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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

Check out my novel!

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Sister of Mercy
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March 29, 2014 at 1:40pm
March 29, 2014 at 1:40pm
March 29, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What song did you find yourself humming or singing when nobody was listening?

Day before yesterday, I was singing the song "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. This song was on the next to the last Twilight movie. Here are the lyrics.

"A Thousand Years"

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

I always think of my soulmate when I hear this song. It sums up the way I feel about him.

Blog City

Tell us about a talent you'd love to have but don't.

There are two talents that I wish I had that go together. I wish I could sew and draw because I would love to be a plus size fashion designer. Most plus size designers don't have a clue about how plus size clothes should look like. They tend to make sloppy shapeless clothes that do nothing to flatter a woman. The clothes also tend to look matronly too. I'm only 37, and I certainly don't want to look 87. I was in a store about a week or two ago and notice that many of the plus size dresses looked like something Mrs. Roper from Three's Company would wear.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Have you told your partner about all of your past relationships? If you are not in a relationship, do you think someone should or should not reveal all past relationships?

This prompt is pretty simple for me because I don't have any past relationships. My soulmate is the only one I've ever had a relationship with. I'm glad too! *Bigsmile* However, if I would have had any past relationships, I would have told my soulmate because I think that there shouldn't be any secrets between us.

News In My World!

I received another rejection from a query today. That's 8 in all, but I'm not worried because I've sent off a little over 80 queries since 3/21/14 and have more that I will send later on. I just hope that I don't have to go to the self publishing option, but I know this may happen because my novel is a blend of three genres, one of them being western. The western genre is often a hard sale and the fact that you often don't see it paired with faerie folklore and horror.

I've got to go figure out what I'm going to have for lunch since Mom and my brother didn't want fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and brown sugar glazed carrots.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 28, 2014 at 11:37pm
March 28, 2014 at 11:37pm
March 28, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Do you consider yourself a worrier?

It depends on the situation, but I have learned that if you just turn it over to God, everything will work out fine.

Blog City

You get some incredibly, amazingly, wonderful fantastic news. What's that first thing you do?

Thank the good Lord for the blessing, and then email my soulmate about it.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Have you ever had a random encounter with a stranger that sticks in your head for some reason?

No, I've never had this to happen to me.

News In My World!

I didn't do much today. I took it easy for the most part. I did catch up on some reading. I almost finished reading Your God Is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. I have only two chapters left to read in each. I also reading some of Sleepwalk by John Saul, Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule, and Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews.

Now, I'm off to email my soulmate, read some of Skeleton Crew by Stephen King, and maybe send off a query letter or two before going to bed.

Tomorrow, I might be fixing fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and Brown Sugar glazed carrots for lunch.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 27, 2014 at 11:29pm
March 27, 2014 at 11:29pm
March 27,2014

Welcome to My Reality

When you were a child what were your dreams for when you were a grownup?

I wanted to be a country singer. To be more exact, I wanted to be the female Johnny Cash. I wanted to wear all black and sing the same type of songs that singers like Cash, Jennings, and Kristofferson sung.

Blogging Circle of Friends

There are three types of courage: physical (being willing to face physical pain), mental (being able to challenge the common thought), and emotional (being willing to face your emotions and deal with them.) Which of these three is the most important?

Emotional courage is the most important to me because it's the one I have to constantly work at because I'm Bipolar. It's really difficult to keep my emotions in check because of my constant mood swings and lack of focus.

Blog City

Describe your ideal writing space-it does not have to be in your house, library, or anywhere familar. You've been given a huge sum of money and can go anywhere you choose to set up your writing space-describe it.

I would like a house out in the country where I could go and write. It would have a high fence around it so I could bring my children with me too. The house would be small but have a room dedicated to my writing time.

I would have a nice desk to keep a computer, printer, paper, pens, and a dictionary/theasaurs. There would also be built in shelves all over the walls for all of the books I would have there. A big comfy chair would be a requirement too.

News In My World!

I think I'm coming down with something. My eyes are hurting, I have a splitting headache, and a messed up stomach.

