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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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April 13, 2013 at 8:51pm
April 13, 2013 at 8:51pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Although earlier civilizations were advanced in the technology of medicine, they were not wise in the administration and ethics of the application of their knowledge in everyday living. Their experimentation in the medical field involved combining humans with parts from birds and animals. Each living species contains a soul but the makeup of the souls differs greatly. Therefore, when a part of an animal is transplanted into a human the experiment is bound to fail in the end because the souls and cells of the parts are vastly different. There may be limited success but the soul cannot be duplicated or changed and every cell of the living being contains fragments of the soul.

Fragments of different types of souls cannot combine to make a complete soul. Only God and certain other beings that were given permission to create souls are able to create a complete soul whether that soul is human or other living matter. Simply, the soul of any organism cannot be duplicated or transplanted to another living organism. The construction of a soul is very complicated and the basic structure will never be revealed to humanity. Creation of a soul will always be the responsibility of God and his most trusted spiritual helpers. The physical body of a living being may be duplicated but never the soul. No matter how advanced the technology becomes, the soul will always remain the property of God because the soul is a part of Him. God is our creator and the only one responsible for the creation of the soul.

These paragraphs cause me to think seriously about organ transplants, and the reason people who get organ transplants must take rejection medications. I have never, nor will ever, sign an organ donor card, but having said that, I would donate to members of my family.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, 17 April, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

It has been widely written that spirit speaks to us in many ways. One way is through repeating numbers on the clock. How often do we glance at the clock when the numbers read 11:11, 12:12, 1:11, 2:22, and so on. When I see repeating numbers, I smile inwardly and say thanks for being with me. Many times when I wake up during the night at 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55, still thankful, but not so much.

But, recently I have been taking note of what thoughts are in my mind just as I see the repeating numbers. There has not been earth-shattering wisdom, but small thoughts and ideas coinciding with the repeating numbers are frequent. Simple things, like, okay, you have eaten enough, drank enough coffee, or, time to go to the store. Spirit directs our lives in a multitude of ways that we have never acknowledged. They often direct us to be in a certain place at a certain time, simply because they want us there so they can do their work through us.

I think it must be frustrating for spirit when we do not hear, or understand their messages. But then, they are not prone to frustrations or negative emotions as we are.

Thank goodness, or we would be surrounded by a wicked army of angry managers.

April 6, 2013 at 9:27pm
April 6, 2013 at 9:27pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Those souls who are entering the earth now and in the future will be souls that are more experienced. They will have the experience of civilizations now extinct that were governed by a world government ruler, Civilizations like Lemuria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt.

These civilizations were very advanced in the technology of the time. Their method of transportation was worn on the back and controlled with the power of the mind. We too will come to this advanced technology in transportation and in medicine. Already we are experiencing the dilemmas in ethics involved in medical technology.

There will always be those who want to forge ahead without concern for the ethics of research just because it is possible. Then of course, there will be those who will create a balanced approach to research having a strong moral standard. We must proceed moderately or we will once again experience the end of our civilization like those of Lemuria and Atlantis who allowed the radical research in the fields of technology full reign regardless of the consequence

Wednesday afternoon I sat on my recliner, looking forward to a much needed nap, after a hard morning of computer games, and a bit of shopping. I was nicely drowsy, when I heard a squawking noise which seemed to be coming from somewhere over my head. Perhaps it came from outside the window from the tree. The noise seemed somehow familiar, but I was sure I had not heard this voice before. It was persistent. At varying intervals, the squawking continued for a few hours. I was getting very annoyed and upset. I told the voice to stop. Usually, they heed my command, but this one did not.

It was getting near bedtime, and I knew I would never be able to sleep with this cricket-like chirping and squawking. I got on chat line with my daughter Judy; I asked her if she could tell me who was in my house. I had visions of my late husband harassing me. She said it couldn’t be her father, because he was there with her, harassing her. Still I knew I had to stop this voice before it drove me insane.

It followed me around the house. I went to the basement; that was the only place the voice did not follow. I thought I could always sleep in the basement, if I had to, but I’d rather not. I wanted to find the annoyance before I went to bed.

