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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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March 4, 2012 at 12:04am
March 4, 2012 at 12:04am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

In the recent past more and more of these guiding angels have shown themselves to humanity and made themselves known to us. Our bookstores are now filled with books about angels and about the author’s experiences in angel sightings. Our television talk shows are booked with individuals who are willing to talk about their encounters with angels, and there are many, many more individuals who have seen angels or spiritual beings and are still unwilling to talk about their experiences. In the future angel sightings will be a common topic of conversation. We will become accustomed to seeing our guides and quite willing to talk to them and about them.

Elsewhere in this manuscript, the Ascended Masters speak of climate change. They say southern climates will move to the north, and where there is now a snow belt, there will be tropical climate.

I copped this quote from a comment in electronic news. It is interesting, to say the least.

“I currently work in Nunavut in the education system and have heard from many Inuit here how they see and feel the weather changing every year, southern plants and species are beginning to appear in many areas for the first time and a lot of migratory patterns, both mammal and amphibian seem to be shifting.”

Combining anecdotal and scientific knowledge shows us the truth in what the Masters have said.

February 25, 2012 at 11:56pm
February 25, 2012 at 11:56pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

God in His wisdom knew that we, in the fleshy body could not achieve this dream alone, therefore, He gave us the use of the earth’s spiritual hierarchy to act on His behalf, as Guardian Angels. The angels made a contract with God that they would willingly guide us along the path of our evolving consciousness for as long a time as was needed. These angels live in many dimensions and each has their own individual abilities that they use to help us along the way. They, like the Archangels, have never been in human form. Some spiritual beings have experienced human form and use their knowledge of humanity to help us along. Guardian angles are light forms; they can sometimes be seen as specks of light in a darkened room.

In the summer of 1990, I was traveling with my friend Terri Laurans, in the eastern part of Canada. There was a light rain, and then suddenly the sun broke through with startling brightness. This was ideal weather for rainbows. And, so it was, we witnessed the brightest, and closest rainbow we had ever seen. But, there was not just one rainbow. There were two, side by side arching across the entire sky from the western horizon, directly over my car, and ending about seventy five feet to our right on the side of the road directly beside my car. We could almost reach out the car window and touch it.

Terri and I were not strangers to such beauty; we both grew up in the flatlands of central Canada, where rainbows and Northern Lights are plentiful.

Terri, as I have mentioned before was a professional psychic, she channeled the spiritual entity named Alexander, who said at the time, they were always proud to show us their miracles.

This week, Tuesday, I once again saw the miracle of a rainbow, but the weather and sun were not conducive to the making of rainbows. In fact, there were several ‘miracles’ on that day.

The same company supplies my Internet and telephone services. It happened that both services were disrupted at the same time. I couldn’t call for help, nor could I ask a neighbour, since I am hearing disabled, and cannot use an ordinary phone. There was nothing left for me to do but to drive to my daughter’s place, which is a thirty minute drive away.

She called my ISP, and they fixed the problem with the Internet but said my phone was working fine. When I was leaving, my daughter came out to my car with me. As I was getting into my car in her driveway, a rainbow appeared in her back yard. This special rainbow was for my eyes only. I told my daughter what I had seen. She was not surprised, but did not say anything. There was no sun and certainly no rain on that February day.

When I got home, I checked my phone plugs. I found that one plug was loose. This plug has been fixed in the same outlet for more than twenty years. I have tried several times to unplug it but it was stuck tight. I even tried using a needle-nosed plier to get it out, but it stuck. How it loosened by itself, I will never know.

For some reason, my spiritual energy was required in my daughter’s house at that particular time. Events were created that I should go there. She told me she had planned to go shopping at that time but something kept her home. She works a split shift, so I had no idea if I would find her home or not. I could't call ahead. For being at the right place at the right time, I was gifted with a rainbow on a cold Canadian winter day.

February 18, 2012 at 11:43pm
February 18, 2012 at 11:43pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Intelligence does not bring wisdom. Intelligence comes from the head; wisdom comes from the heart. God speaks through the heart, not through the head. Love comes through the heart not through the head.

