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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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November 2, 2013 at 10:10pm
November 2, 2013 at 10:10pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There will be opportunities for the young people of the world to come together through conferences and through the Internet that will speed up evolution from generation to generation.

As democratic governments bring pressure to bear on those corporations who allow greed to rob from the poor and when the youth of the world come together in faith and harmony, we will see the progress we desire.

There are still many who cling to power only for the power itself. Such individuals will be brought down in embarrassment because they do not have the right attitude to govern wisely. Those with a strong social conscious will gradually gain power and leadership.

It is not God’s intention to allow such disparity between the rich and the poor for much longer. Change will come but it will come slowly because the spiritual hierarchy cannot interfere with our free will. They can only instill good thoughts in the mind of humanity. It is up to us to elect social-minded people as our leaders and rulers. The longer we delay, the stronger the suggestions will be until at last we hear the will of God loud and clear.

The subconscious mind works on your thoughts, it does not know good from bad or right from wrong. That is why we attract what we fear as well as attract what we desire. It seems attracting fear is stronger, but probably not.

I have always feared depression. My sister, when she was in her seventies, had a bout of depression. She lost weight very quickly, leaving her looking like a bag of bones. I did not want that to happen to me. I thought about it a lot. I feared it.

Three weeks ago I started losing weight at the rate of about one pound a day. I lost ten pounds in less than two weeks. I realized what was happening and changed my mind. I have always believed the expression, change your mind, and change your life. I believed it, and I have seen it happen.

I really would like to lose ten pounds, but I want to lose it the healthy way, not by depression.

Today, as I did my washing I realized that every article I wore during the last week was grey or black (the colours, not the fact that they were soiled). I didn’t even know I owned so many grey clothes. Time to dig out the colours and put a stop to the depression.

It would help if the publisher would communicate. She said she wanted our book to be in the stores for the American holiday season. That would be mid-November, in my thoughts. She also said many times, that if we had questions, just ask. I have asked several times, but no replies. After more than ten years of trying to get a book published, it is easy to become discouraged and depressed. It is easy to think unkindly of publishers in general. I don’t want to do that, but it is difficult.

October 26, 2013 at 10:00pm
October 26, 2013 at 10:00pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many of our younger generation now have retained the knowledge of thought transference and are able to communicate with their spirit guides. With each successive generation, this ability will be available to more and more individuals. Eventually we will all be in communication with each other and with spiritual beings by this method of thought transference. This is the process of evolution. We must listen in a different way and realize that spiritual beings do not always use voice in communicating. Sometimes mental telepathy sounds like our own voice in our own mind. If there is sometimes what seems like a two-way conversation in our mind, it may be a spiritual being communicating with us.

In the book we call the bible we read of our spiritual teacher speak of the children as our teachers as He blesses those children who come to Him. We can learn from Him to honor the children. Let the children teach us the blessings of mental telepathy.

There is value in the thoughts that come to your mind when you are in a state of meditation even though these thoughts seem to be random at the time of origin. This is the way of thought transference. When these thoughts are written down they will always become valuable. When these sentences are read over at a later day, the value of the thoughts will be made clear to you.

It is especially our responsibility to care for the children of the world. They will be the leaders and rulers of the world in the future. If we do not bring about changes that will bring equal opportunity for all young people then we are the creators of our own destruction. If we teach our children greed then greed will be their master. If we teach them honor, they will bring honor to the world. If we teach them truth and honor we shall see them blossom with goodness and we shall bring a better world into existence.

What we teach our children will reflect back on us and on the world of the future. How much better it would be if we taught them to shun greed and showed them a better way, a way to coexist with our fellow man that would share their blessings and their abundance with those who need them most. This is the example of universal love and compassion that the world needs.

The best gift that we can give ourselves is to teach our children to love one another, and to show them compassion by our own example.

First of all let me thank the one, or ones who are hitting this blog 60 or 70 times a day. It gladdens my heart to know that I have planted a seed. Spirit will decide where that seed grows – not me.

I thought today was Friday, so I have nothing prepared. Has anyone else noticed time is collapsing? Elsewhere in the manuscript they tell us that time will collapse to the point where we will have twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness. Gradually, but noticeably it is happening.

I also have a follow up on the humming sounds that are heard by certain people, in various parts of the world. Some say there are horny fish mating in Hampshire, England.


Talk about loud sex !!!

October 19, 2013 at 9:49pm
October 19, 2013 at 9:49pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we honor our children we cannot only learn from them but we can encourage them to be the truly spiritual beings that they are.

