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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, WinterHasCome

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

This is a very emotional story. You showed it well. The story held my attention completely through the good descriptions. I could feel the character's held-back anger throughout. Know I want to know why he feels that way. I'll have to read the next part.

You will need to go in and hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave a space between them. The page will look neater and it'll be easier on your readers eyes. Online reading can be tough after a while. *Smile*

I didn't care what the cause was. I that I knew was that she was gone and there was nothing I could do to bring her back.

Needs rewriting. A word may be missing.

was away from home the day she died, and I wasn't immeadeatly told. The day
clutching at her chest, her voice gone, completly alone. I was

Spelling/Typo issues. --immediately--completely--

come home to find her sprawled across the floor, lifeless and inaniamate.

This is redundant. The words mean the same thing. Cut one is my suggestion.

He left so peacefully that I wondered if he hadn't intercepted someone else's death.

I like this line, it's creative and imaginative.

I walked through the burial only because I had to. The minutes draged on in my


I enjoyed the read, the tone is quiet and the emotion is strong. It reads easy - smoothly. I look forward to reading the next part.

Well done!

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Review of Living Nightmare  
Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, zeph

Welcome to Writing.Com!

What a surprising read this was! I liked it very much. I'm surprised it hasn't been reviewed yet.

I'm not sure of the word --softly--in woken from my softly cloud

It doesn't sound quite right to me.

The rhythm is very well done, it carries the words right on down to the finish wonderfully! I like the end, maybe it wasn't as much of a nightmare after all, huh? *Smile*

Good work!

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Review of I Wish I Had  
Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi, Viv

I ran across Wendie's review and your title caught my attention. I too, wish I had.

I noticed a typo for you.
As the sea of time laps every closer

Verse four appears to be cliches. It's okay with me, they fit perfectly and I believe they are useful and needed sometime. Apparently, you do too. *Smile*
They become cliches in the first place becomes they work and everyone loved them. Right?

The tone is sad and regretful; it's felt strongly. Well done, again!

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Review of Cornbread  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, Pamalicious,

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Is the book mentioned in the Brief Description a published work of yours? I like the title a lot.

The title of this poem, though, Cornbread, I don't understand. It must mean something personal to the poet. *Smile*

This topic is something all of us can relate to, you stated it well.

The fourth line is distracting though.
And/or paper

The meaning isn't clear. What else would be used with a pencil or pen. Why the use of --or-? I know I'm missing something but I can't read it differently.

I hope you're enjoying the site and finding lots to do. If you have any questions, post on the Newbie forums or ask a Moderator. (Blue case)

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Review of White China  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Spark

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I enjoyed this story very much, it's voice and style are so well done, I heard no bumps at all.

The character is seen clearly through her words. You need no physical description - good job! Readers can use their own imaginations with the setting too. You're talented!

I found only one typo which shows me you're as good a proofreader as you are a writer. It's appreciated! *Smile*

The Pastor was real ncie


I think I would spell it --bloodyin'-- to not cause the reader to have to stop and figure out what you mean. Keep them moving.

You had this reader hooked from the first paragraph. I was fooled by her choice between the gun and phone, and I was glad of the choice she made. You covered that scene well. It was tense and the reader was filled with dread.

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | N/A (Unratable.)
Hi, Viv

My apologies for reading this edition of the Writer's Circle newssletter so very late in the month. My schedule has been non-existent for a while.

You've explained the hard work that must be done after publishing, and the joys are worth it I expect. Book signings to me would be just as scary as submitting my work to a publisher. I don't think I could ever do it well.

You've written another interesting and helpful letter, I enjoyed reading it. Thanks to Wendie too, for her part in it. I see a lot of good items to read and I intend to begin on those right away.

Well done! Again!

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Review of The Travellers  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Matt

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like this story a lot! Time travel is always interesting, and you managed to hold my interest with this one. Good imaginative writing.

I like the idea of the ending, perpetutual traveling is a creative idea.

Good job!

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Review of beyond the blue  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, NickyW

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've a very good beginning to this story! It's hook is tension and apprehension - a feeling of uneasiness. Good job!

The setting is seen well through your good imagery.
The character is seen clearly. I feel he is going to be an evil actor in this piece.

He opened the morning paper and pointed his eyes in the direction of the print.

