish editing it and send it to agents.

I've also been very sick myself during the past few weeks..... What scares me is that some of my symptoms are kind of like my Dad's when he started getting sick with cancer.............

However, I'm trying to be positive and tell myself that it's going to be okay.

I did go to the doctor Monday. She gave me some antibotics to me to take for three days. They haven't done any good. She told me to come back if I'm not any better. I'm going to go back. I'm determined to get better!

I'm also behind with closing out my last two activities...... I will get to those as soon as can....... I'm truly sorry about that........

I've got to go now and try to do some work...................

Sister of Mercy
May 15, 2012 at 4:27pm
May 15, 2012 at 4:27pm
May 15th 2012

Hi Y'all!

I've been running two at home businesses lately: selling used books and the other one is being an Independent Consultant for Country Gourmet Home.

Here are my websites


The Yardsellr website is host to the books and jewelry that I sell, and the other one is my Country Gourmet Home business.

I'm trying to get back into reading and finishing the final edits on my novel Bloodshed on the Setting Sun.

I've been reading the book Life's That Way by Jim Beaver (played on Deadwood and is currently on Supernatural as Bobby Singer). It's about the when the actor was taking care of his terminally ill wife and autistic toddler. The books contains all of the e-mails he wrote to his family and friends during that time. I'm about a little over half way through the book, and I'm compiling a reading list for the rest of the year. Now, I may not get to all of them, so the ones I don't get to this year will roll over to next year's list.

Here's the list.

1. Life's That Way- Jim Beaver (currently reading)
2. Beautiful Losers- Leonard Cohen
3. Composed- Rosanne Cash
4. Skeleton Crew- Stephen King
5. Wicked- Gregory Maquire
6. Son of a Witch- Gregory Maquire
7. Pet Sematary- Stephen King
8. Flowers In the Attic- VC Andrews
9. Petals on the Wind- VC Andrews
10. If There Be Thorns- VC Andrews
11. Seeds of Yesterday- VC Andrews
12. Garden of Shadows- VC Andrews
13. The Stand- Stephen King
14. The Tailsman- Stephen King and Peter Straub
15. Black House- Stephen King and Peter Straub
16. The Unwelcome Child- Terese Pampellone
17. The Right Hand of Evil- John Saul
18. Dispatch- Bentley Little
19. Perfect Night- John Saul
20. The Town- Bentley Little
21. In the Dark of the Night- John Saul
22. The Store- Bentley Little
23. The Association- Bentley Little
24. Heaven- VC Andrews
25. Dark Angel- VC Andrews
26. Fallen Hearts- VC Andrews
27. Gates of Paradise- VC Andrews
28. Web of Dreams- VC Andrews
29. My Sweet Audrina- VC Andrews
30. Frankenstien Book One- Dean Koontz
31. Frankenstien Book Two- Dean Koontz
32. Guardian- John Saul
33. Lonesome Dove- Larry McMurtry
34. Comanche Moon- Larry McMurtry
35. Watchers- Dean Koontz

This ought to tie me over in the reading department through the end of the year.

Got to make like a library and book because Dr. Phil is on!

Sister of Mercy
April 2, 2012 at 9:20am
April 2, 2012 at 9:20am
Monday April 02 2012

Have you ever have something stolen from you? What was it? How did this make you feel? Did you get it back? Or did you hatch a plan to get it back? Do you think it would have worked?

When I was 12 years old, I had a book about Johnny Cash that was written in 1973. I read it three times in two weeks. However by the end of the second week, it was taken from my locker. Now there were the usual suspects. Most of the people in my class, but a few people really stood out and I set out to find out what they might know with a little force (yes, I know that's wrong, but I was I thug back then). No one seemed to want to talk though no matter how much I screamed, slapped, or slammed up against the wall. I also know now that was not the way to go about getting my book back. I did learn to keep what I believed to be of value to me at home and never at school because people at school will mess with it every time.

Have a good day,

Sister of Mercy
April 2, 2012 at 12:15am
April 2, 2012 at 12:15am
Sunday April 01 2012

Must Haves For A Successful Road Trip

I rarely get to go anywhere since I'm a shut-in who can't drive because of a brain disorder that causes seizures, but when I do get to go somewhere on that rare instances these are the things I have to take.

