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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

Check out my novel!

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Check out my website!


Sister of Mercy
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August 6, 2014 at 4:42pm
August 6, 2014 at 4:42pm
Aug 6, 2014

Blog City

List the 5 most beautiful words you have ever heard.

"I love you, Baby Girl." *Inlove*

This is what I love to hear my soulmate say to me! *Bigsmile*

Blogging Circle of Friends

Have you ever written a poem, short story, or essay while you were listening to a piece of music? If so, how did listening to the music effect the story, poem or essay? If not, what is your favorite relaxation music?

This is a poem that I wrote while listening to a whole bunch of Leonard Cohen songs.

"Invalid Item

I also make many musical references in my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun.

Here are the songs I mention.

All I Have to do Is Dream- Everly Brothers
Tall Dark Stranger- Buck Owens
Ring of Fire- Johnny Cash
Carolyn- Merle Haggard
Rainy Day Woman- Waylon Jennings

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

I thought I would share a different type of song. It's called To Ardent by Nancy Sinatra. It's a cool disco song!


News In My World!

This has been another lazy day. I'm still feeling a little under the weather, but at least, I'm not running any fever. I've done two awesome workouts today. One was a 2 mile walking workout, and the other was a 3 mile walking workout. Tomorrow, I will go to a nearby town to go my month household/grocery shopping. At least that will get me out of the house!

Musical Ending!

This is a song called The Hungry Years by Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood.


Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
August 5, 2014 at 12:59pm
August 5, 2014 at 12:59pm
Aug 5, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Can you single out a perfect meal? What was your experience either making it or eating it? Were you alone, at a party or with someone memorable?

There's one meal that I can single out. It was in September 2013. My soulmate and I went to Olive Garden. I really don't remember what I ate, just that I was with him..... It was all I needed......

Blog City

Have you had any experiences with a person who has become morally or politically correct? Do people need to be persuaded like Shakespeare's Macbeth or does it happen on its own?

I've know people to change over time but not a dramatic change all at once. The experiences I've seen and experienced have been gradual but still for the better. I don't think people need to be persuaded. I think it's usually best and most sincere when it happens on its own.

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

This is the song Everybody Knows by Leonard Cohen. This is a video from a concert in 1988. I chose this song because it has a lot of truth to it.


News In My World!

Not much is going on today. It's just a lazy day. It's good to have those ever so often. I did a 2 mile walking workout today, and that went pretty well. I'm listening to another Leonard Cohen song now. With that note, here we go to the musical ending.

Musical Ending!

Leonard Cohen's The Partisan

August 4, 2014 at 9:43am
August 4, 2014 at 9:43am
Aug 4, 2014

Blog City

Tell us about something you follow. (Interpret this anyway that grooves your noodle)

I would follow my soulmate to heaven, hell, and every place in between. That's how much I love him! It's as simple as that!

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write a story or poem about something you think is beautiful but no one else agrees with you. Write and have fun.

A story or poem isn't coming to me right now, but I will tell you what I think is beautiful. In fact, I'm looking at it right now. My three four-legged babies (Josette, Maggie, and Rocky) are on my bed, lying side by side sleeping. To me, there isn't a more beautiful sight. Some may agree or some may not.

WDC: Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

I know that I shared this video a few days ago, but I'm addicted to Waylon Jennings cover of Fleetwood Mac's Rhinanon.

Here is the link to the video.


News In My World!

I don't believe that I will ever get over this flu! I hate being sick! There's so much I need to do like housework, but I can barely get out of bed. I think I'm going to have a smoothie in a few minutes to help soothe my throat.

I've lost another pound to make 21 pounds lost in all! I'm slowly making my goal of 31 pounds lost by Sept 21st, but I still have 29 more pounds to go...

Musical Ending

Just listen to the Waylon Jennings song again! I can't get enough of it!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 3, 2014 at 4:51pm
August 3, 2014 at 4:51pm
Aug 3, 2014

Blog City and Blogging Circle of Friends

This is a free day, so I will just update y'all with the fact that I've been done with a case of the flu since Friday. I'm feeling a little better today, so I hope to be back blogging tomorrow.

I almost forgot to tell y'all. I lost another pound. This makes 21 pounds lost in all!

