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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1777018
All about me and my world!
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This blog is all about me and my world! I will talk about everything. Nothing will be off limits. Read it if you dare!

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Sister of Mercy
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June 5, 2014 at 10:57am
June 5, 2014 at 10:57am
June 5, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

If you were given a magic wand and you could change anything you want, what would you change and why?

The main thing I would change would be my looks. I'm very plain looking and no matter what I do, I always look like an ugly duckling. I know I have a lot of insecurities about my looks. It started when I was a child. I was teased and bullied because of my looks. I heard it all from "Why do you have those weird looking eyes?", "Only a witch would have those funny looking teeth!", "You can take off that mask, Halloween is over." Those were just a few of the taunts. The awful thing is people still make remarks. You would think adults would know better, but they don't.

Blog City

What is your favorite rainy day movie?

There is this one movie that I watch on a regular basis. It's called The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. It's about these British senior citizens who move to a hotel in India. When they get there, it isn't what they were led to believe. The movie stars Maggie Smith (one of my favorite actresses), Judi Dench, Tom Wilkerson, and Bill Nighy.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What is your favorite activity on WDC (besides BCOF obviously)?

I like Blog City and Welcome to My Reality. I really enjoy blogging. It's better than therapy.

News In My World!

I'm going to my neurologist today for a checkup. I may go watch the movie Malificent. However, I may have to put off watching that movie because I have some errands to run, and I would like to see my soulmate for more than two seconds.

I'm getting close to finishing Skeleton Crew by Stephen King. I have only two more stories to read. I'm halfway through reading Web of Dreams by VC Andrews, God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew, The Return by Bentley Little, and Writing with Style by John Trimble.

Bye for Now,

Sister of Mercy
June 4, 2014 at 10:35pm
June 4, 2014 at 10:35pm
June 4, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Do you remember your dreams? What was the last dream you had about? Do you believe in dream analysis?

I do tend to remember my dreams. The ones I remember tend to come true in some ways. Weird, right? The last dream I had that I remembered was last Thursday night. I dreamed that my brother got hired on the spot in South Dakota and was told that he had to be there by the end of this week.
Now, my dream didn't exactly come true, but it was close. Instead of being hired last Friday. He was hired Monday night and was told that he needed to start making plans to relocate by the end of July. I really don't believe in dream analysis. I just think that my dreams are God's way of telling me what I need to know. I just tend to get the meaning wrong at first.

Blog City

Flip flops or bare feet? What does summer look like in your world?

Bare feet indoors and shoe outside. I do not wear flip flops! My toes are too ugly for one thing, and they tend to leave marks on my feet. It's also hard to get them in my size. I sometimes need as small as a 5 1/2, but most stop at 6 or 7. I can wear children's size flip flop, but they are too childish looking for a 38 year old woman to wear. I'm way beyond barbie, disney, ect.

Blogging Circle of Friends

If March winds bring April showers and April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring in June?

Allergies! Whenever I get around most flowers, my eyes water, and I sneeze constantly. My poor Josette is having trouble with her allergies too. I'm constantly having to wipe her eyes because they water so bad.

News In My World!

I have my appointment with my neurologist tomorrow afternoon. I may get to see Malificent tomorrow evening. Maybe in between those times, I might be able to see my soulmate! My diet didn't go as well today. I went over by 10 calories, but I could have done much worse, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
June 3, 2014 at 11:31pm
June 3, 2014 at 11:31pm
June 3, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What is your biggest fear?

I really don't have any fears. There is something that I find extremely creepy that y'all would laugh your behinds off when I tell y'all. I find cornfields extremely creepy. Watching the movie Children of the Corn caused this.

Blog City

Tell me about a personal experience with violence, either one you experienced personally or one you witnessed (or even choose a violent scene you watched on television or film that affected you) Can violence ever play an effective role in problem solving?

Here's a violent experience, but I'm changing the names of the guilty and innocent to protect identities.

Megan was awakened by a crash in the living room. She crept out of bed and quietly peaked her head in the doorway. She stared at two adults by the old wood heater and the pieces of a plate that laid all around. The female had a glass coke bottle in her left hand and a fork in the opposite hand. She threw the coke bottle at the male, and it hit him on the side of the head. She then ran and stabbed him in the arm with the fork.

Megan screamed, "Stop!"

They gave her a stunned look. The man ran to her, picked her up, and took her our of the house.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What was/is your favorite TV show?

I have a lot of TV shows that I enjoy. Since the prompt says chose one, I would have to say The Riffleman. It was a western in the late 50s early 60s staring Chuck Connors. I watch it everyday. Sometimes several times a day depending when it's on. I have loved this show since I was 12.

