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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

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Sister of Mercy
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February 14, 2013 at 4:23pm
February 14, 2013 at 4:23pm
Feb 14, 2013

Bloggling Circle of Friends prompt is "My Valentine".

My Valentine is my soulmate. I love him with my heart and soul. I would do anything for him. I worship the ground he walks on. I would follow him to the ends of the earth. I would love him til the end of time.................

Other News In My World!

I got a cool Folgers coffee sample in the mail today. It is a vanilla biscotti flavor. Mom and I will probably use it to make coffee milkshakes. I also listened to some cool songs on my sat radio on my TV. I love the classic country station. I listened to Buck Owens, Crystal Gayle, Johnny Cash, Johnny Paycheck, and Glen Campbell. I'm currently watching Dr. Phil now.
February 14, 2013 at 4:15pm
February 14, 2013 at 4:15pm
Feb 13, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "First Kiss".

My first kiss took place on May 1, 2000. My soulmate gave me my first kiss that evening around 6 pm that evening. That kiss was like fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!! My soulmate can kiss and has always been a great kisser!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other News In My World!

I got a Valentine's Day card from my soulmate! The card was so sweet and cute. It was also perfect!!!!!!!!!! I also finished reading Suffer the Little Children by John Saul. That book was awesome!!!!!! I've read 8 books in all this year (I've got 92 more to go.).
February 12, 2013 at 2:43pm
February 12, 2013 at 2:43pm
Feb 12, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "First Date".

My first date was on April 27, 2000. I met the most handsome and wonderful man on earth. I remember it just like it was yesterday. He drove up in a gray Cadilac (I forgot how to spell that). That dashing man stepped out of his vehicle, and the sun just seemed to shine all around him (just like on the movies). He looked perfect (a cross between Chuck Connors and Glen Campbell). I remembered walking up to him thinking "I hope he likes me too. Maybe my looks won't run him off." Thankfully, he liked me too!

This was the day I met my soulmate . *Heart* That was the day that I found out that you really can fall in love at first sight!*Heart*

Other News in my World!

Maggie is back home, but she hates the weather today. It's been rainning and thundering all day. She is so scared of thunder and lightning. Today has just been a yucky day because of the weather. At least, I'm all caught up with my blog. Now off to edit my novel some more.
February 12, 2013 at 2:38pm
February 12, 2013 at 2:38pm
Feb 11, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "First Crush".

My first crush happened when I was just seven years old. It was on a Saturday afternoon when I was laying on the floor watching a show called "Pop Goes the Country". It was a show during the 80s that featured country singers every Saturday afternoon. Anyway, while I was just starring at the TV, a handsome man dressed in black from head to toe walked on that stage and said "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash". My heart fluttered, and I fell in love (or at least as much as a seven year old could).

Other News in My World!

I've lost five more pounds! I've now lost 17 pounds in all (83 more to go). I'm really getting into one of the books that I've been reading. It's called Suffer the Little Children by John Saul. I would really recommend this book. My soulmate also called me today. I love talking to him. *Heart*

My middle child, Maggie, spent the night with her Uncle Will last night. I really missed her, and I can't wait for her to come back home tonight.
February 12, 2013 at 2:31pm
February 12, 2013 at 2:31pm
Feb 10, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Free day, write about whatever you wish".

It rained all day today! However, I did have a great time watching the Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo marathon on TLC. I love this show! It cracks me up, and I'm always happy while watching it. The new episode of the show was on too. It was their Christmas special. It was awesome!
February 12, 2013 at 2:27pm
February 12, 2013 at 2:27pm
Feb 9, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "If you were going to open a shop, what would you sell?"

If I were going to open a shop, I would sell books and gluten free food. I would make it a place where people could buy books and eat great gluten free food. I would also host a book club there too. I would call it "The Gluten Free Goddess Bookstore".

Other News In My World!

My grandmother was put in the hospital this morning. She fell in her living room. She has Parkensons and is also diabetic. The doctor thinks that a combination of complications from these two illnesses cause her fall. My mom also had a heart scan test today. She's been having some minor chest pains and wanted to make sure that it's just her problems with aniexty instead of something more serious. We should get those results in the next few days.
February 8, 2013 at 3:50pm
February 8, 2013 at 3:50pm
Feb 8, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "List three things you'll never understand."

This is a hard one because there are a lot of things I'll never understand, but here are three things that have always escaped my poor little brain.

