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All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

Check out my novel!

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Sister of Mercy
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March 25, 2015 at 11:56am
March 25, 2015 at 11:56am

Blog City

Have you ever had a "Goldilocks" experience? It took you three tries to get it just right?

I think most of my life has been trying things three or more times to get it right, but I bet that I'm not the only one! It's okay though because no one is perfect, and life isn't perfect. As long as you get it right (eventually) and learn from your mistakes, it will usually work out in the end.

Blogging Circle of Friends

March is Women's History Month. Chose a woman from history and write a poem, essay, or something about her. Why did you chose this woman?

The woman I've chosen to write about is not considered a woman from history, but she has played an important part in the history of country music. I wrote a poem about her several years ago called Lady Singer. I wish I could find that poem so I could share it with y'all. Anyway, the woman I'm referring to is June Carter Cash. The reason I chose her is that to me, she's the most talent woman to ever be in country music, and I believe that without her, Johnny Cash would have probably died before he could become the great legend in country music.

Here's a link of her singing Tall Lover Man.


News In My World!

I have a 5th confirmed date in the Bloodshed on the Setting Sun book tour. I will also be at Bakken Con on Sept 18-19 in Williston, ND. I'm still working on some other dates and will post them as details are worked out.

I'm watching the show Sex in the City on E. I would have to say that Charlotte is my favorite character. I like her classic sense of style, and she seems to have some of the traditional values that I have.

I finally lost another pound for a total of 51 pounds lost. I have 79 more to go.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 24, 2015 at 9:51pm
March 24, 2015 at 9:51pm

Blog City

Although present justice systems depend on punishment, do you think a restorative justice system--in which the criminals are healed of their ills, educated, and uplifted as to their outlooks on life--might work better for our societies?

I think it would work in some cases dealing with alcohol, drugs, and theft. However, I don't think it would work in cases of violent crimes or sex offender cases.

I do believe rehabilitation needs to occur in the prison system to help them become better citizens when they are released. I've seen too many times when people are released from prison they tend to go back to their old life because of lack of resources to help them.

I don't claim to know all the answers or have any solutions, but the system needs to change.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Why do you think history unfolded differently on the different continents?

I think it's the time periods in which the continents started. Some places began in ancient times, therefore, their beginnings were quite primitive. While others like North America didn't begin until later, when civilization was more advanced.

News In My World!

I have four dates of my book tour set in stone.

Here are the dates so far!

Apollo Con June 19-21 Houston TX
Inconjunction July 3-5 Indianapolis, IN
Pi-Con July 31-Aug 2 Windsor Locks, CT
Contraflow V Oct 2-4 New Orleans, LA

Tentative dates that may be added!
Gateway Geek Fest Aug 28-30 Maryland Heights, MO
Bakken Con Sept 18-19 Williston, ND
Dancing Rabbit Festival Oct 31st Macon MS

I'm watching a show called Housewives of Beverly Hills as I type this. Do any of y'all watch any of the housewives shows? I love them all! I also watch a show called Southern Charm. I'm really becoming addicted to Bravo. I've also started watching a new show on the E network called The Royals. That's a pretty neat show too!

I've got to go now. I have loads to do.

If y'all haven't checked out these links, please do!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 23, 2015 at 8:41pm
March 23, 2015 at 8:41pm

Blog City

John Barth said, in a Paris Review Interview, “I start every new project saying, “This one’s going to be simple, this one’s going to be simple.” It never turns out to be.” Do you find it to be true for you as well? Use it in regard to writing or any other thing that you wish.

It depends on the situation. Sometimes, it turns out to be very simple (it's very nice when that happens too). However, I find that many things in life are complex because life in general is complex. The stories I write are never simple because I tend to create very complex storylines and characters, but the poetry that I've written has been very simple. That's why I'm not a poet.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Is there something that you could add to your life on a daily basis that would make you happier?

This is a really easy question to answer! If I could be with my soulmate everyday, my life would be happier.

News In My World!

I believe that I have secured the deals for three of the dates of my book tour. The cites are Indianapolis IN, Houston, TX, and Windsor Locks, CT. The first one will be in July and the other two will be in July. I'm working on several others so I can have a full tour.

Want an opportunity to pre-order my book and help my book tour? Check out this link for details!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 22, 2015 at 4:00pm
March 22, 2015 at 4:00pm

Blog City and Blogging Circle of Friends

I'm trying to get back to blogging! I know that today is a no prompt day, but I wanted to write and let y'all know what I've been up to.

My novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun, will be released on May 1st by Damnation Books! I plan on having some virtual release parties starting on midnight on May 1st. I will have one on Facebook and one here at WDC. More details will come soon!

I'm working on a book tour too! I'm currently trying to raise money to cover the expenses for it. Please check out my fundraiser at this link!


I currently have about 8-9 dates in the works so far for my book tour. I will list those in the future as they become final. Hey, I may even be in a town near you!

Just to let everyone know, I will start back blogging on a regular basis tomorrow. I've really missed blogging, and I'm glad that I'm able to start back!