I also received another rejection on my query for my novel. I wish agencies would restructure their form rejection letters. It would be nice to give the author an idea besides not a right fit. If I were an agent, I would have a list with in the form letter where I would check off an option or options on why the submission didn't work. For example, if the plot was weak, I would place a check mark by plot needs work. I realize that agents do not have time to give extensive feedback, but just a general idea would be nice. It would give the author an idea on what needs work or needs the most work.

It had been storming tonight, but it has let up some. My middle child, Maggie, is scared of thunder. I've finally got her to settle down and go to sleep. My youngest, Rocky, wasn't bothered by it at all and has been to sleep for an hour. Josette, my oldest, is with my brother tonight in a nearby town. My brother is visiting a close family friend and took Josette with him, so he could take her to the vet to get her nails clipped along with getting her yearly checkup. I called my brother about two hours ago to check on my baby, and she was asleep. Josette goes to bed early most nights, so I knew that she was okay because if she wasn't she would have trouble going to sleep and would also be very fussy and clingy.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 26, 2014 at 11:27pm
March 26, 2014 at 11:27pm
March 26, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

How do you mange stress?

I actually don't manage stress very well at all. I tend to get jumpy and cranky when I'm stressed. However, I do tend to finally get over it. Reading and being with my children help. Watching movies or favorite TV shows help too.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Mustard or Ketchup?

I would say mustard for the following reasons.

1. Regular mustard doesn't have any calories.
2. It doesn't have any fat.
3. Low in sodium
4. No carbs

Blog City

Can you be alone with yourself?

This question reminds me of a quote that I heard in a horror movie called Motel Hell staring Rory Calhoun. Farmer Vincent (the main character played by Calhoun) is comforting a young lady whose boyfriend was killed in an "accident". She's crying because she feels all alone. Farmer Vincent (Calhoun) smiles at her and says, "You're never alone because you always have yourself."

I know it may be hard to believe, but I find a lot of comfort in that quote. I think of it whenever I feel lonely. Isn't funny that such a comforting quote came from a horror movie?

News In My World!

I received 4 nos on queries that I sent to agents today. That makes 6 rejections since March 21st. I know this is the nature of the business, but it's just really discouraging to get that many in only a couple of days. *Frown*

I had a cooking mishap today. I chopped up some onions and then put the chunks in my food processor. I thought I had the processor on correctly, meaning I thought I heard the click. Well, I pressed the button and after a few seconds onion juice went every. Mushy onion pieces flew all over me. My eyes started watering and burning. The smell was awful. I had to scrub my face and neck, and wash my hair. I ended up going to church with my hair still damp. I had it pulled back in a ponytail, so it wasn't as noticeable. It made for a funny story to tell at church. *Laugh*

I watched the season finale of Duck Dynasty. Poor little Mia (Jase's daughter) had surgery for the fifth time because she was born with a clef lip and palette. I just hate that the show is over for the season. No more new episodes until fall. *Sad*

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

March 25, 2014 at 11:46pm
March 25, 2014 at 11:46pm
March 25, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Who or what have you been the most proud of this week?

I'm very proud of myself for biting the bullet and start sending off queries to agent, knowing that I will receive the answer no many times. I've received two nos already. However, I know that JK Rowling was reject by every agent she queried except for the last one. Stephen King also had seven novels turned down before he finally got a yes for Carrie. I figure if they had trouble finding an agent, then it must be normal for anyone to have trouble with this.

Blog City

Tell us about your favorite way to get lost in a single activity- running, chopping veggies, folding laundry, ect. What's it like when you are in the zone?

I usually have music blaring when I'm doing household chores. When I'm in the zone, I'm usually singing.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to?

Josette, Maggie, and Rocky are techincally animals, but I don't see them that way. They are my children, and I refer to them as such. I've always wanted children, but I'm not able to have any, so they fill the void quite nicely.

News In My World!

I received my second no on my queries today. I just look at it as every no is one step closer to a yes.

I read a couple of chapters of Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews. Before I go to bed, I will read a little of Skeleton Crew by Stephen King.

Now off to research more agents.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 24, 2014 at 12:28pm
March 24, 2014 at 12:28pm
March 24, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Who can make you laugh like nobody else can and why?

My children, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky, make me laugh like nobody else can. They are so comical when they play outside, chasing birds, squirrels, lizards, ect, playing with squeaky toys, and sometimes they run so fast until the bump into each other. Other times, they tend to want to "help" me play Hay Day on my tablet. Josette will often start tapping her paw on the screen, looking like she's copying me.

