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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

Check out my novel!

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Sister of Mercy
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September 3, 2014 at 9:19am
September 3, 2014 at 9:19am
Sept 3, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

A unicorn, dragon, and pegasus walked into an Inn/Bar/Pub.... What happened?

Dragon drank moonshine for the burn. The pegasus had wine because he couldn't take anything stronger. The unicorn drank both moonshine and wine then drank five rounds of bourbon straight. Goes to show you that you don't have to look tough to be able to hold your booze.

Blog City

Even though we all love our houses, is there a house on TV or the movies you would like to live in?

There are several houses on TV that I would have loved to have lived in. I tend to like houses from old westerns, but they are a few others too for various reasons. I guess the one house from a movie I would love to live in would be Tara from Gone with the Wind. The place was beautiful.

TV homes I would have loved to have lived in.
1. Lucas McCain's ranch on The Riffleman
2. The Barkley's place on Big Valley
3. The Ponedrosa (I forgot how to spell that) on Bonanza
4. Southfork on Dallas
5. The Halliwell house on Charmed
6. Collinwood on Dark Shadows
7. Mount Royal on North and South
8. the house from the first season of American Horror Story
9. Hogwarts (Harry Potter)
10. Jupiter II (Lost In Space)
11. the house on Witches of East End
12. Adam's Family house
13. the Munster's house
14. the Carrington Mansion on Dynasty

News In My World!

I'm feeling really tired and weak today. I think I'm going to take it easy today, so I can make it to church tonight. I have to cook tonight for church too.

Musical Ending

I'm in the mood for something different today. Here's a song by C W McCall called Ghost Town.


Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
September 2, 2014 at 11:56am
September 2, 2014 at 11:56am
Sept 2, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

David Gerrold says," Half of being smart is knowing what you are dumb at." Do you agree or disagree"

I agree with this completely! I think it is good to know your limitations and what you can't do. I believe knowing these can keep you from making costly mistakes that can be easily avoided. However, I also think that one should work on overcoming limitation whenever possible to open yourself up to new and good opportunities.

Blog City

Think back on the month of August 2014. Find a moment, one moment, that stands out in your memory - be it good, bad, or a little bit of both. Share it with us.

August was a busy month both good and bad. It was mostly good though, only one bad thing really happened. The bad moment is the one that stands out in my head, and that was on Aug 11th. That was the day my brother took Maggie with him to South Dakota. I miss her more than ever *Sad*.

Good Memories of August 2014

1. It was my most successful weight loss month (I lost 11 pounds in August)!
2. It was my most successful month for my direct sales businesses (sales,new recruits, and booking online parties).
3. I got a raise at my side job (only a $5 raise, but a raise is a raise therefore good in my book).
4. I made some very useful tweaks to the gluten free cupcake recipe I've been developing.
5. I wrote a recipe for gluten free donuts (I'm still developing it though).
6. My four-legged angels, Josette and Rocky, kept me from having a very bad fall toward the end of the month (if they hadn't have been there, I could have really hurt myself).
7. I had a very successful grocery shopping trip during the last weekend of the month (I bought $17 worth of groceries and only had to pay 33 cents!)
8. I expanded my direct sales business by becoming a consultant for Fuller Brush, Norwex, Le-Vel, and Dlites.
9. Rocky learned how to detect when I'm going to have a seizure (I don't know how he did this. I didn't teach him, but he has demonstrated that he knows).
10. My mom and I started getting along better.
11. I got into a smaller clothing size.
12. I found a foundation that really works for my skin (Younique's mineral touch powder).
13. I made two You Tube videos about Country Gourmet Home.
14. I improved my energy and stamina.

News In My World!

I'm just busy with my direct sales businesses. I have online parties for Country Gourmet Home booked through Sept 22nd. I'm in the process of becoming a consultant for Pampered Chef and have already had a person to tell me that she wants to book a home party with me for Pampered Chef.

Musical Endings

Here is Waylon Jennings' cover of Drift Away, and yes, his cover is better than the original.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

September 1, 2014 at 9:24pm
September 1, 2014 at 9:24pm
Sept 1, 2014

Blog City

A life - Its the stuff that happens while you wait for moments that never come. Comment, expound, elaborate, reiterate or contemplate.