Bye for now,

Sister of Mercy
February 2, 2015 at 3:25pm
February 2, 2015 at 3:25pm
Feb 2, 2015

Blogging Circle of Friends

What does a groundhog think about Groundhog Day? Write a story, poem, or rant. Have fun and be creative.

Thoughts of a Groundhog

Why is seeing or not seeing my shadow so important?
It doesn't change my life at all.
If Mother Nature wants it to be cold, then it will be cold.
My shadow won't change a thing.

Blog City

Do you think music has a magical effect on the mind? How?

Oh, I definitely believe that because music can take you to a different place, change your mood, and every once in a full blue moon, change the world.

Listen to this song, it's quite magical.


News In My World!

A lot has been going on since I've written last! My coupon clipping/insert business has really taken off. My publisher is almost finished with the edits on my book. The senior editor is doing the final edit, then it will go to the cover art, marketing, and printing department. My book should come out either March or April. I've finished 4 weeks of my 5K training program. I believe I'm about to break my weight loss plateau since I've started to lose some ounces.

I've almost cut out all fish and dairy. I may not cut it over completely, but I will probably go on an 80/20 basis.

Unfortunately, I'm still having health issues. I won't go into the whole ordeal now because I don't know all the facts yet.

No Musical Ending today! Just listen to the song that I shared in the Blog City entry.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
January 1, 2015 at 5:32pm
January 1, 2015 at 5:32pm
Jan 1, 2015

Blog City

What do you wish you were doing New Years Eve? Going to New York to watch the ball drop at Midnight or go to a party where everyone dresses up fancy? What do you do on New Years Eve? What ever you do, please be safe!

I wished that I could have been with my soulmate. No parties or dressing up fancy would have been neccessary. I just needed my soulmate. I ended up watching a horror movie on Netflix called Occulus. It was pretty interesting!

Blogging Circle of Friends

No prompt!

News In My World!

I've almost completed the 1st day of my pre-training phase of the 5K training program. After I finish this blog, I will go do the bonus work for the training day which will be another walking workout. I did a 15 minute walking workout that equaled to walking a mile, a 15 minute yoga workout, and 20 minutes of toning with 5 pound dumbbells. I've also read a couple of chapters of Perfect Nightmare by John Saul. I'm also close to finishing the first season of American Horror Story on Netflix. It's really good. I've watched most of it before, but I did miss some of the episodes (now I get to catch up on it). I also cleaned up my room a little more too.

Musical Ending!

I thought I would share another song by the country singer, CW McCall called Aurora Borelias.


Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
December 31, 2014 at 1:37pm
December 31, 2014 at 1:37pm
Dec 31, 2014

Blog City

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." JK Rowlings
Do you agree with this?

Yes, I do! Dreams are great and often give us the inspiration to move forward. However, if we dwell on the dreams and not apply the action, nothing will ever get done!

Blogging Circle of Friends

"Forget yesterday--it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow--you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift--today." Steve Maraboli
Prompt: Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or Why not?

This quote makes a lot of sense. Yesterday is gone. You can't change what has happened. You also can't control tomorrow until it comes. You can certainly prepare for it, but you can't predict everything that will happen. All you can do is hope for the best in most cases. Today is the true time of living, so all you can do is make the best of it.

News In My World!

I've made my New Year's Resolutions! Here they are!

1. Lose 100 pounds. I will reach my goal weight if I am successful.
2. Train for the 5K that will take place where I live the last Saturday of October. My goal isn't to win, only to complete it.
3. Read 50 books
4. Buy a new wardrobe by the end of the year.
5. Write my second novel, Bloodshed on the Blue Moon
6. Get rid of unwanted/unneeded clutter in my house.
7. Build up and organize my stockpile (see below paragraph about this)

I've already made a small start on number 6. I've been going through all of the books I have and have already sold the Dean Koontz books that I had. I've also sold about 33 other books which I will take to the buyer next week. For those who don't know, I used to have an online used bookstore for a little over a year. I did pretty good at first, then business fell off to nothing when various e-readers became popular. As a result, I got stuck with a lot of books. I'm also planning on organizing my stockpile. I'm a major couponer, and I have built up a stockpile of household items such as toilet paper, paper towels, toiletries, and other hygiene items. In fact, I've built up enough of some of these items to last me for several months. My goal is to have a stockpile that will last me for a year.

I've made plans on how to accomplish the other goals too. Goals one and two will go together. I'm planning on working toward becoming mostly vegan which will help me with the weight loss. I'm also going to be stricter with my wheat/corn/dairy free eating too since I have allergies with all of those foods. I've already stopped eating meat and have even cut way back on eating fish too. In fact, I've only had fish a handful of times since this fall. Yesterday, I researched training plans to help me with goal #2.

Here's the basic plan

Jan 1-Jan 4 will be the pre-training phase. I will go on 15-20 walks each day, do 15-30 minutes of yoga, and 20-30 of light weight training with 5 pound dumbbells.
Jan 5th will start the 7 week beginning training for the 5K.
At the end of the 7 weeks, I will start the 12 week intermediate phase.
After that, I will start the 12 week advanced plan.
The last part of the plan will be a 20 week advanced marathon training program. This will take me through Jan 2016.