This description words well for me here. It sets the tone.

just a little too tightly, his breath coming a little faster than he wanted.

Repeating a word or phrase too closely draws the readers attention to the word and away from the tenseness of the story. Be aware of this and try to avoid it if you can. The second bolded --a little--can be cut without losing the clarity of the line. It will be tighter, and tight is more tense.

his clammy hands

flicking a glance at the sweaty place to which the coins
“Creep”, she mouthed silently

Examples of more good descriptive words. They help to show him and they show how he appears to others. Good job!

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)

A wonderfully written letter!
I really do look forward to these. *Smile* They always are so easy to read.

At least you have real work to submit and valid excuses for not submitting, you've seen to
that. lol

It looks like a lot of good items were featured too, thanks.

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, writing=my soul

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I really liked this piece. The style is good. The voice is maintained and I hear a young adult's nervousness and low confidence. It sounds real and pulled me in to his world.

until the day we died together--

This line sure raised my curiosity! I believe a explanation is needed. The reader feels left out of a secret and that's not good. Readers need to know everything the character's know in order to be involved and care about them.

There is quite a bit of redundency, repeating of words and phrases close together. It didn't cause a great problem for me, but they are noticeable and will pull the reader from the story. Sometimes, repeating works, but keeping it to a minimum is usually advised. Youngsters tend to repeat when they're happy. *Smile*

we talked and talked, and my nervousness seemed to melt away. Instead of feeling nervous

One example of repeating in the same paragraph. Read your work aloud to make sure it reads smoothly and says what you intended to say. Also, keep your eyes open for repeated words and phrases.

The emotion fits and feels true. The imagery/descriptions are well done. I could see what they saw, clearly. I like the scenes in the meadow, they are feel-good times. Happiness is felt.

passanger's seat of the car

Spelling is --passenger--

I wondered how Shawn could afford fancy restaurants at seventeen - there was no mention of a job. And the honeymoon in Paris at twenty. Did his mother pay for it? I got the picture of a hard working mother, which to me means she didn't have a lot of extra money. The lack of that info caused a bump for this reader.

Maybe "angel" describes Jenna better than Shawn suspects...

As I read, I expected and looked for an explanation of the brief description - it didn't appear. What does it mean?

I thought that when I prayed for God to bless me with love, He couldn't hear me, because He was too busy listening to everyone else

This is good because it's exactly how people feel, readers can relate.

I never blamed her for me feeling left out. I knew she tried her hardest.

Good showing of why he feels alone. It gives the readers a bit of insight to him.

I enjoyed the story, it was interesting and held my attention well. It's a sweet love story, almost a fairy tale.

Hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave a space. Online reading requires plenty of white space to avoid eye strain. *Smile*

The rate reflects a good story that needs more work - it isn't finished yet.

Good job!

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review of Writing for Free  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hi, lovetowrite

I found this on the public review page and it sounded interesting. It is interesting and it's something that we all are concerned with.

I think it needs more clarifying though. What sort of sites are you speaking of?

When I question them about how they got started, not a one of them will admit

With this coming in the same line as the questioning of Mr. Riddle, it's confusing. I thought you were referring to Mr. Riddle as --them--. Needs reformating for clarity.

not a one of them will admit to having had their first article, story, or essay published by a non-paying publication, but in my opinion, they are just too hung up on their current way of thinking to admit they ever wrote for free.

Do you know for a fact they have? Are you accusing them of lying? Be sure.

They don’t care about their writers in the least; they care only about content, no matter how poorly it is written.

I really don't understand how this would benefit the publishers. How can bad content help them? Clarification would help the readers with understanding.

that they were getting money from various sources such as pay-per-click and paid advertising that they could afford to pay their writers and editors. Those are the ones to avoid;

Wouldn't this be how they can afford to publish the work of new writers? Why would they publish and not make money for themselves? They are in business.

before submitting your hard work no matter what the price.

What 'price' are you speaking of here? The writer isn't getting paid. Is this a reference of the author paying the publisher? Like Poetry.com?

If so, yes, the author should be very careful. But, this article isn't about that.

I believe if you would specify the type of writing and the type of site it's submitted to, this article would be more helpful. It really isn't clear what you're speaking of to me.

they are preying on unpublished writers who are so desperate to become published that they fail to check out the publication in detail.