News In My World!

My brother finally got a job! He will be an instructor in Psychology at Black Hill State University in Spearfish, South Dakota starting in August.

I haven't been feeling too great lately. It's been affecting my concentration /focus. I'm going to my neurologist Thursday, so maybe I can get something done about it.

I had to restart the modified Skinny Girl Diet. I've now been on it for two days. Basically, I eat either 1500, 1600, or 1800 calories a day. It keeps a persons metabolism from getting sluggish or hitting a plateau.

I have Netflix now, and I love being able to watch movies from my computer. I've watched Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies, a couple of episodes of Extreme Couponing, a documentary on obesity, a documentary on McDonalds, The Spell, and Madea's Witness Protection.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
May 22, 2014 at 10:21pm
May 22, 2014 at 10:21pm
May 22, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

If your life came with background music, what would your soundtrack have been made up of today?

It would be made up of mostly classic country music (Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash, Waylon Jennings, and Kris Kristofferson) with some Leonard Cohen, Lee Hazelwood, Nancy Sinatra, and Lana Del Ray.

Blog City

Did you go to your high school prom? Tell us your story.

I went my junior year, but my mom made me come home at 10:30 pm. The reason she gave was that only normal girls who have dates should stay.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Best year of high school- freshman, sophmore, junior, senior?

I didn't like high school for the most part. I went to a school where if you were poor, you were hated. I didn't have the advantages that my classmates had, so I was never given a chance.

News In My World!

I did some reading today. I also did a load of laundry. My stove isn't working right now, so my family and I had some take out from the Mexican restaurant.

I've been on a new diet since Monday. It is a modified version of the Skinny Girl diet. You can eat whatever you want. You just can't go over the calories for that day. I went over on Monday, but I've done pretty good since Tuesday.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 21, 2014 at 11:06pm
May 21, 2014 at 11:06pm
May 21, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What book do you love so much that you can read it over and over again? What is it about that book or author that makes it so special?

It isn't just one particular book but a particular author. I can read VC Andrews' novels over and over again. The strange thing is I can relate to many of the dysfunctional families in those books. I makes me think "Hey, I'm not alone! Someone else actually has a messed up family too."

Blog City

Your past makes you who you are today. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

In a way, it does, but in a way, it doesn't. I've had a messed up past that I won't elaborate on it in this blog. For the longest time, I did let it dictate my life, but in the last few years, I have fought against it. Things are starting to shape up. I've had to fight an uphill battle, and I'm still fighting. My motto is to never give up and never say die.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write a letter to someone who has served and died in any war between the American Civil War and the present.

I don't know any one who has served and died. However, I had an uncle who fought in three different wars, but he survived.

Here is the letter I would write to him.

Dear Uncle Tony,

Thank you for fighting for my freedom in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. You were always my favorite uncle, and you taught me to fight and work hard for everything I have wanted in life. I only wished I would have listened to your advice more than I did.

Thank you again for being in my life, and I miss you deeply.



News In My World!

I'm watching a rerun of Duck Dynasty. I never get tired of this show. Thankfully, the show will return with new episodes in June. I'm a little more rested today, but I'm still pretty tired.

I'm really distracted too. I'm trying to make a decision, but once I do it, there's no going back. It will be final. That's the scary part! I've even tried making a list of pros and cons to help me make the decision.

I'm going to go now and do a couple of things for going to bed. I might even watch something on Netflix after I work on some character sketches for the novel class I'm taking.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy

May 20, 2014 at 10:33pm
May 20, 2014 at 10:33pm
May 20, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What was the last movie you saw? Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?

The last movie I saw was Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies. This was a fun movie to watch! I would recommend simply on the fun factor. The only thing I would say against the movie is that most of the part about Lincoln's life was wrong. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter was a lot more accurate about his life minus the vampire part of the movie, but it was still awesome too.

Blog City

A blogger, a short story writer, and a poet walk into a bar...

The blogger drank bourbon straight. The short story writer drank coke and rum. The poet drank a club soda, and he got drunk from just smelling the drinks of his companions.

I don't know where to go with this. I'm not a comedy writer!

Blogging Circle of Friends

Describe the most difficult thing about being your age.

The only difficult thing I go through is being asked "When are you going to get married and have children?" People think that they must remind me that my biological clock is about to explode since I'm 38.

News In My World!

I'm exhausted! I'm having loads of trouble focusing on the things I need to do. I'm also having trouble making a medical decision that I need to make too.

I've been reading a book that is so dry. It dry with a capital D! It's called Writing with Style. However, once I start reading a book, I stick with it until the bitter end.