Yep, I can totally relate to this! I've been waiting for the life I've always wanted realizing that it's never going to be the way I want it. I'll never get to marry the man I love, nor will I ever be able to have his children... I'll never be pretty or thin.... I'll never find anything that I'm good at either. I'm stuck! I may just be having a mid-life crisis. However, I'm only 38, so I'm probably still too young for that.

My Life List

1. Find something that I'm good at doing!
2. Keep trying to lose weight (I've got 127 more pounds to go)
3. Travel to a place I've never been (I really don't care where at this point since I've never really been to very many places)
4. Get out of debt (I've been working on this a good bit with my soulmate's help. Thankfully, I don't have much credit card debt left. If I could just pay off my student loans and the house off, I would be on easy street.)
5. Keep expanding my direct sales businesses.
6. Finish developing my gluten free/low fat vanilla mini cupcakes
7. Finish and get my second book published (the first one should come out either Dec 2014 or March 2015)
8. Go back to school and graduate (not sure if I want to go to Culinary school or study creative writing, history could also be another possibility)
9. Get a brand new wardrobe.
10. Remodel my house or at least make some more improvements
11. Read every book that Stephen King, VC Andrews, Bentley Little, and John Saul have ever written.
12. Go to a fondue restaurant.
13. Learn to play a musical instrument (not sure which one, but it would have to be something suitable for small hands and short, tiny fingers) Yep, my hands and fingers are very small for an adults!
14. Take a cake decorating class.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Labor Day - Let the following quote inspire you to write something labor (any type of labor you want) or Labor Day.

All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Labor Day is just another day to me. At least, my mom got the day off. She deserved it to because she works one full time job and two part-time jobs. She also has to take care of my grandmother who has Parkenson's. I just hope that I can get my direct sales businesses going more, so she won't have to work so hard.

News In My World!

I've lost another pound to make 32 pounds lost in all! I'm no longer considered morbidly obese. My weight and BMI are both below that now (not a lot, but at least, I'm no longer in that category).

I did a lot of housework today. I worked on getting the kitchen cleaned. I still have more to do in there, but I'm about halfway through. I will be working on getting that finished tomorrow. Plus, doing housework burns a lot of calories!

Musical Ending!

Here's a cover Waylon Jennings did of the song Turn the Page. He did it better! Everything is always better with Jennings!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 29, 2014 at 11:44am
August 29, 2014 at 11:44am
Aug 29, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

There is an error message on your laptop/computer that will not close after you visited a secret government website. What does it say?

This computer will blow up in 30 seconds! Run away or die!

Blog City

An admired mentor asks for help covering up a scandal. Did she say scandal? What is it?

A short story by Stephen King came to mind when I saw this prompt. The story is called Morality. It was about a woman who worked for a preacher. He asked her to help him commit a "sin". I also thought of that show called Scandal. I only watched maybe two episodes of it, but it seemed like that lady was always cover up a bunch of stuff.

News In My World!

Not much going on here! I've signed up some people to join my Country Gourmet Home and Le-Vel teams. I hope to sign up some to join my Fuller Brush and Dlites team soon. I'm on the second day of the Bread and Butter diet except I just can't bring myself to add butter to it. It's a four day diet, so at the end of the day, I will be halfway through it. I just hope to have lost some weight by Sunday or Monday.

I've lost about four or five pounds since Saturday for a total weight loss of 31 pounds. Let's see what else is going on, I will be going to a month long Bible study starting the 7th.

I'm trying to get some views for my two You Tube videos.

Here are the links!



Musical Endings!

I thought I would share a beautiful song today that brings a tear to my eyes. It made me think of my soulmate! It's Johnny Cash's cover of First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. It's way better than the original!


Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
August 25, 2014 at 11:31pm
August 25, 2014 at 11:31pm
Aug 25, 2014

Blog City

What do you like to find in a blog prompt? Do you prefer open-ended or very specific prompts? Is there a particular type or element of a prompt that you dislike? Do you have a prompt that you think would be great? Include it and I'll see what I can do to make that happen.

