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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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October 16, 2011 at 12:13am
October 16, 2011 at 12:13am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now, we may proclaim that some individuals are more deserving of love than others are, and that some individuals are not deserving of love at all. We must then remember that those same souls that we hate and despise in one lifetime may be our brothers, sisters, and friends or loved ones in another lifetime. All are lessons; all are learning experiences. Love is the only way to get back to our original state.

Universal love is achievable when we understand this very basic principle. Universal love is possible but there must be a change in understanding the precept that life on earth is a living, learning experience and this learning experience is achieved through the people that we know and each person that touches our lives throughout our earthly experience.


You may want to read the first part of the link before you read my thoughts on the subject. Here Tim speaks of great changes happening around us today that are equal to humanity’s invention of harvesting, art, and really, the beginning of civilization, as we know it. The planets are in a long reaching position that can bring about such huge changes during the next few years.

Yesterday in the news, 950 cities in 82 countries are taking part in Occupy The Globe events. The brave souls who are participating in ‘the occupation’ around the world today are a sign of the displeasure with our banking system as corporations have taken over the distribution of wealth. The trend for the past decade has been the unequal distribution ~~ the rich getting richer and the rest of us getting poorer ~~ of wealth. Many have no safety net, no pensions, no health insurance, and no prospects of a decent retirement. Corporations make mistakes creating huge debts and we, the taxpayers, have to pay off these debts while the CEO’s are given multi-million dollar bonuses for the mismanagement of their companies.

This current system of inequality will end, it has been promised. Tim speaks of an asteroid. Indeed there is word circulating of an asteroid that will bring the destruction of our financial system. More on this later.

October 9, 2011 at 12:04am
October 9, 2011 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

When one has reached the level of awareness where universal love is achieved, there is no room for bias or discrimination. An individual who can accept every other individual on the planet as an equal creation in God’s love has no room for anger, hate, bias or discrimination.

At this level of awareness, one can see that all experiences, thoughts and emotions are lessons to be learned in the evolution of the soul back to God’s love and the original form, which is spirit.

Original spirit is that which God created in His own image, each spiritual being was created in God’s image, using a part of God Himself. From Him we came and to Him we must return.

This weekend is Thanksgiving Day in Canada and Columbus Day in the United States.

Christopher Columbus is now the Ascended Master known as St. Germaine the patron saint of North America.

Scroll down in this link to see his many incarnations. He is the Twin Flame of Lady Portia who was part of the group who transcribed this manuscript to me.

One of St. Germaine's incarnations was Merlin the Magician who is known to us in mythical stories, but Merlin was more than a myth. Read more in the link below. You may also be surprised to find the identity of Mary Magdalene.


Happy holidays everyone who is celebrating this long weekend.

October 2, 2011 at 12:01am
October 2, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Since the beginning of time, there have been souls who are called fallen angels or mischievous souls. They are working to undermine the good work based on love that our guardian angels work so hard to maintain.

These mischievous souls use their energy to mislead and delay the evolutionary process back to God’s love. They are the source of much of the power struggle we see between people and between nations now.

When the base of universal love becomes stronger, these fallen angels will lose their power over humanity and peace will reign. It is therefore all the more important that we work diligently to build a strong base of universal love, universal compassion and truth. As we listen to the guidance of our guardian angels and live with love as the basis of our every day life. These mischievous souls will be defeated in their efforts to delay evolution.

I have never been one to pray very often, especially not daily or nightly. But there was a time a few years ago I was very concerned about a child who I thought was being abused. I made a list of people for whom I had been asked to pray and made a decision to pray for those on the list each evening before I went to sleep. I successfully remember to do this for about a week or so. Then one evening I distinctly heard a voice telling me it was not necessary to repeat my prayers. Once a prayer has been sent, our angels and guides will remember.

We have a failing – we tend to see our protectors as having human characteristics. We forget things; they do not. We try to love as best a human can love. Their love is pure – so pure we could not possibly understand. They understand our human characteristics – we barely understand our own failings, let alone their pureness of purpose. There is no redemption in repeating a prayer multiple times. There is no purpose in it.

