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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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February 2, 2013 at 10:09pm
February 2, 2013 at 10:09pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Not all lessons we need to learn are difficult. We who came to experience evolution have all met each other at one time or another throughout the eons of time. No one we meet is a stranger in the evolutionary cycle. We have all known each other and have had some kind of relationship with each other. Very often, when we make a new acquaintance we have an instant impression. Our soul remembers previous lifetime relationships that were happy and harmonious. Bad first impressions are recollections of difficult past life experiences.

When a first impression is negative, it is unusual if not impossible to get beyond that first impression. Usually first impressions are accurate and lasting. The soul memory is very strong. Even in childhood, these past life impressions are remembered. Have you ever noticed how a young child will stare into the face of someone they have just met? Young children remember from previous lifetimes.

It has happened many times while I have been driving; someone takes control of my car. It happened again last Monday. We had a bit of snow on the road, just enough to make a few inches of soft slush, the worst conditions to drive in. The traffic light changed from green to amber when I was about half a block from the intersection, I slowly applied my brakes, thinking I had lots of time. I skidded and slid half way into the intersection, then mysteriously stopped just two feet from the front of a truck. All the while I had no fear; I knew I would stop in time.

On May 24, 2000, I had a similar experience. It was a dark and stormy day, my grandson, Robert was living with me at the time. We were going to our favourite restaurant, but for some reason I drove right past the road I was supposed to turn onto. I had driven about two blocks before I realized what I had done. It took a few more blocks before I could turn around, to return to the restaurant.

During that time, there was a tornado happening just one mile from our home. Had we been on the correct road, instead of missing our turn-off, we would have been only a very short distance from where the tornado touched down. All the way home that day, we saw the destruction caused by the storm. We were safe, and our home was not damaged.

Just a thought: Do you think our physical bodies will evolve with pointed fingers, so we can use those small cell phone keyboards to send texts?

And another thought: A reader of this blog has been trying to convert me to Scientology – yikes. No thanks, I’ll take my chances. He is now blocked from my portfolio.

January 26, 2013 at 10:21pm
January 26, 2013 at 10:21pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are all connected; each one contributes to the other. When we help one soul we help all souls including ourselves. Great will be the day when we can fully understand our connection to each other. And proud we will be when we can see how much our small contribution has helped to further the evolution of the world back to God.

The challenge of our physical existence is to remember how to use our own power of creation to bring peace and harmony to the earth again. When people of like-mind gather throughout the world in groups, small and large and use their incredible mind power to create peace, there will be peace. Nothing is impossible when we work in the framework of universal love. The wisdom we need resides in our higher self.

From this inner wisdom, we are guided in our daily lives from the most mundane to the most complex of decisions. Following this guidance we encourage the evolution of our soul in an ever-forward motion to fulfill our spiritual path to eventual enlightenment. Full enlightenment will come to very few in this present lifetime. After all it took eons of time to get to this point of evolution and it may take eons to reach full enlightenment, but the more we accomplish in this lifetime, the less we need do in future lifetimes. There will come a time when we will remember past lifetimes more easily. It is then that we will look back and say, ‘I could have done better’ and encourage ourselves to increase our efforts to bring into existence the heaven we long for.

Every experience, thought, idea or ideal known to humanity must be experienced by every soul ever created by God. That is, each person must experience being every color, race, creed, religion, every illness known and yet unknown, every state of consciousness. In other words, everything or condition known to humanity must be experienced by those of us who chose evolution before we can return to our original and final state, which is spirit.

In 1995 I was given the words NETONA DEKE BEONA. I had no idea what the words meant, and I had no way to find out, so I kept them on a bit of paper, in my box of bits of papers.

I knew someday I would find the answer. Spirit works in mysterious ways, we have been told, and we know this is true. Time means nothing to spirit. A message can come with the answer following almost immediately, or many years later. In this case the meaning came at a very appropriate time.

I do honestly believe ascension is near, but not as described in the Bible. The ancients simply would not understand the language, or the globe as it is today.

I began this blog nearly three years ago. At the same time I met one of my most faithful readers. turtlemoon-dohi . I also found out that she heard and understood ancient languages on a spiritual level. This week I gave her the words, and asked her if she could translate them. Within hours, she had the answer.