It's mainly just the little things that my four-legged children do that make me laugh and smile everyday.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Silver or Gold?

I like silver better for the following reasons.

1. Silver looks better on me than gold.
2. Silver jewelry looks classier.
3. I also love silver platters on a table over gold. It looks more luxurious.

Blog City

Never Ending Dream *Bigsmile* At an old bookstore, you found a book on interpreting dreams that you just had to have. You fall asleep reading the book and find yourself in a dream that you cannot wake up from.

Prompt: What is it? How will you get back to reality?

This reminds me of a dream I used to have often. I used to dream that I could run at very fast pace and would run away from everyone in my dreams, especially men.

When I met my soulmate, I stopped having those dreams. I stopped being so afraid... I let love into my life!

News In My World!

I went to the courthouse this morning for jury duty but was excused, so I won't be tied up with that! Thank goodness! I was rather nervous about it, and I had a lot to do this week anyway.

I finally lost another pound. That makes 11 in all. I'm hoping to lose at least 2 pounds this week.

I queried three more agents this morning before I left home this morning. I did a little more research and found some other agents to contact.

Now, I'm off to fix myself some lunch. I may have a vegan chili dog.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

March 23, 2014 at 11:38pm
March 23, 2014 at 11:38pm
March 23, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends and Blog City

I had a pretty good day. I was finally able to buy a printer cartridge. I was only able to buy a black ink one today, but I think I'm going to be able to get a color one after the first of the month. I was also able to find my favorite bolthouse smoothie today. My favorite is a vanilla chai tea smoothie. It's a vegan smoothie.

When I got back into town, I had to attend a mission's committee meeting at church. This was the first meeting toward planning the church's mission trip to Canada this summer. I will be going back to Canada again this summer.

I've almost finished reading The Scarlet Letter. I have about 35 pages left. I won't have as much time for reading, sending query letters to agents, ect. because I have jury duty this week (that is if I'm not excused from it tomorrow). Never fear though, I will still have time to write my blog entries!

I've got to so and finish some stuff before going to bed.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

March 22, 2014 at 11:18pm
March 22, 2014 at 11:18pm
March 22, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt

What do you do consider goofing off? Any particular day come to mind that you recently did something totally out of character for you?

I consider goofing off is when you should be totally serious and are not.

One day when I was seventeen (I had started my first semester that summer), I was studying for a history test. I became really bored studying about ancient Greek and Roman history, but I knew that I had to do well on that test. I tried going in different rooms, listening to music, studying while snacking, ect. The weather was hot and sunny that day. I decided to grab my Western Civ I notes and went outside around to the backyard. At that time, my family had a trampoline there. Anyway, I got on it and started jumping up and down on it while reading my notes to study for the Western Civ test! A few minutes later, my mom came outside and asked me what I was doing, and of course, I told her I was studying.

I know this isn't a recent day since I'm almost 38, and I was 17 then, but it was just too funny (at least to me) not to write about it.

Blog City Prompt

What gets better with age?

Love gets better with age. I love my soulmate more today than I did when I first met him. Other things get better with time too, but I don't kiss and tell. *Blush*

News In My World!

I went to a town about 1 1/2 hours away from where I lived today to visit my aunt and uncle. My uncle is dying of Parkenson's disease. He's in a hospice nursing home, and we haven't been able to see them since he was placed there. My mom, brother and I stayed there for a little while then went to have lunch at Olive Garden. I had ravilios stuffed with portabello mushrooms in a creamy smoked mozzarella cream sauce topped with sun-dried tomatoes. It was one of their vegetarian dishes.

I sent off five more query letter today for a total of 18 sent since yesterday. I plan to send some more tomorrow because next week will probably be busy for me since I have jury duty. I hope I get to go to church Wednesday night.

I'm going to go because I'm getting really sleepy.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 21, 2014 at 11:50am
March 21, 2014 at 11:50am
March 21, 2014

Blog City Prompt

Would you rather be super intelligent or extremely good looking? Why?

