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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

Check out my novel!

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Sister of Mercy
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October 5, 2016 at 10:45pm
October 5, 2016 at 10:45pm
Wednesday October 5, 2016

Blog City

"Fabric is my blank canvas and fashion textiles emerge as wearable art, touched by the possibilities of threads, beads and artful embellishments." If you are an artisan, you will get this. If not, write anything, you want about this.

This prompt really got me going! Fashion is art. The combination of textures, colors, and shapes all come to together to create art. It came take on many looks such as classic, trendy, sophisticated, whimsical, sporty, preppy, ect. Accessories also play a role too, such as jewelry, hat/cap, shoes, purse/bag, scarf, headband, and so on. These often make the pic more cohesive.

A person's face can be thought of as a blank canvas before makeup is put on. You start of with good skincare (exfoliator, cleanser, toner, moisturizer, eye cream, cream for wrinkles or acne), followed by a good facial primer to make the foundation stay put, then hide imperfections with concealer and color correcting products, setting powder, contouring and highlighting, blush (goes in between the contouring and highlighting on the cheeks), eye primer, one eyeshadow for the crease, one for the lid and yet another below the brow bone, can't forget to fill in the brows, primer for the lashes, mascara, sometimes eyeliner before mascara (sometimes I wear it sometimes I don't), lip primer, then lipstick or lip gloss, and finish it all with a setting spray to make sure the work of art is complete.

I realized I probably went off on a wild tangent with this prompt, but that's how my brain works!

Blogging Circle of Friends

Random words: garlic, invite, bitter, tower, evade, abrasive, brooch, promote

The bitter garlic invited the brooch to the tower the evade the abrasive scrub that promoted clean vegetables.

Nonsensical whimsy!

My life

I received my first thumbs down on a You Tube video today. It was the one I filmed today. It was part two of my Angelique the ghost of a Southern Socialite video. I did get 6 more subscribers today! I'm now at 71 subscribers only 29 from hitting my goal of 100. It's been said that once you hit your first 100, you start to take off from there because your videos will start showing up more on the front pages and in searches.

I ordered some beauty and decorative items from Burke's Outlet, and they came today. I showed what I bought in today's video too.

Here's the link to today's video!


PS.....Let me know if you can hear me on this video. I think I might have been sitting too far away from the iPad to properly pick up my voice.

Bye for now,

October 4, 2016 at 11:30pm
October 4, 2016 at 11:30pm
Tuesday October 4, 2016

Blogging Circle of Friends

When you expect things to happen--strangely enough-- they do happen. ~ J.P. Morgan Do you agree or disagree? Is this a norm in your life? Or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

I totally disagree when it comes to my life experiences. I expected to finish college, get married, have children, some sort of career, ect. Instead, I have nothing pretty much. Life hasn't been easy for me. I keep telling myself if I keep on trying and doing my part good things will happen. Maybe it isn't meant for me to have real happiness.

I'm usually always flying by the seat of my pants, scrambling around just trying to survive. Frankly, I'm tired of the struggle! However, I don't know what to do about it.

Blog City

What are your feelings about your comfort zone? Could you be happy to be living inside your comfort zone forever or would stepping out of it, at least once in a while, provide you with renewed energy and inspiration?

I don't really have a comfort zone anymore. Everything has totally changed during the last month or so. I've definitely been trying new things, taking risks to a certain degree, and I'm just praying that it will pay off in the future. I will say it's provided me with renewed energy and inspiration in life. I've been coming up with new ideas. Researching and learning all kinds of info I didn't know or only knew a little about.

I will tell you it's extremely uncomfortable at times, and people around you will become angry at you for stepping out of that zone. Sometimes, you have to close your eyes and leap. Just keep praying, you will land on your feet with minimum damage and call it a day until the next one comes.

My Life

I guess this is the theme to my entry. My life is really uncertain right now. I think I'm going through a breakup with my soulmate of almost 16 1/2 years. He won't talk to me. He won't tell me what the problem is. All I know is he hates my making You Tube videos! He is so fixated on hating that.

Two good things did happen today! I received a free box of Aussie hair care products from a company called Influencester. All I have to do is review them. I received a full size bottle of shampoo, a full size bottle of conditioner, and a full size bottle of volumizing mousse.

The other good thing was I created a character to play on my You Tube channel for the month of October. I debuted the character on today's episode. Her name is Angelique the ghost of a Southern socialite.

Here is the link to the episode.


Bye for now!

