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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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November 24, 2016 at 7:39pm
November 24, 2016 at 7:39pm
         Bro got his wisdom teeth removed MON. He's already had some good/bad moments. It'll take a little while till he's back to full recovery. He didn't react the same as me when I had it done. We did both have it done at the same age though.. Supposedly, 15-19 the best time to have them removed, less roots to anchor them in. Hopefully he'll be back up to feeling alright by next month. Dad's family is going to try and come down for Christmas for a few days. We're hoping he'll have a better time of it by then.

         Thanksgiving we had Boston's Market for an early meal. It looked like KFC, except a tad fancier{?} at least to me. It was good and our dog even got his turkey coma on. Everyone had a good Thanksgiving meal. Glad to have the family together. Also glad that no one in the family's got to work tomorrow. I feel for those poor souls that do. Tonight, the Christmas music comes out full swing. You can bet me and my brother will be breaking into the holiday films first chance we get.

         Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! :)

         Stay safe everybody!
November 24, 2016 at 8:23am
November 24, 2016 at 8:23am
         I am no spell weaver myself. I think that falls into ''witch'' territory. Which I believe comes from the Wicca faith/theology

         For those who always wanted to play around with magic, I hope you enjoy this:


The closest we'll get to making our own spells.
November 19, 2016 at 3:26pm
November 19, 2016 at 3:26pm
         Somewhere I ended up associating that term with Disney. I guess it could be used for just about anything but that's what I've referred to that saying as being from. Plus if you see kids, they certainly seem to be having the time of their lives. To that extent it's a magical experience for them.

          Since coming to college and making my way to teaching, I've had my own ups and downs in my college experience. In the beginning, maybe my first day there I was {probably overly optimistic} that this would be a great first year and all would be well. I survived high school, can't be worse than that right? Wow! I understated that, maybe overestimated my own abilities.

         I've since had to redo some classes, some still to make up for and others I've done and got out of the way. It's been a bit of a ride thus far. Sometimes it feels like I meant to be there. Other times, it seems I'm in front of a computer screen wasting my life away. There's some soul searching needed during the process.

         But when I was doing my observations for the elementary level {as mandated as part of my Diversity class} I felt like I was in the right place. I could see myself there down the line. It's been hard and I've had to really keep at it. I don't have much farther to go before I'm out of the community college level and move on to university and from there the real world. It's a little nerve wracking but also exciting. I don't know what my future holds but I do hope it allows me to help future generations make the world a better place.

         Watching the kids and how the teacher reacted with them, made me feel I was heading in the right direction. Seeing young minds learning more about themselves and the world around them reminds me of today's quote. ''This is where the magic happens.'' As they develop and grow up as individuals and realize who they and what they want to with their lives, I think at least in part that school/their learning environment has a great deal in how they become the person they are today or will be in the future. You spend a great amount of time there as it is. The school has an obligation to see that it does it's best to help young minds develop and help kids bring the best out of themselves.
November 18, 2016 at 11:38am
November 18, 2016 at 11:38am
         I'm still a pretty big Scooby fan. It has undergone some changes along the way. I'm still very much a fan.

         I don't know exactly when but I am a Garfield fan. They've had a carton or two featuring Garfield. My brother watches ones and seems to like it. I am fond of the Garfield ones I have . Some I have in black and white that show up in color somewhere else. I feel that if I have some version then it seems silly to go through the trouble to get color if my black and white version is good enough.

         I was a fan of Kim Possible for a while, while it was on TV. It may be on Netflix or whatever if I ever feel like reliving the past.

November 17, 2016 at 10:15am
November 17, 2016 at 10:15am
         Unicorns. They're special and unique and fun and whatnot. But what are they, really? What do they eat? Where do they live, and where do they sleep? What do they do when they're not out unicorning or whatever it is they do? And what's the proper name for a baby unicorn? Please write the Wikipedia entry on unicorns from your unique, special blogging unicorn perspective.

         I can think of them as possible celestial beings who came to Earth to protect what magic still remained. Mainly herbivores, they do eat some of the fruit from the magical forest they reside in. And on rare occasion the odd person who didn't know when to leave well enough alone. I imagine they sleep in little clusters surrounded by other unicorns. For safety's sake of course. Somewhere secluded with little chance of being discovered or running into unwanted visitors. They protect the dying magic of the world they now call home. They also have some healing prowess as well they use to care for the creatures that reside in the magical realm in which they live. I'd go so far as to say even a child if they were injured. Just b/c they're generally presumed innocent while they're young & more likely to still believe in magic.