Along with the running, I will also be doing weight training with dumbbells and yoga. I will do the weight training on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I will do yoga on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I've even planned for rainy days and other extreme weather days (cold weather, hot days don't really affect me). I will do at least 1-2 rounds of the 30 minute free run on the Wii Fit. When I go on my church's mission trip in July, I plan on working out in the gym that's at the dorm where I will be staying. It has a treadmill, elipitcal machine, and a recumbent bike. It also has some weight machines too.

The plan to tackle reading 50 books in a year will be to read a book a week. The reason I didn't go for 52 books is that I wanted to give myself a two week cushion to account for when I will go on my church's mission trip the first week of July and for activities during the holidays.

For number 4, I'm going to set aside at least $10 a month toward a new wardrobe. I know that I may only end up with $120 for the year, but I plan to combine this with money from selling books and other items from my uncluttering the house plans. I also plan on being able to put even more money aside when I pay off my last credit card bill too. If things go as planned, I should have it paid off by summer.

For number 5, I have worked out this writing schedule.

Jan and Feb will be spent on writing the bare bones rough draft. I have already written an outline and will use it as a guide to write the rough draft. I also vow to have my inner editor turned off too. This will be the time to get the basic story out there. My goal is to come up with the first 50,0000 words during this time.
March and April will be spent on editing the rough draft as in grammar, spelling, typos, content, ect.
May is when I will start putting my novel in my port for reviews.
May and June is when I will edit, using the reviews as a guide to fix loose ends, ect.
July is when I will do final edits on my copy that will be saved to Microsoft Word.
I hope to be ready to submit to my publisher who already has an option on this book in August.

I'm taking a break from the musical ending for today. I have way too much to do!

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy

December 30, 2014 at 12:06pm
December 30, 2014 at 12:06pm
Dec 30, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

As the year closes, many of us consider New Year's Resolutions. On January 1st, we are opening a brand new 365 page book about what? This book is our opportunity to create something unique. Do you make resolutions? What's the first page/chapter of your book going to say?

I would start off by reflect on the past year. What were my successes? What were my failures? I would have to say that 2014 has been my most successful year. I might not have completely reached my goals, but this year has been the one where I came to closes to reaching them. The reason I would do this is to see where I am now and how I can possibly keep from making the same mistakes as before. After that, I would start on making resolutions for 2015.

Blog City

What is your formula of sticking to New Year's resolutions or any other promises to yourself, after making them?

I remind myself everyday what I'm striving for and why. I also keep a journal to remind myself daily on what I want to accomplish and how I need to accomplish those task. One of my main goals has been to loose weight, I kept a food/exercise journal. I will admit that I didn't lose all the weight I wanted to this year, but I don't think that losing 50 pounds in a year is too shabby either.

News In My World!

I'm actually working on a list of goals for the next year. I will list those tomorrow. I finished reading two books yesterday, The Return by Bentley Little and Writing with Style by John R Trimble. I reading three books now and hope to have them finished by tomorrow night, Perfect Nightmare by John Saul, What the Dickens by Gregory Maguire, and Dead but not Forgotten by Amber Hunt.

Musical Ending

Here's a song I might have shared before, but I know that I haven't discussed this singer very much. He was a favorite of my dad's. I used to listen to the old records that my dad had of this singer. Check out the video to see who I'm talking about! You probably have never heard of him either.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
December 25, 2014 at 10:15pm
December 25, 2014 at 10:15pm
Dec 25, 2014

Blog City

What does Holiday spirit mean to you? Are you sad to see Christmas end?

This is kind of hard for me to answer because I think that I've lost my Christmas spirit. I've been rather sad this Christmas. I miss my dad (he died in Feb 2012 of lung cancer), and I haven't been able to see my soulmate since Oct.

I don't mean to sound like a Scrooge, but I am glad to see Christmas end. It's just been too sad! I really need to see my soulmate soon (he's been out of town)!

There has been one bright spot! Maggie's home for Christmas. My brother brought her with him for the holidays. For those who don't know, Maggie is my Catahoula. When my brother moved to South Dakota, he took Maggie with him.

Blogging Circle of Friends

No prompt!

News In My World!

I did receive a nice Christmas gift. I got a Stephen King novel called Revival. I can't wait to read it. Other than that, I did go shopping yesterday. I got a $300 worth of household and grocery items for only $71! All thanks to couponing!

Musical Ending!

In the spirit of Christmas, go to you tube, and look up the Johnny Cash Christmas specials. There were 10 of them, ranging from 1975-1985. There were also one or two connected with his show that aired from 1969-1971.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
December 24, 2014 at 9:38pm
December 24, 2014 at 9:38pm
Dec 24, 2014

Blog City

"It's like some people just come through our lives to bring us something, a gift, a blessing, a lesson we need to learn and that's why were here. Danielle Steel How do you feel about this?