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

I had to choose a song starting with the letter "T", so I immediately thought of the song Tall Lover Man by June Carter Cash. She wrote this song in the 60s when she was having an affair with Johnny Cash. Just listen to the lyrics, and you will be able to figure out the story behind this song.


Musical Ending

I thought I would share some more music with y'all before I go!



Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
July 31, 2014 at 8:57am
July 31, 2014 at 8:57am
July 31, 2014

Blog City

Make a list of 5 things that you never break like: a heart, promise, your computer or what ever else comes to mind.

This is kind of hard because I've broken a lot of things in my life, usually by accident thankfully.

1. my TV
2. my wax warmer
3. my DVD player
4. my alarm clock
5. a mirror

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write about a time you acted first and thought later, giving into your impulses.

There are way too many just to narrow it down to one. I tend to be an impulsive person. However, I think I've improved over the past year or two, especially during the last seven months.

News In My World!

This is the third day of vacation bible school. Everything there would be fine except there is one child who will really try your patience. I have to keep telling myself that this is a special needs child, and he can't completely help everything he does (the child has ADD and ADHD). I also just tell myself that this is God's way of teaching me patience too.

It seems like my weight has reached a plateau for the past nine days. It has been my goal since July 19th to lose 31 pounds by Sept 21st. However, I have only lost 1 pound since then. I still have 30 more to go! I'm not giving up though. I'm really determined to get this weight off no matter what!

Musical Ending

Check out these videos!



July 30, 2014 at 4:05pm
July 30, 2014 at 4:05pm
July 30, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

What is your favorite month or months of the year? Write a myth about it.

In the month of April,
two star crossed lovers
met for the first time.
Now fourteen years later,
their love still lives on.

I know this isn't a myth, but it was what came to my mind.

Blog City

Name 3 books that made your childhood a happier place.

I didn't read books that other children read. I can't narrow it down to just three, but here is a short list.

1. Dark Crystal (it was a graphic novel before they were considered cool)
2. Dracula by Bram Stroker
3. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
3. Dr. Jekly and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
4. Jacob Have I Loved (can't remember who wrote it)
5. Death Be Not Proud (can't remember who wrote it)
6. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontee
7. Shane by Jack Schaefer
8. From the Heart by June Carter Cash
9. Man In White by Johnny Cash
10. The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
11. Flowers In the Attic by VC Andrews
12. Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King

News In My World!

I'm now halfway through volunteering for vacation bible school. I have two more days left. Tonight, I'm going to make a gluten free/vegan taco salad. Basically, you get a bag of Morning Star ground soy and pre-sliced mushrooms and brown them (I add Mrs. Dash to season it.), then toast an Eziekel tortilla (made from spelt flour), then cut it up into strips, and place them on the plate. I spoon the soy mixture on the tortilla strips. I usually put some salsa on top of the soy mixture, then top it off with some soy cheese. It's really good. Y'all should try it sometime!

Musical Ending!

This is a new section that I'm adding to my blog. This will feature either one or two music videos that will either have something to do with the blog entry or just because I want to.

Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood- Storybook Children


Al and Isla Grant- I Heard the Bluebird Sing


July 29, 2014 at 2:36pm
July 29, 2014 at 2:36pm
July 29, 2014

Blog City

What are you afraid of? All of us at one point in our life has feared something, how did you handle it?
Please discuss a topic that you have not previously shared. Dig deep.

I'm not afraid of much. There is one thing that creeps me out, and that's cornfields. Yes, you read it right. Cornfields creep me out. What really creeps me out is seeing children playing in them. Y'all can blame Stephen King's Children of the Corn for this.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Describe the most ambitious DIY project you've ever taken on.

I guess that would be writing my first novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. It took me years to finish it. Now, I'm working on my second book, Bloodshed on the Blue Moon. I've written the rough draft of the first chapter. After I finish the edits that my editor wants for my first book, I will then start back on writing the rough draft of the second book.

News In My World!

I'm volunteering for the third year in a row at my church's vacation bible school. I'm the assistant teacher for the 3-5 year old group. It's a lot of fun and gives me a chance to get out of the house.

I'm now three ounces for officially losing 20 pounds. Maybe those ounces will be gone by tomorrow. After I finish writing this blog, I will go do a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds workout for about an hour.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

July 28, 2014 at 10:10am
July 28, 2014 at 10:10am
July 28, 2014

Blog City

Ten things that you think make people interesting.