This is a hard question because I lack both big time. I would love to be super intelligent, so I could engage in conversations with my brother and some of the people at my church better. I know that people, especially after talking to me, think that I'm not exactly the brightest crayon in the box. I would also like to be extremely good looking too because I feel that people look at me and think, "That poor homely girl!" I was teased a lot in school because of my looks and lack of intelligence too. It didn't even matter that I made A's in English, Literature, History, and French in high school. People still saw me as dumb and would even say so to my face.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Are sequels better or worse than the original?

Sometimes yes, and sometimes no... I'll give y'all some examples of each.

1. Troll and Troll 2

This is a no brainer! The first Troll wins hands down! Troll 2 has nothing to do with the first one except in name only. The plot to Troll 2 was stupid at best, and the acting was terrible. June Lockhart, who starred in the original one, was offered a role in the second one. It was rumored that when she received the script to the sequel; she burned it and said that people should never be subjected to that torture (or something like that).

2. Children of the Corn series

The second movie was close to being a true sequel. At least, it centered around the children from the second one and what happened to them. The rest of them only centered around the town. Well, one of them brought Issac back from the first one, but it was still lacking in every other way.

3. Bloodstone series

This series of four movies rocked because this was a true series that followed the plot beautifully. Each movie took place right were the other one left off. The acting wasn't bad either for a series of low budget flicks. They were made by a production company called Dark Moon (the same studio that named the Puppet Master series). There were two other movies made after the first four, but they only follow the series loosely and are not considered part of the true series. Don't bother with those. They were Vampire Journals, and I can't remember the name of the other one.

4. Phantasm series

This series also followed in a straight logical line. The second movie picked up several years later, but it still followed the lines of the first one. The third one picked up right where the second one left off. The fourth one was several years later too, but it revealed secrets that are important to the story, like how the "Tall Man" became evil. Angus Scrim played the Tall Man on all of them. He was great.

5. Puppet Master series

The first few movies had something to do with each other, but the series became crazy along the way. I think it was the fact they made so many, and sometimes you can only come up with a certain amount of original ideas. However, I did think that Puppet Master vs. The Demonic Toys was funny and original even though the Syfy channel made this one instead of Dark Moon (which I believe has folded).

News In My World!

I researched agents last night. I came up with a list of 28 agents to contact for now. These are agents who prefer queries by email. Later on, I will contact those who prefer snail mail (I ran out of ink in my printer, and that's why I'm contacting the ones who want e-mail queries).

I'm planning a great lunch today. I'm going to fix mini vegan pigs in a blanket and mushroom puffs. I'm in the mood for appetizers for lunch. Sounds silly doesn't it?

I thought I would share the synopsis I wrote for my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun.

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Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 20, 2014 at 11:23pm
March 20, 2014 at 11:23pm
March 20, 2014

Blog City Prompt

If you could bring back one show from your childhood, what would it be and who is your favorite character in that show?

This is a very hard question because there were several shows that I enjoyed as a young girl.

Here's the list

1. Werewolf- It was a show about a good werewolf and a bad werewolf. Chuck Connors play the villian named Jonas Skortsay (I can't remember how the last was spelled.) Connors was killed off at the end of the first season because the show's producers thought that the viewers would want a younger villan. They were wrong because the second season only lasted a few episodes. The viewers main complained that they wanted Chuck Connors back and not the newer and younger villan.

2. Friday the 13th the series- The show had nothing to do with Jason Vorhees. It was about an antique show that had cursed goods. The former owner was evil and had sold a bunch of the cursed items. When the owner died, the shop went to his three good cousins. They went virtually everywhere to find those items and put them in a special vault where their magic couldn't get out. My favorite character was Micky. When I was 11, I wanted long curly hair just like hers. The show ran for three seasons on Saturday nights at 10:30pm on CBS.

3. Freddie's Nightmare's- The show was hosted by Robert England who played Freddy Kruger. All of the episodes centered around Kruger going into people's dreams and messing up their lives.

4. Hitchhiker- This show was on USA and HBO. The Hitchhiker was played by Paige Fletcher. The Hitchhiker would introduce the episodes and appear when things get weird.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt

Did you ever have parent/teacher conferences? Did you dread or look forward to them?

