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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

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Sister of Mercy
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January 28, 2013 at 3:50pm
January 28, 2013 at 3:50pm
Jan 25, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Forced laughter and Laughter Therapy http://www.laughteryoga.org Comment on the site, do some research of your own, and write a blog on the topic of Forced Laughter.

I went to the site, and it seems like an okay idea. I know that laughter can be a great stress reliever. I don't know if I would ever try it, but it doesn't seem like it would hurt.

I know this isn't much to write about the subject, but it just didn't inspire me today.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What comfort measures do you use for your loved ones when they are sick with a cold or flu? Or what do your loved ones do for you when you're sick with a cold or flu?"

I know this is going to sound crazy, but when my oldest daughter (my Min Pin), Josette, gets an upset stomach because of her wheat/corn gluten allergy, I will fix her plain white rice. She loves it, and it always makes her feel better.

My children don't get colds/flu. They are generally healthy four legged babies.
January 28, 2013 at 3:38pm
January 28, 2013 at 3:38pm
Jan 24, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Jan 22nd was the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade case overturning a Texas interpretation of abortion law and making abortion legal in the US. What are your thoughts on abortion?"

This is a touchy subject for me... For the most part, I'm totally against it. However, I do realize that the women who end up choosing this don't do so lightly. I would never criticize any woman for having an abortion because I haven't walked a mile in her shoes. I also would want women to be able to go to a reputable doctor at a licensed placed to get an abortion instead of having to go to a person in an alley with a dirty knife and a folding table.

I would always encourage adoption before abortion except for incest. I even understand considering an abortion in the case of rape, but I think "why not give the child a chance to live and be adopted by a family who would not associate the baby with rape".

I also can't help but to have this thought too, "how could women take the honor of being a mother to a precious life so lightly". You see, I can't have children because of my health problems. My chances of giving birth are like winning the lottery. For me, it would be the greatest gift God could ever give me because I've always wanted to be a mother.

I know that it must seem that I'm rambling........ It's just really hard for me to talk/write about.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "List your top five strengths".

1. Loyal
2. Giving
3. Kind
4. Determined
5. Trustworthy
January 28, 2013 at 3:21pm
January 28, 2013 at 3:21pm
Jan 23, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Take a look at the image of the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. Recount a trip you took to a monument/memorial/historical site of significance and relive your emotions. How did you feel and why?"

Back in Sept 2002, my brother and I took a trip to the birthplace of Jefferson Davis called Beaurevoir (I think that's how it's spelled). It was really awesome because it was only about 4 hours away from where I live and didn't cost us that much to take the trip. I took my brother there because he had to complete a project on writing about a historical place in Mississippi.

We had loads of fun touring Davis's house, the site's museum, the part of the place that was made to look like a Civil War military campsite, walking through the old graveyard, and walking on the walking trail.

As for how I felt, it was simply great learning more about culture in the South/Mississippi during the Civil War.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "If you could be involved in making a movie, would you act or direct?

I would act. I studied acting/theater for a year in college and was on a small theater scholarship too. I've always wanted to star in a horror or fantasy movie. I know this is going to sound silly, but I would even love to star on a low budget horror film like the ones that the studio called Full Moon made during the 80s mostly. If you don't remember Full Moon studios, they were the same people who did cool movies such as the Puppet Master movies and the Subspecies movies.
January 22, 2013 at 12:22pm
January 22, 2013 at 12:22pm
Jan 22, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Do you think people are inherently good or bad and why?"

No, I don't believe that people are inherently good or evil. I think we are all born into the world with a clean slate "tabula rosa" as the philosopher John Locke proposed eons ago.

I think it's the school of hard knocks, and how we've been taught and later decide on what to do with the life we've been given.

Just remember, Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler weren't born being heartless. It was the roads they took in life that lead them there.................

We all have a choice..............

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Describe five things you want to see or do before it's too late."

To me, this is like a bucket list. Here goes.......