My dad picked up a drifter back in the 80s. Dad was a truck driver who often helped people out on the road. He met a drifter named Dale in Florida. Dale was trying to get back to his family in California. Anyway, dad brought him home one weekend. The guy ended up staying at my grandmother's farm for awhile to make enough money for a bus ticket to California. Before this, I had always thought that drifters were all dangerous people out to rob, scam, and maybe even murder people (I guess I had watched way too many horror movies). Now, I would be too scared to pick up a drifter because of safety reasons, but I did learn not to judge a book by its cover at a young age.

Blogging Circle of Friends

One Christmas Eve tradition practiced by numerous families is Drinking Hot Chocolate and Tell Christmas stories.
Prompt: What is your favorite Christmas story to tell on Christmas Eve? If you don't have a favorite Christmas story write Christmas story.

I like reading a Christmas Carol and watching the 1938 version of the movie during the holidays. In fact, the 1938 version is the only one I enjoy or will watch. My favorite actress, June Lockhart, made her movie debut on there when she was only 13 years old. Just thought, I would slip a little bit of trivia. Here's another piece of trivia. Lockhart parents were on the movie too. They played the Cratcits (I forgot how to spell that last name).

News In My World!

I've had a terrible cold three times this month. It seems like I never completely get over it! I have relapsed within three days of getting better each time. I made myself go Christmas shopping this week because I hadn't bought a single gift for my family yet. Thankfully, my Christmas list was a short one!

Before I go, I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

Musical Ending!

This is my favorite Christmas song sung by my favorite singer of all time. Watch the video to find out who I am talking about!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

October 2, 2014 at 11:00pm
October 2, 2014 at 11:00pm
Oct 2, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Have you ever accidentally made a terrible first impression on someone? What do you think makes for a good first impression?

I probably make a terrible first impression on people 90 percent of the time. I think you just ought to be yourself. Everything else will work itself out. I've learned the hard way that people are going to think what they want to think anyway!

Blog City

Do you believe in angels?

I believe in angels. It's in the Bible about their existence. They were created by God and therefore, I believe in them. It's as simple as that.

WDC Soundtrackers: Resurrection Jukebox

I shared a Johnny Cash song yesterday. Now, y'all know that you can't write about Johnny Cash without writing about his wife June Carter Cash. Today, I'm going to share a song that she wrote in the 60s that was banned by country radio and was later re-released on her 1999 album called Press On. The song is Gatsby's Restaurant.


News In My World!

I've felt rather weak today. I'm planning on going to bed because I have a lot to do tomorrow. Mom and I will go on our big monthly shopping trip for groceries and household items. We finished our shopping list and gathered up our coupons, so we can save lots of money. My coupon clipping business is really taking off! I will probably only concentrate on this and selling Country Gourmet Home.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

October 1, 2014 at 10:03pm
October 1, 2014 at 10:03pm
October 1, 2014

Blog City

If you could be anyone or anything this Halloween, who would you want to be and why?

I can't really think of anything! I dressed up as Lilly Munster when I was 8. I really enjoyed that. I wrote a poem about it a couple of years ago and it's in my port.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What is your favorite thing about October? Write a story or poem. Be creative and have fun.

I enjoy watching all of the horror movies that are shown on TV especially the week of Halloween when AMC shows 24 hours of horror movies for 7 days straight. I also like going to the high school football games on Friday nights in October and the Reformation Party that my church has as a Halloween alternative.

WDC Soundtrackers: Resurrection Jukebox

This is the first day of this challenge. I bet y'all can't guess what my kick off song is going to be or who sung it.

It's a song I've shared in my blog before, but I'm simply addicted to it. It's Johnny Cash's cover of Gordon Lightfoot's song Red Velvet. Just to let y'all know, Cash did it better!


News In My World!

I haven't been feeling very well today. To make matters worse, I had a light seizure at church and spilled a boiler full of potato soup on the floor. I wanted to crawl under the nearest table and disappear!

I'm going to go lay down now and watch the premier episode of Stalker on CBS.

Musical Endings!

Just listen to Red Velvet by Johnny Cash again!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

September 17, 2014 at 11:29pm
September 17, 2014 at 11:29pm
Sept 17, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

What is your favorite musical instrument? Why is it your favorite? Write a story, poem, or anything you want about it. Have fun. Be creative.

There are several musical instruments that I enjoy listening to. The piano, guitar, autoharp, violin, banjo (depending on whose playing it), dulcumer (I forgot how to spell that), harp (when I hear it in Celtic music), and the cello.

June Carter Cash was a genius when it came to playing musical instruments. She could play the guitar, autoharp, violin, banjo, harmonica, drums, cello, harp, clairnet and flute. It was also said that she could play the piano, oboe, saxaphone, and a couple of other instruments, but she never felt comfortable with saying that she could because she felt that she wasn't proficient enough in them. She learned to play some of those when she went to Julliard. Here's a bit of trivia, she was in the same acting class at Julliard with Robert Duvall. They even dated for awhile. This was between her first and second marriages (way before Johnny Cash). Duvall also spoke at her funeral since they remained good friends.

