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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

Check out my novel!

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Sister of Mercy
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January 31, 2014 at 7:37pm
January 31, 2014 at 7:37pm
Jan 31, 2014

BCOF Prompt

What is your opinion of classic literature (Sophocles to George Orwell and everything between)

I do like some of it. I even liked Animal Farm by George Orwell.

Here are some of my other favorites of classic literature. Some of them may not be consider classic literature to every one though.

1. Sanctuary by William Faulkner
2. any thing and everything by Edgar Allen Poe
3. some of Emily Dickerson's poems
4. some of Nathaniel Hawthorne's stories and Scarlet Letter
5. everything by H P Lovecraft (now, y'all may not think he has anything to do with classic literature, but I think he does because to me he influenced the whole horror genre)
6. Shirley Jackson
7. Tennessee Williams (he's from Mississippi)
8. F Scott Fitzgerald

If y'all have read any of my stuff, you may see influences of Edgar Allen Poe,
H P Lovecraft, Shirley Jackson, Tennessee Williams, and F Scott Fitzgerald.

Is Tolkien considered classic literature?

News In My World!

I just had to persuade my youngest baby to take his heartworm prevention pill. I had to break it up and spread a little butter in each part to get him to shallow it. My other two babies took the pill, no problem.

I went to my neurologist for my check up. I have seizures, so I have to go every four months. He upped the dosage on my vimpat from 100mg pills to 150mg pills twice a day as usual.

Tomorrow, I start The Soundtrack of Your Life contest. It's a blog contest where you share a song that has influenced a part of your life. It will be for the month of Feb.

I also went to Kroger and Wal-Mart. I was finally able to get some ground soy and Eziel (not sure how to spell it) bread. I was able to get some more Bolthouse Vanilla Chai smoothies and almond milk for a good price (under 2 dollars).

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 30, 2014 at 2:38pm
January 30, 2014 at 2:38pm
Jan 30. 2014

BCOF Prompt

What is your zodiac sign? (see http://www.psychicguild.com/horoscopes_explained.php) Do you notice any similarities between the description and yourself?

I checked out the website, and I do have some of the traits of an Aries. However, most of them aren't the good ones. I can be too trusting, and I usually end up trusting the wrong people. I can be impulsive which can lead me to making the wrong decisions.

I do know this with God's help I can overcome those things. Also, I do have one person whom I know I can trust, and that's my soulmate. This is one thing that I'm so grateful for.

I also know this, the Bible states that we are not to go to fortune tellers to make our decisions. I have read my horoscope just for fun, but I really do take it with a grain of salt, knowing the God will take care of me and lead me in the right direction.

News In My World!

I've lost another pound! That makes 7 in all! This is since Jan 6th, so a month isn't up. I'm just glad that I've lost weight. I've started doing four workouts instead of three, and I've noticed that I had a lot more energy. My feet and hands are smaller , and my arms don't have as much viggle, gaggle (as Honey Boo Boo's family would say).

I read the best book in the past two days! It was The Disappearance by Bentley Little. I just couldn't put the book down. It was that good, and I would recommend it for everyone to read.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 29, 2014 at 4:27pm
January 29, 2014 at 4:27pm
Jan 29, 2014

BCOF Prompt

What do you think of console gaming? Have you ever tried it?

I have a huge history with console gaming, and here it goes. I started gaming when I was just a little girl with the used Atari that my Dad bought from a pawn shop. The game he got with it was Pac Man. I simply loved it! Then later on I Dad bought me Centerpied, Frogger, Pong, and Galaga. I guess I wore that sucker out because it blew up and fried the tv too. We later found out that the old Atari consoles had a tendency to damage old TVs. After that, I mostly just played games at truck stops and arcades until I was 14.

When I was 14, I got a Nintendo for my birthday. I don't know if anyone remembers the old 8 bit systems the ones that came with Mario brother and Duck Hunt. One of my favorite games to play when Friday the 13th, where you had to rescue the children at the camp from Jason. My desire for gaming did wear off for several years, but I did start again when I was 18 when I played Mortal Kombat on my friend's Sega Genieses (I forgot how to spell it). For those who aren't familiar with Sega. This was their first system, a 16 bit. My brother soon got s Super Nintendo, a 16 bit, that came with Super Mario Brothers.

