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Logic: the more accredited as reviewer, the more associations I make, thus more integrated with like minded writers, thus a sense of community. Good intentions? Yes. Misunderstood? I don't even get me thinking I could break the log jam ongoing ---------------------- Style? Read my reviews. Look at any member's other review. ---------------------- I see the good, with an eye toward potential. Will never be/play authority of someone else’s words, leave to the master of the work. I just reflect/react/review, a fuller perspective. Responses of my reviews are affirming. --------------------------------- Do not credit me. Pay it forward. (if just to appease the logger heads) *shrug* ------------------------------- I'm approachable and available for questions, if you appear open and objective. No snow in here. ***************************************** just a flake. (Ha...no, heh?) ------------------ Weigh how heavy on your scale: inale-*SIGH*-exhale
I'm good at...
Poetry, shorter stuff. I'm mostly blind. I react and encourage with my reviews, suggest direction to make something better. I can be a friend. Trust went out the window. I break the conventional fourth wall. Not sure what it means? Ask.
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nature, love, psychological, spiritual, inspirational, epiphany, emotional, drama, human interest, science, conspiracy, dystopian, fatalistic, speculative. Not cookie cutter fantasy realms or choose your adventure. Action/adventure. Unique, surprise.
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Horror, fan fiction, some fantasy and sci-fi, or anything Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones-ish.
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poetry, short story, essay/opinion/blog
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fantasy, horror
Public Reviews
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Review of Moon  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Susan!

This short poem has sent the gears in my mind into motion.

The moon is a romantic image that lover's cast their eyes upon when together. But now the lonely souls look upon this face in the sky, imagining, perhaps, personifying its qualities to give the separated lovers a means of connection while apart.

I don't know about the reflective qualities of the moon and if this could have double meaning, but could suggest that it acts as a mirror reflectlnig souls and capturing spirits.

However, there is a flaw, because both spirit and soul are the same and both are being sent toward and away from luna. So, one has to find a way to separate the two to get a better definition of what is happening and what I am now about to assume.

The moon is the receiver of those who are dreaming/reflecting about the ones they miss, but the moon also acts as a gathering place for these spirits. Meaning the two who are apart are keep together in spirit by the visage of the moon. The union is made with the sky gazer's mind, knowing the other must be doing the same and thinking abou the other.

Okay, how close did I come? Great job on this poem. Enjoy taking the WD-40 to the grey matter and getting it loosened up again.

Review of Questions  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem proves you can say a lot with very few words. The woman is person who raises the question of whether he is a Man, which intensifies the meaning of the poem.

It is stated he has the best of intentions to hold her heart in his hands, which could suggest that she might not be all that easy to please. But to find further evidence of that, we only need to read the last line, the question or a veiled statement about how she views his position in the relationship?

Yes, he has the best of intentions, but he may be falling short in her eyes because of that lack of manhood. Very suggestive piece that provokes thought for the reader and very well captures the relationship between the two, because we can clearly see the position each holds in that relationship.

Job well done.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your opening stanza sets well the stage for this disaster which is getting a lot of attention with the event's fifth anniversary.

The reference to the planes as misguided demons works well. I think this poem has a lot of potential if it can be condensed to its essence. If you peel away some of the layers, readers can resonate with the well expressed feelings within.

Suggest less telling and more showing. Going through the minds of others watching the event unfold gives it many unique perspectives that help drive the poem.

To get a tighter, more impactful read, I suggest you more closely couple your adjectives...for example...

Our hearts, the rubble,
a throbbing black pit of fear
embedded in empty silence...

I think this is a worthwhile subject. Keep up the good work.

Review of A DREAM DENIED  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
The testament to faith in oneself is evident here and in many of the poems I have read in your portfolio. And this is something that you, my mentor, remind me of daily when I doubt myself.

This poem conceives a great inner reflection that allows writers like myself to get a glimpse inside the mind of a published author, and to know there will always be doubt, but that if we dream it we can achieve it.

All I need to do is look to the window to my left and see the book 'A Doorway To Hearts' displayed to realize it is within reach.

Thank You Sherri!

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful metaphor as harmonious as the instrument you portray. I happened upon this poem featured in the noticing newbies newsletter and wanted to give it a review.

This poem has a beautiful flow and reads as easily as the fluid motions of the instrument. But the ending is especially superb, with the comparison of a protective rosin like skin after the comparison of the lover's rising and falling passionate lovemaking with the musical directions.

For me, the only thing that detracted was the reference to 'violinish,' isn't as weighty or as provocative as the other words you use to deftly craft this piece.

This also reminded me of another poem I recently reviewed that you might enjoy, written by Pandora which I will link below.

Congratulations on a job well done!

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#1154358 by Not Available.
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like what you have done here. This is concise and aptly worded to give a true feeling of a connection to God. It reads very fluent and I would think some religious publications out there might print this poem as is. Very spiritually uplifting and capturing the true essence of what believers should hold onto until that day arrives.

Excellent job!

Review of I Lost My Mind  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Congrats! on the honorable mention for this poem, Nancy. Very nice read and enjoyed the ending a lot.