The only place I had not been that afternoon, was upstairs. So, I climbed the stairs to the bathroom, and so to bed. Horrors!! It was louder here than anywhere else; almost warning me to get away from its territory. Then, suddenly I saw it, lurking on the ceiling. I knew I had to act, although I don’t like to climb on ladders to reach the ceiling, I knew I had to. I got my step-ladder and climbed up. It was hand-to-hand combat now with this harassing, horrible voice.

I reached up, and with a mighty tug, I won. The thing went flying down the stairway; and with one last squawk, my smoke detector died.

Just another day in the life of a spiritualist.

March 30, 2013 at 9:40pm
March 30, 2013 at 9:40pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our economies are still based on greed and not on cooperation. There will soon come a time when we as individuals and collectively as countries begin to think of peace as a natural state of being. Once we have experienced this state of true peace without the threat of war, we will demand of our governments that threat of war and violence will be outdated. We will demand that the machinery of war be traded for machinery of peace. The sword is made into a ploughshare as told in our book of history. The people will not tolerate a democratic government that threatens violence against any other nation. Democracy will mean equality and we will not accept governments that are corrupt or appear to be corrupt.

Once we have experienced peace, we will accept nothing less. Once we have experienced a democracy comprised of honest people, we will demand honesty and openness in government.

Easter. On Easter Monday we celebrate the resurrection. But wait, when Jesus appeared to his disciples, Thomas could not believe his own eyes. Jesus told Thomas to touch his wounds.

I have seen many 'resurrected' people, including Jesus (eight times), I have seen them in many forms, including a moose, and a brilliant jewel, but, I have never seen a spiritual being that I could touch. My fingers would go right through. So how is it that Thomas could touch the flesh and bone of his teacher?

Easy answer is that he did not die on the cross. He was given medication that put him to sleep -- an anesthetic, with the full knowledge and recommendation of Pontius Pilate.

He was taken down from the cross, and placed in the tomb, the rock rolled to the entrance. According to Sylvia Browne, His mother Mary and his wife Mary were in the tomb, ready to administer medications to him.

In three days he was able to walk, and to meet his friends. But he was a wanted man, he had to flee the country, never to return.

Perhaps a mis-translation of the events. Perhaps.


Now, here's a neat thing to do with the small members of the family as you meet and greet with extended family and friends on this long holiday weekend. It's fun, but it will show you how strong the God particle truly is that resides in each cell of our body.

The God particle in each of us cannot tell a lie.

So, ask your little ones (or anyone) to hold one arm straight out to their side (horizontal). Put your two fingers on their wrist. Ask them to tell you their name (this will be the absolute truth). Push down on their wrist -- you cannot push it down, even on little kids. Push hard -- can't do it.

Now, in the same position, ask them to tell you an obvious lie. Like, their name is Rumpelstiltskin . They will giggle, and be amazed, because, with very little effort you will be able to push their arm down easily. They absolutely cannot resist. It's fun, and a very accurate lie detector.

God's polygraph !!!

March 23, 2013 at 10:04pm
March 23, 2013 at 10:04pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Peace in our time is possible. When the people use the unlimited power of their collective mind to bring peace nothing will stop it. Such is the power of the mind of man, unlimited in power, unimaginable in strength and ability. The focus must be in learning to use our creative power to create the ideal world that we want to call our home.

Certain countries believe in their military as truly keepers of peace have already begun in a small way to make friends with the children of their host country. They have built schools and have distributed books, shoes and school supplies to the children. The children who will remember the kindness of the soldiers and they will refuse to join the military to fight against the ones who were kind to them. The children will bring about the greatest change for peace. When the seeds of kindness have been planted, they will grow to flowers of beauty and peace. Blessed are the children.

Countries that can demonstrate peace without threats of violence will lead the way to bring cooperation to the world. At the present level of evolution, we have countries that want to stop the violence in other countries because war and revolt will harm their own economy. They want peace in order to bring benefits to themselves. They do not want peace for the sake of peace itself.

It has often baffled me why Canada and the United States have supported Israel throughout the ages. Perhaps the saying, 'keep your friends close, and your enemies closer' is an appropriate statement.

Some readers will have no interest in this link. I found it fascinating, and believable.


