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A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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August 14, 2016 at 12:50pm
August 14, 2016 at 12:50pm
          I've read Romeo and Juliet before. I think it's mandatory when you hit high school. Some tragic romance that ends when they both freak out that they're love's dead then commit suicide. What a great story! It's like they're trying to find as much depressing reading material possible and say '' reality sucks but hey it could be worse.'' Which is true I guess but dang, can we get some reprieve from all this depressing stuff?

         On a lighter note, Romeo and Juliet brings about a ''Sherman and Mr. Peabody'' moment. I can't help myself anymore.

         Anyways, long story short ''Mr. Peabody, a dog, adopts his boy Sherman and they go back in time.

         So, they go back to William Shakespeare's' time and meet, who else? While he's putting on a play his rival Francis Bacon {his rival}tries to mess things up. SO naturally, they decide to help out. During those times plays were made up of all males. Sherman attempts some adlibbing. Attempting to be Romeo ''Juliet, Juliet, what light shines on yonder patio?'' ''E 'gad the lad's an ad libber.'' Shakespeare himself.

         Probably earlier in the show Bacon strikes. Shakespeare ''Bacon!'' Rival: ''With eggs!'' Got to love puns. They're usually bad on this show.

I just had to share that. A little humor to lighten up the depressing back story.

         It was a lovely theater and we even got to see ''Hamlet''. I never realized how long these plays were back then. And they were very respectful of the times. All men show. Sadly Norb turned down a role as a side character when one of the actors hurt his ankle. All well, it was a nice experience in all.

         And Because I do love to be able to give share what's I'm talking about here's another rendition the Looney Tune way. Enjoy!


         It was a nice experience to have an actual idea of the land that the story takes place in. Very lovely. And I could have enjoyed it more if the pigeons weren't obsessed with hovering around us. I'm not feeding them Lyn! Not with all the diseases they can host. I'll be spotter and discourage any would be pigeon sympathizers. It's a health hazard really.

         Lyn, you do know where the good food is. It was delicious. I'm sure tomorrow will be another great day!

         And it was. I stayed on the more subtle side of music today. it just seemed more respectful that way. I think there was some kind of party/celebration going on next door b/c they were loud and excited over something. They came through and were a very chatty lot for about 10 minutes and then they were gone.

         Sometimes you just need to quiet yourself and get away from it all. I may be late coming in Lyn! I think a little down time is in order. I need to distance myself from all the rushing around we've been doing. Just save me a little night snack and I'll pull through till our next destination.*Happycry*
August 12, 2016 at 10:42am
August 12, 2016 at 10:42am
         So what started out as a group of five became six when a girl from another group was added to ours. they had a big group and there's just so much space. Juanita from the other traveling group was very informative about Venice and it's major hotspots. She's been to Venice at least twice before and let us know what to expect and also that we'd have a good time. Shortly after, we were all heading out to seize the day.

We began the day with yet another two-hour tour of what Venice has to offer. One of our stops was the Basilica of St. Mark{?}. It's different when you can actually see it up close than just read about it. It's a lot more impressive if you actually go and see it. It really left an impression on me.

Then we got around to wining & dining in a gondola. That was a new experience. I was scared to move too much less we capsized. It was a real nice way to end the day. Our gondola man was very insightful and very passionate about Venice. Dinner was wonderful and I even tried a little wine that was offered. I begged off the seafood, though. Not wanting to risk food poison and have to take a break from exploring Europe. I don't know when but I do know the wine was flowing freely and we all started to become a giggling mess. It almost looked like we'd actually capsize at one point when one of our girls was a bit too ''happy''. But our gondolier was very gracious and made certain we all got back to where we needed to be. e Needless to say, we had a fun time just the same.
August 11, 2016 at 10:02pm
August 11, 2016 at 10:02pm

Have to be honest, we've done a lot of running around pretty much every day of this trip.

So do excuse me if I just want to take a long over due nap for a couple hours.

I did wind up in a carriage with a few of our group. A curious Panda got a good window seat as we rode along smartly.

Megan was mentioning all the fantastic sights and how beautiful the scenery was. While Apondia was giving out interesting facts about the sights we passed. It was an over all enjoyable excursion.

At some point we hit the beach and I rudely dumped the group to play in the waves. I like my feet to touch the water at least once. Regardless how briefly. It was a magical experience. The view of the beach seemed too fantastic to be real. I tried practicing my floating for a bit. It seemed to go okay until I got overturned by a rather large wave. I decided to stick closer to shore afterwards. I found a bright red star fish in one of the little pools further along the beach. I really enjoyed stopping by the beach.

