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Read my reviews. Look at any other review. I see the good, with an eye toward potential. Will never be/play authority of someone else’s words, leave to the master of the work. I just reflect/react/review, a fuller perspective. Responses of my reviews are affirming. Do not credit me. Pay it forward.
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Poetry, shorter stuff. I'm mostly blind. I react and encourage with my reviews, suggest direction to make something better. I can be a friend. Trust went out the window. I break the conventional fourth wall. Not sure what it means? Ask.
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nature, love, psychological, spiritual, inspirational, epiphany, emotional, drama, human interest, science, conspiracy, dystopian, fatalistic, speculative. Not cookie cutter fantasy realms or choose your adventure. Action/adventure. Unique, surprise.
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Horror, fan fiction, some fantasy and sci-fi, or anything Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones-ish.
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poetry, short story, essay/opinion/blog
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Review of MY KNIGHT  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The steedless Knight who is the stud for Sherri Gibson!

Such passion and great form with rhyme scheme to add flavor to this piece. Knights can stand for so much, especially chivalry, not to mention honour and faithfulness.

This also makes a statement of truth about relationships...

"We both give and take with a mind of our own"

Love does not need to think with one mind. Two can seek pleasure of their own purposes and still find unity as separate parts to love's puzzle.

Very well done!



"Invalid Item
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Review #16

This is so sad and so horribly wrong for a child to be put through that. You capture that feeling of helplessness with a voice that can echo in a parent's mind, wondering where their child is held captive and how they are being treated.

No doubt, you have responded to more of those missing children reports. Your driving hook 'Daddy can you hear me?" is so haunting that no parent could bear to think of this happening to their own.
And yet, they must take precautions lest it could happen to them.

We need to keep it real and your poem helps deliver that message.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your expressions of love are simple, honest and direct.

You set the poem up with this offer of your heart, strong yet fragile, if handled improperly. Hearts and keys make for strong metaphors for revealing that something hidden beneath when revealed can possess quite a great deal of power. Love being the strongest.

rhyme scheme and structure of this poem are strong, as always! the words move effortlessly as i read them aloud.

I liked the poem's ending with the repetition of hands...like a gift that you give that is so precious and putting something in one's hands is like handing over that key that symbolizes such trust.

Nice Job!



** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of LOVER'S DANCE  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Without the rhyme this is prose that could easily capture a reader of a romance novel. You spin a tale by that fire, set the scene so vividly, and light up our imagination of this moment to come.

I only had one thought that might make some readers puzzle, lips that mesh. It seems like melt but sounds funny because it is not an oft used expression to describe these lips meeting. Unless they have piercings that cause them to become entangled...it just sounds funny, I guess.

But aside from that, this poem is another excellent and romantic offering that I enjoyed.

The best to you always, Sherri!

HuGaHuGaHuGa Choo! Choo!
Where did that come from?

Oh well,

** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of How We Miss Him!  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Once again tugging at the heartstrings and that feeling of emptiness a parent who goes through this must feel.

These poems have that one driving hook, and this one is "How we miss him!"

And you list all the remembrances that endear us to this person who has lost a child and really puts us in her heart wanting to reach out in comfort her.

Very strong use of images to recall the beauty and invaluable precious quality of children and how important they are to safeguard.

As always, I admire your work Sherri!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of SHEER HEAVEN  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Such a heavenly expression of the afterglow beneath the stars and moon, very romantic.

How did you get to be so gifted with words? You do you find the time to construct all these visionary pieces that relate so well tot he human condition?

Staring into eyes like staring into the heavens. It's like you have related all that the two have gazed up in the sky and now transfer that awe of such wondrous beauty and find it on earth in one another.

Such a sweet bonding of love!

Best wishes to you my friend!

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Something makes me think we are not reading about pollination of a plant by a bee. Hmmm.

Very nicely done. A metaphor for someone who expresses their desire for another and the pleasure their acquaintance provides. This is like a nurturing relationship. One that both gives and takes and is beneficial to both.

It's actually kind of naughty when you read a line like this...

"Always would she spread her bud and allow him entrance"

But since we know this is purely educational, we should not fear the kids will misunderstand. Will they?

Thanks Sherri!
Huggy-Bear Bri
Review of WHY I LOVE WDC  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sherri, I think all the people at WDC should be writing a debt of gratitude to you for all you have done to help others who seek out their dreams.