March 16, 2013 at 10:06pm
March 16, 2013 at 10:06pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are all connected; each one contributes to each other. When we help one soul we help all souls including ourselves. Great will be the day when we can fully understand our connection to each other. Moreover, proud we will be when we can see how much our small contribution has helped to further the evolution of the world back to God.

It is good to remember that when everyone does his or her own small part, all the small parts combine to complete the whole.

Although our talents seem insignificant, they are the right piece of the puzzle at the right time and all pieces are important. All pieces are necessary.

It is not just the technology of computers that must evolve quickly; the technology of our military peacekeeping also. Now our peacekeeping personnel go into a warring country in combat gear ready to fight if they need to. In the future peacekeeping will be very different. Our troops will go in to countries as true keepers of peace. They will be there to share our technology and the main purpose of our troops will be to rebuild homes, schools, towns and cities to show good will to others and to share the bounty that is ours. There is, of course, some of that good will now but still the main part of a peacekeeping force is still military in full battle gear. Evolution will bring gradual change until nations at war will welcome our troops because they will be dressed, not as combatants, but as men and women of peace, which they are indeed.

Sharing of wealth and knowledge will bring true peace. A system of barter will be used. The peacekeeper will be fed and housed and their needs provided for in the custom of the nation they are visiting. In return, the peacekeeper will share their knowledge and values.

America will develop the materials for building sturdy and safe homes for all climates and conditions and will share these materials with less fortunate countries. The attitude that military and weaponry will bring peace will be seen to be the wrong approach. It will be discovered that peace will only be achieved by a peaceful and sharing attitude. It is already known that love attracts love; generosity attracts sharing and a peaceful attitude will bring peace. This is the evidence of the evolution of the soul. We are each created with this knowledge and we will evolve back to this way of thinking very soon. Look again at the last one hundred years and try to imagine the next one hundred, but progress will be much greater in the future.

Three headlines in Friday's newspaper are significant in the struggle for equality. One says the Vatican defends the new Pope against 'dirty war' accusations. The other, the promised paper of the United Nations on violence against women, is now in jeopardy.

In both cases religion is the cause and the result. If a true representative of God were to be chosen from the human race, there would be none. Ironic that the church invented 'sin' and that, by their own definition, the Pope is a 'sinner'.

On the other hand, the United Nations cannot come to a conclusion because of religious beliefs in the countries involved, that women should be treated as equals.

Closer to home, the mayor of Toronto was caught grabbing a woman's behind at a social function. Why it is that this grossly obese man, at 350+ pounds, thinks his obscene gestures would be a turn-on?

It's a funny world, and far from equal, or peaceful.

March 9, 2013 at 8:15pm
March 9, 2013 at 8:15pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All talents are gifts from God. It is our responsibility to seek out what our talents are and to use them to the best of our ability to glorify God. There are those who feel they are just not good enough to display their talents. Each one is to use their talents to the best of their ability. We have been given just what we need to enhance our own evolution, which enables evolution in general to advance at its own pace. Not everyone can be the best at what we do but we can be the best to our level of ability. When we compare ourselves to others, it is not productive. Either we exceed others in our abilities or we fall short of others. Either way comparison to others is not recommended and is divisive. All must work together in cooperation and dwelling on comparisons denies that cooperation.

Talents are given to us to be used and shared. One who is a gifted healer or doctor has much to offer and we should feel privileged to seek out such a person for our own benefit. All talents great or small are given us to be shared. It is in our own best interests to share our abilities. Sharing is one of the most important lessons to learn while in the human form. Sharing our talents with others in order to help evolution along is our greatest privilege. The benefits are great, both to others and to us. The more we contribute to others the sooner our time of evolution will be complete.

http://abundanthope.net/pages/Candace_7/The-Good-Life.shtml (this is short)

The Good Life.

It is all very well and good that Candace (Abundant Hope) tells us this, but it was an eye opener for me, to think that we are hundreds of years behind where we could be. If we don't know, how can we work towards the Good Life.

Yes, we are polluting, and destroying the earth, but how do we gather enough people who believe we can stand against governments and corporations. How do we find these people? How do we vote for them?

