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Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI angus! Happy 6th! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

The title presents an interesting image and a story in 74 words is amazing. The setting and character was clear from the start as you set up a bit of a mystery. The ending was a twisted cliffhanger that we can only imagine! Ouch! Well done.
The blue and red lettering were effective to emphasize the idea of duality. *Thumbsup*

A few gliches: see what you think. *Wink*
You used the word "her" alot. I am not sure you need to say "from her slumber" as the word "awoke" means that she woke. So it seems redndant to me. I think saying "from where she thought" instead of ending in a preposition might be more grammatical.

Thanks for sharing your vision and your craft of telling a whole story in few words. *Starstruck*
Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

WDC Power Personal Star sig

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (1.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Maryann! I am getting ready to review thrillers and thought this might be fun! *Laugh* I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

I know little about Zombies and I love the Sound of Music. That you can bring them both together in this sing song poem is so original and the contrast is brilliant. Mentioning Julie Andrews is cool and yep I think she would at least cringe!*Laugh*

While this is to be judged as bad poetry, it really rings well in rhyme and rhythm with the song. I could sing it. *Smile* The Baha part is too funny and I could not quite get the song but the mimicry of zombies is well done!

The images were very vivid and freaky especially the first verse. EWWW! I had fun reading your little bit of horror! *Star*
One star just as it deserves and you asked for!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

WDC Power Personal Star sig

Review of Wisp  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Earth* *Heart* Happy Earth Day wolfbane! *Sun**Tree*

*Earth*Wow! This is a soft magical expression and I was drawn to the title Wisp, which fits the theme. The poem specifically uses this floating seed in an expereincial way.

*Earth* The picture you paint is so despcriptive and you drew me into the moment. The structure is a free style with a consistene rhyme scheme that added to the flow. The atmosphere is soft and whishful as you act with the wisp and then jump to the future to see the wish fulfilled. The rhyme with "whispered" is an off rhyme and yet the thought is so relevant. You could do the line with italics instead of brackets to show you are thinking within the narration.
The punctuation was purposeful in the read.

*Earth* I don' think you need the word "softly" as we know "whispering" is soft, so it may be redundant. It tightend up the flow to leave it out as well. *Wink*

*Earth* I like the unrhymed last line as the summation shares a philosophical result of the experience--apart from the action in the lines before. *Thumbsup*

*Sun* I was touched by this moment of receiving nature's gift. Thank you for sharing your vision. I often dwell in nature and find myself and wisdom. *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Trees Scream  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Earth* *Heart* Happy Earth Day Kaya! *Sun**Tree*

*Tree* I am a tree hugger and so I was drawn to this evocative and sad title! You drew me into the delightful life of the forest and our peaceful co-existence and natural progress of treedom. Then abruptly, "Madness enters" shows the shock of man's intrusion. What a brilliant expression with a harsher tone. *Thumbsup*

*Tree3* Your verses are balanced with consistent rhyme and rhythm. It was delightful to read aloud with its effective soundscape as well. Your use of poetic magics like assonance, consonance and personification is effective. The last verse is so evocative and the query at the end invites us to wake up and ponder. *Sun*

*Treefall2* I was a bit confused at the end as the third line I think refers to the tree and yet it seems like you are asking the tree if it can hear. I wonder if making the words "sentinel" and "giant" plural with the comma having it agree or refer to Trees that are screaming, might clarify this.*Wink* mmm.

*Treefall3* I so enjoyed your lines like "wisdom....gloaming" and the metaphor "Destruction....steed" is brilliant. I was drawn to read it several time to sink into the vision. Well done!

*Star*Thanks for sharing this well conceived expression that hits the heart of tree lovers and sends a message about being aware. *Smile* I like the tree as the illustration! Your appreciation and experience with trees is so warm and fuzzy.

*Tree2**Sun*Light on the path as you write on!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wake Up!  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Earth* *Heart* Happy Earth Day Ken! *Sun**Tree*

*Mushroomb* Thanks for entering this lively expression into the Earth Day challenge! You really hit the nail on the head in your last line with potency indeed! *Laugh* and not *Laugh* The issue is certainly debated a lot, even after all this time and study. It may not be responsible for the whole of earth changes but to deny it is a big part seems unconscious. *Sad*

*Earth* I like the underlying feeling in the work as you reveal how the news effects you and how the depression moves to a more potent stance at the end. A Call to act! There really is a lot of talk. Your exhortation in verse 4, after revealing the evidence in other verses is dramatic and I felt the impact.