1. Gluten free snack because of my food allergies. I would starve if I didn't because it is sometimes impossible to find something to eat at convience stores and rest areas that people would most likely stop at along the way.

2. I can't forget to bring my meds with me. I also bring the bottles with me in case I have to stop at a Wal-Mart, Walgreens, or RiteAid to have them refilled in an emergency.

3. Can't forget the cell phone charger. I've seen too many movies where the cell phones dies and the person is SOL in trying to call for help.

4. Extra change of clothes, you never know what may happen and you don't want to have to wear dirty clothes. That would be just gross!

5. My skin care, make up, and other beauty aids, a lady can't go around not being clean, with gross breath, sweaty arm pits, and without her pretty face.

6. a map, first aide supplies, and a small tool kit because you don't want to get lost, go around with an exposed cut that could get nasty, and my Dad always told me to keep a Phillips head screw driver and a flat head screw driver along with a small wrench at the very least. He also told me to have a flashlight with me too. Mom never listens and doesn't keep them in the car though.

7. The most important thing is to just have fun and you will if you're prepared.

Have a good one!

Sister of Mercy

October 29, 2011 at 9:46pm
October 29, 2011 at 9:46pm
Saturday, Oct 29th 2011

Hi Y'all!

I want to announce the special that I have going on for my WDC friends at The Book Nook. I'm offering a 10% discount off of any order from my shop to all of you. All you have to do is go to the website, decide what you would like to purchase, and e-mail me with your selection instead of going through the checkout page. I will then give you instructions on payment in the reply e-mail.

I've got to go and organize some more inventory! Mysteries, thillers, horror, sci-Fi/fantasy, and non fiction galore! I also have a few westerns to add to the mix too.

Sister of Mercy
October 28, 2011 at 10:51am
October 28, 2011 at 10:51am
Friday October 28, 2011

Hi Y'all!

I've been busy everyday updating my business (The Book Nook) website. I'm starting to get the hang of how to construct the website, but there is so much more that I need to learn.

I'm going through some more romance books today. I will add titles by the end of this weekend from authors including: Janet Dailey, Nora Roberts, Elizabeth Lowell, Jude Deveraux, Catherine Coulter, Sherryl Woods, Linda Lael Miller, and Johanna Lindsey.

I've got to get back to work!

Please check out the website!

October 25, 2011 at 11:29am
October 25, 2011 at 11:29am
Tuesday, Oct 25, 2011

I want to tell y'all about my new adventure. I've started an online used book store called The Book Nook. I'm also selling the books at fairs and festivals too.

Please check out my website at


I also have a raffle going on that I would love for y'all to check out.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1820252 by Not Available.

I've got to go now. I swear I have too many thing to do!
October 20, 2011 at 2:33pm
October 20, 2011 at 2:33pm
Thursday Oct 20, 2011

I got the title to today's entry from an old Lee Hazlewood song called These are Cold Hard Times.

My life is going down the toliet right now. Both of my parents are really sick. My mother just got out of the hospital after having two different proceedures. She had a gallstone removed from a bile duct and then her gallbladder was removed. She just got out of the hospital yesterday afternoon. She hurts so bad she can barely walk.

My dad will be going into the hospital on Monday for a biopsy on his lung. A lymphnode was found on his right lung. The doctor said that it is a huge chance that it's stage 3 or 4 lung cancer.

Luckly, my dad has medicare, a supplement, and cancer insurance. However, my mom is uninsured. I'm having to have to figure out a way to help pay for her medical bills even though my used book selling business and coupon clipping business are both still in the beginning stages.

I would love to be able to keep up my membership here and go to the meet and greet next August but I don't see how I'm going to be able to since Dad can't work anymore.

I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on.......

Sister of Mercy
September 19, 2011 at 6:49pm
September 19, 2011 at 6:49pm
Monday, September 19 2011

It's been quite sometime since I've last written. My life is going through a lot of changes. I've started a new business called Sister Goes Shopping. It's an online personal shopping business. I'm also selling used books at fairs and festivals.

I'm also on a site called Listia. Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out.


It's a great site to get free or low cost stuff like clothes, books, DVDs, cosmetics, coupons for free products, gift cards, ect. I'm also running five auction on there.

I've also been selling items on ebay under pcockrell35. Be sure to check that out. I have 2 DVDs on sale there and coupon packs (I'm selling my services as a coupon clipper, not the coupons since that is illegal).