I thought we were speeding right along with our learning and changing. Candace says we are not. Yet, things that took me years to learn, and practice -- like the healing hut, the beach, and the garden of healing -- my protégés are learning and discarding in months, moving on to the process of thought, instead of words.

I have never been one to use prayer, as a communication with spirit. But it has just been recently that it makes a lot of sense not to use words. Our spiritual friends communicate with us in thought transference, therefore, should we not learn to use thoughts, instead of words. Yes, those in spirit sometimes learn to speak to us in language, and words, but I am seeing now, that it is also our responsibility to learn to communicate with them in thoughts.

Maybe in this way, we will also learn to speak to each other in thoughts. What we used to call, reading your mind, might become the normal way of communicating, not only with spirit, but with each other. I know this is the way of the future, as Alexander has told me, and, the Ascended Masters have laid out in this manuscript. No one would dare to break the law, because everyone would know. They would be outcasts forever. No need for police, courts, and judges.

So be it.

March 2, 2013 at 10:10pm
March 2, 2013 at 10:10pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The advancement of technology will always run parallel to the evolution of humanity. The more evolved we become; the faster technology will advance. We are now experiencing a tremendous explosion in the development in computer technology and this will continue to advance even more quickly as the base of development grows. As we evolve so does our technology.

Even now, we have powerful computers that hold an incredible amount of information. This capacity for information will increase even more until all the information available to humanity will be held in one unit. When the human race evolves to the point where there will only be one world government, that source will need to have all information readily available. One world leader with a staff of hundreds of thousands will need the ability to communicate with one person or many people all over the world instantly. This worldwide computer must be infallible with backup systems that are yet unheard of but necessary to achieve a world without borders as we have been promised.

At such a time in our future humanity will be ready for a peaceful coexistence with all other nations of the world regardless of color, race or any other differences we subscribe to now. It will be a time when we realize the similarity of humanity and recognize the fact that all men are truly created equal in value. This is the time when we will put away our pride, our greed and our competitive nature and work together toward a peaceful resolution of our differences.

Evolution and technology will bring about the results that we all long for and that we have all been working for, we have not yet learned to work together to reach the same goals. When we achieve the ability to work together without competition, we will find that the goal is indeed reachable and the desired end that we want will be available to us all. This is the nature of the evolution of the soul and the fulfilling of God’s dream.

God’s dream was a prophetic dream and it is coming true. We are the product of that dream. We are the living proof that dreams come true. As a product of that dream, it is up to us to bring forth the best outcome possible. After all, it is we who will benefit from our own efforts. It is we who will live eternally in the heavenly setting that our planet earth will become.

We are always the best that we can be. It is almost impossible that we can be better or worse at any point in time. Yes, we can look back and say, I could have done better. But could we? We are the product of our parents and ancestors.

As an example, I will take the life of my late husband. His family is all gone by now, so no one will be hurt by my writing this. Bob's parents thought he was the perfect son. At the time of his childhood, there was not much money available for the family of five. Bob was the youngest, and as such, he was always trying to prove himself, and to outsmart his older brother. He grew up knowing he was the favourite son. He was perfect in the eyes of his parents, and so as he grew older he believed he truly was perfect.

But there was a massive struggle within him. He had started his life of crime as a child. There was a poultry farm close to his home. It was one of those huge establishments with thousands of chickens living in long barns. Several times a week, one went missing. Of course, no one ever missed one chicken, but Bob's family grew to rely on the gifts from their perfect son for meat on their table.

He was charming. He had the gift of the gab, as they say. He could sell ice to the Innu. And so it was, when I met him, I was impressed. He was the life of the party, and I was the wallflower. I never thought to question how he could be so generous, after all, we held the same rank in the Air Force, and so we had the same income. Yet he always had a pocket full of money and a new car.

It wasn't until twenty or thirty years after his death, that I found the answer. He started with chickens, but ended in the big time. The constant conflict within led him to addictions and ultimately his death. Through thirty years working for the government, and twenty five years of marriage, he was never found out.

He has never been able to enter the Light. He stands in my back yard, always in the dark. Not allowed to move forward nor backward. He yearns to enter my home but is not allowed. The last time I saw him, he stood behind my chair as I was on my computer. He said he wished he had had a computer when he was here. I said you would never have sat long enough to use a computer. He replied, you're right. I asked why he did not enter the light. He said he was not allowed to. Just then two husky beings took him by the arms and guided him out. And so he stands, as near to me as he can, but never again allowed to enter my home. He has broken through the barrier several times but not recently.

