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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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August 24, 2013 at 9:32pm
August 24, 2013 at 9:32pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Eventually greed and ego will be the downfall of corporations that put profit before people and self-indulgence before sharing. When some of the large corporations have fallen, there will be a review of goals and those who are wise will amend their social conscious.

However, this will be a slow process because there is still the attitude that others may fall but until the knowledge is personalized, there will still be those who see the collapse of big business all around them as lessons for others and not for themselves.

Eventually however, evolution to a kinder gentler more sharing basis for business will prevail.

Monday, 12 August 2013

I was planning to take Susan to a Provincial park in the province of Quebec. As well as being an artist, Susan is also an experienced photographer. I had not been to Algonquin Park for about fifteen years. I knew the way, but I was not sure of the inter-provincial bridge I was supposed to take across the Ottawa River. I knew if I drove the roads I remembered, I would find the correct bridge. I drove along the Ottawa River Parkway but I thought I had gone too far. I turned off on a small road called Remic’s Rapids. I had heard of these rapids before, but had never visited the site.

At the River’s edge an artist has created hundreds of stone sculptures. It was a community, living in peace on the river bank and in the river. As an American Native, Susan has an affinity for all nature, including stones, rocks and the rock sculptures. The rock formations and stones spoke to her. On the shores and in the water were flocks of Canada Geese and ducks. They had no fear of us.

Had I not taken that small road, we would never have found the stone sculptures. From the rapids, I looked further north along the river, and saw the bridge we were to take leading into the province of Quebec.

Once again spirit had led us to the spot they wanted us to visit to deliver maximum healing. We felt reverence and peace.

We spent Wednesday 17 August, World Meditation for Peace at the riverside again, this time near my home. We watched the sunset on the water; we saw golden clouds that seemed to rise from the river. Peace and beauty combined to give us the meditation we were looking for.

Then we came home and ate ice cream. That is a beauty in itself.

August 17, 2013 at 8:51pm
August 17, 2013 at 8:51pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Greed in a very broad sense touches every aspect of our lives even though we do not think of it as such. We could also place ego in the same category as greed. We could say that ego and greed are the twin blocks that lead us down the road of destruction.

We are aware that each individual’s needs are many in order to survive in today’s society. When we speak of blocks that hinder our progress to evolution, we speak of the western society as a whole. However, at the personal level we all contribute to the whole. We do not separate our needs from our wants. Therefore, when we strive to fulfill all our wants we allow ourselves to contribute to ever-growing stress that leads to illness and disease.

When an individual feels they cannot meet the social standards of others in their social class, they can invite stress to inhabit their bodies. Stress is often the underlying cause of illness and disease. Comparison to others can never lead to spiritual consciousness.

Events of Tuesday 13 August 2013:

Susan and I were going to meet my daughter and grandson at the orthodontist while 13 year old grandson had his braces removed.

I had asked spirit to wake me at 7 a.m., on Wednesday but just in case, I did not hear spirit’s voice, I asked Susan to be back-up, and give me a shake at 7. Appointment was at 8:40 a.m. Wednesday.

Tuesday morning Susan was awakened by a sound. As she described it, it was a sound I often hear early in the morning. She got up, had her shower and went downstairs, with the thought that the next day, she was to awaken me, if need be. On the same Tuesday morning, I woke up earlier than usual, at 6:45, and I thought, great! I hope I can wake up at this hour on Wednesday.

We sat in the kitchen having coffee, preparing to do a bit of shopping, when my phone rang. The time was 8:48. The caller ID was ‘unknown’, so I ignored it. Then my desk phone rang, again caller ID said ‘unknown’. Because I am deaf and cannot use a telephone, I have no other option but to ignore ringing phones, although I have both a cell and desktop phones. There was a message, I asked Susan to listen to the message. It was my daughter, saying, where are you? But it was Tuesday, and it was my thinking that we were not to meet her until Wednesday. Nevertheless the chain of events were taking place as if our appointment was Tuesday.

I woke up at the designated time (near the time I had asked spirit to wake me)

Susan had awoken earlier than usual, in order to be prepared to wake me.

The clothes Susan put on that morning were initially the ones she had planned to wear to meet my family on Wednesday.

Everything that was supposed to happen on Wednesday, was happening on Tuesday.

Then the telephone call came, asking where we were, my daughter and grandson were already at the orthodontist.

Well, we were all ready to go, my daughter had told me Tuesday, I had ‘heard’ Wednesday. But spirit knew the correct day and acted accordingly.

It was not the only time during her visit we experienced strong leadership from spirit.