I like most of the blog prompts received. I enjoy the variety. The only ones I don't like are the ones about writing a story or poem because it's hard for me to come up with stuff like that in 24 hours or less. My mind tends to be slow! LOL! Maybe a cooking/food related prompt or one about our jobs/career/business.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write a story, poem, or lyrics about The Enchanted Wheelbarrow.

Enchanted wheelbarrow,
where did you go?
I need some magic
to get me through this night.

I've had a bad day and night, and this is all I could come up with!

News In My World!

I've had a bad day. I had two light seizures, broke my toe because of one of them, and having to resolve a customer complaint (I'm self-employed in the direct sales field). Luckily, my two four-legged angels came to my rescue and kept the falls from hurting me even more!

Musical Ending!

Most of you probably think that Are You Lonesome Tonight? was Elvis's original song. Nope! It was written by A P Carter of the Original Carter Family. Here's a clip of them singing the song.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 22, 2014 at 10:28pm
August 22, 2014 at 10:28pm
Aug 22, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

You wake up and everyone in your family is gone. There's a post it on the kitchen counter. What does it say?

Dear Penny,

We are sick of hearing Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, and all of the other Carters on full blast! Just can't take it any more!

Your Family

Blog City

Your younger self is about to be offered your first job. What would you tell yourself knowing what you know now? *Smirk*

To keep up with the theme of writing letters, I will present my answer to this topic in a letter.

Dear Myself as a Youngin'

Don't take the job you are about to be offered! It isn't worth it! You will end up taking care of a child along with cleaning their nasty trailer from top to bottom everyday and washing their nasty clothes too. Thirty dollars a week equals slave labor wages! You are only 14. Go have fun!

Trust me, you will end up wanting to pull your hair out because this will be one of the hardest summers of your life. You will need your energy to take care of Will. Lady, and Bo Bo. Since Mom will be busy working and taking care of granny in the hospital while Dad is out on the road driving the big rig.


The Wiser You

News In My World!

I finished up the paperwork to become a consultant for Dlites and should get my consultant ID and sales kit in the next few days. I also filled out paperwork for Fuller Brush and all of that will be final after the 3rd.

I did loads of housework today mostly laundry and cleaning out the refrigerator. I've got to go to a wedding shower tomorrow morning, but other than that, my weekend will be wide open for me to clean my room.

Musical Endings!

The song I'm about to share with you is for all of those who are or have served our country in the military.

It's called I Told Them What You're Fighting For by Maybelle Carter.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
August 21, 2014 at 10:03pm
August 21, 2014 at 10:03pm
Aug 21, 2014

Blog City

You hear a noise coming from your book shelf. Your books are talking to each other. Which books are they? What are they saying?

Books talking to each other... I'm not sure what they would say, but I bet the conversation would be interesting since most of my books are by Stephen King, Bentley Little, VC Andrews, Gregory Maguire, John Saul, Ramsey Campbell, Dean Koontz, and Clive Barker.

Blogging Circle of Friends

My friend and I were recently talking about how far back people can remember. What is the first memory you have and how old were you?

I'm not sure about my first memories, probably around 5 or 6. Memories of my childhood are pretty foggy because back in October 2005, I lost my memory due to a grand mal seizure. My memory didn't start really coming back until around 2007-2008, but there are still big gaps in my memory, especially during childhood.

News In My World!

Being an independent consultant for Country Gourmet Home is going well, I've book a lot of online/facebook parties and getting several sales. I'm also in the process of become a consultant for Fuller Brush and Dlites too. My plan is to add maybe two or three more lines, so I will have a good range of products to offer. I've also done some recruiting for Country Gourmet Home and have had one to sign up in my line. I may have two more by October.

I'm doing this to try to save up money to some of the things I want to do and to buy some things that my mom, the children, and I need/want. Believe it or not, some people in my family say this is selfish. I don't quite understand why... Maybe it's because I'm only concentrating on certain goals right now.

Musical Ending

Here's a nice little song called Maple on the Hill by the Carter Family... Yep, I'm on a major Carter family kick right now! I wonder if y'all can guess which Carter is my favorite.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 20, 2014 at 9:27pm
August 20, 2014 at 9:27pm
August 20, 2014

Blog City

Pearls. Anything you want to write about pearls. Serious or funny.

