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Review of Love's Token  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh the love token so sweet to dream
his voice with words of love
in bed for pleasure.
But no, never to marry you
choking on a rusty chain his dismay,
walking away to another affair tomorrow.

Hearing a poem review by embe -
You should be ashamed of yourself.
But soon, someone else
will break your heart to cry your fears,
who will love me now?
Ren, married my best friend.

Simply Positve Review.
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Review of Hymn for Peace  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Paul,

A pleasure to read your poem
maybe short to begin with
but soon I hope to see,
more of you
in a song
or a longer poem to sing,
many more than four stars here.

Perhaps one suggestion -

Let kindness flow within
these desert sands
life so soon ends

Simply Positive Review.
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by embe.
Review of Tears into Rain  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
In a cloud on a rainy day
the rain our tears
tumbling down,
healing now
a weary soul,
longing for forgiveness
to wash away yesterday.

The fear of failure
a new day the sun shining
so brightly on Jae,
the poet of note
to write that we may believe
the rain can heal us,
tears drying away.

In a poem review
lovely for Jae
by embe.

Simply Positive Review.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
To sleep and dream
a song,
go to sleep my baby
my Angel,
the lullaby a melody
I love you,
with tears in my eyes
a prayer from heaven.

Alive again
living with my Savior
forever now,
seeing you down below
so beautiful,
your poem on my pillow
my baby,
a hundred years with you
my memories.

A poem review by embe
lovely in my mind
my child.

You are my poet of note,

Simply Positive Review.
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Review of My heart ache  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
To feel the pain when one is gone
a sad refrane in a song
waiting the return
of a loved one
so far away
but maybe now
a prayer to pray every day
please Lord return my hubby soon
my longing arms
waiting with a kiss
and a hug
never ever to let go of him again
in a poem
reviewed by embe
wishing his return soon.

Simply Positive Review.
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Review of My First  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
O to be Del in Nebraska
seeing his team to wonder why
he never placed a bet in time with a bookie
to see the score at the end of a fabulous win
the dollars ten times more than his pay as you go
to the cheapest store in town to buy a turkey to roast
sharing it with embe who you reviewed a long time ago.

Simply Positive Review.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Searching for the meaning
traced in my mind
across the waters of time
please read Leeus
the poet to write it so lovely
you're spellbound
falling and reeling for more
of this fine poetry
I'm moonstruck to write it
if you will reply
like embe in a review now.

Simply Positive Review.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
When in doubt
and the need to pray
practice what you preach,

bow your knee and see the lonely
begging alms please on their knees,
but some will say - look the other way
to hide away from seeing the tears in their eyes.

Why should I donate my hard earned ten thousand dollars,
a fancy car and a holiday pad with all the comforts of living my way.

Oh no! I'm having a heart attack, who will come and save me?

No need the fear, I'm the beggar who will pray for you
and spend my last few coins on the phone call, that will save you here.

A poem review for the Angel -
Jaiam with tender words of faith.

Simply Positve Review.
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by embe.
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
For every day that I was born
with a spoon in my hand
a plate full of oats.
I cried -

Why not the native
begging a meal by the fence,
no - entry here
for a black,
we don't need you.

Go away
or the police for you
jailed what for,
who cares anyway
in South Africa.

A poem review
for webbman,
your understanding yesterday
sixteen years ago, a new nation.

Simply Positive Review.
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by embe.
Review of send me back  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Back in time
my eye to read
a poem by Rhmn.
Time needs to change
or send me back
to read a book,
but no
I changed
my mind enough,
to settle down
and review the poem
that changed my heart
into stars,
seeing what went wrong
to go back
in time,
and set things straight
the poem lovely.

Simply Positive Review.
by embe.
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Review of Walls between us  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Walls between us
the poem of hoping
in deed so lonely now,
in my room with a pen
the sadness between us
longing for the answer,
why leaving me here
throught a season
still needing you,
where to now
on my knees
crying away,
in a poem
by embe.
for Jae,
our newbie
her new poem.

Simply Positive Review.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I wake the dream
a corner of my mind

a poem of longing
for me to review
a newbie lovely,

in words of wonder
for me to realize
a new poet of note,

so soon in one poem
her love story sweet
with a kiss from me,

my poem review
to remember you
famous one day.

Simply Positive Review
by embe.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello my Dear Princess Megan Rose.

My review for you in my poem
so sorry that it may upset you
it has long been on my mind
to write my feelings
of their past
the Native Indians on my mind.

"Democracy - Unplugged"

(Too late to save the brave, buried with woman and child.)

Practice what you preach writing

never easy for me,


weeping in a poem

my mind unable to grasp a lie.

The mighty

all powerful without mercy

for the innocent,

hiding dying in their tombs

with stone

covering a nation of shame.

Their democracy

denied by the rich and famous

where are they,

dead in their sins of rotting

away bones

below headstones with weeds.


laws with commas and dots

what for?

The uneducated a sign language

leave us alone,

long time our custom on earth

roaming in tribes

riding our ponies to the hills,

children laughing

whooping ancient games of old

now starving,

in fields filled with memories

nothing grows.