“The speed of angel Light, of Love and Peace is accelerating, confusing the Dark ones”

This is exactly what is happening now, prior to ascension. Even though the Devil/Satan was defeated more than two thousand years ago, his followers are actively engaged in doing his work to try and halt the ascension. These are called The Dark Ones. (I believe most politicians are in that group). They are indeed, confused in their intent on destroying our planet. They will not win. Satan is destroyed – there is no longer a place called Hell. Love and Light is accelerating.

January 19, 2013 at 10:13pm
January 19, 2013 at 10:13pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The power of prayer has been shown to work in the physical, mental and spiritual healing in many cases. We have only just begun to understand the power of the mind and when many minds link together in prayer and meditation, the results can be most profound. We can, indeed, move a mountain of obstacles with just the power of the mind. We are co-creators with God in our own existence therefore; we have the ability to create circumstances and events even now by using the power of the mind in prayer and meditation. Much more is possible and much more will be accomplished in the future as we learn more about our own creative abilities.

Agreement equals Manifestation

The evolution of technology is astounding. The evolution of intelligence is just as astounding.

More than two thousand years ago our books of religion were written for people with little or no education. Those books have been translated endlessly, from one language to another and from one translation to another. Yet many people today cling to those teachings as if they were life itself in spite of the evolution everywhere around them.

Needless to say, the ascension will be nothing like those early books have told us. Why would a super intelligent person, like Christ Jesus, appear to us in robes worn by him in a different life-time and an ancient past? He would no more come back in his ancient robes than we would wear the clothes and styles our parents and grandparents wore when they were our age. But how do you describe a business suit and tie to those ancients of two thousand years ago? And how do you describe New York City where he was born again twenty four years ago?

I have said before that we will ascend into the fifth dimension. We have been hovering between the third and fifth since the early 1990’s. So where is this fifth dimension? Perhaps it is identical to our planet earth. As you see in the link below, there are countless planets that fit our needs.


January 12, 2013 at 10:43pm
January 12, 2013 at 10:43pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many groups are being formed to assist in the development of the soul, and the earth’s spiritual hierarchy has encouraged us since the time of the writing of our religious books and before that we should spend quiet times listening to the voice of God. That is, listening to our inner voice or higher self where all wisdom resides.

We are encouraged to spend this quiet time alone on a daily basis and in groups whenever we can. Groups of like-minded people create an energy that is increased substantially. We are told that where two or three are gathered in My name, there will I be also. Whenever there is a gathering of like-minded people, the energy created draws to it the help of the guides and teachers of each individual in the group; thereby the effect is intensified dramatically. In prayer we are speaking to God, usually asking for help or thanking Him for help already received, in meditation we are listening for His answers.

To tell the truth, I really did not want to be here tonight. There is so much unrest and government authority being splashed on our news and Internet, I am feeling somewhat depressed. Why is it, that once a politician is placed in a position where they can help make a difference, they change all their promises and attitudes towards the people who elected them to serve. I don’t know the answer except to say, the dark side gets into their heart and mind, and we, once again have a bureaucracy that serves itself.

Somehow this will all sort itself out, and like Christ Michael says, we are here to do a job that will further us along the way to ascension. Before that can happen, we are being divided into three destinies; those who will arise to the fifth dimension; those who will remain here on this earth plane, and those who will descend once again to the age of cavemen. I would like to think politicians who mistreat the population, and use their place of power to deny equal rights, will find themselves in the cave once again.

I was going to write about how to avoid bloating of the abdomen after eating, but somehow my intense dislike for what has happened this week here in Canada to our Native population took charge, and slipped out.

Maybe next week, if your body tends to bloat and enlarge after eating, I can give you a few helpful hints as to how to avoid that very uncomfortable feeling.