I hated parent/teacher conferences. When I was a kid, it was required for the student to be there. I think it was a punishment designed by the school. I had to sit there while teachers would say stuff like "She needs psychriatic help because she doesn't act like the other children." That same teacher went on to complain that I read books above my age level. She also said that was bad and not normal. Apparently, teachers hate it if you read and understand Treasure Island in the third grade. My fourth grade teacher wasn't any better. She told my mother that I was mentally handicapped because I read The Scarlet Letter. She even advised my mother to enroll me in a special summer school for kids. My mom looked into to the school. It was for kids who didn't have any motor skills. My mom was furious. She informed my teacher that I was way beyond playing with blocks and rolling around on the floor.

My junior high and high school teachers were much better and did have a problem with me reading Jane Eyre in the 6th grade. I did have one teacher in 8th grade who thought I might have had mental problems because I loved to read Stephen King and VC Andrews. Maybe, I shouldn't have given an oral book report on VC Andrews "Flowers In the Attic". LOL!

News In My World!

I finished editing my novel today (at least editing it for now). I also wrote the synopsis for it too. I cleaned the refrigerator today too. Well, I started on it. I'm at least halfway through. I know I will have it finished tomorrow. I also have to called in about jury duty tomorrow evening to see if I have to go in on Monday morning. I've never had jury duty before, but a friend of mine from church has it next week too, so at least I will know someone there. That is if we both have to go.

I'm watching Little Honey Boo Boo tonight. It's pretty funny watching those "Never Boo-fore seen takes".

I'm going to go play Hay Day now. That game is awesome!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

March 19, 2014 at 11:19pm
March 19, 2014 at 11:19pm
March 19, 2014

Blog City Prompt

If you could be any age for one week, what age would you choose and why?

Choosing one particular age is hard, but there are three different ages I would choose.

I loved being 13 because I had loads of confidence. I was also beautiful! I had a great figure, and my weight was between 105-110.

I also loved being 21 because I wore a size 3/4 for a little while. My singing voice was top notch. I had such a broad range. I could hit a high G and go all the way down to a very low G or A (depending on the song). I can't go over a 2nd sopranos A now.

Twenty-seven was a good age for awhile too because I was pretty then also. I won several beauty pageants. I was between a size 8-10.

All of these ages came with a price though. When I became thin during those times, I was only able to achieve it through starving myself, abusing laxatives, and taking way too many diet pills (I even took them at 13 because there wasn't a minimum age on them back in the late 80s).

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt

Smile or Game Face?

It depends on the situation. Sometimes, I rely on my natural smile. Other times, I put on my game face with my beauty pageant smile. Some people think my pageant smile looks fake, so it can't be too bad when I won best smile (twice), best photogenic (once), and best portfolio (twice) in the pageants that I participated in. The game face also works in sales sometimes because it tends to exude confidence.

News In My World!

I made some hickory ranch dip for the church supper tonight. I only brought back a few spoonfuls. Country Gourmet Home offers the best products. Go to this website to check them out. http://www.mycountrygourmethome.com/pcockrell

I'm working on editing the last chapter of my novel. It's my goal to edit it and write a 1-2 page synopsis of the novel too, but I can't seem to focus on it. My mom and brother keep giving me a honey do list everyday. I've even tried talking to them about it, and how important it is too me to finish this, but they just won't listen. Mom even looks at me and says, "Big deal, I will take you seriously with this when you become as famous as Stephen King." My brother says, "No one will ever want to read it because your book is crazy. No one is interested in reading about cowboys, faeries, and supernatural characters all in one book."

I'm almost finished reading Your God is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan, 3/4 of the way finished with Out of Oz by Gregory Macguire, and 1/2 way finished with Legends of Literature (a book of essays on writing), The Town by Bentley Little, Sleepwalk by John Saul, Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Skeleton Crew by Stephen King. I just started reading Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews not too long ago. Yep, that's right, I read nine books at a time. I tend to get into reading on a daily basis better that way instead of reading one book at a time.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 18, 2014 at 4:21pm
March 18, 2014 at 4:21pm
March 18, 2014

Blog City Prompt

Prompt: A mad scientist aka LYN approached you with an offer to enhance one of your senses but dull another. It is not optional, he is going to do the surgery but luckily you get to choose which TWO SENSES. What's it going to be?