I can't really come up with ten, but this is what my brain came up with.

1. the capacity to love
2. the ability to reason
3. we are all God's children, so that automatically makes us all interesting in my book
4. everyone is different in their own special way

Blogging Circle of Friends

"The serene philosophy of the pink rose is steadying. Its fragrant, delicate petals open fully and are ready to fall, without regret or disillusion, after only a day in the sun. It is so every summer. One can almost hear their pink, fragrant murmur as they settle down upon the grass: 'Summer, summer, it will always be summer.'" - Rachel Peden What is your serene philosophy? or What is summer to you? Chose the question you like best or answer both of them whichever you like.

I don't think I have a serene philosophy, but summer to me is the time when the earth is awake with warmth and sunshine. It's a time when I can go outside and fully appreciate life.

News In My World!

I'm just having a lazy morning. I'm trying to decide if I want some breakfast or not. A part of me wants some cheese toast, then another part of me wants to just wait until lunch to eat. I've been trying to stay at 1000 calories or under since Thursday. This weekend I blew it big time. I had pizza twice this weekend. Pizza is my biggest food weakness.

I went to a nearby town and bought a white blouse, black slacks, and black shoes. I had to get these for the job that I got hired to do once a month. This was a tax free weekend, so I decided to take advantage of it and save at least the 7 percent on top of the clearance sales that I took advantage of.

I will be one of the teachers at my church's vacation bible school this week, starting tomorrow. I enjoy volunteering to do this every year. It's very rewarding!

I think I will have some breakfast. I might just have a Dole Shaker (it's like a smoothie). It's only 90 calories. I think it may give me the boost that I need to get some things done around the house.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
July 25, 2014 at 7:08pm
July 25, 2014 at 7:08pm
July 25, 2014

Blog City

We blog everyday with each other, read other's thoughts and form this visual images in our mind...like I really thought Charlie would be blonde.
Tell us what images you have formed. Yes, what image do you have in your mind. Please try to not to be hurtful but give us an inkling....

I haven't really formed any exact images. I just picture you all as nice people. I've read some of the other blogs on this topic, and I realize it's probably hard to write on this topic. It may even be hard to picture certain people. I know that people have a hard time picturing me because of my username. Most people think I'm an elderly nun (I got my username from a Leonard Cohen song. I'm a huge fan!). It doesn't bother me. I've been called much worse. Princess Megan Rose 22 Years was close when she said that I have dark hair and likes to make people happy. My real hair color is close to being black, but I do have highlights in my hair to cover up the gray. I also like to make people happy.

Blogging Circle of Friends

We are all bloggers...have you ever wondered what does it take to get a comment? Do you think you get "enough" comments? What constitutes "enough"?

I have wondered what it takes to get a comment. I usually wonder if anyone ever reads my blog. I don't have a number in my head that constitutes what is enough. I only wished I knew that my blog is actually being read at times or that anything I write in it is actually being remembered.

News In My World!

I'm really bored right now! I've been watching movies on Netflix today, and most of them have been stupid. The movie, In Her Skin, wasn't too bad. It was about an insecure young woman who wished she was like the girl who lived cross the street from her. I won't tell y'all the rest in case y'all want to watch it. Now, I'm watching a very lame horror movie that is about as scary as this water bottle that I have in front of me.

My mom, brother, and his friend are supposed to be back home late tonight. I think around 10 or 11 tonight, so I have about 4 or 5 hours of more boredom.

I've got to go and check on my laundry.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
July 24, 2014 at 11:19pm
July 24, 2014 at 11:19pm
July 24, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

In Aesop's fable about the crow and the pitcher, a thirsty bird happens upon a vessel of water, but when he tries to drink from it, he finds the water level out of his reach. Not strong enough to knock over the pitcher, the bird drops pebbles into it -- one at a time -- until the water level rises enough for him to drink his fill. What do you think can a crow actually do this or is it really a fable? Let's hear what your theory is...

Well...I've never seen a crow do this...However, animals are usually smarter than you think. They have good survival instincts too, so maybe it's entirely possible.

Blog City

Write about the rainbows in your clouds.

My clouds are dark right now, so there aren't any rainbows right now. Enough said!