When I think of pearls, I think of the show, "Leave it to Beaver", where June Cleaver wore pearls while doing housework. I also think that pearls look really classy and ladylike. I wish I had some pearls (real ones, not the cheap beads).

Blogging Circle of Friends

August was named after Augustus Caesar in 8 BCE. In Latin the names are Augustus mensis (Month of Augustus) and sextilis mensis (Sixth Month). The Ango-Saxons called August Weod Monath (Weed Month). Write a story or poem using one or all of these name for August. Have Fun.

I just couldn't think of a story or a poem. However, I can think of two dates in August that will always stand out.

Aug 2nd- that was my dad's birthday
Aug 27th- this is Josette's birthday

News In My World!

I'm watching Duck Dynasty. I love that show! I watch it every chance I get. It's good clean family fun!

My youngest baby, Rocky, has some sort of rash on his nose. Y'all please pray that he gets better soon!

I'm also trying to get views for these two videos. Please check them out!



Musical Ending!

Here is an awesome clip of Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson singing Sunday Morning Coming Down.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 19, 2014 at 4:02pm
August 19, 2014 at 4:02pm
Aug 19, 2014

Blog City

The first time...

The first time I made a You Tube video was today. Check them out!



Blogging Circle of Friends

Write about something that is true at first light, false by noon.

I look like my true self when I first wake up. By noon, I have a face full of makeup on, so you won't be seeing the real me.

News In My World!

Not much is going on today... I watched some Food Network today and in a few minutes, I will watch Dr. Phil.

Musical Ending!

Here's a fun song by the Carter family called Foggy Mountain Top.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
August 18, 2014 at 10:19am
August 18, 2014 at 10:19am
Aug 18, 2014

Blog City

The last time I ...

walked outside was a few minutes to let Josette and Rocky out.. Sorry, I don't have much more than that..

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write a bad poem.

Here's an example of how I'm not a poet.

"Invalid Item

News In My World!

I've lost another pound! That makes 26 in all! I've got to do some dusting and cooking today. If I have time, I may even do some reading...

Musical Ending

Y'all must listen to this song. It's June Carter Cash's cover of Eartha Kit's song The Heel. She does it so much better than Kit!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 16, 2014 at 6:30pm
August 16, 2014 at 6:30pm
Aug 16, 2014

Blog City

I met him on the stairs??? Tell us all about it

I didn't meet him on the stairs... I met him online, then in person at a marina (I think that's how you spell it). That was over fourteen years ago. It was the best day of my life!

Blogging Circle of Friends

What's the greatest misconception about you?

Probably anything you're thinking about me is a misconception! As for what people think of me, I have learned to care less. It's been a painful lesson, but since I've finally learned it, I feel much better about life now.

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

I tend to get on musical kicks, and I'm on a Maybelle Carter one. This song is called He's Solid Gone.


News In My World!

My family had a birthday party for my grandmother today. She's 83 now. The party was okay... I'm just not close to Mom's side of the family. I was always close to Dad's side, but unfortunately, most of them have died in the past few years.

I've lost another pound! That makes 25 pounds in all!

Musical Ending!

Here's a very interesting video that y'all really need to check out. It's of Johnny and June singing I Walk the Line with Tom Jones.


Tell me know in the comments what you think of this clip!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 15, 2014 at 8:27pm
August 15, 2014 at 8:27pm
Aug 15, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

You are on a long flight when you reach into the pocket of the seat, you discover a handwritten note that clearly was addressed to you, but how? And what does it say?

Knowing my luck, it will be a short note that states the following.

Dear Penny,

Get your fat butt off of me! You're crushing me!


The Airplane Seat

Blog City

Hi, you were hired by Yelp, to write a restaurant review about an amazing restaurant in your city. Give us some examples of things you liked and disliked in your review. Convince us this is the place to go.