The meter is almost perfect...stanza two, last line need another syllable...maybe..."or that I have two left feet."
You might change that comma to a period at the end of the first line in stanza one.

Yes, very clever. And as I am getting to know you, can see this in your personality. Very funny, relatable poem.

I'd scramble our names, but people will wonder about me in the reviewing pages.
Review of Nights like this  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
There are some nice images in this poem and I especially liked the feel of second stanza and listening to one's own heart beneath sheets. Did you intend to spell cool with three o's?
Poem does lack a consistent structure and don't know if some rhyme was intended. The reference to music weaving doesn't seem like the most apt description. It could weave through the people, perhaps. But in the open, it would fill, spread, grow, etc.
Last line ties up poem nicely, but would like to see it shortened to match the other lines, or just remove 'with.'


Review of Come Closer  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
HI Traci!
You doodle well!

I thought I would give you a review before bed after seeing you in the who's online and you're offer to review reviewers.
Poetry is more of my thing right now.

I'm compelled by that fourth stanza. It really stands out from the rest, I could really get a sense of the entanglement.
I prefer freeform over stylized poetry to get a truer meaning of the expression. Nothing feels forced here.

Only part that threw me was 'soundless tone.' Sort of an oxymoron, but it didn't work for me.

Overall, the poem has a genuine feel that does well to project the feelings being emoted.

Review of Untitled  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
I see you are a newbie, like myself. Looked for a bio to get an idea of what you aspire to do with your poetry. But thought I would give some insight into this brief poem of yours.

This is the type of poem I like to construct to show a flow of thoughts in a moment that all relate to one another. The last line attempts to tie up the references and does so on a few levels...you repeated dreams. While the rhyme scheme works, it seems forced.

I think you have the foundation for a pretty good poem here. You could explore those things that were wasted further and still wrap them up with that line at the end.

Welcome to the Writing.com community.
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
there is a sweet innocense to this poem. the meter flows and the rhyme scheme nearly perfect. i would say its strength begins in the second stanza.

i believe a poem should hook a reader in that first stanza, and you deliver some wonderful realities of dreams -- and fears like those of the image's escape.

If you choose to rewrite, start with the second stanza and give the reader more of that vision. You could make it a poem within a poem. You have written the shell, now you must unhusk it to give us the true essence of its beauty and vitality.

It's all there. You have captured something and i think you can explore this dream subject further. But don't forget to show and not tell us what you are seeing,

Keep up the great work!

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Because there is so much packed into this poem, it took a while to take in. The essence here is longing to cry to get over someone. The lamenting and the forces you call upon are unending, just like the struggle to deal.

The last four lines say it all, and 'dry song' is a beautiful depiction. You could tear this poem apart with all the various references and make three or four great poems. You should tempt the reader with less, and maybe, make this la series of laments, one poem after another. If you publish a book of poetry (which you no doubt have the capacity to fill), you could intermittently insert each lament between poems to drive this theme home.

I am really enjoying your poetry and hope to read more in the weeks to come.

Review of Lonely Woman  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Using such plain yet carefully crafted language illuminates the characteristics of this woman you aptly portray. So much can be said when something isn't said. She emotes through her restraints.

The only concern I have is she believed in patient silence. You capture that with she smiled but often refrained from talking, and the other depicted actions. The line tells me what she thinks. I like watch the way you etch the outline of this woman, so I can only imagine what lies within and beneath to make her tick.

Great poem overall!
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this poem. It captures the childlike fervor and anticipation of this holiday. Very nice rhyme scheme and reads easy. This would be great for publication. I did notice you used haunt(ing) twice in first line. Don't know if that was intentional.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This poem uses personification of the emptiness inside to express the need for a metaphorical wrap to warm the soul
I like the alliteration of "sipping splended sweetness" creating a mood, taste and vision all in one. Clothing this bare soul also is a strong metaphor.

I got tripped up by "alcove." Thought maybe this was going to be a vampire. Aloneless is an awkward word. Need more visual word like solitude or desolation.

And shine doesn't seem to reflect how a clothing metaphor makes one feel afterward. You are snuggled in the body's own warmth.

Would strike the weeping line if a stronger depiction of warmth is used. To replace weeping, need stronger statement like a soul walking out on the stage to its audience. But it works with just the emptiness hiding within.

Really enjoyed this poem,
Review of Insomnia  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This strikes me as such a deep connection to self and great inner dialogue that flows like emerging thoughts. Very relatable. Your use of imagery traces the pictures of emotion and captures a scene that I can imagine with my own mind's eye.

I'm especially struck by early morning tomb. So effective that I had to pause. The repetition of counting also lends to the monotony. Excellent progression of time as you move me from night into the morning with thoughts of midday sun.
Your structure is much improved and I like where you are going with your writing.

The only thing that detracted me early on was the second line. I think it would sound better if you referred to the eyes first...My eyes reflecting the shimmering stars. Then reflecting takes on extra meaning...like reflection...thought.

Excellent poem!