There are millions of spiritual beings that have volunteered to assist us, who are in the physical body, in the process of gaining enlightenment. We call them Guardian Angels or Spiritual Guides. They are seldom visible but are always accessible through our higher self, although more and more individuals in successive generations are born with the ability to see and communicate with beings in the spiritual realm.

Eventually all children born on earth will have this ability. At that time crime protection and the legal system will no longer be required because we will all ‘see’ and ‘know’ each other’s thoughts intimately and no one would be so bold as to commit crimes against another person. Detection will be immediate; everyone they meet will shun the criminal. The punishment will be too difficult to endure and crime will be unheard of. In time, even traffic lights will be unnecessary since harmony and cooperation will be the way of life. Imagine the stress-free existence we will then enjoy.

On a Wednesday night, 12 September 1990, I had a conversation with someone who called himself Nanou Nanou.

He had a very large head, kind of V shaped, and very large round eyes. His dark, straight hair was combed back. I did not notice any eyebrows or eyelids. He had a very small body in relation to his head.

I asked him why his head was so much bigger than his body. He said he was more of a mental person, so didn’t need a large body. He then proceeded to enlarge his arms, legs, and body very briefly to show me he could change various parts of his body when he needed them.

He was dressed in a silver, what we would call a body suit, but it was his body – not clothing. He told me I was also a mental person, like him. Then he told me my name was Chanon. He spelled it for me. He said that was the name I was created with, and was my name when I was not in a physical body. My spiritual name.

He told me, I would publish a book, He showed it to me. It was about ¾ inch thick; 5x6", and the cover was mostly white with some green on the upper left hand corner.

I asked him why he called himself Nanou Nanou. His answer was, “It was funny, wasn’t it?” Then he disappeared. I never saw him again.

At the time, I had no idea those in spirit knew what was playing on our TV’s. But I had to admit it was funny.

February 12, 2012 at 12:05am
February 12, 2012 at 12:05am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Those who hold council with many, those who have the ear of many have the perfect opportunity to teach love. Pure love, God’s love and they have an obligation to do so.

Let God’s love be taught throughout the nation, then you will be a leader indeed.

Jesus said, “I have many names.” This refers to His many lifetimes on earth. He also has many names in heaven. Not all call him Jesus. There must be tolerance for those who call him by another name. God is known by many names also but all who call on Him call on Him in love. Love is the binding ingredient that brings us together. All else is intolerance. Do not teach intolerance and call yourself a believer in God. A believer in God knows only love.

Wednesday February 8, 2012 was World Meditation for Peace day.

This is what turtlemoon-dohi saw. I am using this with her permission.

As you read and follow this, you will see what world peace looks like.

Picture this. This is what I got during peace meditation tonight. Visualized this image:

1. See yourself looking at Earth from space.

2. Now, see yourself (one person) standing at the equator, facing north. You may choose standing on land, in a canyon, on a mountain, or on water. Yes, you can stand on the water if you wish.

3. See yourself standing in between two loved ones (you may want to begin with members of your family, include children) with your arms locked together at the elbows. Holding hands puts you too far away from each other, whereas locking arms insures closeness.

4. See each one next to you doing the same with someone else they love.

5. Step back for a moment and watch as this row grows and extends around the globe.

6. Now, see yourself standing as a mirror image in front of you, only this time your locked arms are with any two people who are your friends. Repeat the image as with the last row, so the 2 rows going around the earth are facing the other.

7. See yourself doing the same thing with you and acquaintances standing to your back. Likewise, the row is a reverse mirror image of your new chain surrounding the earth. (Back to back, support is biblical, creating strength.)

8. Give acknowledgement to the four directions: in front of you (your mirror image) to the north, the person beside you to the east, your reverse mirror image behind you to the south, and the person on your left side to the west.

Also give acknowledgement to the seven directions by adding to the last four; thanksgiving to the heavens, your own center (the heart / spirit), and the Earth Mother at your feet.

9. Choose to create another row facing back to back, or face to face, as you repeat yourself locked arm in arm with persons of different color or nationality.

10. Since there are persons of 4 colors: White, Black, Yellow, and Red, create the next row opposite the 2 choices from #9.

11. Create this next row locked arm in arm with someone you know who makes you feel uncomfortable. Could be someone you strongly dislike or fear (Doesn't have to be someone you know personally). Creating rows of people locked arm and arm will go on and on as you create different scenarios....may include political figures, people of various religions, cultures, etc.