You have been very supportive and to read this tribute just shows how truly unselfish you are.

I forget sometimes why Writing.com has been a source of rejuvenation for me, but you are always there to remind me.

From my perspective, it is good to know that someone of your talents is able to appreciate a site such as this, and helps me know that I was steered in the right direction!

Right on!!


Review of The Nail  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
This nail does symbolize something that was once strong, significant, to be found discarded and worn by time.

So much reflection goes into the thought of that nail to bring it to life.

I did notice some grammatical issues. The tense shifts from past to present and back. Also need to remove apostrophe from, ."..it's kind in a heap..."

Don't know that the removal of this nail could topple something...unless it is a metaphor to describe something that could be more effectively portrayed.

The ending made me wonder also. It seemed surreal to get dirt an inch thick under one's nail. I don't know how big nails have to get for that to happen. That would be a third of the length of my index finger.

But other than that, liked the reverie and appreciation for something from era being lost by time.

Review of Superhero colours  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
I was taken aback when I read your words:

Since i cannot show it to the one man who means most...i'll show it to those who are meaningless...i'd really appreciate it and there are giftpoints..."

The people at this great site deserve better.
Review of Shaped  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is so sad and somewhat graphically illustrates this loss/need.

I especially like the thought of that stone, although I would have it wanting to walk, since it actually would not be possible without help.

The concept of the shape, the forms taken to try to reach this love is good. That first line made me think where is the round? Maybe the text should show shape and maybe color, although gold would not be possible.

It's good to avoid poetic form, showing this person frustrated and shorting out, disconnecting and coming to life. The emotions bounce about from apathy to feelings that want to strike before finishing with a heartfelt summation.

The rip out the heart line is cliche and would avoid it. Stick with the imagery that shows these feelings effectively and concentrate on those emotions that best move the poem.

In its raw form, this is good. Keep writing.

Review of I will remember  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very touching tribute to your mother. It really plucked at my heartstrings. I have written several devotional pieces to my late mother myself.

Just recounting those events as simple as smoothing hair, the soothing and notes are so effective at showing what she means to you.

You are on the right track to developing your talent as a writer.

Keep up the good work!

Review of On Love  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I've pondered this one for awhile now and find some of the imagery very alluring and the read and form quite good.

One line I'm having trouble with is "That man has no permit to make..." Yeah, still looking but can't quite grasp it. But we have a declaration of a commitment to love and how love keeps working its magic and inevitably wins.

That's the best I could do, sorry. But again, I can see that it is crafted well and does give one pause to think about relationships.

Review of Winged Wanderer  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful metaphor for something with such beauty and grace choosing to smell the flowers, while resistant to conformity.

And yet, this person would not be satisfied if all this was laid at their feet. It's aimless, searching but for what? Seems akin to another poem or two of yours I have read and seems to fit a character than has no direction, seems disinterested.

I have written a poem suggesting my life like a mindless butterfly always banging against the glass because it sees light on the other side, never choosing another course to the flame.

I can appreciate your take on the butterfly.

Review of Racing Time  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is amusing in a sense, this runner who does not want to hurry to get to the end of life.

I guess it is all the hinderances this person finds to deter that make me smile just a little. Nice how you place those other runners in there, seemingly like lemmings running for the edge of that cliff.

Clever and a pleasure to read.

Review of Potential  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This starts off just a little slowly for me, but builds speed and finishes well with the repeated theme, 'fibres of the page.'

As a writer, I can appreciate your passion for the craft and how this metaphor for writing comes to life. The form does not seem to restrain what you convey.

That tree imagery is rich and does sprout to life just like you say. Didn't know what you meant by 'a mage.' Hoped it wasn't a typo.

The repeated final line really brought cohesiveness to this poem.

Well done!

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm intrigued by the two concepts that drive this poem. The first is the relevance of time, and how time slows. The second is the metaphor for refining with fire and the strength built by two.

I think you have two poems in one here. I like the fire metaphor best and see that as the central focus of this piece.

I had trouble mid-line with the read in a few places where I thought punctuation would help put the proper pauses to help the read...for instance:

Through early years of life we grow;
The years stretch long, time seems to slow.
Now looking back, the time seemed short...