This doesn't sound like publishing for free.
{Almost) the only way exploiting can happen is if the writer pays the publisher - this isn't mentioned.

I don't see the harm in submitting a work to be published free in an on-line ezine. It gives exposure and the writer is pubished. Both the writer and publisher are satisfied due to advertisers paying for the bandwidth and site costs.

The pros and cons of writing for free

I don't feel you've shown both sides

A couple more spaces to shorten the paragraphs at the change of thoughts would help the reader.

I would be very interested in reading a revised article showing how and why a writer is harmed by showing their work for free. I can feel the emotion and know you are serious; I'm just not convinced.

Write on!

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, krispy
Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like the theme, it's one of favorites.
The prologue is well done. It raises the anticipation of the reader, a sense of danger. It causes me to want to read on. Good beginning!

Leave a single space between lines of each separate speaker. It improves the readability, and is accepted format.

t same object caught my eye again but I ignored it this time.

This isn't logical. It's their first day and everything would be noted and checked. I don't believe he could have ignored it. He wouldn't be concerned with being believed, the other two are with him and they would see it this time. Besides, he is the Commander and responsible for everyone. He would have to check it. Logically.

When we got to the spot the young crewman was leading us to, we noticed a small group of people crowded around something on the ground.When we pushed through and saw it,

I suggest changing the beginning word to avoid using the same word twice in as many sentences. Variety is best.

at a small tablet lying on the ground.
“Help me get this to my bunk,” he said, “I’ll look at it there.”

Is it too heavy for one to pick up? Is it stone or metal? A little more description would help the reader understand why he needed help to carry it.

“I don’t know, I’ll work on it tonight. Come back in the morning.”

This doesn't sound right to me. 'come back in the morning'-It sounds like they're still on Earth.

If he is able to translate, I think he would be out the door to tell everyone - at once. If he said, "I don't know, but I'm sure going to try!" it would sound more natural. Excitement is needed.

He then let out a high-pitched screech right into Allen’s ear.

This is not good. It's too juvenile for these men. The readers are apt to lose trust and respect for them. Jokes are okay and lessen the tension, but I don't think they would do anything to harm another, would they? He is knowledgeable enough to know this would harm the eardrum.

Now, if he is like this and continues to act off, he may get them into dangerous situations later. If you're showing the readers his personality, it works well. Since I don't know what part he's to play later, I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

I look forward to reading the next installment, you've left me with curiosity and the need to read on.

Well done!

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Review of Memories of Her  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello, ForgottenWraith

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is really pretty good! It reads easy and is understandable. I feel the lonelinesss and lack of direction of the character well. The setting is clear.

The title really could be changed though, since the cat plays no part in the story.

The Brief Description says he is driven mad. I don't see the evidence of madness; I see loneliness and habit. It is strange he didn't change after all the years, though. So maybe he was a bit mad. *Smile*

I sat there in my brown leather armchair with a glass of wine watching the cat sleep peacefully next to the fireplace

I suggest cutting the bolded word. It's extra and isn't needed. You might sub --quietly--or something if you feel you need another word. --there--isn't descriptive.

You need a comma or two to clarify the meaning of the line in bold. Perhaps after --wine--? To keep it clear HE is watching the cat - It sounds like the glass of wine is watching it.

with the same old cobwebs stretching from one corner of the ceiling to the other, emptying box after box… and find nothing.

This is an example of good description. The setting can be seen and the last three words show his loneliness.

I needed a new job or at least a new environment away from all this negativity before he started prescribing himself

The --he--and himself--needs to be changed to --I--and --myself--.

In fact, I was two blocks away from everything, so I sold it, and bought a new bed with the money. I didn’t really miss that old Nissan, and the exercise would be good for me.

What did he sell? It needs to be in this line.

I’d wake up in the morning and see her cooking there in that new kitchen.

Wordy - not needed

nightgowns she would put on after her showers at night that

Wordy - not needed.

My secretary called me to tell me that the…

Wordy - could be cut with no change to the meaning.

If the first para was broken into two or three, it would be easier to read. Long paragraphs are difficult to read online.

The story is good and enjoyable. It has the right emotions and descriptions. The ending fits well.

Punctuation, cutting all extra words to avoid wordiness, and read aloud to be sure all lines say what you intended to say, are needed.

Well done!

