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Review of Discovery  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
Without visiting your port, I can't say if I have reviewed any of your work before, but Welcome to the Writing.com community. I just recently joined myself. Hope you don’t mind, but I saw your poem and thought I would give it a review:

Last three lines I liked the best. Also, 'Me, love will find, when it's time to hide," also delivers. I think the structure of the poem throws me off as a reader. Would try lengthening stanzas and breaking apart. There is something to build on here. Stay optimistic and keep writing.


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Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Welcome to the Writing.com community. I have been a member for over a month myself and have not visited your port yet. Hope you don’t mind, but I saw your poem and thought I would give it a review:

I am still laughing. I saw the title of this humorous offering and love the word play. Do more. Do more!
Thanks again for the laugh.

Congrats on becoming a member!
Keep Writing!!


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Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Kristen,

This is a pleasure to read. Great storytellling. I haven't read Chaucer since my first year of college. I only get a gist of what he is about, since I was not much of a student then.

You probably know what line got me, too. Humorous and a delight. This starts out so smooth and easy to read, but I can see you troubled to keep the rhyme scheme. Maybe, still a work in progress. I really hope you can take this to the next level. I think it will be enjoyable for many to read.

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Review of Alone  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Welcome to the Writing.com community. I just recently joined myself. Hope you don’t mind, but i saw your poem and thought I would give it a review:

I like the form of this poem and the tight spiralling words that fall to the bottom of the poem. Quick and blunt the words impress the reader as they tumble down the page.
I would suggest either doing away with punctuation, or replace some of those periods with commas to show where words connect.
A very passionate feel and a pleasure to read.

Congrats on becoming a member!
Keep Writing!!


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Review of just a poem  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I say your poem listed on the newbie page. You don't write like a newbie. This poem is packed with a lot of expressive language that I could connect with.
I think the form of the poem could use more shaping to help the words flow out more smoothly.
I like free form poetry. It is a truer expression of what lies inside and you speak it well. Hope you develop this poem further, because I think it has qualities that can captivate.
Continued success,

Review of Gallery Season  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This poem flows well and has some vivid depictions of autumn.
Struck by line two as visually stimulating.
Line four made me think of bandages...what if whispers became "wisps of gauze."
October walks hurried is also a good line.
Listing in last stanza nicely captures the season.
Overall, I enjoyed this refreshing poetry.


Review of Autumn Twilight  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Tantilizing usage of colors to evoke a passionate connection with autumn. Adjectives and verbs just leap off the screen. Very rich and vivid depiction of the sky. The imagery is almost too much to consume.
I really had to rev up my tongue to wrap it around the alliteration of line two.
The line that struck me, "Heaven sprouts its blazing garden."
One description I stumbled over was how trees roll over the landscape. This might happen if you are in motion, like a car. But if you suggest the trees are moving, you might want to depict it another way. Or if stationary, "spread across..."

Also, taking in the panorama, we skip from the tree to the sky back to trees, then flowers, then sky. It might help to construct an order of events to take us from the trees to the flowers and finally the skies for more cohesiveness.
I'm probably nitpicking now. But if you really want to develop this structurally, this poem can be layered into an even spicier entree.

Keep Writing!


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Review of Life  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
Author makes a point of how our society is too busy trying to ignore our problems with laugher.
I spotted some problems with punctuation and spelling errors. I would leave off punctuation, except for ?'s.
I would break both lines four and five into separation lines to read:

"in a pool of tears

contributed by 10 people(')s puffy eyes

people cry to(o) much in this world

no one wants to laugh or play"

Even broken up line four is long. Maybe contributed changed to fueled, or something with fewer syllables.

Keep On Writing!


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Great example of how listing can make a poem come together and with vivid imagery. It is truly amazing what the mind can envision with flashbacks of memories; and then scatter them throughout this poem much the way the mind works and keep it poetic really made it a nice read for me.


Review of FIND ME  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
There may be several ways for the reader to interpret this which gives it greater meaning. It could be an inner dialogue to our inner child, or for your child, or something you love like writing. The assurances do warm this heart. I can't put my finger on it, but something about this strikes me like e.e. cummings work.
Caught a couple typos:
line six s(h)ake
& second line of fourth stanza succe(e)d
Also, think you need to leave 's after left in second to last line.
Overall, a poem with some promise. Thank you for sharing it on WDC.