I chose to eat light once again and indulged{perhaps too much?} on the cheeses and meats available. Maybe I'd get a little fruity drink on the side. The night is yet young.

August 10, 2016 at 10:20am
August 10, 2016 at 10:20am
          Solar powered backpack{?}, did I hear that right? I've heard of solar roof panels before. The backpack's a new one. So question. If it's raining/cloudy, they're useless, right? Just curious. Anyways, back to the adventure at hand.

         What's with Lyn signing us up at the first available class she sees? I eat food not make it. Microwaveable all the way. Whatever else is already to go that I can eat.

         I went ahead and asked if we would be eating the pasta that we're creating. She cheerfully said that our ''creations'' would be served for lunch. We would be having the previous group's contributions. Well then. Forsaking any further questions, I got to it. By that, I mean stand around awkwardly till someone gave me something to do. So far it looked like pounding spaghetti. It was some what enjoyable. Though I may have hurt my hand along the way. At some point, I asked after Panda's whereabouts. I was told that they were banned from the kitchen since ''animals were not permitted in the cooking area.'' In spite of protests claiming they were only a ''hairy short person.'' I went to see how this was affecting our furry adventurer to find them happily snacking away on bamboo amongst some overeager fans. While meanwhile, I'm here sweating away on food I'm not even going to be eating.

         And the world goes round.

         After my ''tenderizing'' of the pasta was done/and or got bored of it I sought out other means of ''work.'' I found that little rolling device that makes much smaller pasta than what goes in. I happily turned the handle until Lyn told me we had met our quota and were free to go. Where we were promptly served our own meal by a certain Panda in a chef's hat.

         We did visit some museums along the way. I'm afraid that I've gotten quite picky since joining this summer and wandered around aimlessly. I did not ''David'' by that one famous gentleman painter promptly before falling asleep on a bench awaiting our departure. I'm not sure how I ended up back with the group on to our next destination. But I do remember waking up to a an inquisitive furry face offering me bamboo. I politely declined and awaited our next stop.

         The gardens were really lovely to stroll around in. There were a few that caught my eye. Since I've had some education on myths, Greek/Ancient in particular, the Medusa head called to me. She's sort of a tragic figure if you go into her history. It's like ''what goes around comes around.'' And this would come back in full force b/c of one young woman being at the wrong time at the wrong place. Really sad.

         I was also drawn by Venus and the Adam and Eve depiction. The human form is definitely defined to a science here. My mom has a little Venus figurine back home.

         There was a rather unusual piece that drew my eye as well Boson's basin'', something like that. It's odd in part b/c the figure{?} seems to be bending forward and just really malformed somehow. Still an interesting piece though.

         Horses. Never ridden in my life but why not? They gave me a pony. Name of ''Whisper''. A short brown stocky little fellow. I'm not sure how but I managed to slide right off him. He just kept eating his grass not even acknowledging my going splat. I got back on as the group started moving. Well they were anyways. Little Mr. Sunshine had to stop every 5-10 minutes to eat some more grass. Ignoring anything I tried to do. Finally, Megan Rose looked back and some my predicament. She made some cooing noises to grab his attention before using bribery to move him along. Of course he did. We came upon a lovely view when we had finally caught up. Even he had a little nap under a tree while we admired the view. It was while we were going back that he was more agreeable. Everyone's more agreeable on a full tummy after all. We even indulged in a little race back from whence we came. I don't know who won but it was a nice way to end things. Even Whisper seemed to enjoy it.

         Not a bad day at all.
August 9, 2016 at 12:55pm
August 9, 2016 at 12:55pm
Antique cars museum- There were a lot of neat oldsters back then. Some in particular caught my eye.

The melted crayon wax design was what drew me.

The British design was a nice touch. I'm fairly certain my brother had miniature model car version at some point.

Just really loved the color on this one.

The panda/cat mobile-I'd love to hear Panda's input on this one.

Airplane is a lot different than helicopter. It feels less secure than an airplane would. Oh no Lyn, I think my fear of heights/motion sickness may be too much for me. Someone hold my hand till we land again. It was a nice view when it wasn't too much for me.