*Wind* The Quatrain form is composed well with wonderful rhyme and steady flow that was a pleasure to read aloud. You did not indicate if you which syllable count you were using but I notice inconsistency in this area. You begin with an 8 count in verse 1 and shorter counts in the middle as if to speed the pace---weather, panic, and then back to an 8 count in the last two verses (but for the emphatic last line.) Perhaps within verses consistency would be better. *Wink* A quick read will show you and I know you already know this so I figure there is a poetic rationale. *Smile* It doesn't spoil the read or its impact! I was just surprised.

*Earth* The voice was authentic and the intent meaningful. The chosen images were illustrative and supported the point of view and amazement that one can deny the truth. Bringing in the concern for "kid's birthright" is a moving mortivator! *Thumbsup*

*Star* Thanks for Tweeting UP for Mother Earth!
Light on the path as you write on!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Springtime  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Earth* *Heart* Happy Earth Day Elizabeth! *Sun**Tree*

*Earth*I so enjoy writing and reading acrostics and found this one in your port, celebrating Spring! *Delight*

*Sun* There is a soft tone to this poem with its clear imagery and personal reflection. The first line struck me as original and drew my attention. I heard the echo of winter in the distance. The poem is pleasant to read aloud with its wonderful soundscape. Your use of some consonance and assonance adds to the flow and ties the work together. For example: "greenest blades of grass sprout up"! *Thumbsup*
I liked the emphatic "up" as it gives the impression of a fast growth.

*Flowerb* Putting yourself into the poem brings me into your pondering. I liked the link to romantic thoughts as well. Young love indeed is iconic for spring. *Heart* The personification of TIME and MAY is interesting too.

*Flowerr* The acrostic form is well composed using SPRINGTIME and the key words did not seem forced and the lines were coherent within themselves. Good job!

*Star*Thanks for sharing this tribute to Spring and your crafting. I really enjoyed entering your vision. Light on the path as you write on!

Review of Acts of Green  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Earth* Happy Earth Day Neva! *Heart*

*Earth*Wow! I like the original title and its use in your acrostic poem. The tag line has a interesting fact too. How cool. I agree it will take many more acts of green to restore and protect the planet and it is good to know it is happening.

*Tree*Your acrostic was well composed and a pleasure to read with it tightly woven lines and details on the subject. I like where you even had rhyming bits--that is hard to have a scheme when verses are based on different length lines. That the short verse had no rhyme adds to its difference. I like the variety.

*Treepine*You share some well known facts about how we are not being good stewards in the first verses followed by a plea that we must do better for our future. The voice was authentic and inspiring in its rationale. The idea of "hallucination" in line 3 is brilliant.

I noticed a couple of glitches:
In verse 3: "pollutions reduction" needs to be "pollution's" to show possession.
I thought the last line could be tightened up for better flow.
eg. Now can affect the next generation" or "can affect the lives of the next generation".

*Earth*The two questions, not really a part of the acrostic are both thought provoking and serve as bookends to the poem, inspiring us to ponder. Thanks for sharing this vivid vision in honour of the earth. *Star*

*Sun* Light on the path as you write on!


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of the last egg  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Earth* *Heart* Happy Earth Day RHyssa! *Sun**Tree*

*Earth* I was enchanted by the title which was evocative of sadness somehow. It made me curious as being the "last" could have different meanings.

*Eggo* I enjoyed reading this very descriptive expression where each verse reveals the spring season and elements of its growth. Each verse is clear and follow a 5-7-5 pattern except for the last couplet, which I take is part of the Haiku sonnet form. I do not know much about that form. *Wink* The last verse sums up a sadness and tieing the "shadow" of winter to the "unborn" . Brilliant.

*Eggb* The poem is vivid with lots of images. I thought in Haiku each verse was to focus on one specific and vivid image and a contrasting one--two at the most and provide an Aha moment. The first verse centers on spring (though you give 3 nouns) and contrast with the frost so it does have a contrast image. Also, I think adverbs are not often in haiku. eg."secretly"--what would that look like in vivid language. In the third verse "all radiates life" is very general and does not give me a specific image to focus on.*Wink*

*Eggg*I can see why the punctuation is needed in how you write this, though again haiku uses little of it usually. I have read that in English we actually use more words that the japanese original in order to get the syllables right. I suppose that is why it is controversial now in how to create one. *Laugh*

*Earth* That bit of my learning said, I was drawn into your vision and could imagine the "hatchlings" and the wee nest with eggs. I felt sad for the last one. Good job!