1. To be able to go a vacation with my soulmate, I don't care where just anywhere I can spend several days with him.

2. I want to go to a writer's conference.

3. To go to culinary school

4. To audition for a reality show.

5. I really don't have a 5th one, but since the prompt said five, I thought I would just type this. *Laugh*
January 21, 2013 at 8:54pm
January 21, 2013 at 8:54pm
Jan 21, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Convince me why you appreciate either preparing or eating a home-cooked meal. Describe the preparation or the consumption of a homemade food you enjoy."

I love to cook. It's like therapy for me. A creative outlet when using a mix of different ingredients and herbs/spices/seasonings. A good home cooked meal brings families together.

Here is one of my favorite recipes. Y'all should try it some time.

Gluten free Cake Batter Pancakes

1 cup gluten free pancake mix
1 cup gluten free white cake mix
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract

Mix all of these in a mixing bowl by hand. Then using a 1/4 measuring cup to measure out the pancakes on an electric skillet/griddle or skillet on a stove top. When the edges appear golden brown, flip it over. After each pancake is ready, put a pat of butter on top of them, and put them in the oven on warm to make sure they don't get cold.

Note: Soy/almond/coconut milk may be used in this recipe. Real vanilla extract is best.

Here are the gluten free brands that I recommend.

1. Country Gourmet Home gluten free buttermilk pancakes
2. Pamela's Baking and Pancake mix
3. Namaste Pancake and Waffle mix
4. Pamela's white cake mix
5. Namaste white cake mix

number 1# can be purchased from this website www.mycountrygourmethome.com/pcockrell
numbers #2-#5 can be purchases from Amazon.com, Wal-mart.com, and Kroger

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Name something you no longer worry about."

I know this is going to sound strange, but I no longer worry if people think that I look ugly or not. Let me explain myself. When I was a child up through high school, I was always made fun of for being an ugly duckling. Everyone always said I looked just plain ugly. If I had a dime for every time I heard, "Poor Penny" when it came to my looks, I probably could have obtained head to toe plastic surgery. If even made the finals of one of the Beauty and Beau reviews in high school, and it still didn't stop.

Now, I'm more comfortable in my own skin. There's a pic of me on my bio here at WDC if y'all are curious about what I look like.
January 20, 2013 at 11:32am
January 20, 2013 at 11:32am
Jan 20, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "BLOG. Tell us about your week, include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, and, most importantly, why."

My week wasn't too bad. It was just tiring. Rocky is teething, and I'm having to house train him at the same time. He's only 10 weeks old (he'll turn 11 weeks Thursday). He's wearing me out, but I still love him. *Heart*

I've been seeing some very neat movie promos on TV lately. There are two movies that I would really love to see, and they are Beautiful Creatures and Mama. I'm also thinking about reading the book Beautiful Creatures too. There's also a Hansel and Gretel movie coming out that I might want to see too.

My mom and brother have been in New Orleans since Thursday and will be back home this evening. I'll be so glad because I've been lonesome and kind of bored too. I haven't had anyone to talk to.

As for my favorite entry this week, y'all ought to know by now that I can't choose that. I don't see know that judges can choose either.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Free day, write about what you desire".

Today, I thought I would update y'all on my progress on my New Year's Resolutions.

1. I've lost 8 pounds (92 more to go).
2. I've read 5 books (95 more to go).
3. My credit score is now over 700 on one of my credit reports and close to 700 on the other two.
January 19, 2013 at 10:32am
January 19, 2013 at 10:32am
Jan 19, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Write a poem utilizing the phrase, "I remember when..."

Let me warning everyone..............I suck at poetry!

I remember when we met
when we fell in love
when we first kissed
I remembered thinking
I will love you til the end of time

This is for my soulmate! *Heart*

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Describe an individual whom you know and admire. What traits do you like about this person?"

Now, the answer I'm about to give you may seem to funny to you, but I admire my dogs. I know they are not people, but they are living beings. The reason I admire Josette, Maggie, and even little 10 week old, Rocky are the following.

1. loyalty
2. always friendly
3. if they could speak, I don't believe they would ever lie to me
4. they're smart
5. they're always able to see past my faults and love me anyway
January 18, 2013 at 9:38pm
January 18, 2013 at 9:38pm
Jan 18, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "What does humor mean to YOU? What tickles YOUR funny bone? Is there anything you laugh at that others don't?"