October 3, 2016 at 10:50pm
October 3, 2016 at 10:50pm
Monday Oct 3, 2016

Blog City

“In so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider, it is hard to find rules without exception.” George Eliot
What do you think makes the human nature more interesting: its compliance with the rules or its deviations into exceptions?

I like the exceptions because it takes into account that everyone and everything is different. As I've tried to tell my brother who is a big time academic, life doesn't always follow the rules in your psychology text books. Everyone is different therefore all situations are going to be a little different according to the person or people in them.

Blogging Circle of Friends

October is Sarcastic Month or National Sarcastic Awareness Month
Have you ever written a sarcastic character? Do you know anyone who is sarcastic? Is sarcasm another form of humor?

I'm not sure if I've written a sarcastic character or not. However, I do have this one character in my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun, named Ludia Webster. She's seven and quite a little pistol. She's the type of character where you will find yourself thinking "she needs her butt whipped", then the next minute, you will laugh your head off at some of the stuff she says and does.

I don't know anyone is totally sarcastic, but I do think it is another form of humor, depending on what it is.

My Life

I received a PR gift to review on my YouTube channel. A company called 1675 cosmetics sent me two mineral powder eyeshadows (they were from their IVIVIIV cosmetics line). I knew they were going to send me something for the 7 day posting campaign I did for them on Facebook, but I didn't know what. I also received a pretty lipstick that I received at a discounted price in exchange for reviewing it today too. It's a rather unique looking lipstick. It's transparent and has a small flower you can see in it. These new lipsticks are a popular trending item right now. The company that sent it to me was Melissa With Love. This company sells handmade cosmetics and soaps. You can go to the website www.melissawithlove.co to check it out. If you decide to order anything, please use the code Pennycockrell to get 10% off the total. This code is good until Dec 2016. I will be doing reviews of these products on my beauty channel soon.

I'm also working on collabs with two other beauty YouTubers too. Often other YouTubers will collab together to pull in more subscribers. I've also created a character for some of my YouTube episodes for October. The character is Angelique who is the ghost of a southern socialite. I will debut the character on my channel tomorrow.

I will give a link to the video tomorrow after I film.

Bye for now,

October 2, 2016 at 10:21pm
October 2, 2016 at 10:21pm
Sunday October 2, 2016

Blog City

When you were a kid, who did you most want to be like when you grew up? Was it particular athlete, a television or movie character, a superhero? Maybe even a family member? And in what way(s) did you emulate them?

When I was around 11 years old, I wanted to be June Carter Cash. My hair was about halfway down my back, and I would roll it on big rollers, so I would look like I had a lot of hair. I teased my hair a lot too! I remembered wearing black dresses or long black shirts whenever I could too. I would even listen to her music, so I could try to copy her singing. I'm pretty close to the singing part but nothing else. LOL!

Pretty strange right? At least, that is what I was told when I was a young girl.

Blogging Circle of Friends

No prompt today!

My Life

I didn't feel too great today. I just kind of lounged around and researched sponsorship opportunities for my YouTube channel. I also researched beauty hacks (basically do it yourself tips). I'm up to 65 subscribers also. 35 more to go before I reach my first 100.

Here's the link to my channel if anyone is interested. I'm also going a giveaway on there too.


Bye for now!


PS.....I'm also looking for more Instagram and Twitter follower!

October 1, 2016 at 10:54pm
October 1, 2016 at 10:54pm
Saturday Oct 1, 2016

Blog City

When humanity has to leave earth to live on the moon, you panic. Nobody knows that you are a.........

vampire... People will figure things out when I stay up all the time on the moon because of no sunlight. I will then have a constant need for blood because I will be up more often instead of sleeping.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Most of the happy people I know do one thing really well. Think about the people in your life do you agree or disagree? What do you think inspires their happiness? What do you do to inspire your own?

I would agree with this prompt for the most part. For example, my brother is the academic sort. He has a master's degree in Psychology with a certification in gender studies. He also has two bachelor's degrees, one in Psychology and one in Sociology (academic track, not social work). He is happy as a lark when he is teaching at the university where he's a psychology professor and gets along very well with his co-workers and most of his students.

As for myself, I have found the beauty world to be my field. I think it was always my calling, but I let other people persuade me not to follow my dream. However, I'm very happy with what I do now! I'm so glad I decided to finally follow this dream. I'm very grateful to YouTube and other forms of social media for giving me an avenue to pursue this!

I think it's having a true passion for something is what inspires true happiness. It doesn't matter what the passion is. I say go for what you love doing as long as it isn't illegal or immoral.