The second verse is a favourite with its detailed picture--delightful!

*Eggr*In researching Haiku sonnet I see it is experimental and I think you have linked each verse adequately. The atmosphere created mimics the emotion of a sonnet and the 3 line descriptives fit the form. The overall feel and effect of your vision is solid and I could enter into the vision with ease. I appreciate the effort it took to create this with coherence. I have enough problem with regular sonnets! *Facepalm* Well done.*Starstruck*

*Earth*Thanks for sharing your spring vision and craft in this cool form! Keep on haikuing! Light on the path as you write on!


April 22nd is Earth Day!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Rainy Day  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Earth* *Heart* Happy Earth Day Mrs. B.Ray! *Sun**Tree*

Congrats on your pretty ribbon on a Rainy Day!

*Rain* Your poem was fun to read and I like you describe the weather in each verse and then give your reflection on it. It adds a personal touch. I had to laugh at the question about snow as I can so relate to it. We have had a strange winter too! *Laugh* You showed the confusion well.
I also grinned at the good thing about cloudy weather--the rooster! Too funny!! I like the attitude of always a silver lining. *Thumbsup*

*Rain*The last two verse change in tone as if the blues are taking over after trying to find the happy in a rainy day. You almost give in but then you end with the wish, which is hopeful and leave us to dream of new adventure. Quite a journey. *Wink*

*Rain*I did not notice a set pattern to the verse rhythm and the rhyme scheme was consistent and assisted the flow and poetic nature. Instances of assonance as in "thunder rumbles" and the long "i" sounds in places like: lightning, strikes, cry, sky, mine etc. add flow and interest to the soundscape as I read aloud.

*Rain*The images reflect the elements of weather and the verbs are active. I wondered about the "quite hard" description and thought it could be more vibrant. Maybe find a more interesting adjective. *Wink*

*Star* I enjoyed the vision as I was drawn into your feeling about the weather and could imagine the thunder and building storm. I like the personification of the lightning and it can do what it wants. *Laugh* Thanks for sharing this evocative expression that made me smile even on a dreary day.

*Star*Light on the path as you write on!
April 22nd is Earth Day!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Heart**Fairy*Hiya Megan rose! Yay ! I remembered this item and it fits with the Fan Fiction and Disney fare for our "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Raid! *Gingerbread*

*Tiara* This is a beautifully aesthetically pleasing forum and sets the vibe for princesses and fairy tale magic with its pink font and gorgeous pictures! Yo do lovely displays.
A question I had is why you do not center your images on the page? I always wonder. *Wink*

*Tiara* It is cool how this forum serves as a chat place and as a place to find prompts for writing in the category. A contest is right there for visitors to see and the prizes are cool. I won your Elsa badge doing 2 stories. Gorgeous!

*Tiara*The prompts are varied and interesting and I like that anyone can suggest a prompt in the forum to add to the list. *Thumbsup*

*Quill*In your last paragraph I did not get what you meant by "Use form" as you already directed us to the forum. *Wink* Am I missing something?

*Tiara*I see you have a link to a princess group item as well and I like how we can come to this forum for fun even if we do not belong to the group! *Smile* Greater exposure is possible as some folks do not really like to be affiliated. It is so welcoming!

*Tiara* *Star* Your voice is inviting and relaxed and your appreciation for the theme is evident. It is an enchanting place! *Wand* Thanks for creating yet another magical contribution.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #2116758 Unavailable **

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Earth* *Heart* Happy Earth Day! *Sun**Tree*

*Grass* I so enjoyed reading this soft toned poem appreciative of the green grass of your home. It is so cool to create a painting of a specific picture in your mind.

*Grass*The first line held my attention and drew me in with its vivid image, comparison and assonance of "sprout" and "proud". I felt I was in for a treat and was not disappointed.
Each line bears one more aspect of the beloved grassy land to create a realistic and picturesque
atmosphere, with colour, sound and image. *Salute* The personification of the elements is well done and the "prancing of the children" mimics the joy that emanates from your vision. I love walking barefoot in grass! *Smile*

*Grass* According to your author's note on the form I see you have constructed it effectively. The rhymes are appealing and your use of poetic techniques like assonance and consonance really added to the sound and sensual appeal of the oral reading! Excellent.

