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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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September 18, 2016 at 10:43am
September 18, 2016 at 10:43am
         I think it's highly unnecessary. But those inane comments are what stands out. What people remember and talk about. It's what sells ultimately so it gets more credence{?} than the more serious issues that need to be addressed. That's harder to talk about than just flinging insults around. People may think some comments are amusing in this stressful environment we live in. But where it counts, they want to see someone who will lead them to a better tomorrow. Better economy, better jobs, education, you name it. But it's easier to just insult each other than address what really matters in this country. It is the unfortunate truth that these insults are what seems to be more important right now than where our country's headed. Come one now you two. America is looking for a president who will lead them towards a better flourishing America then what we going on currently. Stop acting five years old and be adults. Show us you can really lead us. That's what the world and America needs to see. The rest is just amusing background noise.
September 17, 2016 at 8:01am
September 17, 2016 at 8:01am
         I'd like to start out by thanking you for coming tonight.

         I was delighted too.

         And now I'd like to have a brief interview about your chosen career path. You want to be a teacher is that correct?

         Yes it is.

         Let's get started then.


         Do you see yourself becoming a teacher in the future?

         Well right now, I'm just trying to complete as much as needed at the community college before possibly transferring to a university. Maybe UCF but who knows? Right now, I'm trying to focus on my current classes, so we'll see what happens.

         Did you always want to be a teacher?

         I think I may have when I was little. It kind of died off when I saw what was required of it. Then it rejuvenated when it came time to pick a major. It seemed the most likely course since I did well in school up to this point. For the time being, that's the plan. It could change later on. But this seems the right course at the moment.

         Have you decided on a grade level yet?

         So far I'm going for elementary. More so the 3rd-5th grade level. They're a bit more responsible and more independent. Not quite as energetic as the younger grades. I don't know if I'd mind teaching high school as I first thought I would. But middle school still seems a night mare. I might even consider being an online teacher too. There's plenty of kids out there with a need. I'd like to be able to fill in where I am most needed.

         How much closer are you to fulfilling this goal?

         Last time I met with my guidance counselor, he said I believe six more courses than I could graduate. I did two classes over the summer so hopefully I'm even closer to reaching that goal.

         That's if for tonight hope you enjoyed watching and thanks again for coming.

         Thank you and it was my pleasure.

         That's it for tonight ladies and gentlemen, you've been a wonderful audience. We'll see you next time.
September 15, 2016 at 11:27am
September 15, 2016 at 11:27am

1} 1996: After 27 years, Betty Rubble debuts as a Flintstone vitamin. {Also year I was born.} I remember taking them when I was younger. They were alright I guess. maybe a bit hard. They were chewable I believe.

2}It is important to note that when dealing with fire ants outside the home, that ant repellant should be sprinkled around the perimeter of their abode, else they just pop up where they feel like.

3}Dogs supposedly have a two second memory, which seems somewhat realistic since they never seem to remember being fed. Coincidentally though, they remember the vet, and seem to r able to tell when they're nearing it.
September 14, 2016 at 2:13pm
September 14, 2016 at 2:13pm
         Paint remover seems to be the strongest ''memory jogger''. When family members die and money is involved people start to reveal their worst side. After my grandfather died, there was a lot of ugliness in the family over the house and financial issues. It created a lot of ugly between my family and is really still a touchy topic. To condense, at some point one of my grandparents' other surviving children made their house ugly and unrecognizable inside & out.{Out of spite, I'm sure.} It was a very upsetting and strife filled time and I'm sure the family would like to bury it and let it rest. I hope at least, that some degree of decency and be reached and people act like decent human beings. Now, a new family has moved in and it's a new minty shade of green now and so much better than the wreck it was left as for so long. I'm glad some sense of normality has returned and the house does look good now. I'm glad my grandparents weren't around to see the mess that was made of it. I'm sure they would be thrilled that is has a new family to live in and new memories to be made in it. I think they would like that very much.
September 13, 2016 at 11:21am
September 13, 2016 at 11:21am
         I did well in Eng./LA. Grammar I wasn't so big on. I couldn't explain it as well as I understood it. Some of it just ''sounded right you know''?