Blog City

Who was your favorite first lady?

I don't think that I've really had a favorite first lady. Jackie Kennedy was very classy, but she was first lady before I was even a twinkle in my mamma's eye. Betty Ford was interesting. I watched a movie about her when I was a child. I wish I could find it and watch it again. Other than those two, I haven't really been interested in any of the others.

News In My World!

I've officially lost 40 pounds, but it's been several days since I've lost any weight. I may be going through a plateau or just a slow down in weight loss for awhile. Some of my businesses have changed. One of the direct sales companies that I've been a consultant for may be closing because one of the owners died yesterday. However, I will still be a consultant for Fuller Brush,Norwex, and Le-Vel ( I may end up concentrating on Fuller Brush and Norwex). I'm also in the process of starting a coupon clipping business through Facebook.

Musical Ending

This is Losing You by June Carter Cash. Losing You was actually banned when it came out in the 60s by country music radio stations, and she was forbidden to sing it at the Opry. However, she recorded it again in the late 90s and won a grammy for the album it was on called Press On. If you listen to the song, you will probably understand why it was banned at the time.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

September 11, 2014 at 11:38am
September 11, 2014 at 11:38am
Sept 11, 2014

Blog City

What were you doing and where were you on 9-11 when the twin towers were attacked?

I was sitting at my computer typing an email to my soulmate. I remember the news of it was on TV.

Here were my thoughts as the headlines of 9-11 flashed across the screen.
1. Is this a hoax?
2. Is this a trailer for a new movie?
3. Did that just really happen?
4. Oh, my, goodness, I think it really did.
5. Who in the world would want to do that?
6. I can't believe that really happened.
7. Yes, it really happened.
8. My Dad is close to where the plane crashed in Pennsylvaina (one of the planes that the hijacker wanted to crash into one of the buildings in DC).
9. Where is my Dad?
10. The trucking company can't seemed to find my Dad.
11. The computer system in his truck is down. All messages keep bouncing back.
12. Where is my Dad?
13. No one can find him.
14. Thankfully, he was at a truck stop in Penn watching the news of 9-11. He was there because some of the interstates were closed because of everything that was happening. He couldn't answer the messages because the airwaves were blocked because of everything that was going on.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Would you volunteer to be one of the first colonists on Mars if it meant you could never return to earth?

Nope, absolutely not! I don't know a thing about Mars. At least, I know what to expect on earth.

News In My World!

I'm trying to figure out how to make a slideshow and add my singing to it. I seem to be able to make the slideshow with the pic I want and a video of my singing, but I can't seem to get the two to go together. I'm using Windows Live Movie Maker. If anyone knows how to do this, please send me detailed instructions. If I can figure it out, y'all might just get to hear me sing.

Musical Ending!

Here's Johnny Cash's cover of Gordon Lightfoot's Red Velvet. It way better that Lightfoot's. Waylon Jennings also did a cover, but it sounds a lot like Lightfoot's.


Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy

September 10, 2014 at 4:18pm
September 10, 2014 at 4:18pm
Sept 10, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write about something about this quote, "To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at any given moment. That means now. " - Eckhart Tolle, or share a meaningful quote of your own. Have fun and be creative.

I think we've all put misery on ourselves from time to time. It's getting ourselves out of it that counts.

Blog City

Pretend you were on the Mayflower on that first voyage to settle in America. Describe how your felt leaving England and seeing your new home.

I have a feeling that I would have probably gotten sea sick back then because of the conditions. I came from a poor family, so I would have been where the poor were put. Knowing my luck, I would have been one of those indentured servants.

How I would have felt leaving England and seeing my new home.

1. New possibilities
2. New life
3. Escape from my old life
4. Fear of the unknown
5. I bet my emotions would have been going up and down like a yo-yo.
6. I think these first five cover what I would have been feeling.
7. I would have probably been afraid of getting ship wrecked and dying too.
8. I also would have thought "when am I ever getting off of this ship".
9. Religious freedom
10. It's getting hard for me to think of anything else.
11. Making lists aren't always easy.
12. Think about this topic is interesting.
13. I've got to come up with one more thing!
14. I'm really glad I wasn't born back then. Life was way too hard!

News In My World!

To continue with my coupon discussion from yesterday, I also received a response from the corporation that makes Jimmy Dean and Sara Lee products. They will be sending me coupons for those items, and I will receive those with in two weeks.

I have actually received some of the coupons today. Here's what I received so far.