With our humanness wouldn’t it be annoying to hear a request over and over again for months and years on end?

I know I have written about this before but I was asked to do so again by my bathroom buddy. I hope it reaches the people it is intended to reach.

See, there I go again. I just gave you an example of our humanness. I said I hoped it would reach but it is not up to me, it is in the hands of the pureness of spirit.

We could pray for the base of universal love to become stronger, as they tell us above. That would indeed be a prayer for the evolution of all humanity.

September 25, 2011 at 12:01am
September 25, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Once a soul has experienced, for instance, a lifetime in Africa, then that soul has a tolerance for people with dark skin. Once a soul has lived a lifetime being homosexual or bisexual, then that soul has a tolerance for the individuals who are living that experience in this present lifetime. This is why we have our present day extremes in tolerance and discrimination. Once a majority of the souls on earth have had more experience in color, religion or lifestyle, bias, intolerance and discrimination will be erased.

Those who are intolerant or biased after already experiencing a certain skin color or lifestyle must return to that condition repeatedly until tolerance is learned.

In our heaven on earth in the future, there will be no bias, no intolerance and no discrimination.

An event that happened Friday and Saturday, 16 and 17 September 2011

My grandson Robert is on Vancouver Island looking for an apartment. He is in the Canadian Army and is transferred to the base in Comox, British Columbia.

I was talking to him by way of Instant Messaging, asking him if he had found anything suitable. He said no but still looking.

Saturday evening I again contacted him to see if he had found something. This was his reply;

“Yes and thanks, as I’m sure its all your fault.... *Smile*

While I was talking to you, I pictured a decent apartment. A woman called me today, said I emailed her, an email I don’t recall writing, and asked if I still wanted to see her flat, I said sure, it was EXACTLY what I was picturing, 2 bedroom 2 bath 2 walk in closets, washer and dryer, in a beautiful neighbourhood, etc”

Spirit works in mysterious ways …. Dum de dum dum …

Where two or more are gathered .. even on chat messaging~~

September 18, 2011 at 12:01am
September 18, 2011 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

This was God’s dream, that the soul as the connecting link would be the teacher. He then gave each soul full reign in the development of His dream. The soul would develop the lesson plan and carry it out to its completion. The soul decides the lessons in the order that is best suited to the individual. If we did not have individual souls, we would all be learning the same lessons at the same time, for example we would all be male or female at the same time; all be leaders or students at the same time and so on. In order to diversify the population and have a balanced mix, we were given individual souls that work together and cooperate in a higher dimension to create a complete and balanced population.

Each experience, thought, idea or ideal known to man must be

experienced by each soul ever created by God. That is, each person must experience being every color, race, creed, religion, every illness known and yet unknown, every state of consciousness. In other words everything or condition known to humanity must be experienced before we can return to our original and final state which is spirit.

Dream September 7, 2011:

A very old woman was eating a huge bowl of homemade prune ice cream. She seemed to be starving because she was shoving great spoonfuls into her mouth. She was sitting on a sofa in the family room of my previous home at 2121 Casey Avenue. She sloped a big glob of ice cream on the floor. I walked past the door and noticed but did not stop to clean up. The carton of ice cream was sitting on the coffee table, melting. She scooped up another large bowl and started to eat it. She got a stomachache and asked me save the ice cream for her for later. I put bowl, spoon and melting ice cream into the freezer at the top of a fridge. The freezer was too full so I just pushed it in and tried to close the door.

This event was from a past life and the ice cream was made on purpose to make people sick. The old woman in my dream was my mother.

I was, in fact straddling three dimensions.

The present dimension: I could hear the voices. Singer sang them to me.

Past life dimension: the events were taking place in a past life.

Dream dimension: I was, of course dreaming.

September 11, 2011 at 12:03am
September 11, 2011 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Living in a heavenly setting with semi ethereal bodies, where we are governed by universal love, living with universal love, becoming universal love, who would not work towards that goal if they knew what the reward was? Now you are aware of what our goal is and what our reward is. It is time now in the new century to become aware and to work toward our new life.