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Review of Weight Uplifted  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
This poem is concise and delivers a clear message and a transitional form that has laid a foundation -- starting with the torment, to the light, to being uplifted.
Language could be stronger, more descriptive to give reader a feel for that torment, the revelation of the light and being uplifted. I urge you to keep writing, using all your senses to purge the symbolic elements of these feelings from your soul onto the page.
You definitely have a grasp for form and don't try to overwrite with this poem.

Good Luck!


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Review of Wheel of Love  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This strikes me, as a lover of art and writing. This echoes the same sentiments about giving ourselves to our craft as does my poem "Before I'm Rejected by You."
I was drawn in by the title and had to read, and then hooked again by that first line -- the struggle begins.
Just a great depiction of giving love to our creations. I really enjoyed this poem.
Thanks again for the rate and review and hope you'll revisit, as I will.

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Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I haven't done much in the interactive stories area, but I am intrigued by the possibilities and watching the story unfold and being able to take part.
I think if I did have an opinion in regards to the poll, the creator of the story could allow the addition of characters but have control over where the story is going. It might discourage some writers from participating if you choose to eliminate the avenue they take to get better direction.
To remedy that, there could be different levels of interactive stories. Like a ball player working their way up from the minors to the major league rank. Give the writer a chance to exhibit their writing skills by taking part in minor interactives. Like auditioning for a part in the interactives that have promise to be something fun to read and interact with; not spoiling the fun for the more serious writer.
I enjoy your site and hope to be an interactive writer someday. I stopped by to visit your port today to thank you again for rating and reviewing one of my poems.
Brian KC

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Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
You were nice enough to rate and review my poetry, so I thought I would visit your port today to return the favor.
The title of this poem caught my attention both as a writer and an artist. The blank page can be very imposing.
I like what you are trying to do and the third line rings so true.
You could use lower case and add italics for start writing to give sort of inner voice calling to action.
You switch to once upon a time late in the poem. This could be used throughout to give poem more continuity. I liked the incorporation of turning paper into money. You could really list a lot of different ways paper takes form to show irony like this.
Keep writing and thanks again,

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of picture  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.0)
This poem reads smoothly without form or rhyme. There is something here in this poem that emotes to me holding in feelings for another. But I think it could explore deeper with a greater depiction of those feelings.
Use picture several times, which could be altered to vision or dream other ways to express what we see with our eyes. Use of art as a vehicle to drive this poem could work better, but I do understand what it is attempting to convey. In a relationship their are two people represented by different interpretations of their partnership...something we all struggle to negotiate...something that could impose conditions. Can't help but feel the helplessness of the voice. A stronger ending would really help, too.
I especially enjoyed the volcanic part. That could be explored deeper, as well.
Keep writing,

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I enjoyed this alliterated and cleverly worded poem. The title caught my attention and a good choice. I like the plus minus system associated with the constrasting lines. Couldn't make it all the way to Z? : )
You took the time to review one of my poems awhile back and am just getting around now to check out your port.
I hope you'll come back and rate and review more of my poems.

The Evergreen  (E)
God gives what man destroys, then God gives...
#1149934 by Brian K Compton


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Review of Picture Perfect  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
For one so young your poem is thoughtfully insightful of the contradictory natures of the teenage mind. This reads like a poem within prose. Have plans to shape it more poetically? because I think you have something here to build on.
Lines five through eight set apart from the rest because of the rhyme. Further down, I got confused by A screw up to the close. After finishing, I figured out the screw up part, but this line is awkward. Who or what are the close?
This poem rings true, though. I can feel this person acknowledging how they are hard to understand, how they seem like 'a screw up' to someone else. Perhaps, even blaming oneself for being so difficult to reach, which is natural at this age.
Keep writing, keep exploring the wonders of the mind.

Here's something I would like your thoughts on, which I wrote when I was a teen:

Oblique  (E)
Troubled teen years reflected in old poem. We know now why. Need an updated ‘label’.
#1145653 by Brian K Compton

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Phobia  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This is very funny and has a sweetness to it that I think would relate well to children. This is publishable and I'm certain you could find a magazine or someone to buy it. Even a book with illustrations would work for me.
The only comment I would make is contracting words with 'n. Think it should be in', especially if it for young readers.
Nice work.