The gaming bug vanished for another three years until I bought my brother a Sega Saturn (32 bit system). I played a game called Mr. Bones. It was a pretty funny game about a skeleton playing a guitar. After that, I more or less watched my brother play games on the Playstation, Playstation 2, and Playstation 3, and I also bought him a Ninendo Game Cube when he was in high school.

I got the gaming bug again when the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS came out. I have them both. I like to exercise using the balance board playing Wii fit and I have a collection of DS games: Diner Dash (both of them), Cake Mania (all four of them), Burger Island, Hell's Kitchen, Cooking Mama 1 and 2, and Harvest Moon DS (I play this from time to time, but I usually get bored with this one after a while).

News In My World!

I have some good news! I've lost another pound! I've now lost 6 pounds in all. I still have 34 more pounds to lose to reach my first goal on April 27th.

It's still cold here in Mississippi. The snow has melted today. I really hope it warms up soon.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 28, 2014 at 11:19am
January 28, 2014 at 11:19am
Jan 28, 2014

BCOF Prompt

If you got one whole day where you were both unable to feel any pain and be totally indestructible. What would you do with that 24 hour period time? It's your moment to be a Super Hero !

I would find every dog and cat that is being abused and find good homes for them. I know that everyone reading this would say, but that's not that heroic. However, dog and cats, especially dogs, have given so much to me during my life that I would love to give back in that way.

News In My World!

It's snowing in Mississippi! It is cold in Mississippi! I hate this weather! My babies don't like it either. We are all in my room where the nearest heater is. There are only two heaters in my house, so it definitely wasn't built for this kind of weather.

I'm going to try to do some editing today. I've already done some reading between last night and today. I guess I will go now and do some reviewing, more reading, and editing.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 27, 2014 at 9:07am
January 27, 2014 at 9:07am
Jan 27, 2014

BCOF Prompt

What inventions would you improve with your new found skills that will only last for 72 hours?

I would improve curling irons and straighteners. I would make them, so they would improve fine, thin hair. Maybe even make something that would combine the two (I think there maybe something like that already), but there would be a setting to improve fine, thin hair.

I would also invent something that would permanently help with weight loss that wouldn't included surgery. It's hard to lose weight once you get to a certain weight. It's like your body wants to stay that weight no matter what. However, you would still have to do your part with diet and exercise. It would be like a diet pill, but without the side effects. It would be more like a multi-vitamin.

I don't know if you would call this an invention, but I would make a material that would look good on all plus size women and make cute clothes out of it. Not those matronly clothes that are usually made for plus size women.

I guess that would keep me busy for 72 hours!

News In My World

I woke up about 30 minutes ago (7:30am), and I'm going to make it a point to wake up early from now on, so I can get done what I need to get done in a day.

Now I'm going to have breakfast!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 26, 2014 at 11:10pm
January 26, 2014 at 11:10pm
Jan 26, 2014

BCOF Prompt

Today is a free day, so I decided to write about my weight loss journey these last two weeks (well, it will be two weeks tomorrow). I've only lost five pounds so far, but at least I've been able to keep it off.

I'm going for walks with my "babies". I walks laps in my yard with them for at least 30 minutes. In the afternoons, I do an aerobic workout for an hour and a weightlifting workout with 5lbs dumb bells for 30 minutes. At night, I do a zumba workout. I vary the zumba workouts some nights I do a zumba step workout, other night I 30 a zumba dance workout, and some nights I do a 20 minute zumba abs workout. I was going to add a belly dancing workour, but the DVD was too scratched up. I'm hoping to get another belly dancing DVD soon.

I've also started taking a multi-vitamin, vitamin C in the form of an Energen-C drink, B12, calcium, garlic in pill form, cinanamon in pill form, fish oil, and fiber gummies.

I use the Noom weight loss app on my android tablet. It's a free app, and it's great for keep up with calories and exercises.

News In My World

My day was filled with going to church, working out both afternoon and before I sat down to write this blog entry. I also reading a little reading in the book Skeleton Crew by Stephen King. Now, I'm watching American Horror Story: Asylum (the second season of the show).

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
January 25, 2014 at 2:34pm
January 25, 2014 at 2:34pm
Jan 25, 2014

BCOF Prompt

On January 25th, 1924 the first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France.

How many countries do you believe competed? What events were held? Did your favorite events exist back then?

I haven't had the proper time to research this, but I would imagine that only a few countries competed. There probably wasn't as many events either. Since I don't keep up with sports very much, I don't have a favorite event.