         Me and my brother both like history we do well in it.

         I did have a childhood development class. I liked it a lot, we did crafts, met n old friend from elementary years.

         I took a creative writing class b/c I really wanted to try it. It wasn't as I suspected it to be, but I did feel I got something out of it at least.

         I took keyboard for two years. that was an experience. Teacher could've been a lot better. I could've been a better student looking back. I guess I didn't feel motivated to try that hard. I made it and I may attempt to have ago at our keyboard myself sometime. ''Use it or lose''. Why not? I still have some knowledge to go on. I can go at my own pace w/o her disapproval getting me down.

         Math is the be all end all evil we came across. Except for mom, none of us are math people unfortunately. I've had my war with math and still have to somehow struggle through college math. What a nightmare that is. One day at a time. Hopefully all this nonsense will be worth it in the future. As a hopeful future teacher, I can only hope that this all pans out in a positive way.

         I took Spanish not my best class. Had some mixed results with that. Brother's taking German. We'll se how that pans out. It's also his first year in high school. Not regretting having been there done that. Glad that's behind me.

         Had some various experiences with science. Loved some of my teachers and two/three who were just-not the best. But that's just my experience. Every teacher has favorites, I just probably wasn't theirs. Oh well.

         PE was alright I suppose. Not very athletic but I think I usually got an S in elementary. I took aerobics that was pretty fun. though it felt awkward with random people coming in and watching us. I took volleyball and tennis as well. I just like the different experience. It was nice to try out since I probably wouldn't ever again. Team work. When it was gloomy/rainy out we would attempt badminton. Not so bad.
September 9, 2016 at 8:38pm
September 9, 2016 at 8:38pm

         I think it can be harder sometimes to get through day to day things than more ''challenging'' experiences. Challenges help shape us for good, bad or evil.

         But it's in the every day thrum of things that we can grow apathetic towards life. We get bored, unhappy, something else and we stop caring. We look for that ''something'' elsewhere that can lead us on a downward spiral. Looking for what we think we're missing out on and have disastrous impacts on us and those around us. It can be our day to day lives that require us to really work at it.

         Look at marriage. At first it can seem really exciting and that life's full of new promises. And over time, or maybe before/after the honey moon it goes to pot. They grow bored/complacent, etc.. Stop caring/feeling they matter in the relationship. Some may stop talking all together. In more extreme cases, it leads to divorce. Maybe even worse. It's the little things in life we tend to downplay/ forget over time. We grow accustomed to having it. We take advantage of it. Assume it will always be there when we need it.

         Something happens that changes things. It's not the same old same old anymore. It can be trying, terrifying, sad, hectic, all manner of things. The point is that we're humans and our goal is to survive and thrive. I don't know how many of us actually accomplish this. Sometimes, I can't even say I'm really living. Just going through the motions.

         It can be the little or even big things we strengthen ourselves in. Having the courage to meet new people. Take on that first job. Go to college, follow your dreams, start that family you've always wanted.

         It can be as simple as calling home to let them know you're alright. Being a responsible adult and getting along with your sibling . Or even just saying you're sorry. It may not seem that big a deal now. But it may have an even greater impact then you can see at the present moment.

         Don't go through life jumping at shadows. Walk with pride and confidence. Yu were made for more than you could ever imagine for yourself.

         It all starts with that first step. Saying ''I can do this.''

September 9, 2016 at 8:22pm
September 9, 2016 at 8:22pm

         Right! So, what's there to say? we get lots of tourists for all the theme parks and attractions we got. Too bad we can't go to a lot of them since they tend t favor more the rich and lucrative than actual families anymore.

