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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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July 22, 2012 at 12:05am
July 22, 2012 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Another law that we recommend you follow is the law of nature. As nature’s laws cycle and recycle eternally so should humanity follow the dictates of the weather patterns. It seems like a good thing to do to take care of the body. The body needs protection from the elements of weather. We need proper clothes to ward off the severe sun in the summer and warm clothes to protect from the cold in the winter of colder regions. This seems like a common sense thing to do but some enjoy the challenge of the weather and perhaps the result could bring damage to the skin and body.

The last rule we will speak about is the food we use to fuel our body. We suggest you eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as you can. It is of most value if eaten in the fresh raw state but cooked in water or steamed is also fine. We suggest you eat a little meat if you feel it is necessary for your well being. Fish and chicken are also good if you are so inclined. We suggest you eat until you feel satisfied and leave the rest until you are hungry again. We feel it is good for the body that you not overeat and that some form of movement follows your meal. Perhaps a walk, swim, or whatever suits your lifestyle.

These basic rules are suggested to keep the body in a condition that it will serve you best. Of course, there are exceptions.

When I was under the tutelage of Alexander, channeled through my friend Terri, he told me banks would fail. In Canada, where I live, the Bank of Montreal would be the first one to go down. At that time, I had an account at the BofM, but I closed it down and went to a Credit Union to do most of my banking.

Alexander also said that bartering would be the way business was done in the future. He told us about the community where we would be living. I have already told you about that.

Almost every week in the news we read of another banker being investigated. The banks are mostly strong now, but in time, the 99% will win.

Here is what Don Pitts, Business Analyst says today.

“In their headlong push to find new ways to make more and more money — money for the bosses' high salaries and money for individual traders, money for shareholders — banks have strayed too far from their institutional roles. For some people it is difficult to give up evil profits as a cost of being good, but as (Mark) Carney (Governor of the Bank of Canada) would say, in any other aspect of life, that is expected.”

A friend sent me this news article. We see there are already bartering sites set up on the Internet. I think it will soon be time to learn to understand how bartering in cyber space will work. The concept is still young, the prospects enormous.


July 15, 2012 at 12:04am
July 15, 2012 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Another rule we would say is the rule of forgiveness. When one is in a classroom, it is easy to see the lesson and the result of the lesson. It is not so easy in life and it is not so easy to identify the teacher. In life, the teacher may be the robber, the thief or the one who harms you. In this case, one may not appreciate that the teacher has done the job he was sent to do.

Appreciation and forgiveness are then very difficult for the individual if not impossible. But for the evolution of the soul, it is necessary. When we are aware of the evolution, it is easy to thank God for the good and pleasant lessons. It is not so easy to thank Him for the lessons that we find unpleasant. All are lessons and all lessons move forward the evolution. Evolution always moves forward, never backward. It does sometimes stay still for a time but eventually we move forward again. We will speak of forgiveness again later.

As we evolve, there will be a changing of sexuality. Each generation, I am told, will be ten percent more androgynous. Slowly, but surely, we are becoming like those in spirit form. They are not identified by their gender but by their light. Yes, they appear to us as male or female, because that is what we expect. They may just as well change from male to female, or from female to male.

The one and only time I saw Archangel Gabriel, she appeared as a female, yet some say they have seen her as a male. The important thing is, they are close to us, guiding us and helping us, more than we can possibly imagine.

Our grandchildren are more likely to be lesbian, gay, trans or bisexual. It is up to us to understand why, and to help them, and love them just as they are. These are our lessons, to accept our family members as they are. Our love for them will spread to their friends, neighbours, communities, and ultimately to the world.

We cannot have world peace without love.

July 8, 2012 at 12:00am
July 8, 2012 at 12:00am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The second rule of law would be to honor your parents. You chose your parents in order to be near the best teachers of the lessons you came to learn. Of course, we know that this honor can only be maintained while your parents deserve that honor. There are many cases where parents neglect their children. The neglect then becomes the lesson. However, in the majority of cases the honor of parents should continue throughout life. Many lessons are brought about through the parents. Moreover, may we say that most lessons do not appear as lessons until we are through the learning and we look back to recognize what the lessons were.

Sometimes our guides and angels do things to make us pay attention to them. Like, hey, look at me, I am here, pay attention!!

Yesterday evening I bought three ant traps for my back yard. We are having a heat wave, and I am having problems with wasps, hornets, and ants in the yard. I followed the instructions, opened the little portholes, and placed all three in the yard where ants were abundant.

