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Read my reviews. Look at any other review. I see the good, with an eye toward potential. Will never be/play authority of someone else’s words, leave to the master of the work. I just reflect/react/review, a fuller perspective. Responses of my reviews are affirming. Do not credit me. Pay it forward.
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Poetry, shorter stuff. I'm mostly blind. I react and encourage with my reviews, suggest direction to make something better. I can be a friend. Trust went out the window. I break the conventional fourth wall. Not sure what it means? Ask.
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nature, love, psychological, spiritual, inspirational, epiphany, emotional, drama, human interest, science, conspiracy, dystopian, fatalistic, speculative. Not cookie cutter fantasy realms or choose your adventure. Action/adventure. Unique, surprise.
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Horror, fan fiction, some fantasy and sci-fi, or anything Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones-ish.
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poetry, short story, essay/opinion/blog
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Review of Quake  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is chock full of visual imagery. I imagine a child alone during a play of some kind, fearful of public exposure and the audience's response.

There is a lot at work that is far above childlike, an adult recollection of a time that is seared in one's memory. Something unshakeable because of its lasting, unnerving affect upon the child.

The most stunning line to me was 'My fear is a mirror.' That is an excellent way of showing those emotions and the introspection when reflecting the mounting anxiety.

The last stanza I had difficulty interpreting, but if I were to take a stab at it...I would say that this moment on stage becomes awkward, but somehow the heart provides the lyrics, maybe the words to urge oneself on. The percussion perhaps helps the performer, the drowning out, masking just enough of the effort so the fear of being alone, and not the only voice, eases the unsettled young actor.

Wasn't quite sure what to make of 'shattered room,' and thought this might suggest the audience and how they react...and then waiting for that curtain like relief. I hope I didn't overanalyze it. I'm prone to do that. *Smile*

Congratulations on being recognized as a Rising Star at Writing.Com! A very compelling piece of writing!

Review of Tell Me Something  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Before I got to the ending, I began wondering myself why so many questions? Some of these were tying up thematically before it continued on. There is so much to consume and wonder about in this world. This poem could go on forever with the many unanswered questions of life.

But as some of the questions speak to beliefs, the moral majority, it seem logic is flawed. One that I thought of and would add to the list is why is nudity banned from television when violence is so much worse, and gets promoted without any ethical remorse? From shows about murder and exploitation to advertisements for video games where the objective is to kill ruthlessly or be killed, it all doesn't belong in our living rooms when children are watching, yet there it is.

Good notion with this poem.

Review of Wrong  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Liked the flow of this poem making for a comfortable read. The theme is something many can relate to, and brings up a lot of questions about the leadership in our country. Something we may never understand, but as a country we are coming to the realization something is wrong. And giving the democrats majority in both the house and senate in the November election sent a very strong message that ended the long awaited demise of Rumsfeld.

I think that was done to get the heat off, but the people need to keep voicing their opinion to have an affect on world diplomacy today.

Nicely done!

Review of proved you wrong  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
You've got it half right in my estimation. No one should be allowed to make someone feel this way. And I would think it a guilty pleasure to be able to rub one's new found glory in their faces. But for moral reasons, it wouldn't be fair.

There is a lot at work here with this poem, and I think some things threw me just a bit like...

...And cry a little more

Reach under my bed

Wishing I was dead

I wasn't sure what reaching under the bed meant here. My first inclination was to think something was hidden under there...something that could be used to get back at the tormentors.

I think a lot is not clear about what provoked the insults and what changed that led to success. And why would someone who is successful even bother to take the time to think about being vindicated for something that happened in the past. What about looking at it as the motivation to strive to be better that made one a success?

I would say the poem is the mere fantasy of a person assuming future success that could be used to clout those that pushed them aside.

There are some value issues here that could be addressed to make for an even stronger appeal to the reading audience, who, by the way, want to be compassionate and on the side of the person who has been wronged.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting use of directives to the reader that makes one want to read on to see where all this wisdom is leading. In a round about way, I think it is about enjoying the simple things in life, connecting with what is real. I didn't find this to have an overwhelming theme or something extremely thought provoking. But in its simpllicity, it speaks to common values and to not be a stranger but a part of this world. Contact with nature, with people and any other elements seems to be essential to shedding that stranger image.

That's my interpretation at least.

Review of CATCH OF THE DAY  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
The pace and read of this poetic tale is quite charming as it playfully plays out. Great storytelling that I'm sure appeals to people of many ages. I was surprised by the ending with all the build up. I thought the type of poem I was reading would impart a bit of wisdom, a moral, or some clever finish. That would be the only thing lacking in an otherwise delightful read.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I don't know what this draft will lead to. But, from that description of the subject, I'm intrigued.

Are you suggesting implanting this nanotechnology into a human to manipulate emotion, etc.? Kind of like what anti-depressants might do, or the like?