         The weather kind of sucks during the summer and even spring sometimes. Weather is constantly PMSing and does what it wants than what anyone ever says it will. Heat sometimes feels like you'll keel over at any minute. I swear I almost passed out once taking the dogs for a walk. Oh, and then hurricane season. What a joy that is. Haven't had one in what 10 years. So you know something is going to happen at some point. Not looking forward to that.

         Growing up I lived in a not so wealthy neighborhood but I wouldn't callus poor. W e had our own place but it sucked. I think the way we w ere zoned helped make sure we went to the ''poorer'' district school. go to love that diversity! Not to say it was a bad school but that seemed to be the case. Even middle school I had to wonder about. High school was more of a broader range.

         I really do appreciate Florida and all it's little quirks. Some people don't seem to like it want to move and I kind of get that. But so long as I'm living here, it'll mean ''home sweet home'' to me.
September 9, 2016 at 11:17am
September 9, 2016 at 11:17am
         The Titanic is a real tragedy. Mostly first class made-women and kids. Maybe some 2nd class made it as well. third class was pretty much screwed the most. they were trapped on board with no way out. We know that life boats weren't filled to capacity. More could've/should've been saved that weren't. There was that ship off in the distance. They could have attempted to help them out but didn't. It's just such a terrible loss. Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins. the people who made it thought surely nothing could touch it. It sank after hitting an iceberg. It just makes me a little ill thinking of those who lost their lives on the Titanic, and people trying to profit off it. I don't know if I could do it. They have relics from the Titanic at museums, I wouldn't be surprised if others profited off it as well. It just feels wrong to try and profit off something like that. Maybe I'm being sensitive over it, I don't know. Because you can, doesn't necessarily mean you should. As far as price: how much would you pay to check out a watery tomb? An underwater graveyard is what that ship is now. It's just such a terrible moment in history.
September 6, 2016 at 7:46am
September 6, 2016 at 7:46am

         Who cares? There are plenty of hoochie mama shorts in stores for women and girls. Why make such a big deal out of cargo shorts? It gets really uncomfortable in Fl with the heat and humidity. So generally you tend to go with what won't make me overheat? This is ridiculous! All that goes on in the world and this is what we have to get upset over. I might have some cargo shorts. They fit, they're not overly uncomfortable to walk around in. Just leave it be and focus on something with actual importance.Kids are starving the world over and this is what people choose to get upset over. Maybe guys don't want to overheat. I don't really see what the harm is. I'm not convinced this is worth debating and will stop here.
September 5, 2016 at 3:30pm
September 5, 2016 at 3:30pm

         “The only way to enjoy anything in this life is to earn it first.” --Ginger Rogers

         A lot of the time I find myself getting stuck in my head. Whether pondering the future, or delving into the past, I don't seem to be able to fully take in the present. Life's always going to have problems and all you can do is weather through them. So much is beyond our control. But that doesn't mean we let it get us down. Life is what you put into it, and if you want to view it as miserable, that'll be what you get out of it. You take the good with the bad. Whatever happens, happens, and you just chalk it up as another part of your ''life's journey.''

         When things are just handed to you, you don't appreciate it the same. My mom paid her own way through college b/c it was just so expensive. She was able to better appreciate it b/c she had to work to earn her spot in college.

         I'm a sophomore at college now. Largely, I'm sure b/c of that one day I filled out an application for SSC. I really left it to the fates on that end. I did get accepted and have been on my own rollercoaster experience since. I have failed some classes and I've completed some classes. I'm not too excited about going through the ''math wars'' anytime soon. A rather necessary evil that is quite unavoidable and I'll have to face eventually. I am rather proud of myself for taking initiative and taking classes over the summer. Passed both with an A and a B. I still have some way to go. I've made a few friends along the way as well. I hope to further my experience on the personal and educational levels.

         The more you put into life, the more you get out of it is what I take Rogers to mean. The more effort you put into it, the more results you'll see. And vice versa. {I can vouch for this in my own experiences at college.} Make the most out of your own life. You'll be thankful you did.


         For anyone looking for more inspiration, I hope this helps.

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