Add a question mark at the end of...
How much easier then if there are two?

This line is awkward and long...
There is something that happens these souls they grow stronger.

Need apostrophe here:
The fire can't...

Do you mean a pause between A test, life is...?

I now see the reference to 'grow' at beginning and end. If you mean to compare love's cast with growing alone, the flames should arrive at the onset to help tie this together.

Very nice work.

Review of Alone  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
You list quite a few different devices to express a range of emotions with parallels and some that contrast, like the opening stanza.

The last two lines of that first stanza really stood out and gave me pause. The following stanzas did not seem to relate to what seemed to be a set of contrasting statements leading up to something.

The words are descriptive and illuminating but I was not able to focus on a specific theme to give this piece unity.

This stanza in particular did not seem to relate to anything...

"A single cloud in an empty sky,
A pained look, an unheard sigh,
A flower floating on the sea,
A rusty lock without a key."

The last two stanzas seemed to work with each other and the third seemed to parallel the first. The unicorn didn't seem to fit either.

I'm sorry if I missed the aim of this work, but I felt the read was fluid and the descriptions did open the mind's eye.


Review of Never  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh, depression! What are you doing to this girl! So emotive and yet constrained by this malaise of having no direction or will to do something, anything that could give on the self-satisfaction and motivation to continue on.

Reflective, this someone obsessed with losing the present and seeing only the past and death in their wake. Oh, for the sunnier promises of life to fulfill this person and give hope for tomorrow.

Great emotive piece.

Review of Lacking a Title  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is brillliant, in more than one sense of the word. Vivid depiction of the experience of viewing a sunset and appreciate the personifying manipulation of this vision in the water. Have you given up on a title for this work? Sun's Dance, Dance Upon the Waves, Until We Dance Again, Splintered Sun Dance, The Sun's Ballroom, to rattle off a few ideas.

Nice work. Very descriptive and great use of prose.

Review of The Pebble  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I have a feeling you're not talking about pebbles. : )

This is a wonderful poem with a great device to parallel these feelings of segregation and of feeling captured by life and society. And only to be cast back into the sea at the end, give that feeling of feeling unwanted, cast adrift to float aimlessly through life or submerge someplace.

Could feel the constraint, the underlying anger/resentment that give a greater appreciation of this finely crafted work.

Thank you for sharing this,

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (3.5)
Simple and to the point. Rhyme scheme and a flow that made for an easy read.

I would think it might read better...

A brand new love in each new way.

I think people can relate to this, but we're merely scratching the surface. A greater expression of these experiences can be explored to get a more visceral reaction from your audience.

With an attempt to relate these feelings to images, you could have a very compelling read.

Review of A Mothers' Sorrow  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello Sunshine,

A great effort to express these feelings of loss and respect for the woman who grieves her son's death. This must be very personal and I thank you for sharing it with me.

I must say this poem has some elements that can move a reader. I think it could be even stronger if the reference to losing her son is presented in that first stanza. Just hint without saying son directly can capture the reader's attention who wants to learn more about who this is.

Some ways to go about this, I suggest an item of his that she looks upon to stir up her feelings:
a pendant, a picture frame, photo album, his bedroom or a place where he stood or something he would hold a lot. So many different things that say son without saying it. And then end with first born.

I think you handled this quite well. Thanks again for sharing with me,

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This poem has a peculiar form that I have not seen before and wonder if it is your own device. The rhyme scheme didn't seem to be fully intact, not that it matters, but just wondered about that.

This is an honest expression of feeling and feel certain that many can relate to this. I would have liked to see some of this emotion unfolding, a particular thought or feeling expounded with imagery or metaphors and the like.

I got the gist of the heartache coming from the lies of another. And this person wants to stand up and speak their mind, but fears risking the relationship. So it's kind of sad that we can't get past the feelings to get to the real issues that could develop and make these issues come to life.

A lot of heartfelt feeling in this poem, and I thank you for sharing.

Review of Phantom  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Who is this nameless phantom? You definitely set the stage for this mystery entity who knows all and sees all. There is some smatterings of imagery that open the mind's eye. The flow of the read was pleasing, too.

I particularly enjoyed the fifth stanza and how you depict time and relate to all the lonely people standing in line. This one stanza resonates for me.

Good writing!

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