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3,537 Public Reviews Given
4,150 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I tend to review using a format that I can comment on plot, characters, setting, atmosphere and dialogue. I also try to point out typos/errors and that sort of thing. This style may change depending on the item!
I'm good at...
I'm better with fiction than anything else. I might be able to have a go at poetry but please don't expect too much!
Favorite Genres
Horror, dark, suspense, thriller, mystery. However, I'm open minded and will read most genres.
Favorite Item Types
Statics - fiction.
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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

This is such a great idea for an auction, I have to say! What better way to encourage people to gift to a really great group than by offering fantastic gifts in return *Smile*

The auction is set out well, you've made it clear and concise as well as fun which is great!

Hope this helped!

Well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Hey! Well done on an interesting poll. I've often wondered where other people are from, who I'm making friends with, what time different people are on! And it's great to find out where some of the members of WdC come from *Smile* I'm from the rainy UK and I see Europe is second top to North America but by quite a bit shorter. I wonder if everyone voted how the poll would work out...

Well done though, great idea!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

 Invalid Item 
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#1855489 by Not Available.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently! *Smile*

*NoteR*What I liked:

Ooooh good question! I think that while I answered that I review all colours (because I do) I know when I first started using the site I felt a bit strange about doing so; and I guess it was because I knew they'd been on the site for a long time and I assumed that meant they were better at writing than me so I was scared to. Sometimes, if I'm having a bad day, I still get that feeling and won't! But otherwise I try, everyone wants reviews for their work and it's important not to discriminate *Smile*

How about you? (before you became a mod!)

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1855489 by Not Available.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently! *Smile*

*NoteR*What I liked:

I like that most of the answers are from some weird turn of events! *Smile*

hehe, I met my partner when I worked at a local bar... I worked most weekend nights and a man used to always come in, get drunk and talk to me. He started telling me about his son who 'I would love' and then one night brought him in. Turns out, I did! *Smile*

Do you have a story to share?

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1855489 by Not Available.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently! *Smile*

*NoteR*What I liked:

Well done on creating such an interesting poll. I did my dissertation looking at social stigma attached to depression and anxiety in young people; but I found that there wasn't as much stigma as I'd predicted (from other young people)

I don't think I know anyone with bipolar but as far as I know, as long as it's controlled by medication that person can have a normal life? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I don't mean to be ignorant!!

What do you deduce so far from the results?

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1855489 by Not Available.
Review of The Detective  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently! *Smile*

*NoteR*What I liked:

This was a really well written piece. I always tend to love that film noir sort of detective and I've never seen it in a poem before. But I think you've captured the atmosphere and style really well. I can really picture the scene, the woman crying over her loved one who was unmercifully taken, the detective in his suit and hat, commanding his men to search.

I really liked the lines:

'peering into places where midnight slumbers.'


'My tools feel awkward,
clumsy in my mind.'

They work really well and paint the picture.

The stanzas work well together and flow nicely in the free structure *Smile*

I don't have any suggestions to make!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1855489 by Not Available.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently! *Smile*

*NoteR*What I liked:

Well done on a really emotional piece. I really feel you've been able to express yourself freely and show the emotions you're feeling to the reader. I'm getting that you're confused and a bit conflicted as to the resolution of this; there are only two ways, one which will bottle your feelings up for longer and one that makes you vulnerable and so is the hardest to do. I'm not going to offer advice, all I can say is I think you should follow your heart *Smile*

This poem is well written and put together; it flows nicely and has a good free structure. The subject of the poem comes across really well and your emotions within that.

I didn't have any suggestions to make to this piece *Smile*

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1855489 by Not Available.
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

This is a fun idea for an interactive! It starts with a genie hiding up in teh attic, which turns out to be his worst nightmare, or will it?! I think having a gift/curse that everything he says becomes literal is quite fun because we use similies and metaphors so often within speech and literature that it's really creative to think about how it would actually occur! Well done!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

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Review of Royal Duties  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

I think you've created something really intereesting here; a girl is told how to act and behave to fit her social role, but she doesn't want any part of it and seeks company in the stable boy (who is madly in love with her!) What a creative idea!

*NoteR*A suggestion I had:

         *BulletG*I think the only suggestion I have is that when you're doing your options at the end of the chapter, maybe give options rather than just using 'continue' it will act as a prompt and a lead in the direction of a story. Just a thought!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

I think you've created a really good idea here! The age old fairytale of Peter Pan is a classic and this has allowed the readers/authors to think about what Peter Pan was, what it meant to them and contribute to that legend with the same characters. It allows us to be as creative as we want which is great!

*NoteR*A suggestion I had:

         *BulletG*I think the only thing that confused me a little was your character list... so far we know Maisie is the main character but those other few just behind her on the list, do they need to be included in the story too? I think you should try to make that a little clearer.