If you are reading these words, you have already been selected to further God’s Dream. Those who have been encouraged to pick up this book and read these lines have been pre-selected to carry on the Dream and work towards the achievement of universal love throughout the world.

It sounds like the ascended Masters would like this book published ☺

Singer sez:

Milk and honey for bowel management

Milk and honey for inflammation.

If these remedies sound familiar, perhaps it is because they are as old as the world itself. There are many references on the Internet for milk and honey for these ailments and many others as well.

My dream 3 Sep. 2011

I dreamed I was starting a new job. In the dream, it was an office job but I knew as I dreamed that the meaning was spiritual. In the past, in the spirit world I was helping those newly passed over reach the gates of light.

According to my friend, “You are looking at people’s spirits, know when their time is up, where they are going and show them how to get there.”

Next World Peace Prayer ~~ Wednesday September 14, 2011 ~~ 7:30 your own local time. Meditation / Prayer for world peace moving around the Earth for 24 hours.

September 4, 2011 at 12:06am
September 4, 2011 at 12:06am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

If the new human is deformed in any way, part of the lessons it must learn and teach others is the lesson of compassion. There are always many souls upon the earth that have volunteered to become human in order to teach others the lessons of universal love and compassion. This is one of the most difficult lessons that we, who are relatively healthy and whole, have to learn. To have compassion for those who are less fortunate than we are.

Now we understand why there are so many illnesses, disease and other physically restricted humans on the planet at one time. They are here primarily to teach the lesson compassion.

If you do not learn the lesson of compassion in this lifetime, you will be brought back repeatedly to live in increasingly difficult circumstances until the lesson of compassion is learned. Compassion is the basic ingredient in universal love. Until each individual has mastered the condition of universal love, our dream of heaven on earth is just an elusive dream.

One of the things I enjoyed most during my twelve-year friendship with Terri was the stories she told of her psychic phenomena. Never did I think that I too, would have stories to tell about my spiritual experiences.

Alexander, who spoke through Terri, told me often to write down my experiences. With this in mind, what better place to write them is in this blog. Perhaps readers will find them interesting and even enjoyable.

We have had a couple of hydro black-outs this week. I was getting ready for visitors this weekend. I wanted to make potato salad for them when they got here very late Friday evening. I was napping and singer woke me up, saying, "open your eyes." I got up and immediately went to the kitchen to start the salad. I had no sooner finished than the hydro went out. Sort of shows how they can control us but in a helping way. If I had slept ten minutes longer, I would have half cooked potatoes and eggs on the stove.

Random thought came into my mind. A voice said ‘you’re welcome’. I say thank you a lot to my guides and angels so I am not sure what incident he/she was referring to. It could have been several days previously (they do not abide by our structured, artificial time) when my grandchildren were visiting overnight. Six-year-old Valerie was having a difficult time settling down for the night. I asked my guides and angels to help her settle and fall asleep. Less than five minutes later, she was sound asleep. Try it some time. You might be surprised.

August 28, 2011 at 12:07am
August 28, 2011 at 12:07am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are told in our religious books that life is eternal, and so it is. The spirit and soul were created together in the beginning of time and will live into eternity, ever evolving to a higher and higher level of awareness.

Life does not begin at the birth of a child. Life began eons ago when time was unknown and will continue until time is unknown again. This is the path of the evolution of the soul and spirit until we return to God in complete love.

When it is time for the soul to make the transition from spirit to that of human form, there is a transformation.

The memory of the time spent in spirit and the memory from all previous human life times is forgotten. It is only very seldom that previous lifetime memories are brought to the present human form. Once the human vehicle is chosen and the soul enters the new form, the memories of past human forms are forgotten so that the new human form can begin learning the lessons it has come into this present atmosphere to learn. The learning begins immediately upon birth.

A few nights ago – perhaps a few weeks, I didn’t write down the day or time. I was having trouble sleeping, as often happens, so I was preparing to get out of bed and go downstairs.

As I put my feet on the floor, and very concerned and excited voice asked, “Where are you going?” “Downstairs, to my computer,” I said. “Who am I talking to?” Yeah, I know, bad grammar. He surprised me with a name. Just one word “Neil.”