News In My World!

I finished watching all six seasons of Dr 90210 on Netflix today. Then I watched Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo. That show is so funny! I'm now watching Jeff Dunham: Arguing with Myself on Netflix.

My mom, brother and my brother's friend are having a blast on their way back from South Dakota. I wish I could go places. I'm always stuck at the house while they go places. I'm like a single mom who always has to stay home with the kids... All I have to keep me company are my three four-legged babies and this computer. Now, I love my babies with all my heart, and I'm very grateful that I have this computer. I just want to be able to do something fun every once in awhile...

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
July 23, 2014 at 10:47pm
July 23, 2014 at 10:47pm
July 23, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

It's Wacky Wednesday . According to the Marriam-Webster online dictionary wacky refers to something "amusing and very strange" or "absurdly or amusingly eccentric or irrational". Write something wacky.

I'm amusingly absurd,
positively pretty,
strangely superb,
wacky writer!

Instead of reading it, sing it aloud to the tune of the Adams Family theme song.

Blog City

Have you ever had a red carpet moment? Not like an actor but a Wedding, Prom or something that made you feel important or special? I would love to hear about it.

I don't know if you would call this a red carpet moment, but I had to wear a cocktail dress back in May for my performance at my church's benefit concert. The dress looked good on me too. It made me look 20 pounds thinner! The cool thing is that I bought the dress at K-Mart for only 25 dollars.

The dress itself wasn't what was special. It was the fact that I was able to share one of my talents to serve the Lord.

News In My World!

I went to a get together at my preacher's house tonight. During the summer, our church has prayer meeting once a month at a different members house each time. Last month was a pool party, this month was a finger food dinner, and next month will probably be a cook out. I always enjoy getting to fellowship with my church family.

This was my first day on the clothes diet. I was doing great until tonight at the get together. I ended up going 128 over my calorie limit of 1000 calories. I'm not going to beat myself up too much because 1128 calories isn't really a lot, and I also burned off 1512 calories through walking and aerobics today. It could be a lot worse!

Now back to watching Big Smo on A&E!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

July 22, 2014 at 8:25am
July 22, 2014 at 8:25am
July 22, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write a letter to the personality trait you like least, convincing it to shape up or ship out. Be as threatening, theatrical, or thoroughly charming as is necessary to get the job done.

Dear Unable to Focus,

I'm not sure if you are a personality trait, but I'm treating you like one for the time being. Maybe by doing this, I can get you to focus on what needs to be done. Please tell me what I can do to help you. What would make you stop making my mind go in a thousand different directions?

The ball is in your court now. Maybe you can focus enough to write me back!


Blog City

Family History - Rip out a page from yours and share some a story or two.

I'm not much on sharing my family history. My family has always been loopier than a fruit loop!

News In My World!

This is the last day of my liquid diet! I haven't lost a pound but haven't gained any either. It's kind of a hard diet. It seems like with all of the exercise I've been doing that I would have at least lost a pound so far. It's so frustrating!

I think I'm going to lay down and take a morning map or just watch Dr. 90210.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

July 21, 2014 at 10:22pm
July 21, 2014 at 10:22pm
July 21, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

It is Blue Monday, Write a story or poem about a Blue Monday. If you don't like the color blue then write a story about Monday being your favorite color.

Blue Monday
very lonely
Blue Monday
not lovely
Blue Monday
not heavenly

Hey, I never claimed to be a poet!

Blog City

Pick a headline from your local newspaper or favorite on-line news source and share your feelings about it. Be sure to include the headline somewhere in your blog.

James Garner Dies at 86!

I read this all over facebook and other internet news sources yesterday (7/20). I was saddened by the news because I always enjoyed watching him on westerns. I also liked him on the show 8 Simple Rules. Many of you may remember him on the Notebook too.

News in My World!

I've started a diet book in my port "Invalid Item. I would love for y'all to check it out! I also received word from my editor that my book, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun may be released in December 2014 in time for the holidays. I will post it on my author page as soon as I know that it is the official date.