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This is a Power Review! I found you on the Power Shop Review Board! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

This was a really good piece that I enjoyed reading! I wasn't sure what to expect uopn reading the title but it wasn't this; however, I think that you've captured the abstract nature of the man within this piece and the significance of that little stress ball well.

You've written this well from beginning to end, taking the reader on the journey with the protagonist.

I think you have developed his character really well. You let the reader see some background, his personality and how he has grown up to want to reach his goal. And we know that he's a hard worker because he's relentless in his research and plods on regardless.

I think you've really captured his voice here, I think this is exactly as he would sound, the language he would use. In places I almost felt it had a journalistic quality which I think is great.

You also managed to show his paranoia growing throughout the story, the way he did thigns in secret and didn't reveal his plans to anyone for fear that he would be disregarded. The conspiracy theory of the name of the corporation... or was it just theory?

I think that's the one thing I wasn't clear on; whether his paranoia was founded or not. I got the impression that the stress and pressure of his work was causing the paranoia. I hope that's what you were trying to do!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

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Review of Love You To Death  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

I'm really attracted to darker fiction or horror and so the title and description drew me in to this piece.

This is a really powerful piece. We see the story from the point of view of the would-be killer as he waits outside his ex girlfriend's house preparing to murder her and her new boyfriend. You show the reader through his thoughts, the emotions that are going on for him including anger, jealousy and despair. The first part of the story is mainly regarding the anger and jealousy he has that his girlfriend is not his anymore, the second the despair that he is almost like his father. I found this to be the really powerful piece, when he goes to his mother and asks for help. I think that's really great and gives a glimpse into the nice side of her personality. And I have to say, even though he planned to kill them, I felt a little sorry for him at that moment!

The story moves at a good pace, building the suspense as we see him with the gun, wondering what is happening, what will he do?

*NoteR*A few suggestions I had:

         *BulletG*Her laughter sounded alot - this should be 'a lot'

         *BulletB*I would also suggest just being a little careful around spacing and punctuation, there are lots of spaces after the beginning of speech marks which aren't needed. It's only a tiny thing but just thought I'd let you know *Smile*

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

This is a nice piece that invites the reader to consider what they are afraid of. It asks them to consider asking for help if it is the dark that they fear, for He is there and will never say no. It really invites the reader in to consider the questions that have been asked which makes it quite interactive.

I think you've written this well getting the point across clearly. The poem flows well with each of the stanzas fitting together well.

*NoteR*A suggestion I had:

         *BulletG*I would maybe suggest using some punctuation within this piece to allow the reader pause to think and reflect on what has been said and what will be said. If you do use punctuation though I would recommend making sure you use question marks because you ask the reader a lot of questions, particularly in the first stanza.

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Well done on a good contest entry! I wasn't sure what to expect would be the scariest Halloween but this is definately freaky, a young vampire pulling the wool over the eyes of a group of adults. Brilliant!

You've writte this well, it flows nicely from beginning to end. The main character is given a lot of development and I really can feel his excitement and passion for the project. Your description throughout it really good, you set the scene well in the haunted house, I really thought I could picture it in my mind! So well done for that. I also found you invigorated more than one of my senses which I think it great!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Visual Poetry  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

I've been perusing your port and I came across this. I'm sure I've seen things like it before but I wasn't sure what you meant by the title Visual Poetry (until I opened it up!)

I really like this, it gives the reader a sense of what writing.com means to you, and it clearly means a lot. You've come up with a lot of really good and positive words there *Smile* Thanks for sharing this with us!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (2.0)

*Shamrock* This is a St Patricks Day Power Raid! *Shamrock* *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Hehe! Well done on a really fun little poem! You've really described this Inky Stinky Leprechaun well, really helping the reader to picture what he looks like, what he smells like (phew!) and what his personality is like! I'm not sure I'd wanna meet him *Smile*

The poem itself flows well, the short stanzas fit together nicely and the rhymes feel natural rather than forced which is great!

I had to go and look up the 'Simply Horrible' contest to see what it was about (and was also wondering about your low star rating!) but I definately understand it now!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

*Shamrock* This is a St Patricks Day Power Raid! *Shamrock* *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Hehe! Well done on a really comical little poem. I don't often read poetry but I thought I'd make the effort for St Patrick's day and I've read quite a lot. I'm really glad I opened this piece; the limericks work really well, flowing just as they should and the rhymes are natural. They made me smile the whole way through! *Bigsmile*

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

*Shamrock* This is a St Patricks Day Power Raid! *Shamrock* *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

This was really interesting to read because I feel like it brings a lot of Irish history and culture into my thoughts. I've never heard it before and it's a nice little ditty.