In spite of the air conditioning, I woke up about 3 a.m. because of the heat, and came down stairs. I looked out the window and saw the white ant traps bright in the moonlight.

But it was midmorning when I noticed all three traps were gone. They were nowhere in the yard. The yard is small, only about 20 x 20 feet. There is a gate with a latch, but I have never been bothered by people coming into the yard, nothing has ever been taken – but now the ant traps were gone. It is a mystery.

I was reminded of a conversation my grandson had a few years ago with a spiritual guide who took care of a friend of mine, the woman who edited this manuscript. The guide was telling Robert how they worked tirelessly without notice or appreciation. The guide said to Robert, maybe if I threw a knife across the kitchen, she would notice. He was kidding, of course.

But, think of if, how often do we acknowledge or thank our angels and guides for the work they do for us. In truth, we may never know until we ourselves are in the position of acting as guides for some mortal soul.

So, did my guides not want me to trap and kill the ants? That is a question I cannot answer, but the traps are gone. I even looked outside the yard.

Nope, not there, vanished !!

June 24, 2012 at 12:01am
June 24, 2012 at 12:01am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Those who choose to leave the glories of heaven to help those on earth are indeed the blessed ones. Once they are born again on the earth plane, they are no different in appearance than any other earth person. Those in heaven know them by the light they project. Each individual is known by his or her light, and some are outstanding in their brilliance.

One of the many shifts in energy we will feel with the changing from the age of darkness to the age of light, this year and in the future is a certain happiness.

Some of us will feel this happiness with the invention, or development of technology. We have lived in times of higher technology on other planets, and other universes. This is not new to us, but more like a reawakening of what we knew before.


Shekina of the Blue Ray says:

You will begin to feel happier as you experience more of your true essence. It will feel like a long lost friend has come home. The Blue Ray and ultra-sensitive had to shut parts of themselves down so as to not be overwhelmed with energies. This happy shift will bring more openness and receptivity.


I will be away next weekend, visiting family in Niagara Falls, Ontario. So, see you again in July.

June 16, 2012 at 10:08pm
June 16, 2012 at 10:08pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There are certain universal laws that must be adhered to if the soul path is to be followed. The first rule we would say was to follow your conscience. The conscience mind is directed by your guides and those in the spiritual realm that are there to guide your life in the best pathway to fulfill your lessons and karma. Karma is the cause and effect that brings your lessons learned from one lifetime to another. When you have successfully learned a lesson in one lifetime, there is no need to revisit that lesson a second time in another lifetime. There are many, many lessons and many, many lifetimes in which to learn them. When we are finished with our lessons, we can either remain in the spirit form or we can choose to return to earth to complete a certain mission. Certain missions could be correcting a wrong that has been going on for a long time and only a few individual souls would have the best knowledge as to how to fix the wrong.

I just came back from a trip to the Health Food store. I eat very little meat, and I am allergic to most fruits and some vegetables. To supplement my diet, I eat a quarter cup of mixed nuts every day. I can find the best assortment of fresh nuts and seeds at this particular health food store.

Flax seeds have been around forever but something fairly new in the seeds department are Hemp and Chia seeds. These three come in a bag of mixed seeds, but I am allergic to flax, so that is out of the question. I have never tried Hemp or Chia. But, with a little push from a friend, I decided to look for a small package of Chia seeds. Whether I am allergic or, will sprout a green beard remains to be seen.

More than twenty years ago, I sat in a room with three other intuitives, and spoke of things to come. We visualized a community of like-minded people, growing their own gardens, animals, and crops. We had a windmill for hydro, cows for milk, horses for farm chores and for pleasure, solar panels on our homes, and greenhouses. Many years later, Alexander confirmed that this lifestyle was the way in the future. On the one hand, I look forward to it, where barter is payment for all things. Self-sufficiency is the operative word, and cooperation is the way of life. It remains to be seen how many people and families will inhabit our commune, but we visualize many homes throughout a large wooded area.

The temperature, by that time will be a moderate 72 degrees Fahrenheit. I visualize my rocking chair on the front verandah, company coming for healing, grandchildren, and great grandchildren playing nearby. Yes !!!

All this from buying a small package of Chia seeds. Perhaps we will be growing our own in the future.

