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2,873 Public Reviews Given
3,546 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Read my reviews. Look at any other review. I see the good, with an eye toward potential. Will never be/play authority of someone else’s words, leave to the master of the work. I just reflect/react/review, a fuller perspective. Responses of my reviews are affirming. Do not credit me. Pay it forward.
I'm good at...
Poetry, shorter stuff. I'm mostly blind. I react and encourage with my reviews, suggest direction to make something better. I can be a friend. Trust went out the window. I break the conventional fourth wall. Not sure what it means? Ask.
Favorite Genres
nature, love, psychological, spiritual, inspirational, epiphany, emotional, drama, human interest, science, conspiracy, dystopian, fatalistic, speculative. Not cookie cutter fantasy realms or choose your adventure. Action/adventure. Unique, surprise.
Least Favorite Genres
Horror, fan fiction, some fantasy and sci-fi, or anything Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones-ish.
Favorite Item Types
poetry, short story, essay/opinion/blog
Least Favorite Item Types
fantasy, horror
Public Reviews
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Review of The Adulteress  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
After the first two stanzas, I was unaware of what to expect and caught off guard when I realized this was from the Bible with Jesus interceding to prevent a stoning.

I liked this perspective and such a great story telling feel. When I came upon this part, I was in awe of this moment before it even hit me what was happening...

"A man squatted near her,
writing in the dust,
just numbers, one through ten."

It put me right in the moment and I know he was calling for a 'Hail Mary' pass in the endzone!

Thanks for this fresh perspective to give new meaning to an old story.

Review of Cloudburst  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
My estimation of what is happening in this poem is the metaphorical windows as eyes, and the rain as tears. Perhaps, implying delusion or fake tears to hide what is really going on.

At first, I did not see where the description of 'red tears' comes into play with the only reference I could relate being 'scar.'

But with the line...."it seems you can keep secrets"....hauting me, it started to come together.

But with..."You have all that you wanted; such beauty, a perfect love"...how could this person not be happy. The tears are telling, but not about what is really happening.

"But what are these patterns that will scar"...perhaps is revealing what is being seen. The signs of abuse.

I could imagine this person being referenced by the narrator as hiding behind a mask...giving the implication that everything is fine...on the surface.

I have trouble with the tears metaphor, because emotion is being displayed. Unless the rain on windows means something else, it seems this person would hide behind shades, make-up, and show little emotion as possible.

It's still an effective piece, but don't know if readers will understand it clearly.

Brian KC
Review of Contest Poetry  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have read, rated and reviewed every piece of poetry in this folder. I must say, tonight, I was pleasantly suprised and pleased with some of the works I came across...some which merited five stars including...

"Invalid Item

"Invalid Item

There was some poignancy to those pieces and a side of you that I seldom see in your writing that was refreshing. It was rewarding to peruse and review these works.

What is also interesting is the use of some form and some of which was written for contests, proving that prompts can help a writer's muse.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Another woeful dirge that makes the reader want to reach out and lend support to this character that is caught in life's tar baby affect of knowing the harder you try to release yourself the more you get stuck.

This person is right to turn the focus on oneself for the blame in this predicament. Feeling nothing but void and falling deeper into the abyss shows no hope with these 'chains of self-doubt' as the entangled burden.

Those last two lines of questioning their past mistakes and lack of direction signal a sad end.

Review of Poetry  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Unratable.)
I have read all of your works contained in this folder of poetry and found quite a few intriguing works. Quite a variety, including the various forms, showing you are open to try different genres or styles of expression.

'Crimson Teardrops' was one of the best and found several poems of related themes that gave some unity to the works within.

As unusual as it might seem, I connected with 'No Rest For The Weary (my baby killdeer)' which triggered some flashbacks of childhood memories for me.

I enjoyed reading and reviewing these works very much.

Brian Keith Compton

** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of Do Not Enter  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
There is a lot of imagery at work here to express the inner workings of a mind that does not wish other trespassing inhabits.

I had a funny thought after reading this, 'a long way of saying leave me alone.{/}' And it's almost like a Halloween haunted mansion when you add up all the images from 'dungeon,' 'ride,' 'skeletons,'cell of torture,' 'enter at your own risk,' etc.

Another case of depression that resides in the soul of one who requires solitude. There is a consistent rhyme to this dirge. Could not find any grammatical or other errors.

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like the development of this double haiku with the introduction of a rising sun heating up the ocean. When I read that opening haiku, I wondered if flopping the bottom line with the top line would make for a better introduction to the poem.

"Gliding orb rises" seemed a little awkward at the open and probably was restrained by the syllable count. I couldn't imagine the sun gliding, although it sounds like a good device to give action if it could be used in a metaphorical or personifying way.

I like the last haiku and the images came to life with the heating ocean spray and rainbows forming.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of Bathtub Haven  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
Poor little doggy. At first I thought this was a child hiding under the desk, because mine are playing under my feet all the time. And I feel the same annoyance you mention here.