A bike ride, may need a refresher's course how to ride one of these things. So I ended up over turned by some large ''pebbles'' here and there. But it was something to see. Especially in motion. I took Art History online and the baroque architecture is just something that needs to be experienced for oneself. It was a nice little jaunt taking in the local sights. I think I'll be quite ready for some Italian at dinner. All that riding around worked up an appetite.
August 7, 2016 at 11:19pm
August 7, 2016 at 11:19pm
August 8th Hello Monaco and a bit of luxury at the Fairmont Monte Carlo. 12 Avenue de Spélugues, Monaco MC 98000.


We get to leave our luggage with the concierge while we head off to the Japanese Gardens, they are within walking distance of our hotel.

Sounds very relaxing, I'm looking forward to it. It's all very quiet and peaceful here. If I try hard enough, I might convince myself I walked into a fairy tale.

         Also, I may have spent some time trying these groovy elevators. I'm on vacay, why not?

You can’t leave Monaco without seeing the Prince’s Palace. Walk up the hill to the top for the best views over Monaco and watch the Changing of the Guards performed at 11:55am each day. Sounds interesting enough.

         I think we caught the tail end of the changing of the guards. It's really neat to see in person.

Okay, we're off to the Oceanographic Museum


Quite a collection of under sea life. I was riveted by the graceful movement of these sea dwellers. The jellyfish that would float on by really caught my attention. It's really something for a creature to seem so beautiful, and seemingly delicate, turn out so deadly.A number of them came up to the glass and looked at me as if expecting handouts. Needless to say, there was some disappointed sea creatures I left in my wake. It's really quite a place. I'm not sure I got to see even a quarter of it before we were off once more.

And then to the zoo. It's unusual because it is a vertical zoo going up the side of a mountain where the Prince's Castle sits at the top. The view of the city is incredible as you walk and see the different exotic animals accumulated. Vertical zoo? I went and saw a view yesterday? But can you have zoo overload? Not so far that I've experienced. Each one has something new to offer. This shall be my first vertical zoo.

We'll be having a light lunch here before we take in the different shops on our stroll back. Yup, its a walking day. There's a lot of high-end label stores to check out and see what the rich and famous are buying. Maybe you'll cross paths with one.

I think I may have seen Katy Perry going incognito. I respect her need for privacy. It can't be easy being famous. That's as far as my ''shopping-venture'' went.

There is a rooftop swimming pool with amazing views if you're not in shopping all the high end shops.

Dinner at 7:30 at La Note Bleue
I may take a rein check there Lyn. Shopping after all this, especially if it's where you know will attract a lot of people? No thanks. I'll pass. Plus, you've been feeding me too well to lack for nutrients of late. I'll hang at the pool instead. It's got to be nice up there in the evenings. The sky above you and feeling weightless in the water. Awesome.

A Piano bar where we can kick back and if we want walk along the beach.

         You think if I ask nicely they might do ''piano man''? I'm tempted to ask now.

         Beach? Hang on, I have to put my toes in the water before we do anything else. Catch you guys later!
August 7, 2016 at 5:24pm
August 7, 2016 at 5:24pm
I decided to start with a light breakfast before heading out to the zoo. Lyn was right, it was a bit of a walk. But it was quite rewarding in the end. And I learned some French as well.

'Emue/emu http://www.secretcreekcafe.com/ Probably one of the most unique birds I've seen. Not much appearance wise but I think it's particular sound makes up for it. Like a drum beat.

The austirch/ostrich had fun chasing after the poor keeper trying to clean the exhibit. Needless to say, it made it to social media.

The blue peacock/paon bleu was on display today. Completely at ease among his adoring fans.

The nandoe/rhea was more subdued and quiet. It was getting a bit warm out so I decided to head on smartly.

A white rhin'oceros blanc/white rhino was happily munching away on treats while the camera happy tourists snapped away. Both parties were happy.

The perroquets/parrots were loud, colorful and very energetic today.

The casoar/cassowary was not in a good mood. Attacking the gate before stalking off. I wouldn't want to be in charge of that bird!

The caracal was snoozing in it's habit totally unaware of it's would be admirers.

The tapir snuffled around for treats as well. I must have come at a good time today.

         The Rothschild giraffe was by far the most finicky. It practically turned up it's nose upon discovering I had no offerings to give it. There were enough to placate it though.

         I was told that the Loup 'a crine're/maned wolf, was expecting and as such, was off exhibit currently.

The maki cattas/ring-tailed lemurs were busy swinging above our heads, ogling us as we were them.