12. View the planet again from above and watch how the interlocked arms continue making these rows until the earth is now completely blanketed by human form.

13. Now see at your feet, all the tiny creatures like insects, surround you. Life forms get bigger with small animals and reptiles, until lastly larger animals filling in the gaps between the rows of human beings. This image makes the tapestry of the blanket woven together even tighter.

14. See the heavens crown the heads with flying beings. Waves of all this energy together make a new colorful (living) blanket covering Earth.

15. Notice Spiritual Beings as orbs now begin to surround each life form; people, plants & rocks, animals, foul, and fish.

16. Watch from space how the orbs spread over all layers of life energy on the planet. From above, it looks like millions and millions....of lightening bugs glowing.

17. Watch Earth begin to spin slowly, then faster and faster until there is one bright sphere of white light.

We Are All One.

18. We now have World Peace.

I was listening to my piano music while I was being given this message. At the end, the song that was playing was the Beatles' song, "Imagine".

With abundant love,


Osda nuwati..may good energy be with you Dohi...peace

February 4, 2012 at 10:59pm
February 4, 2012 at 10:59pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Jesus said I am a man as any other man. I do not want to be worshipped. I came to earth many times like other men. I was the Son of God just as you are the Son of God. Each of us is created in the image of God; those who have spent many lifetimes on earth are called old souls because we have so much experience in the earth plane. When we have experienced all things, we are wise in the way of the earth and wise in the way of spirit. Then we can be called an old soul. Then we become known as a teacher. Those who say life begins at conception are uninformed; they are not wise, and they are not teachers.

Jesus did not write the book of history. Jesus did not write a book of religion. Jesus taught love. Man teaches religion. Love is the only religion. If one teaches love only then there is no barrier between differing people, there is no difference. The differences one sees are through the teaching of people who are not wise, not through the teaching of love. Politics is based on differences, not on love. Those who truly love do not enter into the divisiveness of politics. Those who truly love stand ready to teach love, teach togetherness, not divisiveness. Those who are wise, those who are old souls do not pit male against female, old against young, black against white. Those who teach love teach nothing other than love, they do not harbor ill-will against another soul. God created all souls equal; no one should be loved less than another should.

I was doing some research on what to write – that means I was going through piles of papers I have collected over the past thirty years.

I found this. It might be helpful for newcomers, or others who feel stuck in their evolution, and need a lift.

“Soul Development

Step forward and be willing to grow. Say to the stars, I wish to grow, I wish to go through the transformation and I wish to do it NOW!!

That willingness is the key to unlock the door.

The beauty of this is that we do not have to DO anything about it –only be willing for it to happen. Spirit will do the real work – you only need the willingness to allow it to happen. All that you need will be provided for you if you will just say, yes, I want it; yes, I am willing to be opened up; yes, I am willing to experience my spiritual self.

No power on earth can stop the enfoldment, save one, and that is you.

If you can stay out of your own way, you will know the fullness of the true self, you will know the totality of all there is to know, you will know oneness with all creation and the Creator.

It is your choice.”

I remember when I was a teenager; I was in church and prayed with tears in my eyes for God to send me. I wanted to be a missionary. Little did I know my mission was right here.

January 28, 2012 at 11:54pm
January 28, 2012 at 11:54pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

In the future, there will be centers of learning built in areas of high energy. These areas of high energy have always been with us but will be activated as we become more awakened to our own spiritual self.

The centers will be built to specific specifications, which will be made available to certain individuals at the right time. Some centers are already being prepared and many chosen individuals have been drawn to move there. The specifications of the building of these centers have been given to us in both the Old and the New Testament of our bible.

Many people will be drawn to live in these places of high energy where the central building of the compound will be the meeting place. People from all over will come to learn, to renew their energy, then return to their homes to live and to teach the ways of universal love. The lessons taught here will be the same lessons that were taught by the teachers of light who have visited earth since the creation of humanity.

Sometimes the evidence is so clear, we just cannot deny it.

There are guides and angels around us constantly we are told, but mostly we do not acknowledge them. This week, it was brought home to me without a doubt.