In the mean time I will stew in my self-made depression for a few days.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, January 16, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - February 13, March 13 and April 13 at 7:30pm

January 5, 2013 at 10:25pm
January 5, 2013 at 10:25pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The wisdom that lies within, we are learning, is the wisdom that we need to transform ourselves back into the enlightened beings we once were. There are as many paths back to the light as there are individuals on the planet. Each individual then becomes their own teacher when they access the wisdom of the higher self that was implanted in us at the time of our creation. This search for wisdom can be triggered by many things, such as reading a book about the experiences of the author and then accessed on an individual basis by daily meditation. The wisdom may then return like a memory long lost.

Sometimes the trigger that brings on the desire to enhance the evolution in consciousness is the death of a loved one or some other tragedy such as a divorce or separation in the family unit. Many books have been written after an individual has had a near death experience and has witnessed an experience, which has shown them that there is indeed eternal life. If there is a death of a spouse, the remaining individual is left in a position to literally re-invent their lives. They are no longer one half of a couple, no longer part of a duality. The choice then can be made to evolve in spirit or to remain for a time lost in the memories of the past. Forward movement of the evolution of an individual can be delayed but never stopped.

The busy last week of the year is over and done with for my daughter and her family, as it is for most people. My birthday very inconveniently falls smack dab in the middle between Christmas and New Year, but she always finds the time to take me out to a nice restaurant. This year, we had to postpone our outing because their refrigerator decided to quit working the day after Christmas. Try getting major things done at that time of the year, and you will know it is almost impossible.

But, there is always a reason for what we may think of as delays, or inconvenient incidents.

Now, my daughter is not a person with whom I discuss my spirituality. She knows very little about what I write or believe. I don’t think she believes in reincarnation. But, if you think we do not get along, you would be wrong. We have always been very compatible, and always will be. The reason for this is that we have had many life-times together. We know each other very well. Our souls have matured and evolved together through those life-times.

As we sat in the restaurant, we noticed that most of the patrons were young people – possibly in their early twenties. Most of them looked familiar to me; although I know I have never met them. I mentioned this to Wendy, and she said there was a particular young man who looked very familiar to her. I had noticed the same man.

As we sat and enjoyed the ambiance of the restaurant, and the giggling chatter of my grandchildren, I was reminded of what Alexander told me. We never meet a stranger. Everyone we meet in this world, no matter where we travel, we have met them before. Each meeting is part of the evolution of the soul. Each soul we meet, we will meet again, either here or in the future.

I felt the unique energy in the room. Each one of us was there to meet and be with each other.

There was no delay in my birthday lunch, it was planned on a much higher level than I can imagine. And by the way, the food was incredible.


December 29, 2012 at 10:27pm
December 29, 2012 at 10:27pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now we see countless books on the shelves of our stores giving guidance to anyone who wishes to enhance their own evolution by means of meditation, initiations, healing, or one of many other forms of seeking the wisdom of the higher self. The search for enlightenment is what is important, not the path taken. Any advancement in enlightenment, or evolution, means that there is less work to do in the future lifetimes.

As we have stated all things are created of love. Although our use of love is limited at this time, we can still use love to the best of our ability. Those who are called healers, use their knowledge of love. When they place their hands on another individual in an act of healing they may feel the essence of love flow through their body. This essence of love often produces heat. When the atoms and molecules speed up they produce the heat and together with love result in the healing energy. This is an example how love is used as a creative force.

To be an effective healer, one must detach oneself from the emotions of the ones we are trying to help. So how do we do that?

I speak for myself only, because my experience in healing is unique. It cannot be taught, I can only tell stories of what has happened to me. Every healer is unique; every traveler has a different road. You cannot be like me and I cannot be like anyone else.

In order to detach myself from emotions, I have to fully and completely understand that God’s will is being done every minute of every day.

When a soul is being born into this world, they choose who their parents will be; who their friends will be; who their teachers will be, both in schools and in life.

Many come into this world knowing that they will be returning shortly – that their human life-span will be short.

Recently, there was a great tragedy in the United States, the shooting of those innocent children and adults by a young man whom most people thought to be mentally disturbed. Perhaps he was, but he chose that life before he was born to fulfill his karma. The children chose that life to fulfill their individual karma, the teachers, and so on. Everyone was at the right place at the right time to fulfill their individual karma.