I've go to go and write some characters sketches for the novel class that I'm taking through New Horizons here at WDC.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 15, 2014 at 8:23pm
May 15, 2014 at 8:23pm
May 15, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What made you laugh today? After all laughter is the best medicine for whatever ails you.

I watched a movie called Home Fries this morning, and it was funny. The movie starred Drew Barrymore, Jake Gylenhall (I don't know how to spell his last name), Jake Busy (Gary Busy's son), and Shelley Duvall (she was on the original Shinning as Wendy).

Blog City

How do you plan the perfect picnic?

It's been a long time since I've been on a picnic, and I've only been on three. They were all very romantic ones with my soulmate. I wouldn't mind another one of those again. All I would need is a blanket, wine, cheese, fruit, and of course, my soulmate.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Count Your Blessings

Here are the blessings in my life!

1. my soulmate
2. Josette
3. Maggie
4. Rocky
5. my Mom
6. the church I go to

News In My World!

I have great internet now! It is the u-verse kind with AT&T! It is so much faster than Cspire's 3G hot spot. I can listen to music on Spotify without it lagging on every other song.

I've got to go and make supper!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 14, 2014 at 11:22pm
May 14, 2014 at 11:22pm
May 14, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What do you to take care of yourself? Me time is so very important when we are constantly on the go and meeting the demands of employers, family, friends etc. Knowing how to look after ourselves, decrease our stress levels and take time out to just be is something more of us need to learn to do.

I don't get much "me time". My family doesn't seem to think that I need any. However, when I do get some, these are the things I enjoy doing.

1. watching The Chew while eating lunch.
2. watching The Riffleman every day (but my family loves to mess this up by asking me to do stuff)
3. watching Big Valley at 2 pm Monday-Friday..This I usually get to do since my mom is at work and my brother is taking a nap.
4. reading- I'm usually able to sneak in time for this without being asked to do something.

Blog City

Did you have a teacher who inspired you?

Most teachers seemed annoyed with me. Sometimes, it seemed they hated my guts because I wasn't like everyone else.

During my K-12 years in school, only three teachers were genuinely nice to me. My 11th grade English teacher thought it was great that I was going through my phase of reading the classics. During that year, I read Jane Eyre, Withering Hights, Great Expectations, Call of the Wild, Scarlet Letter, ect. The other two years where my 9th grade English teacher and my 10th grade American History teacher. They just thought it was great that I was reading something that didn't contain the word teen in it. Teens during my day read the following magazines instead of books: Seventeen, Teen, Teen Beat, and Y.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Finish this sentence then different ways: Life is fragile handle with...

Life is fragile handle with care.
Life is fragile handle with love.
Life is fragile handle with respect.
Life is fragile handle with hope.
Life is fragile handle with courage.
Life is fragile handle with understanding.
Life is fragile handle with honor.
Life is fragile handle with intelligence.
Life is fragile handle with humor.
Life is fragile handle with brilliance.

News In My World!

I made biscuits for the church supper. I also brought some organic jellies to eat with them. The blueberry jam seemed to be the most popular of the four that I brought with me. I also made a hickory ranch dip and brought almond crackers to go with that.

I'm watching Duck Dynasty. I guess that's a form of "me time" too. Blogging is something I do for myself too.

My internet service was supposed to be changed over to A T&T today, but the company called my brother and told him it would be tomorrow morning. I will have to keep the children in my room while the installation is going on. I hope it's around 9:30 because that is when they take their morning map.

This internet will be so much better. I will be able to watch movies and tv online without going over on usage and it will be faster. No more 3G!

I've got to go now and finish up some stuff before I go to bed.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 13, 2014 at 10:44pm
May 13, 2014 at 10:44pm
May 13, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

How many cities, towns, or provinces/states have you lived in? What was the reason for your moves or for not moving?

I have lived in five different towns in three different states.

Here are the places I have lived in order and why.

