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3,291 Public Reviews Given
3,330 Total Reviews Given
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Template most of the time, covering setting/plot/characters/conflict/resolution if applicable. For shorter works, I concentrate more on feelings evoked.
I'm good at...
Short story, chapter reviews and in-depth reviews.
Favorite Genres
Sci-fi, Romance, mystery, children's
Least Favorite Genres
Favorite Item Types
Short stories, novel chapters
Least Favorite Item Types
essay, editorial, non-fiction, somebody's homework assignment
I will not review...
XGC, poems, prose. I am an animal activist and vegan, so cruelty or violent, unnecessary, death due to negligence is overwhelming. I am unable to review any pieces involving abuse of any kind to anyone. I like to keep my corner or the world happy, because I grew beyond my "challenges" of childhood and don't want to look back.
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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, Voxxylady. Nixie, here.


Overall Impression

Your article is chatty and friendly, while still imparting valuable information.

I think your first sentence was one of the most important ones. There is no code, as writers we know this, but the thought that someone has established one makes for both temptation and skepticism. You cleared all that up in swoop.

A few thoughts
Your article is broken down into six separate headings. As far as living with my character? All great ideas. What I often do is get up and walk my character around to see how he or she will react or move.

A picture drawn by me would be a stick figure. Looking at images sometimes helps, but usually I write on the fly and the characters develop themselves.

Character birthdays. Yes, this is a good idea I've never considered. I won't reiterate what you wrote, but you made some excellent observations.

Other relationships. Some of the suggestions apply more to larger works like novels or novelettes. As a short story writer, adding in other characters is necessary, but too many confuse the reader. I realize this wasn't your point. This section is a great addition to discovering how your character ticks, according to experiences not specifically included in the plot. Often a memory a character has triggers further development.

Assign peculiarities. This is my go-to place. It's second nature for me to add in quirks, usually in odd or repeated phrases. Carefully done, most readers are attracted to it.

Record your thoughts. Here's a real gem. I have many notebook scribbles that come to me after extensive editing. While I'm not precisely following your formula, one difficulty I create is trying to explain everything.

I'd be careful watching guys using public transportation. It's a dangerous world. But yes, it's a good resource.

Just wondering
You wrote this 15 years ago. What do you think of it today? Have these methods continued to work for you?

Nre Simply Positive Reviewer Signature.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi, Elwood. Nixie, here.


Overall Impression
I would have to say that you are extremely dedicated to this topic and the exploits of John Titor. Rather than click to his website, I checked him out on Wiki. There's some exhaustive explanations to read, so I commend you for putting this presentation together in a cohesive and comprehensive article.

A few thoughts
The most tempting draw to your work is what you stated in the first paragraph. Some writers of science fiction might be prompted by exploring the life of Titor.

Wealth of information
What you have written here can definitely be used by people who come across this article. I had never heard of Titor, and even though I wasn't overly interested, your work still promoted me to poke around.

I've studied a bit on black holes and your summation paragraph helped solidify my understanding. I'm currently embroiled in the non-fiction book Neutrino Hunters. I had no skills in school studying physics, so it's kind of ironic that I'm fascinated by theoretical physics.

I spotted only a few bumps along the way.

Although some of this is hard core physics, your writing style made this article highly approachable. Nicely done!

Nre Simply Positive Reviewer Signature.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Psychic Children  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, Tyler. Nixie, here.

*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
Interesting read! It's obvious a lot of thought went into this piece, and it wasn't an easy read because of the topic.

The only way I can think to review this is to express my thoughts on this subject. First, I have never, except on television, or in a fictive work, met any child with these capabilities, (which doesn't make it untrue). I do agree that humans can be blind to the unseen realm. I've experienced psychic phenomenon that cannot be explained away. These events are kept silently, sharing them only with those who won't brush me away.

A few thoughts
I have been exposed to information that children are more sensitive than mature people. Again, is this my own perception, or one I've been conditioned to believe? What I generally say is that we're born into this world knowing everything, and spend the rest of our lives forgetting. I have nothing to back up my opinion. And that's all I have, my thoughts and perceptions.

This is an incredibly intensive article, written with passion for the topic. I didn't find any references to foresight.

