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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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August 4, 2016 at 9:40am
August 4, 2016 at 9:40am
         I think I must have been more worn out than I realized from our previous fun filled adventures. We're exploring castles today. You know some of these old castles are haunted. But I haven't seen any so far. I'll ask Megan Rose later. The most interesting things seem to happen to her. Anyways, this castle is very beautiful and does inspire some fanciful thoughts. It made me briefly think of Cinderella's own castle.

And because I have no shame, I gave in to a sudden impulse to break out into ''Let It Go'' as I did my best Elsa imitation going through the castle. I think I surprised Lynn at one point b/c she gave me the oddest expression as I went past her. Oh well. I think I shall find Megan Rose and indulge embrace our inner child together.

I may have seen a panda sniffing around the stairwell. It made me consider getting something light to eat along the way.

More fun and adventure ahead,can't wait!
August 2, 2016 at 2:40pm
August 2, 2016 at 2:40pm
          So, I figure I must have fallen asleep on the plane sometime. B/c it seemed I just got on {was it yesterday or today?} and now we're here. We go to baggage claim and gather all our stuff just to dump it off at the rooms to ''explore''. I was ready to just give myself some time to take the room in but nope. I got ''alright, let's go, go, go!'' Somebody was way too hyper for the morning. I managed to grab some fruit before we were off on our ''adventure  for the day.

         Next we go on an exclusive art tour for like 90 minutes! I guess if there's lots of stuff it makes sense, but still. If you've ever been to an art museum/gallery, you know that after a while you have art overload. Our tour guide, Anton, was very knowledgeable about the art the museum had on exhibit. He was also very friendly and open to any questions that we had. There was a lot to take in and of course there was something for everybody to enjoy.

         These were a few that caught my eye:

         Hieronymus Bosch's ''7 deadly sins'' and ''Garden of Earthly Delights.'' The 7 deadly sins was wheel shaped an dived into 7th's,which suited the theme. It was a little confusing keeping track of what sin was depicted in each portion. As far as Bosch's ''Garden'', I don't know what he was thinking when he created that. It looked like part fantasy/idealistic?/apocalypse. There were different themes that made the ''Garden'' a particularly enigma. At least to me.

         The ''Ecstasy of Saint Teresa'' was also something that caught my eye. Just the detail and how the saint was shown in this sculpture was really something worth checking out. ''Blessed Ludovico Albertoni'', a memorial, had much the same response from me. I think we humans, well some of us, like me, have some morbid fascination with death.

         ''Truth unveiled by Time'' was another that was truly awe inspiring. I just can not say enough about these works of art.

         There was also ''The Lute Player'' that stuck out as well. It seemed to be a somber young girl playing an instrument. Once again a lovely piece that you have to see for yourself to understand.

         When finally the tour was over, and the art had officially fried my brain we seemed to be off on another adventure. This time we enjoyed the ''Segway tour'', oh joy! Something you stand on and balance yourself on tiny wheels. That was fun just figuring out to work it so I didn't fall off. After reeling backwards and landing on my rump in front of some passing strangers, as well as running over a flip flop I was off. Catching up with the group since my little mishaps made me lose some ground. I did meet a group visiting from Germany, as well as some Brits too. A popular tour to be sure. I finally managed to catch up to my group to find out we were splitting up. I ended up in group 3 with ''Stephani'' our lovely guide during our 1.5 hour romp on the Segway. After the art museum, I was still kind of reeling from, that was the most I could stand. Especially since I was still perfecting my balancing act along the way.

         Our lovely guide, who was born and raised in this beautiful country, led us to some very vibrant hotspots that Spain had to offer. It was a fairly windy day as well. So being exposed to the outdoors on our little music stand with wheels was in fact tolerable. Lots of people so we had to be careful maneuvering around them. It was nice to be able to get out and experience things I've never before had the opportunity to. We did make a dinner run since we had a started off later in the day. There was some lovely cheese and ham we sampled. Being in a new place I tried one of Spain's soft drinks. It comes in many flavors so I tried an apple Mirinda. It was pretty good.

         Overall, fun was had by all. But I must admit, after running around all day, it was nice to finally get back to the hostel at the end of the day and collapse on the bed.
July 31, 2016 at 10:01am
July 31, 2016 at 10:01am
         You know it's weird that you mention that, b/c my eye does seem to actually bother me. Hoping it's just dust or something that's slightly irritating it.

         Let's see I've been in motels and some hotels. Hostels may be a first. It's more of getting crammed in with more people in a room. Maybe some extra beds thrown in to accommodate it? Yeah, that's where my knowledge ends.

         Never been to Europe. Outside of my home state of FL, I've been to West Virginia{I think} for a wedding. I've been to Michigan before. And I've visited family in Maryland before. Once when I was young, the family went to Hawaii. But I don't remember that, so it doesn't really count in my book.

         I went to a retreat before at church and shared a cabin with some girls from other churches for a few days. That's farthest from home I've managed yet so far on my own. This will be a whole ne w adventure. I do hope in a positive way.

         Well, the old backpack, just gave it's last, guess it's off to buy a new one. I guess it would help to figure out what I need for the trip. I figure mostly clothes and some essentials should be do it.

         Be seeing you all again soon.
July 30, 2016 at 10:28am
July 30, 2016 at 10:28am
         I'm a little sad it's over. I enjoy taking part in the WDC community in this way. On the other hand, it may also be used as a distraction when other more important things need to get done. So in that respect, it may before the best. Some prompts are easier to write for than others. I feel really lame when I can't come up with much for a prompt. Or maybe I have a lot to say, but fail to adequately express it in words. It's a lovey distraction from otherwise regular, and sometimes stressful life.