The only sport I keep up with is NFL football because I do have a favorite team, the New Orleans Saints.

News In My World

I've learned an important lesson this weekend. When a person is doing good and changing before the better, the devil hates it. He will do anything to create a setback, but you have to ignore him and keep on keeping on with the good things you are doing.

I finished watching North and South III (the last installment of the trilogy). Now, I'm watching the second season of American Horror Story (the one that takes place in an asylum).

I'm still keeping up with my exercising (aerobics, walking, weightlifting, and zumba).

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 24, 2014 at 12:39am
January 24, 2014 at 12:39am
Jan 24, 2014

BCOF Prompt

You are given the opportunity to write the script for a movie that will be produced by a top name producer. What is it about?

The script I would write would be based on my novel, "Invalid Item. The novel is about twin cowboys named Tyler and Dylan Walsh who are from Texas. They end up in the Faerie Realm. Tyler is at the Seelie Court, and Dylan is at the Unseelie Court. The twins find out that they are apart of a prophecy that leads them to a small, mysterious town in Mississippi called Deacon.

Here is the casting list that I have come up with.

Jared Paldacki- Tyler and Dylan Walsh
June Lockhart- Queen Morganna
Rose McGowan- Queen Mabon
Reese Witherspoon- Queen Kaie
Anne Lockhart- Cydia Webster
James Read or Angus Scrim- Lucifer Webster(not sure if I want him to be one of those right off the bat good looking men or a man with unconvientional good looks)
Angus Scrim- Willie Noone (Scrim may be better for this role because I think there would be good chemistry between him and June Lockhart)
Maggie Smith- Blair Lewis
Alyissa Milano- Paige Grayson
Amanda Seyfriend- Susan Barry
Brian Krause- Johnny Grayson
Holly Marie Combs- Sally Grayson

News In My World

I can sleep! I'm trying to edit some chapters of my novel. I've made a few minor notes, but I know they need more. I'm going to go and either try to edit these or try to sleep.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy

January 23, 2014 at 12:35pm
January 23, 2014 at 12:35pm
Jan 23, 2014

BCOF Prompt

What do you think is the most economical way to get work done? Do it yourself? Barter? Hire someone? If you've done a project recently could you give us some ideas to help us tackle our own future projects easier.

It depends on what a persons skills are and how much money he has. I thinks it's great to barter if what's being exchanged is of similar value. I haven't had a recent project like renovating, but I do feel like my weight loss project and editing my novel have felt like I'm building something.

I pay ten dollars a month for Noom Weight Loss coach pro, and to me, it's a small price to pay for all of the information that I get and being able to log what I eat and to be able to keep up with what calories I burn through exercise.

I have an upgraded membership here at WDC that I pay for with my gps. Now, if I can just get some more review on my novel, that would be great, but it's still great to be able to keep my novel stored here as a back up in case my computer crashes.

News In My World

I went to prayer meeting last night and made a sweet potato casserole for the supper at the church. When I got back home, I watched Duck Dynasty until 9:30. Then I did a bely dancing workout for 45 minutes and a zumba step workout for an hour. After that, I read a chapter of each book. Out of Oz by Gregory Macguire, Skeleton Crew by Stephen King, Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule, and Fallen Hearts by VC Andrews. Then I went to bed.

In case you are looking for something to read, check this out!

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Bye for Now,

Sister of Mercy
January 22, 2014 at 1:08pm
January 22, 2014 at 1:08pm
Jan 22, 2014

BCOF Prompt

What do you think of horror movies?

I love horror movies. They are the perfect movies that provide escape from the world, a stress reliever, and they get my creative juices flowing. When I was a kid, they also provided quality time that I spent with my Mom. I know that y'all must be wondering how in the world did they bring a closeness with my Mom. Well, when I was a child, Mom and I would watch a two shows on the USA network called Groovy Movie Man and Saturday Nightmares. The Groovy Moive Man was hosted by a man who dressed up like a super hero who showed old horror movies, and Saturday Nightmares also featured a old horror movie, but those movies were much scarier than the ones shown on Groovy Movie Man for the most part.