         I wouldn't think they would call a baby unicorn anything real different. I wouldn't think they would look at it the same way people do. They'd probably refer to it as whatever name it's given. Something unique to the unicorn culture and maybe unpronounceable to humans.
November 16, 2016 at 11:04am
November 16, 2016 at 11:04am
         Do books count? I do read digitally sometimes but I prefer actual books some days. I remember ferbies, does that count? They look a bit more creepy now since some talk but I liked them while they were around. We play operation still, my brother's into Monopoly. We still break out the odd board on occasion. We still sometimes get a weekly newspaper at least. We axed cable so now we've got whatever's on regular TV we get. That's more or less remnants from the past that are still in use at home.
November 15, 2016 at 12:31pm
November 15, 2016 at 12:31pm
         I can't believe how late in the year it is already. I'm kind of nervous but also a bit relieved to get this month over and done with.

          It's still a bit early on yet, but I hope I'm able to take part every day this month. That's my own personal goal this time around.

         This particular ''community'' seems pretty welcoming and very encouraging for one's writing career. I met some that have done the challenge before. Some new ones this month, it's been a pretty interesting challenge so far. I think we can all gain a little something from others and vice versa. In the end I think it benefits everyone & makes us better people and better writers.

          Brother Nature is seems to take from his own past experiences and show things from another light I might not have thought of before. He tells interesting stories and I think it adds a unique appeal to the challenge.

          Acme is a new challenger I've seen this month. They give a nice change in perspective on the topics. I think they would be very welcoming to those who haven't done this before.

          the Wordy Jay I've seen around before. They're a good commenter. It's interesting {sometimes a little nerve wracking} to see what people have written about you. It's nice to see comments from them and anything they might have to add.

          Apondia was as inquisitive as always, very good at finding information on what's being discussed.

          Prosperous Snow celebrating is keeping up with her lovely poetry I see.

          It's nice to see previous challengers from before as well as seeing new ones. I hope Nov. ends on a good a note this year.
November 14, 2016 at 9:22am
November 14, 2016 at 9:22am
         I have to think a bit. I guess I picked up on crossing my legs from mom. Not sure when I started copying but I have noticed us both doing it so I was like ''oh, look at that.'' It's probably easier to note what I didn't get from my parents. Like mom's math ability or dad's love of sports. But I think he's till holding out my bro might eventually. I don't know if it counts under behavior but my dad's pretty conservative so he has strong beliefs on what is and isn't allowed in our house. One of those things is appearance and he is definitely for modesty. Which gets harder as years go by and stores sell clothes that are only getting shorter or not there at all.

         So anyways, my dad can go through a store or even a magazine and say ''that's fired'' probably the whole way through. I'm sure it's observation or if since that's how dad is I just sort of adapted to that. I'll go in a store and go ''dad will never allow that''.{But I have to try it on anyways b/c lol.} I tend to steer away or be steered away from the excessively short clothes that are in no short supply and go for more modest or aim for ''dad approved''. Mom's pretty cool and I can be sure that she'll stand by me if dad feels something's iffy. But when I ''grow up''{and move out presumably} I can wear whatever I want. {I fear I shall always remain a child at heart.} Oh well, there are worse things. :)

November 13, 2016 at 1:28pm
November 13, 2016 at 1:28pm
         I've heard of LINKEDIN before. The Russian part's new to me. China already blocks certain websites from their people already. Currently nobody wants Big Brother checking up on them. It's disturbing how much can be found out about you given today's technology and if you have the know how. There may have to be some intervention b/c people would go even more crazy if there wasn't. Yet, people will be people regardless. I'm not sure how to address this. It's a touchy topic I'm sure. I don't know what to say other than it's a different world from what it was. The way things are you really have to be careful on line. It's crazy out there.
November 12, 2016 at 3:45pm
November 12, 2016 at 3:45pm

         So we got into this ''first day of school we go out to eat''. It rocked, especially for me and my bro. Anyways, to get right to it: my bro started high school this year. Big stepping stone as we all know. He got to eat out where he wanted and it was great. I been in college since a little while now so I was sort of hoping for the same. Even though it wasn't a priority, but I kind of hoped. Anyway, time came around and I got stiffed out of it. It may be the day I went back or whatever and we were just all tired. I forget. But I was kind of disappointed. I know it's immature but there you are. Sometimes being the older sib, it feels like the youngest tends to get what they want. I'm sure it wasn't meant like that at all. But the feeling's still there you know?

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