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Jenn L. Sullivan

I'm looking into review polls so of course I have to review what I read. Right? *Smile*

You only have 38 votes, but 34 say they want honest criticism! Yea! That's the kind of information I'm looking for. I only wish there were more votes.

Good poll!

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Review of Dream Girl  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, programmer

You've a wonderfully written story here! I noticed nothing at all wrong technically, and it held my attention well.

The emotions were described realistically and the imagery placed me there to watch.

I was content to let her honeyed, musical voice flow over and around me and clothe me with its soft, non-restrictive cadence

I especially like these lines, pure poetry!

Oh! The page would be better presented with space between the paras. By hitting the enter key after each para, the space would be perfect for online reading. It would look more professional too. *Smile*

Well done!

"Invalid Entry
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Review of Building Friends  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, MaryDiana

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a cute theme and I enjoyed reading it. It moved along quickly. The ending line is catchy and fits as a moral. It's more of a grown-up thought than a child's, but that's okay. It's fun.

Leave a single space between each line of dialog from new speakers. Double space between paragraphs. The page will look neater and be easier to read and know who is talking.

we have some limonaide

Spelling is --lemonaide--you have it twice.

and you can bring it outside

Try --take--it outside and see if it doesn't sound better to you.

a tray full of goodies, I said, "Be careful you might spill the limonaide."
With a big smile she ran outside with a tray full of goodies in her hands

Try not to repeat words and phrases too close together. The readers noticed them and are pulled out of the story. For the second, you could cut the bolded area and use simply, ran outside with her hands full. Readers will know what she is carrying if the image is there earlier.

A pretty good beginning, it was fun to read about this sweet four-year-old. She'd be a good subject to write a series of scenes with. Give her some adventures to work out. What do you think?

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)

This review is being given for the
We Love In-Depth Reviews!  (E)
Rewarding the best and encouraging the rest!
#861549 by Kit

but, I would have read it anyway. The title and brief description had already caught my attention. I really like the imagery of the title.

The theme is sad and the quiet tone of the story stayed true all the way. It fit nicely. I truely enjoyed reading this one. The feeling of love and family is strong and realistic.

I tend to go into deeper in-depths with the good stories when I see talent. I hope the feedback helps show you another view from a reader.

I think the first paragraph is trying to say too much too soon. I suggest spreading this info out through the story as it's needed. For instance, this line,

The night the two of them moved in they danced in the living room to an old love song.

He says this later in a natural setting. This one could be cut. -- By trying to explain the whole background quickly, it isn't hooking the readers in too well. They may tend to skip this part.

Mary went and sat down beside him and said, “No honey we have five kids

This is a grammar issue and it's wordy. These two words can be cut safely with no damage to the image you want.

“Oh, please Mary don’t ever tell the kids I forgot them, it would devastate them.” Jake cried.

Some words can be repeated close together with no problem, some can't. This word is noticeable and pulled me from the story. If you worked with the second, changing a word or two, it would fix it.

Perhaps, --they would be devastated.--would say the same thing without repeating.

“You don’t have to worry, I won’t tell them that and I will be right here for you no matter what.”

This is an extra word that will lead to 'wordiness' and boredom. Read the line without the word and see if it says the same thing, but tighter. It's not easy to keep the story moving along naturally while keeping it as tight as possible.. You're doing a pretty good job though

On the second bolded phrase, --here for you--.

That's not something this age group would naturally say. It's popular with younger groups. I saw it at least twice, maybe three times. They would say something more like, --I'll be here with you.-- I'll always be here--

Jake was in such a state of shock that Mary had to lead him to the car and put him in it. He felt like he was walking through a thick fog and couldn’t find a way out.

This is good. It's realistic emotion, and shows his state of mind clearly. This could be expanded a bit with dialog or thoughts to allow the readers to be more involved with this tragedy. Play this area out a little more. Make the readers cry and they'll be hooked.

He cried, he threw things and cursed out loud at the hand fate had dealt him. After he was done ranting and raving

I want to feel sorry for him, but I don't. He isn't really feeling anything, so I don't either.

Let the readers hear him curse, see him cry! It's a natural reaction, it's human. Make him real by giving him real emotion, This is an important scene - play it out.

This is also telling; can you describe it so the readers can see and hear him? That is what 'showing' is all about.