Here are some of my favorite horror movies (just to let you know, most of them are very obscure, so you might not of heard of them)

1. Troll staring June Lockhart and Anne Lockhart
2. Tourist Trap staring Chuck Connors
3. Motel Hell staring Rory Calhoun
4. Bay Coven staring Barbara Billingsley
5. She Wolf of London staring June Lockhart
6. Deadly Games staring June Lockhart
7. Curse of the Black Widow staring June Lockhart, Donna Mills, and Patty Duke
8. A Whisper Kills staring June Lockhart, and Loni Anderson
9. It staring Richard Thomas, Tim Curry, and John Ritter
10. The Stand staring Molly Ringwald, Ray Watson, Ruby Dee, and Ossie Davis
11. all four of the Phantasm movies staring Angus Scrim
12. Legend of the Phantom Rider staring Angus Scrim
13. all four of the Bloodspecies movies Angus Scrim appeared briefly in the first one
14. all of the Puppet Master movie (I know that there are 8 of them).
15. Summer Camp Nightmare staring Chuck Connors

There are many more that I like...... These are just some of them.

News In My World!

I haven't felt too great this morning. I hope that I feel better before time to go to church tonight. I edited chapters 7-10 of my novel last night. Now, I'm working on chapters 11-14.

Here are the links to those chapters if y'all are interested in reading them.

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"Invalid Entry

Here is a poll that I have created.
"Invalid Item

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 21, 2014 at 1:23pm
January 21, 2014 at 1:23pm
Jan 21, 2014

BCOF Prompt

When you are introduced to be people do you hug, shake hands, nod your head or just verbally acknowledge the other person? What's your style? Does it make a difference who the introduction is too?

I usually either shake hands or verbally acknowledge the other person. If I do shake hands, I let the one I'm introduced to offer the hand shake. It really doesn't make a difference who it is. I'm just not a touchy, feely kind of person.

However, I did hug once right after meeting someone once, and that was when I met my soulmate. *Heart*

News In My World!

I had a nice time grocery shopping yesterday. I got some veggie patties, cream cheese made out of tofu, popsciles made out of coconut water, gluten free pizza crust mix, mushrooms, baby spinach, baby carrots, gluten free pasta, soy cheese and greek yogurt. I also bought some indulgence items too: vanilla bean gelato and Ben and Jerry's frozen greek yogurt (the blueberry lemon lavender flavor I bought was delicious). I know that the last two ingredients aren't exactly diet friendly, but you need to have little treats sometimes. If you deny yourself little treats here and there, you will probably end up binging somewhere down the road.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
January 20, 2014 at 1:19pm
January 20, 2014 at 1:19pm
Jan 20, 2014


What's your opinion of music nowadays?

I really don't like modern music.......... I will listen to Lana Del Ray and sometimes Rhinana (I forgot how to spell her name) and a handful of other modern songs, but they don't have the heart and soul of the music in other eras.

Modern day singers will never hold a candle to these artist.
1. Johnny Cash
2. June Carter Cash
3. Waylon Jennings
4. Leonard Cohen
5. Lee Hazlewood
6. Bill Anderson
7. Jim Reeves
8. Isla Grant
9. Al Grant
10. Kris Kristofferson
11. Dottie West
12. Merle Haggard
13. George Jones
14. Jessi Colter
15. Lucinda Williams
16. Wanda Jackson
17. Loretta Lynn
18. Patsy Cline
19. Nancy Sinatra

If y'all have never heard of any of these singers, you can find videos featuring all of these great on You Tube. You can also find them on Facebook's music app called Spotify.

News In My World

I guess my morning has been just a run of the mill one. I did some housework, went for a walk, and now, I'm finishing up this blog entry. I did my first Zumba step workout. It was a killer! It whipped my butt! I'm still going to do it again. This afternoon I will be going to a neighboring county to get some stuff that I need from Wal-Mart and Kroger. I live in a small town where there is only one grocery store, and they do not carry many gluten free foods. Their vegan selection is pitiful. They only carry one type of veggie burger, and they jack the price up on it. They also carry soy milk and almond milk and again, they mark up the price way too much. I'll get off my soap box now and fix myself some lunch.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 19, 2014 at 5:52pm
January 19, 2014 at 5:52pm
Jan 19, 2014

BCOF prompt

Today is a free day to blog about whatever, so I've decided to write about my goals for the year.

1. I want to repair broken relationships (my relationship with my soulmate and my relationship with my mom).
2. I want to lose 128 pounds. I've already lost five of them (doesn't seem like much does it? It's a started, and I won't give up).
3. To finish the final edits of my novel before seeking publication (I've edited the first 6 chapters).
4. To read 100 books in a year (I've finished reading two and am currently reading four others).