I've been kidding my wife with the direction of technology, it won't be long before she is assisting doctors with implanting chips into the heads of people to be used as a computer or cell phone or MP3 player. Just think, you never have to leave you. Everything can be operated by voice command. Cosmetic surgery is just a tip of the iceburg for doctors looking for more ways to make a buck! And if something doesn't function properly, you send you in for repairs!

By I digress, stem cell research and cloning are more likely to happen before my crazy notion.

Thanks for sharing!

Review of Book or Movie?  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think sometimes it takes the movie to inspire one to read the novel.

The novel in its entirety is easier to appreciate because it allows the reader to conjure their own movie adaptation in the mind.

Sadly, the art of cinema has difficulty capturing the imagination of one person and stifles the vision.

One movie that I appreciated having read the novel beforehand was The House Of Sand and Fog. The book was brilliantly written by Andrus Dubos. He had a hand in adapting the book into a script for the movie adaptation, which was brilliant on a different level and gave life to the characters almost as I had imagined them...in a satisfying way because they become real.

The ending of the film was different and gave me more to think about between the novel and movie endings. Thanks to DVD, I got to see the alternate ending, which was the original, allowing me to visualize how the book actually ended.

Great Poll!

Brian KC
Review of My Night  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
You create some evocative imagery with your description of the advancing night and the mood it induces for the writer.

Such a smooth read and well metered to give those words extra flavor.

The night seems to be that temptress, something welcomed and not feared. The various metaphors all work to give personification to that which we cannot see but imagine has a hold on us, stirring one's soul.

Nicely done.

Review of Advice About Life  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Nice way of tying up some of the old adages and putting them in a new light. Some fresh perspectives of how to take life as it comes.

Liked they rhythmic flow of the repeated stanzas with its counter punches...

Life may be terrible,
But think positively.
Life may be wonderful,
But think realistically.

Kind of lets it out a little and reels it in like the tide. The middle stanza was also effective.

Very nice work overall.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I hoped there would be some resolution for this bit of wonderment. I have those same feelings when I look at someone and wonder if I should know them, if I should say something.

In a way, this also gave me to think of this person looking at themself in the past. As with the mind's eye, a symbolic or dreamlike vision, of who they were and trying to reconnect with the past.

But the narrator could not get close enough to even acknowledge the person they seek is herself.

Of course, that could be me reading too much into it, but it would make for more relevance if it were.

Review of AFTER HOURS  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh, too true!

This is a very nice collection of thoughts of the Mom who has to do everything, and Dad can't even remember all those things without having them written down.

And why doesn't he take pen to paper? Can't even take dictation.

Can imagine how my wife can get like this. Guys can take for granted how all those things seem to magically get done while they have their feet up on the couch.

Good job...Mom!

Review of My World  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is beautiful!

As a parent, I can truly appreciate the emotions expressed to the little one you must let go of a little at a time, learning to trust them to grow up right.

Taking this from such a tiny thing in that delivery room to sharing those moments watching them grow really brings meaning to the experiences that will last a lifetime.

Liked the pet name, Lady Bug, too. Well expressed and so heartfelt that it touched me.

Nicely done!

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very nicely written with a deft use of meter to make for a very smooth read, much like the graceful deer.

But first I must say, I got a smile when I saw those ads linked to this page. This one was my favorite:

Browse a huge selection now. Find
exactly what you want today.
Ads by Google'

Now back to the poem. The metaphor for the deer creates some nice visuals in the first two stanzas. But in the following stanzas you stray away from it and could not see a relation to the deer anymore.

Either way, the sentiment of the poem is something I am sure many can appreciate. You have a talent for crafting words. I think fleshing out that metaphorical relationship further could add so much more. Or even, break this into separate poems...One about the hunt for love with the deer metaphor...the other about the rewards of marriage.

Brian KC

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
You do create some mental images mixed with emotions that did make for a humorous moment. Did you intend to spell tires with a 'y'...wasn't sure if there could have been some significance there.

I would use quotes in the second and third lines and add a comma after 'He's back' to give greater dramatic effect.

Enjoyed visualizing this,

Brian KC
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
It was a great honor to be recognized by this outstanding forum!

Being recognized a fellow writer and my peers gave me a special feeling and makes me want to go out and do something for others who need some inspiration.

I hope more preferred authors take advantage of this forum and boost the morale of those struggling to fit in and make themselves known.

Thank you Gabriella for such a great program. This has been truly rewarding!

Brian Keith Compton
Review of Strange Weather  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I sort of get this contemplation in relation to the inability to understand how one's life can be as strange as this inexplainable weather.

You seem to describe three emotions...a bittersweet melancholy, happiness and depression with the types of weather mentioned.

I can see how the phenomena can be akin to the human spirit. If I take it a step further, I assume this is about how one perceives these things weather/emotion? The meteorologist/psychiatrist would probably not have to muse about this. But to the untrained eye, it causes wonder.

I know you call this nonsense, but sometimes the subconscious can make itself known. Hope I didn't overanalyze. But it was a fun challenge.


Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the theme of missed opportunities between these two who for whatever reasons are always rushing, never have time.

The excuse of time as an obstacle is one I'm sure we have all used in our dramatized efforts to get out of something.