But then I started thinking about the meaning behind the words, particularly the second stanza which is about the woman being whatever her husband wants to be, not saying no (even if she wants to) So I'm not sure how I feel about it!! But obviously that's not your fault it's just the way I think *Smile*

*NoteR*A suggestion I had:

         *BulletG*I would suggest maybe having some line spacing between each of the two stanzas just to separate it a little and perhaps centering it, just a thought!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of My Irish Lass  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*Shamrock* This is a St Patricks Day Power Raid! *Shamrock* *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

This is a really sweet and romantic poem. It tells of a love story between two, a man and an Irish woman. I really think you've done well here to describe her from the point of view of the man; I can really picture her with her sparkling emerald (I love that colour/description!) and her creamy skin. She looks beautiful in my head (and I also picture her wearing green!)

The poem flows nicely, each stanza fitting with the last. I don't know a lot about technical poetry writing but I noticed that the first stanza had five lines rather than four like the other two. But I think it still works because it's almost like a love letter to the woman he's talking about, the way it starts.

The stanzas fit together nicely and the rhymes feel natural which is great. And I have to say, I'm glad to hear that she's going to be his forever *Smile*

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Blarney  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*Shamrock* This is a St Patricks Day Power Raid! *Shamrock* *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Hehe! This poem had me giggling the whole way through!! When I began reading I thought it was going to be more of a fable, telling of the legend of the Blarney Stone but what I found was somewhat different, but it worked really well.

You've written a good piece of comedic poetry here, telling the tale of the wife who kisses the blarney stone and then never lets her husband have a moments piece! I can just see him now sitting in his chair, grumbling away as she talks!

The description and language you use throughout works really well and keeps the rhythm of the poem going, it also makes it really humorous. The poem flows well and the rhymes feel natural and not forced which is great!

*NoteR*A few suggestions I had:

         *BulletG*I would suggest maybe using some punctuation within this, particularly capital letters at the beginning of each line and full stops/commas at the end. I just think it will give the reader pause to think and also notes when each particular thought/theme is finished with.

         *BulletB* dont think she mearly kissed the blarney - I think this should be 'merely'

         *BulletR* I was also wondering about your spelling of through as 'thru' I think it might work a little better if it's spelled the right way *Smile*

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a St Patricks Day Power Raid! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Well done on another really great and beautiful poem. The words and descriptions you have used here are unreal; they really paint a picture of Ireland for me, about what it looks like, the beautiful places, the people, the names. It makes me really want to visit! I've never been to Ireland and I'm just across the water in the UK.... I think I might put it on my list of to dos!

But really, thank you for sharing this wonderful piece with us. It's really well written, the poem flows well and the rhymes work naturally, you've clearly put a lot of time and effort into this piece! Thank you!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of FLYIN' BACK HOME  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

This is a St Patricks Day Power Raid! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

I don't often read poetry but I loved reading this! It just really worked for me, it had an immediate rhythm which made it easier for me to read (hehe). As I read quite quickly I had this little sort of tune going on in my head and it really helped it flow. So the poem works really well, flows naturally and the rhyming scheme too works really well and fits together perfectly.

You tell the reader of a humorous journey of travel which involves an awfully long stop and search, and it was because of the Irish! How absurd! But you say this was a true story, did it happen to you If so, thank you for sharing it with us and making me smile before I have to go to work!!

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Night and Day  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Wow, Mara! This is such a brilliant story. It's been really well written the whole way through. I really felt the emotion, the relationship between the girls with the special connection. You've really captured me with this piece, I can see their friendship and I love it, I wish I had it.

But the ending it so sad, to see her so desolate and defeated, knowing she hasn't got her best friend to rely on and help her to bounce back. I think the ending was tragic but also worked really well, it seemed fitting.

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of Smaug  
Review by blue jellybaby
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

did you draw this yourself?! It's really fab. I truly love the Hobbit! hehe *Smile*

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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Review of The Prankster  
Review by blue jellybaby
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

This is a Power Review! *Smile*

Please remember that these are just my thoughts and somebody else might see it differently!

*NoteR*What I liked:

Well done on a really heartfelt piece. I don't think I've read anything so light hearted for a long time and I did enjoy it. I think you developed his character really well, showing the reader both personalities he has. I don't know why but that's kinda how I saw him; he had one for show and one for real, and the real one didn't get out much. I think maybe he was afraid to be himself. Sorry if that's not how you meant it though.

But we see this real side of him, a grown up kid who still clowns around, but who realises that he's too lonely and it's through his own doing. You've really captured the emotions well in this piece, particularly at the end when he goes home after a night out with his friends, instead of home with a girlfriend.

Well done *Smile*

Hope this helped!

But well done on a good write!!*Pencil*

Reviewed on behalf of the WDC Power Reviewers Group:

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann- summer travel

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