This article might carry more sway if references to studies had been included with the work. As it stands now, readers have only your opinion. That's fine, and probably you expect disagreement. Still, I would encourage validation for your claims.

Thanks for the mind stimulation. This world can be incredibly boring. I think this article is more paranormal than occult. The paranormal genre was not available when you wrote this...

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My dog Miss "E"  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Lynda! I saw your name highlighted over in the Anniversary forum and decided to swing by your portfolio.

*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
I'll start by saying I'm sorry for your loss, but I think Miss E erased any lingering pain. I can't say for sure how I knew, but my instincts were screaming, don't believe a word of what the woman said about not barking. Ha. Highly doubtful. But maybe she was trying to discourage you because she knew the dog barked? I couldn't figure out why she wanted you to choose another dog.

That was so funny, your friend heard the dog bark, but chose not to tell you. She must be a wonderful friend.

A few thoughts
Your writing style is new to me. I've never seen anyone put an extra line in before typing the last sentence of a paragraph.

The second paragraph is out of proportion to the rest of the story. It's an overall appearance preference of mine. Maybe a paragraph break at "I called the lady" would make a difference.

Since this is a personal story, it's one being told. Have you considered using dialogue? The words wouldn't be remembered precisely, but I don't think anyone would call you on it. You might write "the conversation went something like this-"
Just a thought rambling in my head.

You included some factual remarks about the process of adopting a rescue animal. *Dog2* *Thumbsup*

As a Moderator, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a Great Hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Crime Pays  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi there!
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
As a writer working on a writing website, I'm not too keen on reading stories about writers. But your words engaged me, and I was captive until the conclusion.

Julie Jackson was quite the character. Quite a bit over the top, but that worked toward the shock of her downfall. At first, I didn't want to believe that what the detective was reading had any truth in it.

As the detective read, and Julie didn't stop him, I thought there would be a twist. Seriously, this woman didn't believe they'd jail her for murdering her husband?

Great scene there, by the way. The husband falling, and Julie exacting her revenge.

I would have preferred a bit more of the British in this story. Since it was used as the setting, I was waiting for British accents, or different manner of speaking. When Julie was read her rights, the words separated from the American, (and the letter 'c' was used rather than 's' in defence, so that part was spot on.

A few thoughts
But this was the most important case of his life, and he wasn't about to stop there.
Everything up to this point was seen through Julie's eyes, so this observation stuck out.

In the end, although maybe she hadn't expected events to play out this way, I think Julie got what she wanted. She won't have long to live, anyway.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ana and Turquoise  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
This is a concise story that tugged at my imagination and heart. Throw a mysterious old man and a piece of jewelry my way, and you've bought my attention.

I always admire writers who write these abbreviated stories and carry a convincing plot with so few words. Sometimes the work seems uncompleted or has holes, but your work had none of those limitations.

You nailed plot, setting, and even a smattering of characterization to bring this scene to life. I can't resist instances of seeming randomness turning serendipitous, as Ana's fate was determined.

The old man's eyes possibly flickering red suggested malice, but I didn't pick up on any negativity, so I'm not quite sure what that was all about. If it's not pertinent to the story, why have it there? Just to rattle the reader a bit?

A few thoughts
Forgive me for saying so, but I don't think you need that bit about fire in the eyes.

Less than 300 words, and Bam. You closed the deal. Nicely done.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*
Don't be frightened by the darkness.

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ants (HFY)  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
What a gruesome and consuming saga. The story left me vaguely depressed. Is mankind focused on the glory of war that brings only devastation and death?

The opening paragraph was a hot lead into the story. I wish I had no reason to ask, but it sounded like the humans actually became ants.

The story is filled with strong action verbs, the words practically vibrate off the page as anger and lust for vengeance was demonstrated.
Dropships screaming-- was one of my favorite scenes.

The reading was pretty gruesome, but natural for a war story. Everything was so loud and final, I didn't see how anyone could pick up the fight again. I guess that's what depressed me. But did I expect a happy ending after bloody warfare?

I will confess my innocence or ignorance. What does (HFY) mean?

Forgive me if I misinterpreted anything. I'm not known for reading war stories. Although I do know ants can be vicious. Especially fire ants.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
After reading this, I'm somewhat breathless and stilled. The words are running through my head, recreating the images you showed me. I've never read a story so deeply personal, yet so impeccably written.

