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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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September 30, 2012 at 12:01am
September 30, 2012 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In the spiritual realm, there simply is no need for time to be recorded. Evolution progresses according to the precise cycles and laws that were laid out at the time of creation. Our language simply cannot accommodate the concept of a universe without time.

In the future, we will have our twenty-four-hour days divided into twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness. This will mean a major shift in lifestyle for everyone; however, the change will be gradual so that we can accommodate accordingly.

Our planet was created from the same energy as was used in the creation of all other matter and the continuous evolution of the planet is regulated by certain energy patterns, grids or lay lines that crisscross the earth, similar to our self-created lines of latitude and longitude. These grids of energy hold the secrets of creation and evolution.

Some of the points where these energy grids cross each other are well known to us. The most commonly known of these is Stonehenge in UK and the pyramids of Egypt, but there are may others that are as yet little known or unknown


This web site speaks of Karmic Bonds. I acknowledge, and am thankful for the wisdom I find in Shekina’s transmission.

I have found that the learning process of spiritual healing is speeding up at a tremendous rate. I have been working with energy for more than thirty years. I took multiple courses, spent many hundreds, even thousands of dollars, did hours of practice and practical workshops, received many certificates, and am still learning.

Recently I taught a new student in just a matter of a few minutes on a chat line, what I do and what she is capable of doing. She loves her job, but her manager is a little difficult. I taught her about the garden of healing, the healing hut and how to imagine her boss in the garden. She said she would do it when she had some time to relax. I knew, however, that she had already created her garden and hut as she read my words.

The next day, she told me that when she tried to relax and create the garden, she relaxed too much and went to sleep. Of course, this is exactly what I expected to happen. When I told her she had already created her garden and healing hut, as she read my words. Then, spirit relaxed her into sleep so they could take over and do the healing work on her boss.

She ‘got it’ right away. Everything that I had paid hundreds of hours and dollars to learn, she got in half an hour. Two days later, after a day at work, she told me her boss’s voice had changed. My friend was now into the spirit of it all, she said she had placed her boss’s father in her garden too. Apparently father and daughter are cut of the same cloth, so to speak. Happy healing, Jane.

This is an example of Karmic Bonds Shikina speaks of. We never know when we will meet someone who needs our wisdom. This wisdom is then spread to another, and another, until many are healed and learn to heal the spirit within us.

September 23, 2012 at 12:00am
September 23, 2012 at 12:00am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

As we now know, the evolution of creation is a slow and harmonious flow of events leading to a conclusion. The times recorded in our book of history, we call the bible; tend to give the impression that the world was created in one week according to our current calendar. Each day referred to in the recorded story of creation was in fact approximately one thousand five hundred years according to our present day calendar.

The recording of time has changed to meet humanity’s requirements over the centuries since creation was recorded by the written word, therefore, times used in one record is quite different than times used in another written record. This causes some confusion in the mind of the reader today. Any recording of time, which used the cycles of nature and the heavenly bodies, is a more accurate timetable of recorded events.

NASA’s landing on the moon 20 July 1969, seemed to be quite a success, so why was there never a follow-up mission?

This site may well hold the answer.


I don’t know if the conversation of Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin was published before, but it is quite a revelation as you can read on this site. (scroll down if you don’t want to read them all)

All the astronauts listed on this site have lived with secrets they were not able to talk about in public, or answer questions from the media.

We know extraterrestrials are here to help us with our transition from the age of darkness to the age of light. It is a long process, and we as humans, could not possibly do it ourselves. If we are looking for something to be thankful for, this is it – help in our evolution from those who have witnessed it all before. This gives us an idea what eternal means. There is no beginning and no end, just eternal life in forms we still do not understand, and places we do not yet know about.

September 16, 2012 at 12:03am
September 16, 2012 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The recording of time is unique to humanity on the planet earth. Therefore, there seems to be some discussion as to whether or not the world was created in seven days or a longer period of time and as to whether a day in the biblical sense was really a twenty-four hour period or not.

The reality is that only our present day calendar is divided up into the segments we call days, hours, minutes and so on. At the time of the writing of Genesis, the “time” segments were much more attuned to the cycles of the creator and creation. Events happened in cycles rather than cycles were fit into neat time slots. The event of the calendar as you know it now was created by humans to honor the kings and rulers of the day; whereas the cycles of creation were used to keep God’s creation in order and harmony.

The Swinging Pot

(A very short true story)

It has recently come to my attention that the butter flavour in microwave popcorn can have a hazardous affect on ones lungs. That got my attention, although I didn’t eat a lot of microwave popcorn, it was the only kind I did eat. So, off to the store I went in search of a better, healthier alternative.

