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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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December 18, 2011 at 12:02am
December 18, 2011 at 12:02am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Earth is the environment that is our teaching ground. We see people of the world come together in compassion when there is a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood, and fire or even in cases of medical emergencies such as Cancer or HIV/AIDS. These emergencies are given to us as learning experiences to restore our soul nature, which is compassion and universal love.

Another lesson for us is to share our knowledge of building codes that can better withstand the earthquakes and other disasters. The cost of construction of such buildings is not realistic in poorer nations now but the equal distribution of wealth will solve this problem.

Some countries have the knowledge required to build structures that are more resistant to earth tremors. The sharing of knowledge, wealth, food and all other material things that will bring equality to our fellow earth traveler is a step forward in our own evolution. The hoarding of knowledge, wealth, food and material possessions will delay our progress. Hoarding will not open the gates to the creation of a heavenly earth. Sharing and equality will move us as individuals and as a planet into the universal love situation that we desire and deserve.

Last week I gave you the path to your own garden, beach, and house of healing. This week I will give you another avenue of healing within those parameters.

When you enter your house of healing, instead of seeing the table I described last week, see before you a large desk. On the desk, there is a computer. When you seek the healing tables, the room will be all white. However, when you seek the computer, there will be colour.

The monitor is the back wall of the room.

Sit in a comfortable chair at the desk. Turn on the computer. Watch the video that will start. Ask questions of the video. Ask what the future holds for you. Ask direction if you are in a dilemma about a certain question that has come up in your life.

Sometimes, for me, the whole wall (monitor) will disappear. I see beyond the wall a forest of beautiful green trees, mostly evergreens. This means my pathway is mine to create.

Be aware, that your personal video may be like a puzzle. Our future is not bound in stone; we are the masters of our life, shown the way by our guides and angels.

See you next year. Have a great holiday, however you celebrate.

December 10, 2011 at 11:06pm
December 10, 2011 at 11:06pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The destruction of our rain forests and old growth forests are a prime example of our unwillingness to let nature take care of the planet and in so doing, take care of humanity. We need the forests to survive. Governments that are unwilling to stand up to big business must, and will be brought down. God’s dream was for us to help each other, regardless of where we live on the planet.

We are all needed in this dream of evolution; we are very much a part of the entire dream. Whether we are in spirit form or in physical form, we are each an intricate part of the plan. In most cases, we do not know or understand our roll in the plan when we come into our physical bodies, but it will be revealed to us at a time that is appropriate. Those who are taken back home into spirit have a roll in the dream of evolution that is better served in spirit than in matter; and those of us who remain in physical matter serve our roll most appropriately in our present form. All are needed and all are important. God’s plan always moves forward in divine right order.

How to create your garden and house of healing.

Place yourself in a receptive mood – a meditative mood. Be in a private place, quiet and alone. If your house is not conducive to these conditions, try it in your bathtub. Give yourself about 20 minutes.

Imagine yourself in the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. Create this garden in your mind. Create the trees, flowers, pathways, benches and pools you want. Hear the birds and animals. This is indeed a place where the lion sleeps with the lamb. This is your own creation but it becomes real in your spirit world. When you go back to visit, it will always be the same unless you want to change it.

Sit and enjoy the garden for a while. Know that this is a very private place for you alone. No one else will ever have the same garden as you. You can invite friends here but they will see a different garden – yours is for you alone because your guides and angels know just what you need and want for your own healing.

Walk to the end of the garden. You may hear music. Think of the song you learned in church – “I Walk in the Garden Alone, while the dew is still on the Roses.” … “He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own.” (You know the words). Look at the sky, it is bright but there is no sun, no clouds, there is no atmosphere here. There is no shade anywhere. At the end of the path you will be standing on a cliff. At he bottom of the cliff, you will see a beach and beautiful water. Again, create your own beach. It can be large or small; it can be a river, lake or ocean. It can be whatever you want. Between you and the beach is a cliff. You will see seven steps leading down to the beach. Create the cliff. Create the steps.

Walking down the steps

This is very important if you are not accustomed to meditation. Each step down will bring you into a deeper state of meditation.

Take one step down and say to yourself. ‘down, one’

Take another step down and say to yourself, ‘down, down

Take a third step down and say to yourself, ‘down, deeper down.’

Take a forth step down and say to yourself, ‘down, down, deeper, down.’

On the fifth step say to yourself, down, down, deeper, deeper down.’

On the sixth and seventh step continue using a combination of the words down and deeper down.

You will find yourself going into a trance-like state – a deep meditation.

You will find the voice in your mind getting lower and lower as you descend the steps.

