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Review of Pink Christmas  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Amazing story of one blessed with seeing and interacting with a ghostly child.
Your tale is charming, like the tales of old, ones that uplift and bring cheer to the readers heart.
Form and structure are solidly firm.
Flow is immaculate and smooth.
Pace is medium and filled with emotional ties that bind.
Grammatically snafu free, you are encouraged to write on!
Copenator out!
Founder of Copenator's Crew
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In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A good story of Christian care and concern for his fellow man.
The sailor did indeed display a heart of charity. The Lord served as the highest example of this during His earthly ministry.
Your introduction is intriguing and draws the reader into the story that follows.
The form and structure are solid.
The flow is smooth and easy on the eyes.
The pace is rapid and grammatically snafu clean.
The emotional ties that bind are peppered throughout and serve to keep the reader engaged in the story at hand.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
Founder of Copenator's Crew
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Review of Ice Flowers  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice poem featured in Poetry Newsletter 12-19-12.
Stormy Lady displays 9 in all and yours is there.
Form and structure are fair.
Emotional ties that bind are there.
Prose is well suited to your piece.
Flow is smooth.
Pace is detailed filled and slow.
Grammatically one minor hiccup (Line 5 - midlle) in no way alters the meaning of your piece.
Write on!
Copenator out!
Review of Two Empty Windows  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Chilling poetry found in Stormylady's Newsletter 12-19-12.
Form and structure are solid and permanent.
Emotionally the reader is invested.
Flowing like a river down a mountain side.
Paced at roller coaster speed, the reader does subside.
Grammatically snafu free,
you are encouraged to write on in the WdC!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of His Mighty Hand  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Poetry Newsletter 12-19-12, features your excellent Psalm.
A trail of tears shed are felt by the reader.
A shout of hope from the rooftops is here too!
Emotionally speaking you have covered the gamut so eloquently.

Form and structure are consistent.
Rhyme scheme is persistent.
Flow is smooth and emotionally aglow.
Pace is downright slow.
Grammatically snafu free, nary a jot nor tittle must needs be altered.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 12-19-12 shared your submitted piece.
It's a well rounded look at the Thanksgiving feast.
The finest lines of all sum it up in such an eloquent way.
"they taste better when company is around."
Well written, well formed, well done!
Grammatically snafu free, no suggestions for improvement are needed here.
Write on BBW!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of Nightfall  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sorry for your loss.
I lost my mother and never had a chance o say goodbye.
She lived to see the 21st century and in February she was lost.
Spiritual Newsletter 12-19-2012 shares your prose in their issue.
I often use them for reviewing fodder.

A sad occasion is so delicately presented here.
The emotional beams of loss and regret are present here.
The form and structure is solid.
The flow is stolid.
The pace is slow and filled with grace.
Grammatically snafu free you are the ace.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of John  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sorry for the loss at such a young age.
You are to be commended for telling your tale so well.
Spiritual Newsletter 12-19-2012, features your piece among others.
Emotionally charged and bitter sweet moments of hope are found here.
Form and structure are firm foundations upon which to launch such a personal account.
Flow is smooth and emotion filled as the reader sees and knows the anxiety the author lays out in pen and ink.
Pace is medium and sensual throughout.
Grammatically snafu free, no suggestions for improvement go to you.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of Season of Sorrow  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 12-19-12,
showcases your piece.
Sorrowful is the emotional tie that binds.
For in seasons of joy and happiness, much grief is often found.
Our family too has known some of that sorrow so know you are not alone in your grief.
Form and structure are immaculate.
Flow is steady and strong.
Pace is slow and detail filled.
Grammatically pristine no suggestions for improvement come your way.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of Nature Never Told  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 12-19-12,
features among others your memorial lines.
I use them often to review and grateful to find yours there.

The dominant emotional tie that binds is regret.
For you were deprived of the time to know your beloved.
The reader can feel the love you use to fill in each line.
The form and structure are efficient.
The rhyme scheme is melodic and a singer would be honored to put this to song.
The flow is smooth and senses filled.
The pace is slow as the reader becomes attached to the scene unfolding line by line.

Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of Rays of Light  
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 12-05-12,
features your Illumined piece.
The reader senses comfort and peace.
A knowledge that there is hope still in this world.

Form and structure are foundational.
Rhyme scheme is consistent and masterfully constructed.
Flow is smooth.
Pace is slow and easy going.
Grammatically nary a jot nor tittle are out of place.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
Review of Rainbows of Love  
In affiliation with The Brainstormers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 12-5-12,
Shows the world an angel so missed upon this earth.
Snow your piece is beauteous and poetic.
Imagery is inspiring and heart felt.
The reader is drawn into this tribute.
Flow is smooth and soothing too.
Pace is slow as the reader marvels at the picture you do paint.
Grammatically pristine you are encouraged to write on in the WdC!
Copenator out!
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Poetry newsletter 11-14-2012,
speaks of your left over debacle.
Sorry for the loss of you fridge.
But fortunate for you kitties all about.

Form and structure are cool.
Rhyme scheme is pert.
Flow is super smooth.
Pace is just right.
Grammatically snafu free and that's the truth.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
poetry newsletter 11-14-12,
reveals the thankful side of your piece.
A tribute to the troops who fight for freedoms sake.
Fitting that the imagery elicits thoughts of national pride.