I'm not really inspired to write a review of a restaurant in my town. I'm not a huge fan of any of them. I used to like the Chinese restaurant before it changed hands. The Mexican restaurant by the hotel on the highway isn't too bad. At least when you ask them not to put something on a dish, it doesn't take an act of congress to get what you want. The only other places in town to eat are McDonalds, Taco Bell, KFC (these two are in the same building), Subway, Bumpers (it's like Sonic but not that good), the other Mexican restaurant on the highway (that place sucks, I don't know how they stay in business), Shell (they sale plate lunches, fried chicken, chicken tenders, potato logs, sausage biscuits, ham biscuits, and chicken biscuits), Mike's (they sale pizzas, fried chicken, pizza sticks, and hamburgers), and Sanco (they have short order stuff like burgers and fried chicken). I almost forgot; we also have a hot dog joint. It's new, and I haven't tried it because they don't have soy/tofu dogs. I made the mistake of asking them if they had any, and the owner asked me what tofu was.

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

I'm actually going to share a song that isn't sung by any of the singers that I've been writing about. However, Johnny and June are in the video clip. The song is You are My Flower by Sara and Maybelle Carter. Maybelle was June's mother, and Sara (she was married to A. P Carter who was Maybelle's brother in law) was June's aunt. The song I'll Be Satisfied plays after You are My Flower.


News In My World!

I've been busy working today. I have three bookings for Country Gourmet Home online/facebook parties, several sales, and chatting with two possible recruits to become consultants under my team. Other than that, I swept and mopped the floors and did a load of laundry. Oh yeah, I also did a 30 minute 2 mile walking workout.

Musical Endings!

To stick with the Carter family theme, I've chosen to end this entry with an early clip of Maybelle Carter singing Gold Watch and Chain.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
August 14, 2014 at 12:41pm
August 14, 2014 at 12:41pm
Aug 14, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Talk about some common sense things you feel every person should know.

The most common sense thing I can think of is that people should try to save money, especially in today's economy.

Here are some easy ways to save money.

1. use coupons
2. cut out things that you don't need like premium cable channels, magazine subscriptions, ect
3. limit eating out
4. pay cash for everything unless you know for certain that you can pay the credit card bill when it comes in
5. buy used when you can
6. consider trading sites like Listia

Blog City

Which fictional character have you fallen for?

It's hard to choose just one.... I have several! Some are from TV shows/movies, and one is from a book.

1. Lucas McCain (The Riffleman)
2. Jason McCord (Branded)
3. Jared Barkley (Big Valley)
4. Nick Barkley (Big Valley)
5. Heath Barkley (Big Valley)
6. Longmire
7. The Tallman (Phantasm series)
8. Stu Redman (The Stand)

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

Here's a gorgeous song with a great story. It's called Rose In Paradise by Waylon Jennings.


News In My World!

I've mostly been doing housework today, laundry, finished cleaning the bathroom, organizing closets, ect. I also did a 45 minute walking workout.

Now, I'm taking a break to write this blog entry and to listen to some Waylon Jennings songs.

Musical Endings!

To continue on with Waylon Jennings, here is the video from his song The Wild Ones.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
August 13, 2014 at 3:42pm
August 13, 2014 at 3:42pm
Aug 13, 2014

Blog City

Make a list of inspirations. People, places, colors, events, activities. Do these inspire you to write, go to work, help you through life or make your day a good one? I would like to hear about them.

My inspirations for everything I do!
1. God
2. my soulmate
3. Josette
4. Maggie
5. Rocky
6. anything blue
7. going to church
8. writing
9. cooking
10. exercising

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write your own motivational and/or inspirational quote and/or speech.

I'm not much on speeches and things like that. I draw from different things for motivation such as being trying to live my life according to God's word, being healthy, and generally trying to find something good in everything and everyone.

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O'Monkeys

Here's an inspirational song (to me anyway)! It's A Good Man by June Carter Cash. It's one of the many songs she wrote about Johnny Cash.


News In My World!

I made some good sales today. For those of you who don't know, I'm an independent consultant for Country Gourmet Home.

I also lost another pound. It makes 24 pounds in all. The diet that I'm on is working very well. It's a plan that will phase me into the 2-4-6-8 diet. If y'all would like to know more about it, go here "Invalid Item.

Now, I've got to go clean the bathroom.

Musical Ending!