If he had listened and responded to the conflict within, would he still be here?

February 23, 2013 at 10:06pm
February 23, 2013 at 10:06pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are again on the edge of the same technology and genetic engineering as was used in ancient civilizations. Our scientists should be very aware of the dangers of cell manipulation to avoid the mistakes that brought about the downfall of previous civilizations. We must insist that our researchers have only the highest of intentions and ethics in mind when subjecting our civilization to cloning and genetic changes. The soul can never be cloned and a human being cannot live fully without a soul. Only God can create the spark of life that we call the soul. Only life with a soul has eternal existence, this is the distinguishing factor when cloning is introduced.

The evolution of technology has kept pace along with the evolution of humanity. We have seen the inventions of humanity and the practicability of those inventions increase dramatically over the last one hundred years. We no longer have to invent the automobile, but we can spend our time and energy improving it and inventing other means of transportation.

In the case of improvements here, we have a classic case of how greed and wealth have been placed ahead of taking care of our world. Not to say the wealth generated by fossil fuels has not helped the people of the world; it has indeed but the tradeoff is very detrimental to our earth.

It is to the benefit of the oil producing companies to delay the production of automobiles that will perform better and cheaper with the use of fuels that do not harm the earth and its atmosphere. It will not be easy to change the thinking of large corporations but with the forward movement of evolution, this too will change.

I paid off a karmic debt this week, but I am not happy about it. I should have done more. It was one of those trips out to the shops that was entirely unsatisfactory. Nothing went right, and to top it off, the street I wanted led to a detour because of a fire. I was directed into a residential district, and kept going round in circles. I finally found my way out of the maze and found the mall I wanted. After another unsatisfactory adventure in that mall, I was about to leave the parking lot , when I heard a tapping on my car window. I looked up and saw a most pathetic looking young man. I knew he wanted money, and I was on the verge of anger. But he looked familiar. I opened the window about four inches, and indeed, he did ask for money. He asked if I could spare enough for him and his fiancé to get a submarine sandwich. He said, I didn't have to actually give him the money, if I did not believe him, I could go back into the mall and buy the sandwich for them. He asked for just a small sized sandwich, and he and his lady would cut it in half. I gave him some money and went on my way.

I did not sleep that night; I knew I should have done more. I should have gone in and bought them each a full meal. Such was the debt I owed them from a previous life-time. I knew it then, but it was too late. That was Tuesday, and I am still feeling bad. I only hope I can find them again. If I did, I would get them that meal, plus, I would take them to a second-hand store and get them each the best winter coat they could choose.

I need to forgive myself for not understanding what a tremendous debt I owed them. I only ‘felt’ it too late. And I can only hope that my small gift was the turning point in their lives. Sometimes, that's all it takes.

February 16, 2013 at 10:11pm
February 16, 2013 at 10:11pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Technology is a good example of this forward motion of energy. Our computers of ten years ago are now antiques, now each month we see newer and better advances in Information technology. The energy already in place provides the energy for even further advancement. We build on what we already have and as the base of energy gets larger, it promotes faster and faster growth. So it is with the evolution of humanity. In the future, we could expect to see even faster growth than we have experienced in the recent past.

Since coming into the physical form, humanity has made advances in all aspects of evolution but most especially in technology. The days when a big stick or club was used are long gone and will never return. The advancement in the tools we use on an everyday basis is changing so quickly that the average person can hardly keep up with the changes. We should learn our lessons from ancient civilizations that also were very advanced in technology. The ancient civilization of Atlantis was destroyed by its misuse of advanced technology. Many of our present day myths are the result of bio-engineering and cell manipulation during the time of Atlanta civilization. It was at this time that cloning and cell bio-engineering was introduced. The cells of plant, animal and human life differs significantly. The soul structure of these different life forms cannot be combined without the contamination of the individual soul.

From the time he could talk, my grandson, Robert, could see clearly. When the present Pope was installed, Robert was 12 years old. At that time he told me that there would be one more Pope after this one. That means, the one soon to be installed would be the last one. From what I have read, and what I have been told, the church (any church) may not be relevant for long.

