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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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December 19, 2016 at 6:02pm
December 19, 2016 at 6:02pm

          The sanctuary has one so I had to see if there was any truth behind the name. I found this short video of a barking owl. I thought it was pretty amusing. Since the sanctuary we're visiting next has one. It's pretty funny. It does sort of sound like a dog.


         Sounds like my kind of place. Ice cream and chocolate always good. May look in at the bread store just to see what’s there{& on sale.}

         Echidnas are sort of like hedgehogs if you ignore the front.

         My dad would fawn over the reptiles the sanctuary has. Good news don’t have to worry about accidental poisoning. {Hopefully, anyways.} Platypus however…

         I hear they have a {hind?} toe or other that if you get nailed with it could be poisonous. So watch out for that. Now I think of ‘’Perry the platypus’’ from ‘’Phineas and Ferb’’. I saw something about ‘’Wade with the platypus.’’ I just might. I’m sure someone will be making sure nothing bad happens-to visitor or platypus. There was also something about a Wombat meet and pat or other. How many times do you get that chance?

         May have to pass on the vineyards. I'll probably be occupied with Bread top & the chocolate and ice cream place. Between the sanctuary and the food stops, I'm good. To each their own. Hope everyone has a good time.
December 19, 2016 at 7:15am
December 19, 2016 at 7:15am
         Today we're off to see parliament and the Nat. library. For any curious about what is on offer, some exhibitions available.


         I may check out gifts from parliament house art collection. Some of it looks worth checking out.

         The Christmas Giving Tree is a hot spot as well. Promoting two national programs as well. Very worth while causes.



         Some other activities to partake in while there. I might check out the photo gallery. It's seems like they have a nice collection. They do have gardens to explore as well.

         I thought it was interesting a library would have this. Something to check out while we're there.


December 18, 2016 at 11:46am
December 18, 2016 at 11:46am
         So I'll be spending the day at the Taronga zoo.


         It's over seas so that probably explains it. Plus it's a once in a life time experience for some, so that plays in as well I'm sure.

         I had some time to walk around a bit. Try and locate some exhibits. They do offer some animal ecounters if you want to get up close to some of Taronga's residents.

https://taronga.org.au/taronga-zoo/whats/animal-encounters I am torn b/w the penguin and koala. Penguins you may get another shot at. But how many places can you encounter a koala up close. Dilemmas.

         At some point, I feel I have to visit the reptile house since dad's unable to do so himself.

         I do hope to see a wombat while I'm here. It is Australia it feels appropriate that I make the attempt at least.

         They do have an Adopt an Animal program. You can donate to help towards the animal's upkeep and the like. I think it tends to be the ones who are in trouble though. My zoo back home has something like it. If I were to do something like that for Taronga I may aim for the Tasmanian Devils{Don't ask. They're vicious and not the most agreeable. I feel they'd be left out b/c temperament wise.} But if nayone needed it I'd go for the ''under dog'' if you will. People go for what they know, what's big or attractive. Some shrew like ''feeder''{dad term for rodents.} would be first on the brain.

These guys deserve all the help they can get.


Another way to help the zoo out.

         This zoo has a good selection of wildlife as well as some good programs in the works. I'm happy to be able to see some of what it has to offer.
December 17, 2016 at 1:30pm
December 17, 2016 at 1:30pm
         Touring the Sydney Opera House sounds cool. I know it's sail boat shaped. {That's where my knowledge ends.} I don't usually listen to opera so I'm sure it will be a worth while experience. Learning something new every day.