1. Algebra
2. Geometry
3. Chemistry

Most math and science classes beyond a sixth grade level make my brain go crazy. I had to take Intermediate Algebra five times before I passed it with a C. I had to take Biology I in college three times before passing it, but I did great the third time and made an A. I took an intro to Chemistry class in college and made a D. I didn't even bother to retake that one. I was able to take some easier classes to replace that one.

I finally found out why I wasn't able to learn math and science. I was diagnoised with a brain disorder when I was 30, but my nerologist told me that I was actually born with the illness. It also hinders my ability to spell too.

Other News In My World!

This is my 100th entry in my blog! *Bigsmile* I'm watching Water for Elephants on HBO right now (it's about over now) and getting stuff gathered up for supper tonight. I'm fixing spaghetti. I'm using gluten free noodle made with brown rice flour and flaxseed. I'm also using tomato paste, tomato paste, and ground soy for the sauce, and will top it off with parmesan cheese.
February 7, 2013 at 12:27pm
February 7, 2013 at 12:27pm
Feb 7, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friend prompt is "What technological device could you not live without? "

After thinking about this prompt, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not a slave to technology. I love my nextbook, cell phone, TV, DVD player (would actually love to have a blue ray), Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo DS. I guess it doesn't stop there because I love my kitchen gadgets too, like my microwave, blender, food processor, toaster, electric skillet, donut maker, waffle maker, griddle, mixer, electric knife, ect. Thinking about all of this is making my head spin!

Other News In My World!

I got the book The Conqueror Worm by Brian Keene in the mail yesterday. I've been wanting to read some books by him and will after I finish my study of VC Andrews, Stephen King, John Saul, E L James, and Gregory Macguire.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
February 7, 2013 at 12:13pm
February 7, 2013 at 12:13pm
Feb 6, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is " If you could read minds for a day, would you? Why or why not?"

A small part of me says yes out of pure curiosity, but ninety-five percent of me says no. Thoughts are very private and personal and are not always meant to be known.

Other News In My World!

I made a dish called pasta pisavera. It was a pasta mix by Namaste that called for extra-virgin olive oil, sun dried tomatoes, gorgonzola cheese, sun dried tomato/mozarella cheese flavored laughing cow cheese, ground soy, and a mixture of seasonings (Mrs. Dash, Italian seasoning, parsley, oregano, basil, garlic and herb). I also made English peas with velvetta cheese and lactosse free butter in them. I made both of these dishes for the church supper.
February 5, 2013 at 11:00am
February 5, 2013 at 11:00am
Feb 5, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Name one of the best decisions you ever made."

I can't just pick one. I actually have four best decisions.

1. Meeting my soulmate on April 27, 2000, I almost back out of meeting him completely. I'm so glad I didn't let my cold feet and shyness get the best of me.

2. Choosing Josette instead of her sibling whom I almost chose (I almost didn't choose her because she was hiding in a corner and couldn't see her, thankfully my mom saw her.)

3. Letting Maggie stay after she jumped the fence into our yard

4. Deciding to keep Rocky after finding him under my garbage can a little over a month ago.

By making these decisions, my family is now complete!

Other News In My World!

I edited my novel some more. Here are the chapters that I worked on last night.

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If y'all have the time, feel free to check these chapters out.

Bye for now,

Sister of Mercy
February 4, 2013 at 8:34pm
February 4, 2013 at 8:34pm
Feb 4, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "If you could choose to be any animal in the world, which one would you choose and why?"

I would be a Min Pin because they are beautiful, intelligent, brave, loyal, and loving. What more could a person want to be?

I have a Min Pin named Josette. She will be three years old August 27th.

Here's a pic of her, so y'all can see what a Min Pin looks like.

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Other News In My World!

I received a helpful review on section 2b. I plan on doing some more editing in a few minutes (chapters 1-2) I received some cool samples in the mail today: some crest toothpaste, Oral B dental floss, and citrucel fiber pills. I get samples in the mail quite often. I get them off of Facebook, Reward Port, and company websites. A few weeks ago I got a sample of some Lancome perfume and Burberry for men (I gave the Burberry to my brother).

I've lost 2 more pounds, and I have 88 more pounds to go.

I'm still working on my reading goal too. I have 93 more books to go.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
February 3, 2013 at 5:24pm
February 3, 2013 at 5:24pm
Feb 3, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Free day, blog on whatever you desire".

Today has been a great day so far. The sun is shining, and those little wildflowers are in bloom all over my yard. I had a great lunch today: pork roast, mash potatoes with a country bacon dip topping, green beans, and a root beer float for dessert.

I received two helpful reviews for my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. I only wish I could get some reviews beyond section 2a. I'm not complaining though because all of the review have been helpful, positive, and encouraging.