I found an electric air popper, and remembered I had one of those when my children were small. We made popcorn balls to give out on Halloween night. At least those that we didn’t eat before the goblins came ‘round. Just the thing for me, I thought. I bought it and a jar of good old Orville Redenbacher’s Original popping corn. I was looking forward to a treat that evening, without any adverse affect on my lungs.

One bite into my newly popped corn told me something was wrong. The fluffy puff flattened out between my molars and stayed there. Flat, tough, and inedible as cardboard. This would not do at all. Further searching led me to a health food store. I asked if they had popcorn for air poppers. Yep, they did. The young woman told me they had just the thing for those old fashioned poppers. Hmmm, I couldn’t help but grin and bought a small amount to try out. She was right, it worked great and the taste far outdid Orville’s microwave stuff.

But now I had a great amount of corn that was unusable in my popper, and I did not have a suitable pan to use on top the stove. Off I went again in search of a popping pot. Wal-Mart should have such a item, I was sure. The store was not busy that day, so I went straight to the pots and pans. There were a lot to look at and choose from. But I noticed one of the pots was swinging on its hook.

I walked down the aisle, thinking they might have a better popcorn popper than my ‘old fashioned’ one. I walked to the end of the aisle, and then it struck me – why was that pot swinging? There was no breeze; there was no one near me, or the pot. I turned around and looked at the pot again. It was still swinging. I went back, I stood and watched the pot swing. It had not slowed down, it had not sped up, it was just gently swinging as before. I took it off the hook, and I realized this was just the pot I need to use for my popcorn.

I bought it. I now have a swinging popcorn pot.

September 9, 2012 at 12:02am
September 9, 2012 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All forms of mass, including humanity, were created with specific patterns, laws and energies that regulate its creation and continuance. These specific patterns, laws and energies must be followed in the precise pattern in which they were created and cannot be changed by us or by our spiritual helpers. Evolution is a forward motion and it is ceaseless.

Humanity, one of the highest forms in the chain of evolution was given what we know today as free will. That is, we were given the ability to change our mind and thereby change our path of life within the given patterns, laws and energies, but we cannot change the course of evolution. Evolution will go forward with or without our conscious decisions. It is only recently that we have come to realize that we can work with evolution to make the inevitable forward motion a more harmonious and rewarding experience.

I have never discussed my own spirituality with my young grandchildren, or my daughter, Wendy, their mother. I know they do not discuss religion in their home. I’m not sure what the parent’s beliefs are. My son-in-law was brought up Catholic in the mainly Catholic province of Quebec. My daughter, although she went to Sunday school as a child, has discarded all religious beliefs.

So, when my twelve-year-old grandson, Colin, told me last Sunday, that he did not believe in God, it was quite a surprise that he even mention the subject. Then his seven-year-old sister, Valerie, never one to be left out of a conversation, piped up, and declared that she did believe in God.

They are both right, in my opinion. Indeed, the God we grew up with in Sunday school and church, with so many contradicting qualities and personalities, can hardly be believed. Yet, as the creator of our soul, He seems a real and loving father figure.

Valerie, until about the age of five, told us the story of how she came to be the child of my daughter and her husband. She says her parents could not look after her any longer, so she went to live with her uncle. At this point, she always started to cry. She told us that her uncle took her to the hospital, and then she just waited until Wendy and Victor wanted a daughter. That’s when she came to be born to them. She does not mention death in her story. She cries bitterly when she talks of that uncle, she says she misses him so much. When she first told that story, she told Wendy that she was not her real mommy, and Victor was not her real daddy. Now, with the age of reasoning, she has forgotten her story.

I would like to know who that uncle is in this lifetime. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she met him again and possibly married him. What a sweet union that would be.

Or is this just an old grandmother’s dream?

September 1, 2012 at 10:23pm
September 1, 2012 at 10:23pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There is some misunderstanding when we hear reference to a judgment day when a soul reaches heaven. This refers to a time of decision-making. When a soul returns to the heavenly domain, there is a review of what lessons were learned while in the human body. There is no judgment, only a review if certain lessons were learned in a satisfactory way. It is during this review that the soul must decide whether to return to earth and complete another lifetime. It is at this review that a soul decides who would be best to guide them through their next lifetime and their next lessons. This is the time to decide who the parents would be and who the family members would be most beneficial to that particular soul. Then there comes a time of waiting for the right parents and the right circumstances to present themselves for the soul to return to the earth plane. There is no judgment at the feet of God. It is the individual soul that decides for itself what the next step would be to return to the heavenly realm in a state of perfection, there to remain for eternity. This is the evolution of the soul.

If the above paragraph seems familiar, it is because it is the same as last week. I did that on purpose because these words can be understood on many different levels.

Creation or evolution? Both, of course. The Spirit was created; our bodies have evolved. We are not living in caves any longer, I’m sure you agree we are evolving

Intelligence came along about the same time as wild flowers. I don’t know the significance of that, but I read that somewhere, or was told. What is important however, is that with intelligence, our evolution grew exponentially.