1. From ages 0-5, I lived in a small community called Lyn Creek. It was so far out in the country that sunshine had to be piped in. Techincally, it was known as a part of Brooksville, Mississippi. Mom and I moved from there because her father died, and her and my dad reconciled from their separation.
2. From ages 5-7, I lived in a small community called Soule's Chapel. It was kind of far out in the country. It was techincally a part of Macon, Mississippi. We moved because my mom and grandmother couldn't get along.
3. From ages 7-17, I lived in Macon, Mississippi. This is what I consider to be my hometown. We moved here because it was closer for me to go to school and better work opportunities for my mom.
4. When I was 16, my parents sent me to Goshen, Indiana to live with my grandparents. I ended up on staying for the summer. It was originally intended for me to live there. However, I called them and begged them to come get me. I told them that a Southern Belle simply can't live with the Yankees. I was terrible then.
5. From ages 17-18, I moved to Livingston, Alabama to go to University of West Alabama, but I still came home to Macon on weekends.
6. From ages 18-19, I moved to Columbus, Mississippi to transfer to Mississippi University for Women.
7. From ages 19-22, I moved back to Livingston, Alabama to attend University of West Alabama.
8. From ages 22-27, I lived in Macon, Mississippi because college didn't quite work out.
9. From ages 27-29, I moved back to Columbus, Mississippi because of going back to college and a new job.
10. From ages 29-31, I moved back home to Macon, Mississippi due to health problems.
11. From ages 31-32, I moved back to Columbus, Mississippi to live with some friends of mine. I was having some problems living with my family. I lived with those friends for about three months until I found an apartment. I lived in that apartment for 8 months. Lucky for me, I had only signed a 6 month lease.
From ages 32-present, I moved back home to Macon, Mississippi to live with my family and have been there for the last six years.

Blog City

What kind of qualities does a true friend have?

1. Honesty
2. Loyalty
3. Respect
4. Trust

Blogging Circle of Friends

If you had unlimited resources, what would you create?

I would create a shot that would be like getting a surgery for weight loss. The meds in the shot would shrink the stomach. However, a person would still have to change his eating habits and exercise. The shot would just be less expensive and non-invasive unlike surgery.

News In My World!

I had loads of housework to do today. Thankfully, I got it all done.

I just want to thank everyone for the WDC anniversary wishes!

They were a bright spot in a difficult day! I'm going to go now and read a short story out of Stephen King's Skeleton Crew.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 12, 2014 at 10:52pm
May 12, 2014 at 10:52pm
May 11, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What does friendship mean to you, and who is your best or closest friend (no need to name names, but you can if you wish) and why?

Friendship means having a relationship with someone whom you can talk to, be accepted by, and trust. My soulmate is my best friend. I can tell him anything, no matter what, he totally accepts me, and I trust him with my life.

Blog City

List five things you will never forget by filling in this sentence: I'll never forget the time...

I'll never forget the first time I met my soulmate.
I'll never forget the first time my soulmate and I kissed.
I'll never forget the first time I held Josette.
I'll never forget the time Maggie jumped over my fence and chose me to be her "Mommy".
I'll never forget Rocky's first day with me. He was so cold, and I held him next to me to help warm him up.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Write about a window that opened in your life when a door was closed.

I remember when I was 23, and I thought I was going to be able to go back to school and major in music. However, my financial aid fell through, and as a result, I wasn't able to go. Then something good happened, I was offered a promotion and raise where I was working, so I was able to take that. I like that job too. I worked as a tax preparer for H&R Block. The promotion was when I became assistant manager of the office.

News In My World!

I haven't felt too good today. I mostly read, but during the afternoon, I managed to do some cleaning (even though I didn't feel like it). It seems like housework never ends, especially since I'm the only one who does it.

I need more time to work on my second book, but my family doesn't take my writing seriously. In fact, they don't want me to write at all. They especially hate the genres that I write in (dark fantasy/horror). I often get asked why can't you write nice books like Fried Green Tomatoes? Well, maybe I would if it would mean that zombies sat around eating fried green tomatoes and saying "Y'all want some brains with that?"

I finally finished reading Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule. I have now started Dead But Not Forgotten.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 10, 2014 at 11:51pm
May 10, 2014 at 11:51pm
May 10, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Share some good advice. It could be for a new parent, someone who just got married, a Writing.com newbie, a teenager leaving home, a person who has had a major upheaval in their life...Anyone!

This is a interesting prompt. Here is my unique take on advice for a new parent.

1. You will have sleepless night until your baby gets his/her days and nights straight. Just be sure (if you can), to nap when your baby naps, and entertain your baby, making sure to keep him/her awake a little more during the day time until sleep is occurring at night.

2. A healthy diet for your baby is a must, but little treats here and there will not hurt them.

3. Your baby has to face the outside world. The more confident you are the more secure your baby will feel.

4. Support of extended family is a must. It's great when little ones have grandpas/grandmas, aunts/uncles, ect. to count one.

Now, I know y'all are saying. Sister, you don't have any children. No, I don't have any two-legged children, but you would be surprised how similar raising two-legged children is to four-legged children.

Blog City

What's tougher: living with someone messy or someone noisy?

I would have to say someone messy. Now I'm not saying that I'm a neat freak by any means. However, there are certain things that I just can't stand.

1. dirty laundry
2. dirty dishes
3. food laying around and not put up in its proper place (refrigerator, cabinet, ect)
4. trash can overflowing
5. dirty toilet/tub

These are just things that people should just automatically take care of no questions asked.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Create 10 questions of things you would like to know about your readers and ask them to use the comments section to answer. Inquiring minds want to know. What the blogger will ask and what the reader will answer.

