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Read my reviews. Look at any other review. I see the good, with an eye toward potential. Will never be/play authority of someone else’s words, leave to the master of the work. I just reflect/react/review, a fuller perspective. Responses of my reviews are affirming. Do not credit me. Pay it forward.
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Poetry, shorter stuff. I'm mostly blind. I react and encourage with my reviews, suggest direction to make something better. I can be a friend. Trust went out the window. I break the conventional fourth wall. Not sure what it means? Ask.
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nature, love, psychological, spiritual, inspirational, epiphany, emotional, drama, human interest, science, conspiracy, dystopian, fatalistic, speculative. Not cookie cutter fantasy realms or choose your adventure. Action/adventure. Unique, surprise.
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Review of A FREE SPIRIT  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
...But just close enough to reach, which is what I like best. Sherri has returned in this Free Spirit acrostic ode!

Very nicely done. I trouble with the acrostic form as it confines my ability to spill those words on the page. But not you.

You've got the hook:

Follower of my heart
Reaching for the stars
Endlessly chasing rainbows...

What I like is that you've proven to writers like me that those stars are attainable perches if we just give ourselves a chance. And there you sit.

Thank You Sherri and the Free Spirit that resides within!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Got it deadbolted, latched and a piano up against it!

Getting ready for Halloween with a contest prompt entry to scare away the competition? This seems to capture all the fun of the holiday with the reliving of folklore and legends of monsters.

I think this line says it all...

It’s an evening for a spook’s delight,
one of both enchantment and fright.[/i}

Now do you envision this more from the trick-or-treater's point of view, or is the boogeyman going to run rampant through the neighborhood?

Fun stuff. So what kind of candy do you hand out? Or do you have some tricks up your sleeves ?

** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **

Review of Crimson Teardrops  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Sharp, direct and to the point and a very effective style. This read fluidly and the message is well received as a parent concerned about the safety of children.

That open is a direct hook...

Jagged edges,
cutting deep.
Tears of crimson,
running steep.

It feels edgy and blood runs and there is that feeling of being confronted with that discomfort of what we know is to be about child abuse.

If you have read Sherri Gibson, she has done some poems on missing children and tries to give the child voice. I see a voice speaks up here and it sounds parental. You don't get that feeling of helplessness. It's like you tell the reader they can do something about this, and speaking directly is strong.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
A poem with a message that teaches fireworks safety. This could be used for an ad campaign.

Boom crackle pop ** Rice Crispies! ** Had to get that out of my system. Those are effective words to recreate the sounds of Fourth of July celebrations.

I think past the midway point of this poem, form gets in the way as the rhyme scheme sounds a bit forced.

Just one stanza I would highlight:

Terrified and confused
Running away to escape the fright
Sometimes even injured
Trying to escape the bright light

This could be upgraded to get more action and avoid repetition of sounds and words.

Bewildered comes to mind. Words that show the fright. I see horses on their hind legs. I see cats scurry for cover or climb trees, and dogs...I don't know...maybe they try to eat the fireworks?

This is good to create an awareness about animals and our environment. Fireworks aren't just dangerous to humans.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of Painted Pink  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
At first I thought I was reading something naughty. That is until I got to the 'scalding my throat' part and I thought that can't be rough love.

This definitely was a teaser and it was the second to the last line that sealed it....sunburn. Of course, I then have to reread the poem to see all the clues that didn't add up at first to get a truer appreciation of what you accomplish with this poem.

I think that third line needs an upgrade..."Leaving me" need more action to show...and thought why not start with "moistening..."

It reads like a list, too, which I think is also an effective way to break down something to express an idea or thing.

Good Job with this one,

Review of Ominous Side  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
If I had not read closely that introduction below the title and saw the word 'reflection' I would have actually thought this might be a story about someone who stalks you in your sleep.

Very emotive piece and filled with the will to fight back and overcome this nagging image of what you become.

I can relate to the voice wanting to take control of life and steer it in the right direction. What I could not relate to what it is you see that makes you come to life...the eyes seem to have it...what does it look like?