*Grass* You are very thorough in your capturing the essence of this place as even at the end you give an idea of how the land is used. Using "money" to rhyme with earlier words is brilliant.
The last phrases gives us a clue as to the history of the fields, the longevity of use and joy of the land there. Beautiful sentiment. *Star*

*Grass* Thanks for sharing this masterfully crafted expression and sharing your back yard with such affection. *Heart*

*Sun* Light on the path as you write on!


April 22nd is Earth Day!
Review of Ode to Voldemort  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Heart**Fairy*Hiya irrefular_onion! I found your item while searching for Fan Fiction and Disney fare for our "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Raid! *Gingerbread*

*Wand* Oh this is brilliant and denigrating to Voldemort! Your descriptions are so vivid and the imagery is clear. The references to his looks are authentic and the comparisons effective. I had to laugh at your query about his lack of nose. You ask a good question. I never thought of that aspect. *Smile* Your comparatives to the Mona Lisa and his white face were wonderful. I could imagine it.

*Wand*Your suggestion and its effect in the end verses makes sense and I like the question in the last line of the second last verse. Nice wording. That he could look better than a house elf is comical too. And yet they would like to serve similar looking folk perhaps.

*Wand* It was fun to read your poem aloud, It has a rhyme scheme which ties in together and helps the flow. I did notice that the scheme change from ABAB to AABB The rhythm and structure of each verse is not regular for each one, which may add a dramatic effect. It is rather free style.

*Star*The entertainment value is potent and the author note at the end made me smile and add to the tone of the poet. Thanks for your imagination and sharing your creative expression. Well done!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #2116765 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Heart**Fairy*Hiya No more Rawr! I found your item while searching for Fan Fiction and Disney fare for our "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Raid! *Gingerbread*

*Delight* What a unique topic for a song parody! I thought the Christmas tune fit the gift that Weasely's recieved as it might have felt like Christmas. The idea that Ron went from underdog upward mimiced the Rudolph story too. Good choice.

*Delight* The flow of your verses parodied the music of the original pretty well. I think in the last verse it was a bit off kilter especially the third line but I could still sing it. *Smile* Punctuation is helpful to the read and flow.

*Laugh* I laughed at the last line! You really captured the trials Ron ahd with Draco by the references you use. Well done. I wondered about the word "beautiful" to describe wand and if there was a more magical or interesting adjective. *Wink*

Thanks for the entertainment and your creativity! *Star*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #2116765 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Harmony  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Earth*Happy Earth Day Huntersmoon!*Sun*

*Sun* Oh wow! This lovely tribute to earth showed up on the Read and Review today! I do enjoy reading your work so lucky you! *Laugh* The reference to First Nations is effective and I see it was for the group contest a while back. I am familiar with some of the cultures and beliefs so it was wonderful to revisit and be reminded of those nature spirits. I watch the deer each day and how they truly live within the flow of it all and dream...

*Rain* You have captured the essence of the cycle of sun and rain and how the people call for the rain. It is a vivid and I like the personal "we" voice as it relfects the belief that we are all in it together. The last verse reveals this even deeper--that we are one with all nature as well. *Turtle1*

*Earth*I noticed a glitch in verse one with "Its heated". Do you mean "it" or "It has"?

*Sun*The poem flowed fairly well as a quatrain with effective rhyme scheme. A few places I found where the syllable counts were a bit off. you don"t say if you are doing an 8-6 count but most seem to be an 8 count so I went with that. *Smile*
The last line in verse one is not 8 syllables like the others but it flows along quite well.
Line 3 verse 3 is a syllable longer than 8 but again the flow is unimpeded and I can see the need to emphasize "both" forms.
Line 3 verse 3 is off kilter when I read it aloud though. Maybe drop the word "the" which slows it down and gives it that extra syllable. *Wink*

*Earth* The image and description is clear with the use of thematic vocabulary that enhance the cultural essence as well. The symbolism is vivid in words like "turquoise", "heaven's tears", "trance" "dance" etc. I think the title speaks to the main idea you portray.

*Rain* This reminds me the "Pray Rain" story I can't recall the link now but the idea of a simple meditative prayer of a shaman to imagine the rain is already here. Thanks for sharing this message.

Light on the path as you write on!