This is sort of wistful, thinking they could have something romantic, a future. But because they don't take that chance to make time, time slips away.

Nicely done.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Nancy,

Stifled emotions aroused by a title prompt can make for some tricky wordsmithing.

The two words 'broken' and 'promise' together can emote and link some powerful metaphorical relationships to drive home the point about this scorn.

I would focus all the lines on defining the purpose of those two words...broken is the friendship from broken promises. Is there a trail of broken promises leading up to this? This relationship journey forcing the two to part ways?

I would remove the line about a broken promise to a child...it confuses the relationship between the narrator and the promise breaker and the extra space could be used for more expression of that broken feeling.

Breakable objects that hold something of value come to mind. Broken vase that holds flowers that were once given. Broken mirror that once held the images of two who shared a smile. Broken porcelain doll that was tossed by the angry child. Broken record because the reviewer wouldn't stop opining about BROKEN!

I'm in a humorous rut today! Ready to put up some serious verbage! I'm quoting Monsters, Inc. now. Clawing my way back to reality and....okay, I'm back.

This isn't due until mid-November, right? I would go back to the drawing board to make a list of things broken and then draw relationships to a broken promise and let the muses do the rest.

If you draw from a personal experience, visualize those memories if you can, and see what pops in your head. You might have some metaphors from that.

Am I any help here? I'm all over the place with my little hiatus from family life. Let me know if any of my rambling needs to be clarified.

Review of Hope Shadow  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
If I could make an attempt to describe what this is about the struggle to maintain that vision that requires hope to make a dream come true. This person has cast the shadow that will not allow to be defined, giving just "glimpses (of) what can be."

This is the most telling line for me...
"...look at it straight on and poof! it changes shape or vanishes all together."

This someone who co-exists with the shadow cannot endure the harsh scrutinizing eye and choses to transform that shadow into non-existence, hiding their light, so to speak, under that proverbial bushel.

This whole piece is about the struggle to express oneself with this lingering thin form that doesn't take shape, that needs to become dimensional with color because it is trapping this person with its taunting non-existence.

"So desirable and yet so intangible. . .always just out of reach taunting and teasing with the promise of something so important."

It's a metaphor for hope, the shadow. Something that seems tangible, if only the mind can see that the shadow is an illusion. Because the thing that casts the shadow is what makes the shadow exist, ergo, the creator that can make the dreams come true. Heed not the shadow. Heed the matter that can cast such a notion that the illusive dream cannot become reality.

The shadow is you.

How'd I do?

Brian KC
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very nice use of imagery to put the reader in those moments.

I could imagine all of this. And what was especially effective was it could all happen in one place. A beachside park, or something.

When I thought about the feel of 'lush grass' I imagined bare feet and wondered if striking 'my' for bare would help that line.

Nice flow to the read and very appealing vehicle for evoking pleasant memories.

Thank you for this.

Brian KC
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Man connecting with nature through the hummingbird has a beauty about it that speaks to the truth of our existence.

Their is an appeal with this poem that could use some tweaking to make the message resonate even more with the reader.

The opening didn't hook me right away and 'it makes me' didn't show enough action to inspire the start of a melancholy ode. I felt a similar feeling for the last line's 'will bring' when I need an active expression to sing that need for return.

You could also build on those feelings of this voice who yearns for spring like someone yearning for renewal, revival, return or youth.

The tone of the poem emoted those feelings well. Especially liked the use of 'brook' which seemed an original expression to give the reader more to chew on.

I also had a thought about the stanzas and introduction of the hummingbird -- flop the second and third stanzas and you might have a better read by getting the introduction in their a bit sooner before the reader loses interest trying to figure out what you allude to.

Overall, I enjoyed this work and hope that you'll find my comments useful.

Brian KC
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
This use of listing in this form is a great way to devise a poem.

My first thought after reading the ending was maybe it should sum up, 'These are the things that make my week,' or 'These are the things that make my days' or 'each of my days.'

Nice way to show how little moments in the relation to those days can be relished. 'Busy coffee' didn't show much and wondered if this is about the consumption, which might be more understandable as the beverage to get that work s week going on Monday.

Great concept for a poem.

Review of Black  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
I am finding several poems this evening on 'black' that have a rhythmic feel to the read. That open came hard and that second stanza sung with syllables with just the right pacing.

It was hard to match such an explosive start, as the following stanzas pale in comparison and yet hold up pretty well if not for that blinding open.

Nice work!

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes, this was a surprise. Guess I should have seen that coming with the clues from the description. Nice ending.

You definitely set a nice pace with the read of this one. It is strongest in those first four stanzas before it breaks away with the long doctor's quote that doesn't really sound like how I doctor would speak and think paraphrasing would be a better way to go.

The only other thing that concerned me was 'pale tears.' They are ghosts but even with the living, cannot image this hue. It emotes a certain feeling. Dull might express the same thing without color.

Overall, I like your mechanics and delivery and think a stronger finish will make this worthy of 5 STARS.

Brian KC
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