A child even at birth can communicate by mental telepathy or mind transference. It is the adults who have forgotten this method of communication so the baby eventually gives up trying to make themselves understood because they do not receive answers to their communications. In the future we will relearn this means of thought transference and will be able to communicate not only with our babies but also those in spirit form. There are many physical bodies now that are able to communicate by mental telepathy and in the future, as we progress in our evolutionary path there will be many more, until mind transference will be the general means of communication.

It struck me this week that we are nature. Well, maybe everyone always knew this, but I did not ever think of it before. Nature is not something ‘out there’, it is us. As the Ascended Masters say above, we will once again learn how to communicate by means of thought transference. And, that means we will communicate with others in nature as well as humans.

Imagine feeling what a tree feels like when it is being cut down. This happened to me a few weeks ago. We have a problem with oak trees in Ottawa, perhaps all Ontario. They cannot be healed, so they must be destroyed. I felt their pain some place in my chest area, I was almost in tears. It felt like a part of me being cut, although different. This is what Christ tells us in his letters. When we truly understand that we are part of everything, and everything is a part of us, we will become enlightened.

It was a shock for me to learn this, hopefully I will continue learning.

October 12, 2013 at 9:39pm
October 12, 2013 at 9:39pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we look at a child’s coloring book, we often think that the coloring is done in a sloppy way when the colors fill the whole page instead of just the outline in the picture. Here again the child sees the aura of the picture and colors the entire aura. Of course, the child’s coordination has not yet developed but by teaching the child to color within the lines we are teaching them that they are wrong to see auras and in time the child will learn that what they see is wrong and what parents say is right. We teach our children to ignore their spiritual knowledge and teach them it is better to obey the adult. Children of course want to please their parents so they will put aside their own truth and adopt the parent’s point of view and in this way, they eventually forget or disregard their true spirit.

I am really enjoying Christ’s Letters. I admit I am jumping around, looking for interesting bits, but the truth is, all bits are interesting. He is telling his life story as it happened; his feelings, his emotions, his extreme disappointment when the people did not believe him. Then he tells of his journey to Nazareth, away from his mother, so he would not embarrass her, his love for his mother and brothers and sisters. Yes, he had brothers and sisters. Reading is slow, because it is filled with emotion, and I can feel the truth in his speaking. He is indeed an award winning author.

We read none of this in the Bible. We do not see the person that he was when we read the Bible. We see him portrayed as God, which he was not and is not now.

Today I received in my mail box an invitation to learn how to pray. Yes, a timely reminder to repeat words endlessly to make sure God hears my prayers. And to end my prayers with “O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are in the most need of Thy mercy.”

Guess I’m one of them, and happy to be so.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, October 16, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - November 20,

December 18, January 15 at 7:30pm

October 5, 2013 at 10:17pm
October 5, 2013 at 10:17pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

With each successive generation, our children are being born with more and richer awareness of spirituality. This is the result of our own progress in knowledge of our spirit self. When one physical lifespan is complete, we move on to a higher level of knowledge so that our next physical life is started at our new level of knowledge or higher. Children retain their knowledge of spiritual truth up to an age of approximately seven. When we listen to the stories children tell us we should be aware that they indeed have knowledge in the ways of spirit and we should be aware that they are our teachers. The mind of a child seems to be full of fantasy and make-believe. If we listen closely to their stories, we will find that they often relate to past lives that are remembered and future experiences that they will encounter in their own present physical experience. Unfortunately, adults all too often do not take serious note of the conversations of the young.

We can learn a great deal from the young in our family. Sometimes we will argue that a child should wear certain clothes or certain colors. We mistakenly think that we know what is best. In fact, a child will select the colors in clothing that are most compatible with the colors in their own aura on any particular day. When we wear colors that are compatible with our aura our day will turn out to be more harmonious and successful. Adults would learn from their children if they would ask a child, “What color do you suggest I wear today?” Often we stand in our dressing room trying to decide what to wear, sometimes discarding outfit after outfit until we hit on the right color for the day. We are also trying, on a subconscious level, to match the color of our outfit to the color of our aura.

Alexander told me the story of my lifetime with Jesus, and because it came from Alexander in spirit form, it can be taken as the truth.

I was a female, about 9 years old, working the streets to provide food for my family. One day a group of teen-aged boys came down the street, but they were different. They were clean, friendly and happy. The leader of the group was Jesus. He told me how I could change my life and be healthy. He asked me to follow him, but as a female I could not go by myself, so I persuaded my brothers to come with me, and together we learned what the great teacher had to say.

In Christ’s Letters, he tells us what he learned while he was in the desert for 6 weeks. It was after his time in the desert that he was able to heal the sick by the laying on of hands.

This tells me that he must have been in the desert as a teen-ager, because he was probably late teens when I met him.

