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Rated: E · Book · Community · #2052342
A little bit of spice to flavor the pot.
         I've never really gone camping or otherwise gone out into the great outdoors. The only time that barely comes close is one time I went on a church Core trip. It wasn't even my regular church but it was the only one that fit with our schedule. They had some group stuff that was not overall bad. But it can be intimidating sometimes being part of a group who know each other when you don't know many yourself. It was a little teeny bit scary being away from home. Even it was just for a few days.

          I especially can remember when this girl Jennifer dressed up as big foot to scare everybody. That was memorable. I'm glad to say I went and got a bit closer to my spirituality. There's not too much I can say for the outdoors other than I really don't see myself as ever being the outdoors type. But I applaud people who are. I just can't say that will ever be me.
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July 29, 2017 at 11:55am
July 29, 2017 at 11:55am

Changing the Sheets

1} Get out of bed. {Shoo animals that may sleep on bed away.}

2) Remember where you put the sheets. (Very important for this particular process. Close by, is always key to make process easier.}

3} Rip off old sheets. {Don't actually destroy sheets or this will only prolong the chore. Try to make sure to change them at least once a week. Or things be getting freaky otherwise.}

4} Stuff pillow in pillow case. The easiest part in this. Set aside for now.

5. Figure out what side goes up when putting on sheet cover{mattress shower cap, I call it. Pain in general. Try not to get discouraged, easy to do. Look for tag and that side should face mattress.}

6} Next are the sheets. Not as fussy. Try and keep it evened out. Fold back top part near the top of the mattress.

7}You can tuck the ends under the mattress if you so desire. Some like to leave it, up to you.

8} Reinsert pillow and voila, ready to go bed. {Feel free to allow animals back on when you're ready.}

9} Don't forget to wash the old sheets. Important to keep things clean.

10) Repeat. {Minimum: at least once a week.}

July 22, 2017 at 10:55am
July 22, 2017 at 10:55am

Into the Void

X-3 once known as ‘’Duke’’ finds himself thrown into a vast emptiness with no idea what he’s there for or if he can ever get out. He does know that he has limited time to answer these questions and that he needs to ASAP if he’s ever to find his way out again.

Chastity, a lovely if not mixed up scientist, crosses this unique being’s path and feels oddly drawn to help him complete his quest. She hopes to also find out why she seems to think she’s met this mysterious stranger before.

The General, a mysterious figure behind the scenes, hopes to thwart their efforts. Should this stranger accomplish his set upon quest it may very well destroy the shadowy empire he’s spent his whole life building. Well, not if he has anything to say about it…

Blue Moon- Avid reader, aspiring teacher, dog lover and WDC enthusiast, likes to kick back, spend time with family, figures out what she wants to be when she grows up.

July 18, 2017 at 12:47pm
July 18, 2017 at 12:47pm

          I took a writing class during my senior year of high school. I liked to write and it sounded like something I would be into. A part of this class was that it helped make the school magazine. Essence{Yes, there's also another magazine by the same name but its not that one. As I attempted to differentiate to the folks when they were trying to sell them at school in my photography class but hey. Parents.}


         In case it wasn't clear what I was referring to earlier. Here's a visual.

         Anyway, the school magazine the writing class was part of had poetry and writing and some art in it. Just putting the talents of some extra-ordinary students out there for all to partake in.

         Along with this, we had groups where we'd go through whatever was put in as submissions for the magazine and figure out what was worth putting in. It's a bit of pressure, b/c you don't want to hate on someone's work they're willing to subject to public scrutiny. On the other hand, some of it was just bad. I'm not sure there was anything to really improve on. We'd also have to see any changes needed to be made and do that. We'd critique each other so we'd grow in our writing and all that. I can't say for sure but we may have had to attempt to submit something as part of the process. {Keep it fair and that.} We also has to create within this group our own section of the magazine. I'm not the most adept at working on the computer, not to say it wasn't fun at times, but kind of stressful. Especially if you have to pick up others' slack when they aren't there and you don't know what you're doing and the 1 or two people who do aren't there. It ended up pretty cool looking in the end.