I don't have an exact definition for humor. I guess it's whatever makes me laugh. *Laugh* Watching Duck Dynasty and Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo tickle my funny bone. The one thing I tend to laugh at that others don't is some horror movies. For example, there's this one neat comical horror movie called "Troll". It's one of my all time favorite movies. Most people who watch it are kind of grossed out by it, but I think it's funny. My favorite actress June Lockhart stared on that movie, so the movie is number one in my book.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Are you more likely to tell it like it is, or to hold your tongue?"

It all depends on what the situation is and who I'm talking to. For instance, if it's my mom, I'm not going to go in all guns blazing. However, if it's just some joe blow, you bet I'm going to tell it like it is. Also, the situation dictates how I'm going to act too. If it's something that's not that important, not affecting anybody, or if I know that particular person is on the sensitive side, then I will back off.
January 17, 2013 at 11:20pm
January 17, 2013 at 11:20pm
Jan 17, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Are social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc ...) an evolving form of communication and allow us to be more connected to those around us, or do they decrease communication skills, and distance us from "real" connections?"

Yes and no...... I like the fact social media can help with keeping contact with family and friends who live far away, expand businesses for those who are in the business sector (I'm a Country Gourmet Home consultant, and it has helped me with this business.), and I love being able to learn about new products (I've been able to get loads of free samples and enter cool sweepstakes).

What I don't like about social media is that it has seemed to take the place of more intimate contact such as talking on the phone, writing letters, and visiting family and friends. There's also a danger (at least to me) when it comes to sites like Facebook, Twitter,ect, is that you never know if that stranger who contacts you if who they say they are. You have to be careful because there are some sick people out there!

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Do you believe in the death penalty? Defend your answer."

I have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand I do believe in the death penalty because I believe that taking another life should be punished, and this would keep a criminal from being a "repeat offender". However, I would hate to know that if a person if found guilty, and that person was really innocent, then he/she got the chair, gas chamber, or lethal injection that would be a tragedy because it would be just another innocent life being taken for nothing.
January 16, 2013 at 12:22am
January 16, 2013 at 12:22am
Jan 16, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Is there anyone in your life that you would take a bullet for?"

This question is very simple for me except it's actually 4 that I would take a bullet for.

1. My soulmate because he's the love of my life until the end of time. Just browse through my port and read some of poetry, you'll get what I'm talking/typing about.

2. Josette- my 3 year old Min Pin whom I consider to be my oldest child/daughter since I can't have children. I have her pic in my port in one of the image folders, and there's also a poem that I wrote about her in my port called Josette.

3. Maggie- my 2 year old Catahoula, she's my middle child

4. Rocky- my 10 week old Golden Retriever, he's my baby boy

The reason I would take the bullet is love........ The deepest and purest love a woman could have for her man and babies.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you back to childhood?"

Homemade coconut pie!!!!!!!!!!! My mom's aunt can make the best homemade coconut pie there is, and I've enjoyed it since I was a child. However, since I've found out that I'm very gluten (wheat/corn) intolerant, I can't eat it anymore. Now that I've found a good gluten free pie crust mix, I'm just going to have to ask her for her recipe. I hope she will give it to me because many Southern women aren't known for sharing their recipes unless it's to their own children and grandchildren. Maybe, it's just a Mississippi thing........

January 15, 2013 at 10:55pm
January 15, 2013 at 10:55pm
Jan 15, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "What one talent do you wish you had, but don't (non-writing related)?"

I actually wished I had two talents that I don't already have. I know that the prompt said one, but in this case, you need them both (and I have neither). I wish I could design and sew clothing. If I could do this, I would design cute and fashionable plus size clothing. Not that old looking garbage sold in most stores! It makes me so angry when I walk into a store and see the plus size section. It makes me wish I had a match so I could do the store a favor and burn that section up for them!!!!!! I can't really blame the stores either because of the clueless designers........ They make me even more angry than those stores. *Angry* Most designers think that beauty stops at size 4 or 6. I went into an American Eagle and saw a size 00. The first thought that went into my mind was....."Who the hell wears this size naturally besides an infant?" I did remind myself after I made that remark to a friend of mine that God does make naturally thin people, and I just wasn't one of them. God made me curvy!