I made some low cal cupcakes tonight. I decided to do a test run to try out a new recipe. I'm glad I did because the recipe I found on the internet wouldn't have turned out right. The recipe simply said to take a yellow or white cake mix and add a cup of any diet soda. This would have been a disaster because it wouldn't have risen correctly, so I added 1 egg white and a 1/3 cup of vegetable oil. I'm going to try to develop a recipe similar to this, but I will make it from scratch using gluten free flour (either rice or almond flour). The recipe also stated to cook them for 18-20 minutes. The mini cupcakes would have burned. I baked them for 15 minutes, and they turned out great. Either tomorrow or Wednesday morning, I will do a test run on the frosting. I've written out a recipe using powdered sugar, lactose free butter, unsweetened almond milk, and diet root beer. I will let y'all know how it turns out. I may even take a pic of the cupcakes and post them on facebook.

I've been watching a show called Dr. 90210 on Netflix. It was a show on the E! network for a couple of years that followed some plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
July 19, 2014 at 10:04pm
July 19, 2014 at 10:04pm
July 19, 2014

Blog City

How do you feel about genetically modified food? Should companies be made to label their food if it contains genetically modified ingredients?

I don't believe they are good for the body. More natural, whole foods are the key to being healthy. I believe in the saying "crap in, crap out". The garbage that is put into the body will only result in garbage coming out. Now, I'm not saying that I eat perfectly, no one does. However, I do my very best to eat right and read the labels on the products, so I can make an informed decision on what to put in my body.

I also believe food companies should label their food if they contain genetically modified ingredients. This way the consumer will be able to make better decisions on what foods would be better to buy.

Blogging Circle of Friends

How much does the clutter that fills our closets describe us?

I can only speak for myself, but it tends to describe what is going on in my life. When my closets are very cluttered, my life is usually cluttered. Right now, only one of my closets is cluttered. That is a pretty fair showing of my life too because I'm in the process of straightening myself out physically and mentally and still need some work.

News In My World!

I started my liquid diet today, and the first went well. I also did a lot of exercising today: one hour of moderate impact aerobics, a 75 minute walk, and 30 minutes of weight lifting.

I've also been watching a reality show on Netflix called Workout. It's about a woman named Jackie who owns a gym in LA. Watching it has really helped me stay motivated to stick to my 4 day liquid diet today.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
July 17, 2014 at 9:49am
July 17, 2014 at 9:49am
July 17, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

People spend a lot of time on their hair. Does your hair color or style say anything about you?

I'm going through a transitioning stage when it comes to my hair style and color. In fact, I'm going through a transitioning stage in most of my life, so I guess my hair tells the story.

Blog City

There were three prompts, so I will address them here.

What are some things you think will become obsolete within the next ten years?

I think CDs will become obsolete because of being able to download music to computers and Ipods/ other MP3 players.

Which old fashioned monster do you find most frightning? Frankenstein, Count Dracula, the Mummy, or the Wolfman?

None of them really, but I guess if I had to choose one, it would have to be Count Dracula because he could appear at any moment without warning.

Which fictional character would you like to be for a day?

I would like to be Heaven Casteel or Ruby Landry from VC Andrews novels. These characters lead very interesting lives and are from the South.

News In My World!

I exercised this morning. I worked out to Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds: Walk and Jog workout. It was 30 minutes long and was a nice workout to begin the morning with. I have to work tonight. It will only be from 6 pm until about 9 pm. Twenty-five dollars isn't bad for only three hours.

I've got to go and fix breakfast. I think I'm either going to have a smoothie or gluten free toast with low cal peanut butter and sugar free jelly.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
July 16, 2014 at 11:02pm
July 16, 2014 at 11:02pm
July 16, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

What is your favorite magazine? Why? Do you read it online or off line?

My favorite magazine is All You. I like it for the coupons and recipes. I read it off line, so I can use the coupons.

Blog City

If you were going to an art museum, would you rather see paintings or scultpures? Do you like older ones or modern ones?

I have no idea because I've never been to an art museum and don't know much about art. I like that picture with the bald screaming woman on it. I also like the picture called Starry Starry Night. I like Monet and Thomas Kincade. That is all I know about this subject. Sad isn't it?

News In My World!

I helped host a baby shower tonight at my church. I have a new side line job too. I've been hired to be the head of the managing the welcoming station and valet at these deals called "Pop Up Dinners". I won't be working all the time, just when one of these "Pop Up Dinners" are scheduled to be held. I have to work tomorrow night. I worked at one awhile back but as a volunteer, so I guess I proved myself and got hired. They are a lot of fun (at least the one I went to), and I enjoyed what I was doing.