I've also joined a site called Inbox dollars. It's a site that pays members to read e-mails, fill out surveys, and complete offers. I have earned almost 13 dollars and will receive a check when I hit 30 dollars. If anyone would like more info, just let me know and I'll send you an invite.

I've also lost 20 pounds so far and almost two clothing sizes. I'm even beginning to wear Misses XL instead of a plus size 1 or 2 X. Wheat and corn free is the way to go! Cutting back on dairy helps too!

I've started eating broccolli for the first time. It is absolutely delicious!

I've went to two nice towns recently, Martin, TN and Red Bay, AL. I helped my friends sell t-shirts in both towns at festivals. The one in Martin was called The Soybean Festival and the one in Red Bay was called Founder's Day. Also while I was at the Soybean Festival in Martin, I got to see three different music acts, Uncle Cracker, Kansas, and Diamond Rio. At Red Bay, I learned what "Buck Dancing" is. It's kind of like clogging. It was fun to watch.

I want to appologize for falling behind with WDC. I'm currently working on catching up now.

If anyone is looking for an online personal shopper, just drop me a note.

Yours Truly,

Sister of Mercy

August 20, 2011 at 11:19pm
August 20, 2011 at 11:19pm
Saturday August 20th 2011

I've been working on this novel, "Invalid Item, what feels like a lifetime. However, I haven't worked on it quite a liftetime. Here's the progression of my baby.

My novel was orignally born in 2006 as The Faerie Realm. While I was working on this baby, another baby was born, but it was a series of stories that took place in a small town called Deacon, Mississippi. These two were crying out for more, but both needed more for them to survive. As a result, the two became one. I combined them into one novel called All Roads Lead to Deacon, Mississippi in 2009. Then around October 2010, I decided to scrap this child because she was becoming too unruly. I deleted this child from my port and shredded her hard copy. The only things I kept were some notes and character sketches.

I gave birth to a new child called "Invalid Item in Nov 2010 during NaNo. She behaved much better, not perfect mind you, but was definetly an improvement. After NaNo, I enrolled in classes for the first time at New Horizons. I ended up writing additional material as class assignments that will be included in the final draft. Here are the pieces, "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item, and "Invalid Item. I also have another piece called An April Affair that may end up in the novel (it's in my port in the folder Welcome to Dexubee County).

My baby is now growing up and has now become "Invalid Item. I hope my child will turn 18 by October, so I can write the query letters and send her out into the world.

I'm currently expecting again. This one is going to be a little girl too. I'm naming her Blood on the Blue Moon. I'm enrolled in the NaNo class in October, so I will have a midwife to help me out with the birth in Nov.

Sister of Mercy
August 17, 2011 at 2:29am
August 17, 2011 at 2:29am
Wednesday August 17 2011

When I was 15 years old, my grandma Laveil moved from Goshen, Indiana to my neck of the woods in Mississippi. She moved during the summer and lived in a little apartment. I practically lived there with her.

She got me addicted to bagels and cream cheese (this was way before I found out that I was allergic to wheat). She taught me how to fix homemade bannana pudding (can't have that anymore either *Cry*).

She also bought a beauty kit for me that was just like hers. It contained these products.

1. Rosebud Slave (this is a must have for lips and cuticles!!!!!!!) *Thumbsup*
2. Dr. Scholls foot cream (I use Dr. Scholl's For Her Ultra Overnight Foot Cream now)
3. Avon Cinamon foot scrub (I now use Avon Foot Works Scrub Watermelon scent)
4. Oil of Olay Moisterizer (This turned out to be to greasey for me,but I do use Oil of Olay Definity pore redfining scrub and Oil of Olay total effects 7-in-1 Anti Aging cream cleanser plus blemish control.)
5. Ponds Cold Cream Cleansers (This was a little too heavy for my skin. However, I did use it as a eye makeup remover when she gave it to me.)
6. Cucumber Peel Off Facial Mask ( I still get this from time to time to give my pores a good cleaning.)
7. Neutrogena hand cream (I use the Norwegian formula. It has a nice smell to it also.)
8. a nail file
9. a foot file
10. She gave me some kind of nail hardner, but I don't remember what kind she gave me. (I have recently started using Sally Hansen Miracle Cure.)