I would want to enhance my eye sight because it's terrible. It would be great to see clearly without glasses. Then I could save money on not having to visit the eye doctor (my insurance doesn't cover glasses). I guess I would want to dull my sense of taste. It would probably help with my weight loss if my pallet wasn't so vibrant.

The next prompt kind of follows along with this one.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt

What in the WORLD did I agree to?

Now, that I think about it, having my sense of taste dulled would be a shock to my system and make me sad. I really love to cook and having my sense of taste dulled might cause me to not want cooking as a hobby anymore.

To think of it, it would probably affect my selling Country Gourmet Home product too.

It's a good thing that these are only prompts, and I don't really have to worry about this!

News In My World!

I got to see my aunt and uncle today. They are the only relatives on my Mom's side who are actually nice to me! They came down to see my grandmother whose in the nursing home.

I got a new adapter for my computer in the mail today. I really needed it to because the one I was using has exposed wires that could be really dangerous.

I've edited chapters 40-44. I'm on the last chapter. I'm working on fleshing it out to make the ending more exciting.

I also plan to write a 1-2 page synopsis this week. I may not get to my review goals this week, but I will most likely get to them by next week.

I've got to go now and clean out the refrigerator and figure out what to cook for supper tonight.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 17, 2014 at 4:00pm
March 17, 2014 at 4:00pm
March 17, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt

Coffee or tea? Or neither?

I drink both. It depends on what mood I'm in. I don't drink very much coffee. The only times I will drink it is on very cold days or at church when the other ladies are drinking it. I tend to like to drink coffee that has a vanilla flavor. Does drinking coffee flavored frappes count? I really love those!

As for tea, I really enjoy herbal teas like raspberry, blueberry, camomile, lavender, and green. I also drink white and oolong because they are known for helping with the metabolism.

Blog City Prompt

You receive a mysterious email and the subject line reads Everything you know is a lie. You open the email and read further: Act calm as to not alert anyone, but everyone around you is not who they say they are. You need to quietly get out of there and meet me at the spot where you had your first kiss. You know the place. My name is Lyn. Tell me about that special place. Have you been there since? Now,you know Irish are noted for their blarney, so have fun.

I would have to say that I ever kiss and tell! That is between my soulmate and myself.

News In My World!

I've edited two more chapters of my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. I now only have chapters 40-45 to go. I also did some research on how to write a 1-2 page synopsis. I plan on trying my hand at that by the end of the week. I want to finish my editing first which I should have complete (at least for now) by Thursday. I plan to try to catch up with some reviewing this week too by reviewing some chapters at the Novel Workshop.

I'm trying to decide which dip I should make for the church supper Wednesday night: Hickory Ranch or Crabby Seafood. I'm leaning toward Hickory Ranch because I already have everything for it.

Go to go and finish some work around the house!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 16, 2014 at 6:00pm
March 16, 2014 at 6:00pm
March 16, 2014

Blog City and Blogging Circle of Friends

It's been just another day in the neighborhood today. I went to church, fixed chicken tacos when I got back (go to Blog City prompt forum for the recipe), edited chapters 33-35 of my novel, and I've read some of the book, Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews. It's a part of the Casteel series (the one after the Dollenger series). I'm also coming close to finishing a book called Your God is too Safe by Mark Buchanan.

I'm having to reinstall my Spotify app that got wiped out by the computer virus. I've missed having my music. The music I listen to inspires me while I write. I also have a separate playlist for exercise music too. It's not the traditional music for exercising, but it works for me. I just want it to hurry up, so I can listen to some Al and Isla Grant tunes. For those who don't know who they are, they are a husband and wife duo from Scottland. They each have solo careers too.

If y'all have the time, check out the query letter I wrote for my novel.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1981890 by Not Available.

Now, I need to write a 1-2 page synopsis for my novel. That is the hard part, trying to squeeze "Big Bertha" who is about a size 16 into a size 0. LOL!

Got to go and ready to go to evening service at the church!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 15, 2014 at 11:34am
March 15, 2014 at 11:34am
March 15, 2014

Blog City Prompt

Cesare Pavese is known for saying that 'We do not remember the days, we remember the moments.' Describe your moment.