News In My World!

Today has been okay. I went for a walk, did a 30 minute weightlifting workout, and a 1 hour aerobic workout. I plan on doing a 30 minute zumba step workout tonight. I hope to get catch up on my editing between tonight and tomorrow. I also hope to catch up on my reading too. Now, I'll go and watch North and South III: Heaven and Hell. This mini-series was made in 1994. I was in my first year of college.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

January 18, 2014 at 3:56pm
January 18, 2014 at 3:56pm
Jan 18, 2014

BCOF Prompt

Why do you think children are taking guns to school? What is escalating this violence? What do you think as a society as a whole we can do to stop this? Will gun control really make a difference? This is a very controversial issue in our country.

I think bullying is the main reason kids are taking guns to school. I also believe that when the government took God out of schools is why violence is escalating. If society would go back the teachings of the Bible, we would have good Christian kids in schools. Now, I'm not saying violence would never happen, but it would go down quite a bit in my opinion. I really don't think gun control would make a difference either because if someone really wants a gun, he will find one. I also believe in the right to bear arms as the constitution states.

News In My World!

I went on two walks today and did a weightlifting workout. After I finish this entry, I will do an aerobic workout and before I go to bed, I'll do a zumba abs workout.

I'm also planning on watching a movie on Lifetime tonight at 7pm central time. It's a remake of the Flowers In the Attic movie of the 80 that is also based on the well-known VC Andrews novel. I know this would be hard to believe, but I've even been told that my writing style is similar to Andrews.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 17, 2014 at 6:08pm
January 17, 2014 at 6:08pm
Jan 17, 2014

BOCF prompt

What would be the coolest city to visit? (In US)

I really don't have just one city that I think would be cool to visit. I would like to visit Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. I know that isn't a city, but it is something I've wanted to do for a long time.

News In My World!

I finished editing chapters 3-6. I'm now trying to tackle chapters 7-10. Today was another day of workouts and following my diet. I've also been doing laundry too. The funny things is that I'm kind of OCD about laundry. I just can't stand to see dirty clothes pile up. Weird, isn't it?

I'm listening to Spotify, a music ap on facebook. I'm listening to a song called "She Won't" by Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood.

I've got to go now and figure out what I'm going to cook for supper and finish the laundry.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

January 16, 2014 at 12:06pm
January 16, 2014 at 12:06pm
Jan 16, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt

If you had the opportunity to create your own day, what would it be? Would you have any special perks to make your day unusual or memorable?

I would have a national reading day where people could easily find the book they want to read and have the entire 24 hour period to read it. No work, school, ect would go on. Just being able to curl up with a good book, and of course, a cup of coffee or tea to sip on. Now doesn't that sound cozy! *Smile*

News In My World

I have done much today since it's only a little after 11am, but I have managed to talk my dogs out for a walk, go on another walk by myself, eat a nice breakfast, and now, I'm finishing up this blog entry. After I finish this entry, I will post my edits for chapters 3b-6. I also hope to start working on editing chapters 7-10.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

January 15, 2014 at 12:40pm
January 15, 2014 at 12:40pm
Jan 15, 2014

BCOF prompt is "What was the last good book you read?"

I can't narrow it down to just one, but I can narrow it down to two, Happy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson and Si-cology by Si Robertson. I love these books because they had good clean humor in them, and most importantly, the authors were not ashamed to profess their faith in God in these books.

News In My World!

The day is still young, but I have already went for a walk, walked my babies, started edits for chapter 2 b (just haven't posted them to WDC yet), and I'm watching more of North and South II.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

January 14, 2014 at 8:51pm
January 14, 2014 at 8:51pm
Jan 14, 2014

BCOF prompt is "Do you agree or disagree? What are some popular deceptions that should be told to children? Do you believe it is more traumatic being deceived as a child or more traumatic dealing with the harsh realities of the world at a very young age?"

I have mixed feelings on this subject. I think that it is okay to let kids believe in things like the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and Santa Claus. To me, it teaches kids to be creative. In my experiences, most children figure out the truth when they get older and are usually okay. I know that my brother and I were.

I do believe that kids need to know about the harsh realities of the world, but it needs to be explained to them in an age appropriate manner. My parents never told me anything because they felt I needed to learn things on my own. This is the worst thing you could do to a child. Yes, children do need to learn things on their own, but it's good to be prepared. I ended up dealing with more trauma than necessary because I wasn't prepared.