I know that I just got on my soapbox and went way beyond what the prompt called for..... Just one more thing.........Beauty also comes in size 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 (my size), 20, and beyond!

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt is "If you could learn to play a musical instrument, one which you've never played before, which would you choose and why?

This is a tough one because I love music. I can sing rather well, and I'm a darn good alto (my voice is a cross between June Carter Cash and Patsy Cline). I can play the piano a little because I took a year of lessons when I was 7 and a refresher course when I was in college.

However, there are several instruments that I'm interested in because one of my favorite country singers could play all of these very well.

June Carter Cash (I have studied her style of music since I was 7) could play the following instruments. She was a like a child prodigy because she learned how to play them when she was a very young girl, and I wished I could play them as well as she could.

1. guitar
2. autoharp
3. harmonica
4. banjo
5. violin
6. steel guitar
7. drums

It was also said that she could play the flute, piano, and harp. She just didn't feel that she was proficient enough in these to say that she could play them well.

If anyone is wondering who June Carter Cash is, she was the wife of country music legend, Johnny Cash (also know as the Man in Black). However, she was famous by the time she was 9. She was also a graduate of Julliard with a degree in theater. Robert Duvall was a classmate of hers who became a lifelong friend.

Okay, I digressed and got off the subject again.........
January 14, 2013 at 11:45pm
January 14, 2013 at 11:45pm
Jan 14, 2014

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Persuade me why you appreciate verbal arguments or disagreements."

This may sound crazy, but I hate arguments. Disagreements, I can handle because no two people are ever going to agree on everything. However, some people can't seem to let disagreements stay disagreements. Then they become arguments. I've know some verbal arguments to become physical fights.

Now this prompt goes in to this one............

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What is your worst quality as a human? Describe it in detail, and why you think it's bad?

My worst quality as a human is my temper. When I was young, (10-12 years old) I used to get into fights all the time. If someone picked on me in any way, shove, hit me, ect, I would jump on that person with my fist balled up, or I would grab a textbook and start hitting that person. I know that I was totally wrong for doing that...... I don't know what got into me............ I guess it was the hormones......... I went through puberty very early............ I'm not saying that's a good reason for violence because violence is never the answer.......... When I turned 13, I calmed down.... I just kind of avoided others because I was tired of fighting....... I just started doing my own thing......... I was rather lonesome in school, but it was better to be lonesome that to have to fight everyday...........

I still have a temper, but it comes out verbally and not physically......... I still don't tolerate people making remarks that aren't true about me.........My horns and tail still come out, but I have learned to control them better.
January 13, 2013 at 6:12pm
January 13, 2013 at 6:12pm
Jan 13, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge topic is "Blog, Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, and most importantly why."

I've kind of had a difficult week. My dog/newest baby, Rocky, chewed my computer chord, and I had to get another one. That made me get behind with my blogging entries because my computer battery doesn't work very well. At least, I've caught up now. I hope that I'm still in the competition!

My plans to audition for the Voice have also been shattered because I couldn't find anyone to take care of my babies next weekend. However, I keep telling myself that God closes one door but always opens another.

As for selecting a favorite entry, it's really impossible to chose one because I really enjoy reading them all. I feel like I'm getting to know everyone more through those entries.

Blogging Circle of Friends topic is "Free Day"

Since I can write about anything, I thought I would write about the yucky mood that I'm in. I'm so disappointed that I can't go audition for the Voice. However, family comes first. I have to take care of my babies, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky. I couldn't find anyone I trusted to take care of them. Also, Josette has separation anxiety issues. She hates being away from me.

Now, I'm going to watch some old episodes of Dark Shadows that I rented from Blockbuster online. I also got the names Josette and Maggie from that show too.

January 13, 2013 at 5:56pm
January 13, 2013 at 5:56pm
Jan 12, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge topic is "A Day in the life of a Blogger".