Neil has a different energy than Singer. That is the only way I can tell them apart – by the energy I feel when they speak or are near.

During the next few days, I tried to determine who Neil is. As is often the case, the answers come before my questioning thought is finished. But I am quite sure Neil is by Bathroom Buddy.

This weekend my daughter and young grandchildren were here. Daughter doing a little painting for me. Most of the weekend was noisy with happy sounds but Saturday afternoon the children were watching a movie – daughter and I were on our computers. She got up and checked the children’s computers. They were both off. The sound is always off on mine but she said she heard voices. My heart did a leaping summersault when she told me. I have very seldom spoken to her about the voices the rest of the family hear. That is, son, (older) grandson and I. It was never appropriate. Besides, her husband would not approve of that kind of conversation.

This was my opportunity to begin a connection. She was open and receptive. Wow, I am the parent of a mentally dysfunctional family and it makes me very happy. I mean really …

August 21, 2011 at 12:08am
August 21, 2011 at 12:08am
Do you believe we can see God. Perhaps some would say the devil projected these images but we know that the devil cannot project the colour gold. Only God is gold.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1803675 by Not Available.

 There Before Me, A Sacred Cloud  (E)
A spiritual vision seen in a cloud reigning silver and gold. Yes, the pun is intended.
#1803758 by turtlemoon-dohi

August 20, 2011 at 11:51pm
August 20, 2011 at 11:51pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Time as we know it now will change with the evolution of the planet. Even now, we are experiencing a shortening of day light hours. People are busier and busier with little or no time left for them or loved ones. This is partly due to the ever-increasing activities available for families, partly because time itself is decreasing.

In the future, we will have our twenty four-hour days divided evenly into twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness. This will mean a major shift in lifestyle for everyone.

Even though our clocks will measure sixty minutes to each hour as they always have, the time itself will be compacted by spiritual inspiration. We will experience tension as we become used to the change. Some individuals will find this extremely stressful while others will accommodate these changes with a minimum of stress.

Just as our time will change, so will global warming change our lifestyle. Eventually our global temperature will be a constant seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. This is inevitable and will be accomplished, not by our own effort but by the effort of our spiritual helpers and the continuing cycles of our universe.

Our spiritual guides are even now managing the ozone layer more so than we ourselves are, in order to bring about the desired results.

I got this email from a friend who uses the healing hut on the beach.

“I have to preface this letter with the fact I am reading and writing one-eyed. The other eye open is blurry. I got something hot and painful in it. Whoa. It was bad. Really bad. At first I could not even get my eye opened. Searing hot pain. I went next door to my new neighbors, I had not yet met. A pastor/ pharmacist too, I discovered. He washed out my eye. I have to repeat the process every 2 hours. I laid down to rest with the eye closed. I got up with it feeling better, and eye matted closed.

I called on you (spiritually) to help me calm myself at the initial incident. I knew you would. When I got back to my house from next door, and laid down, I went to the beach-hut. I was in such an urgent hurry I skipped the garden. I remember sliding down steps to the beach. Just got there all at once. Suddenly I was on the table. There was no need to explain. There was a bright light in my face. After knowing that , all I remembered was hearing my heavy steady breathing and no pain. Scary. Scary. Scary when the accident happened. Don't know what got in my eye. A small thing can feel like a searing hot poker stabbing my eye.”

Next day she wrote:

“My eye is doing much better. The eye washes my neighbor had me do, began to feel good. Took the sting and searing hot poker out of my eye. Mostly I give credit to my personal healer at the beach hut. I went there last night to thank her. She wasn't there. I'm sure she knew anyway.

In the beginning, there were several healers. The last few times, only one. Same one.

I can still see me squirming on the table as the bright light shone in my face. She spoke kind words to help me relax. Held my head. It didn't seem to last long. Like when you come out of surgery, you wonder where the time went, because you don't remember a thing.

I am so thankful. The incident was scary, but I knew I knew I knew I would be alright. When I woke this morning, the scratch wasn't there on my eye any longer. The eye was matted shut again. I think that is Nature's eye patch to keep out dust particles and infection.”

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