April 22nd is Earth Day!
Review of Hidden Treasures  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Earth* Happy Earth Day huntersmoon! *Earth*

*Earth* What a wonderful mix of mystery, fantasy and earth magics, truly a gift to Gaia!
You created a imaginative response to the prompt and used a form I may have heard of long ago but never wrote one! So this is interesting. Thanks for the author's note! *Wink*

*Tree* Wow! You really have a gift with words as this flows so potently as I read it aloud. The flow and soundscape were so pleasant and did justice to the Sapphic Ode. I was drawn into the revery with ease as I followed the dreamy voice. You created a vibrant atmosphere as you show us the invisible realm. *Starstruck*

*Flowerb*I was struck by the poetic conventions like consonance (especially the soothing s), Or l in Litany of fabled lore" etc, assonance as in "long thought lost...embossed" and the alliteration like "perdu presence"! Your rhyme was right on as well. The vocabulary was very interesting and effective in sound and building this world. Descriptions were vivid with words like "glimmering" and "covert"
and cool rhymes with "unexpected" and "embossed". *Thumbsup*

*Earth* I was really taken with the short end lines too. Each verse was coherent and added to the vision of Gaia's secrets. Your message that we are blind can be so true in this fast paced world where magic seems forgotten. *Sad* I love the vision in the clouds and the query word "reality". It gives me pause to ponder what is reality and is there more than meets the physical eye! I think so! *Fairy*

*Dolphin* Punctuation was purproseful and added to the reading. I did wonder at the period in the first line as the rest of your similar lines have semi colons. Is it for a stronger effect?

*Starstruck*There is a depth and nuance that strikes me the more I play in your world here. It activates my muse so your magic has worked! *Wand* Thanks for sharing your craft and opening the door to other visions.

*Sun*Light on the path as you write on!
April 22nd is Earth Day!
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Heart**Fairy*Hiya Sonali! I found your item while searching for Fan Fiction and Disney fare for our "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Raid! *Gingerbread*

*Owl1* Wow! this is a stellar collection of quiz questions! *Shock* I am amazed. You know alot about Potter and I bet had many players stumped with your challenges. Some of these questions really test one's knowledge. It was a trip down memory lane reading the various sections. *Thumbsup*

I liked the way you set up varying themes to focus on specific things like character, dialogue, books, and random. I really liked the idea of fill in the blanks of iconic lines, and the true/false and the Make connections! Brilliant.*Star*

*Owl3* These would be awesome questions as part of a novel study for kids too! *Wink* Like the OWLS! *Bigsmile* I am glad to see answers in fine print as I can see where I totally was off the mark or had no knowledge--and now I have more knowledge. *Laugh* I will likely forget it again!

*Wand*The page is well organized with coloured titles for sections and easy find. The addition of page number references is wonderful help! And Makes it easy to judge with proof.

*Star* I felt the appreciation and passion you have for the Potter series as it must take time to gather and create these for events! I admire you! I imagine we will see more now we have some new JK Rowling books like the Fantastic beasts! *Heart*

*Starstruck*Thanks for sharing your vision and fun!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #2116765 Unavailable **
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
*Heart**Fairy*Hiya Maryann aka Figment!*Laugh* I found your item while searching for Fan Fiction and Disney fare for our "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Raid! *Gingerbread*

*Fairy2* Oh my goodness! I did this fabulous poll awhile back and what?? never reviewed it? Impossible to imagine unless the result page has its own review spot! *Laugh* I must have been waiting for this raid!

*Wand* Thanks for creating this bit of fun to honour Harry's 10th birthday! Your intro had good snippets of information about the book and its titles and the influence it has had so far! I think you could add the number 10 to the anniversary line. *Wink* The question is direct and I love the little wizard glyph! So lively and entertaining.

*Fairy2* The choices of characters was good and I bet it was hard to choose from so many. Still you had Other as a category and stayed with the main names so it is a fair poll. *Star* The mini descriptions you do for each person is clear as you capture the essence and quality of them. It is easy to identify in case we forgot the names. *Wink*

*Wand* The results thus far are fascinating! Noone yet picked Harry. *Shock2* Even over Draco!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

** Image ID #2116765 Unavailable **
Review of Spring Garden  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with Earth Day Challengers  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Tree* Happy Earth Day Qpdoll!*Sun*

*Earth*I enjoy the acrostic form and was happy to find this on the Nature Genre page! *Delight* The display on the page is pleasing and the blue font reminds me of spring skies, rain and flowing rivers! The bold first letters blend well without distraction.