My life

I'm up to 61 subscribers. Only 39 subscribers away from my first goal of 100. I hope to reach this by the end of the month! I plan to set my vanity up on Monday. I may even film a YouTube episode giving a tour of it.

I'm going to have a busy week setting up my vanity, testing products, filming episodes, going to a doctor's appointment, working on cleaning job, and going to a nearby festivial next Saturday.

Bye for now!

September 30, 2016 at 10:48pm
September 30, 2016 at 10:48pm
Friday September 30, 2016

Blog City

Curiosity killed the cat. Write about what the cat was investigating...

Bessie, the tuxedo cat, stared into a long, kind of rectangled shape object. She saw a man on the screen and could hear singing coming from it. Her eyes grew big as she watched the man sing and play something he held in his hands. She reacted again by squinting her eyes at the screen as he sang.

The tuxedo cat reach up to try to touch his face but only felt the glass screen. She began to pur and rub her head against the object.

After a few minutes, her owner picked up the object and pat Bessie on the head. "You're a Waylon Jennings fan just like your mama!"

This really happened, no joke! I had YouTube pulled up on my iPad, and she started at it watching Waylon Jennings. Every time I play any of his songs, she will come running and sit down in front of the iPad. She often squints her eyes then opens them up really big. It is known as a cat's look of love. She really loves his cover of McArthur's Park.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Describe a typical day in your life as if it were a legendary epic. Here's your moment to wow us.

This is really funny! I wake up and let the Josette and Rocky outside. Then I clean Bessie's litter box. After that, I go into the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee using my Keurgic (however that's spelled, all I know is I love it!). I drink my coffee and plan my day out. I often spend my day testing out skin care and makeup. In between doing housework that it, depending on what has to be done that day. Sometime between 11-noon, I will check the mail to see if I've received a new product to try. Then I will have a quick lunch. Around 1 pm, I will get ready to film my YouTube episode if it's during Tuesday-Friday. If not, I'm either reading, doing more housework, or catching up on watching all of the stuff I recorded on the DVR. At 4:30 pm, I will feed the fur babies and start supper sometimes depending on what mom and I have planned. On Wednesday nights, we eat at the church. On Sunday mornings, I go to Sunday school and church. Often after church, Mom and I will eat at KFC/Taco Bell or the buffet at the Mexican restaurant.

This is definitely not a legendary epic, but I do like testing out products during the week and making the YouTube videos. I like to think I'm providing a service to those who use beauty items. I've also started testing health items like health foods, vitamins, and supplements.

My Life

I gained 7 new subscribers today for a total of 57 subscribers in all! I need 43 more to reach my first 100 subscribers. I think the giveaway I'm holding is going to help out with that. I've received good feedback on my giveaway so far. I know as a channel gets bigger there will be complainers, but that will be okay because you can't please people all of the time. You just do the best you can and move on.

I've got to go and try out some Victoria's Secret body spray that a friend sent me!

I will leave y'all with this video to watch!


Bye for now!

September 29, 2016 at 10:47pm
September 29, 2016 at 10:47pm
Thursday September 29, 2016

Blog City

What is your best recipe for a fall weekend outing?

I don't really have one because I don't leave the house much except for going to church, my cleaning jobs, and once a month grocery shop trip. I guess what I look forward to the most is drinking specialty coffees and teas that come out in the fall. Well, I wouldn't mind going to Ulta next week and seeing what's new items have come out this fall.

Blogging Circle of Friends

The New York Times series "36 Hours" provides profiles and thirty-six-hour itineraries for must-see sights and spots in cities all over the world. Write your own "36 Hours" piece about the city you live in now, or one in which you became well-acquainted with in the past. Include main attractions, little-known locales, shops to browse, and places to eat or find entertainment, connecting each of your recommendations to a personal anecdote or memory.

My town wouldn't have enough in it to fill 36 hours. I basically live in a one-horse town. We don't even have traffic lights. We have one grocery store, seven gas stations, two Mexican restaurants, a home cooking type restaurant, McDonalds, KFC/TacoBell in the same building, Subway, Bumpers, a florist, an over priced boutique that sells grandma looking clothes, and four dollar type stores. There is one thing we don't have a shortage of and that's churches. We have one in just about every neighborhood.

My Life

I reached 50 subscribers on my YouTube channel. I will announce the giveaway I'm planning in tomorrow's video. The prizes so far will be Luxe Botanicals skin care, Pacifica cosmetics, Honeybee Garden cosmetics, a false eyelash set, and a copy of my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun. The giveaway will last a month before the winner is announced, and for every 50 subscribers I get during this, I will add another prize to the prize package.