From the time humankind volunteered to experience evolution, we have evolved, although our spirit has remained a constant part of its creator.

When God took Adam and Eve to the garden, the agreement was made. Eve and her group (I don’t think she was a single female) volunteered to experience evolution. Adam, (also not a single male person) and his group volunteered to remain in atom form and assist those who chose to experience evolution. These are our guardian angels. Eve, in eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge, did not commit a “sin”. She agreed to experience the knowledge of evolution of the soul, back to her original God-like self. We, in human form, now experiencing evolution, are the Eve group.

Have you noticed that the names Adam and Eve do not appear in the genealogy lists in Genesis, at least not that I am aware of? The reason, as I have been told, is the names missed something in the two dozen, or more translations. Atom became Adam, and Evolution became Eve. (Try pronouncing evolution in original English, not the Americanized version, and you will get Eve)

This information is just a reminder of things you already know. Everyone who has been guided to read this blog is here for the same reason. That reason is to experience and help the final evolution from the age of darkness to the age of light. You are all here from the seventh dimension. You already know this information; this is just to stir your memories. So say the Ascended Masters.

August 26, 2012 at 12:01am
August 26, 2012 at 12:01am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There is some misunderstanding when we hear reference to a judgment day when a soul reaches heaven. This refers to a time of decision-making. When a soul returns to the heavenly domain, there is a review of what lessons were learned while in the human body. There is no judgment, only a review if certain lessons were learned in a satisfactory way. It is during this review that the soul must decide whether to return to earth and complete another lifetime.

It is at this review that a soul decides who would be best to guide them through their next lifetime and their next lessons. This is the time to decide who the parents would be and who the family members would be most beneficial to that particular soul. Then there comes a time of waiting for the right parents and the right circumstances to present themselves for the soul to return to the earth plane. There is no judgment at the feet of God. It is the individual soul that decides for itself what the next step would be to return to the heavenly realm in a state of perfection, there to remain for eternity. This is the evolution of the soul.

We are spiritual beings in a human body. I hear this phrase more often now than ever before. But what does it actually mean? I hardly know the whole answer, but I have learned a little, and I will give you my thoughts on this.

Whether we are in heaven, or on earth in our physical body, we are still primarily spirt.

We have been told that if we really knew what we were doing here in our physical body, our ego would stop us from doing our spiritual work. Therefore, much of our work is done while we are asleep. Spirit does not sleep, but continues to work our many blessings.

We have a small idea of what our guides and angels do for us. Well, consider this, we are the guides and angels for others. We don’t have to be dead to guide our fellow men and women. We simply have to let our spirit self work, and not let our ego stop us. We work continuously along with other spirits, some of them may be invisible to us or in another human form.

Last night I slept twelve hours. I woke up feeling like a very different person. I felt as though I had accomplished much. I never deny myself sleep, because I know I am working while I sleep. Sometimes, when someone asks me to pray for them or heal them, I go to sleep instead. I know I can work better from that dimensional level.

Alexander once told me, never deny yourself sleep. This is the reason. We not only have our own spiritual guides, but we are spiritual guides for others.

August 19, 2012 at 12:00am
August 19, 2012 at 12:00am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Judgment is another human attribute that we must ask you to overcome. In heaven, there is no judgment; no one would judge another because we know that a part of each of us was created in the image of God. When we judge one another, we are judging our own creator. We in the spiritual world see only goodness in those of the earth. What we also see is the lessons yet to be learned by those on the earth. We see each individual on earth as light and colors and we only see precious souls created in love by a God of love. We do not judge God’s creation and God does not judge his own creation. Each soul is perfect in the eyes of God.

I wish there was a study book on How to Interpret Messages from Guides and Angels. I think I am missing a lot of information Singer sends to me.

For instance, August 2011, he said something would happen Tuesday and Wednesday, 11th and 12th September. When I looked at the calendar, those days happen in 2012, not in 2011, when I got the message. So, is something going to happen next month on Tuesday, the 11th. I don’t know. I also don’t know if something is going to happen to me alone, or to the planet, or to the universe. Seems I know nothing at all about his message, except the dates. I will be prepared for those days with storage of food, water and warm clothing. Perhaps a space ship will hover between the sun and earth, hiding the sun from us. Well, it could happen, or not.

This week his message was even less clear. His words were, ‘All you need for winning is a two horse lead.’

Those are words from a song, probably from the 1930’s or 40’s. So what does that mean to me today? I have no idea. I have asked three other people, they had ideas that ranged from two poems I wrote about horses, to winning a bet on a horse race. I am not likely to bet on the horses, so that leaves me in a quandary as to what the message is all about. I looked for a lottery involving horses, but I could find none.