*Earth* The poem was pleasant to read aloud with its effective soundscape created with assonance, consonance and alliterative bits like "ideal for immersing" and "glades with glimmering"! The images are vbirant and carry the essence of spring in the garden. While I thought it might be more vivid to mention specific "flowering plants " that the air was filled with, in keeping with a general theme of any garden, non specific nouns work. The word "beautiful" is less descriptive but the alliteration in the line adds to the flow.

*Earth* I enjoyed how in both verses you speak of the natural world and then its effect on the human spirit. I especially like the D and E lines notion and the last line speaks to the new beginnings of spring. It fits the bursting new life in all of us at this time of year. *Wink*

*Earth*Thanks for sharing your vivid vision of spring with an appreciative tone that honours the earth and nature. *Thumbsup*

*Star*Light on the path as you write on!

April 22nd is Earth Day!
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review of Spring Garden  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Tree* Happy Earth Day Qpdoll!*Sun*

*Earth*I enjoy the acrostic form and was happy to find this on the Nature Genre page! *Delight* The display on the page is pleasing and the blue font reminds me of spring skies, rain and flowing rivers! The bold first letters blend well without distraction.

*Earth* The poem was pleasant to read aloud with its effective soundscape created with assonance, consonance and alliterative bits like "ideal for immersing" and "glades with glimmering"! The images are vbirant and carry the essence of spring in the garden. While I thought it might be more vivid to mention specific "flowering plants " that the air was filled with, in keeping with a general theme of any garden, non specific nouns work. The word "beautiful" is less descriptive but the alliteration in the line adds to the flow.

*Earth* I enjoyed how in both verses you speak of the natural world and then its effect on the human spirit. I especially like the D and E lines notion and the last line speaks to the new beginnings of spring. It fits the bursting new life in all of us at this time of year. *Wink*

*Earth*Thanks for sharing your vivid vision of spring with an appreciative tone that honours the earth and nature. *Thumbsup*

*Star*Light on the path as you write on!

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloonp* Welcome to WDC Cpgal! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight*

*Heart*Wow! Thanks you for sharing your experience so vulnerably. The topic is a difficult one to share I imagine and you did it well. The pain and anguish of abuse and the family secret and denial is vivid here. Your voice is authentic and the tone potent. *Thumbsup*

*Heart*Vivid heartfelt images like "dead heart", silent tears, the shame and yet the seeking for restored love, are effective and add drama. Addressing the tears is a wonderful bit of personification--if only tears could answer.

*Star* I honour you for sharing as this openness could inspire others who have been alone in this pain. *Heart* Keep writing. May you find healing and peace that is possible! *Heart*

Light on the path as you write on!

Review of Dear Me  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* Hello Simply_Sandy . Thank you for entering the "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest I am happy as a judge to offer my comments! *Delight*

*Fire*Wow! Your letter is well composed and encouraging to your self as you use a blend of stating targets and the rationale for them in a meaningful way.
I learned alot about your trials as you share with yourself in a vulnerable manner.
Your advice to yourself is profound and shows your awareness of what would bring balance and joy.*thumbusup*

*Fire* The writing is well organized as you discuss each target and it is effective to have goals for different aspects of you life to balance. I think each one builds and influences the other. *Wink* I like that you added details about what you could do--like to get out of the house. I did smile at your exaggeration with words "comatose" and "zombie" , could be motivating as long as no judgement is intended with it. My friend once told me "You can't open a flower with a hammer. " I can relate to self judgment. LOL

*Fire* I think appreciating yourself for all you have done is a fine way to lift your spirit to assist with fulfilling a greater vision. *Star* You do that here.

*Fire* I admire your journey thus far and can see you positively stepping forward.
I was recently at a Byron Katie conference and she says Love the one you are with: which is you! *Heart* Nobody can do it better. *Starstruck*

*Star*Thanks for sharing your inspiring vision for yourself. All the best in the year to come. *Giftr*

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Pink Unicorn

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Balloonp* Welcome to WDC Cpgal1984! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight*

*Delight*Wow! The title is evocative and tells a story on its own! I think you could add the genre DARK to this along with poetry and Bio. *Wink*

This expression has captured the essence of abuse, now a memory that left a heavy scar on the subconscious. Your image is clear and tone bleak, as though accepting the inevitablity of living the recalled wound. The last verse sounds like an echo and rather depressive as I think the poet is still suffering over time.