I was having car trouble. I was due at the repair shop on Wednesday, but before I left home, I filled my windshield washer container. Then, to add to my stress, I could not close the hood of my car. There is a safety lock but I didn’t trust it. I talked to my son and my grandson. Both said it would be okay if I stayed below sixty kilometers per hour, and stayed in the outside lane.

I was a nervous. The road I needed to take is a four-lane, divided highway. This road leads to one of the biggest subdivisions of Ottawa. On average, I drive this road about once or twice a week and it is always hectic, with lots of traffic.

I started out full of trepidation – would the hood fly off into my windshield? Imagine the damage it could do.

My destination was ten minutes away. Using my rear-view mirrors, I watched behind me. No cars. Not one car all the way to the shop. It was strange, and most mysterious.

Yes, we are loved and cared for, every minute of the day and night. Most people would call my experience luck. I call it supernatural.

January 21, 2012 at 11:15pm
January 21, 2012 at 11:15pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

We were all created equally on a soul level. The inequality that we see and experience in the world today is manufactured, not God made. Our creator is giving us the opportunity to come back into His loving embrace by letting us learn the lesson of sharing within the framework of universal love.

Our spiritual guides and teachers will show and advise the way to equality but they cannot command, and neither will God command us. Our lesson is to return to equality and share what we have with those who have less than we do in the form of material comfort.

During the time of a natural disaster in any part of the world, countries are swift to send teams of professionals to help with any kind of assistance that is needed to rescue those individuals that are disadvantaged due to the disaster. The cooperation that is quickly given at the time is the cooperation that is needed to change the planet into a truly borderless state that will bring about the equality that we desire to advance evolution into the next dimension.

Some would like to explore their past lives. Here is how you do it.

Connecting to past lives

It’s easier than you think.

Use your imagination. Be in a receptive mood.

Imagine yourself sitting on a cloud. Make yourself comfortable. Don’t worry, your butt won’t fall through. See the Earth rotating on its axis below you. See clouds surround the earth; they do not obstruct your view. See countries and borders as the earth slowly spins.

In you mind, ask to see a lifetime with (pick a name), someone who you would like to know better.

Immediately you will be in that lifetime.

Ask the following questions, or similar questions.

Am I inside or outside?

How old am I?

Am I male or female?

What country am I in?

What is the year, or century?

Who is around me that I know?

What is my profession or job?

How am I related to the people around me?

Who are these people in my present lifetime?

You will probably have the answers to these questions as soon as you get there, because you have already read them here. Your subconscious memory will guide you.

Enjoy the experience as many times as you wish. There are endless lifetimes and endless stories.

January 14, 2012 at 3:54pm
January 14, 2012 at 3:54pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

It is very encouraging to see more and more educators of world status that are now realizing that sharing of wealth, knowledge and resources is the only way to bring about world peace. Many world leaders are being placed in a position where they will experience the truth that violence and wars do not bring peace. Violence and war bring more violence and war. Childhood educators have learned that corporal punishment does not teach children to cooperate and be peaceful.

Through the generations, we have improved our way of childhood education. The same principle applies to nations and countries. Violence and war can never bring peace. Only sharing, caring and an attitude of love thy neighbor will being about the peace between nations and countries that we desire. We cannot force our western standards of government on countries of other continents and expect them not to rebel and demonstrate aggressively against us. We cannot apply our way of justice and business to others and not expect them to revolt. Our way is suitable to our life style and we must accept that they have a way of life that is at the present time suitable to them, all are changing, all are evolving but we must be willing to let others evolve at their own rate as we are evolving in our own style.

Understanding that evolution will not proceed at the same speed universally is very important and very frustrating. We must be tolerant of this fact; we must be cognizant of the fact that all are equal in soul but not in physical life. All physical life will evolve at very different rates of progress. No one-way is better or superior to another way. It is encouraging to see that more and more people of all areas of the world and of all levels of education are coming to realize these facts. When this way of thinking becomes the way of the majority, we will see nations and countries blending together in peace and harmony, willing to help each other evolve rather than cause violence and war to bring about the opposite result for which we strive. God never condones violence and power struggles; He knows that the best method to create peace is to be peaceful.

Enjoy the words of the Ascended Masters this week.

I have company all week and over the weekend. Be back with you next weekend.