This is not a cold and callous attitude; it is the attitude of knowing. As a healer, I can send healing to all those grieving; I can grieve with the families. I can also detach myself because of the knowing. We do not die.

In order to be an effective healer, I must take care of myself first. That is the only way I can effect healing in others. If I am broken, and tired from grief, and pity, I cannot help others. I can’t even heal myself when I am in that condition.

Detachment, empathy, and knowing can all live together. It is the only way to be effective.

December 22, 2012 at 10:39pm
December 22, 2012 at 10:39pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God’s love is our purpose for being here; our joy, our existence depends on His love and our only purpose for existing is to return to God’s love. That is our mandate, to return to our spiritual beginnings, there to remain for all eternity.

In our society today we are seeing more and more individuals who use energy in the healing of others. Healing generally means an expansion of consciousness. Physical healing often accompanies the expansion of consciousness. In ancient times, very few individuals were initiated into the use of energy work, and then only those who were screened by gurus and mystics were chosen to enter into the temples for initiation. Of all those chosen, only about two percent were given full initiation and called the enlightened ones.

So, the world didn’t go kaboom yesterday. I didn’t expect it to, and I hope no one was disappointed. Something did happen though; we passed from the age of Darkness into the age of Light. I don’t expect anything drastic to happen, but we have seen the changes coming for a long time now. Change is gradual, and will continue to be gradual.

There is a war going on. Those who are reincarnated from the Dark side do not want to let go of what they have established on our planet. They want the greed they are accustomed to, to continue. They want the power, and the financial grip, that they now have on us, the rest of the 99%. They will not win. Lightworkers have increased substantially over the last decade, ready to stand their ground, because we know we have heaven on our side.

Christ Michael has been on earth for more than two decades. His time will soon be here to overthrow those who teach hate and greed – those who have established themselves in riches at the cost of the poor; those who are grabbing and holding on to the Dark side as though it were their life itself, and it is. Although Satan was defeated more than 2,000 years ago, these of the Dark side are still his followers.

And, doesn’t it seem strange that those in politics today are the very ones who are serving themselves the riches of the taxpayer. It won’t last my friend, it won’t last. Enlightenment will wake up the people – gradually but certainly.

Dream of Peace this holiday season.

December 16, 2012 at 9:38pm
December 16, 2012 at 9:38pm
Some people of the Blue Ray are experiencing strange things with our evolution speeding up. Others may find this interesting, and may be feeling similiar events in their lives.


Shekina Rose


A special note for The Blue Ray and ultra sensitive empathic Light Bearers: your tendency had been to shut down energetically when you felt threatened or overwhelmed by energy. This can have a direct effect on your immune system and may appear as a drop in your energy, fatigue, anxiety or brain fog. This tendency is changing, as you are now experiencing the realignment to the cosmos and your sacred lineage and higher immunity. Where you were once without a voice quietly in your inner worlds doing the holy work of creation, you are now stepping into a sacred sovereign power. Your light is becoming brighter, stronger and more noticeable, your God alignment frequency resonance more in tune with the cosmic support of Creation.


At times of planetary alignments, new and full moons, the Solstices and Equinoxes, you may feel you are in a dream state for a day or two. You may also feel sluggish, have difficulty in moving, as if through density, and you can't wake up. These are transitional periods of being put in sort of a void dimensional time-space, still living your life and very much having a powerful connection with Source. Go with the energetic flow and rhythms the best you can, slow down and enjoy being in an awakened dream.


As you are adjusting to the increase in frequency resonance and still existing in manmade alterations of time, know that you are the forerunners and bridge of these two dimensions and worlds and will soon be in harmonious rhythm and flow of a higher way of living and well being in every way with all of life and Creation. In linear time there is a separation, a segmented reality of dimension that is limiting. In multidimensional unity consciousness, time becomes a circle of completion where you may transcend time to move forward and backward and into other realms and dimensions.