I am so scared Mary, I don’t know what to do.” Jake said as he softly cried.“Sweetheart, I don’t know why but I do know we will get

This sounds too formal for emotional conversation. Have you thought of using contractions to change the tone? --I'm so scared-- we'll get through--sounds more realistic to me.

The bolded phrase beginning with -Jake- could be cut, it isn't necessary. The readers can tell who is speaking and we already know he's crying.

“Lets go get something to eat and get back online again.

The words --back and again-- are redundant in this context, meaning the same thing. They sound awkward. I suggest cutting one - your choice.

The word --online-- doesn't sound like something a man of this age would say. Is he that savvy and comfortable with computer lingo? Unless he's dealt with it for years, older people might be more apt to say something like --get on the computer--, (or maybe the internet) -though I think --the computer--is more probable. --Online--is a younger person's word.

“I’m so sorry sweetheart, I’ve just been paralyzed with fear. I didn’t mean to close you out. I should have realized you are scared and hurting also. I promise not to shut you out again.”

The words are good, they say exactly what you want them to say. But - they are so formal and impersonal, they sound like he's reciting them. It may be because the sentences are so short. Loosen them, maybe removing a period to allow them to flow into longer sentences. Say them aloud as they would actually be spoken, and use that.

and the got him an appointment for that afternoon. Jake

--A typo only--then-- Actually, this word could be cut safely, it isn't needed for clarity of the line or thought.

both about what they should expect to happen in the coming months to years. It was painful for them both to listen

I suggest cutting the word --both--as it is obvious to the readers they are both there. Read the line aloud, omitting these two words and the green words. How does it sound to you? If it works to your ears, cut them. Your decision, this is only a suggestion.

I am really sorry Jake.,” the doctor said

name tags aren't always necessary when it's clear who is speaking.

Mary drove them back to the hotel and they sat there in silence for a while

Are they sitting in the car or did they go inside? As a reader, I wondered.

Mary said, “I know sweetheart, what do you think about this assisted living thing?” Jake thought about it for a few minutes and said, “I don’t think much of it

Put each speaker on his own separate line with a space between to keep the text from becoming crowded.

“I don’t think much of it being all cooped up in an apartment all day long.

Repeating this word sounds okay to me. People really do talk this way. Liberties can be taken with dialog.

Mary had tears in her eyes as she said it and so did Jake.

This is classic 'telling'. You could say something about tears welling as she spoke to 'show' instead. Make it part of the sentence though, not --she said, as tears welled or flowed--

Jake tipped him on their way out the restaurant.

The word --of--is missing. You could cut everything after the word --out--though to avoid overtelling and wordiness. It has been established they are in a restaurant and doesn't need to be told again.

Jake and Mary spent a lot of time lying in bed talking about everything.

Again, this is only my opinion. Unless he is so ill, he can't move about, they wouldn't do this. Older people do not lie around for relaxation, especially the closer they get to death. At least not the ones I've known. They would talk in bed at night, maybe even all night, but not in the daytime.

He told her so many times that she was the

This word throws the smoothness off because I expect something more to be said. I suggest cutting it.

He thought it was odd and talked to his sister Kelly about it on the front porch.

One incident wouldn't seem odd, would it? People naturally forget some things all the time as they age. Surely the kids realize this.

Kara came out and said she had a similar experience with Jake also.

What about saying --Dad-- instead of --Jake--? Or do they call him by name?

That made everyone of the siblings nervous along with his odd behavior today

Two words --every one--since you're speaking of them as individuals.

You might want to show where his behavior was 'odd'. I didn't get that impression from a normal forgetting.

Jake sat down on a bail of hay beside her and said, “I am so proud of

Spelling is --bale--in this context.

They sat back down and was talking about his finances when Mary and Dana came in and sat down with them.

I believe the correct word is --were--

ok Mary?” Jake asked.
Mary laughed and said, “You know I’m no good with all that so yes its ok if she

Spelling is --okay--

“I know I am putting a lot on your shoulders but I would like you for you to go over all of our assetts

A typo --an extra --you--
Spelling is --assets--

I don’t want to hear of any objections either.ok.”

This sounds like a question to me. A question mark after --okay--?

“Yes we are, I’m three months pregnant.” Kelly exclaimed.

