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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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July 23, 2016 at 10:43am
July 23, 2016 at 10:43am
         I came up with the dance- The Quackers. Basically entails waddling like a duck, and embarrassing yourself. Obviously some quacking involved. Maybe some polka to set the mood. It's a bit of a free style dance, to help embrace your inner duck. So drag your friend along and let's be riduckulous together.
July 22, 2016 at 11:44am
July 22, 2016 at 11:44am
          I can't say that there's any talent of mine that's stuck out all these years. But if anything, I may have inherited something. That is: becoming the 2nd butt for the dogs of the family. When mom isn't around, they flock to my bed. Same when I go to the living room, they'll follow and plop on my butt. When all else fails, I have my beagles. They say my butt's just fine by them. What more can anyone ask for?
July 21, 2016 at 9:32am
July 21, 2016 at 9:32am
          I'm not as sick since we moved after I graduated from elementary school. I didn't really go for advice when I was sick b/c we had medicine. The icky kind too. I'm still hesitant when liquids are involved. They're the worst of the lot. But that usually also means they're better at making you get well quicker. Sometimes if I feel hot I may turn the pillow over to the cool side. I'm not the best patient when I'm sick. So I may prolong it by not taking medicine that could speed things along. Tending to ''brave it out'' till it passes. That sucks. Other than that, I can't remember any non-medical unhelpful advice. If any was given, I wouldn't remember now anyways.
July 20, 2016 at 7:48am
July 20, 2016 at 7:48am
         Well first off,people who always have to be right are annoying. They can also be unpleasant since they're convinced that they're right and everyone else is wrong. All that proves is their narrow-minded. They won't look at both sides of the argument and be open minded about things they may not know much about. If they would allow themselves to be open to hearing new ideas, opinions they may not share, then they'd be a more thoughtful, knowledgable person for it.
July 19, 2016 at 10:57am
July 19, 2016 at 10:57am
         I don't how much of what I do annoys other people. But I guess it can annoy the family or others sometimes. I don't know if it involves being happy, but I do ''laps'' throughout the house when I'm in the mood too. I get yelled at for that. I may sing/hum sometimes as well. Somebody goes ''that you'' and I'm like eh? So I guess sometimes it gets noticed.

         I eat up the chocolate in the house/other vittles in the house. That isn't always when I'm happy though.

         Overall, I'm not always the most noticeable happy person. I may be happy but whether I not I share that fact is on the low side. I may be happy, but that doesn't mean people want to hear me go on about it though.

         Though I can guess it can have a positive impact as well. Sharing in good news can have positive impacts as well.
July 18, 2016 at 7:31am
July 18, 2016 at 7:31am
         I'm taking this statement to mean ''you get what you paid for.'' I don't know if I'm quite that way. Not everything can be taken as it is. People are complicated and may have aspects of themselves that they try to keep under wraps. For myself, for the most part I try to be ''what you see is what you get.'' It's not always so simple though. Sometimes things happen that you don't expect. So long as you're still kicking at the end of it, that's what matters. I think that's the gist of his quote.
July 17, 2016 at 1:34pm
July 17, 2016 at 1:34pm
         I'm at the beach! You're hate can't touch this!

July 17, 2016 at 1:32pm
July 17, 2016 at 1:32pm
          I think I got it installed whether or not I wanted it. It's was one of those install updates-some time later-''Don not shut off computer, downloading updates''-something to that effect. I'm not sure exactly what version of windows I have currently. It could be 10 but I'm not certain. One thing I miss doing is changing desktop/background. I can download them, but then the computer eats them. Might as well since they won't up load. I had my mom take a crack out it{most tech savvy person we have in the family} and nothing. Then sometime late in the evening/morning I was able to download a few before forgetting it in the morning. Should've at least got the site down.

         That aside, I don't know or care what version it is. I couldn't keep up with all the new applications anyways. As long as it's understandable to me, and I can use it? We're square.
July 15, 2016 at 8:32am
July 15, 2016 at 8:32am
         No I'm not a twitter user. I have no desire to be so either. People can be so nasty and obnoxious and I'd rather spare myself the headache as much as possible.

          As a side note my brother turns 15 today.
July 14, 2016 at 11:44am
July 14, 2016 at 11:44am
         I wonder how the British view the colonies breaking away from England? Obviously we wouldn't hear much from those who were conquered. Those who win dictate how history views the event later on. We probably won't hear much about people were sold into slavery, or whatever else conquerors do to the vanquished. The less told story of the vanquished might prove interesting since we'd learn something that was emitted from history by the conquerors.

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