1. Who are your favorite singers?
2. Who are your favorite actors?
3. What is your favorite TV show?
4. What are some of your favorite foods?
5. Do you have any four-legged children?
6. Who is your favorite Robertson on Duck Dynasty?
7. Have you ever watched Here Comes Little Honey Boo Boo?
8. Do you read my blog on a regular basis?
9. Have you ever read the Wicked series?
10. Have you ever read a book by VC Andrews?

News In My World!

I have a fairly good day today. I got to eat some sushi, edamamae, and some fried tofu (it isn't greasy at all). I also got to have a lotta latte coffee chiller from Krispy Kreme (hey, everyone deserves a treat).

I just found out some awesome news! Lifetime is making a movie of VC Andrew's second novel Petals On the Wind. They made a movie of Flowers in the Attic, and it came out in Jan of this year. I only wonder if it will follow the book as closely is the first movie did.

I'm going to a memorial tomorrow. That is a tradition in my neck of the woods where you go to a really old church and have dinner on the grounds.These churches are normally out in the country too. Usually, families that go to them will have family buried there. They are held once a year, on the same Sunday each year. The church where I'm going to is so old that it doesn't have electricity or plumbing. For air, you fan yourself with the paper fans that are in the pews, and the toilets are the two paths out in the woods (one for men and one for women of course and bring your own toilet paper). In fact, it's the oldest Cumberland Presbryterian church in the state of Mississippi.

I'm making a vegetarian cheeseburger mac (made with ground soy) and gluten-free almost vegan rice krispy treats. At one time, my mom and I would make more, but since it's just the two of us, we are keeping it simple.

I've got to go now and get some sleep.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

May 7, 2014 at 10:42pm
May 7, 2014 at 10:42pm
May 7, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

We are encouraged to continue learning all our lives. If you were able to take a course in any subject (cost is not a concern), what would you want to learn more about?

I would love to take as many cooking classes as possible. I would even try a cake decorating class. I love to cook and have thought about the possibilities of having either a food truck or a catering business.

Blog City

Write about a book that you recently read that stayed with you after you closed the last page.

I've read several books lately that have stayed with me. Here a list.

1. Dispatch-I thought that it was neat how the main character could persuade people with just a hand written letter.
2. Gates of Paradise- The family dynamics in this book intrigued me. I felt like at times that VC Andrews was writing about my family.
3. Be Anxious For Nothing- I felt like Joyce Meyer wrote that book for me. I was instantly drawn into what she was writing about.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Tell Us What You Proclaim

This is very simple. I proclaim my love for my soulmate and my three four legged children, Josette, Maggie, and Rocky. I love all of them more than life itself and would be lost without all four of them. They are my family, and I just love them all with all my heart.

News In My World!

Mother's Day is coming up, and I usually get kind of depressed. I have noticed that people treat someone like me weird around Mother's Day. I get judged a lot too because I'm not legally married or have two legged children. People don't seem to like anything that is different.

Someone in my family even informed me that I shouldn't celebrate Mother's Day because having dogs don't count. Well, I'm the only mother that Josette, Maggie, and Rocky have ever known. I love them, and they love me. To me, that is all that matters!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 6, 2014 at 6:22pm
May 6, 2014 at 6:22pm
May 6, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Share one of your talents with us (preferably non-writing related). Is it a natural talent or a skill you worked at? Does anyone in the family share your talents?

Singing is a talent I believe I was born with. Even though, it is natural I did have to work at it to develop it.

I sang my first solo at 4 years old in a preschool play. In fact, I was the only one to have a solo. I also took voice lessons in college to help develop my talent.

My only regret is that I didn't try to have a career in country music. I have a feeling that I might have been successful. Oh well, since it didn't happen, I figured that God had other plans for me.

Blog City

Do you consider your glass half-full or half-empty?

I consider it half-full. To me, it's the best way to look at life. I believe in always looking for the positive things in life. Looking for the negative things in life is just down right depressing.

Blogging Circle of Friend

What current musicians do you think will stand the test of time?

This is a hard topic for me because modern music has really disappointed me. As the song "Whose Gonna Fill Their Shoes" by George Jones states, all of the good singers are gone.

However, I do like 2 modern singers: Lana Del Rey and Adele. I also like a local band called Honeyboy and Boots. They have some videos on You Tube if you are interested in hearing their unique sound.

Thankfully, these legendary singers are still alive and actively performing.

Kris Kristofferson
Leonard Cohen
Isla Grant
Al Grant

All four of these singers have videos on You Tube if y'all don't know who they are.