I filmed another video today. It featured Pixi by Petra cosmetics.

Here's the link! You may have to copy and paste it into your browser.


Bye for now!

September 28, 2016 at 10:36pm
September 28, 2016 at 10:36pm
Wednesday September 28, 2016

Blogging Circle of Friends

September 28 is National Good Neighbor Day. Write something about a good neighbor or how to be a good neighbor.

I don't really know any of my neighbors. I kind of know the couple who lives across the street and the lady and her granddaughter who live on the other side of me. There is also an elderly lady who lives 4 houses down from me whom I've known all of my life basically. A lot of new people have moved into my neighborhood in the last few years, and that's why I don't know too many of my neighbors.

None of them bother me, and they all mind their own business. I would have to say I live in a drama free neighborhood. To me, that's a good thing.

Blog City

Jane Austen was one of the first authors to examine the effects of socioeconomic pressure on personal relationships. Do you think the same socioeconomic pressure may still mess up personal relationships in our day?

I've never read any of Austen's works, but if I understood the movies correctly it's where one is from a rich family and the other is from a poor family basically. If that's the case, yes it can still mess up personal relationships in our day.

I grew up poor as dirt, and I'm still lower middle class. My soulmate is is from the better side of the tracks, a way better side. He's around educated people who have money and social status. I only have an associates degree, and I'm probably considered one of the crazy village idiots where I'm from. No wonder, he gets upset with me if I don't act like a very refined woman. That maybe my problem!

My life

I do have some good news! I'm in talks with a big company to start doing reviews for them on YouTube. I can't say what company for professional reasons. I have to write a proposal describing my channel, my demographic audience, site traffic, number of subscribers, and the traffic I get on my other social media pages too.

If y'all would, please check out my channel and subscribe. It's completely free to subscribe! I need to make my proposal sound very strong.

Here's the link!


I'm also on instagram @pennycockrell, twitter @Sistershops, and Facebook under Penny Cockrell.

Bye for now!


September 27, 2016 at 10:42pm
September 27, 2016 at 10:42pm
Tuesday September 27, 2016

Blog City

Do you remember your first car? What kind of car was it? Did you give it a name?

I got my first car when I was 16. It was a dark green 1984 signature series Lincoln town car. I didn't give it a name, but it was a big sucker and got awful gas mileage. It was a pretty car though, and I thought I was worth a million bucks in it. That shows it didn't know a darn thing about anything back in 1993 when I was 16.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Once a year you switch bodies with a random person who is best in the world at a certain skill. The wrinkle in this scenario is you can't change back until you discover what the skill is. You've been this random person now for a month, are you worried yet? What's your game plan?

This is an interesting prompt! I would just start trying to go all kinds of things until I figure it out I guess. I would really suck if this person wasn't good at anything conventional, and it ended up being something like competitive eating or something like that.

My life

I filmed another episode. I had some difficulty with my iPad and got cut off at 15 minutes, so I'm filming a part 2 tomorrow to finish up. I haven't figured out how to edit yet, especially not with using an iPad. If y'all have time, go check it out. I will put the link down below.


Bye for now,

September 26, 2016 at 10:17pm
September 26, 2016 at 10:17pm
Monday Sept 26, 2016

Blog City

Cryptomnesia is a certain type of a memory bias where a memory is mistaken for imagination. It is said that this happens to writers quite often. What do you think about this memory quirk? Have you ever written something that you didn’t know at first if it was a memory or a derivative of it or totally your imagination?

I've never heard of this before, but it does sound quite interesting. Sometimes I wonder if my memory and the novel I wrote blur this line a good bit. Of course, there haven't been any faeries, demons, vampires, werewolves, zombies, phantoms, ect, in my life, but there have been some strange incidents and people in it. Things that make you go hmmm.......

Blogging Circle of Friends

"Write a thank you note to a friend who gave you onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum."

Dear friend,

Thank you for thinking of me! I've never received something so unique before. This gum definitely livened up my senses and left a memorable taste in my mouth.

Don't forget to share it with others!

Your Friend,


My life

The prompts were very interesting tonight, and I enjoyed writing my responses.

Not much happened today except for finishing up a cleaning job and doing research for my YouTube channel. My table and tablecloth came in today, so I can start setting up my makeup area in my room to film my videos. I may even film an episode that give a tour of my vanity when I finish setting it up. Two cute pairs of shoes I had ordered came in too. One was a pair of flats and the other some very stylish pumps. I can't wait to wear them.