It was a couple of days ago, and I was holding my oldest "baby", Josette. I looked at her and said "Mommy loves you. Do you love Mommy?" Now, I wasn't expecting an answer since she's a Min Pin, and therefore can't talk, but I could swear that she nodded her head as if she was saying yes.

Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt

It's National Everything is Wrong Day. With that in mind finish this sentence.

Finish this sentence! I have a little bit of a problem. I like to watch horror movies way too much (the scarier and sometimes the gorier the better). It all started when I was ten years old, when I started going through puberty.

Yep, I started watching horror movies around this time, and I really got into it when I turned twelve. I was stressed out all of the time, and seventh grade was terrible for me, and it helped me cope with stress to a certain degree. I was bullied a lot in the seventh grade for being and looking different (I looked like I was 17 or 18 by this time). It was also not cool to be a fan of country music at that time either (or at least not at the school I went to) However, I felt that watching the horror movies gave me the confidence to stand up for myself and not cower down to the bullies.

News In My World!

I'm about to go have some gluten free cake batter pancakes. They are yummy!

Here's the recipe if anyone wants to try them.

Cake Batter Pancakes

1 cup of gluten free pancake mix (I use Pamela's or Country Gourmet Home)
1 cup of gluten free vanilla cake mix (I use Pamela's)
1 cup of almond milk (I use Silk unsweetened)
2 eggs
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract (I use the real thing not imitation.)

Put the ingredients in a bowl and stir them up. I use a wooden spoon to stir with. Get a 1/4 measuring cup to pour the mix on to my griddle (an electric skillet or skillet on a stove top will do also). If you have kids you can also add sprinkles to the mix too. When you are finished, you can pour syrup on top of your pancake. I use Country Gourmet Home's Blueberry syrup. It's made of real fruit, and I like the real thing.

I wrote this for the Merit Badge Project yesterday.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1981785 by Not Available.

I also wrote this for Hook Us this morning.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1981890 by Not Available.

Please check these out and let me know what y'all think.

Got to go eat pancakes now!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 14, 2014 at 10:36am
March 14, 2014 at 10:36am
March 14, 2014

Blog City Prompt

Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

I've never seen a ghost. However, I did live in a house where I would hear unexplained noises, and I did fall down the stairs twice and both times I felt like I was being pushed (no one was behind me either time). I was also burned on the back of my thigh and couldn't figure out how it happened. It looked like someone got two hot irons and pressed them up against the back of my thighs. The weird thing is it was while I was saying my nightly prayer.

I'm not saying that I believe in ghost even though these things happen. I do believe in angels and demons. I believe that the devil will use his demons to really test you to make you turn away from God. I also believe that God created angels to protect us.

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt

"Take note, take note, O world. To be direct and honest is not safe." Is this true or not? Why?

I've learned that in most situations it is best to be direct and honest. Lying only makes things worse.

I loved the episode of The Riffleman where Lucas McCain (played by Chuck Connors) explained why people lie, and why it isn't good to do it in most cases. The one that stood out to me was lying to spear feelings. I do agree with that one. I forgot the exact example he used, but it was something like this "If someone asked you about something she is wearing, and you could tell that the person felt good wearing it. You would just go long with it to keep from hurting someone's feelings." I wished I had that episode on DVD. It was a good one!

News in My World!

I haven't lost anymore weight. It seems that I've hit a plateau of 10 pounds. I'm doing a lot better at my reading goal and I should finish reading two more books by early next week ( Your God is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan and Out of Oz by Gregory Magurie). I've worked out a few kinks in some other chapters too (ones I thought we completely edited, but I would rather fix them now instead of having an agent see them). I'm hoping to start editing chapter 33 either today or tomorrow.

I've also saved 10 chapters of my novel to Word. If everything goes well, maybe I can start sending out query letters by summer or fall at the latest. I really want to start writing the sequel by the time NaNo rolls around in November.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 13, 2014 at 11:38pm
March 13, 2014 at 11:38pm
March 12, 2014

Blog City prompt

If you could personally witness one event in history, what would you want to see?

This is a tough question. However, one event stands out. Now, this isn't considered an "historic event", but I would have loved to have love to have been at Johnny Cash and June Carter's wedding. For those who don't know, it took place on March 1, 1968 at a baptist church in Franklin, TN (I think that was the city).