         The Loutre d' Europe/European otter was lazily basking in the sun. It wasn't till I was deciding on leaving that it shot into the water surprising many tourists, including me.

Today the ours brun de Syrie/Syrian brown bear was taking a nap. He was a great subject to take photos of since he was out in the open.

The Hippotrague noir/sable antelope was happily curled up in it's exhibit. Contentedly snoozing away despite encouragement from eager tourists.

         All in all, not a bad day at the zoo.

         After all the walking today, I'm pooped. If necessary, I'll settle for just a light dinner before I pass out.

         Somebody come get me, so I don't miss the early train tomorrow.
August 6, 2016 at 7:23pm
August 6, 2016 at 7:23pm
         I fell asleep for most of our train expedition.

         I'm still a year away from being legal for wine tasting in the U.s , not sure where Spain stands. Butter safe than sorry.

         Not really a clubber personally. But for the sake of adventure, I did some people watching and danced a little bit.

         As far as photo bombing went: There was a bachelorette party taking place at the first club mentioned. Someone thought I was somebody's younger sister/cousin and had me pose in the middle of the group. I didn't even have to be sneaking. I may be awhile before they notice they had an extra to their group.

         The one time I met a cutie, and got the nerve to say hello and even get a photo taken, Panda photobombs me! You see a hazy couple in the distance. But have an up close snap shot of a Panda bear's face.

         That's when I decided to head in. I'm all adventured out.
August 5, 2016 at 3:05pm
August 5, 2016 at 3:05pm
         Whoa, theme park madness today! Awesome! Went on a ton of rides today. It was a little warm today, but I've since cooled off. They have water rides and all kinds of other fun stuff to take advantage of. They're also famous for ''Europe's tallest rollercoaster.'' I don't really indulge in real extreme rides-even coasters. But I made an exception for this one. Well after a while of ''ride lust'' I had to take a breather so much to do. It's a lot to take in all at once.

         They also have something to make the kiddies happy. Some ''Sesame Street'' attraction that's friendly for the young ones. I've since seen Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie monster. I had to get a photo with him at the least. Cookie lovers come in all forms. I'm still on the look out for Oscar the grouch though. And I see Panda is something of a celebrity here. How convenient that the'' letter of the day'' is P.

          The only golf I can really get into is mini golf. I can't even get up to watching regular golf, let alone play it. More frustration than fun for me.

         As far as that nudist beach, when in Europe..

         Though since I'm not quite ready to jump off the deep end, I'll just go topless. I'd rather not go around fully exposed in a foreign country. So I'll settle for going topless in my purple striped bikini. You're only young for a short time. Might as well enjoy it while you got it.

         As far as the train goes, I get motion sickness in the car and fall asleep. I suspect the same train riding. There's really not much else to either while on the train. Well that's for another time.

         For now, I'm going to enjoy beach life the European way.

         Peace out.
August 4, 2016 at 2:39pm
August 4, 2016 at 2:39pm
         Went on a tour of Barcelona today. It has quite a unique variety of architecture. I don't know how to describe it. It's oddly shaped but also seems alive.

         Some stops we hit that are worth noting: La Padrera had very nice views. It's roof is probably the most interesting. I don't think I've seen a roof like this anywhere else. I had to explore and take it all in.

         La Sagrada Familia was another stop. Was I the only one who thought it looked like a giant tree sprouting from the building? It was huge! And worth checking out.

         Casa Batlllo also made my list. It was very nice to see up close. It had some very nice qualities to it I enjoyed. There's just so much to see and only so much time to do it in.

         Anella Ol'impia-It made me think of the Olympics so I had to check it out.

         Later on, we hit up the Picasso museum. There's also a puffer fish named after him.

         The day ended with a rousing display of Flamenco dancing. I just found out after sitting in the front row that dear Lynn signed us all up for lessons. Thanks Lynn, I'll see if I can't repay you!

         It was very cool to witness actually. The dancers wore vibrant colors and just really stole the show. It seemed to go on forever. It was while I was still transfixed by the dancing that they evidently asked for volunteers to experience the dance themselves. I was still out of it when Lynn raised my hand. I came back to myself when they were pulling me up to dance the Flamenco. Lynn waved as I grudgingly went up. It was a little awkward at first, but the dancers were patient and I soon found my rhythm. I even saw Panda shaking their tail, and thought if they can I can. All in all, not a bad way to end the day.

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