He tells us of his joy upon learning what he could accomplish, and the sorrow he felt when the people did not believe him. He was certainly joyous when I met him. No wonder he cannot come back in a human body this time. But he can, and has come back in energy form, and the internet and computers made that possible.

We should not ever worry about where life leads us; all is planned since the beginning of time – no before that, because there is no beginning. Eternity is eternity, like a ring, no beginning and no end. Why does religion teach beginnings and endings and eternity at the same time?

September 28, 2013 at 10:02pm
September 28, 2013 at 10:02pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

True progress in the evolution of humanity can be made when the advocates take up a cause and fight for the equal rights of their fellow man. The advocate will usually endure many trials and triumphs but the progress of evolution will be rewarding indeed.

We see such advocates in every group of the disadvantaged. People with strong convictions and a strong sense of justice can achieve great advances in evolution. There are now more advocates than ever before and their numbers will continue to grow until true equality is reached.

In the last one hundred years there have been great advances made in all fields with regard to marginal disadvantaged groups. We used to lock up those with mental illness. Children were used as slaves and women were not considered as persons under the law. The people who fought for equal rights for all humans brought about many changes.

There is still much work to be done by advocates for justice. Many groups in all countries are still feeling the pain of bias and discrimination, especially those who cannot speak for themselves. The children, the poor and the sick are not able to advocate for themselves and are not heard by the leaders of the land. We must do more for those who cannot help themselves. Acts of kindness to help the helpless will bring about change and increase the advancement of evolution.

I have had more than a few comments in private. Some stating outright how wrong I am in writing these untruths about the Christian Bible. So it is wonderfully enlightening to read the modern words of Christ, and to find my thoughts and beliefs spot-on.

How could He have possibly told people 2000 years ago that He would spread his truths in the year 2000 on something called ‘The Internet’? And yet He did.

From Christ’s Way, the headquarters of Christ on Earth

He said,

“And when I was in Galilee, did I not promise to return like lightning flashes across the sky from East to West? Is this not a description of Internet where my Letters were first presented to the world?”

Yep, sure sounds like it to me. So when someone tells me I do not know what I am talking about, I smile.

Whenever I have the opportunity, whether that be on Facebook, or here, I will continue to write my truth. It’s not a crucifiable offence today as far as I know.

September 21, 2013 at 10:29pm
September 21, 2013 at 10:29pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There will always be advocates for the marginalized in our society. Strong-willed individuals who speak out for the disadvantaged will usually be members of the group that is being discriminated against.

The chosen soul path of these advocates is usually to be born into such a marginal group, spend their young lives being victimized, later in life they become an advocate or spokesperson for that group. In this way, they truly understand what it is like to be victimized and marginal.

I have read only the first half of the first chapter of Christ’s Letter, (about 13 pages). The information is powerful, and very similar to the material The Ascended Masters gave me ten years ago.

The woman who transcribed Christ’s Letters calls herself The Recorder. She is to remain anonymous. Maybe she would be crucified too if her identity were to be revealed, who knows. She gives us this prayer that we can use effectively while we meditate. The prayer was dictated by Christ in one of her emails.

The Letters reveal to us what Christ Jesus learned while He was alone in the desert for six weeks. If we can follow His instructions (and I think we are able to do this), we will be powerful ambassadors for Christ in our world.

“Here is a very powerful prayer for you to use, dwelling on each word and visualizing

its powerfully IMMENSE MEANING.

This prayer is an adaptation of THE GREAT INVOCATION for CHRIST'S WAY

From the radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity

Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.

From the radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity - Father

Let Light descend and irradiate all life on Earth.

From the radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity -Mother

Let love stream forth and flood the hearts of men.

We rejoice that Christ is indeed with us,

Christ has returned to Earth - in deed!

From the Radiant Universal Consciousness of Divinity - where is Divine Intent

Let Divine Purpose sway the ego wills of men

That glorious Purpose known and served by Christ and Celestial Beings”.

web site: www.headquarters.christsway.co.za/

September 14, 2013 at 9:53pm
September 14, 2013 at 9:53pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Only the most respected and wise judges will be chosen to represent their areas. They will be chosen by the people of their own area and culture and then appointed by the central government.

Communication between areas and the central government will be instantaneous and clear. English will be the language of government. There will be translators in the areas as well as at the central government.

The system software will be massive and there will be thousands of programmers and technicians to keep the computers up to date and running smoothly without failure.