News In My World!

Mom and I sang in the mission's benefit concert last night. It went very well, and the black dress I bought was a great choice because it made me look at least 20 pounds thinner. It really boosted my confidence too. Who would have ever thought a simple black dress could do so much?

I finished reading the book, Matchless by Gregory Maguire this morning. I read it in only an hour. I'm also very close to finishing Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule (only two chapters left) and Skeleton Crew by Stephen King (six short stories left to read in it). I have started reading the following books in the last few days: Writing with Style by John Trimble, Perfect Nightmare by John Saul, Tales of Mystery and Terror by Edgar Allan Poe, and What the Dickens by Gregory Maguire.

I checked my list of books read, and I realized that I have only read 20 books of far. I still have 80 books left to read in order to accomplish my goal of reading 100 books by Dec 31st. I've also fallen short of my weight loss goal too. I've only lost 11 pounds so far, and my goal is to lose 100 by Dec 31st. I still have 89 pounds to go!

At least, I can say that I finished editing my novel and it has been accepted for publication. I did accomplish those goals so far. I've also started on my second novel, Bloodshed on the Blue Moon. I didn't even plan on starting that until November, so I'm ahead of the game on that one.

I've got to go now and start supper. I'm fixing soy chicken strips, baked fries, and English peas. For dessert, I've fixed a raspberry white chocolate cheesecake made from cream cheese made of tofu.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
May 3, 2014 at 11:59pm
May 3, 2014 at 11:59pm
May 3, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What priority does writing and/or Writing.com have in your life?

Writing has a huge priority in my life, especially since my first novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun, has been accepted for publication by Damnation Books.

I'm now working on the second book in the Bloodshed series called Bloodshed on the Blue Moon.

I've had to back away from WDC a little because my offline life has become rather busy with writing and church activities.

Blog City

Have you ever gone back and deleted a whole blog post? Did you admit on your blog that the post was removed? Did it make you feel better or worse?

I've never deleted a blog post. If I ever felt the need to, I wouldn't have any problems with doing so because I think a writer should do what is best for his/her blog.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Do you think people should have the right to prune their own comment section, only keeping positive comments and deleting the critical ones?

I've never felt the need to delete any comments. In fact, I've only received maybe one negative comment on a blog entry, but I didn't delete it since the person was only expressing her opinion. However, I think it should be totally up to the blogger on what should stay or go in his/her own blog.

News In My World!

I went grocery shopping in a town about 30 miles away from where I live. I usually do this once or twice a month to buy specialty foods that are not available where I live. I was quite pleased with my shopping trip this time because Wal-Mart finally has Udi products. Udi is a line of gluten free foods and is best known for their bread products.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
May 2, 2014 at 7:33pm
May 2, 2014 at 7:33pm
May 2, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What's your guilty pleasure?

1. reading horror novels (the scarier the better)
2. reading VC Andrews novels (you never know what twist the author is going to throw in to make you go WTF?)
3. watching Little Honey Boo Boo
4. eating Root Beer Floats made of vanilla bean ice cream

Blog City

You're now in charge of writing messages in fortune cookies. Tell us our fortune.

I don't believe I would try to tell fortunes. I would rather just place uplifting/encouraging messages in each one to brighten a person's day.

Blogging Circle of Friends

What is the best Mother's Day gift you ever gave or received?

I've never received a Mother's Day gift because I don't have any two-legged children and will never be able to have any either because of health problems. As for the best Mother's Day gift that I've ever given, would have to be the stand mixer that I gave her last year. All the other gifts I've given her, she has either thrown away, put in the storage room, regift, or sold in a yard sale.

News In My World!

I finished reading Dispatch by Bentley Little and Legends of Literature today. I will probably finish Small Sacrifices and The Unwelcome Child either tonight or tomorrow. I've started The Return by Bentley Little and Writing with Style today.

I've got some BBQ chicken in the oven and boiling some potatoes on the stove to make mashed potatoes for supper. I also cooked some green beans to go long with them.

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

April 30, 2014 at 10:44pm
April 30, 2014 at 10:44pm
April 30, 2014

Welcome to my Reality

What are the biggest distractions in your life?

I don't think that I have really any distractions. I get most of the things done that I need to. I usually make a plan for the next day before I go to bed. Now, I may not get everything completed in a day, but at least the plan gives me a direction to go in. I think this keeps me from getting distracted.

Blog City

What treasures do you display inside your home?

I don't know if anyone would think of these as treasures, but my mom has family pictures in the living room. In most rooms, we have all kinds of books around (the kitchen and bathroom are the only ones without books).

Blogging Circle of Friends

How do you refill the well of your inspiration?