I was puzzled concerning the beginning of the story, why include it with the actual telling? But as I read, it became clear that the reason for writing carried the same weight and magic of the actual story.

Recalling the first and last names of my childhood friends would be a challenge for me. I can only think of one right now. Maybe because you lived in a small town, the names were spoken more, the relationships more intimate.

There were no wasted words here, and the verb choices you made were exquisite. The story kept me entranced all the way to the conclusion. I thought, well, this can't get any better, but I was so very wrong.

The last two sentences were a jump from childhood to adulthood. They read strikingly different from what came before, and if the work was anything short of perfection, the conclusion sealed the fate of this story.

It's beautiful, and something I'm unlikely to forget. I'm not flattered when people tell me my work is publishable. I think they are just words. But when I tell you this work is publishable, I'm telling the truth.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
I enjoyed reading this animal anecdote. It brought back many memories. While they were growing up, my kids had tons of animals. We had gerbils, not hamsters. But we had one gerbil just like the hamster in the second paragraph. Those teeth felt like they sunk bone-deep. And, same as you discovered, the only way to get them off was to fling them around. It sounds horrible, but they do survive.

I'm guessing this is a true story. Your style is engaging, and you know how to find humor in questionable situations. Most of the story read great, with only a few hitches, probably due to my singular experience.

It's so difficult not to relate my own experiences when I've shared similar ones. We even had a similar gerbil dying instance, where we argued back and forth, saying he's dead, no he's not dead, until he did die.

I had no idea people actually bred blind hamsters. That's horrible.

A few thoughts
I was a little confused when you introduced Sleepy. You were trying to put him a one of those exercise balls when he jumped out? I've never heard of a hamster with orange legs, but then, like I said, we had gerbils. The equivalent of a dry Niagara Falls meant a tumble down the stairs? How did that relate to being sued? Sleepy survived, right?

I'd say you've earned the right to despise hamsters. In Florida, we have Palmetto bugs that don't bite, but they're huge with gigantic feelers. In that instance, I would choose the hamster.

Thanks for the read. I'm still laughing to myself.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Road Trip  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
Anniversary reviews are fascinating adventures. A reviewer has the opportunity to experience a broader scope of reading material. Your work was definitely a first for me, and an enjoyable ride. (sorry for the pun)

The character in this story was the motorcycle. We didn't learn much about the driver, but the motorcycle gave the reader a grand tour.

I've never traveled the world, so exquisite as the descriptions were, I wanted more. I would say the lack was the absence of people, but it wouldn't make any sense for a motorcycle to observe people.

You did a remarkable job engaging all five senses. The story was infused with bright verb choices and expressive descriptors. I liked how you didn't just write
There was a roadside bench. You gave it a purpose.

You broke my heart here.
sand was bagged for a Navy veteran who lost too much.

A few thoughts
The gilded golden palace gates garishly glared.
I'm a fan of alliteration, but this sentence was too much.

2 am
2 A.M.

*Note* As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
The exposition in some places is overwhelming, but overall, it's a good story that kept me engaged. I was curious about the title, it suggests another story might stem from this one.

Everything sort of runs together, which is not that unusual when the writer is delivering information. The first sentence was my favorite. With such an intense description of the office, these details would be necessary if more stories followed. If not, maybe consider cutting back on some of the similes.

I would also suggest paragraphing this. Breaking up the dialogue and separating it from the narrative. It took a bit longer than I liked to figure out who Mr. Payne was. The characterization was outstanding, but it was lost in the words.

One thing for sure. You're consistent in your style of story-telling. And really, that part is up to you. Most write with descriptive scenes and dialogue, which makes for a great read.

One of my favorite phrases was 'a hard word to strike her dead'. That showed her frailness precisely. I wondered who 'they' were. Somehow, this man understands Bella's circumstances.

Such a promising read, if only your gems were more visible, rather than caught up in a tumble of words. Just my take, that's all.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*
This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
What a gorgeous story. In the beginning, the mood was sad and melancholy, a common enough feeling at Christmas. I doubt I'm the only one related to Maggie and her plight.

A very prosy beginning brought forth both beauty and hopelessness in equal measures. Then Maggie had a moment where she found it beautiful. Excellent foreshadowing.

