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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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December 1, 2012 at 10:30pm
December 1, 2012 at 10:30pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

True universal love will eliminate much of what we know today as a justice system. It will eliminate our military, our police, and even our governments. Universal love does not require that a government leader or ruler extend his or her power over the people. The evolution of humanity back to our basic love nature will bring true peace and harmony to our earth. This is the time recorded in our religious books that ‘the lamb will die down with the lion’. All harmony will exist and laws will be outdated. The only law will be the law of love.

We have now spoken of the major systems that control the earth and the body. It is the same creative energy of love that cycles of the universe and cycles of the body combine. All the cycles create the unique and powerful systems that control every aspect of creation. The heavens, the earth, the waters and the weather are all controlled with the same energy force. That energy force is love. Love is the only energy that is required to control the entire universe. Love is the unlimited power that we all use every day of our lives and we are completely unaware of it.

Love keeps us alive in our human bodies; love fuels our every movement, our every thought, and our every living moment of every day we are here on earth and in heaven. That is what the creative force is. It is all there is, just as God is all there is.


As I read this, I had to cross my arms over my solar plexus. The energy was so strong. You may have other feelings.

My blog is short today, as I have visitors for the week, and have been somewhat busy.

November 24, 2012 at 10:31pm
November 24, 2012 at 10:31pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many countries are still hampered in their quest for a healthy lifestyle. This is often caused by the uneven distribution of wealth, abundance, nutritious food and medical knowledge. There is more than enough wealth, abundance; nutritious food and medical knowledge available on the planet but there is much improvement needed in the distribution of these necessities. When we learn the lesson of love, the distribution problem will be solved. True universal love will not allow even one member of our earth family to be needy.

“Progress is relative to what you are looking for. It might appear that you are standing still, when in fact you are really moving faster than you think, but in an unexpected direction.”

I don’t remember exactly what started me researching information about hemp a few weeks ago, but I am always looking for something I can do or eat to balance my diet. I knew I needed protein, fibre, and omega oils, because of my allergies; I was not getting enough of these things.

Growing hemp was restricted in North America during the 1960’s, because it belongs to the same plant family as marijuana. Of course it is not marijuana. You could smoke a haystack of the weed and it would not get you high. But governments being what they are, wanted to protect us from ourselves, and all the marvelous things hemp can do for us. I will let you Google for yourself if you are interested, because there is a lot of information about the benefits of hemp. The United States government has never lifted the restrictions, but Canada has. You can’t grow hemp in the U.S. but you can import it from Canada – go figure.

So I started eating a tablespoon of hemp hearts with my morning meal. Mixed with yogurt, it is very palatable. I didn’t expect to notice the difference so quickly. Within a few days, I said to a friend, ‘I’m sure my arthritis is less painful. Maybe it is another benefit from hemp.’ I read more, and sure enough, lessening of arthritic pain is a direct benefit. Not only that, but digestion / elimination, evening bloating problems, all but disappeared within a week.

The above quote was from my horoscope last week. Indeed moving very fast in an unexpected direction. Sometimes horoscopes don’t make any sense at all – then other times they are amazing.

I’m a happy camper, and not a bit high. Darn !!!

November 17, 2012 at 10:02pm
November 17, 2012 at 10:02pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our physical body is only the tool that we use to bring the soul back to God. The physical body is the vehicle that can survive in the dense energy vibrations on earth and earth is the place that was created as our school for learning the lessons that need to be conquered. The physical body is the best tool the soul has to experience the learning process; the best tool to bring the soul back to enlightenment from where it came.

An essential ingredient in our journey back to God is our physical body. We have, through the process of evolution and awareness, begun to take better care of our physical bodies. In our lifetime, we have become more aware of the fact that what we eat contributes to the health of our bodies. A healthy body is the best vehicle to achieve our goals and we have begun eating foods that are more in tune with what our bodies need to get healthy and remain healthy. In general, as a population we have decreased our intake of non-healthy foods and increased our intake of healthy, living foods such as fruits, vegetables and pure water.

Usually I wake up Saturday morning with some idea of what I will write Saturday evening. I never look at the manuscript paragraphs I will be using before I write my own thoughts down on paper (or screen), More often than not, the blue and the black come together in a somewhat cohesive piece. This is not my doing; it is spirit who tells me what to write.

This morning I did not come up with anything, at least that I remember. Sometimes I forget from the time I get up until I get into the shower, and spirit usually does not remind me. Maybe that’s what happened today.