I'm up to 42 subscribers on my YouTube channel. After I get 58 more subscribers, I plan on holding a small giveaway that will include beauty products and a copy of my novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun.

Here's a new Leonard Cohen song that just came out!


Bye for now,

September 24, 2016 at 11:05pm
September 24, 2016 at 11:05pm
Saturday September 24, 2016

Blog City

In Washington Irving's story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," Ichabod Crane attends an autumnal harvest feast, where he listens to local townspeople recounting ghost stories. Later that night, on his fateful ride home, he encounters the Headless Horseman. The ending of the story is left open to interpretation: Is the Headless Horseman a ghoulish spirit, or is it actually Crane's rival in love, dressed in disguise and further exaggerated by Crane's haunted, overactive imagination? It's your blog, have fun.

The Headless Horseman could have been a manifestation of Crane's guilt over not being man enough to stand up to Crane to win the lady he loved. In other words, the Horseman was the brave side of Crane, trying to get him to man up. Just a thought....

Blogging Circle of Friends

Pine, oak, cedar, birch, aspen, fir, maple. Joshua, jacaranda, palm. There are thousands of species of trees in the world; some are found in many regions and some in only one place. There are trees that grow fruits and nuts; there are desert trees and tropical trees but there is only one special one. Weave us a story about the one in your life.

I can't really come up with a story about a tree, but in my book, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun, I have a scene where there is a tree with a huge significance to it. It was the tree that was a portal from the Faerie realm to Deacon, Mississippi. It was how both Queen Morganna and Cydia got to Deacon and met Lucifier. In a nutshell, that tree caused a whole lot of trouble between mother and daughter.

My life

Today was boring. I didn't do much, but clean a church and use a leaf blower to blow leaves off a walkway and driveway. I did receive a nice skin care sample kit from a company out of Australia called Luxe Botanics. I plan on including it in my review video on Tuesday. I'm up to 39 subscribers on my YouTube channel. I think I may do a giveaway when I reach 100 subscribers. I've seen that work for many of the other YouTubers to increase subscribers.

Here's a video for a song that mention trees. Y'all should watch it!


Bye for now!


September 23, 2016 at 11:25pm
September 23, 2016 at 11:25pm
Friday September 23, 2016

Blog City

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal:it is the courage to continue that counts."~ Winston Churchill

Agree or Disagree ? Discuss a recent success or failure in your own life. How did you handle it?

This is hard for me to talk about because I feel as if I've had a life full of failures. I know I haven't handled it well either. I tend to give up and become very depressed. I guess failure isn't fatal since I haven't died from it yet. Waking up to live another day is success to me at this point.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Okay, the prompt is to create something with these words: malediction, hounds, clarity, spell, obstacles and purple.

The hounds howl
the malediction with clarity
as the purple spell
creates obstacles in the lady's path.

My life

I filmed my 16th episode on my YouTube beauty channel. I've been discovering some neat beauty products these days. I still only have about 37 subscribers, but it takes time to build a name for yourself on YouTube, so it's okay. I'm thinking about doing a giveaway to draw in more subscribers. I'm thinking about giving away a copy of my books along with some hot beauty items. I have several copies in a storage tub that are just taking up space, and one of my goals is to clear out the junk room (kill two bird with one stone you know).

I've been on a new musical kick.

Here are some the videos by the artist I've started liking. Y'all might have even heard of him. He kind of reminds me of Johnny Cash. Watch them and find out who I'm talking about.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahr4KFl79WI (Johnny Cash did a cover of this. Check it out too!

Bye for now!


September 22, 2016 at 10:54pm
September 22, 2016 at 10:54pm
Thursday September 22, 2016

Blog City

You go to an antique store and find items that belonged to a famous person. What are the items and who did they belong to? Do you buy them? Do you feel a connection to them? Write about this.

I could imagine myself going to an antique store and finding an item June Carter Cash owned because she was known for being into antiques. She would often go to lower end antique shops, clean up the items, and decorate her home with them. It was also reported she would then sell some of them when she felt she had too many of them and give the money to charity.

I would feel a connection to the item because I've been a huge fan of hers since I was seven years old. I know I would definitely hang on to whatever it is and cherish it.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What are the significant differences between two-dimensional and three-dimensional characters? Is it more difficult to write two-dimensional characters or three-dimensional characters?

I had to google this, so I would have an idea what this is talking about. I think my characters are somewhere in between, depending on what character I'm writing about. The reason this question is difficult for me to answer is that my characters are not your run of the mill character you find in novels. In fact, they are all rather crazy in their own unique way. Maybe it's one of the many reason my book didn't sale besides it not being worth "a hill of beans" as my mother informed me tonight.