She doesn't sound excited to me. An exclamation mark after --pregnant-- may help to show it, but she sounds calm and quiet to me. Maybe another tag besides --exclaimed--?

parent’s bedroom to downstairs so the sitters could watch over him more

An extra word. Wordy.

and didn’t have a clue where he was. He was trying to get past her to get out the door but she managed to stop him. When Mary came in the room she tried to talk to him and fortunately he recognized her and calmed down a little. Kara said he didn’t have a clue who she was

Repeating this is very noticeable to the reader and pulls him from the story. I suggest keeping one and rewriting the other to avoid this.

He spent about an hour talking to Daniel who was staying up all night with him.

This could be tightened by cutting the bolded area. This is obvious information and doesn't need to be told to the readers.

Jake fellback asleep in his pajamas in the recliner so Daniel went on reading his book.

To help cut down on wordiness the bolded areas could be safely cut.

He started some coffee and made him a plate of leftovers

Try --himself--, I think it sounds better. What do you think?

The sun was just beginning to peak over the treetops and a light

Spelling is --peek-- in this instance.

He was so cold all of the sudden and curled up around himself to keep warm. He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep by the oak tree.

I like the description of this scene! Good job! The bolded area could be cut to avoid repeating the same information though. I can see him clearly and feel the cold.

she fell backwards screaming,” No Daddy no, don’t leave me.”

Exclamation points would show the screams.

got there about that time and checked him also but he was long gone by them.

A typo only. --then--

All he could think to do was get his mom out of the woods. He easily picked Mary up into his arms and carried her out of the forest.

This is a beautiful, emotional scene.

I know this looks like a lot of work, and it is, but they are mostly repeated actions. Wordiness is the main problem, and it's one of the hardest to learn. I think you'll agree it's worth the extra work though. When it's tightened it will read much smoother.

Hit the enter key more often for shorter paragraphs. The page will look better, and be easier to read. Probably after placing a single space after each speakers line of dialog that problem will fix itself in this piece though, because there is lots of dialog.

There are punctuation issues that I don't have the knowledge to comment on. Other reviewers will help you there.

I hope this helps and don't worry about the rate at this point, please. It can always be raised later.

Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, DocCoyote

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a good beginning. The tone is that of a young boy. His embarrassment and fear is realistic and believable. You're doing a good job with it.

It caught and held my attention and I look forward to reading the next chapter.

There is a sentence or two that needs work.

My mother was in a good and on her best behavior because we were back in the house where she grew up along with my grandparents, my aunts and uncles and several cousins of various ages.

A word is missing in the first bolded area. Perhaps, --mood--?

The second bolded area needs reworking a little. This actually says she grew up with -grandparents, cousins, etc. If you ended the sentence with --where she grew up. period----it would have the separation of thought needed for clarity.

I enjoyed reading this. I like the tense sense of supernatural; I think all kids go through this. I know I did and, it's not fun.

Your talent is showing in this short piece; it's time for the next chap.

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello, Hotchic1

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This sounds like it was written for Valentine's Day.

The message is pretty clear, but it's tangled. The lines aren't as smooth as they will be with continued work.

I like the tone. It's friendly and full of energy. I can feel the smile behind the words. Good job!

e:wink How romance

Was this meant to look like this? It's a bump for me, my suggestion is to delete it.

Arrange of flowers,

This should be --arrangements--

But can love also be blind to them as well?

These two words are redundant, they mean the same thing. I suggest chosing one and cutting the other.

tradegy work?
Spelling error--

as long as the couples engage,on how to make their ends meet.

I don't understand this line. More clarity is needed.

A couple of spaces would improve the page presentation. To do that, leave space between each paragraph. Leaving the text bunched up together looks messy and is more diffcult to read online.

How romance blooms in the air,when two star crossed lovers meet on that day of love

A good beginning line. It's clear and reads well.

Keep writing, it's good practice.

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Yuallica

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

The beginning clearly shows the problem (plot) and gives us a glimpse of the main character. I think she will be a strong presense in the coming chapters. Scared, determined, with nothing to lose - she will be able to do wonders.

I like the description of the city. I can see and feel the soot and ash. The images are clear and allow the reader to follow along with the characters and see what they see. Good job!

buildings were black from the ashen dust that was blown of the streets by the

Should this be --off--?