August 12, 2013 at 10:05pm
August 12, 2013 at 10:05pm
World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, August 14, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Date

Wednesday - September 18 at 7:30pm
August 9, 2013 at 10:18pm
August 9, 2013 at 10:18pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Greed is the reason our economy moves ahead so rapidly in spite of the destruction to our planet. Greed is the reason our businesses and corporations grow increasingly larger at the expense of its workers and our planet. If we could see how greed is controlling and destroying us, we could stop the spiral and allow the planet to heal itself. In the same way, we ourselves would begin to heal and the soul of humanity would find relief from the incredible stress that we have manufactured for ourselves. Greed is probably one of the largest blocks that we must overcome. There will never be a fair distribution of food and services throughout the planet as long as we allow greed to be our master.

God blesses those individuals who put service to others ahead of their own greed and their own need to live up to the artificial standards of society. They are the ones who will enhance and broaden the base that evolution needs to bring us back to universal love.

Greed is so much a part of our lives that we hardly realize it is such a huge factor in our living standards.

Did you ever expect something to happen, and then the exact opposite happens. This is happening to me this week and probably next week too. I am used to give healing energy. I am used to people coming to me for healing and advise, and information. That is what I expected when friend of this blog turtlemoon-dohi came to visit me from her home in the United States.

Boy, was I wrong. But pleasantly, so far it has been she who has been doing the healing, and me doing the receiving. It’s nice, it’s wonderful, I can tell you. She brought with her all her spirit guides, leaders, and teachers, her native ancient ancestors and even her highest guide, whom she calls Grandfather Smoke, because he brings with him, yeah, smoke I do not smell the smoke, but I can see it is strong, bringing tears to her eyes and a sensation to her throat. We have a crowded house this week. I am the student, I am the receiver. This is an unusual position for me, but I love it. I am humbled by it, and anticipating with gratitude any further wisdom that will be bestowed upon me in the days remaining.

I wanted her to write this blog entry, but I changed my mind, because I think she is much too humble.

Maybe next week.

Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention – I got a contract for publishing my children’s stories The Travis Tales. They want the book to hit the market for the holiday season – in the United States that would probably include Thanksgiving, at the end of November. – Look for it, but then, of course, I will remind you all.

August 3, 2013 at 9:41pm
August 3, 2013 at 9:41pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we eat too much and eat of the wrong foods because of greed, we destroy our own health. Greed is the reason that unhealthy foods are manufactured in the first place. Greed is why our grocery store shelves are stocked with harmful foodstuff. Greed is why these things are advertised in such an attractive manner and our own greed contributes to our buying and eating foods that harm us.

Greed is why we buy more than we need from the size of our homes and cars to the furniture and accessories we put in our homes and cars. Greed is the reason we work long hours to buy unnecessary merchandise to keep up in a false society, which we ourselves have created. We seem to place ourselves in a never-ending spiral of wants, work, earn, stress, spend and buy cycle. The cycle is eternal and the stress is ever increasing. That in turn causes ill health and disease.

Evolution favours those who are kind, compassionate, courteous, and helpful to others, in people and also in animals.

A recent report on a study done on animals brought to light that the meerkat is especially compassionate and helpful to their own kind. They often post a lookout to watch for danger while the rest of the pack sleep or eat. This is the kind of society we should strive for.

Animals, as well as humans are divided into three groups, those who will go on to the light, those who will stay on earth, as it is destroyed, and those who will enter the dark void. Of those in the dark void, some souls will be eliminated entirely, while some may be rehabilitated.

Some from the dark void have contacted me. One, of course is my late husband who died in 1983. The impression I get from him is boredom. There seems to be nothing to do, perhaps this is meant for them to contemplate where they have gone off track, and see their lessons not learned. A friend of his, also in that void appeared in my home. She peeked around the corner at me, obviously looking for my husband. When she saw me, she raised a hand to someone behind her, and pushed him back. I have not seen them again. She had some of the same addictions my husband had, which led them to an unholy union – and to that dark place.

I don’t feel sorry for those in the dark. They had talents they did not use, or used them unwisely. We all have untold number of lifetimes to get it right, lets hope we do this time.

July 27, 2013 at 9:48pm
July 27, 2013 at 9:48pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is difficult to understand how certain individuals allow greed to be the master of their very soul. Those individuals who control massive amounts of money that rightly belong to the working population seems to show no remorse when they are caught stealing. When greed becomes the master of the soul, there is no amount of regret or remorse that can undo the crime to humanity. Humanity has fallen to such depths of dishonesty there seems to be no recovery.

However, God’s plan includes everyone. Even the most corrupt, deceitful and lawless individual has chosen that pathway to illustrate the degradation that greed can bring to our lives if we allow it to be our master.

Greed is probably the greatest obstacle to the evolution of the soul. Without greed, we would certainly take a huge step forward in our own evolution and the evolution of the planet. Greed has caused the destruction of so much of God’s creation. We can trace the destruction of almost everything to the greed of humanity.