So, here’s my take on the winning horses. In the two poems I wrote, both the horses lived on. One in spirit, the other was wounded but found a new master. Both horses had a new beginning. Both poems, as I wrote them, I remember flowed easily from my fingers. Maybe these two poems were actually written by Singer, through me. Maybe these two poems meant something only for a particular reader. Maybe, because I wrote and published these two poems here on WDC, I will be rewarded by winning the lottery.

Well, it all sounds plausible does it not?

August 12, 2012 at 12:00am
August 12, 2012 at 12:00am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Another lesson many souls on earth are here to learn is forgiveness. When we have all learned the lesson of forgiveness, there will be no more war, no disagreements, no crime, and no need for police forces or military. When we know that all events here on earth are only lessons to be learned, we will know that we are all each other’s teachers. There is never a need to forgive a teacher for the lessons they have taught us. Forgiveness is probably the most difficult lesson to learn and the most difficult lesson to understand. It will take a major change of mind set to accept the path of universal forgiveness.

As one soul truly understands the meaning of forgiveness that will create the energy to grow to universal understanding. The energy of understanding will spread from one soul to another and so on until all souls on earth will understand. Mistakes will be a thing of the past. If all mistakes are lessons then there will be no such word in our vocabulary as mistake. We ask you to go out and make as many mistakes as you can and this will give you an understanding of how lessons are presented to us. This is the beginning of the understanding of forgiveness.

Recently I have been seeing ‘people’ upon waking up. Today I woke up crying because a small boy, about eight years old was running from his mother. She grabbed his arm, and through clenched teeth shouted, ‘I told you to sit still.’ So. Who was this young lad? I saw his face clearly; he had blond short hair, and was wearing a navy blue tee shirt with white trim around the neck and short sleeves, but I did not see the mother’s face, only her arm, and heard her voice.

A few days ago, upon waking up, I saw a series of men’s faces. They stayed in my vision for a few seconds, and then passed, before a second and third man’s face was shown to me. All the men were speaking, I did not hear what they said, but their mouths and faces were animated. Who are these people?

I feel that these are individuals who have come to me for help and healing. Somehow, they have found me, and I have prayed for them. What else can I do? The young boy’s face is still clear in my mind; my tears again are close to the surface.

On a lighter note, my kitchen curtain waved at me as I came into the room yesterday. There is no breeze in that area – no air-conditioning vent, no fan. Just someone saying, ‘Hi’.

August 5, 2012 at 12:02am
August 5, 2012 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Compassion is a lesson that many souls are required to learn. Often when a soul returns to earth and is blessed with wealth, power and riches of many kinds they forget to show compassion for others and forget their soul path. In this case, the wealth and power may be lost to them and the lesson remains unlearned. Riches and wealth must always be shared. The reason we have rich and poor always signifies that many have not yet learned the lesson of compassion.

In the future, there will be no need for money because all things will be shared and a barter system will be in place throughout the earth. When we reach that state, we will know that the lesson of compassion will be universal knowledge.

“When two or more are gathered together …. “

Remember that? Of course you do. According to the bible, Jesus said that. But what did he mean? I’m sure he meant that about prayers, we know that prayer can be a powerful vehicle for change.

But it is also true about sensitive people, those who can see, hear, and feel otherworldly people. So, when three of us got together for four days this week, there was much communication. Even birds left messages of good will and safe journeys. The first day of my friends visit, there was a grey and white feather on my walkway, the second day an identical feather laid along side the first feather. I think a dove or a pigeon gave them to us. The message was the same – love and safe journey.

My friends were visiting from another city about eight hours drive away. A parent was in the hospital, and they had come to visit with her, but were staying with me. The parent in the hospital told them, that each night there was an angel with a red rose in her hair came to visit her. She said, the night after her daughter came to town; there were three angels in her hospital room. One had golden tipped wings; one had a red rose in her hair and the third stood at the foot of her bed.

The one with gold on her wings was my spiritual teacher. I was the one wearing the rose, Rose is my name, in case you were not aware of that. The third was my protégé.

In time, I will retire, or pass over. My protégé will take over, and teach another, just like my mentor passed her roll to me just before she died. And so the chain will continue.

July 29, 2012 at 12:01am
July 29, 2012 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many souls have chosen to return to the earth in a body that restricts movement and in conditions that require help in daily living. These individuals have come to teach humanity the lesson of compassion. We honor them for they radiate an exceptionally bright light to the heavens.

Before we get into the time of higher prices – you know the politics – because of the drought in the United States, all food prices will go up in a few months. Here is a fun thing to do.


If you want to know the meaning of your name and how it affects you try this. That part is free, of course, if you want a full report, it will probably cost. My first name report was mostly correct, but as with astrology, some is off the mark. Then I tried Chanon, again partly correct. But it was fun.

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