Most of the time my life is a pretty simple one. I cook, clean, take care of Josette, Maggie, and Rocky, do the laundry, just to sum it up, I do most of the housework. I also get on the net to read emails to get point for gift cards and money. I've actually received $27 recently from Inbox dollars. I'm also saving up points from Rewardpoints, Panda Research, and Paid earnings. I also go on sites to get free samples and coupons. I've already received samples and coupons from a couple of coffee and tea companies, E-engeries, Airborne, some perfume samples, and other samples.

Then I've been getting back to blogging since the 1st of this month. I know I've gotten behind recently, but my new baby, Rocky, chewed my computer cord. I know that sounds like "the dog ate my homework", but in this case, it's true. *Bigsmile*

I also do research on different cooking sites for gluten free recipes. I'm very allergic to wheat and somewhat allergic corn. I also have to watch my dairy intake too. That's why I have to cook a lot, and thankfully, I like to cook and I'm also good at it.

Blogging Circle of Friends topic is "If you could live forever, would you? Why or why not?

This is a hard question.....It would be hard to see my loved ones die while I live, but if my soulmate could live forever then I would love to live forever.
January 13, 2013 at 5:38pm
January 13, 2013 at 5:38pm
Jan 11, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge topic is "When was the last time you remember laughing so hard your sides hurt, your smiling muscles were sore, and your eyes were tearing up? What were you laughing at?"

There were two times recently when this happened. Anyone who reads this entry is either going to laugh their behinds off or shake their heads and wonder why.

I laughed like that when watching Duck Dynasty Friday night. I always laugh like that when watching that show, especially at Jase and Si. They crack me up. I love that show and never miss it.

I also laughed like that when I watched Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo last Sunday. This is another show that I love. That whole family cracks me up. I never miss that show either. I totally love it!


(hey comes from Duck Dynasty and the rest of the quote comes from Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo, I just felt like saying/typing it)

Blogging Circle of Friends topic is "What childhood lesson has always stuck with you?"

When I was 12, I wanted to stay at home and watch a Lassie marathon on Nicklelodeon. These episodes where the ones staring June Lockhart. The marathon started at 6 in the morning, and my parents wanted to leave to go to my grandmother's house around 10 am. I shuffle my feet as I get into the pickup. On the way to my grandmother's house, I start saying that I'm bored and I want to watch the Lassie marathon. I also said that I would rather spend the day watching June Lockhart on TV than visiting my grandmother (yes, I know. I was terrible). Anyway, I kept saying that I was bored over and over again until we arrived at my grandmother's house. My dad kept telling if I didn't shut up he was going to spank with his belt. Well, I didn't listen. Guess what happened..... When we got there, dad spanked me with his belt. I was never bored around him again, and if I ever felt bored, I never said it.

January 13, 2013 at 5:09pm
January 13, 2013 at 5:09pm
Jan 10, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge topic is "Gay marriage? Yes? No? Do you care? Why?"

I have mixed feelings about this topic. I know that the teachings of the bible are against this. This is not my chosen life style and will never be. However, I would never criticize anyone for choosing gay marriage because I would rather promote love instead of hate. I know this isn't saying much about the topic, but I believe in loving my neighbor no matter what goes on in his private life as long as he/she isn't causing harm to others.

Blogging Circle of Friends topic is "What is worse: extremely cold weather or extremely hot weather?"

At one time, I would have said extremely cold weather. Since I have turned 35, I have hated anything above warm weather. The reason I say this is because I started going through the early stages of menopause. The hotter the weather the worse my hot flashes and night sweats get. Oh, boy, my night sweats are awful when the weather is hot....
January 13, 2013 at 4:56pm
January 13, 2013 at 4:56pm
Jan 9th, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge topic is "Do you belong in this day and age? Do you feel comfortable being a citizen of the 21st century? If you do, explain why- and if you don't, when in human history would you rather be?"

Sometimes, I don't believe I was meant to be a 36 year old woman in the 21st century. I actually wished I could have been born in the mid 40's, so I could have met my soulmate in the early 60s when he was a teenager. I also like many of the movie, actors, and music of the 50s and 60s.