Form and structure are stalwart markers.
Rhyme scheme is consistent and a key to the rhythmical nature of this one.
Flow is song like.
Pace is slow and awe inspiring.
Grammatically snafu free you are encouraged to write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Poetry newsletter 11-14-2012
previews your piece on imagination.
I imagine it's a good piece,
remembering the past peace.

Form and structure are strong.
Flow is smooth and easygoing.
Pace is slow.
Imagery is clear and inspiring.
Grammatically snafu free, you get a big ole 3.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Noticing Newbies Newsletter 11-14-2012,
Featured newbies and yours is among them.
I use the newsletter for reviewing fodder.

Quite coherent considering it was a 15 minute write.
The things you speak of bear imagery the reader identifies with.
While the form is somewhat stretched,
the gist of your randomization is in tact.
Grammatically snafu free, i would make no suggestions for improvement.
This is your creation, your opinions spilling onto the canvas.
You have the right to change or alter that which you write.

Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
Founder of Copenator's Crew
Review of Sand Castles  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Noticing Newbies Newsletter 11-14-2012,
Featured newbies and yours is among them.
I use the newsletter for reviewing fodder.

A very clear picture you do paint.
The object is sand castles.
Their plight is the tragedy.
Eulogizing them in the end is your gift.

Form and structure is well suited to the Haiku.
Flow is smooth and defined.
Pace is rapid as the tide coming in.
Grammatically snafu free you are suggestion for improvement free.

Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
Founder of Copenator's Crew
Review of Paralysis  
In affiliation with Need Help With An Upgrade???  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Noticing Newbies Newsletter 11-14-2012,
Featured newbies and yours is among them.
I use the newsletter for reviewing fodder.

Oh my goodness, what an award winning tale you tell.
I too suffer from arachnophobia.
Brave of you to write of such an event.
You know personally the fear that these beasts cause.

Imagery alone gripped this readers mind.
Wanting you to win over these mutant spiders.
Carnivorous too! Wow what a scary thought.

Form and structure are a firm foundation.
The plot is suspense filled from the beginning.
Flow is a roller coaster of terror.
Pace is rapid, let's get the heck out of here!
Grammatically snafu free no suggestions for improvement are needed today.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, Mdiv
Founder of Copenator's Crew
Review of Wild One  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Poetry Newsletter closes it's pages with this piece.
On 11-22-12 Stormy saw what you had to share.
There is a sense, within these lines, of peace.
Your word smith skill is really quite fair.

Form and structure are standard fare.
Rhyme scheme is rhythmical and quite the pace.
Flow is slow as with us the wind you do share.
Pace is unhampered by grammatical snafu's with such grace.
Suggestions for improvement?
Why mess with such arresting development.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of Lifted high  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Incredible imagery found in the halls of Poetry Newsletter 11-22-12.
Where I often click through to see what nuggets are presented.
Form and structure are appropriate.
Rhyme scheme is a work of art.
Flow is smooth as a gentle stream.
Pace is magically grammatically snafu free.
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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Review of Emoticon Fun  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Found in poetry newsletter 11-22-12.
A cool emoticon full piece of poetry.
Adds a whole new dimension to the tale.
Especially when one sees a ukulele rather than a guitar lol.
Form and structure are secure.
Flow is unhampered by grammatical snafu's.
Rhyme scheme is consistent and at time dependent on the emoticon one finds.
No suggestions for improvement are needed and thanks for sharing in the WdC!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a look at December on the other side of the world.
Wishing you were us, and in the end glad you are you.
The summer there is such a contrast to our winter here.
You use your rhyming skill to pull it all together.
Form and structure are immaculate.
Flow is undulating to the tune the reader feels in his/her heart.
Pace is unhurried and imagery filled.
Grammatically snafu free, yippee!
Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 11-22-2012 is dedicated to the Moderators and yours is there for the viewing.

Winnie Kay what can one say?
Your heart in this you display.
There is happiness, sadness, despair.
Life just is not fair!

An economy wreaking havoc,
A veteran in a state of panic.
Doing the unthinkable,
For no other solution is visible.

Form and structure are impeccable.
Flow is smooth and grammatically splendid.
Pace is slow and emotionally charged.
Overall impression: In the midst of tragedy, faith carries a family through.

Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 11-22-2012 is dedicated to the Moderators and yours is there for the viewing.

That was like a week of calamity packed into a single day.
Thanks for an entertaining piece and if it's true you're a blessed man to be standing. If it's fiction then you're the best darn story teller in the universe.
Form and structure are firm foundations.
Imagery is prevalent and keeps the reader fully engaged.
Flow is as smooth as your day apparently was not.
Pace is rapid and humor filled throughout.
Well done and glad the Newsletter shared your piece.

Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Spiritual Newsletter 11-22-2012 is dedicated to the Moderators and yours is there for the viewing.

Well written historical view of the Thanksgiving celebration.
Form and structure are sound and helps the reader move forward.
Flow is smooth as the absence of grammatical snafu's eliminates bumps along the way. Pace is slow and detail filled making this a worthy piece for any history buff or casual reader looking for a good read.

Write on!
Copenator out! BA, MDiv
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