I won't be watching the Super Bowl tonight since the New Orleans Saints didn't make it. They've had such a rough season. At least, their coach, Sean Payton, is no longer under suspension. I'm pretty sure next season will be better with Payton and quarterback Drew Brees together

My soulmate called me today! I love listening to his voice! He will be watching the Super Bowl tonight. Now, if I were with him tonight, I would be more than happy to watch the Super Bowl, no matter what team were playing (even if the Dirty Birds were playing, and I can't stand them).

February 2, 2013 at 9:50pm
February 2, 2013 at 9:50pm
Feb 2, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What are three things that you hope people never say about you?"

This is a hard one because I believe just about everything has been said about me already no matter if it was true or not. I really don't care what people say about me anymore because I know what's the truth in my heart and most importantly, God knows the truth. That is what matters the most!

Other News In My World

I got to see my soulmate today! *Heart* *Inlove* *Bigsmile* I only wished I could see him everyday!

I got some cool movies in the mail yesterday, all five movies in the Subspecies series. How cool is that!!!!!!!!!! I also forgot to mention that I won a prize in a sweepstakes that I entered months ago. I won some awesome Elizabeth Arden products. That really made my day (that happened Wednesday).

I'm watching Pit Boss on Animal Planet right now. I really like this show and admire what Shorty Rossi does for pit bulls. If I would love to do what he does but for Min Pins.

I just finished drinking my coffee milkshake. You take some vanilla bean ice cream, coffee, and unsweetened coconut milk or soy milk and put those item in the blender on the frappe setting if your blender has that setting if not just put it on the blend setting.
February 1, 2013 at 8:48am
February 1, 2013 at 8:48am
Feb 1, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is " Is it ever okay to lie?"

The Bible says no, so generally, I say no. However, sometimes I believe that people force you to lie because they don't want to hear the truth. It amazes me how people sometimes cling on to a lie in their mind and won't even listen to anything else.

Other News In My World!

I'm watching Charmed right now. I love that show. Later on I think, I will watch Dark Shadows, so I can mail it back to Blockbuster. Later on, I will probably watch the remake of "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" staring Katie Holmes.

I've selected all the authors to read during 2013 to reach my 100 books read goal.

Here is the list of authors.

1. Stephen King
2. VC Andrews
3. E L James
4. John Saul
5. Gregory Macguire
6. Bentley Little
7. Anne Rice
8. Charlaine Harris (Stackhouse novels only)
9. Scott Nicholson
10. Tamara Thorne
11. Michael Romkey
12. Richard Laymon
13. Robert McCammon
14. Stephaine Myers (Twilight series only)
15. Dean Koontz
16. Douglas Clegg
17. Brian Keene
18. Deborah Leblanc
19. Sarah Langan
20. Sarah Pinborough
21. Laurell K Hamilton
22. Simon Clark
23. Brian Lumley
24. Jack Ketchum
25. John Everson
26. Elizabeth Massie
27. Clive Barker
28. Tim Lebbon
29. Edward Lee
30. Ramsey Campbell
January 31, 2013 at 12:17pm
January 31, 2013 at 12:17pm
Jan 31, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Name a movie that frightened you."

I love watching scary movies and very few of them ever frighten me. However, there are a few that have given me the creeps from time to time.

1. Children of the Corn- This movie made me think that all cornfields are creepy.

2. Poltergiest- This movie no longer scares me, but the first time I watched, I got freaked out. I was only 8 years old when I watched it for the first time. That scene when the man is in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. He starts tearing the skin off his face. That was when I started screaming and crying. I grabbed my mom, and she screamed at my grandmother to turn the channel and she wouldn't. My grandmother loved the movie and said that I needed to grow up.

3. A Whisper Kills- This is a mystery/thiller, but the killer on there creeped me out because the person could show up anywhere without being detected until it was too late. This is one of my favorite movies that I've watched a thousand times or more because it stars my favorite actress June Lockhart.

Other news in my world!

I had a wonderful time with my soulmate last night! *Wink* *Bigsmile* *Heart* *Blush* *Inlove*

I started reading two more books: Suffer the Little Children by John Saul and Fifty Shades Deeper by E L James (the sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey). I'm also reading The Stand by Stephen King, Son of a Witch by Gregory Macguire (sequel to Wicked), and Seeds of Yesterday by VC Andrews (the 4th book in the Dollenger series).

January 31, 2013 at 12:01pm
January 31, 2013 at 12:01pm
Jan 30, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Which natural disaster freaks you out the most?"