I think this could be a really cute poem if it were condensed and a harder line were taken with structure and rhyme scheme.

What I liked that was clicking for me here was...

But I am here right now
Sitting here at the desk.
Trying to type
While he’s being a pest.

Even this could be tightened up a bit, but it sets a tone. I think the opening stanza gave away too much and is repeated by the end.

But still a cute story which many pet owners could relate with and with some work possibly material for publication with so many pet magazines out there.

Review of Depression  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am consumed with the expression by many poems about depression. I find it hard to express the feelings poignantly myself, because it is such a personal thing. This is a great undertaking.

As with depression, expression becomes limited and in a sense this poem portrays that feeling of wanting to hide within and not emote, sort of life self-destruction...because this person is ushering people away.

But the irony is, we want attention. And it would seem despite the refusal for help the plea is still made at the end. It's like we want someone to fuss over us, to ease the sadness, and when none is forthcoming, the plea is made.

So you have captured what depression is about. I found a line that read awkwardly for me...

I want left here alone.

Seems like something was left out. But overall, this expresses the feelings depression brings.

Review of Above All Others  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sweet and simple love poem that flows and has a somewhat mirror like effect with the repeated phrase...

There is a love
above all others{/}

My first impression was this could be some sort of poetry form, but it doesn't seem to do more than repeat those lines as the voice urges its subject to come closer and closer to whisper the secret name of their love.

First your first love poem, you have created a little gem. This reminded me of the song by Rickie Lee Jones called 'Chuckie's In Love,' that doesn't reveal who this new love is until the end.

Very nice construct and sweetly emoted with an allure to hook the other to come closer until they are seduced, quite possibly, into love as well.

Nicely done,


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of Tiananmen  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a powerfully emotive piece and such a sad story that makes me long to hug that young child, if the comfort would even help.

Such strength, courage and determination shown there and to parallel it to the Tiananmen Square creates such a visual and emotional moment.

One thing made me wonder is how they got past the child blocking their path? But you put that feeling of being run down by that tank and that was probably the most emotional moment.

This is a heartbreaking story and one I know my neighbors dealt with at Christmas two years ago.

For that child to be standing out there waiting afterwards and for all time just filled me with that sense of abandonment.

A brave and intelligent piece of poetry that I am sure will touch many.

Best wishes to you,

Brian KC
Review of Society  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
Getting yet another deeper perspective of the affected poet and what drives the dirge heard in these works.

This person is not born into the silver spoon in your mouth set and has been runover by the pretty people in their Mercedez and BMWs without casting a glance. It's almost like this person needs to be accepted by these people with the obsession of the rejection.

It is true, that society seems to treat the lesser advantaged like trash to be snubbed and left at the curb for removal.

These people are so flawed, it's sad they have all the advantages when the real people of the world are the cogs, wheels and other mechanisms that make everything click. They are just the shiny adornments to the outside of this functioning automobile, and they are the ones who are along for the ride. And the first to hit the wall in a crash and have those pretty little faces dented.

How do like that one. Yeah, I hate those people too. I want their money!

Review of Don't Look Back  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
As I read this, I got that feel of life after death and perhaps a state of purgatory. Considering the other works by you that I have read, I had a notion this person's past transgressions got them a one way ticket to Hell.

As we near the end of this piece, there is a calm and each about it that makes one think of a scene similar to heaven. And this seems to be working at my mind because I know you want to send this person to the incinerator. And I can imagine Satan being deceptive to have that last laugh.

[i}Only a few more steps to take
And your journey will be over
Just step into the light before you
Welcome to your after-life.{/i}

I envisioned this person in awe, bags packed, fresh off the bus, taking in the scene and then the lights go down. So what happened? I still think it was Hell. Perhaps, suggesting it won't be so bad.

But another thought looms, perhaps this is an allegory for something else.

Either way, another provocative read.


Review of OTHER POEMS  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Dear Sherri,

I have read, rated and reviewed everything in this folder entitled, 'Other Poems,' a must read for anyone who wants to get a sampling of the poet and the mind of a free spirit.

You are so connected with nature and self and can see the spiritual ways of those who inspire you. Your profundity is never ceasing and you are such a great role model for others to follow who yearn to achieve the dream.

Thank you for helping me reach those stars and sharing your visions with myself and others.


Brian Keith Compton
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi There Sher!

This poem of yours had a nice flowing read. This is the common Sherri Gibson theme about strength, preservance and looking to the future as a free spirit.

Always positive and uplifting and lighting the way for others to follow your path of dreams. Those first two stanzas are especially captivating.

Like an eagle soaring the sky and spreading its wings,
I continue to dream, refuse to lose everything.

The eagle is a great symbol of freedom and what America stands for. And then...

I was born to ride the wind like a fairy of sorts,
Born to know love, not surrounded by remorse.

This clicked really well and drove home the essence of the free spirit mentality.

Way to go!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of IT LURKS  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Sherri!