But there were some questions put to me during the week. I am a seeker, same as you. I am not a psychic, I do not see into the future, except what others tell me, so I am a skeptic too. The questions were intriguing.

The first question was brought to my attention by a poem I read here on WDC a few years ago, and I have never forgotten. The writer says those who go to Hell, die an agonizing eternal death. I had to ask the question, because from what I understand, those who go to Hell are already dead. She answered, that she had got caught up in the writing, and did not realize what she had written. Okay, that can happen.

Another question arose for me that I had not really thought of before. Exactly what part of us burns in Hell. The body turns to dust, the spirit is part of the Creator, and goes back to Him/Her, and the soul is the mind, or the teacher; the communicator between Creator and body. So what part burns?

And, on a more whimsical note, how can fire burn and create light, but Hell still stay in total darkness as I have been lead to believe? I’ve also heard that it is freezing cold down there. Many contradictions.

Maybe I will find out, I promise to come back and tell you.

November 10, 2012 at 10:39pm
November 10, 2012 at 10:39pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The accumulation of wealth and power is creating a delay in the evolutionary process. When we begin the sharing of wealth we will reverse the delay and set in motion the forward progress even more quickly. There is more than enough wealth for everyone; it is the unfair distribution of wealth and abundance that is the problem, and that is holding us back. Our misuse of the gift of free will is the lesson to be learned that will bring us back to God’s love and abundance.

Our lesson here is the knowledge that the glamour that possessions bring to our lives is not what is needed to bring us back to God. Our journey back to God is our journey back to love. Love your neighbor as yourself, is what our religious books teach us. Love is the pathway to enlightenment. Love is the essential substance that will bring us back to our Maker. We were created in love and to love we must return. Not only love for one another but love of self, love of all creation and love for our creator. We must learn to look at ourselves as we were intended, spiritual beings created in love and created from love.

Perhaps we can imagine a conversation taking place around a breakfast campfire of those who were transported back to original cave dwellers after the ascension of the souls.

As usual they spoke of the dreams they had during the night. This particular morning the talk was interesting indeed. All had had similar dreams. They had been transported to their previous lifetime.

“What did you dream, Hunter?” asked Flint, the brightest of the lot and therefore the leader of the cave.

“I dreamed I was the Prime Minister of a very large country,” said Hunter.

“And, what did you do as a Prime Minister,” they asked.

“Well, I wore suits that cost thousands of dollars, and a ribbon around my neck that cost hundreds of dollars, then I took all the wealth from the poor people and gave it to my rich friends, so they could wear the same clothes as I did,”

“So, you all looked the same then?” the people asked.

“Yes, basically, we all looked the same; hardly anyone could tell us apart, because we did the same work. Taking from the poor and giving to our friends,” said Hunter.

“And what did you dream, Hairy?” asked the bright Flint.

“I dreamed I was the finance minister of the same large country,” said Hairy. “My job was to screw everyone, accept, of course, our rich friends.”

“That sounds like fun,” replied Flint. “It was, said Hairy, “I spent most of my time laughing at the people’s complaints.”

‘Oh, look, here comes Fred and Wilma, let’s see what they dreamed,” said Oogg, the fire starter.

“What did you dream,” they sang out together, as the new couple came into view.

“We both dreamed that we were in pictures,”

“Huh, pictures? What are pictures?” they asked.

And so the learning began … again.

(Translated with permission from the original, copyright material)

November 3, 2012 at 10:55pm
November 3, 2012 at 10:55pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

As humanity is evolving in consciousness, we see many changes in our lifestyle. Within our lifetime, we have seen changes in our caring for nature and our environment. Since we are all evolving together, that is, the earth, nature and humanity, it is natural that we would take care of each other. Nature has done its part, the earth has taken care of us, but we have not been as kind to nature and the planet as nature and the planet have been to us. The reason for this, of course, is that humanity was given the gift of free will and nature was not. Therefore, nature went along doing the will of God and fulfilling His dream of evolution in the form of taking care of the earth and taking care of humanity. Humanity on the other hand got stuck for a while in the process of acquiring material possessions and accumulating wealth and power.

So we must move on ~~

Be a skeptic. When you read something that does not feel right, or sound right in your heart, then take it with a grain of salt, so to speak. That includes everything I write here.

About twenty years ago I read that the one we called Jesus had returned.