         From that, and past experience, I've learned I do better when I'm writing for my own enjoyment than b/c I'm forced to/there's a time limit.
Honestly, I don't care how to ''Make Earth Green'', or whatever prompt for essays they have going on. Notice, it's never anything you care about and you have to plan and write it all out in that class period, or shorter. Like seriously? I haven't figured what to say in the first sentence let alone plot out my argument. I'm more whelp, 20 minutes left, and has at least 3,4 paragraphs looks close enough to me.

         Poetry is also a bit tricky sometimes. I like reading haikus, about nature whatever it's nice. And I can certainly admire those who do. But doing it in person, a bit harder. Then there's rules and rhythm, not that writing doesn't but still. I like writing stories, I'm sort of a story teller. Just sometimes ideas end up jammed in run on sentences. I'm aware and I do try and better myself. Effort and practice helps too.

         Glad I tried it, don't know if I'd go into something like that again though. But sometimes, it's the trying that's most helpful. Even if it doesn't work out or wasn't what you thought it would be. The attempt was made, and so long as you put in the effort and give your best, that's all you really need.

July 17, 2017 at 9:39am
July 17, 2017 at 9:39am

         On an off note, there's a Scooby-Doo meets Phyllis Diller episode on the celebrity Scooby-doo. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

         I love reading and I liked those writing exercises back in elementary where you could get more creative and didn't have to be so realistic, persuasive, informative, whatever. More imagination to the table, instead of just the facts.

         I think it's a pretty good quote. It can be hard figuring out who you are and as a writer it can be an interesting process.

         I think the realest {for me} as I can get is probably when I indulge in this blog. Even if it's totally random nonsense. it's nice to just let the writing take it where it may. It allows for a bit more honesty than real life would. Being an introvert, it's hard just working up enough nerve to go up to people. Let alone start a conversation.

         This blog is the closest thing {at least that I can come up with} to being as real to myself as I can get.
July 16, 2017 at 7:40pm
July 16, 2017 at 7:40pm

         I don't know, something stupid maybe? Like, shoot off cannons of the stuff during a stadium game. Be obnoxious and douse my neighbors' houses with it. Fill someone I don't like car's with it. {Though if you want to be really evil, glitter would be better. Some ungodly bright and shiny color like hot pink or something like it.}

         My very first thought was to rent a big enough space and turn it into a slip n slide event. It would probably be messy and not too practical but what insane person needs that much confetti anyway right?

         If you want to try being creative with it, you could make a mural with I guess. Make a big project out of it, decorate a wall or two. Maybe a children's hospital, so they have something bright and cheerful to lift their spirits.
July 15, 2017 at 9:57am
July 15, 2017 at 9:57am
On a side note, when we visited the village in Sanibel they mentioned something similar to the prompt. Back then, it wasn't so populated, so there wasn't need to travel back and forth as much. When you left you had to take everything with you b/c the ferry only came round so often. A lot more hassle now a days to be sure. Since they built that highway though, that's no longer necessary. I can't imagine having to go through all that, just to leave for vacation or something.

         I'm going to be that person that is purposely obtuse. This should be fun!

         If money is really no object, why am I on a house boat anyways? If I'm loaded surely I can get something more solid and not liable to get taken off by a tornado or wiped out in a storm. Plus, I can't swim, so I'd surely drown, so there's also that.

         I'm not sure why, but this makes me want to get a cat. I'm more a dog person but this puts me more into a feline mood. I don't know why. It would probably hate me for it. If we're going to be stuck at least we can detest it together. {Sounds like I invented a new hell. Trapped out on the water in a houseboat with a surly feline. Good lord, what have I done?}

{This is the sailor cat that would kill me horribly in my sleep for doing this to him.}
Cat person :That's his normal face. Oh! So there's no telling when he'll strike.

         If this were to go through, I'd try to make it cozy, possibly beach themed, b/c why not? Already out on the water anyway, might as well.