Blogging Circle of Friends prompt

In your opinion, what is the most disrespectful thing anyone could ever do to you?

Another tough question... I will tell y'all about one time that I was so disrespected. I will never forget it, but I have learned not to dwell on it, and I've forgiven the person as well.

I was at a Chinese restaurant with my family and one of my family members (I won't say who) called me a whore out loud for all to hear. I didn't even understand why this person called me that. The person also refused to appologize and no one said a word or stood up for me. It stunned me that this was allowed to go on...

Anyway, I left the restaurant (in tears, but I was able to hold it in until I got out of there) and never went back again. It was one of my favorite restaurants too.

News In My World!

I'm finally back after getting my computer back last night. I just couldn't type long entries using my tablet. I don't deal with touch screen keyboards too well. I also have Word now! I've also saved the first 10 chapters of my novel on there.

I've also lost three more pounds since my last blog entry to make 10 pounds in all. I've also finished reading The Academy by Bentley Little and Fallen Hearts by VC Andrews. I also started reading The Town by Bentley Little and Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews.

I'm watching the Little Honey Boo Boo Halloween special for the second time tonight. It's so funny!

I got to see my soulmate yesterday *Heart* ! I wish I could see him more often. I miss him a lot...

I also made a raspberry white chocolate no bake cheesecake. It was yummy! I made it for the church supper last night. I only brought back two slices. I made it with cream cheese made of tofu, and no one knew the difference.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

February 23, 2014 at 11:10pm
February 23, 2014 at 11:10pm
Feb 23, 2014

BCOF prompt is a free day, so I will tell y'all about my messed up afternoon. My computer is messed up because my computer idiot self clicked the wrong button, and now everything comes up in Wordpad. I tried looking up solutions for this, but everything seems to be written for people who know about computers, instead of solutions for the village idiotsin the computer world like me.

The Soundtrack of Your Life

In honor of how much I think that Wordpad can just kiss off, I'm going to share a neat song from the 80s called Kiss Off by Violent Femmes.


News In My World!

I really don't like having to type longer stuff on my tablet. I'mjust not a fan of touch screen stuff for typing. I like typing on a ttraditional keyboard. I guess I'm old school like that.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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February 22, 2014 at 10:50pm
February 22, 2014 at 10:50pm
Feb 22, 2014

BCOF Prompt

Today, is International Tongue Twister Day. What tongue twisters do you know? Do you enjoy doing them with your family? Have you ever included them in your writing?

I don't know any tongue twisters except for that one about how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. The only time I've used a tongue twister in writing was to come up with the title of this entry (at least, it's a tongue twister to me).

The Soundtrack of Your Life

The song I'm going to share with y'all today is a beautiful love song that makes me think of my soulmate. It's Would You Lay with Me In a Field of Stone by Tanya Tucker. She sung it when she was only 13, and this song was written by David Allan Cole.


News In My World!

I haven't felt to great since this afternoon. I think that I've caught my brother's stomach virus that he woke up with this morning. I did finish reading a short story collection by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It was pretty good. I plan on reading The Scarlett Letter next.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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February 21, 2014 at 4:47pm
February 21, 2014 at 4:47pm
Feb 21, 2014

BCOF Prompt

Pepsi or Coke?

I prefer neither. I've actually cut myself of off sodas for the most part since Jan 6th, but if I do decide to drink one every so often, it will be root beer. I prefer either Barq's or A&W. When I make root beer floats from time to time, I use A&W because it has vanilla in it. I only use vanilla bean ice cream too.

The Soundtrack of Your Life

I'm going to share a song with you that got terrible reviews back in 1979, but I thought it was a fun song when I heard it many years later. It was on the disco album that country singer Bill Anderson released. The song is called Double S.

Here's the link, but I'm not sure it's right because it's much longer than the others. If it doesn't work, just go to You Tube and type in Double S Bill Anderson, and you'll find it.


News In My World!

I got a free Wild Garden humus dip and pita chip snack pack in the mail. A full size one too! I usually never get anything from those "this will go to the first 1000 response". I'm watching the second Harry Potter movie on HBO to cool off from my hour aerobic workout. I'm going to go now and finish watching the movie and read some of Sleepwalk by John Saul.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy

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