About twenty days ago, I read that he has been on Earth about two decades. Both channels ‘felt’ right to me.

I further read that the time has been set for the movement of people to our thirteenth universe. Yes, we humans have made a mess of planet Earth twelve times. Can we honestly wrap our small minds around that eternal time frame?

Either the spring or the autumn, there will be three days of darkness, as there was on the day of the cross, when something covered the sun, but then it was only for a few hours. Everyone will be in a state of semi stasis. There will be a movement of souls to three different locations. Some will remain on this twelfth planet, some will move on to the thirteenth Earth, and some will be taken back to the age of the caveman. With that movement of souls, there will also be forgetfulness. This life will be forgotten as all our past lives have been forgotten. No one will die in the process. Our soul is eternal.

I repeat, be a skeptic, but just in case, be prepared for three days of semi darkness and a disturbance in our hydro power.

October 27, 2012 at 10:30pm
October 27, 2012 at 10:30pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All actions contribute to the forward movement of our journey; or delay our journey. Evolution is a forward moving process; therefore, we never go backwards, only forwards or stay in place. When we experience a lifetime that seems to be a regressive step, it is only a new set of lessons presented to us that we must learn, not regression at all. As we evolve as individuals, we contribute to the evolution of humanity as a unit. As humanity evolves, we as individuals evolve ever more quickly. The energy created in our evolution creates the pathway for exponential growth and forward movement.

One of the first books I read about channeling was ‘Seth Speaks’ by Jane Roberts. The book was published in the early 60’s and was the forerunner to a great many books after. Seth approached the subject with great humour and wisdom. The website for Seth Speaks is not very informative, and does not contain a lot of excerpts from the book. However the book created for me a lasting thirst for knowledge.

After that came a series of books by author Virginia Essene who channeled many of the Ascended Masters and Archangels. I think all her books are out of print now. She actually had to start her own printing and publishing business, because she could not find an agent or publisher. I know the feeling. Nevertheless, these are valuable books, if you can get a copy.

I enjoyed and learned a lot from Nick Bunick, who wrote ‘In God’s Truth’. Nick is the reincarnation of Saul/Paul and when he asked his angels why he was chosen for his mission, when he did not follow any religion, his angels answered him with a question, ‘What religion do you think God is’? It would be well for us to remember this simple statement.

A more recent book, only published this month is ‘Spirit Talk’ by Kerry Palframan. I have not read this but I like the write-up, and I know Kerry to be an excellent teacher.


Spirit Talk

Understanding Spirits’ Messages Daytime and Dreamtime, Authored by Kerry Palframan RN

$34.95 (Available through Create Space)

October 20, 2012 at 10:27pm
October 20, 2012 at 10:27pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we are experiencing difficulties in our life, we are reminded that God never gives us more than we can bear. When we realize that, indeed, our own soul chose what lessons we must learn, then we can understand the meaning of this phrase. There is always help available from our spiritual guides and teachers; we are never alone along our path of development. The voice of our guides and teachers are the voice of our mind. When we choose love as the basis of our activities, we are assured that we are following the path that will enhance our evolution.

If we choose anything less than love, we need to reassess our choices because acting with anything less than love will bring us no reward and will delay our evolutionary development.

Every choice we make during our lifetime is a step forward or a delay in our journey.


I have written before about three or four days of darkness. Singer gave me the dates as Tuesday, 11, Wednesday 12. Then he said several words that I did not understand, and then he said Thursday and Friday. That message came to me more than a year ago. I looked on the calendar and those dates came up in September 2012. Of course, there were no days of darkness in September this year. I did not look ahead, but those dates come up again in June 2013.

The site above describes the days of darkness, and what is to happen. The speaker calls himself Christ Michael, and tells us why he is called that. We have known him as Jesus. He mentions that this same darkness fell over the earth on the day of the cross.

The darkness is not an eclipse of the sun; it is a large space ship hovering between the sun and the earth. There will not be a total darkness, he says, and we will be in a state of mini stasis. He also mentions a major stasis that will befall some people.

He says our electricity will be cut off, but I don’t know for how long. It would be good to be prepared for four days, I would think. He also says these days of darkness will be either in the spring or the fall, so people will not suffer from extreme climates. We will not suffer during this time. Groups of people are destined to be transported to different areas. Some will go back to cave dwellers.

All in all, it is a very interesting read, but in some ways confusing. He says the final dates are not yet known, even to him.