I was extremely impressed by the setting you created in her apartment. The sense of despair was overwhelming as I pictured her sad and small life.

A continual referral to 'that day' drove the plot forward. It was somewhat of a relief to learn an event sent her spiraling, that she wasn't caught in the web of clinical depression vs. situational.

Everything you described was familiar, yet expressed in a such a graceful manner. The whole plot pivoted when she started chasing the man she thought died. The pace picked up when the chase began, and the mystery deepened.

I can't express how happy I was when the explanation became clear. This type of story is exactly the kind I like to write. I'm glad there's more than one of me.

A few thoughts
families rejoicing together as they preparedI think this would make more sense with one consistent verb tense.

I shake my heads to clear my thoughts.
I don't think she has more than one head. lol

as I the assimilation is no longer painful.
Hmm. Not sure what happened here.

Anniversary reviews sometimes bring members back to WdC. I hope you'll return to write more. Oh, by the way, the unusual title was the initial draw.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Summer Tunes  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
Once I adjusted to the telling of the story, over the showing, I let the plot play out. It was an interesting experience, with a slight twist in the conclusion.

The reader is told what the setting is. It's explained what the character is doing, and where she is going. Throughout, the story is delivered in exposition. This can be distancing for a reader, but it's a quick way to get information out.

A few thoughts
I liked the premise of this story, but a few glitches were distracting. Many sentences had different tenses, present and past.

There was some contradiction that just needs a bit more to clear it up. She takes her earbuds out to listen. Wasn't she already listening to music?

It's written that her train wasn't due for another twelve minutes, but that meant she missed it. If this was written as "The next train wasn't due --" that would make more sense to me.

With a bit of work, this story would shine. If you have any questions about my review, please don't hesitate to email me.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Vietnam Soldier  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression
A well-written, clever story that took me by surprise, and made me laugh.

Your readers were totally immersed in the setting from the first scene, and it was not a pleasant one. The situation seemed hopeless.

But the character soldiers on, and through your description and word choices, I was more invested in the outcome. You were able to create a visual scene that was realistic for a war-time story. I've seen enough movies set in Vietnam to know a rustling in the grass is never anything good.

I liked how the action was slightly delayed. A strategic pause, as one soldier evaluated the other.

A few thoughts
Because there were two soldiers, the last paragraph was a bit confusing. If you gave your main character a name, it would make more sense as to who was doing what. And, it would eliminate the repetition of the Vietnam soldier.

Also, in this phrase and one was holding a pistol.
I think the word [but] makes more sense than [and] because the soldier sees what he's seen before. He must have been one exhausted man to turn his back on a man with a gun.

Great twist on the conclusion, and a welcomed relief.

As a Registered Author, according to the rules of the activity linked below, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*
Don't be frightened by the darkness.

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shaky Marriage  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, Candie!

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

As a Registered Author, according to the stipulations above, you are a minor hex, and this review will lift the spell you cast. *Laugh*

*PartyHatP* "Anniversary Reviews*PartyHatP*

Overall Impression

I liked this story for many reasons, for one, I wasn't sure if your character was a reliable narrator or not. Everything was so right in the beginning, and her thoughts seemed to dictate actions. Readers only see the story through her eyes.

I liked how the romantic moment occurred when the fireworks went off!

No setting was specifically established, but the reader can draw from their own minds what the house and bar looked like.

Two years later, the reader was subjected to a heated dialogue between Claire and John. They argued like crazy on fire. But it was a common enough argument. Claire not believing John.

I wondered what Claire would do in her mood of vindication and retribution. At this point, I was still wondering if the whole story was being told. And John called the fire department saying Claire had problems. Throwing in more doubt!

What a mess, that makes for a great read.

She cuts cucumbers on the way to the mall?

A few perplexes
How did the wife throw all those things up on the roof from the bottom of the house? Clothes don't weigh very much.

How did the husband know the wife called the fire department?

What happened when Claire did not know how to use a fire extinguisher? What did she do wrong? Spray herself?

walked over to his precious [viper].

In closing
The last line concluded the plot in a satisfying way. As you probably intended, I thought Claire was off to kill her husband. But she found a much more elegant way to hurt him. From the conclusion, Claire's had enough of John. I hope she finds someone who really loves her. Even if she is a little crazy.