         I don't know who thought of the bridge climb. It is, insane I think is an appropriate word here. If my tummy doesn't upset/ or if I don't pass out on the way up I think it will be a unique experience. A once in a life time experience. I do mean once. I think it groups off into 14. So if it's a small group I think I could stomach it. Going up tends to be worse than the return trip. So, here's hoping. Oh look, so group mates down below. Fivesixer waves as we make our way up. Is that a camera? Apondia seems to be in fervent prayer. {For our safety, I'm sure.} Princess Megan Rose 22 Years was off to the side. There was a strange enigma of sea birds that seemed to watch our progress. I'm not sure if she had any influence in that. Spectacular view if may be. My feet were more than ready for the descent. Very happy to touch the ground again. This trip definitely seems to bring out the adventurer in me. I am so ready for a peaceful stroll of the Royal gardens. I'm sure the scenery will be exquisite. A much needed respite after that harrowing journey on the bridge.
December 16, 2016 at 9:03am
December 16, 2016 at 9:03am
          In-door fun day! To be honest, outside of Chuck E. Cheese, I probably stink at arcade games. I'd probably stick with something more low key. Highway 66 is a bowling alley. I don't claim any skill in sports but that seems reasonable. If you lose, oh well, you're there to have fun. Mini Golf- never underestimate the simplicity of mini golf. I find it much more enjoyable than watching golf. It seems so boring. Mini golf at least tries to be fun. It's family friendly! What's not to like? They also have a ''Typhoon stimulator''. I don't get why someone would try to simulate a natural disaster but... It was weird, and different and I was bored, so there you go. Hopefully it won't upset the stomach too much. They also had a Jurassic park motion game as well. It sounds cool. I'm off to protect the park from roaming dinos. See you guys!
December 15, 2016 at 8:26am
December 15, 2016 at 8:26am
         Not going to rip on the kiddie rides or even {the much more safe-sih?} water rides they have. Probably more my style anyway. I know I won't be doing ''The Claw'' nor the Motor coaster.{No thanks, don't need to crash and burn.} I did trade out the Hot Wheels Side Winder for the Cyclone. Hot Wheels will forever remind of the toy cars my brother was so fond of. ''Hot wheels, beat that!'' There's one ride that's not 1 of the top 9- ''Shockwave'', I could handle that.

         ''Buzz Saw'' look like it was made by a crazy person and the ride reflects this quite well. It's one I'd put in the ''one and done column''. do it once to say you did it and Never Again!

         Tower of Terror II makes itself out to be more than it really is. Basically from what I saw, you start out in a tunnel that could've been made by someone on drugs and then go backwards and up a certain height. It could be unnerving if you don't know what's coming. So if possible, try and give yourself an idea of what to expect. {Though doing it and watching it is admittedly not the same. Rider Beware!}

         Tail Spin doesn't seem all that bad either. Maybe a bit disconcerting, otherwise not the worst the park has to offer.

         Pandemonium is more movement than anything else. It has wing flaps so you can imitate actual flight. I don't know if that makes a difference when you're being thrown in all directions or not. But in case it does, probably best to steer away from that.It does fit in with the kind of rides I'd usually go for. I might try it once, get it out of my system.

         ''Wipe Out'' also kind of isn't as scary as it might seem at first. There's more being turned upside down than anything else. Still a bit unsettling but it could still be a fun ride. {Do not eat before this!}

         ''The Big Drop'', a tall height w/ a long drop. I thought of doing this before. I feel after this, it would cancel out any other {smaller/regular} ''The DROP'' rides.

         Definitely fun to be had. Everyone should be able to find something that calls to them.