June 10, 2012 at 12:06am
June 10, 2012 at 12:06am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are here on earth to learn the lessons that will enable us to return to God. Each of us has different lessons to learn. We do not know the lessons in advance, although we chose those lessons while we were still in the spirit form. We chose who would best assist us in the learning of these lessons. We made a contract, as it were, with each individual who would assist us in our path but also whom we would assist in his or her lessons. We often think our life is too difficult to bear. If we remember then, that, we have all the help of heaven to guide us, we just need to ask in faith and help will be sent.

Perhaps that help will come in a way we least expect it but it will be provided. It is best if we ask for guidance, rather than for a specific line of help and then be open to any number of ways that perhaps we had not thought of. We may not see the whole picture at once whereas our guides are able to see the lesson we are to learn and the solution. Therefore, the solution may not be just what we expected. In the end, the solution provided will be the right one in each circumstance. If we can, remember that each lesson learned will bring us closer to the love of God and back to our origin, which is God.

From where I sit at my computer, I can look out my front-room windows. Sometimes I see what looks like silver rain between my windows and the evergreen trees beyond my front yard. Often, I have had to look out other windows to see if it is really raining or not.

This silver curtain is my protection. Some say I have created it myself, although I am not aware of doing so. Some have told me they also see this curtain, especially those who have intuitive abilities.

You too can create this curtain of protection. Just imagine. Imagine the silver rain surrounding your home and property. Imagine no one can harm you when you are within this protective circle. Encircle your home, your person and your car. Be assured that anyone you welcome into your vicinity will be able to reach you.

Because I am hearing disabled, I feel especially safe within my house and yard.

I have lived on my own for almost thirty years now. During that time, I have never been harmed, vandalized or threatened by anyone. I have no doubt my silver curtain has maintained my safety and protection.


World Peace Meditations 
Friday, June 15, 7:30pm
(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates 
Wednesday - July 11, August 8 and September 19 at 7:30pm

June 3, 2012 at 12:00am
June 3, 2012 at 12:00am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

If we were to tell you that God no longer existed there would be turmoil on the earth such as has never been seen. People who have never believed in God would be calling His name. There would be prayers from the throats of people who have never called on Him before. There would be a chorus of voices raised in submission to a God that never existed in their minds before. The part of man that is created in God’s image would awaken and call on Him in prayer and song.

When all is well with God’s creation, humanity is quiet and forgets to praise the Creator. It is during a time of turmoil and hardship that God is remembered. God is not a God of vengeance. He does not punish His own creation when they forget Him. God does not sulk or cry out in pain and agony when we forget Him. He only loves and in that love, we will return to Him.

I have been in and out of Emergency twice this week, so have not been able to concentrate on writing my blog. Nothing serious, just a painful kidney stone wanting to tear my urethra to shreds *Smile*

I have written in the recent past about orbs showing up in photographs. Sylvia Browne posted this photo on Facebook. I don’t think you will see many this dramatic, but this is an outstanding example of the presence of our guides and helpers near us at all times. That still, small voice within.


May 27, 2012 at 12:02am
May 27, 2012 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

There are those who would have you believe that God is a God of wrath. This cannot be so. God is a God of love only. He creates in love; He creates only with the energy of love. Humanity is filled with wrath created by his competitive nature. If the soul of man is to return to the creator, he must forgo the competitive and wrathful feelings and return to love.

God is always there to help anyone who truly seeks His help to return to the way of love. God is not jealous, He is not a God of war or hate or vengeance. There is no room for negativity when one is filled with love. Only love will bring us back to the oneness of God. Only love will bring us back to our original self, which is spirit created in the image of God Himself.

We have told you often that God is the Creator. His creations are the result of love. Without love, His creation would not stand the test of time. Without love, His creations would deteriorate and turn to dust. We see all around us that His creations have not only stood the test of time. His creations have only become increasingly beautiful with time. Who can deny the beauty of the earth; who can deny the intricate beauty and majesty of nature? Who can deny the wondrous cycles of all creation in this day of mayhem and war? Even when man is at war with himself, the wonders of nature continue to exist as they have always existed, to recycle as they have always recycled and will continue to do so into eternity. Who can deny the majesty of God?

A few years ago, I would never have given second thought to, what seemed to be every-day happenings. Now, however, I see spirit speaking in many ways, and many voices. This is a learning process, occurring over a long period of time. It also helps, to have people with same interests to talk to, and discuss events.