4 $1 off coupons on Bolthouse Farms Smoothies
2 $1 off coupons on Pamela's gluten free mixes
2 75 cent off coupons on Welch's fruit juices
2 complementary free drink coupons from Starbucks
3 55 cent off coupons on Land O'Lakes products
2 $1 off coupons from Tide
2 50 cent off coupons from Purex
2 $1 off coupons and 2 55 cent coupons from Go Veggie
2 35 cent coupons from Jif peanut butter
2 55 cent off coupons from Smuckers jams/jellies
5 55 cent off coupons from Blue Bunny
7 75 cent off coupons from Amy's

These places have e-clubs that you can join to save money as well Captain D's, Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Dounuts, Applebee's, Chili's, and Sabarro's. K-Mart/Sears has a rewards card that you can sign up for and get points on all purchases. After you get a certain amount of points, you can use those like you would money to take off your total at the register. Rite Aid, Walgreens, and CVS have rewards programs too. The Rite Aid one is great. I was able to use my UP rewards dollars many times and walked away with only paying sales tax. In June, I walked out of there only having to pay 86 cents for $20 worth of items.

Listia is trading site that everyone should check out. I've received a lot of free product coupons and free gift cards. Y'all can find me on there too. I go by sisterofmercy on there too. I've gotten the following free product coupons from this site: Talenti gelatto, So Delicious dairy free products, Yoplait greek yogurt, Vita Coco coconut water, Snuggle, Go Veggie Shreds, Yo Crunch yogurt, and Fruit 2O water. I've also received $20 in Wal-Mart gift cards and $6 in Amazon codes.

Ebay is a good place to get packs of coupons for only the cost of shipping most of the time. However, pay attention to the expiration dates and how much the bids on the coupon pack are. Make sure it will be worth it to buy/bid on that coupon pack. I've received some awesome deals from there!

Musical Ending

Here's another little known Johnny Cash song that I found on You Tube. It is one of the most beautiful love song ever. It really showed Johnny Cash's talent for singing any song on this planet. That man could open a phone book, sing the names and numbers, and make it sound divine.


Let me know what you think about this song in the comments!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

PS......I've lost another pound to make 38 pounds lost in all!
September 9, 2014 at 5:27pm
September 9, 2014 at 5:27pm
Sept 9,2014

Blog City

Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things. Take this and apply it to your blog in any way you see fit.

This is an interesting sounding prompt that I'm not sure on how to tackle. I do believe in not worrying over the small stuff, and I definitely don't want to go around petting sweaty things.

Sweaty things that I don't pet! LOL!

1. Bread when it gets too hot. Trust me, it's nasty.
2. Spoiled milk
3. Rodents-sweaty or not, I don't pet them! Well, I don't know if they sweat, but I won't pet them to find out.
4. Socks (they will go straight to the laundry basket)
5. I have no idea on where to go with this.
6. My mind is going blank!
7. My brain is probably sweating while trying to come up with something. I won't pet that either! LOL!
8. When people lie sometimes, they sweat. I wouldn't pet them either! LOL! However, I don't go around petting people...
9. I'm really running out of stuff to list.
10. Dogs and cats don't sweat, so go ahead and pet them.
11. Zombies don't sweat because they are dead, but I wouldn't pet them either.
12. My mind has gone blank!
13. I can't think of anything else!
14. I actually thought this was going to be easy! LOL!

Blogging Circle of Friends

Breaking News.... you tell me

I've lost another pound to make 37 pounds lost in all! I've also lost 10 inches from my waist and 10 inches from my hips. I'm only 12 pounds away from my first goal weight! I've already met my first BMI goal and halfway to meeting the second one.

News In My World!

I wanted to share a couponing tip with y'all today! Go around your house and write down what you use on a regular basis. Take that list and Google those product names. Visit the websites and fill out their contact form, asking those companies for coupons. Some won't respond, others will respond saying no, and some will send coupons.

Here's a list of those who do send coupons! (I've tested these so I know)
IZZE beverages
Bolthouse smoothies
Land O'Lakes
Smart Balance
Domino Sugar
Digiorno pizza
Go Veggie!
Starbucks (they will send you two free beverage coupons to use at their coffee shops)
Back to Nature foods
International Delights
Frigo Cheese Heads
Bigelow tea
Blue Bunny ice cream
Blue Diamond
Ocean Spray
Turkey Hill
Nestle Baking products
SC Johnson Home Cleaning products
Fleischmann's Yeast
King Hawaiian Bread

Bath and Body and Energizer will put you on their mailing list to receive coupons in the future. Co Cola, Pepsi, Post Cereal, General Mills, Earthbound, and Kraft will not send anything, so don't waste your time there. Procter and Gamble has a form on their website to sign up for their mailing list. They do send out coupons from time to time. Don't waste your time with Crystal Light either. Make sure you sign up for a Kroger rewards card if you have a Kroger in your area. They will send out very good coupons (that will include at least two free product coupons). You can also download weekly free product coupons on Fridays and other good coupons at anytime.

Musical Ending!

I'm going to share a very interesting song that I found on You Tube. It's Johnny Cash's cover of a song called We Must Believe in Magic. It's a really neat song that was a cool change in Cash's style. It was too bad that radio stations wouldn't play this when Cash released it in 1984. It goes to show you that sometimes people just don't understand what great music is!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

September 8, 2014 at 8:42am
September 8, 2014 at 8:42am
Sept 8, 2014

Blog City

Tell us about a time when you completely lost track of time. Does it happen often or hardly at all?