         Plus, it's hard to be sad knowing camping in August is nearly here.
July 29, 2016 at 1:05pm
July 29, 2016 at 1:05pm
         I was never the most outgoing kid in school. I did what was required of me and that's about it. I probably avoided being bullied for the most part back then because I was quiet and didn't really do much to attract attention to myself. On that score, I don't think too much has changed.

         Fifth grade, I was in Ms. Hill's class.{Is it weird I can remember my elementary teachers' names?} Fifth grade we also had the mud walk. Mud, and ruined clothes abound. Oh, and I think it rained, doubling the fun. A kid from another class lost a shoe. We all laughed at that. A good time was had by all.

         I want to say it was around the end of the year. This girl Abbey was in my class, nice, likeable, friendly. Anyways, near the end of the year, she gave me this gift basket. It had hair products and some other stuff. She also gave me a little bracelet along with the gift basket. ''2-Hot-4-u.'' I still have it today. Even though it's since been broken for I can't remember. It brings back a positive memory so I've kept it. It was adorable and really sweet of her. A nice way to end the year.

         It was when I was in choir in middle school, that a soprano, Hannah came up to me and said ''You know Abbey? She says hi.'' So it turns out that they were related. I thought it was sweet. It was nice that she remembered me.

July 28, 2016 at 11:21am
July 28, 2016 at 11:21am
         Being a victim of bullying in the past, I can't really jump on the bandwagon for this. Since my experience was emotionally/mentally traumatizing more than physically harmful. I attribute this incident form my past as to why I have trust issues.

         Being an older sibling, I think I myself, may come across as a bully some days. Sometimes I wonder if I go to far without knowing it. I am concerned if I react to my younger may or may not effect him later in life. I think siblings are capable of bullying each other. Especially if it's an older child. There's a line between watching over the younger sibling  and being a down right tyrant. Resentment and other negative elements can arise from this. It's something that an older sibling has to be weary of.

         In cases where the police need intel on an important case, where someone's life/lives may be at risk, I think they may resort to ''bullying.'' If it's critical they find things out to prevent a crisis from happening I think they might come down hard on people they want information from. In this situation, I don't think they behave the same if it wasn't something so serious. I'm sure the police would resort to some form of ''bullying'' if it was a dire enough cause that required it to save lives.

         I'm sure there's bullying in the military definitely. I'm sure there's some conflict between the soldiers & higher ups. Sometimes they have tough choices to make. There may be times it may not be the ''ethical'' choice but one needed to be made regardless. A soldier follows orders, they have a job to do, they do it.

         Not to speak ill of the military or police force. I'm sure there are those who abuse their power and take it out on those who can't retaliate. There's people like that everywhere. I think there are critical situations that come up that leave very little chance of being ''civil.'' That you may be required to make some tough calls that in any other situation you may not ordinarily do. It's just something that needs to be done, even if it's ''questionable'' in nature.

         I am not condoning bullying. But I think certain professions, under duress would resort to whatever means necessary if the occasion called for it.
July 27, 2016 at 11:17am
July 27, 2016 at 11:17am
         I'd be one with nature wind. Go where I may and cause the flowers to sway in the breeze. I'd like to also play with the leaves and send them spiraling in all directions. I'd be the wind in the sails of the adventurous. Maybe be occasionally helpful to the child who were respectful and were real good kids. I might the obnoxious ones a hard time. Maybe if one was bullying another kid, I'd steal his hat.

         So yeah, the helpful, sometimes mischievous wind is what I'd categorize myself as.
July 26, 2016 at 6:20pm
July 26, 2016 at 6:20pm

         I think this says more than words can.

         Some celebrities can be obnoxious, but they're still people too. Some may be better role models than others. I feel bad for fans of say, Justin Beiber. I'm not sure what he's been up to lately but I know he's been a punk in the past. Sort of a ''wannabe bad boy crisis'' you might call it. I haven't been up to date on his current behavior. But he needs to grow up b/c his behavior last I head was appalling.

         I think the latest I've heard involved Taylor Swift/Kanye West about some song he mentioned her in. I really don't care to hear about others' personal drama. Even if they are famous. They have the right to privacy as much as the average citizen. Though some do seem to lean towards ''attention seekers.''

         This may never come to pass, but I'd really love to see Miley Cyrus get her act together and be more of the loveable Hannah Montana we used to know. I really hope she doesn't go in the deep end like Lindsey Lohan did.

         Ah well, the stuff dreams are made. I can hope anyways.
July 25, 2016 at 11:43am
July 25, 2016 at 11:43am
         I do try to help out if I see I can be useful. In the end, both parties benefit from it, so I see it as a win-win for both parties. I've donated money for causes before. I guess if it was something bigger, and I didn't want the recognition I'd go for anonymous. But for the most part, I think people wouldn't mind knowing who helped them. If you're doing good there's no shame, right? So long as it's helping someone in a positive manner, I don't mind being known.
July 24, 2016 at 10:03am
July 24, 2016 at 10:03am
         I've laughed so hard I was crying from laughter. It hurt too, I had to calm down some before I could breathe normally again. I'd heard about ''tears of laughter'' but I'd never actually experienced it before. I think it was some comedian we were watching when this happened. Normally, I don't reach that stage of laughter too often.

         I laughed so hard that milk came out my nose. That's a lot more gentler than carbonated drinks. Milk is nothing. When it's somebody else you can appreciate it more.

         I've had it happen where carbonation went right up my nose. Some bubbles and a burning sensation in my nose. It's really unpleasant actually. Generally this happens at meal time. My dad/brother will be talking and say something that will make me laugh and it's all over. If they're talking about something I'll try and wait to make sure it's safe before I eat/drink something. 50/50 chance that it works, but it's something.

         I like to laugh, and I'm a pretty easy laugher. Just not to where it can hurt me.

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