Here's a clip of June Carter Cash singing Ring of Fire. It also includes an interview clip.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 12, 2014 at 11:55am
August 12, 2014 at 11:55am
Aug 12, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Today is National Vinyl *Vinyl* Day. We are all different ages so let's hear what was your first vinyl record? If you have never owned a vinyl record what do you know about them. Did someone in your family have vinyl records? How many sizes were there since they were first introduced? Do you ever see them in music stores?

I remember seeing vinyl records when I was a child. My dad had a huge collection of them. He had the regular 78s and the small 45s. The small ones would have a hit song on side A and a little known song on side B. By listening to these records with my d cad, I developed a deep love for classic country music. The ones I listened to the most were Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, and Merle Haggard. He also had some non-country albums. I fell in love with the Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood ones. I also remember two of my dad's 45s that I listened to, and they were both Cal Smith ones with the songs Country Bumpkin and The Lord Knows I'm Drinkin'.

Blog City

Today the actor/comedian Robin Williams passed away. What are your feelings about his work? How deeply are you affected by a celebrity death? Is there a particular celebrity whose passing would/has cause(d) significant grief?
If this prompt too depressing for you, tell me about your favorite celebrity, dead or alive.

I've never been a fan of Robin Williams. I can take him or leave him. There was one movie of his that I really loved. It's called Whatever Dreams May Come. It's a beautiful movie about death and the afterlife.

There have been a few celebrity deaths that have cause some grief because I was such a fan (still am).

1. Johnny Cash
2. June Carter Cash
3. Chuck Connors
4. Rory Calhoun
5. Waylon Jennings
6. Lee Hazlewood
7. Barbara Billingsley
8. Jean Simmons

I still have some favorite celebrities who are alive.
1. June Lockhart
2. Angus Scrim
3. Kris Kristofferson
4. Reese Witherspoon
5. Rose McGowan
6. Jared Paldacki
7. Jensen Ackles
8. Leonard Cohen
9. Anne Lockhart

Yeah, I know that I don't like the run of the mill popular ones. I find most of them very cookie cutter and boring. I like very unique individuals.

WDC Sountrackers Barrel of Monkeys

Here is a song that June Carter Cash released in 1953 while she was married to her first husband Carl Smith. It's called Sweet Temptation.


News In My World!

Still missing Maggie and always will! I've lost another pound. That makes 23 pounds lost in all. Not much else is going on in my world right now except for selling Country Gourmet Home products and working my one night a month job as the valet/welcoming area coordinator. The last of my edits will be completed in September. Hopefully, my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun will be released Dec 2014 or March 2015 at the very latest.

Musical Ending

Here's another song by June Carter before the Man in Black entered the picture. This was a duet with her first husband Carl Smith called Love, Oh Crazy Love.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 11, 2014 at 4:20pm
August 11, 2014 at 4:20pm
Aug 11, 2014

Blog City

Tell me about RAGE: Yours, someone else's, the concept of, or any interpretation of this that rocks your socks.

I don't know if this would be considered rage, but I'm upset over not having Maggie with me any more. For those of you who don't know who she is, Maggie is my middle four-legged baby. My mom let my brother take her with him to South Dakota. My brother left for South Dakota this morning, taking her....

Just to answer the next question on your mind.....No, there isn't any replacing Maggie. There will never be another Maggie!

Blogging Circle of Friends

The flower of the day is Lily of the Valley. Write a poem, story, or anything about Lily of the Valley. Have fun.

When I read this prompt, I automatically thought of the song I heard in church when I was a little girl. I found this video on You Tube of Johnny Cash singing this song.


WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

I had to choose a song that begins with H. I chose Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash's cover of Kris Kristofferson's song Help Me Make It Through the Night. Sorry, Kristofferson, I love your work, but they did it better!


News In My World!

It's a gloomy day. Maggie is gone! Enough said!

Musical Endings!

To go with this entry, I found a clip of Nancy Sinatra singing Leave My Dog Alone. She also sings two other songs on this clip too.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 10, 2014 at 3:49pm
August 10, 2014 at 3:49pm
Aug 10, 2014

Blog City and Blogging Circle of Friends

This is a free day, so I've decided to take it easy today. I woke up feeling kind of weak. I even let myself have some low cal ice cream and a diet lean cuisine cheese pizza. It's 2:32 pm here, and I've only had about 510 calories, so I'm still okay calorie wise. Other than that, I've just done some housework and thinking about maybe doing a light walking workout.