I've got to go because I've got a big day tomorrow!

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
July 15, 2014 at 11:05pm
July 15, 2014 at 11:05pm
July 15, 2014

Blogging City of Friends

Tell us about a happy memory that you have.

One of my most happy memories is when I adopted my oldest baby, Josette. I adopted her on Jan 27, 2011 in a town called Millport, Alabama. She was only five months old, in fact, she had just turned five months old that day. We bounded quite quickly on the ride from Millport, Alabama to Columbus, Mississippi. We stayed in Columbus for about an hour while the tires were being changed on the car. I had her inside the jacket I was wearing (she only weighed about two pounds at the time). By the time I got her home to Macon, she already knew her name.

Blog City

There were two prompts, so I'm going to combine them here.

Animal testing...Yes, no, maybe

No, definitely no! I don't believe animals should suffer for a new product to appear on the market.

Do you believe in conspiracy theories? Which ones and why?

I really don't take any time to think about such things. However, I will be reading The 9/11 Commission Report, so maybe that will broaden my horizons on the topic.

News In My World!

I was in Canada last week on a church mission trip. The trip was great, much better than last year! I found my niche (I think that's how it's spelled). I wrote three different skits for the young teen vacation Bible school. Two of them were on nutrition and one on bullying.

I've lost some more weight. I'm two pounds from hitting the 20 pounds lost mark (it has taken me since Jan to do this, but it's still an accomplishment in my book). I've set a second goal for myself. My weight loss goal is to lose 31 pounds by September 21st.

I don't look at it as being on a diet, but a lifestyle change. I don't stay on the same eating program more than a month and juggle the calorie intake to keep my metabolism up. For the next few days, I'm on a plan where I burn off half the calories that I take in. I started this yesterday and have lost a pound so far. My last day on this plan will be Friday. After that, I will be on a liquid diet from Saturday until Tuesday night.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
June 10, 2014 at 10:42pm
June 10, 2014 at 10:42pm
June 10, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What's the hardest challenge you've successfully accomplished?
What do you think was the key to achieving it?

Getting my book accepted for publication has been the hardest goal that I have accomplished. The main key was never giving up, no matter what. Trust I had plenty of people telling me to change everything about it or to trash it completely. I simply ignored it and only listened if I knew it would help my book.

Blog City

If I could change my... Complete the statement (multiple times if that floats your boat). Play it crazy or play it safe-as long as you play.

If I could change my nose, I would get surgery to thin it out.
If I could change the rooms in my house, I would have the walls painted to a neutral color. (Mom and my brother would fight me tooth and nail on this)
If I could change the fact that I have allergies, I would have a garden.
If I could change the fact that I have no money, I would travel around the world.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Are you a better sport as an adult or more competitive than you were as a child?

I'm about the same. I'm pretty mellow when it comes to contest, sports (not that I really play them), ect. The only time I've ever been really competitive was when I was in pageants.

News In My World!

Today was okay. I slept too late, but I think that helped. I stayed within the calorie limit for my diet today. I'm working on the first chapter of my second novel, and I hope to have it finished by Friday.

I thought I would share my diet with all of you. It is a modified version of the Skinny Girl diet.

Here is the calorie break down by day in this diet.

Day 1- 1800
Day 2- 1600
Day 3- 1800
Day 4- 1500
Day 5- 1800
Day 6- 1500
Day 7- 1800
Day 8- 1800
Day 9- 1800
Day 10- 1500
Day 11- 1800
Day 12- 1500
Day 13- 1500
Day 14- 1800
Day 15- 1600
Day 16- 1800
Day 17- 1800
Day 18- 1500
Day 19- 1500
Day 20- 1500
Day 21- 1800
Day 22- 1800
Day 23- 1800
Day 24- 1500
Day 25- 1800
Day 26- 1500
Day 27- 1500
Day 28- 1800
Day 29- 1800

I started this diet on the 2nd so that is why it is ending on day 29 since the month has 30 days in it. The only other rules of this diet is to start on a Monday and to do 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week.