January 8, 2012 at 12:06am
January 8, 2012 at 12:06am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Our religious organizations have also lost tack of their original purpose. Although they are leading many in the right direction, there is so much more, that they could do to fulfill the dream. If competition in religion were eliminated, there would be less definition in their title. Basically there is a universal belief, that there is one God, therefore there could be a coming together of all separate faiths and focus on the true meaning of their existence. God did not create religion; religion is fabricated, God created perfection in love, not division and competition.

Night of 20-21 December 2011, Dream –

I was in a bookstore looking for a book by an author I liked (forget his first name but the last name was Alex) I asked, and the clerk told me the author had changed his last name to Alexander. I was standing right in front of a large table filled with the books for which I was looking.

I don’t know if this was the same dream but I think so. I was watching a movie of the book I had been looking for by Alexander. The movie seemed to be playing in a barn where there were many bulls. They were huge. All had shackles on their hind legs because they were wild. I was standing behind many bulls, quite a distance (about 20 – 30 feet) behind them. Suddenly one bull started – or tried – to stampede and came at me. There was a window ledge about 8 or 10 feet above my head. I jumped for it. The bull did not get at me, but I was hanging on the windowsill and the bull was standing on its hind feet, with front feet on the wall under me. Very scary.

I was awoken then by Singer singing “I need you, I need you”

Don’t know what I was needed for but I was wide awake, heart beating fast for quite a while.

The evening before the dream, I was sitting at my computer, and suddenly I felt a swelling on my right eyelid. I frequently get sudden swellings on my face from allergies, usually around my mouth. Never before on my eyelid. I didn’t look at it until a few hours later when I went to bed. It was a broken blood vessel. The blood had seeped out and I had a very black eye. The blood covered my entire eyelid and ran down about an inch under my eye. What a sight!! I thought, ‘my eyelid had a stroke!’ Then I thought if this had happened in my head / brain, only about an inch from where it was. I may be dead or badly handicapped from a real stroke.

That’s what they were telling me, I will not die just yet because they need me.

Not exactly a comforting thought, they might need me deaf, handicapped, or any other way they deem necessary. Got to say – I was shaken up -- a lot.

When Alexander wants me to recognize a message from him, He will identify himself by name in a dream. The author, Alexander. He often said to us, it is the message that is important, not the messenger.

I know this is long but I want to point out something important. This is my interpretation of the event. You may have a different interpretation and that is how it should be.


World Peace Card Meditations 
Wednesday, January 11, 7:30pm
(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates 
Wednesday - Feb 8, Mar 14, Apr 11, May 9 at 7:30pm

January 1, 2012 at 5:56am
January 1, 2012 at 5:56am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Our corporations are merging to create even bigger corporations. Our businesses are using profit as a goal to success. The individual worker trying to take care of his/her family is being used and abused to achieve that profit. The worker is working, not so much for him/herself but for the profit of the business or corporation. Individual workers are expendable in order to achieve material benefit for the business. Real success is equality of all individuals. The boss is only the boss because of fortunate circumstances, because he or she was born into the right family and was able to take advantage of education and circumstances. On a soul level, all are equal.

Enter the Occupiers !! It has been predicted the Occupy Movement will win, but not for a few years yet. I read 2018.

It’s 5:50 in the morning, the first day of the new year, and so far, it has been a good Year. I expect the rest of 2012 to be more of the same. A professor at the University of Saskatchewan, a master in reading the Mayan calendar, has told us that the world will not end in 2012, but a new calendar will begin. According to him, I was right all along. He didn’t say where we could find this new calendar.

I was busy in my healing hut these last few weeks, both for my family and myself. Influenza seemed to be ripping through my family from one end of Canada to the other (almost).

During the summer and autumn of last year, Singer sang ‘I Love to go A’wandering’, every day. I ordered a new passport and bought new luggage, the singing stopped. Last evening he sang it again. Now, understand, I do not want to go a’wandering. I want to stay home and not mingle with crowds and noises. I am hearing disabled. I cannot understand speakers and announcers. I cannot travel alone. I fall asleep when I drive more than a few hours. If I am to go a’wandering, I need a travelling companion. It will be interesting how things turn out. It will be for the best, I am sure.

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