The central government will be located in the United States but all areas will be of equal value to the cooperation and harmony of the world as one unit instead of many countries as it is now.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, September 18, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

I know most Christians, and other religions, are often quite confident that when they pray, they pray to God, and God hears and answers prayers. But does He? We think of God as a person who speaks and understands all languages, and helps each of us as individuals. I never thought so, but couldn’t really put it in words what my thoughts were. I do know that we are surrounded by guides and angels, and they do hear and speak to us. They also answer our thoughts and prayers when they are able to do so. I have abundant proof of that. But they cannot change our karma, and what we agreed to learn in this lifetime. So praying to have our life made easier is fruitless. They are with us to help, but not to the extent that it will free us from circumstances we don’t happen to like.

So, Christ, the Lord of Light has returned (you knew that, didn’t you?), and he explains what he said in the book we call the Bible, and, which man-made religion has so utterly misinterpreted. Yes, God exists, and God is an energy – that much I figured out by myself. So who do Christians pray to? Find the answer here. You may be surprised.


September 7, 2013 at 9:57pm
September 7, 2013 at 9:57pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

This will be the beginning of the American Civilization and will remain until ascension we have mentioned elsewhere; technology will be the trademark of this civilization. The entire planet will be accessible by a single computer system. Grievances will be dealt with instantly before they get out of control. A panel of judges will hear the grievance and a judgment will be made immediately and a decision will be given.

A panel of judicial administrators who must come to a unanimous decision will replace our present judicial system with its long delays and decisions by judge and jury. A judgment will be relayed back to the grievance committee and a local policing force will execute the judgment. This central panel of judges will hear all grievances. There will be no area judicial system only an area grievance committee that will hear all complaints and relay them on to the central panel of judges.

The panel of judges will consist of representatives from all cultures and religions of the world. The panel of judges will be very large but only a certain number will sit in attendance. For instance if a grievance comes in from the area that once was Africa, then there will be judges in attendance who are knowledgeable of the African culture as well as judges from other areas of the world.

A quiet week here in my home, Singer has been active, but nothing that I could understand. Maybe he talks in Spirit tongue.

I did have a vision though. This happened a few weeks ago. I saw two male spirits walking towards me. I knew they were coming to hug me, so I stood up. They were much taller than I, so it seemed natural that I would stand to greet them. As one approached me, with arms out towards me, he looked at his mate over top my head, wrinkled his nose, and said, ‘They all smell the same’. Well, thanks buddy.

Two other visions were told to me by a person whom I trust. There will be an uprising by students, and another uprising by Natives. Two different visions. I don’t know where these will happen, but I feel certain we will witness these occurrences. We should be prepared to help.

It has long been my wish, and hope, that education should be free, and universal. If we want to evolve peacefully, there must be equal opportunities. That starts with education for all.

The difference between a dream and a vision is that dreams are forgotten, visions are remembered. Visions bring us a truth.

August 31, 2013 at 9:53pm
August 31, 2013 at 9:53pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In the past, there have been many world powers. Countries with mighty armies who were ready and willing to fight for what they thought were right. When these world powers opposed each other, the result was often war involving many countries.

Gradually world powers lost their might until the present time when we have only one world power that is capable of defending itself and/or any other country they decide to defend. Fortunately, America is a democratic country and, although not perfect, their idea of a perfect world is a democratic system of government.

Those who live in countries ruled by a dictator, of course, will not always agree with decisions made by a strong democratic country so there will be many who will try to challenge the world power. Here we see the beginning of a one government planet without borders and without countries. In the future, there will be no need for armies, as we know them now. Our world will have only one democratic ruler and the idea of starting a war with such a powerful force would mean self-destruction.

Not everyone will accept this form of rule easily but in the end, there will be no choice but to accept such a large democratic form of government. No country would be foolish enough to challenge such a powerful force.

Well, Susan left on a noon hour flight from Ottawa. That meant we had to be at the airport at 9 a.m. Horrors, driving about an hour in mid-morning rush hour traffic. I dreaded it to my very bones. But, I should not have worried. Her guides went with us (she saw them line the roads on both sides), and every time I had to change lanes, or find a street, the road was clear behind me as far as I could see. A sad farewell, with a promise of another visit, and then I left to find my way home again. I guess her guides went with her, because I made two wrong turns and ended up going back towards the airport. After twisting and turning (I never did have a sense of direction) I got home to an empty house, while she flew off to hers.

The Hum


This article is the first I have read about the Hum. It seems it is heard all over the world, and I am sure many parts not mentioned here.

I have been hearing it for many years. There is also a different hum I hear, which comes from a space to the left of my body. The Hum comes from the right side. It does not drive me crazy, as the article says, but it is often very loud at night, sometimes loud enough to make me restless. Quite often it is this Hum that changes to spoken words when I am in that in-between area of sleep and awake. I seldom remember what the words are, but I understand them perfectly during those short instances of consciousness.

But then who would believe it?

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