I would have liked to seen what was in that mirror, too. However, I think the emotions do bring the feelings to life.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of My Story  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
So you tried to find a website that could give more than Writing.com but came back and found out this was the real deal.

This seems to hit many of the points that come to mind when I was a new member was back about...oh...say, two months ago! Seems like ages.
The navigation part is still troublesome. I still have to ask people for directions!

The read and form of the poem make it a little hard to read, but the message still gets across. Rhyme scheme was consistent.

Glad you stuck around! Glad I made it here!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Laying down the gauntlet to love they neighbor and it makes for a great read.

This poem definitely has a bounce in its step with the meter and lines that keep clicking along.

Society doesn't move at the leisurely pace that it once did, and especially not in largely populated areas. So much indifference out there and so many who are just trying to get from point A to point B that we forget to enjoy the scenary along the way.

Always good to have a poem like this to remind us to pay it forward, spread the cheer and hope that it will become contagious.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I loved those baby killdeer to death when I was a boy, literally. It's sad but true, I must confess. I managed to catch one and brought it home, thinking I could raise it. I loved it, I really did. Poor thing never had a chance.

When I read this it reminds me of their call and the way they would scurry across the ground so quickly. I could always feel the presence of the parents, but for some reason that did not deter the child from having what he wanted.

This part especially brings back the memories:

"Mother killdeer
Sounds the alarm with fright.
The chicks do all scatter
During the day
Running this way then that"

You can feel the frenetic pace of the bird, the emergency whenever an intruder neared. Such a clear, distinct signal. And I learned so much more about their behavior and environment from reading this.

This is a very effective piece of descriptive writing and am very happy to have found and read.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of Every Moment  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
A very simple, honest expression of love for little sis and touching.

This poem reads nice, almost like a greeting card. I know this poem is personal to you, and sometimes the type that is hardest to express and it shows with the line:

I can’t describe these feelings...

It's like we're so close to the ones we love that we need to take a step back to examine the feelings, and it is still hard to fathom why that warm fuzzy feeling exists.

One of the first things you can look at, to show what it is that makes you feel this way, is the commonalities. Does sis have Mom's eyes, do they wrinkle in a familiar way when she smiles? That kind of stuff...the real examination of those feelings for the expression that could really touch our hearts...is lying underneath the skin of this poem.

I think it could help you get a truer appreciation of Wendy, if that's possible. But the ode itself is wonderful, and she is fortunate to have someone who can express these feelings in a poetic way.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your short vignette of an embarrasing moment delivers like a story setting up a punchline for a joke. I enjoyed the set up, thorough and detailed to give us a feel for this experience.

New to the job, still learning the ropes, but eager to be helpful and serve the customers...all great precursors to the moment of confusion before answering.

This sounds like something I would have done in one of my first on the job experiences. And that moment when you pause was just long enough to make me think, how will you respond.

Enjoyed this slice of life experience.

Review of My War  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Lisa!!

The subject of anxiety is something that is familiar to me. And a war is not a far stretch for this writer's imagination. This poem has a good flow and rhythm with just a few hiccups along the way.

I think there is a lot here that I can relate with, but don't know about others. This uses metaphors that relate to the emotions. The symptoms that affect the senses might be a good source to draw parallels to those feelings. Anxiety creates little tics, pains and other body symptoms that could bring more life to those emotions.

One of the lines that I felt could use some mending was:

What do I have to do for this
Misery to be gone

I find it read awkward only because of the line break. If those two words are moved to the bottom line, the reader is less likely to stumble.

The opening and closing stanzas work well as hook and summation.

Thank you for sharing this.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
You got family members bugging you to write them stuff, too? Sometimes, it is not a pleasant experience being the family writer, artist, photographer, etc. and getting put on the spot to come through with something that is personal to someone else and have to make it your own. But you did a nice job.

As a sports fanatic, I like the line drive reference and I can see how this hook might work for a poem to a guy.

These words are likely cast in stone now, but I did see a few areas that I thought could be tweaked.