You are now on your beach. In front of you is the water you create. The sky is bright but there is no sun. There are no clouds. There is heavenly music here as there is in your garden. This is an extension of your garden, your own private place. Here your guides and angels will sometimes appear to you. This is your place of healing, visit here often, create a chair or bench where you can rest comfortably.

When you are ready

Turn to your right and walk down the beach. Look for people coming towards you. If you see someone, these are your guides. They will welcome you. Speak to them, they will speak to you. They may hug you, you may shed tears because you know these people. You have always known them in this lifetime and in all your past lifetimes. If you don’t see anyone, do not worry, They are there. The love you feel here and in your garden is such love, as you have never felt before. Again, you may shed tears. These are tears of healing, do not try to stop them.

Again, when you are ready

Look to your right again you will see a building – create the building you need. Walk to the door. A bright white light will shine on you.

Open the door and walk in. there you will see a healing table. Everything in this healing hut is white. Lie down on the table and ask for whatever you need in the way of healing, physical, emotional or spiritual. All is available here.

Along the wall you will see all kinds of healing products, jars, tubes, liquids, solids. These will be applied, as you need them. Sometimes you will see the guides, sometimes you won’t. It does not matter if you see or not, healing is taking place. You will know when you are finished.

This is important.

Everything I have said here is likely to change. Do not try to force events according to my words, let things happen. Your guides will lead you to what you need. The whole purpose of this is to let your guides lead you.

Enjoy your experience and visit your garden often.

December 4, 2011 at 12:03am
December 4, 2011 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Lands now arid shall bloom again with flowers and trees when the climate changes to a constant median temperature of seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit.

As the polar ice melts, the oceans will rise and the rains will cover the earth to bring it back to the lush garden it was meant to be. All this and much, much more happen in the cycles of the universe. However, humanity has made the planet earth into a place for his/her own convenience and in doing so has shown little or no respect for her preservation and care. We were created to be caretakers of the garden, to have dominion over the earth; instead, we have used her bounty for the collecting of material things for our personal ego fulfillment. This must stop. If we continue to misuse the earth’s generosity, she will most definitely take back control of her own evolution in order to keep herself moving in a forward motion.

We have seen the planet earth’s attempts to regain control more and more frequently in the recent past. We have seen more and more and larger and larger floods, earthquakes, weather phenomena and unusual disasters that have resulted in loss of physical life in the last few years than every before. These are earth’s attempts at regaining control of her evolution. We know what she is capable of and we should be in fear if we continue to disregard her warning signs.

We have seen earthquakes; tornadoes, hurricanes and tidal waves increase in destruction of property. These are all part of Mother Earth’s attempts to take back control of her evolution into a higher dimension. We must, as a world population, stop destroying our planet for our own greed. In destroying our planet, we ultimately destroy our selves.

The woman I spoke about last week is still in the garden although I do not see her as I did the first few nights when I visited her. This is my first experience in taking someone to the garden. It is very interesting. I asked her a few questions to which she answered ‘yes’. I was beginning to think I was imagining all this when she surprised me with a question of her own. She asked me if I was an angel. No, I answered, I was just an ordinary person who wanted to help her. Then she asked why I wanted to help her. My answer was that I wanted to help her live according to the teachings of Jesus.

She seemed to accept that.

The next few nights I visited her and found her praying. She asked for a swing. I imagined a swing and there it was. I’m not sure she sat in the swing because the next night and each night after that she seemed to be in a different part of the garden where I did not see her. I could, however talk to her. She wants to stay there and I honestly don’t know how to get her out if she becomes disruptive. I don’t think she will and I will leave her now to the higher powers that inhabit the garden. The part of her that is in the garden is only a very small fragment of her soul. Hopefully that small fragment will bring about healing to the whole.

Next week I will republish the instructions how to create your own garden, beach and house of healing. A guideline, as it were, to self-healing.

November 27, 2011 at 12:01am
November 27, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

As the world population evolves towards the state of universal love, the animals, plants and all of nature will benefit. As people become more loving towards one another, the nature of the individual will encompass all creatures great and small with respect and dignity. Every living being will benefit. The earth will benefit as will the universe.

It is difficult for our minds at the present level of knowing to understand the magnificence of universal love. At best, we can hardly imagine the wondrous effect universal love will have on the population. The effect will be like continuous miracles happening all at once all over the world. What we think of as miracles now will be commonplace every minute of every day. Our minds cannot yet expand to realize the wonder of universal love.


Just take a quick look at the guy’s claim; and to think some celebrities endorse it. I admit, I did not read the whole site; I had a fear of scorching my mind. Well, not really but it was certainly enough to make me stop and think how some people will use their skills negatively. I‘m sure there is equal negative karma to deal with such people. In the last few entries, the Ascended Masters have spoken about using our skills to the best of our abilities. This site is a demonstration of willfully not enhancing evolution of humanity. Definitely not his own.