So, another royal babe is born. We were all royal babes in one of our lifetimes, if not in a past life, then certainly in a future one. The Ascended Masters have told us we must experience all things before returning or our original self, which is spirit.

Since this is my last lifetime, I recently did some research as to when I was part of a royal family. I found out it was in the days when there were fiefdoms in or around what is now Scotland. I was female, and I don’t know exactly what my rank or position was in the family, but I believe I was either the Queen or princess of one of those little countries or fiefdoms.

I had a lover, who worked in the barn, and I would sneak out of the castle to be with my lover. It is what I remember so it must have been the highlight of that lifetime.

My clandestine love affair.

If you want to visit other lifetimes, here is how you can do it yourself.

Relax and meditate. To do this easily, close your eyes and take in three deep breaths. Each breath you take in as deeply as you can, but breathe out about one second longer each time. You should feel the effect after three breaths.

It’s all imagination, so imagine you are sitting on a cloud looking at the earth rotating on its axis. You can see the outlines of countries, water, and topography. When you are ready, ask your spirit guide to take you to a place and time that has a significant bearing on your present lifetime. Or, ask, to be taken to a time and place where you were royalty, if you wish. Then relax and let it happen. Maybe the first few times, you will not get much information. Maybe you will get sounds and smells (I smelled the barn, and saw barn dirt on my shoes).

Enjoy the experience. Even if you think it is all imagination, it is the truth, never fear, the worst that can happen is that you will fall asleep.

July 20, 2013 at 9:55pm
July 20, 2013 at 9:55pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our scientists speak of finding ‘life as we know it’ on other planets of the universe. A spiritualist knows there is life all around us; it is not necessary for a spirit to inhabit a planet. It is not necessary for a spirit to have water to drink or food to eat because those requirements are only for the body and not the spirit. Life ‘as we know it’ is eternal and the spirit exists in all dimensions of the universe. They have no use for a planet or physical space to call home. They have no need for food or water. Their work does not involve physical space. There may, of course be other physical beings living on other planets, and the possibility exists that they live in a dimension that does not require the same necessities that humans do. Therefore limiting the quest for life ‘as we know it’ may be too structured. Perhaps we should broaden the search for life to include life as we have not yet envisioned.

The power of the mind is indeed unlimited but as long as we are only capable of using ten percent of our mind, our search of other life forms is limited.

I noticed a new store in the mall this week. They had hundreds of dream catchers. I don’t know much about dream catchers other than they are to catch bad dreams and let good dreams through.

Maybe this relates to power of the mind or maybe the power of the mind relates to our dreams, or both. It would be nice to know that the net catches nightmares and bad dreams, and I don’t think it requires belief in superstitions, perhaps a little bit, but keeping in mind, that the mind is all powerful, it might be worth a try.

In doing a little research on the Internet about Cream Catchers, I found this poem by an unknown author. I give it 5 stars, and I hope you like it too.

Dream Catchers

An ancient Chippewa tradition

The dream net has been made

For many generations

Where spirit dreams have played.

Hung above the cradle board,

Or in the lodge up high,

The dream net catches bad dreams,

While good dreams slip on by.

Bad dreams become entangled

Among the sinew thread.

Good dreams slip through the center hole,

While you dream upon your bed.

This is an ancient legend,

Since dreams will never cease,

Hang this dream net above your bed,

Dream on, and be at peace.


July 13, 2013 at 9:59pm
July 13, 2013 at 9:59pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We here on earth have devised a method of time that places one minute after another or one hour after another. In the world of spirit, no such thing as time exists and therefore all events take place in the same instant. With communication from spirit to physical being, it is by way of thought transference. There may be a very short message, which is very logical and easily understood. But there may be a very long message, which will come in an instant and which seems like many thoughts all in one. In such a case, it may take some time to sort out all the thoughts in the order, which we are used to thinking and speaking. Each individual, of course, has their own personal way of understanding and translating the thoughts given to them by their spirit guides. This is why messages from one prophet may differ from that of another prophet and why there seems to be discrepancies.

All this relates to the power of the mind. Some individuals can never accept that vision beyond the physical is possible and believe that the possibility of communicating with spiritual beings is unnatural. In fact, it is very natural. It is a talent that has been denied over the centuries until the prevailing belief is that there cannot be such communication. Indeed, a large number of physical beings do not believe there is eternal life in the spirit form.

I wanted to remind you of the Distant Healing Network, at http://www.the-dhn.com/

Anyone you feel could benefit from a physical or spiritual healing can apply for themselves or you can make the request for another person. All are welcome, and this world-wide network is extremely effective. You can also ask for prayer alone if that is what you prefer. All ways are effective, and all are free. No donation required or asked for. Non-believers are welcome and receive the same acceptance and result. Sometimes we leave things, like depression until it becomes overwhelming before we ask for help. Request to the DHN will help, and requests may be repeated however many times it is required.