Stanza one, line three when referring to the 'two of us' between the intended rhymes can throws of the read, as I expected two at the end of that line. I would have removed that reference to the two to avoid that encounter.

Otherwise, the last stanza confused and wasn't quite sure how it would be remedies with....

"Your two angels guiding your way..."

Didn't know if you meant 'You are' or something else there, but read awkwardly.

Was this something she read at the reception or later on? It's a nice offering on your part and you deserve an extra pat on the back for doing this for sis.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of Deep Well  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Water and rebirth always mate for great symbolism. This poem has some descriptive imagery that illuminate some thoughts and feelings. Although, the assemblance of the parts of this poem seem jumbled and could not put together to put together the message or concept behind this piece.

We had the sun shining in a forest and an abondoned well of life within. I feel as though if this stanza were reworded it would resonate with the reader about to journey into this work.

I can see clearing a path to the water, but what is stagnant? The water? The person treading?

Third stanza works nicely and getting a proper feel for the sequence with the bucket being submerged to make water ripple.

"Rains of rebirth" seemed out of place, because it was not previously mentioned. If you mean to say the well is replenished by the rains, that should be explored more.

And the act of taking from the well does not seem to jive with the last stanza talking about refilling the well. It's like a stanza is missing between the two to transition from the act of removal to act of replenishment.

Overall, found this place mysterious and long to see more developed to give a richer feel for this experience the writer seeks to convey to the reader.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of Wall Barrier  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like the use of devices to stimulate the senses with words like bubbles tickling nose and mention of smell and reference to taste with champagne and vague references to sight and sound with sneezing and metaphorical devices.

For the most part, the senses are aroused, but I don't know what I am supposed to feel. Don't know what the bubbles are related to, only how they relate to champagne. The reference to pollen seemed to veer in another direction until we hit the wall that protects from oneself.

I'm sorry if I didn't understand the association made there. But I assume this is about a temptation that one needs to avoid that might be associated to pollen, but precautions were taken to avoid this with the suggested wall.

But this one sure does tickle the nose, as well as the brain!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
The use of this metaphorical box is clever, especially the title line which includes the graphic, too. Nicely done.

The one thing I stumbled over was the empty box itself in that opening line. After we get to, "You are always tempting; with lots of new toys" it is suddenly filled.

I think the inference of junk could come in that opening line to bring the poem full circle when it comes to the ending.

The 'what is one man's junk is another man's treasure' theme is an effective metaphor.

Brian KC

** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Somebody really must like their coffee! My caffeinated beverage of choice only requires the pop of a tab. I can't wait for a pot to brew, and I like my drink sweet!

It's almost like harassment, having a boss like that. But, since it's a bet...

You capture that feeling of a person trying to cope without their fix and relying on others for support and feeling like they are losing the race. But you hold out to win.

There is so much more that could be explored with this poem. The rhyme seems forced and some of the read became awkward as a result...

to rhyme drink..."keep me from the brink..." reads like an unfinished thought.

It looks as though this was written and never edited with opening line missing a subject

"(I) must win..."

and a space left between the comma and word in line two.

I'm happy to hear of the outcome and intended celebration at the end. Apt.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
These workshops can be so trying but so rewarding and help a writer build in form to one's craft. The rhyme scheme doesn't seem to affect the read of the poem. The storyline is a little too vague to comprehend the person to which the voice is referring to.

With the inclusion of children, I could assume this is a parent talking to their child and relating stories before running off with friends.

The knight symbolism and storytelling aspect gave me pause to see how this fit into the poem's concept. Knights usually represent honor and protection and chivalry.

This piece seems to suggest the narrator is someone this person looks up to, and they may be facing something dishonorable to end their knighthood and only have the pigeons (messanger?)to speak with, wanting to be heard.
Or it could just be about the feeling of being someone of nobility who has no subjects.

Either way, the poem does intrigue.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You are brave to confront this subject and share your emotions with readers. This is deserving of attention; a message that can help others who would commiserate. I imagine, many would find it difficult to critique this poem because of its delicate nature. But I would like to make some suggestions if it would help, having seen the cancer take the life and will of my Dad, and also ran rampant through my brother.