For the past few nights, I have been ‘baby-sitting’ a very negative female in my garden. You remember the garden I talked about in the past, a place where it is safe to go in all circumstances, a place of peace and healing. I sat with her the first night as she stared at the forest, we never talked but I could feel a slight lessening of her negative thoughts and actions. The second night was the same as the first. She sat as if in a trance, she did not talk or acknowledge I was there. The third night she was standing in front of the bench where I had left her. I asked if she wanted company. Her response was a very loud ‘NO’. I walked on to my beach and to my healing hut.

If she progresses, I will take her for a walk on the beach and perhaps eventually into the house of healing on my beach.

This woman makes the holiday season a very negative time for her family. I volunteered to try to take her into the garden. I was surprised when she came with me. So far, she has not asked to leave or, indeed left on her own accord. Perhaps there will be an improvement in her Christmas cheer in the future. I hope so.

November 20, 2011 at 12:01am
November 20, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We must remember that we are individual spiritual beings in physical bodies and comparison to another being is counter-productive to our progress.

Accepting our own abilities and limitations without allowing fear to enter is desirable. When we compare our abilities to others’ those comparisons may be the cause of our fears that can be avoided.

Another way of comparing ourselves to others is expecting them to act and be a certain way that would please us.

I can use myself as a good example of a bad example! When I was married, I expected my husband to change; I expected him to be as attentive to me as I was to him. I was extremely naïve. I knew nothing about how married couples acted together, I had never experienced or seen married couples living together. My father died eight days before I was born. My mother never remarried. Therefore, I could not know what to expect as a married person.

I expected my husband to act in a certain way and I was disappointed. I was comparing him to myself. My experience however, was a grateful lesson in my life. I learned not to expect certain behaviours from other people. As the Ascended Masters say above – we are individual spiritual beings in a human form. We are not the same and we cannot expect others to be like us. We cannot expect them to act or behave, as we would like them to. If we cannot accept this, we are very likely to be disappointed much of the time.

November 13, 2011 at 12:11am
November 13, 2011 at 12:11am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All talents are gifts from God. It is our responsibility to seek out what our talents are and to use them to the best of our ability to glorify God.

There are those who feel they are just not good enough to display their talents. Each one is to use their talents to the best of their ability. We have been given just what we need to enhance our own evolution, which enables evolution in general to advance at its own pace.

Not everyone can be the best at what they do but we can be the best to our level of ability. When we compare ourselves to others, it is not productive. Either we exceed others in our abilities or we fall short of others. Either way comparison to others is not recommended and is divisive. All must work together in cooperation and dwelling on comparisons denies that cooperation.

Fears are the bases of most of the anxieties that we experience and most of our illnesses. Our fears show up when we use comparisons to judge ourselves. When we compare ourselves to others and we determine that we do not measure up to the standards others have set, we let fear determine the outcome. When too many fears are allowed to restrict our personality that is when illness and physical restrictions begin to compromise our bodies.

From the time of my remembering, I have never enjoyed playing competitive games. I used to think it was because I was the youngest and weakest of ten siblings that I disliked competition. I never won. As I matured and had children of my own, I played board games with them but still did not enjoy winning or indeed, playing. I dislike any form of competition, except as a spectator.

This week I searched for ‘predictions’ on the Internet and found a very interesting site from the UK.


Scroll down to the tenth item; it talks about playing games to solve problems. The games on Facebook are like that. You need to ask friends for help or you cannot finish the game. Friends helping friends to complete a task; that’s universal love, people helping people around the world. You don’t have to know them, you just have to help and ask for help in return. We call each other friends although we may never meet.

Writing.com is like that. We help each other become better writers. The beginning of universal love starts with small steps. And it starts with us.


World Peace Meditations 

Wednesday, November 16, 7:30pm
 (based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates 
Wednesday - December 14 at 7:30pm

November 7, 2011 at 8:36am
November 7, 2011 at 8:36am
November 5, 2011 at 10:23pm
November 5, 2011 at 10:23pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We were each created with an inner alarm system. We call it the fight or flight system. We have all, no doubt, experienced this system in action. We have heard of incidents when a person has experienced incredible strength in times of fear. When the fear has dissipated, we wonder where the strength came from and if we could again perform an action using similar strength.

Will power is difficult to explain but the power of the mind is limitless in times of intense desire or need, it helps us through our periods of great stress.