However, I do realize that God put me in this century as a 36 year old woman for a reason, and I'm not complaining. Besides, I like older men, so it's good that I didn't meet my soulmate until April 27, 2000 when he was 56 and I was 24. It all worked out for the best in the end........

Blogging Circle of Friends topic is "What is your favorite old movie?"

It's really hard to name just one favorite old movie because I love old movies. I'll try to give a somewhat short list of some. Here goes a list of some of them.

1. She Wolf of London (1946 starring June Lockhart)
2. Bury Me Dead (1947 starring June Lockhart)
3. A Christmas Carol (1939 starring Gene Lockhart, Kathleen Lockhart, and June Lockhart makes her debut on this movie at age 12)
4. I'll Climb the Highest Mountain (I forgot what year, but it stared Rory Calhoun, Susan Hayward, and Gene Lockhart)
5. How to Marry a Millionare (starring Rory Calhoun, Betty Grable, and Marlyn Monroe)
6. Ride for Vengence (starring Chuck Connors)
7. Geronomo (starring Chuck Connors)
8. All This and Heaven Too (1940 starring Bettie Davis and June Lockhart)
9. Algiers (1939 starring Gene Lockart, he was nominated for a best supporting oscar for his role in this picture but didn't get it because the character he played he a gay man and was very taboo for that time)

January 8, 2013 at 10:23am
January 8, 2013 at 10:23am
Jan 8, 2013

The prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge is "If you were told to "Leave town" tomorrow and everything you left behind would be taken care of for the next month, where would you go and why? (You cannot go to live with relatives.)"

This would be rather hard because I can't leave my babies, especially not my Min Pin, Josette. She has separation anxiety issues. I just couldn't leave her for a whole month. It would be nice to go to the beach but only if I could go with Josette and preferably with my soulmate too.

The prompt for Blogging Circle of Friends is "What is your favorite book from childhood?"

It is kind of hard to narrow it down to just one book because I loved to read when I was a child, but I do have a list.

1. Dark Crystal (it was a graphic novel and my favorite movie too)
2. Where the Wild Things Were
3. Jane Eyre
4. Jacob Have I Loved
5. Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
6. A Christmas Carol
7. Brothers Grim
8. Wizard of Oz
9. Something Wicked This Way Comes (the first horror novel I read)
January 7, 2013 at 9:09am
January 7, 2013 at 9:09am
Jan 7, 2013

The prompt for the 30 Day Blog challenge is "Persuade me why you appreciate rainy days".

Rainy days are good for sleeping in, watching movies, or just curling up with a good book. I also like being able to lounge around in my robe, pjs, and fuzzy slippers too. Hot chocolate or french vanilla coffee is good on those days (when it's cold) and hot green tea or herbal tea is good too (especially during the summer). I tend to get some writing done on those days too.

The prompt for Blogging Circle of Friends is "Are you a dog person, a cat person, or "other"?

I'm a dog person for the most part. I have three dogs now, a Min Pin named Josette, a Catahoula named Maggie, and a Golden Retriever puppy named Rocky. I did have a cat for a couple of years named Gizmo. Unfortunately, he died a week before my dad in Feb 2012.

I also love taking naps with my dogs on rainy days too!
January 6, 2013 at 7:14pm
January 6, 2013 at 7:14pm
The past week has been good. My family and I rescued a golden retriever puppy that was put under our garbage can in the edge of our yard. We thought the little guy was never going to wake up because he was so cold after being thrown out. Thankfully, he did, and we named him Rocky after the character on "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".

I also went shopping Friday with my mom. I got to go to one of my favorite Japanese restaurants and eat sushi. I love sushi because most of it is wheat and corn free. I was also able to buy some wonderful gluten free food and a nice pair of Jaclyn Smith pj's from Columbus (they were 50% off).

I can't really decided on a favorite entry because they were all enjoyable to read in their own way. It's also been a great way to get to know others here at WDC.

Now, I'm off to watch some more Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo. I love this show! I know that everyone laughs at me when I say that, but it's so funny.

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