I also remember that halloween. We both dressed up as vampires to greet the trick or treaters at the doors. I think we scared more kids than we gave candy to. I dressed my collie up to look like a bloodsucking hellhound too.

She went back to Goshen around the beginning of Feburary. She reconciled of my grandpa Lloyd which was great. I just missed having a grandma around. I did spend the following summer with her, and I saw her two more times after that. I talked to her a lot on the phone and wrote to her constantly. She died when I was 27.

I always keep a tin of Rosebud slave and use it all the time. I feel as if I have a part of my grandmother with me. *Heart*

Sister of Mercy
August 16, 2011 at 12:20am
August 16, 2011 at 12:20am
Monday July 15 2011

I'm taking my fourth class at New Horizons, and I'm quite excited about it. It's a class called From the Ground Up, a beginner's class for poetry writers. I really want to improve my writing skills when it comes to poetry. I've experimented with it ever since 05. I had my first poem published in 06 (it was free verse). I've had 27 free verse poems published in all (probably all medicore or bad). I have a few of them in a folder in my port if y'all would like to check them out. I've only started trying to write form poetry during the last year or so. The main forms I've tried and failed at are Tyburn, Trijian Refrain, Rondelet, Shadorma, and a Villanelle. These are all in my port. I challenge y'all to find them and help me correct them. These are the forms I've done and believe I've succeeded at (or come very close) Triolet, Skeltonic Verse, Gogyohka, Archimedes Pi, Haiku, Acrostic, Naani, Ode (a little on the silly side though), Senryu, Janaku (this one is not in my port yet), and a Decastich (an example of every one that I have attempted except for a Janaku is in my port).

I hope to learn the fundamental basics of poetry that I do not know in order to write good poetry such as meter(my biggest problem). Words like iambic pentameter mystify me at times along with stressed and unstressed syllables. I probably sound like a dumb dumb because I don't understand that. *Laugh*

Anyhow, I'm really looking forward to beginning the class in September, and I'm sure I will learn about some of that stuff that makes me scratch my head repeatedly. *Smile*

Sister of Mercy
August 7, 2011 at 4:04am
August 7, 2011 at 4:04am
Sunday August 7 2011

I went shopping yesterday and was a little disappointed. The health food store I went to was a total bust. *Frown* They didn't have anything I wanted, and the few interesting things they had were way overpriced. *Rolleyes*

I couldn't find the Neutrogena foundation I wanted or the Revlon lipstick either. There's a certain shade that I adore called cherries in the show. I have the nail polish to match it. I'm going to see my brother tomorrow, and there are places near where he lives that may carry these items. I sure hope so. *Delight*

I guess everything wasn't a bust because I did find some gluten free rice krispies to make some rice krispie treats. *Bigsmile* I had a coupon for 70 cents off, so I only had to pay a little over two dollars. *Thumbsup* That was pretty cool because cereal is so expensive! *Shock* I was also able to get some gluten free fruity pebbles. Yeah, I have to have those kid cereals some times. *Bigsmile* They actually satisfy my sweet tooth. I also had a dollar off coupon when you buy two, so I only paid about 2.49 a box. *Thumbsup* I was also able to buy some Philadelphia Cooking Creme. This is my guilty pleasure. I love putting this in pasta to give it a delicious creamy texture. I had a 75 cent off coupon, so it made it only about a 1.70 instead of the well over two dollar price. Gluten free hamburger helpers were on sale for a dollar a box, and I had a coupon for 75 cents off three boxes, so I only paid 75 cents for each box. Then at the register, I received a coupon for a dollar off of one box of any hamburger helper product. That means while this sale price is going on. I can get one for free. I'm going to do that tomorrow. I also got these cool smoothies for only 75 cents a piece because I had a coupon too. They were the Edy brand where you only have to put milk in them and stir them up. I also got the Silk soy milk for only 1.99 when it's usually over three dollars. I had a dollar coupon, and it was on sale.

I didn't find the books I wanted at Books-A-Million,but I found them on Amazon.com for very good prices. I bought The Kind Diet by Alica Sliverstone, No Plot No Problem by Chris Baty, and the movie The Legend of the Phantom Rider all for a little over 26 dollars with the free shipping option.

I guess my shopping trip wasn't too bad between all the places I went too. I saved 25 dollars because I used coupons.

I hope I didn't bore y'all too much with the I saved this much and that much stuff.

Sister of Mercy

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