Now you can rest! : )
Review of This bed  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is a very emotive poem and you have given this reader some sensations with the use of imagery and other sensory devices to put us in the story.
Use of cologne, flat pillows and rememberances of facial expressions bring life to this, one of the better poems I've seen from you.
I like that there is no restraint from form because this is just an outpouring of emotion. I think if you can close your eyes and read those words to yourself, you might be able to come up with more of those haunting memories that stirred your muse. If, that is, if it is not too emotionally difficult for you. But, you can consider it a healing process to help you study and rationalize those feelings. Once you get it all out on the page, it feels so much better. The better the expression, the better the satisfaction.

One area I can suggest now for an edit would be:
I cannot block out your hurt
instead you can trim and link to the following line to look like:
I cannot block out your turned down lips,
confused eyes. I'm restless on this bed.

Everything happens for a reason. Use times like these to motivate your creative juices. Give yourself what you need to get the greatest satisfaction for what strive for.


Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I like the pattern that is being established with the transitional phrase if there's one thing, but I noticed it opened differently, if there is anything. Don't know if that was intentional.
You begin to build a descriptive vision to relate to our feelings with curves and grass, but after that it's purely emotive. I would like to see you stick some descriptive metaphors for those eyes to equate to the feelings the voice is having to give me as a reader a full experience.
I like the flow of the poem. A very easy, pleasing read.

Review of Passkeys  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
I think there should be a way to block specific users from rating your work should they show they clearly do not exhibit the understanding of rating and reviewing. One such member has given me a two word review for an item averaging 4.5 stars and gave a 2.5. This person has only been a member for three days. My suspicion is retaliation for a review I gave and they created another account to lash back. It is only one occurance, but I don't care to see reviews like that again. I give thoughtful, thorough and insightful reviews when possible. If I cannot, then I do not rate and review. I emailed this person back, asking if there was something specific they didn't like about the poem. they did respond but gave a vague reply and then gifted me 30 points. I don't know if I am being overreactive, but I am offended. And the system clearly does not set parameters to guard against this thing, perhaps at any level of membership. Something to consider, I would hope.

Review of irony  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star*you took the words right out of my mouth. did we collaborate on this somehow? i always knew you were an existentialist. however, i did not know you were also and extinctionist.*Smile*

thing that joke was stretching it a might?

ah well,
Review of .-*Fly Away*-.  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
ah, your only poem at WDC and I didn't find anything in your bio block to get a better feel for who you are as a writer and what you hope to gain from reviewers at this website.
I will give you a brief overview of what I think here, and do with it what you want. I like to know a little about the people I review before critiquing.

Optimistic and shows ability to make words flow for an easy read. Concise and not overdone with flowerly language. Just honest, simple and easy to relate. I recommend working more on the imagery and background to give a better sense of what you as the author want to project.

Keep Writing and Good Luck!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Subtracting  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
The opening to this poem has a great hook and had me as a reader, but then I started seeing some awkward and excess language and saw the immediate opportunity to edit this poetic delight into an even tastier morsel for the reader's appetite.

Subtracting Me is a great title and a beautiful end giving the reader much reflection. There is a lot to work with here and hope you keep trying.


Welcome to the Writing.com community. I just recently joined myself. Hope you don’t mind, but I saw your poem and thought I would give it a review:

Congrats on becoming a member!
Keep Writing!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Golden Embrace  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
You show the ability to make your words flow cohesively in a poem full of vivid depictions of nature. Very whistful at the vend and liked this for the most part.
If you wouldn't mind a little constructive criticism...
I assume you take poetic license using flutters as a noun. Most readers would be thrown off by that.
Also, there are some repetitious references to Gold or sailing -- used three times. I can see how some words will create and ebb tide effect if you use them more than once, but I would say two is the limit.

You definitely have a feel for rhyme and meter and hope you keep working on this poem.


Welcome to the Writing.com community. I just recently joined myself. Hope you don’t mind, but I saw your poem and thought I would give it a review:

Congrats on becoming a member!
Keep Writing!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Mulch  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Love your colorful, descriptive word choice in a finely crafted shell. Can feel the crisp air of autumn. You put me there as a reader. I enjoy reading poetry like this. If you wouldn't mind, perhaps you can look at a couple offerings of mine that you might like:

Hidden Flower  (E)
The gardener discovers true beauty and self among flowers and weeds.
#1143050 by Brian K Compton

"Clutching Leaves

Brian KC
Welcome to the Writing.com community. I just recently joined myself. Hope you don’t mind, but I saw your poem and thought I would give it a review:

Congrats on becoming a member!
Keep Writing!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of be bold  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a nicely constructed poem that has an easy flow. Those two word lines drive this vehicle to the end. One personification -- FATE. You could use more of that and build some symbolism and imagery to help the poem's meaning.
You definitely have the knack for rhyme and meter.

Keep writing!

Welcome to the Writing.com community. I just recently joined myself. Hope you don’t mind, but I saw your poem and thought I would give it a review:

Congrats on becoming a member!
Keep Writing!!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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