I don't lose track of time a whole a lot. I usually have too much to do to let myself do that. However, there are times when I do tend to lose track of time.

Losing track of time list
1. when I read
2. while watching a movie
3. while surfing the internet
4. while writing
5. I sometimes lose track of time when exercising
6. Come to think of it, I sometimes lose track of time when doing housework.
7. after having a seizure
8. I think I might lose track of time more than I think
9. during church when I get really caught up in listening to a sermon or Sunday school lesson
10. I thought I did a lot better with this.
11. while grocery shopping because I'm really focused on what I have to buy for the month and trying to get the best possible savings
12. I must spend a lot of time in la la land.
13. while watching Duck Dynasty
14. where in the world does all of this time go?

Blogging Circle of Friends

Penneywise the CLOWN at the MOUSE that she took the time to STIR in the BUTTER while trying to TEMPT and DISCREDIT Carrie by TOWERING over her and making her feel SMALL. This makes absolutely no sense, but it seemed to a few seconds ago.

News In My World

I'm feeling better today. I should be able to go back to exercising tomorrow. I have loads of housework today, laundry, sweeping, moping, dusting, ect. I've lost another two pounds too for a total weight loss of 36 pounds.

Musical Ending

I've chosen the song This Old Road by Kris Kristofferson because it just seems fitting, and I like it too.


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
September 6, 2014 at 11:21pm
September 6, 2014 at 11:21pm
Sept 6,2014

Blog City

The three woman who live next door to you remind you of the three witches in Macbeth. *Shock* Why?

I must confess. I've never read Macbeth and am not familiar with the three witches in the story. However, I did Google the characters, and they seem kind of like the three wise hags in my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. I'm surprised that reviewers here at WDC didn't pick up on that. It's weird that they are kind of like the three witches since I've never read the play. This prompt reminds me of three ladies at a church that I went to for four years.

This is what makes me think of the three witches when I think of these ladies.
1. They were always together.
2. They seemed to be able to complete my sentences. (yes, I said that)
3. They seemed to have a good idea about what was going to happen in the future.
4. They stayed to themselves unless they sought you out. (I don't mean this in a bad way. They just didn't have much to say unless they felt it was needed)
5. The ladies had strange hobbies. They collected needles especially long knitting/crochet ones. The needles almost looked like weapons.
6. I remember one time, one of the ladies, spoke in a different language. I commented to the other two the fact that I didn't know that she knew French. One of them looked at me and said that she didn't. However, she spoke it perfectly that day. She was having a conversation ( in French) with a French missionary who was a guest speaker at church. He had been a missionary in Africa. It just seemed strange.
7. They also had a way of walking into a room without anyone realizing it until they made their presence known.
8. They seemed to have a way of creeping people out even though they always seemed nice.
9. Most of the time, they wore long, flowing dresses.
10. I'm running out of things to write!
11. One of the ladies (I don't remember which one) had a car that reminded me of a hearse.
12. My mind is going blank on things to write!
13. I don't know how much this has to do with the witches from Macbeth, but it's been neat to write about this.
14. My mind is blank on the topic now! LOL!

Blogging Circle of Friends

You are allowed to write and shoot you own movie, with all actors and money at your disposal. What is about?

I would make a movie based on my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun.

This would be my dream cast.

Tyler and Dylan Walsh (twins)- Jared Paldacki (plays Sam on Supernatural)
Queen Morganna- June Lockhart (Lassie, Lost In Space, Petticoat Junction)
Queen Mabon- Alyssa Milano (Who's the Boss, Charmed, Melrose Place, Mistresses)
Princess Kaie- Sarah Paulson (American Gothic, American Horror Story)
Cydia Webster- Rose McGowan (Charmed)
Princess Anaie- Chloe Grace Moretz (Wicked Little Things, Big Momma's House 2, Dark Shadows, Let Me In, Carrie)
Juliette- Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line, Legally Blonde, Mud, Sweet Home Alabama)
Willie Noone-Angus Scrim (Phantasim movies)
Lucifer Webster- Robert Taylor (Longmire)
Marion Webster- Maggie Smith (Harry Potter movies, Room with a View, Downtown Abbey)
Charlo or Marshall Hock- Warwick Davis (Leprechaun, Harry Potter movies, Willow)

News In My World!

I haven't felt too great today. I had a dizzy spell, and my legs went numb. I fell as a result. My Golden Retriever, Rocky, helped me get off the floor.

I'm not doing the musical ending tonight. I'm going to bed instead.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

September 5, 2014 at 2:12pm
September 5, 2014 at 2:12pm
Sept 5, 2014

Blogging Circle of Friends

Activists are campaigning to remove a color from the rainbow. Which color? What's their argument?

The activists want to remove orange because it's an ugly color. At least, that's the color I would remove because I can't stand to have that color anywhere around me.

Blog City

Recall an old childhood photo. Narrate the events that led up to that moment that photo was taken.

I have childhood photos, but I can't remember the events very well. That's one of the things that my brain disorder messes with me. It destroyed a lot of my past memories.