Personal signature By Kiya

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with The Dark Society  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi WW!

This review is being given as part of the "Black Magic Birthday Review Bash, presented by "The Dark Society

Don't be frightened by the darkness.

Overall Impression
It's never easy to describe an experience like this, but you captured the moment for me. I thank you for the reminder to stop and admire the natural world. The wisdom gained is profound.

As the experience unrolls
The word choices in this piece caught my attention. Unique, or well-placed unusual words brought added depth to the work. Your words drew me deeper into the experience. "uplifted my spirit magnificently" was one of my several favorites.

I've heard the concept of spiritual guides. At first I struggled to find mine, until I learned they were everywhere. I won't elaborate on my experience in this review, but trees seem to speak to me. And, I've had an insect experience, but it passed unnoticed until I read this.

No one can discount your observation. What were the chances this particular dragonfly returned to you? Awe-inspiring.

A few thoughts
I think you forgot to close out the italics in the paragraph "Then it finally dawned--" Or maybe this was intentional.

Perhaps the dragonfly came back just so you could snap your photo.

*Heart* I feel restored after contemplating your moments in time.

Personal signature By Kiya

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi lovelife!

Welcome to WDC from
*Balloonr* "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

What a sweet story. Life is lived by the moments, and this short story captured a few poignant seconds of a girl's life. Both characters had personalities to remember.

The girl worried me. I had the feeling his guy might be okay for her, if only she had the bravery to look up. I was encouraging her as I read. "Look up before this moment is gone."

Because of her prior experience, it's understandable she would be reluctant to make herself open and vulnerable. The actions of the guy, staying close to her, made it clear to me that here was someone she could trust.

You captured her innocence and insecurities in a way that came across as authentic. Nicely done!

There's a few writing skills you can pick up along the way. I'll give you some examples. Remember, fiction is immediate, happening in the moment, especially a romantic moment.

Rather than her temperature increasing and her heart beating at an unprecedented rate, consider,
Her whole body flushed and her heart pounded in her throat.

Try to use less words for greater effect.
leaning in towards her and his face so close to hers.
Now, I can't possibly rewrite this for you, but incomplete sentences are another useful tool to capture an escalating situation. Here's a few thoughts for your consideration.

His back arched. Face to face, she gently caressed his cheek, not wanting to mar his perfection. (or the perfection of him)

9am 9 A.M.

Keep in mind word economy; it's an awesome tool to carve out only the necessary in a short story. Keep on writing more stories!

Peeking in with a SP review sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Harry!

I came across your work while perusing 'Read and Review". How odd that you wrote this in 2003, revamped it in 2010, but its showing no reviews at all. I guess we all have one or two of those items.

So, what happened when I read your work? At first, the unusual presentation slowed me down, but I like quirky things, and apparently you liked presenting it this way. I laughed a bit, seeing how time has changed so much. I can't remember the last time I saw an actual, working phone booth.

The message inside the words rang so true for me. What we teach our kids, they hopefully teach theirs. (but only the good stuff they learned from us.)

I'm probably not the only person who wondered about turning the money over. This ended up being the crux of the story. Because the man in the 7-11 probably did keep the money, but the way you hit that last line with such accuracy made me think Yes, that's very true.

I've lost my wallet on five separate occasions, and it's always been returned to me untouched. There are wonderfully, good people in our world, and great parenting fosters the continuation of kids doing the right thing, even when they don't have to.

Everyone has their own style. This feels more like it belongs in short story format, but I honor your choice.

Peeking in with a SP review sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Susan!

Welcome to WDC from
*Balloonr* "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

I have over 100 rocks in my collection, ranging from pebbles to boulders. I simply had to read your take on the beauty.

None of mine have ants running through them, and I never thought about the rocks keeping the ground warm so they could live regardless of season.

The first sentence sounded contradictory to me. If rocks are polished smooth, how can they have texture? Did you mean river rocks only?

Dinosaur toes? *Laugh* Very clever.

I think rocks do much more than staying where they fell. If someone like me comes along, there's an intrinsic value in all of them. Each one has its own story, and weird as it sounds, they comfort me.

Another new idea you presented was that the crystals inside rocks possibly came from other planets. Now that would be something special!