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

I had to choose a song that began with the letter A. Here it is! It's called American by Lana Del Rey. Yes, I do listen to at least one modern singer. Lana Del Rey is about the only one though.


Another Song For the Musical Ending!

Just to keep up with the theme of America, here's the song America by Waylon Jenning. Y'all have probably figured out by now that I'm a Waylon Jennings fan. Right?


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
August 9, 2014 at 4:15pm
August 9, 2014 at 4:15pm
Aug 9, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

What would heaven be like for you?

Heaven would be a place where I can always be with my soulmate and four legged babies. It doesn't get any better than that.

Blog City

Was it a very good year when you turned 17? Tell us about things that happened in that year.

Seventeen wasn't a good year at all. My parents made me skip my senior year of high school to attend college a year early. They also made me major in English and History. I felt that was the year that robbed me of all hope and life choices that I should have made for myself. Even though my dad admitted that they made a big mistake years later, I'm glad that I at least tried it the way they wanted because at least I can say that I honored my mother and father the way the bible tells us too.

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O'Monkeys

This is an awesome song called Girl From the North Country by Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan.


News In My World!

It's been raining today and a very gloomy day. Not much to say about today....

Musical Endings

Here's a beautiful song called You're a Part of Me by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. It makes me think of my soulmate!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

August 8, 2014 at 3:55pm
August 8, 2014 at 3:55pm
Aug 8, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Share with us what makes you happy...is expressing joy easy for you.

My emotions are usually up and down, and sometimes it's hard for me to express happiness. I'm often afraid that if I express it too much I will lose it.

Blog City

If you were trapped in an elevator for 12 hours, which three bloggers would you most want with you in that situation? Keep in mind 12 hours is a long time....

Princess Megan Rose 22 Years because she's a Dark Shadows fan.
Lyn's a Witchy Woman because we have similar music taste.
Elle - on hiatus because I love her kitchen newsletter. I love to cook, so we would probably have a lot to talk about.

WDC Soundtrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

This is a song that was the title of a James Bond movie called You Only Live Twice by Nancy Sinatra.


News In My World!

My shopping trip went well yesterday, and Maggie's visit to the vet went very well too. I saved tons of money by using coupons yesterday. I saved a total of $51.

I've been helping my brother pack the last of his things. He's moving to Spearfish, South Dakota. He will be leaving early Monday morning and taking Maggie with him. I'm really sad about losing Maggie. I wish he would change his mind about that, but I was told that I didn't have any say in the matter.

Musical Endings

Here's a really cool cover of Cher's Bang Bang! It better than Cher's (in my opinion).


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
August 7, 2014 at 1:45pm
August 7, 2014 at 1:45pm
Aug 7, 2014

Blog City

Which door will you open?
Narnia, Hogwarts, Wonderland, Camelot, Neverland, Middle Earth or Westeros {Lord Of The Rings Geography area}

Hogwarts hands down. Harry Potter rules! Y'all didn't know that I'm a Harry Potter fan did ya! I have read all seven books and watched all eight of the movies. In fact, I also have all of the books and movies. I even have the Beetle Bard book too.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Today's prompt is "I knew it was going to be a bad day." Have fun and take it anywhere you like.

I knew it was going to be a bad day
when I woke up on a Sunday morning
with no way to hold my head.

Now, guess what song inspired that!

WDC Sountrackers Barrel O' Monkeys

This is a song called You're My Best Friend. I have no idea who is singing this. The video is awesome, and that's why I'm posting it.

You must watch the video!


News In My World!

I'm going to be able to get out of the house today. I have to take my middle baby Maggie to get her yearly shots and go do my monthly household/grocery shopping. Not much else will be going on today.

Musical Endings!

I'm sharing two videos of covers of the same song. The first one is Johnny Cash's cover of Sloop John B, and the second one is Waylon Jennings cover of Sloop John B. These both blow the Beach Boys out of the water. Everything is always better with Cash and Jennings!



Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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