There is a lot of reading on the site. I spent hours and didn’t cover it all. I was mainly interested in the days of darkness.

The morning after I read part of this site, Singer sang a hymn to me –“It was grace that brought you along thus far, and grace will lead you home.”

He didn’t say where that home would be.

October 16, 2012 at 3:02pm
October 16, 2012 at 3:02pm
Tomorrow, Wednesday October 17 at 7:30 your local time.

This meditation goes all around the world. Hundreds of thousands take part.

Try to make it in your own time zone.
October 13, 2012 at 10:30pm
October 13, 2012 at 10:30pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The path of evolution and enlightenment began at the time of our creation and will continue for eternity. The personality that inhabits our physical body is the tool used by the soul to experience the cycles and lessons that need to be learned in order to advance the process of evolution. In each lifetime, the soul, along with the new personality’s guides and teachers, chooses the lessons that must be learned to achieve enlightenment. If the lessons are not learned, the opportunity of learning is presented repeatedly until we are successful. There are thousands and thousands of lessons to learn and thousands and thousands of lifetimes to learn them in. the process is indeed ceaseless.

This week I have been thinking about my late husband. He died of cancer more than 29 years ago and since that time he has visited me often. Sometimes he was in a violent mood, and on occasion, not so violent. You might say he was not the nicest of characters when he was in human form, and so he is spending his time in a place that is not of the Light and yet not of the Dark. He is in between.

The last time he visited me he asked if he could stay with me. At first I felt compassionate and said yes. But, he was not allowed. His handlers whisked him away very quickly. Before he left we had a few words of conversation. He watched me on the computer, and he said he wished he would have had one of those. I responded that he would never have sat still long enough to use a computer. He agreed.

I asked him why he did not go to the Light. His response was, they will not let me. That’s when he asked if he could stay. Then he disappeared. I have not seen him since.

My thinking this week brought up a few questions.

How long does a soul stay in this void, and where do they go from there? Is there anything he can do to shorten his time in his homeless world? We know we choose our life path before we enter the human form as a baby. So, what did he do, or not do, during his life that would deviate from his life path to such a great degree to put him in this void?

I have no answers. Only questions.

October 6, 2012 at 10:55pm
October 6, 2012 at 10:55pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Both the East Coast and the West Coast of North America are places of heightened spiritual energy. The effects felt in these areas are very different from each other but are equally important. In the East Coast, we find the population is creative in music, gifted in crafts and they generally follow a religious path. In the area of the West Coast we find more people who are advanced in the art of alternative healing and who are more accepting of alternative life styles and complementary medical therapies. All are important in the process of evolution.

Each individual will evolve according to his or her own specific pattern, laws and energy that they were created with. In the process of our own individual evolution, we cannot expect that our life pattern will follow the life pattern of any other individual. Each is a unique pattern and cannot be compared with the pattern of any other individual. Teachers of spirituality and evolution can set forth guidelines for advancement but they cannot expect their students to follow in the footsteps of the teacher. It is up to the student to find and follow his or her own individual path of evolution and enlightenment.

I have been trying to conquer my new Word 2010 program this week, and how it relates to my printer, so my blog entry was neglected. Instead, I will tell you how dreams can save your life.

I have mentioned before that I am hearing disabled. But that does not mean I live in a world of silence, in fact my world is very noisy most of the time. Often these noises are incorporated into my dreams. Like Saturday morning.

My friend TM and I had to cross the Arctic tundra to get to work every morning and again coming home after work. The shortest way was to cross on the ice floes, but there were dangers. Polar bears.

The first few trips we encountered no polar bears, but the third and final trip there were several. We managed to distract the first two, but the third one was being difficult. The bear was in the water, we were on an ice floe, it was snapping at our feet and we were very frightened.

We were trapped. We could not turn back because there was icy water behind us and the bear in front of us. We were very afraid. I knew we could frighten the bear away with a lot of noise, but we had nothing with us but our voices.

Then I heard singing in the background. Not really a song but the words seemed to be ‘Hi, ho, hella bella, hi, ho, hella bella’. Yes, that is what we needed to do. Sing these words very loudly. We both raised our voices in shouting the words, hi ho hella bella, hi, ho hella bella, over and over again.

Suddenly the bear and the ice were gone, and I was awake. *Smile*

Never underestimate the presence of your guides and angels. They have a terrific sense of humour.

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