News In My World!

Today was a slow day for me. I did get in a couple of short walks, a 30 minute aerobic workout, a 30 minute weightlifting workout, and fixed the printer so I could print out some chapters to edit. I've also lost another pound to make 5 pounds since the 6th. Now, all I have left to do is my Zumba workout, read some blogs to comment on, edit some chapters, and do some reading.

January 13, 2014 at 10:24pm
January 13, 2014 at 10:24pm
Jan 13, 2014

BCOF prompt is "What's your learning style? Do you prefer learning in a group and in an interactive setting? Or one-on-one? Do you retain information best through lectures, or visuals, or simply by reading books?"

It depends on what I'm trying to learn. I usually learn by a combination of reading and hands on. For example, when I was learning how to cook, I learned about reading cookbooks and actually cooking. I do tend to be the type that learns better on my own than in a classroom. For the most part, I would get bored in a classroom and daydream, especially in math class.

News In My World!

I did my first Zumba workout. I would recommend it to everyone. It's easy, fun, and burns calories galore! The only bad thing about today was that I saw that I had fallen behind in editing my novel and some housework.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

January 12, 2014 at 10:37pm
January 12, 2014 at 10:37pm
Jan 12, 2014

Today is a BCOF free prompt day. I have chosen to share my advice on love and relationships.

First off, I'm not saying that I'm an expert by any means. I just want to share what I've learned.

The reason I want to share this is to help steer others in the right direction, so they won't make the mistakes that I have made.

Here goes.............

Things not to do in a relationship (yes, I've chosen to start here because if you know what not to do, it will bring you closer to doing the right thing).

1. Never lie- This has been a big problem for me. Yes, I admit that I told many lies throughout my almost 14 year relationship. I do sincerely regret doing this. This is the worst thing a person can do in a relationship. I've also figured out that when you do tell the truth, you're loved one will not believe you no matter what because you've lost all credibility.

2. Never cheat- I have never had a problem with this. I've always been faithful and will continue to be. I also want to make something clear. Cheating isn't just in the bedroom. It's also in kissing, flirting, lusting after, fantasizing about someone else, and emotional relationships online with others that is beyond friendship (well, it is in my opinion).

Things to do in a relationship (this is just merely what I have learned over time)

1. Always be honest. See number 1 above on why to always be honest. A relationship need honesty in order to have trust, and trust in your partner is a must.

2. Always be faithful- See number 2 explanation.... To me, if you aren't faithful, then you don't love your partner. It also leads to lies and a breech of trust.

3. Never give up on your partner. There will be good times and bad. You need to be in there for better or worse...... No matter what happens be there for your loved one.

4. Reach out and touch your partner. I'm not just referring to bedroom matters. I won't touch on those because that's a personal matter even though that's nice too. What I'm mainly talking about here are loving looks/glances, holding hands, a nice warm hug, ect.

5. Communication is key. Don't keep things from your loved one. Share your life with your partner. This has been another one of my downfalls. It's always been difficult for me to do this. When you don't communicate with your partner, it will also look like you are hiding something and lying.

Other things that I have learned.

1. Don't jump to conclusions. You may not truly know the whole story. Get all of the facts. This also comes down to constant communication.

2. Listen to your partner! I cannot talk about this enough! Another part of communication.

3. Give complements to your loved one. Always take the time to let him/her know the good things that you see.

4. Try not to constantly criticize your partner (yes, it is needed sometimes, but put yourself in the other person's shoes. Would you never want to hear a kind word again?). Try to always see the good. Lift him/her up!

5. Make a list of the pros and cons about a person. I know that it may be easier to come up with all cons, but just sit down and really think about what drew you to that person. I promise you that you will come up with some pros.

6. Forgive and Forget! Yes, I said forget too! To me, if you don't forget then you really didn't forgive.

7. Believe that people can change if they acknowledge that they have a problem and are trying to take steps to correct. Just keep in mind that change takes time and doesn't happen overnight.

8. Pray! This is really important. God can and will help you through anything if you just ask him!

Now, there are a few things in my opinion that a couple can't overcome.

1. physical abuse
2. extreme emotional abuse
3. abuse of children
4. being unfaithful (if you can't be faithful, then you should tell your partner and leave)

I hope this entry helps at least someone! I know that it has helped me by reminding me what I need to do in order to repair my relationship. I have made it my only priority!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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