         This seems me like. Like when I was younger and still had a canopy over my bed.

         Not sure why, but I think house boat and think something small and cramped. But apparently, they can be pretty elaborate. If home is where the heart is then I guess you could get used to it after a while. If you weren't sea sick all the time from the movement of the boat. That might kill the mood a bit. But otherwise, yeah, it may just be doable.

         Now for my nautical feline companion and I'm all set!


He's definitely ready for a sea worthy adventure!
July 14, 2017 at 3:09pm
July 14, 2017 at 3:09pm

         On this day in 1946, Dr. Benjamin Spock’s The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care was first published. How useful really, in your opinion (whether you have kids or not), are parenting books? And (I'm not judgin' anyone, but...) what does it say about the person who is reading from anything sporting a title beginning with "The Common Sense Book..."?

         Common sense, can't be talking bout people now a days... I feel like that's slightly above books that say ''The idiot's guide to...

         I mean, I think for the most part, parents want to do what's best for their child. It's not like there's a manual on ''How to raise your child up right.'' So many other factors play into it. Especially with how much you can google now a days is scary, though that's not fool proof either. I would've liked a ''Surviving life, the idiot's guide'' myself but there's no real one way to go about it. Some things you can pick up on some you can gain from experience, and sometimes a little outside help is needed.

         Talking to parents who have kids and seem to have it down could help. Other people in the same boat, who know what you go through, can be helpful to a new parent.

         You do always get the folks who will tell you what's best, even when they almost certainty don't have the same thing in common. It's like ''are you pregnant? No? Then shut up and go about your business.

         Raising kids is hard work and practically takes a village to raise. As a young adult trying to wrap up my last few terms in community college, I can certainly appreciate the work my parents put into raising a family. It would be nice to have a guide telling me what I'm supposed to do with my life, but lacking that, you sometimes have to muddle through and do the best you can.

July 10, 2017 at 10:01am
July 10, 2017 at 10:01am

         I will say that reviewing others on WDC definitely opens up to the various styles and methods of other writers. Even other reviewers, can be really well thought out and impressive of themselves. It's kind of like, ''wow, that's way better than what I've been doing.'' Everybody has their way of doing things, and depending on the person, various little quirks to making their writing truly theirs.

         Sometimes, it can be hard to feel inspired or very creative on a day-to-day basis. So just reading others' work, can lift me up. Maybe even give me my own inspiration in the process. I think we all help each other, build and grow and develop as writers.

         Sometimes, it's just a kind word from a friend or stranger that makes your day. It tickles me when I'm quoted from something of mine. I wasn't aiming for that, but when someone does, it's like, ''huh, look at that.'' So, we build each other up in that way. We don't know how our writing may impact someone else. Maybe without our even realizing it. We just write to our hearts content and let the magic happen!
July 5, 2017 at 3:36pm
July 5, 2017 at 3:36pm

         I think there's a difference b/w happy and content. Content makes me think you're accepting of where you are in life and it's all good. Happy is maybe an extension of that{? is that right :( } either way I think it keep with that but also you are truly at peace and everything feels good and as it should be. Not sure I'm wording this right but something to that effect.

         I think in our attempt to be happy, we make ourselves discontent. Instead of focusing on what we have now, we're looking ahead, focused on the future, someplace other than now and what we have now. Happiness is relevant based on the person. I think it is possible to be content with your life in lot even if you don't exactly fit the happy ''ideal''.

July 1, 2017 at 6:34pm
July 1, 2017 at 6:34pm

         Avril Lavigne, she's a singer that was originally from Canada. I don't think that deters from her ability to sing. You can be from about anywhere and still sing so I think that rules out that. Singers are a kind of celebrity anyways, and that's my argument.

         I'm probably horribly biased but I don't care. There are quite a few songs by her I really like. So if you're interested feel free to check her out.

         As much as Disney costs, she could probably host a concert there. They do live events there, I think she could rock Disney! Maybe do something local for the community, like a charity event for kids! I think she'd be cool with that.


Here's a sample to get you started. Enjoy!

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