The mind to madness consumed


their booze poisoned for us to die

why in a poem

locked away beautiful in our minds.

Earth our hero

fields in words of mercy on high

seeds of hope,

signals proud Red Indians of old

blood red so bold,

the color of all living strangers

disguised the traitors,

our souls sold for two dollars to die.

Please tell us why

this land for the white with a rifle?

Eagle in the sky

seeing a new horizon for us,

trinkets and beads

sold to tourists on the reserve.

Our custom

we preserve hiding our dignity

in this land,

the world calls it freedom now.

Rising Star Review.
embe, in sympathy.
Elegant new Rising Stars sig  (E)
Signature created by our dear talented friend, Kelly1202
#1379784 by Lilli 🧿 ☕

Review by embe
Rated: E | (5.0)
No need the fear, Thomas
to write of poetry
so beautiful
in a field.

But for me, I sometimes see
the field all broken and torn
in a world falling apart,

as you describe in sympathy
the flowers in decay
buried to die.

Your message of hope
for all to read -
"Hiding Beauty In Decay"

Simply Positve Review.
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by embe.
Review of Magic, Is It Not?  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
To look listen and feel
the smell of rain
on my face.

Magic, is it not
by Clarissa
the poet,

I remember
long ago.

My heart
in that cage -
Broken pictures off the wall,

healed in time
this review lovely
in the weather of time.

Simply Positive Review.
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by embe.
Review of Awakening  
Review by embe
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
To wake and breath
is a miracle
from God.

His son our Christ
on the cross
to save us,

why we do not know
our sins to bare
evil there.

A devil may care
with a dare
come in?

My life of sin I see
in his eyes

come to me for pleasure
wine woman and song
dancing a dream.

Another paradise to conquer
man so stupid

the garden of Eden
a safe haven
not for me.

But now a see a furnace
my lies in flames
burning in hell.

A poem review by embe
telling the truth
Jesus our Savior,

for all who believe
like Warriormom
and embe.

Showering Acts Of Joy
for all who believe
life in eternity.
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
While walking along a country road
so sad a boy, now a man
with memories,
hearing a voice so sweet a sound -

"Don't stop believing in me
your Countrymom
with a pen in my hand,
walking beside you to guide you
with this pen to write,
one line at a time
seeing the beauty of it there -

Poetry on a page
for you to smile again,
no more the pain
from yesterday's tears."

Today I can enter a contest
without fear of failure,
My Countrymom to guide me.

Simply Positve Review.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
So wise the counsel from a man
unwanted and single
who will wish for anything to cure
other people's pride
the lack of forgiveness in the mind
searching all alone
being the black sheep in the family
lost and confused
where to now and cry myself to sleep
a dream come true
rising high in a memory to live alone
in a review by embe
understanding the pain of confusion.

Simply Positive Review.
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Review of Just a Fairytale  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Just because you can
in a song of sorrow
to sing your song
a sad lament,

the one who hurt you
a coward being a man
a bastard to lie
seeing you crying,

there in a fairytale
that should've been you
singing a new song
free from yesterday,

in a poem review
lovely to read
your words
by embe.

Simply Positve Review.
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Review of A Place With You  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
For a river to rise in Jericho
a place for you
so true to be in love with her
in a sweet poem
flowing along for your desire
to kiss her
this new dream in your arms
with flowers
rose petals and raindrops
from the sky
floating slowly waving goodbye
in a dream
a beautiful place below the stars
in a poem review
by embe.

Simply Positve Review.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
To read of holocaust
by Noa
is a sad day in my life
for her
brave to write about it
now in mind,
remembering the stories
in the press
so hard to believe today
by many,
who say it is fabricated
as a lie
not for us to believe it
the truth.
To these fools I swear
you bastards,
you were never there
dying starving
alone with the children
the father's dead,
for trying to save them
in a poem review
honoring them by embe..

Simply Positve Review.
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Review of Homesick  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh to home my mind returned
to see my family once again
memories of a heart
will race away
the time
sun setting
low below the clouds
a firery red horizon in the morn
my tears flow freely there to cry.

A poem review from embe
lovely for Intuey the poet
to write the scenery
of home.

Simply Positive Review.
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Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
For Thomas to be astounded
at a performace of his poem
is a mystery for me
to conclude -

That he is forgetful
to remember that he is a poet
of note for many
a writer like me -

With a poem review lovely
for him to read today
or maybe later
in his study.

Simply Positive Review.
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by embe.

Review of Tapestry of Light  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Within a tapestry I see
his majesty renewed
a rainbow in the sky,
weaving away time
my love there
for my Savior,
blessed in wisdom
with a ton of care for me
in a poem review,
inspired by Callie Seren
the poet of note.
Tapestry Of Light
a delight to read out loud
his voice so tender
for you and me.

Simply Positive Review.
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by embe.

Review of Stealing Psalm 40  
Review by embe
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
To be saved is an act of grace
for a soul from a pit
now onto a rock
with eyes so wise
seeing it now to write a review -

Elijah Jones a poet of note
to remind us in words
his life story told
so eloquent
his words.

My sincere thanks
embe, in appreciation.

Simply Positive Review.
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