My life

Tonight was crap. I hate it when family members think they have the right to question everything you do like it's their business. I feel if it has nothing to do with you then keep your mouth shut. I know it's just my opinion, and we all have them. However, I feel a person's personal life is his/her business, and it shouldn't be questioned unless it's affecting anyone else. Enough of that, next topic!

I filmed another video for my YouTube channel today. I showed how I did my makeup in high school. It's a popular makeup challenge on YouTube. I have close to 40 subscribers now! My first goal is to hit 100 by the end of the year. Anything is possible you know!

I finished reading Twilight's Hour by VC Andrews. I'm now reading the fourth book in the Cutler series called Midnight Whispers.

I've also been watching American Horror Story. This season looks promising! I couldn't watch all of last season because I wasn't as good. I do plan to watch it when it comes out on Netflix.

Bye for Now,

September 21, 2016 at 10:37pm
September 21, 2016 at 10:37pm
Wednesday September 21, 2016

Blog City

October, the extravagant sister, has ordered an immense amount of the most gorgeous forest tapestry for her grand reception. Oliver Wendell Holmes Autumn is beautiful. What are your thoughts on this?

I'm not a fan of fall colors like orange and brown. I prefer the jewel tones of winter, reds, greens, silver, royal blue, ect. I do love October as in Halloween and slightly cooler weather in Mississippi, but I wish the colors weren't so drab.

Blogging Circle of Friends

September 21 is World Gratitude Day. Write something about gratitude. If you have a favorite quote about gratitude include that in your entry.

At this point, I'm just grateful to be alive. I think we should all start there. If you have a pulse, be grateful and happy then go from there. Don't even concentrate on what you don't have, be happy for what you do have, and you'll see you have a lot more than you realize.

My Life

I know my blogs are short right now. I'm just focusing on writing daily no matter what it is. I have a blog on Bloggit called Southern Charm. Right now, I only have my YouTube videos posted on there, but I plan on writing articles on beauty products in the near future and post them on that blog.

My YouTube channel is growing, slowly but surely. I have 29 subscribers. I'm hoping to have 100 by the end of the year.

I've been working on getting healthier. I've lost a little over 17 pounds in the last 2 months and have almost reached my 2nd weight loss goal. I'm three pounds from meeting the goal.

Bye for now,

September 20, 2016 at 10:53pm
September 20, 2016 at 10:53pm
Tuesday September 20, 2016

Blog City

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow liked the month of September. Does any part of the year feel more inspiring to you for your writing?

I usually feel inspired more in October and March-May. October inspires me because of Halloween. I write horror and dark fantasy, so naturally, I'm attracted to that month. March-May is because it's spring during that time. Spring makes me think of faeries for some reason.I love writing about faeries. I guess it's because of those little wild flowers that are everywhere during those months. I tend to imagine little faeries running and playing in those wild flowers.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius."~ Benjamin Disraeli Do you agree or disagree? Who is the most patient person in your life? How do they accomplish it?

I believe patience is necessary in every part of life. Without patience, a person tends to give up too easy. I know this for a fact because I've given up on things because of not being patient and missing out on good opportunities as a result.

My mom is a very patient person for the most part. I think she's learned that she's had to over the years just like I have.

My life

I made another video for my YouTube channel. My subscriber count has gone up to 28 now. It's been said that a channel really starts to take off after hitting 100 subscribers, so my first goal is to get that many subscribers.

My mom and I have a small cleaning service on the side, and we've had it for almost a year. We clean two house and a church on a regular basis. We've also cleaned a few other places here and there. That's the other thing keeping me busy these days.

Bye for now,

September 19, 2016 at 10:54pm
September 19, 2016 at 10:54pm
Monday Sept 19, 2016

Blog City

Miracles are thoughts. Thoughts can represent the lower or bodily level of experience or the higher or spiritual level of experience. One makes the physical, and the other creates the spiritual.” The Course of Miracles
What are your views on thoughts being miracles?

I don't know if I believe in miracles anymore, especially during this past year. I've had too many disappointments and betrayals to believe miracles happen at least not for me.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Use the following words for inspiration: spirit, dust, paradise, phoenix, cage, fruiting, love

I wrote this last night. I haven't written anything in over a year, so it won't be good but here goes.

A long way from paradise,
an empty spirit,
turning into dust,
looking above to find
a phoenix in a cage,
fruiting love the spirit
so desperately needs.