1. reading
2. watching movies
3. listening to music

News In My World!

I went to church tonight. We had breakfast for supper at the church. Mom and I made the pancakes, using my cake batter pancakes recipe. The church I go to had a donation drive to help the people affected by the tornado. The church got a trailer and filled it with paper products, non perishable food, baby items, cleaning supplies, and toys/coloring books for the kids in the shelters. I helped by buying some paper products and organizing some of the items to be loaded on the trailer.

I'm hosting a raffle if y'all would like to check it out! It benefits the blogging groups, Welcome to my Reality, Blog City, and Blogging Circle of Friends, as well as Sisco's Good Deeds group and Showering Acts of Joy.

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Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy

April 29, 2014 at 4:53pm
April 29, 2014 at 4:53pm
April 29, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

Write a character profile...for yourself.

Name: Penny Sue
birth date: April 15, 1976
birthplace: Mississippi
age: 38
race: white
hair color: brown with blonde highlights
eye color: hazel
skin tone: fair
height: 5'2
weight: never mind
birth order: oldest of 2
siblings: one brother
popular or loner: loner for the most part- most people simply don't get me
temperament: moody
attitude: who knows? it depends on my mood at the given moment
introvert or extrovert: depends
Important experiences or events: meeting my soulmate on April 27, 2000 and adopting my four legged children: Josette, Maggie, and Rocky

Blog City

What's the thing you're most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

I'm a pretty fearless person. I'm not scared of much. When I was a child, all someone had to say was "I double dare you!" to get me to do something.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Murphy's Law says, Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Write about a time everything did, fiction encouraged here too.

I remember when I was 6 years old, my mom made me recite a poem in a talent contest called "Moo Cow Moo". I was pissed to say the least. The night of the contest everything bad seemed to happen. A button fell off of the side of the overalls I was wearing. Mom pinned the side, but while I was on stage, the pin came undone and when I stood a certain way everyone could see my underwear! I also suffered a "brain leak" and forgot the end of the poem. I just started over at the beginning and got it right the second time. Oh, I forgot, my hair frizzed that day too because of the weather.

I guess I can say there's a silver lining behind every cloud because I won the talent contest. I don't know how I did. I think the judges felt sorry for me.

News In My World!

I finally finished reading Out of Oz by Gregory Macguire. It was a good book, but I was kind of disappointed by the ending. I was expecting something more. The Macguire book I'm reading now is Matchless. I will probably finish Legends of Literature and The Unwelcome Child either today or tomorrrow. I also stated reading Web of Dreams by VC Andrews yesterday. It is the last book in the Casteel series. It goes back and tells the story of Leigh who was Heaven's real mother. I'm close to finishing Small Sacrifices too.

The weather is supposed to be bad again this evening. That is why I'm writing this blog entry before the internet goes out. The mission's concert that I'm supposed to sing in is being rescheduled because of the weather. I'm glad about that though.

I'm in a sad mood today. I really don't know why. I just feel really lonely...

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy
April 26, 2014 at 6:18pm
April 26, 2014 at 6:18pm
April 26, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What makes you happy and why?

The fact that my 14th anniversary with my soulmate is tomorrow (April 27). I'm just so happy that he's been in my life and has had the heart to put up with me for this long!

Blog City

How much time do you spend on the internet on an average day?

I'm not really sure. I usually go on about two or three times a day to check my e-mail, facebook, to blog, ect. I usually don't just surf the internet that much. I go on for specific purposes on then get off of it. I have too much to do in real life to stay on very long.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Do you have a cellphone? Has it actually made your life easier or harder? Are you addicted to your cellphone?

I do have a cellphone, but it is a little flip phone that is only good for making and receiving call and texting. That is basically all that it does, and that is all that I need it for. A smartphone would be nice at times because of the different things that I could do with it, but I simply can't afford one to pay for the plan that goes with having one at this time.

No, I'm definitely not addicted to it.

News In My World!

I went shopping today for a dress to wear for the mission's benefit concert that I will be singing at Tuesday night. My mom and I will be singing a duet to the song "Will the Circle Be Unbroken". It's a gorgeous black dress, and I bought match black heels to wear with it.

I also bought some groceries today too. I got some more tofu and konjac root noodles that are only 15 calories per serving. I also got some more vanilla chai tea soy smoothies by Bolthouse. Those are so good!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

April 25, 2014 at 12:38pm
April 25, 2014 at 12:38pm
April 25, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What is your dream career?

I'm actually beginning my dream career as a writer. My first novel, Bloodshed on the Setting Sun has been accepted for publication by Damnation Books. In fact, I received my copy of the signed contract yesterday. I've already completed one round of edits which are being reviewed now.