My rocks are always with me, so I enjoyed this story that gave me a bit of extra time to think as I read your work.

Nice cover art!

Peeking in with a SP review sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Three Strings  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Warden!

I came across your Bar Joke by searching through "Read and Review." Years ago, I had a friend who pantomimed this 'joke', but I've never seen it written out. *Laugh*

Not only is the joke outstanding, you did a tremendous job formatting the stanzas and creating the rhymes. This poem was more elaborate than the physical version, and not only did it bring back a honeycomb of memories, you made me laugh on a day when the gloom and doom part of me is dominant.

Your work also fits in with WDC's birthday celebration. Well, an 18+ poem. Although the strings were the main characters, I created a vision of the bar and the bartender, who spots the knot in a crowd.

*Star* I like the alliteration in "string's skinny self".

I thought perhaps the three strings would twine together to form the knot, but the idea of the two strings failing before the successful one works just as well.

I just glanced at the creation and edited date of this work. I joined in 2011 and missed the adventure of the Bar Joke Contest. My plan was to check it out to see which one won first place because yours sounded like the winner to me!

Peeking in with a SP review sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi, Will!

I came across your story in the 2015 Aug 19th Action/Adventure Newsletter. The title was 'Good Description', and it's obvious why Leger chose your work.

When I'm less than enthusiastic about the beginning of a story, I skip to the middle and sometimes to the end before deciding to review or not. Two things about that habit.

First, I knew from the first sentence there was no way I was letting this story escape from me.

And secondly, I'm happy there was no skipping to the end because it was a shock. Lucky for me I didn't read the brief description because that gives away the ending, which would have been less effective.

I had only one question, and it's not really a question. If the AI's want to be human, how does killing humans accomplish that? Actually, that makes them very human since homo-sapiens excel in the atrocities of inhumanity against themselves.

Back to the plot--sorry. The plot unfolded in my mind as if I was watching a television show. Or maybe I watch too much sci-fi. Great use of futuristic tools and words.

A few of my favorites
The door irises open--succinct visual with sound.
turquoise flame burning the corridor black -colors exploding
potato peeler - yuck, effective without the gore, though.
fairy lights - so unlikely in this plot

I liked the alliteration of Sully Sumner. My position is that character names tell a story all their own, and it's a waste not to take advantage of that. The sound of the character's name echoed in my head. I had to think a bit before pronouncing it, and it's a name that most likely will not be forgotten.

I learned quite a bit from reading this. Your sentence structure was varied, as were the lengths. Dialogue was interspersed, demonstrating two sides of the same story, without switching POV.

You certainly don't need me telling you this little story is great. I'll let the five stars do all the talking.

Peeking in with a SP review sig

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi, Lily Rose!

Welcome to WDC from
*Balloonr* "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Overall Impression
Your story is well-written and held my attention, even though I knew it would be dark, and likely to have a horrible ending. Maybe my mood is dark today, and it felt right to read this.

The story elements are all here. The plot began with a conflict that would draw most readers in to looking for the resolution. You handled the back and forth of the events without causing any confusion.

Great character development, as well. Bonnie is a fascinating girl, one you could carry over to another story. I wonder if she could be the main character and stories would be about her many exploits and adventures. It seems a waste to leave her on this page.

As for Burnout, his fate was sealed from the beginning, but I was surprised he was a hopeless drunk. He cared deeply for his sister. What drove him to drink? His association with Lighter?

You really didn't need a developed setting for this plot. The height of the apartment was essential to the story.

Using the song "Burning Up" as a ring tone was effectively ironic. *Checkg*

I found some little glitches here and there, but this sentence was the only one that actually took me out of the story.

Sam knew about Bonnie, she disgusted him while intrigued him at the same time

A few thoughts
A little comment here, I don't think there are thousands of antidepressants out there. Now, it's plausible that Burnout is thinking this way, but still it sticks out like an inaccurate comment. Just something to consider.

Looking at the title, I think the capitalization of the words should be corrected.

I think the main goal of this story was to bring it to the dark conclusion I'd been anticipating. There was no rushing of the plot to reach this goal, though.

Why your story?
Are you wondering how your story was written on the day you joined, today, and was reviewed so quickly? One thing our members do is look out for new members. In my case, I clicked on the option "Read and Review" from the left hand menu and landed on your story.