In my younger years, when I was 20- something, I was a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, stationed in Metz, France. We traveled a lot. It was our opportunity to visit places we would never be able to afford on our own. It was a wonderful time for us. One of the places we visited was The Vatican. We were in the great hall, when the pope of the day was carried, in his carrier (whatever you call it) through the throngs of people who, like us, had come to see, and experience, this once-in-a-life-time event.

The presence of spirit was very evident. At that time I was very much a Christian, a born-again, baptized Baptist. I felt the presence of spirit. In other words, I believed with all my heart and soul that I was in the presence of God's representative on earth.

I wonder how I would feel now, if I were there. At that time, I knew nothing of the abuse, the cover-ups, the scandals, and evil that resides in the Catholic Church, and in all organized religions.

None-the-less, I did feel it then, and I am sure I would feel it now, if I were there. I would most certainly have a different impression now.

I am sure, that now, the spiritual presence I felt would be that of the group, not that of the Pope. The Pope is representative of the Catholic Church, not of God, the Creator. We are all equal in the sight of our Creator. God, the Creator does not subscribe to any man-made religion.

The question on my mind this morning is this -- what creates the feeling of holiness in a church or cathedral? In my opinion, it is the throngs of helper guides and angels that accompany us wherever we go. Some are of the Light, but many are of the Dark. Those of the Dark, trying desperately to keep people from the Light.

NETONA DEKE BEONA – “The speed of angelic Light, of love and peace, is accelerating, confusing the Dark ones”. What better place is there, than a church or cathedral, for the Light and the Dark to show their presence and show their strengths?

February 9, 2013 at 10:16pm
February 9, 2013 at 10:16pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The definition of soul mate is when we meet someone from a past life with whom we have had a very positive relationship; perhaps we had a long and loving relationship with this individual.

We could, of course now be of the same or opposite gender, brothers, sisters or parents. In other words soul mates are very good friends who have returned to continue their relationship together. It is always a wonderful experience when we meet a longtime friend again.

Another pleasant lesson we must experience is a lifetime with seemingly no difficulties. Perhaps we have known an individual who seems to have all the luck, enough money to be comfortable, a good job, a good marriage and the parents of successful children. Such a lifetime of lessons is one that we would all enjoy. We do, of course all experience at least one lifetime such as this. It too is part of the evolutionary process. Throughout our evolution back to God, we must experience every emotion and condition known to humanity.

Our experience in the last one hundred years or even within our memory shows us that forward movement is proceeding increasingly quickly. Like the athlete who strives to break the record set in the past, the energy in place that set the record is there now to be broken and surpassed. Like the energy of evolution, once we as a society have reached a certain level of evolution that record is there to be mastered and passed. The more evolved we become; the more energy is available for us to achieve even higher and higher standards

Someone told me I was a fatalist. They said I believed that everything that happened to me was the result of fate. Nope, not so. I have choices. When my guides and angels step in to save me from an accident, delay a meeting, or cause a change of plans, that is not fate, in my opinion. I made the choice first to be on the road at a certain time, made plans for a meeting or get-together at a certain time or place. Then, when my plan is activated, that is when my guides and angels step in and do their work to achieve the best possible results. They know what is right for me. They know the results of my choices before I do. They are the cause of the result.

Sometimes we fail to thank our guides and angels for the help they give us. They have no ego, but they do appreciate our thanks. But, even without our thanks, they are always happy to be of assistance. Their sense of humour is outstanding, there is nothing like it in our world. In our world, some people think a sense of humour involves making fun of, and laughing at another’s folly. That is not humour, that is pitiful darkness.

I have been shoveling about two feet of snow in the last two days, but I had to thank them that the snow was soft, light and very beautiful. Then I went to a higher power and said, ‘Thank God, it stopped snowing.’

A beautiful day here today, bright sun -- snow melting off the rooftops and sparkles on the land. Pine trees are eagerly showing off their beauty in green and white.

We don’t have to look far to be thankful.

Next Meditation for World Peace

Wednesday, February 13, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - March 13 and April 13 at 7:30pm

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