On July 2, I will go from this diet to a modified version of the ABC diet. I will share the calorie break down of this at a later date.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
June 9, 2014 at 11:19pm
June 9, 2014 at 11:19pm
June 9, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Are you allergic to any thing? How has this affected your life? If you're not allergic to anything, what's the one thing in your life you'd hate to be allergic to?

I'm starting to think that I'm allergic to almost everything. It makes me think that I'm that most abnormal person in the world (besides the other problems that I have).

Here are all the things that I'm allergic to.

1. Wheat
2. Corn
3. Dairy
4. recently figured out that I'm sensitive to most meat except fish/seafood
5. house dust
6. dust mites
7. weeds
8. most flowers
9. poison oak (I get very sick if this even touches me)
10. I'm techincially allergic to dogs, but my three children are dogs. However, it's not very high on the allergy scale.

I'm so glad that I'm not allergic to rice and soy. Most of the foods I eat are made from these two sources.

Blog City

Procrastinate Now! Are you a procrastinator? What is your attitude toward procrastination?

Sometimes and it depends on what it is. I often procrastinate when it comes to medical stuff. There's a medical decision that I need to make, but I keep putting it off. Thank goodness, it isn't a major issue, but I do need to make the decision because it would really help me if I could just come to a decision already.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Use the word serendipity in a poem or story.

I know this is lame, but I just couldn't think of anything. I'm working on the first chapter of my second book, and the cowboys, Tyler and Dylan, just don't use that word.

News In My World!

I haven't been feeling too great. It wish I could just make myself snap out of it! I really need to see my soulmate! Seeing him would really help...

I have to do a bunch of housework tomorrow. It's mostly laundry and sweeping. I think I'm going to try to clean the garbage cans, microwave, the outsides of small applicances, and maybe mop too if I have the time.
I also have to start packing for my mission trip from July 5-July 12 in Hobema Canada (it's in Alberta).

I'm either going to watch a movie on Netflix or work more on chapter 1 of my second book. Which should I do? Write of course!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
June 6, 2014 at 10:51pm
June 6, 2014 at 10:51pm
June 6, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What is your favorite season and why?

My favorite season is summer. I love summer because the sun is shinning all the time, and the flowers/plants that cause my allergies have been burned up by the sun. The pollen has gone away too! I also like it because it doesn't get dark until at least 8 pm.

Here's a neat bit of trivia. In Canada, it doesn't get dark until about 10:30 pm (during the summer). At least, that was how it was in Hobema.

Blog City

Do you have a secret place where you go to avoid real life? If not, do you think you need one at times?

No, I don't have a secret place to go. Sometimes, I think I need one but wouldn't know where to go. There was a neat classic country song that came out in the late 60s/early 70s about going to a secret place, but it was all in his mind/fantasies. I wish I could remember the name or who sung it. It was a really groovy sounding song. All I know is that a man sung it.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Favorite board game. Tell us about it.

I love Monopoly and not all of those new ones. Just the old fashioned original one. I haven't played it in a long time. I've been meaning to get the game because I don't know what happened to the one I had.

News In My World!

I didn't get to go see Malificent yesterday. My doctor's appointment went too long. I didn't get to see my soulmate either. I was really bummed out about that, but there wasn't anything that could have been done. It was just one of those things...

I did some housework today. I swept all of the rooms in the house. I did 4 loads of laundry. I cleaned the washing machine too. Yes, a washing machine should be cleaned once a month, or clothes won't come out as clean as they should. I got a damp paper towel and wiped out the inside of it getting out the dust that will often fall into the machine and onto clothes as a result. Then, I got Tide Washing Machine cleaner to take care of the rest. Sometime this weekend or Monday, I'm going to wipe out the dishwasher. Yes, this needs to be done once a month too. Then get Cascade Dishwasher cleaner to take care of the rest. Now, you may say that is what a rinse agent is for. Not quite! A rinse agent is good to use, but a dishwasher needs a good through cleaning to keep your dishes sparkling clean. I sound like I enjoy housework too much, don't I? LOL!

I watched a stupid low budget horror movie last night on Netflix called Yellow Brick Road. Don't waste your time watching it! It was a Blair Witch Project rip off in a way.

I've been reading some of The Return by Bentley Little today. I think I may stick with and read the rest before going to the next book in the stack. Sometimes, a book will simply not let me go.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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