This week, I was going on a simple shopping trip. One I have made hundreds of times. I got on the road, and completely missed the turn-off to the shopping centre. I was nearly a mile past the exit before I realized I had missed the turn. Okay, I thought, I can still get to the centre following the road I was on, it would just take a little longer.

On the way, I came to a different shopping centre. One I seldom go to, but I found myself turning into the entrance. By this time, I ‘got it’ that someone was directing me. Instead of calling myself an old person with fading memory, (or worse), I asked what I could do for spirit in this store. I may never know who it was in the area that needed healing, but I was thankful I followed my guidance.

Sometimes it is very clear, where I am led, sometimes not at all clear. There is a small restaurant about ten minutes drive from me. Over the period of about six months, I was ‘called’ to go there often. Each time I went, the same serving person was my waiter. I felt her depression --I saw her sadness. I also saw when she was getting better. That was about a year ago, I have not been to the restaurant since. There was no call to go there. They do make a great breakfast though.

May 20, 2012 at 12:08am
May 20, 2012 at 12:08am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

When we think of all the war and turmoil in the world today it is no wonder that we cannot comprehend what we have just said. The one thing that God gave His sentient creations is free will. Man used his own free will to provoke hatred and war. He used his free will to create inequality and greed. He used free will to fight, hate, and murder his fellow man. The call of wealth and the hoarding of wealth and power were so strong in humanity that he chose destruction over love. It is hard to understand but it is true.

However, there is hope, there is always hope. God in His wisdom created man with free will but He only gave free will to ninety percent of the soul of man. Ten percent of each soul is pure love and this ten percent will win the battle of evolution in the end. The reason for this is that nothing is stronger than love. Not even the desire for wealth and power. God could not allow His dream to fail, his love will prevail and His creation will return to the original love creative force. There is no doubt.


For those who still believe the world will end in December 2012, this article will give you some stress relief. Ain’t gonna happen.

In early September 2011, Singer sang to me telling me the dates, Tuesday, Wednesday, and maybe Thursday and Friday, 11 September to 15 September there will be darkness. This is what I understood him to say. I looked at a calendar for 2012, and it seems these days fit, Tuesday being the 11 September 2012.

I am not predicting this as fact, but this is how I understood the message.

Understanding the message is not always as straightforward as it might seem, for one thing, they repeat a sentence, or part of a sentence many times over.

For instance: Early one morning I heard a different voice saying, ‘What is to the left? Repeated four or five times. ‘What is to the right? Again repeated the same number of times, then, ‘What is up?’ What is down?’ Each phrase repeated the same number of times. Then, the whole sequence repeated again.

I did not know if he was speaking to me, and I had no idea what he was talking about. Again, I asked my friend, if this was a riddle, I was supposed to solve. She said, yes. I asked her what the answer was. She told me the answer is God.

Big DUH for me. I felt like a fool.

This is the reason I am a bit fearful of hearing Alexander’s wisdom. Will I be able to translate accurately? According to Terri, he also repeated his words. Sometimes she got very angry at his insistence.

Three sparrows flew in front of my car as I drove yesterday. Again, telling me to have confidence in myself.

May 13, 2012 at 12:04am
May 13, 2012 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

We have talked about energy but we have not defined energy other than to say it was love; and so it is. Our very life force is love. Without love, we could not exist. Without love, the universe and everything in it could not exist. The stars could not shine, the sun could not rise, and the moon in all its glory could not cross our night sky. The smallest ant could not exist. The whales could not swim and the birds could not fly. Everything that now exists would not be here. Every stone, every rock, every seed every mountain could not exist without God’s love. The reason is that God is love and only love. Therefore, He can create only with the material that allows Him to exist and that is LOVE.

Spirit speaks to us in many ways, sometimes in numbers, for example 444 speaks of God’s love for us. So, after searching duck medicine a few weeks ago, I became curious when a sparrow lay dead in my back yard. Sure enough, it seemed to be a message relevant to things happening in my life that day.

I had just seen Alexander, and was told by others, that I would be seeing more of him, and eventually hearing him speak. To tell you the truth, it frightened me. Now, there is nothing frightening about being loved by a person in spirit, learning his wisdom, and being able to teach that wisdom to others. So, why would I be fearful?

Sparrow says I should have faith in my abilities and value my self-worth. Wow, large lesson for an uneducated person. But then, I guess I don’t need a college education to repeat the words of wisdom the world needs to hear.

My mission, should I decide to accept it, is only to plant the seed. Spiritual Guides will take it from there.

Next came crow – but that’s another story.

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