*Fairy2*The use of a free style poem suits the emotional content and the use of repeated sounds like "s" and "b" and the bit of alliteration in the 4th line adds an appealing soundscape when I read aloud. The punctuation was helpful for the read and understanding too.

*Fairy* Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself in this potent poem. Your vulnerability is honoured. *Star* Keep on sharing as the more light shines on the dark places of the world, the more healing can arise and joy can lead. *Heart* You are a contribution.

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **

Review of A Touch of Air  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloonp* Welcome to WDC Austin! I am happy to do a review to celebrate you! *Delight*

*Delight* The title intrigued me from the Random Read page! I was drawn into your comparisons in the first lines and enjoyed the imagery of "a feather that flies" as a comparative. *Thumbsup* The inviting tone of the next lines in the verse is romantic.

*Fairy*I was not sure what the 5th line means and am curious. Could you clarify?
I think a comma is missing after "talk" in the next line.

*Fairy*The last verse I find has repeated ideas though I can see you want to emphasize how different this person is.*Smile*

*Fairy* The bits of rhyme and assonance (vowel sounds repeated} really add to the flow and soundscape.

*Fairy* I noticed a few glitches for me: It is preferred habit to capitalize "i" to 'I" though there is a trend for effect. The word "flys" needs to be "flies".*Wink*

*Star* Thanks for sharing your romantic interlude. I appreciate the sentimental tone. *Smile*
Thanks too for sharing your expression. Keep on writing and take what makes sense to you and leave the rest! *Heart*

Light on the path as you write on!

** Image ID #1815342 Unavailable **
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dear Me 2017  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* Hello . Thank you for entering the "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest I am happy as an extra judge to offer my comments! *Delight*

*Fire*Your letter began with an intriguing question for you to consider! I like the positivity and open endedness of the query and how it invites expansion beyond the old mind meme. It is like appealing to the muse. Wonderful way to begin!

*Fire* I really like the way to straight talk to yourself and use meaningful quotes as inspiration. I know that would appeal to my self! *Wink* Your targets are specific and having them restated with clarity near the end in a list is emphatic and makes them easy to find when rereading this letter later! *Thumbsup*

*Fire*You add humour and give suggestions of how you might approach certain goals! It shows that you are perhaps already activated to go for it! *Heart* Intertwining principles to guide you, like not pleasing others, acknowledging your changes and being aware of where you still down yourself, is effective too.

*Smile* The writing was coherent and easy to follow. I did not notice any major glitches. I wonder about using the word "try" as I was recall Yoda's message of NO try, Do or Do not! *Laugh* It feels like a heavy word and really if you ever try to stand up... how do you do that? You either get up or you don't. I have also read that "try" can really mean that you won't--kind of like an excuse. Interesting new ideas I play with myself. "do you best to...review" etc. *Wink*

*Fire*Way to go with a firm and encouraging tone which speaks from the heart of who you be! What else is possible beyond the mind's preoccupations? Go for the dream!

*Star*Thanks for sharing your inspiring vision. All the best in the year to come. *Giftr*

Review of Dear Me,  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* Hello Jenndoss . Thank you for entering the "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest I am happy as an extra judge to offer my comments! *Delight*

*Fire*Wow! This letter is eloquent and I enjoyed the way your language flows as if the year's goals are happening as you speak! Quite a creative curve. *Smile* Your goals are specific and cover different aspects of life with an overall intent of balance.

*Fire* I can sense the tone of growing enthusiasm and self confidence that you are instilling in yourself as you vision the future. The voice is authentic as you shared so vulnerably. It was interesting getting to know some of of your story. I had to smile when you said now your teen is a teen and it is not such a shock as when your first one reached teenhood! *Laugh* Wisdom as you go along.

*Fire*Your viewpoint has idealism with a good dose of practical elements that makes the vision realistic and acheiveable. *Thumbsup*

*Fire*One glitch stood out to me: In the second last paragraph "fear of failing. Your perception.." the latter line hangs by itself. Perhaps the word "and" would connect the two phrases. *Confused* or to emphasize both points make the line direct as well. eg "You dump your perception.." or something. *Wink*

*Fire* Your letter to you is encouraging and positive and shows you know yourself and what appeals to you. The futuristic affirming style of expression has a meditation vibe--as if in a dream---that you can hold in place as you travel. *Starstruck*

*Star*Thanks for sharing your inspiring vision. All the best in the year to come. *Giftr*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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