Very effective way this poem comes across and especially liked the unsheathening claws. For some reason, when that phrase is read my mind made a metallic sound like that of a blade being unsheathed with a metallic cling. And it seemed to lend to the read, even though this is obviously an animal, a predatroy beast, of some kind.

With the green eyes, I was given to believe this might be a gargoyle one of the first scary creatures to haunt my early dreams.

There you go again with the eyes references and drawing the reader in to look back and feel the dread. Nicely done!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Again Sherri!!

So many effective metaphors for these eyes that act as the windows to one's soul. I remember you telling me early on when commenting on one of my works how strongly you feel that eyes make for very strong poetry and it is evidenced here in this piece.

There is a certain rhythm and flow to this poem that made for an easy read. Also like the reference that eyes can be like a 'shiny mirror,' suggesting you can make your soul's peepers seem windowless, like someone who has been hardened by life and must be clever and coy to stay ahead of the game.

The Eyes have it!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem of yours about abuse makes a very strong statement. And this being one of your earlier works seems like the template for some of the missing children poems I have read where your are giving voice to the child.

This does sound more adult because of its poetic tendencies, lost in the shadows. it could be about an adult recounting the traumatic childhood and trying to escape the distant memories that still overshadow this person today.

The pawn reference also gives pause for thought, because in some cases the child ends up being the shield, the bargaining child, the whipping boy, etc. And since born a mistake, suggests unwanted.

Very sad poem indeed.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review of THE TUNNEL  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.0)
This metaphorical tunnel creates that feeling that one gets when life is overwhelming and we feel trapped, confined.

This poem is raw and doesn't go for the conventional form and the meter and rhyme. It just feels like someone who has been made prey to life like some creature that sucks one down into this hole. The place where "desire is stripped as easily as one's clothing..." Where "The heart is devoured in its blackness..."
but the will is strong..."Yet faith in the light prompts one onward."

Very dark piece this one.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
I was rummaging about your folders for a poem to review and came across this and suddenly had two thoughts: Why hasn't anybody reviewed or rated this piece, and I didn't know you had a daughter, or maybe I did and I just forgot.

This is a sweet ode to your precious joy and no doubt an inspiration in your life. Very maternal and loving in the way you look out for her and urge her to seek out her dreams, while not wishing she never find unhappiness.

And this was the defining moment...

Kristy, my darling daughter, know it’s not wrong
To express all you feel, to seek out a dream...

The little ones need those assurances before we send them off into the world. Nicely done, Mom!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **

Review of LETTING GO  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
You have unveiled a much darker, somber tone with this offering. You chose the color pink to express these words.

This is like a brief dirge before you close the final chapter on a relationship gone bad. Removed from this work is the usual meter and rhyme, and the flow of this piece befits the mood.

This inner voice is sorting things out, trying to rationalize the reason for opting out of this relationship, and that is before more damage can be done.

It is logical to assume that the mind needed to do a little work on the heart to help put an end to the suffering.

Best Wishes my friend,


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ouch! These poems are starting to concern me, Sherri. This isn't the positive, happy-go-lucky person who spreads love and joy across Writing.com.

Two powerful stanzas that acerbicly state your point to this person who has been telling tales behind your back. I liked the brevity, and its aggressive manner.

Your hook line no doubt meant to snag this person's attention is tagged with the insult 'what a joke' to give that firm representation of what you seek to express.

It's sad when we find the one we trust with our heart could be so callous.

The best to you, Friend!


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **

Review of PLAYER  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This one is new. I've not come across this poem before. Pretty strong statement. I was a little worried after the first two stanzas until you asserted yourself at the end there, Sherri.

I saw you turning on the "you make me feel" phrases and thought does she depend on this guy for her self-esteem.

But this winds up being more like monologing which goes to working up that courage, the will, to dig one's heals in and make a stand.

No more dictations or darkening my dreams. . . is the strongest denial. Title ending was a good finish.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **

Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another great survey question and one that I think that could be expanded into a questionnaire about the places the inspire one to put pen to paper.

I have a few. But first, it requires an environment condusive to the ideation process...quiet but with a certain ambience. Two places spring forth with that in mind...the public library and a bookstore like Barnes & Noble.

If I were in college, a campus offers all kinds of hideouts where one could steal off to pen that great literary effort. Mine was the seldom used back stairwell on the basement floor that housed the Public Radio & Television studios.

I could hear the building's generator hum and had the buzzing flourescent lights high above and a wide open space that only I seemed to know existed. I should go back there!

Thanks for this survey question!

Review of POEMS OF ABUSE  
Review by Brian K Compton
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Way to go Sherri!!

This is an incredible undertaking and one that deserves the recognition that goes along with it, and see a red ribbon has been placed next to "DON'T FORGET ME, MOMMY," which was probably the most heart wrenching poem of the bunch.

I've rated and reviewed them all and give you my thumbs up, as well. It's amazing how you can dig deep within and give voice to the victims of these types of atrocities. It shows what a wonderfully sensitive and caring individual you are. And I am only too happy to have had the chance to know you.


** Image ID #1167919 Unavailable **
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