My mother has been very active in helping me to prepare for my visit from my friend turtlemoon-dohi in August. Mom has asked me to prepare a basket with certain articles, and lined with a piece of her crotchet work. She has also asked me to use a special tablecloth in the spare bedroom where Susan will be sleeping.

It took me a little while to realise mom was guiding me, but when I took the crocheted tablecloth out of the trunk, where it had been for many, many years, and washed it, I began to see the connection between mom and Turtlemoon.

There will be much spiritual activity here while she visits, as is always the case when two or more are gathered together …..

We shall fill you in, in future blogs.

July 6, 2013 at 10:13pm
July 6, 2013 at 10:13pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Power, what is power? Power is the ability of the mind to focus on the task it wants to accomplish. The human mind has unlimited power. In general, we use only about ten percent of the potential power of the mind. During a period of deep meditation, the mind may ‘see’ thing that are not visible with normal sight. There is much to see in our world that is not possible to see with our physical eyes.

Sometimes it is difficult to explain in words what is seen in the mind’s eye. Visions may come with words or description or seemingly with no message at all. Our language can hardly find the vocabulary to describe the pictures and messages that the mind’s eye can see.

Visions may be of the future, past, present or they may present a fact of which we were previously unaware. Just as dreams may come with or without a message that the physical mind can understand. There may be a message that is only understood at a later time. In visions, there is no time element and perhaps no sequence of events. In other words, the entire picture and the entire message may be presented in an instant. Then when one tries to explain the vision it is difficult to place the events in a linear time-related sequence.

I am forever thankful for the limited communication I have with spirit. Sometimes I would like confirmation, or for them to repeat what has been given to me, but they do not repeat. In their world there is no need for repeating a communication, since all is understood, and all is known. So, I am thankful for what I get, even if it is often frustrating.

Last week I was not frustrated or confused. There was singing in my bedroom – happy singing filling the room. I knew in an instant it was my four brothers. I was the tenth of ten, as I have mentioned. I had six brothers and three sisters. Four brothers and two sisters have gone on into the next world.

Hearing and knowing that my brothers and my mom were together brought me great happiness. My mom often visits, so I know she is with them. My oldest sister, whom I only met twice in my lifetime, is not with them. She appeared to me a few years ago. She stood in my living room, and with a cackling laugh, she mocked me. Mocking, sneering, and cackling do not come from the side of the Light, so by her actions, I knew she was not with my mom and brothers.

My grandson, Robert, who sees more clearly than I do, has told me my other sister visits me often, but I have not seen her. I trust Robert is correct in his visions.

Of the visitations I have experienced three are either in the dark or in limbo, between dark and light, unable to move forward.

My husband is in a dark void. My sister who cackles and mocks, and the super fine Christian lady who was foster mother to two of my grandchildren, also paid me a surprise visit, telling me there was no heaven. Maybe she was trying to discourage me from my beliefs, hoping that I would abandon my teaching, and join her in the darkness.

She did not discourage me in the least.

June 29, 2013 at 9:54pm
June 29, 2013 at 9:54pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Sometimes our lessons become obvious. When we have not paid heed to our lessons, the opportunities to learn become stronger and stronger. When we have been given several opportunities to realize the lesson and we are still not listening, our teachers will present a situation so obvious that even the hardest heads cannot miss the lesson we are being given.

In some cases, we can be given a fortune in wealth but if we do not use it wisely, we will lose it. We see this happening repeatedly until the individual finally learns how to manage the money he has been given. If there is no sign of improvement, of course, the individual could be taken back into spirit to start again.

I read a short article in one of those little free booklets you can pick up at the pharmacy cash register. The title was,’ Benefits of Imaginary Friends’. The article says, in a survey of 265 British parents, 88% felt that their child’s fictional buddy served in a positive way. It went on to say, pretend pals help kids cope with life events, offer companionship, and are an outlet for imaginative play.

Invisible friends can also be a test for parents, when little Johnny says he can’t make his bed because his friend is still asleep. Or he can’t eat his broccoli, because he is leaving some for his friend. Yes, my son and his invisible friend were constant playmates up until the age of about eight. I knew instinctively to honour the invisible friend, although, at the time I had no idea what a spirit guide was.

The article did not say the imaginary friends were spirit guides made visible only to the child. But maybe the world is not quite ready for that yet.

When my son reached the age of eight, his ‘puppy’ turned into a wolf. Early one morning, he tells me, the wolf appeared to him with a snarl, bearing his teeth in a threatening way. My son knew he must stare the wolf down, never giving in to the threat. And so he did. The wolf has remained his constant partner and friend throughout his life.

Even if we did not have an invisible friend, we all have that still, small voice within that keeps us company, and serves us in a positive way, helps us cope with life events, and gives us an outlet for our emotions. We must learn to listen.

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