While I wait for my editor's response, I've started working on the second book in the Bloodshed series called Bloodshed on the Blue Moon. I've written an outline, character sketches, and some background info to include in the book.

Blog City

What scents bring back vivid memories for you?

The perfume, Elizabeth Arden's Red Door, reminds me when I first met my soulmate. It was the perfume I wore that day. I always keep a bottle of it handy to wear when I see him.

Scents of lavender and rose bring back memories of my Grandma Laveil (my dad's mother). Her house always smelled like the mixture of the two, and she always used a lavender or rose perfume. They are my favorite scents too.

Old Spice reminds me of my dad. It was what he always wore. I know it may sound weird but I always keep a bottle of it too. I even spray it in my room from time to time.

Blogging Circle of Friends

Are you a fan of Shakespeare or not?

Not really, I did read Romeo and Juliet and Julius Ceasar along with some of his sonnets in high school. When I was a sophmore in college, I took a class called Shakespeare's Tragdies. It was an upper level English course that I was required to take (I was an English major for 2 years). I did enjoy reading his play, A Midsummer Night's Dream. I might just go back and reread that some day.

Shakespeare just wasn't my cup of tea. I always preferred American Lit over English Lit.

News In My World!

I'm not feeling so great today, but I feel better today than yesterday. I've decided to take it easy today. The housework that I still need to do will still be here tomorrow and the days after that.

I'm watching a really good movie on the SYFY channel. I really need to find out the title. It's about vampires and werewolves. I'm not sure how they are connected because the movie only started 30 minutes ago.

Sunday is my 14th anniversary with my soulmate! I only wish that I could see him, so we could celebrate it together.

I now have 103 likes on my author's page on Facebook. I also released a small sneak peak of my novel too. Check it out at http://www.facebook.com/pennycockrell !

Got to go and fix myself some lunch and jot down a few more ideas for Bloodshed on the Blue Moon.

Bye for Now!

Sister of Mercy
April 24, 2014 at 9:16am
April 24, 2014 at 9:16am
April 24, 2014

Welcome to My Reality

What is your opinion on social media?

I have mixed views on social media. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, ect have both pros and cons.

1. You can promote your business or creative endeavors like promoting your debut novel.
2. Being able to keep up with family and friends
3. It's also a way to keep up with announcements for your job. For example, the school where my mom works often post announcements like school closing due to weather, ect.

1. People can become quite obsessed with it and forget about the real world.
2. Drama tends to get started on Facebook, Twitter, ect, rather quickly and over the dumbest things too.

Here's one thing I've learned about social media. Make sure your loved ones are on board with you being on there. Talk to them about it. It will keep troubles at bay in your relationship if you do.

Blog City

Which 5 characters from a novel or novels would you have dinner with?

This is such an interesting prompt, and many characters are going through my head. Three different situations keep running through my head.

1st option- We Have a Hero Dinner Party
1. Stu Redman from The Stand by Stephen King
2. Ory Maine from North and South by John Jakes
3. Judith Sheffield from Sleepwalk by John Saul
4. Annie Casteel Stonewall from Gates of Paradise by VC Andrews
5. Babunya (the grandmother) from The Town by Bentley Little

2nd option- Girls' Night Out Dinner Party
1. Catherine Dollenger from the Foxworth series by VC Andrews
2. Heaven Casteel from the Casteel series by VC Andrews
3. Frannie Goldsmith from The Stand by Stephen King
4. Scarlet O'Hara from Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
5. Joan Daniel from The Disappearance by Bentley Little

3rd option- The Night of Evil Dinner Party
1. Pennywise from It by Stephen King
2. Randal Flag from The Stand, Eyes of the Dragon, and Dark Tower series by Stephen King
3. Olivia Foxworth from Flowers In the Attic by VC Andrews
4. Elphaba from Wicked by Gregory Macguire
5. Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling

Blogging Circle of Friends

Do you play in your daily life? What says playtime to you?

Playtime.... I do play Hay Day on my android tablet. I'm on level 38. It's really neat to play this game about farming. It also has a cooking element too with a pie oven, cake oven, BBQ grill, ice cream maker, ect. I'm working on getting the jam maker before I get to level 39, so I can start making different jams.

News In My World!

I didn't sleep a wink last night, and I have so much to do today.

Here's my to do list
1. laundry
2. take out the garbage
3. clean my room
4. sweep
5. mop
6. dust
7. clean the bathroom
8. clean the kitchen

I wish my brother would pitch in, but he says that manual labor is for uneducated people, meaning that he has a master's degree in psychology, and I only have an associate's degree in accounting.

I better go and get started on the to do list!

Bye for now!

Sister of Mercy

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