December 14, 2016 at 9:23pm
December 14, 2016 at 9:23pm
         I was tickled that Australia has their own ''universal'' in Movie land. I had to try the Wild West Falls ride. I got splashed pretty good after. I also checked out the Scooby Doo ride as well. It was a bit wild since it had some clips form the movie during the ride. I wouldn't do anything to wilder than that. I think it would make me violently nauseous. It was nice checking out the park. I wonder how long it took them to create their own universal rip off.I had fun engaging in some of the attractions/rides the place had to offer. I may have to start looking for a food stand soon. Something quick and fast, that I can shove in my gullet before getting back into the action. Maybe not right after though, I've dealt with the consequences of that before. Not fun, not at all. I think I will really enjoy today's venture.
December 13, 2016 at 12:55pm
December 13, 2016 at 12:55pm
          Visiting Amity Stradbroke Island today. Had such a fun time today. Whale watching- I've done before but can't remember if we saw any whales or not. They were shy today{at least around me}. Every time I went to look they were gone. Meanwhile, Princess Megan Rose 22 Years kept spotting them right and left. I eventually gave up and just took in the scenery. They had this thing called the Goompi trail. It sounded like some weird worm to me. There was also a North Gorge walk as well. This is supposed to be good for seeing turtles, and dolphins, and even manta rays. You don't usually see them too often. I saw some turtle swimming out there. As well as the occasional dolphin that jumped out of the water. You had to be quick with the camera b/c as soon as they popped out they were gone. We even saw the rare ray. They're really actually quite harmless.{I'd avoid their tail just to be safe though.} They move really slow, but they're a pretty good length. That may be how they got the name sea devils from sailors. We even got in a view of the Blue Lake. A lovely blue green color. Real lovely out there today. I definitely got my exercise in today.

         Our other stop today was Moreton island, they also had some neat sight seeing. They had a lighthouse- Moreton Lighthouse on the island. I had to go check it out. I felt I had to brave it to the top for my mom. She likes going to light houses and checking out their view. I tried to get some of the others to go with little success. Apondia looked at how high it was and said she was better looking up info on the light house. Fivesixer may have come along but said he had a bad cramp so he was out. Princess Megan Rose 22 Years and Andre did brave it with me. Andre had a better time climbing up to the top than us. It was a great view all the same.

         Some other scenic views the island offered were: Honeymoon Bay North point. A lovely view hidden away on the island. There was also Moreton Island's champagne pools too. They were pretty choppy today. Very active spot it seemed today.

         I've even learned that sand tobogganing is a thing. So if anyone wants to find me look for some really high dunes. Chances are I'll be going down them.

December 12, 2016 at 9:07am
December 12, 2016 at 9:07am

Dec. 11th-‘’NIGHT MARKET!’

         Raise hands if totally confused where everything is and how to get to it. {ME!} This is why it helps to have a plan of where you want to go. Otherwise maze like place and too many options will short circuit brain. See you guys if I make it out alive.

         Went- Bead Bazaar-stall 19{likely. Like the pretty and shiny, don’t wear too often but so what? Like for stuff to feel ‘’me.’’ Could get lost in here. {Wouldn’t mind that at all.}

         Gift of Glass- stall 49. Breakable glass stuff. Impossible to take on plain. Forget about it or have store ship it themselves. Almost lost nice {bit pricey panda snow globe} to airport security. Save yourselves the agony if possible. Still not a crime to browse right?

Your Name- name written on grain of rice, stall 55. {Really would like to. Don’t ask. Screw it I’m here! Let’s do this! *Drags group mate along to not look foolish alone.}

         Susan- stall 100, emu oil-five sixer, goat’s milk soap for dad, interesting ideas anyway. Maybe not but still gag gifts would be great. Maybe do online save some time {and hassle}. Sounds like a plan.

         John Wu Caricatures: Stall 109, - Lyn and I twins/related case anyone asks. Why not? Not like anyone can call u out on it anyway.

         Naturally Me Nail & Beauty-stall 20. Me time is serious! Nails long overdue for some TLC.
Henna Palace- stall 87,-small, hidden/covered, or {wisest to not do at all} Very nice designs out there. Leaves out hands, noticeable and bound to scare off future employers down the road. {Doesn’t take away the want to do so.}

         New Zealand Natural Ice Cream-stall. For energy to get through the madness. And likely also recharge on return trip.

December 12, 2016 at 8:58am
December 12, 2016 at 8:58am
          The Great Barrier Reef! So many cool critters that live in that area. Hopefully we'll see some of them today. We have Princess Megan Rose 22 Years aboard, maybe she can help bring some critters our way. It's awfully warm out here on the water. I think some of the group is going in. I'm trying to find a camera to help capture some of the memories. This is going to be another great day.

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