The thoughts come together, but the rhyme schemes seems to stand in the way. Just getting those emotions out on paper is hard enough. Having it restrained by form must make for a great challenge.

Like stanza two -- to keep rhyme scheme and help flow of read you could try:

It's torture; it's misery
Affliction and pain
When will it stop?
Why must it remain?

Questions add to that feeling of helplessness.

Stanza 3: "Suffer us no more..." is awkward and could use a rewrite.

"Make suffering end
and yield more time"

This next part makes me wonder if an indulgence in tobacco may be to blame:

"...What was our passion
Was it a crime(?)"

This may not evoke empathy from some, because there doesn't seem to be repentance or the offer of atonement which would pluck the heart strings of the reader.

Those are just some ideas I had. I don't even know if this is something you would consider rewriting or taking in a different direction. I'll end my comments here and hope I have been of some help.

Thank You for sharing this,
Review of I AM THE NIGHT  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm taken with this poem of yours, Sherri emoting such passion for another with such an easy expression of words.

I am the night . . . twinkling . . . stars that shimmer like tiny beacons beckoning...

You take nature's qualities and make them your own in this poem to offer this embrace to another, and wanting to protect them with such peaceful serenity to ease that person's soul.

Very provocative and such an invitation that I am sure this person will not be able to resist.

The best to you my friend and thanks for all your support.

Tremendous Hugs!

** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of NO MORE!  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This is the other side of the coin of love's innocence unlike thos portrayed in some of the other poems by you I have read tonight.

We have someone here who has been wronged by love, and this is a message that many I am sure can relate...those who have suffered the 'slings and arrows' or romance.

What is not laid out is how this came about, and it leaves a reader to puzzle what this someone was like and what lead to love's demise to get a greater appreciation of the loss.

Questions in a poem are always strong and these read like statements to pose unto others...almost like pity. So unlike the Sherri I knew. But deep inside, we all feel like this from time to time.

(((Extra big HUGS)))
to ease former sadness!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi again Sherri!!

This is so eerie and that feeling that something like this can strike at any time to onself or a loved one leaves me feeling helpless.

Your poem is so emotive and that driving line "Give her back to me!" really set the stage and wondered how this would end and by the good graces of God and good people she survives and yet the haunting theme "Give her back to me!" insists because she nor her family will ever be the same for having gone through this horrible experience.

You truly deliver with this, Sherri! Continued success to you...and Super Big Hugs!!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Sherri,

This is a very encouraging message to all writers from someone has succeeded and leads the way for the rest to follow.

You make it clear to me and others that we should not give up the dream. If that opportunity to showcase your talent exists, do not hide it.

This poem is simply stated and could be so much more with your gift of writing to illuminate these thoughts through showing the action of life's profound affect upon your endeavors.

I know there are others out there looking up to you for more words of inspiration like this!

So glad to have you for a friend!

Brian KC

** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Those kisses seem to grow with passion as I read through this one, Sherri.

The honeysuckle and bee have returned. We love the sweet nectar of love! This starts off with such a sweet expression of her adoration and especially enjoyed these lines...

". . .Blows him kisses as he sleeps,
Her presence everywhere. . ."

And the passion grows with that first seed planted. The forces of love blow stronger with hot moist kisses until the very end when those lips are burned! Ouch!!

She just can't stop kissing. Love that's irresistible and steadfast. Such optimism for a relationship and a positive poem!

HUGS once again,

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Review of FANTASIES  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Speaking in the third person Sherri, and I hear ya every step of the way!

"Sherri always searches for what is real and true…
Her fantasies, her spirit to be freed!!!"

Unleashed, untethered from the restraints that restrict the movement of her pen, and yet she has set sail on these words to send a message to us to show us the way to escape into that realm.

I just gotta be me...such a great statement...

"Every man and woman’s hidden desires lie within"

If we don't exercise the truth and do away with 'fabrication' we wither and die.

Nicely expressed!



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