We each have unique strengths and abilities given to us. Some have the ability to heal, some the ability of prophecy; some have the ability to communicate with animals; some can control the weather and so on. When we ask, why are we here, the answer is to utilize our unique skills in the evolution of humanity.

Our spiritual self knows our skills. It is through prayer and meditation that we can discover our skills and abilities if we are unaware of them. We are given opportunities to learn about ourselves throughout life. What child has not stared up into the clouds and willed the clouds to move. This was likely the child following their instincts in learning the incredible unlimited power of the mind.

House guests and renovations all this week. Things will be back to normal on Monday, IF we can find the parts to fix the toilet. Oh boy !!!

October 30, 2011 at 12:06am
October 30, 2011 at 12:06am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In the course of a lifetime, many changes will occur in the evolution of a soul. Many ideas will randomly come to mind of an individual. Each random idea comes as a step up in the growth of the soul.

Random ideas are those ideas that seem to come from the depth of the mind but usually they come from our guardian angel or spiritual advisor. Random ideas are those ideas when we tend to say, “Why didn’t I think of that before.” The reason we did not think that particular thought before is that the time was not right until the moment the thought came into our mind. That was the right moment for that thought or idea to enter our mind and therefore change our life, however small that change may be. The timing of our evolution is set in a pattern that we cannot change but we can be aware of the pattern and work in unison to help our evolution along in a way that will create the least delay.

My friend Derek heard and translated words from spirit. Sometimes I thought he was more spirit than human. One evening he called and we talked for hours. We did that often. While we talked this particular evening, I completely forgot I had been planning to go to a meeting in the downtown area. About seven in the evening, we decided to meet at a restaurant downtown since we had talked right through the supper hour and realized we had missed our evening meal. Our friendship was like that, it seemed we could talk forever and still never enough. He was fascinating as he revealed stories of his life.

As we ate and continued our conversation he suddenly said, “Metatron is here.” I had heard the name but didn’t know who Metatron was. I don’t think Derek knew either.

Derek translated Metatron’s words as he spoke.

“I have waited millions of years to watch two masters in human flesh eat a meal.”

We were humbled.

I suddenly remembered the meeting I was planning to attend.

Metatron said, “You are here aren’t you?” I think he meant that this meeting was prearranged.

He told us,

“The owner of this restaurant will suffer a heart attack and die.”

Sure enough a few months later, the owner died and the restaurant was closed. Since this was the only restaurant in Ottawa that served Montreal Style smoked meat sandwiches, it was sorely missed.

Are you curious who Metatron is?

“Lord Metatron: One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim.”

We have learned from the well-researched fictional novels by Dan Brown the word Elohim is the plural of God.

Go back to the link of Ascended Masters and scroll down.


October 23, 2011 at 12:02am
October 23, 2011 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The energy that fuels the universe is the same energy that created the inhabitants that live on the planet earth.

You may call it God stuff, photons, life force or any one of many names given to the creative energy that we are made of. It does not matter what name is given to this mighty force. The only importance is that we recognize that there is one energy only, and that is the energy force that we are made of and that surrounds every living thing, be that animal, vegetable or mineral in construction. This energy field connects everything. That is why when two or more are gathered together in meditation and prayer, there is always a manifestation if the intent is pure and based on love because of our connection by the life force. The results are not always known or seen by the physical being but our friends in spirit always see the results.

The results may not always be what we asked or prayed for because spiritual beings know what is truly required. When we ask for what we think is best for us, we may be somewhat disappointed at times because what we ask for is not in our best long-term interest. What we are given, however, is truly in our own best interest to further us along our evolutionary path. It is better to pray “thy will be done,” or “show us the way”. Then when a door opens for us to be of service, however small, we know our prayer has been answered. To be of service to our fellow man is the highest honor that we can ask

When I am asked to pray for a loved one, I do it knowing full well that what I am asking for may never happen. As humans, we feel better if we pray for each other especially in sickness. A friend of mine was very sick with full-blown AIDS. Alexander told us that he would be all right. He died a few months later. In the eyes of our friend in spirit, Alexander, our sick friend was indeed all right. He was going home. He was going to his true and heavenly home and what could be more all right than that?

Have you noticed the rate of suicides is rising? I don’t know the statics but it seems to me there are more individuals taking their own life in the last few years, especially teen-aged people. The evolution of humankind is on a steep rise. There is pressure on the mind and the spirit. Some people will not be able to withstand the pressure. There will be more violence, violence against others and violence against self. My friends in spirit have told me there will be a change in October of next year. We are told the age of darkness will end and the age of enlightenment will begin. We are told there will be four days of darkness when this change occurs. My prayer, and it may be a selfish one, is that I will be a witness to this change.

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