No one in the City even knew why the streets were so filled with charcoal and

Extra words such as --even--cause a piece to become too wordy. The line would say the same thing without it, and be tighter. Tightness increases the tension of the scene.

what the Authorities were, private believes and suspicions that could not be discussed for fear

Spelling is --beliefs--

If you lucky you were assigned a house and that was it. Most people stayed

This should be --you're--

As result the filthy huts became overcrowded, although it was generally

A missing word? --As a result--?

the constant feeling of their throat being chocked with hot ash,

Spelling is --choked--

Wearily she and her cousins dragged themselves to their feet. Mari went over to her brother and gently helped him stand up.

This is good description. It shows their tiredness from lack of nourishment, and the hopelessness they feel. It also makes it clear there is love. This gives a good image.

Slowly Mari slipped her regulation one glass of water

--A typo---sipped--

This chapter contains only explanations and information to set up the reason for the story. It's a slow start. Usually, it's best to begin with action of some kind to hook the readers attention at once. You want to keep them reading.

Mari collected the bowl of thin gruel that was her breakfast

From this line to the end of the page could be that hook. It's tense and gives the hint of danger. I believe if you moved this whole area to the beginning it would work well.

The history mentioned in the body could be spread out and introduced by various means through the following chapters, as the reader needs to know. It's usually more interesting to the reader, because they are always in a hurry to get to the action, and depend on the writer to show them what needs to be seen as they go along.

You've a strong theme and it's going to be a good story. Tighten it to keep it tense, and keep it moving.

The rate only reflects an above average story with work needed.

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Review of NOT TODAY  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Well written! You've captured the feel and tone of depression well. The words give an image of a very depressed person who has given up completely.

It's a good, strong write that pulls the reader in and let's him feel the pain too. Good work!

The only suggestion I have is to hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave a space between them. The page will look more professional and it will be easier to read online.

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)

Hello, TariElanesse

I found your request for serious feedback
on "Please Review

This is written well. I don't know the story it refers too, so I'm personally missing the point of their leaving.

The scene is descriptive with good images that the reader can see. I feel the emotion of sadness of the one staying behind. The tone is consistent with that feeling.

A great many wore looks of immense sorrow; a longing for the lands they loved and had lived in long. Some left behind parents, lifemate, children and all, for the sea’s call was strong.

I think more clarity could be used here. Why are they leaving everything they love? What makes the call of the sea that strong? I don't feel their sorrow of leaving because I think they are leaving willingly.

She stood with her hand raised long after the ship was out of sight, though she knew in her heart he had not looked back again.

This is a very emotional image. It's good and strong and clear.

I noticed no technical issues to mar the ease of the read. You've done a very good job of writing.

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Review of The Shower  
Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello, Rebecca Corin

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've done a good job with the descriptions in this tense story. You pulled the reader in to watch this horrible scene play out.

It shocked me with its finality.

I noticed several sentences begin with the word --So-- I suggest trying not to do that, it pulls the reader out of the story. There is a tendency toward wordiness you'll want to watch. Extra words only bog down the tensness, and this one is tense.

Good writing and great Drama!

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"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, Warden of Bonfire Bay

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a very good beginning! It has already caught my interest and I look forward to the next chapter.

and he looked at his feet. His big toes sprouted from each stocking and

I laughed at this image, it's real!

remebered the importance of this
Espetially on you 15th birthbay

I noticed these typos.

While you're in the edit page, hit the enter key after each separate speakers lines of dialog to leave a space. It will be easier to read and look neater on the page. Leave space the same way after each paragraph too.

This character seems real to me already, you're coming along good. *Smile*

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Review of Stargazer  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Ehzoterik

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is very good. It is an enjoyable read with good decriptions. You've done a very good job of writing.

Night came and the seven slept, oblvious to the absence of their sister

I found one inconsistency. There were nine sisters, one missing leaves -eight-- you have seven twice.

Spelling is --oblivious--a typo.

Hit the enter key after each paragraph to leave a space. Indents work well on paper, because the pages are short. Online reading also needs space for the eyes to rest.

I like the way they changed looks, but I would have liked to see them do something too. They still hid behind their wall.

I think the ending needs to be more detailed. What happened and why. How was the man able to get into her room without anyone seeing him? Why was the man sad? What drove him to do this? Why wasn't the sister missed? Since they were so close, that surprised me.

I don't see a relationship with the title at all.

It's good, it just needs a more complete ending.
You are a very good writer! I liked the read very much.

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