It popped into my head after reading the prompt.

Update on me!

I know I haven't been around much. A whole lot has happened to me! I no longer have any friends around me. I'm pretty much alone. I'm still with my soulmate of 16 years, but we are having problems. I'm really alone most of the time. I still live with my mom, but she works, has friends, and a companion too. I'm glad she's happy and has people who love and care about her. I only wished I had the same...

I have been doing a few things to brighten up my life. I've started reading on a regular basis again. In fact, I've read 3 books in the past two weeks and have almost finished reading another one.

Here are the books I've read.
Nathaniel by John Saul
Dawn by VC Andrews
Secrets of the Morning by VC Andrews

I'm almost finished reading Twilight's Child by VC Andrews.

I also have my three fur babies Josette, Rocky, and Bessie. I've only had Bessie since July 2015. She's a tuxedo cat. I've had Josette (my min pin) and Rocky (my golden retriever) for several years. They keep me from going bonkers most of the time!

I've started studying makeup too and have always had a fascination with it. It's something I didn't talked about for quite sometime because most people think it's stupid or tell me I'm not pretty enough to be in that type of field. I've decided not to listen to people like that since I turned 40 in April. In fact, I now have a YouTube beauty channel dedicated to my passion.

Here's the link to my channel if any of you would like to check it out!


I do hope to start writing again. I sometimes hear the characters from my first novel whispering to me that there story is far from over. It's crazy I know. LOL!

That's all for now. I just wanted to say I'm back and plan on writing in my blog on most days to get back into writing again.

Bye for now,

Penny AKA Sister of Mercy

April 20, 2015 at 8:42am
April 20, 2015 at 8:42am
April 20, 2015

Blog City

If you were to design teaching emotional intelligence in schools what would your curriculum include?

I had to Google this just to know what in the world "emotional intelligence" was. I have no idea what my curriculum would include, but based on what I read about it, I would follow the mixed model by Daniel Goleman because it made the most sense. This model was very basic (at least to me anyway). It is made up of self-awareness, self-regulation, social skill, empathy, and motivation. I also think all of these are very important things to learn to get along in society.

Blogging Circle of Friends

April 20 is Volunteer Recognition Day when we recognize all those wonder and selfless people who volunteer their time and energy to help others. See http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/volunteerrecognitionday.htm for more information about this day. Write a Thank you letter to someone in your community, life, or organization that volunteers his or her time and energy to helping others.

I know this is terrible, but I couldn't think of just one person to write a letter. There are many people in my community who volunteer and help others. I know my response is a cop out! However, I do believe this is a nice thing to do to thank those who work hard to help others.

News In My World!

My dates for the book tour have been set. I will travel to eight different places. Here's the schedule.

Conquest 46 May 22-24 Kansas City, MO
Apollo Con June 19-21 Houston, TX
Inconjunction July 3-5 Indianapolis, IN
Scares That Care July 24-26 Williamsburg, VA
9 Pi Con July 31-Aug 2 Windsor Locks, CT
Gateway Geek Fest Aug 28-30 Maryland Heights, MO
Scare Fest Sept 11-13 Lexington, KY
Contraflow V Oct 2-4 New Orleans, LA

I've also started working on my second book, Bloodshed on the Blue Moon. I'm only concentrating on writing a rough draft to get the story in place. Then I will go back and fill it in during the second draft. The third and finally draft is when I will do a full final edit before submitting it to my publisher.

Besides getting ready for the tour and writing my second book, I'm still working on losing more weight. I've lost another five pounds for a total weight loss of 55 pounds.

I'm still trying to read when I find the time. I'm currently reading Prayer: My Souls Adventure With God by Robert H. Schuller and Daughter of Deceit by Laura Walker.

I'm watching Housewives of Orange County while I'm writing this. I'm totally addicted to these housewife shows on Bravo!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 30, 2015 at 11:57am
March 30, 2015 at 11:57am

Blog City

Do you believe humans and animals have a spiritual connection that isn’t necessarily dependent on the language? Have you had any incidents of this with the animals in your life?

Oh yes, I totally believe humans and animals have a spiritual connection that isn't dependent on language. I have physical and mental disabilities. Josette and Rocky have always known what to do for me even though they have never been trained. I never taught them anything when it comes to knowing when I have a seizure or if I'm having other problems with my brain disorder.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Finish this sentence "10 Signs Your Are/Might Be ....." and then list the 10 signs. Be creative and have fun.