Experiences of transcending linear time, multidimensional reality and higher frequency resonances include:

Losing time

Not being able to find items that will later appear right in front of you

Manifestation at the speed of light

Increased synchronicity

Warp dimensional doorways that appear right before you

Increase in seeing angels, fairies, orbs and extraterrestrials

Seeing and hearing the spirit of rocks, trees, mountains and water

Periods of extreme fatigue as your cells are vibrating faster as you go through the higher dimensional gateways

Hearing your cells vibrating

Increase in high pitch sounds

Downloads from the celestial and angelic realms from your own lineage (you become the bridge that keeps open these celestial vibrational gateways of the divine)

Dreams intensify as you feel them as real

Not knowing what day it is and difficulty in keeping time

Experiencing a day, week or month in “dimensional time space”, that is equivalent to a year’s worth, and sometimes more of accelerated spiritual, emotional and mental growth of evolution

Hope this helps,

December 15, 2012 at 10:33pm
December 15, 2012 at 10:33pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are charging you with a huge responsibility, that of the progress of the evolution of the universe back to the spiritual beings that we were in the beginning and that we will again be in the end and for eternity. God says ‘Love thy neighbor’. Can we do less?

God’s energy is the totality of all things. The ant and the spider, the one-celled creatures of the land and the sea; the stars and the planets; the elephants and the whales; humanity and his body, all things created in God’s energy. There is nothing that has been, is now, or ever will be in existence that is not created from God’s energy. The universe and everything in it exists because of God’s energy and God’s energy is love and only love.

Everything in existence is evolving back to God’s love. Everything in existence has a purpose and that purpose is to exult in God’s love, to radiate God’s love; to sing the praises of God’s love and to evolve back into oneness with God’s love.

Tuesday night while getting ready for bed, the thought came to me once again of the routine of daily living. Not enough to do, and when there is a lot to do, not enough energy to do it. I was bored.

Wednesday morning I was awakened by Singer singing a song for me. As usual, I did not understand all the words, but those I did hear and understand were significant and worthwhile remembering.

We are here in physical body primarily to help those in spirit to do their work. They cannot do it without us. The song went on for several minutes. I fell asleep and awoke again, he was still singing. This is what he was saying – ‘you help me to … , you help me to … , you help me to … This went on for many minutes, listing the things I help him accomplish. Things he could not do alone, things I would probably not understand, even if I did hear the extensive list he was telling me.

Without our knowing, we are here to help every minute of every day. For me, I want to be a willing helper.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, December 19, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

A post script to the above. I have mentioned before, that one of my ‘jobs’ here on earth is to direct the souls of those who pass over to the other side. I’m like a school crossing guide, protecting those in my care to cross over without getting lost in darkness. There are only 9 of us in the entire world who do this. Two of us live in North America. With so many passing this week at the same time, the job comes to me and one other, who lives in the United States. You know her as turtlemoon-dohi , who often comments on my blog. She is also a master healer and works closely with me.

After the school shootings in the United States, last Friday, my physical body became tired, as if I had done a hard day’s work. It wasn’t until Saturday afternoon, that I began to feel rested and back to normal.

December 8, 2012 at 10:34pm
December 8, 2012 at 10:34pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we break God’s law, the law of love, we hinder our own progress of evolution. We cannot stop the progress but we can delay the progress. As we have said, evolution is an ever-forward moving energy. When we delay our own evolution, we also delay the evolution of the universe. When we live in love, act in love, work in love we cannot help but increase the rate of evolution throughout the world. Our actions have an effect on the evolutionary progress of the world. Our actions have an effect on our eventual return to heaven and the peaceful existence that we have been promised. Our every-day actions have an effect on our forward progress or our delaying of that progress.

The season we love to hate is soon upon us. There must be a better way of celebrating the season without the commercialism or religion. Both of which are unacceptable to me and to my way of thinking. Yes, I love to give gifts to my children and grandchildren, but I give them gifts all through the year, not just in December.

So, this link, in the words of Jesus, is the way he would like to be remembered.

My company that was with me this last week is someone who has communication with the higher levels of the spirit world. She told me the one who speaks here, who was, in a previous lifetime called Jesus, is now twenty-four years old, and living in New York City. He will soon be transferred to the area nearer what is known as the Bible Belt of the United States. Soon after that, the organized religion called Christianity will be destroyed. They have not taught the Ten Commandments, as they were instructed to do. Therefore they must be brought down.


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