Here are some of the childhood photos that I'm looking at now (I was under 18 in all of them).
1. A photo when I was about 6, and I was wearing overalls and a straw hat. It was at a talent contest that I won.
2. I'm wearing a red satin dress with a small crown on my head. The pic is date Oct 1987. I think it might have been when I won Harvest Carnival Queen. I would have been 11.
3. I'm wearing a black evening gown with loads of rhinestones. It was in 1992 when I was on the Homecoming Court. I was a junior in high school.
4. I'm wearing a black cocktail dress and a red corsage. I was very thin. This was when I was 13 and could wear a size 3/4 for awhile. This pic was taken at the eighth grade banquet/dance. I weighed 105, and I remembered people in my class, telling me how fat I was.
5. I'm wearing a short lilac pageant dress. I think I was seven. I believe I came in 1st runner up in that pageant. I also won most photogenic for this pic.
6. I'm wearing a long light blue pageant dress. I was 6 in this pic. It was taken the same night the first photo was taken. I think I came in 2nd or 3rd runner up and 1st runner up for most photogenic.
7. I'm wearing a red cocktail dress. I'm about 17 in this one and at my junior prom. I was the only girl without a date. I was the wallflower in the corner. I left at 10:30 that night because my mom told me that only pretty girls with dates could stay for the whole prom.
8. I'm wearing a purple cocktail dress. I was 14 and in my school's beauty and beau pageant. I made the top ten, and I think I shocked the whole school since I was known as the ugly duckling.
9. I'm dressed up as a vampire for Halloween. I'm wearing a long, slinky black skirt and tight black blouse. My hair is jet black in this pic. The collie I had at the time is in the pic with me. I think I was 15 at the time. I remember my grandmother being there, and she was dressed up as a witch.
10. This pic looks like a Christmas morning when I was 12 or 13. I have on a white gown and white robe while opening a Christmas present. I looked thin in this pic too. I think I was about 115 pounds at the most.
11. I'm holding my little brother in my lap. I had on a cute floral print dress. My brother looked about two in this pic and that would have made me about 12 at the time.
12. I looked like I was under 5 years old in this pic. I was wearing a blue swimsuit and sunglasses. I looked like I was trying to strike a pose.
13. This is a pic when I was either 13 or 14. I'm wearing a red blouse and a black pencil skirt with some black shoes that had very high heels.
14. This last pic is of me dressed as a cowgirl for a play. I think I was either 10 or 11 years old. I had on a western pink shirt, black jeans, and a black hat.

News In My World

I finished the Skeleton for Halloween workout for the third day in a row. After I finish with this blog entry, I will probably do the two Victoria's Secret model workouts that I've been doing for the past two days. Then I will have to get ready to go shopping with my mom.

Mom and I are supposed to eat at Chili's tonight, and I'm looking forward to that because I don't get to eat out very much.

I also lost another pound (34 in all)!

Musical Ending

Here's Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash's cover of Help Me Make It Through the Night. I like theirs the best because of the passion shown between the two of them when they sang this song.


Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
September 4, 2014 at 5:01pm
September 4, 2014 at 5:01pm
Sept 4, 2014

Blog City

Who was your favorite cartoon character?

I didn't watch many cartoons when I was growing up. Cartoons just weren't my thing. I do remember watching some. I just didn't become a major fan.

Here are the cartoon characters that I remember watching.

1. Beetlejuice (yes, it was a cartoon series for awhile)
2. Captain Caveman
3. Scooby Doo
4. Grape Ape
5. Hong Kong Fuey (not sure of the exact name, but he was a dog who was a janitor, then would turn into a karate champion)
6. the blue monster on a show called My Pet Monster
7. Duckman
8. Rent
9. Stimpy
10. Beavis
11. Butthead
12. Hank Hill
13. Fat Albert
14. He-Man

Blogging Circle of Friends

Robert Frost said, “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”
Do you agree with this quote? Have you ever been surprised while writing?

I agree with the quote to a certain degree. However, what may stir emotion in one person may not do a thing for another. I have some emotional scenes in my novel (or at least I think), and a person who reviewed my novel just didn't see/feel it. Now, I've surprised myself while writing. Sometimes, I have wondered about my brain sometimes after writing some of the scenes in my book.

News In My World!

I receive my Norwex kit today. It is awesome! I got a nifty dry/wet broom, a set of kitchen sponges, and several washable/reusable cleaning cloths. I also received some Fuller Brush items like a microwave cleaner, an oven cleaner, a degreaser, pretty pink dishwashing liquid, bathroom cleaner, a window cleaner, and a few other items. If I get $50 more in sales by the end of the month, I will get a free electric floor sweeper! I know I sound crazy, getting excited over cleaning products, but I love doing housework!

I lost another pound for a total of 33 pounds lost!

I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow evening. I love going grocery/household shopping and see how much I can save each time. The last time I went I got $17 of groceries for only 33 cents.

Musical Ending!

Here's a Lana Del Rey song that I found on You Tube today. It is called Dark Paradise. It is simply beautiful!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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