Natural disasters really don't freak me out. I know this isn't much to say about this prompt, but they just don't freak me out. Natural disasters are just a part of life and made by God.

Other news in my world!

I finished reading two more books today! I finished reading Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James and Creature by John Saul. That makes 7 books in all and 93 more to go to complete my goal of 100 books read for 2013.

I made gluten free blondie brownies and country bacon dip to take to the Wednesday night supper at church. Those brownies were mouthwatering! I made them using a mix made by Nameste.

I get to see my soulmate tonight! Yea! *Bigsmile*
January 31, 2013 at 11:53am
January 31, 2013 at 11:53am
Jan 29, 2013

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "What gets better with age?"

Love gets better with age. I've been with my soulmate for almost 13 years, and I know that I love him more than ever! *Heart*

Other news in my world

Rocky is feeling much better. He no longer has the knot on his throat and has learned his name! *Smile*
January 28, 2013 at 4:35pm
January 28, 2013 at 4:35pm
Jan 28th, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Persuade me (and whoever else reads your blog) why you enjoyed competing in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. Do you think you will compete again in future months? Care to share any suggestions for improvement?"

I have really enjoyed participating in this competition. It has gotten me in the habit of writing regularly. I would definitely compete again. I like the competition just the way it is, so I don't have any suggestions at this time.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Would you rather be super intelligent or extremely good looking?"

I think both of these are pretty good and would like a mix of these. However, since the prompt states to chose one, I would want to be extremely good looking because I grew up always being told that I was ugly and am still told that I look rather plain (even though I try really hard to look good). There is a pic of me under my bio in my port if you would like to see why I think this way.

Now, on to other news in my life..........

I'm fixing pizza tonight for supper. I'm using a gluten free pizza crust mix called Namaste. It is so good. You can find it at Amazon.com or Wal-mart.com. I also add a seasoning mix called Mama's Italian Blend to the crust. This seasoning is made by Country Gourmet Home. You can buy it here http://www.mycountrygourmethome.com/pcockrell I generally use pasta sauce for the pizza sauce. I find that it's just the same as using a pizza sauce. Tonight, I will use four cheese flavored sauce by Classico. This sauce is widely available at most grocery stores. Then I will top the pizza with some shredded cheese (mozeralla, provolone, asiago). I will also sautee some mushrooms to put on their along with some more Mama's Italian Blend seasoning.

My brother ate the last of the gluten free sugar cookies that I made using a cookie mix that is put out by Namaste. I really wanted a treat today! I might make some gluten free Blondie brownies using a Namaste mix.

I'm watching Dr.Phil now......... I love that show. Now, I'm going to finish watching it now.
January 28, 2013 at 4:14pm
January 28, 2013 at 4:14pm
Jan 27, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Blog. Tell us about your week include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, and, most importantly, why."

Let me just get this out of the way...... It is impossible for me to choose my favorite blog entry....... Each and everyone is great in its own way!

I've been rather depressed this past week. I felt overwhelmed at times too. I felt like and still feel like the people around me don't listen to me. I could say something as simple as "Please wash the dishes while I fix dinner." Instead of just helping, so we could all eat at a decent hour, my mom or brother will question me on why the dishes should be washed. I really can't stand it when I tell my family not to feed Josette wheat or corn. They know she has allergies! Instead, they say why does it matter and how do I know she gets sick. Well, it's pretty apparent that after every time she eats wheat/corn, she gets an upset stomach (bloated, constipation, and diahrea). The vet also said that she has the allergy. Do I really need anymore evidence than this? No, I don't!

Now, I'm playing catch up with my blog entries..... I only have to write one more after this one.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "Free day, write whatever you desire".

I've lost 2 more pounds (only 90 more to go now). I've lost 10 pounds since Jan 1st. I guess that's not too bad. I'm just trying to lose at a healthy rate, so I can keep it off.

I also edited three chapters of my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. Let me know what you think if you have the time.

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Now, I'm going to work on Chapters 2b and 3b.

January 28, 2013 at 3:57pm
January 28, 2013 at 3:57pm
Jan 26, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Write a review of an animated film that you've seen".

I generally do not watch animated films. The last ones I watched were "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and The Corpse Bride". Both of these films were Tim Burton movies. "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was my favorite of the two because of the music and creative story line. However, "The Corpse Bride" had a neat plot too. I guess I need to go back and watch these two films, so I can remember more about them.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt is "You find a big spider in your bathroom, your next move is to....."

Get a shoe and kill that sucker! I can't stand bugs/insects. They are all nasty (to me at least).

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