Keep up the good work. When you get around to it, filling out your bio is a great way for other members to become familiar with you. *Wink*

Animated Simply Positive Moon Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Wedge  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi James!

Welcome to WDC from
*Balloonr* "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Overall impression
You have a way, in this story, of bringing in the cold to the reader. Although I didn't understand the relationships, or what really happened, there was cold everywhere. In the words, in the scenes, in the thoughts.

This read like a one scene tiny vignette, fairly sparse on meaning. I would like to know what the argument was over. Why the woman wouldn't let anyone touch her bandages. Why these people were brought together, and why they would all end up dying.

The characterization was strong and the dialogue was realistic. I was able to relate to Sarah's hope and request that James would stay with her. James wasn't all too pleased with his choice, or himself, but he accepted who he was and recognized his limitations. Even if there hadn't been another man involved, James might not be capable of handling any relationship. I can't say precisely what gave me that impression, other than the repeated theme of coldness everywhere.

*Questionbl* Is James the wedge?

in the end
Well, you have a few characters all set and ready to go if you decide to expand on this work. Mostly, I wanted to welcome you to WdC and encourage you to keep on writing!

Animated Simply Positive Moon Signature

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, tHiNg, Hooves, and COWser Sooze!

Welcome to
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group 8th Anniversary Celebration Raid!

There was so much information on this page, I got lost in all the links before making it back here to write a review. If anyone wants to know who you are, well, this is one place you can be found.

I like your open and carefree manner, but there's also an element of caution, good advice on protocols and basic manners among members. In a community of this size, it's quite likely someone will step on a member's toes, or hooves. Like you said, it's best to move on, although I've felt the sting a few times enough to walk away for a few days.

Great pictures of your Basset Bound. Such soulful eyes, no wonder the dog has such a special place in your heart. I'm a cat person, but I've only had one that was capable of relating on a human level. He used to lick the tears from my face.

The Movie Lovers Group led me away from this piece. Someone wrote about a movie in German, which caused me to spend a good bit of time trying to find it on Amazon. I failed.

Somewhere in here I found valuable advice about writing product reviews. I've done a few, but some members seem to have a knack for it that intimidates me.

You've commissioned quite a few merit badges! I appreciate that many of them are community wide badges. There are so many group specific, many are unattainable.

I haven't met many members who are close to being veterans. I wonder what I will be like after so many years on WdC? I can only hope to gain some of your wisdom and candor. This page you put together is more than an autobiography. It shows members just how much is offered here. And, the first person insight is invaluable.

I already reviewed "Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such but if anyone comes along and reads this review, I encourage them to take a look not only at this item, but also the link I enclosed. Looks like I'm off to join your Movie Group. *Wink*

** Image ID #2052096 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Welcome to
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group 8th Anniversary Celebration Raid!

Maryann, I've written stories similar to this and it felt like coming home when I read your story. I didn't know your thoughts sometimes ran along this line. Very cool.

Stories that begin with dialogue always capture my attention. Maybe it's because we place the highest value on words. So right away, the main character is introduced, along with her perceived thoughts of herself. She's not good with children. Interesting, how she carries this through to her own daughter, finding a way to place blame on herself. Isn't that what we all do as parents?

Although the story was sci-fi, it wasn't beyond comprehension. Quite the opposite, really. The plot is filled with human emotions and musings. The introduction of neighbors and family members added more depth to Rhea's existence.

The sci-fi elements were engrossing. Implanted chips that could be accidentally deactivated. I seem to have skated around the main plot element. A healing horse. Perhaps because as I said earlier, this is my kind of story. When I say brilliant idea, my compliments are only for you, though. I would love to see a world where newborns were linked to healing horses. Animals deserve a much greater respect than what we give them.

Establishing the horses's color as champagne struck a chord in me. It sounded so unique and unusual for a horse. This fit in with altered reality.

Some humans speculate that we are planet killers, and we came from Mars after we destroyed it. Now we're on a collision course with the death of earth. I hope these characters don't have too much 'human' in them.

My only thought would be to show Rhea's reaction at the conclusion, not tell us how she felt.

It's only fitting that members celebrate the person who actually began Powers. I hope you see tons of reviews!

** Image ID #2052096 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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