10 Signs You Are/Might Be a Zombie

1. Your skin is getting thin and falling off.
2. Your get up and go has got up and left.
3. It takes a lot longer to think about anything.
4. You look at your friends and fantasize about them being chopped up on a plate.
5. You don't care what you look like any more.
6. You prefer to wear rags.
7. Your hygiene habits are completely gone.
8. Human brains become your favorite food.
9. Bright lights are distracting.
10. You just don't care about anything at all except that flesh you see across the room.

News In My World!

I now have two more confirmed dates on my book tour. Here they are!

Conquest 46 May 22-24 Kansas City MO
Gateway Geek Fest August 28-30 Maryland Heights MO

I'm really excited about going on this tour. I've never done anything like this, and I like the fact that I'm going to places that I have an interest in. I've always wanted to go to a Fantasy/Horror convention now I get to go to several. I'm going to spend the rest of the day cleaning my room and getting my computer desk organized. I plan on beginning a serious writing schedule tomorrow. I must get past writing the first chapter of my second novel. I have an outline for the whole novel and will go by that for writing the rough draft.

I also need to buy some clothes to go to these places too. I'm going for a certain look, and I hope I can find what I'm looking for without spending an arm and a leg.

I'm watching Housewives of New York on Bravo right now. I love that show!

Musical Ending!

It's a really pretty song! Check it out!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 27, 2015 at 10:41pm
March 27, 2015 at 10:41pm

Blogging Circle of Friends

Are bloggers journalists? Why or why not? If they are journalists, should they be held to journalistic standards? Why or why not?

I don't know if I would called all bloggers journalist. Maybe if they blog on a certain topic, I might. It just depends on what the bloggers writes about. However, I do think that bloggers should tell the truth and only share factual information in their blogs. I think bloggers should fact check whatever they write about just like a journalist would.

Blog City

How do you determine what you want to share from your life in your blog? I've noticed more and more lately outside of WDC, that more and more blogs are showing their families, their homes. Should we be concerned about how much we put out there? What are the risks?

I usually decide what to share based on if I would want the public to know what is going on in my life. This is why I don't share the names of my family or friends to protect their privacy. I think people do over share things that should be kept private at times, but I realize that it's up to the blogger and what their risk level is.

News In My World!

I don't have anything new going on. Just ironing out details for another city to be added to my book tour, reading some more, getting into a regular writing schedule since my publisher wants me to start working on the second book of my Bloodshed series, and trying to get in better shape and lose more weight. I'm going to be pretty busy tomorrow with entering my baby, Josette, in the cutest pet contest as a part of a fundraiser for the local animal rescue, and tomorrow night I will attend a concert that a friend of mine will be performing in.

Musical Ending

If you are a fan of American Horror Story, you will want to check this out, and no, this has nothing to do with anyone with the last name of Cash or Carter. The reason I added that last part of the sentence is that my mom will often ask me "Don't you ever listen to any singer who don't have the last name of Cash or Carter?"


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
March 26, 2015 at 5:49pm
March 26, 2015 at 5:49pm

Blog City

Surrealism means writer, author combines unrelated images or events in a strange dreamlike way. Have you ever had this experience?

No, I can't say that I have. I've heard of the term, but I don't know if I've ever read anything like that. I guess I don't have much to say about this topic. I should probably google surrealism to find out more about it.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Van Gogh said, "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

I like this statement and totally agree with it! To me, it usually does take a bunch of small things to bring about something great. I believe writers can identify with this too because it takes writing and completing each chapter to finish a book which in turn (if edited properly) can turn into something great.

News In My World!

I'm just concentrating on getting back into writing again and focusing on my book tour. I have found out that I have people around me who don't want me to do the book tour. In fact, I think certain people who would do anything to make me fail. I hate to go as far as saying that I think certain people are praying to God that I fail. It's painful to know this, but I've decided that I just have to turn away from those people. I can't give them the satisfaction. I'm not saying that everything is going to be perfect, but I do know that God will see me through it as long as I do my part.

I just had to get that out! I knew there was something I missed about blogging!

I'm watching Bravo right now. I needed a stress reliever after I finished reading the book Dead but not Forgotten by Amber Hunt. The book was good, but the ending was a little lacking. I'm on the last 100 pages of What the Dickens by Gregory Maguire. This book is actually getting more interesting and the back and forth between the two plots are coming together where they make sense.

I can't wait until Saturday because I will be entering my baby, Josette, in the cutest pet contest and that night I will attend a chorale concert called the Blue and the Gray. A friend of mine will be in the concert choir.

Musical Ending

Here's a song that I like. Check out the link to figure out what it is!


Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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