Review of Last Ride In 1959  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I like the last line and the description of the spedometer and arrival in the water. Did Buick's come with 4-cylinders in 59? The car is a mystery to me. Considering this bunch, the car must be in bad shape, hence the poor acceleration.
There could be a lot more build up to the car ride. Maybe more about the characters and what led them to their fate, beside reckless driving and beer. But on second thought, Billy and Tommy are the only characters of interest and there are some subtle efforts here to introduce their characteristics.
Caught a grammatical error, "watched the road markers fly pass(ed)..."
Thought it could be tightened up in a few spots, too.
Like "push the (gas) pedal"..."(radio) music"...just because it is obvious being in a car what these things are.
You could strike a line and change to "The honor student was glad the T-man..." leaving off the following sentence because it is obvious from the previous line.
I like the premise and hope you success with your writing.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Forever Child  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
So this is a Quinzaine. I like the affect. I wonder if you change the question to add an adjective before child you might be able to deliver a better line.
For instance:

'Will you always be
my adoring child?

You could genderize or make some other specific reference to give more meaning to the infant/toddler/child to give the reader a deeper connection.
Good luck with the contest. I had thought about entering, too. I missed the deadline for last month's prompt. Did you enter that? If you're familiar with the form, maybe you can give me a review to tell me what you think.
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1149800 by Not Available.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Love And Water  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I saw your request for a review and visited your port to find Love and Water. You do well to parallel water with love as it relates to kindness.
I'm trynig to figure out if the shape of the poem could be any better like centering it on the page?
Two points that I would make, if I could:
Water drips. Not sure if changing a drip to a drop means anything.
In second part it is used to refer to good deeds.
I know you want to keep structure with it fills. Perhaps a singular reference can be used.
I like poetry like this. Do you have any others? I have one you might enjoy.
The Evergreen  (E)
God gives what man destroys, then God gives...
#1149934 by Brian K Compton


My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Growing Up Trina  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey, me too! My Maddie will be two on November 24th.
And she is such a fiesty, spirited girl who won't take No for an answer. And Why, why, why, so funny.
I love this poem and it is so true. You capture everything so well contrasting infant to toddler in each stanza. I look forward to reading more.
BTW - I'm visiting your port today because you reviewed one of my poems awhile back and am just getting around now to returning the favor.
Would love to hear from you again. I have posted many more poems since your very generous review of 'Garden Waste.'
Thanks again,

The Evergreen  (E)
God gives what man destroys, then God gives...
#1149934 by Brian K Compton
Review of Lonely  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
Your poem reminds me of myself as a teenager and I can relate. Thanks for the invite to your port and for reviewing me as well. Hidden amongst my poems in a folder called 'the lesser viewed' is a poem that I wrote as a teen that sums up some of the feelings in you display. Please keep writing and I promise to stop by and encourage whenever I can.


Oblique  (E)
Troubled teen years reflected in old poem. We know now why. Need an updated ‘label’.
#1145653 by Brian K Compton

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Hope  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
You were kind enough to review one of my poems awhile back and I am just now getting around to visiting the ports of my readers
I came across Hope, and liked it best. You capture some heartfelt feelings. I especially like the 3rd stanza...the essence of hope...perhaps a better title? anyway, this is as yet an unrefined gem. I have some thoughts that I would like to share...
the first stanza has great potential with the descriptive settings, but putting the reader on the highway and then in the Dead Sea confuses. If you could separate these references into two stanzas and build off of each you could have a very strong open.
After the third stanza everything pales and this is where a good transition is needed for discover how the essence of hope is found. At times like this, I get out my thesaurus and try to make plain words come alive. For me, reexaming words and their definitions leads me down the path to a greater expression.
Sometimes shorter is sweeter. I urge you to keep working with this poem.
Good Luck! and I hope you will return to my port to read and review more of my poems, as I have read from your writings you have a deep appreciation for.

In fact you might like this:
Heart To Pilot  (E)
Love's pursuit that soars and falls in this epic metaphor.
#1151016 by Brian K Compton

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of SMALL AM I  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Being a parent of two small children this poem gives me chills to think my own could be subjected to such conditions. Small Am I is a very apt title. It's sad that voice sees little more redemption that the sweet release of death. But it is honest and true and an unfortunate circumstance facing too many little ones we cannot protect.


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